
mlankhorstbryce: no but should it be a problem? the protocol extensions are mostly used between xserver-xorg-core and libraries like mesa/libxrandr03:24
JanCbjsnider: the gnome online accounts thing isn't installed by default on Ubuntu04:10
bjsniderno, it comes in with ubuntu-gnome-desktop i'm sure04:33
bjsniderbut some of us want a relatively pure gnome04:33
brycemlankhorst, slangasek said since the changes include changes in structs he wants to see proof that build checks have been done against everything in main and universe that have build depends on x11proto-gl or x11proto-xrandr04:55
brycemlankhorst, I think we should also ensure someone's done a "does it boot unity?" check on all four major drivers, plus vbox05:12
brycefor the build checks, I think you can just set up a PPA, throw both proto's in there, then just toss in all the packages that depend on those, and verify nothing fails to build.05:13
mlankhorstbryce: I know the randr changes are harmless but we happened to package a randr snapshot that got changes we never used09:31
mlankhorstbryce: is a ppa with xorg-server, mesa, libx11 / xcb, libxrandr, sufficient? those are the packages that would benefit the most from talking raw x proto directly..10:36
tjaaltonfor x11-randr-dev10:38
tjaalton-gl-dev needs more10:38
mlankhorstwhat else uses raw x11proto-gl-dev directly then?10:38
tjaaltonalso, test against the current precise versions10:39
mlankhorsthm all the ddx?10:39
tjaaltonreverse-depends -b x11proto-gl-dev10:39
tjaaltonno need for those10:39
tjaaltoni mean no need to put all ddx there10:39
mlankhorstshrug if I do something I don't want to do, I prefer to do a thorough job so I never have to worry about it again and leave no doubt..10:40
mlankhorstbut ok nice command, I'll do a mass bump of everything that might possibly be affected and upload it to some temp ppa10:41
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
penguin42does anyone know when the new X will merge into Raring; in particular I've just got a fix committed upstream in X and am wondering if there is any point of doing a patch against the current Raring worlds?18:06
penguin42bug 1060059 18:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1060059 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Quantal) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in ResFindAllRes()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106005918:23
mlankhorstpenguin42: would be easier if you get it in to the 1.13 rc's usually18:28
penguin42mlankhorst: OK, I'll do a bzr branch later; any feelings about that one if it's worth fixing in Quantal (not sure how far it goes back)18:29
mlankhorstpenguin42: we use git officially for the x stuff18:30
penguin42mlankhorst: Ah ok, got a pointer to the process for doing a fix? Or do you just want a debdiff attached to the bug?18:30
mlankhorstpenguin42: it would be preferred if you could get it in the 1.13 release branch first18:31
mlankhorstand that would be upstream18:31
mlankhorstwe would get it eventually then, and at least makes the sru process easier on us :-)18:32
penguin42mlankhorst: Ah ok; hmm I don't know how the upstream processes work, it looks from my reading of that as if they merged it into 1.14; should I just ask Alan on the bug to also merge it into 1.13 ?18:33
bjsniderpenguin42, i told you this was the place to ask18:38
penguin42jcristau: So that's reply on xorg-devel to the original patch mail adding [PATCH 1.13] and cc'ing in MattDew ?18:39
jcristaui've done that.18:39
jcristaunow you wait.18:39
penguin42jcristau: Thank you!18:39
penguin42jcristau: I also asked on the x bug for the other 2 sides of the issue to be fixed; it would be safer to do a 0 check in a couple of places to stop the server falling over if someone makes a similar mistake again18:41
jcristaufor that you need to send patches to xorg-devel18:41
penguin42ok, thanks18:42
penguin42I'd also appreciate some help with bug 104351318:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1043513 in xserver-xorg-video-cirrus (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in memcpy() via cirRefreshArea() under KVM virtual machine" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104351318:45
penguin42As per comment #17 I've got it down to being some dodgy coordinates getting to ShadowCopyArea, but I'm not sure whose responsibility it is to clip - is there some good docs to look at to see what level is misbehaving?18:46

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