
GartimusPrimeoh well thanks for the help00:00
Jordan_UOpenSorce: For steam on Ubuntu, #ubuntu-steam.00:00
recover_ext4Data lost during an automated backup I had setup; files were all in the default user directory and sub-directories.00:00
genii-aroundOpenSorce: #ubuntu-steam   ... if you're one of the people previewing it00:00
OpenSorceJordan_U, genii-around thanks :-)00:00
GartimusPrimeno other fix for black screen with only mouse pointer?00:00
Jordan_Urecover_ext4: Lost how though? Were they accidentily overwritten? Was the filesystem corrupted? Was the partition table corrupted?00:01
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GartimusPrimeor go down to 12.04?00:01
Jordan_UOpenSorce: You're welcome.00:01
DoggetJust installed 12.10 and trying to find the best driver for my ati 7850, any help more than welcome00:02
Jordan_UBlackScreen: It's probably easier to just select the correct drive manually from your firmware menus once, then once Ubuntu is booted run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" to install grub's boot sector to both drives (and configure the grub-pc package to do so whenever grub is upgraded).00:02
BlackScreenJordan_U: firmware menus meaning? sorry, not very used to this00:03
recover_ext4Automated backup was running, then there was the auto update which started. After backup was complete, I let the auto update do the partial upgrade which it prompted for. Then I restarted the computer, safely removed the extra hdd, and continued the partial upgrade.00:03
recover_ext4The partial upgrade messed up the operating system, and I had to reinstall it. What I realised later was the backup files were also corrupt.00:04
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recover_ext4Therefore, I need to find a way to get my files back.00:05
recover_ext4I've tried photorec, and many other tools.00:05
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DoggetNeed help installing the best ATI drivers on ubuntu when using a 7850 card? So far no success00:05
recover_ext4I have no idea how all that story is of any use, but thats how the data was lost.00:06
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Jordan_Urecover_ext4: Then it sounds like the files were overwritten, which means that http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel might help, though I don't know to what extent it supports ext4.00:07
recover_ext4It didn't work for ext4, already tried it.00:07
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darkhalo117Trying to edit the grub2 configuration to boot to win xp by default but when I run gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst it shows up blank. Ideas?00:09
recover_ext4Photorec is the only tool I tried, which actually recovered anything, but files it recovered were from many formats ago. They were all from ext3, FAT32 and NTFS.00:09
bazhang!grub2 | darkhalo11700:10
ubottudarkhalo117: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:10
bazhangthere's no menu.lst in grub2 darkhalo117 , check the wiki above00:10
JuJuBeeAnybody use a Sansa Fuze MP3 player?  Need help with managing music.  Specifically with playlists00:11
bazhangJuJuBee, with which software player00:11
darkhalo117Ok I'll read through this wiki but it looks to be the same info I've been getting through google. If I have further issues I'll be back. Thank you.00:12
JuJuBeebazhang: using rhythmbox currently, but will switch if I find one that works better with device00:12
bazhangJuJuBee, how many songs/albums are we talking about; roughly00:13
JuJuBeeI have over 50G or music, but the device is only 16G00:13
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bazhangJuJuBee, I've always had great success with Banshee and playlists , the Sansa should be well supported in that respect00:14
JuJuBeebazhang: want to transfer certain playlists to the device and maybe some other artists00:14
JuJuBeeI never used banshee00:14
bazhangJuJuBee, although this was with iPods of various generations, not Sansa00:14
JuJuBeeA friend tried banshee with his 80G classic iPod and it didn't seem to work.00:15
JuJuBeeI use RB for my iPod00:15
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xpoqzHi, having problems, my keyboard settings is set to Norwegian as far as I can see, however it's really still english..00:26
xpoqzfresh install, /etc/default/keyboard XKBLAYOUT os set tp00:26
xpoqzset to 'no'00:27
xpoqzfor norwegian..00:27
xpoqzalso the ubuntu gui keyboard program shows Norwegian..00:28
anon2012ce qualche italiano00:32
bug-traqxpogz: are you wanting to keep english or what ???00:32
xpoqzbug-traq, I do not want to keep english keyboard layout, I want Norwegian00:32
xpoqzand it is set to Norwegian but it's still not really the Norwegian layout..00:33
bug-traqxpoqs: ok00:33
DrManhattanhow do I start gnome from the console?00:33
Ribertywhat is the best program to access/retrieeve files on a linux parition on windows?00:34
DrManhattanstartx just gives me a background screen and a cursor00:34
bug-traqxpoqz: try this script in terminal   --->  sudo setxkbmap -option grp:alt_shift_toggle no,ru00:35
xpoqzbug-traq, that gives me the Norwegian layout indeed, however it doesn't quite make sense to me that one00:36
xpoqzthanks though :)00:37
bug-traqxpoqz: anytime , it may be a bug ???00:37
xpoqzhmm, perhaps00:37
bug-traqxpoqz:  there always has to be a ginea pig for any bugs , you may be the 1 for that bug     lol00:38
noneyaCan anyone give me some ideas on how to convert an file in xml00:41
noneyato sql that is?00:41
noneyaAny software? I am not a programmer but am not afraid to learn to. Any pointers?00:41
bug-traqDrManhattan,  type this in terminal for gnome00:41
bug-traqnoneya,  from xml to sql ???00:43
blackshirtnoneya, do you want learn programming ?00:43
bekksnoneya: You have to create a xslt as well, to tell "xml" about what to do with which content.00:43
DrManhattanbug-traq, im on 12.04 - its lightdm but thank you nonetheless :)00:43
noneyabug-traq: Yes from xml to sql.00:43
noneyablackshirt: If that is what it takes I will learn to program.00:44
bekksnoneya: Thats nothing about programming.00:44
tuxillocan somebody point me to an IRC channel where I can find some devs?00:44
bekksnoneya: Thats just something about knowing on which content you have and what you want to do with it exactly, in SQL.00:44
bekksnoneya: Most likely, you just want some sophisticated sed/awk approach.00:45
noneyaI want to convert this to XML http://sspc-website.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/include/bibles/kjv.xml00:45
noneyaOr to SQL I mean.00:45
bekksnoneya: ...into what? Do you have a database scheme, and a table layout already?00:46
noneyabekks: Yes, I am learning SQL at the moment (HSQL).00:46
bekksnoneya: HSQL is a plague.00:46
noneyabekks: Why?00:46
bug-traqnoneya: are you running windows or linux ???00:46
noneyabug-traq: Linux00:47
bekksnoneya: Because it is a stripped-off, changed randomly, approach of the SQL standard.00:47
noneyabekks: Any better ideas?00:47
xevworkWhen is rc.local run during the boot process? Should networking and filesystems all be online at that point?00:47
bekksnoneya: Not without knowing what your goal is, actually.00:47
rosevpcan someone help with xming -> xdm?00:48
noneyaSo what is this XSLT going to do for me?00:48
bekksxevwork: rc.local is run as the last script when booting, and the first one when shutting your box off.00:48
bug-traqnoneya : is it for a server ???00:48
noneyabug-traq: Negative.00:48
bekksnoneya: XSLT will tell your XML whats the meaning of your XML content, how it is going to be translated into SQL element content, etc.00:48
dr_willisits ran on shutdown? never notced that.00:49
rosevpeverything is steup but wireshark shows xdm from server is sending magic-cookie-00:49
noneyabekks: Do you have any good lins for an intro for me?00:49
bekksdr_willis: Actually it is, most likely no one knows :D00:49
rosevpI thought magic-cooke isn't sent with xdm00:49
noneyabekks: I meant "links"00:49
bug-traqnoneya: i did find a wiki about it  here is the link instead of trying to type it or copy and paste it to you   ---->  http://www.ehow.com/how_7573270_convert-xml-sql-database-ubuntu.html00:50
bekksnoneya: Start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XSL_Transformation00:50
noneyabug-traq bekks I will give them a look. Thanks.00:51
rosevpany suggestion on xming/xdm?00:52
bug-traqnoneya: ok it explains everything00:53
noneyabug-traq: Alright, thanks.00:53
bekksrosevp: Whats wrong with that?00:57
Smedleshi all - any way of controlling which serial port a usb-serial adapter gets? I have an ftdi adapter for solar monitoring, and a pl2303 for household energy consumption monitoring - they do not consistently get allocated ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 - it seems somewhat random00:58
Smedlesso then the monitoring apps don't start correctly. only an issue on a reboot, which is rare, but still a pita00:59
bekksSmedles: You could create a udev rule for those devices.00:59
dr_willisSmedles: custom udev rules00:59
Smedlesany docs on that?00:59
Smedlessounds like just what I need :)00:59
dr_willisone of those areas ive never mssed with..01:00
Smedlesknew there had to be a way :)01:01
Smedlessounds like I can create /dev/ttyusbsolar and /dev/ttyusbcurrentcost :)\01:03
skutr34Hey. How can I ensure that proprietary graphics drivers are installed on my fresh install of 12.10?01:04
skutr34Does anyone know how I can ensure that proprietary graphics card drivers are installed on my new 12.10 installation?01:06
betzHey! I try to cp a folder to a mounted external hd, but after a minute the hd gets unmounted and i get 'Input/output error'. Someone knows how this comes? Is this a bad HD?01:07
rosevphi bekks - been having troulbe with connecting to win 7 (Xming) to xdm (ubuntu)01:09
bug-traqskutr34: what kind of graphics you using  ati or nvidia01:09
Adam2_This may sound like a strange question, but what command can I use to open the Ubuntu Network Manager?01:12
bixitI'm now finding one part of the window x system extremely slow after fresh install - seems like it has problems when dragging windows around01:12
xomniversewhen I launch Banshee, it immediately closes itself unless I launch it with sudo in the terminal01:12
xomniversein the terminal, if I don't use "sudo" it says "[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: GLib.GException: Can't recursively copy directory01:13
bixittried to remove vsync from the compiz settings but that didn't help01:13
xanguaxomniverse: well looks like we know why now :) - I launch it with sudo in the terminal01:13
xomniverseI'd prefer not to do that consistently; is there a file permission or something I can alter to fix it?01:14
escottxomniverse, you need to sudo chown -r user:group the folder with all your music01:15
rosevpcan someone assist in xming -> xdm?01:15
rosevphaving issues connecting01:15
xomniverseescott: it said invalid option r when I did that01:15
mojo1question:  does anyone know what putting the directive "start" at the end of a bash command line does?  my boss found it in some bash scripts for an automation / testing system we use and we can't figure out what it does01:16
escottxomniverse, -R01:16
almoxarifedoes lxde need gvfs to operate correctly?01:16
escottmojo1, example?01:16
xomniversehow do I know what group I am in?01:17
escottxomniverse, id or groups01:17
jribmojo1: give an example...01:18
yhusha_so this is the string thats being an issue just did: sudo mount /casper/filesystem.squashfs /mnt01:18
yhusha_ followed by: sudo mkdir /casper/chroot followed by: sudo rsync -ax /mnt/. /casper/chroot/.01:18
rosevpwhy is xdm sending magic-cookie-01:18
Adam2_mojo1: If it's an init script, it just tells the specific system to start. It's some sort of standard argument or something.01:18
yhusha_but the last line didnt seem to do what it was supposed to01:18
rosevpI send x -query remote ip and xdm sends back magic-cookie.  is this correct?01:18
xomniverseok so I ran the following command01:19
Adam2_This may sound like a strange question, but what command can I use to open the Ubuntu Network Manager?01:19
xomniversesudo chown -R xomniverse:xomniverse /home/xomniverse/Music01:19
mojo1i don't think it is an init script.  my boss would know that.  it is given on the command line that launches the script ... space, "start" at the end... but it does not appear to be an argument as he said he didn't find anywhere in the script that it looked at args.  I unfortunately don't have the script to look at.  he threw the question out there and said the first one to figure it out gets a mexican coke.  (real sugar).  ;-)01:19
xomniverseand it seemed to work01:20
xomniversebut still getting the same issuie01:20
xomniversein Banshee01:20
FloodBot1xomniverse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:20
yhusha_is there a way to make an imaginary cdrom to run these codes as is in the tutorial01:20
yhusha_that calls for use of cdrom iso01:20
xomniversewould the fact that my music folder is a symlink cause issues with Banshee?01:20
yhusha_like maybe create a directory in media thats called cdrom01:21
yhusha_anybody think that would work01:21
yhusha_in /media01:21
escottmojo1, without any parsed character like ' ` ; " | > before that the shell just passes that as an argument to the command. my guess is this is dailywtf worthy in that a previous coder thought you needed to start every command01:21
mojo1lol @escot01:22
mojo1thanks escott & all... you may be right.  he could not determine that it made any difference when run.01:22
hayloso whats with ubuntu-live being ivite only ?01:22
hayloi would like to be able to keep track of live build in bot ubuntu and debian  :P01:23
mojo1it is part of an hp automation system for automated testing of applications.01:23
Adam2_yhusha_: If you just do "sudo mount </path/to/your.iso> /mount/cdrom" it should work.01:23
yhusha_this is what the task is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM but without a cdrom as is apparently used in the guide01:23
yhusha_well this is the code and its not making sense: sudo mount -o loop -t squashfs /casper/filesystem.squashfs /mnt01:24
yhusha_why the first instance of squashfs after loop -t01:25
Dougie187When something causes a crash, and ubuntu tries to generate a bug report, does it also take a memory dump? or just a stack trace?01:25
hayloyhusha_: you are trying to alter the contents of the squasjfs ?01:25
hayloyou are mounting it wrong :P01:25
yhusha_other files01:25
haylomount it at byte number 51201:25
haylothat will get what you want01:25
xomniversehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1401028/ This is what Banshee says in terminal when I run it without sudo. It's very cryptic01:25
yhusha_its right here01:26
hayloyhusha_: its easier to boot to ram than this though for a live cd01:27
haylolook at boot parameter   "toram"01:27
hayloim not sure if its bugged. but that is supposed to copy the whole filesystem to ram at boot01:27
yhusha_yes but this would make it so the system after install boots these certain things to ram every time right'01:27
hayloman live-boot01:27
Smedlesbekks / dr_willis: thanks guys - I found http://hintshop.ludvig.co.nz/show/persistent-names-usb-serial-devices/ and have it setup now :)01:27
almoxarifexomniverse: tried this? create Podcasts directory in user home directory.01:28
xomniverseholy crap that worked01:29
xomniverseTY SO MUCH! :)01:29
almoxarifexomniverse: google buddy, its magical like that01:29
xomniverseI tried google, maybe I just googled the wrong thing01:29
almoxarifexomniverse: google the complete error, it helps01:30
almoxarifexomniverse: and the first place to look is 'bug' usually01:30
xomniversenoted, thanks :)01:31
almoxarifexomniverse: :)01:31
almoxarifeso, how do i rightclick on a tablet running lxde?01:37
bodhigood morning,01:40
abdostarcan someone help me to setup port forward to my new ubuntu server01:40
lucidabdostar: what version are you running of ubuntu ??01:44
abdostarlucid: 10.1201:44
Daekdroomabdostar, I don't think that exists.01:45
lucidabdostar: cool i love lucid , best version there was01:45
abdostarDaekdroom: 12.0401:45
abdostarim running 12.0401:46
wangzhi'm running 12.0401:46
lucidabdostar: lol yeah it doesnt exist01:48
JuJuBeeabdostar: did you set up iptables yet?01:48
abdostarJuJuBee: no, I just installed phpadmin, webmin, python ....01:49
JuJuBeeabdostar: ok, I use webmin to manage a server also. Did you set up ipforwarding?01:49
abdostarJuJuBee: not yet, is this a thing I should do in webmin, or the router?01:52
JuJuBeeabdostar: edit /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward  and change the 0 to a 101:52
JuJuBeeabdostar: also edit /etc/sysctl.conf and look for # Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv401:53
tizzgreetings even01:55
=== OptiWork is now known as Optichip
tizzi seek knowledge, i look to create a short cut to a shell script (pokemmo.sh) taht is pinned to my unity launcher side thing in ubuntu 12.1001:56
tizzis there anyone that might assist me in this goal?01:56
dfgas-cr48how do i locate a file?01:56
jribdfgas-cr48: what do you know about the file?01:57
JuJuBeeabdostar: here is a guide to iptables...  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo01:57
delacdfgas-cr48: gnome-search-tool might be one option01:58
bobweavertizz,  I can help with that01:58
abdostarJuJuBee: which line do i have to uncomment?01:58
BustacapI'm having trouble getting a hard drive to mount, can someone help me :/01:58
ghost20121221let me guess, a seagate hd?01:59
JuJuBeeabdostar: look for the one with net.ipv4.ip_forward01:59
bobweavertizz,  mv the script to /usr/sbin  then make a desktop file , add a image for icon to /usr/share/pixmaps/ (for desktop file) then get fancy with it and add quicklist for options01:59
bobweavertizz,  desktop files  are under /usr/share/applications/02:00
taohi, i know i am not suppose to manually configure /etc/resolv.conf but it keeps on setting to and i can't resolve any domain names after that. Where should i properly configure nameserver in ubuntu 12.10?02:00
abdostarJuJuBee: done, I edited the 2 files02:00
abdostarJuJuBee: done, I edited the 2 files, I mean thnks to you :)02:00
ubuntujoin ubuntu02:01
skutr34Hi. I am trying to configure my graphics card drivers, and I am running aticonfig --initial, and it is not being understood. Does anyone know an alternative to this command?02:01
JuJuBeeabdostar: I have a rule in my iptables script :  -A PREROUTING -d your.outside.ip.address/32 -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport someExternalPort -j DNAT --to-destination your.inside.ip.address:desiredPort02:01
jrib!resolv.conf | tao02:01
ubottutao: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution02:01
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KI4ROWhat is making my screen go dark.  I've looked at all the monitor and screen settings and cannot find what is causing this to happen.02:01
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lexngtonto skut34 linux doesn't like ATI02:01
lexngtontrust me i know02:01
skutr34lexngton: I know.02:02
bobweaverKI4RO,  you looked at battery settings ?02:02
lexngtonive always been an nvidia guy..first ATI video card i get and nothing but problems02:02
KI4RObobweaver: Battery settings?  You mean power setup?02:02
lexngtonplus its a laptop02:02
abdostarJuJuBee: do I have to install iptables? then edit?02:02
JuJuBeeabdostar: yes, install iptables.02:02
RickZillademoing 12.10, when I open up firefox, LibreOffice, etc, I'm used to seeing another menu set at the top that I can access. Those seem to be gone in ubuntu 12.10, is there a different way to access those?02:03
JuJuBeeabdostar: you can use webmin to manage iptables just fine.02:03
skutr34lexngton: I have never had a machine with an Nvidia card. I've always had ATI, and I haven't really had problems until the more recent versions Ubuntu...02:03
abdostarJuJuBee: iptables already installed, but I have no idea how to edit it02:03
bobweaverabdostar,  be careful with webmin02:03
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.02:04
lexngtonyeah i know..the old version of ubuntu/pinguy worked just fine with ati because my friend had one02:04
lexngtonnot sure why the new one has issues02:04
lexngtonthey are working it on though02:04
skutr34lexngton: Do you happen to know the alternative to the --initial parameter with aticonfig?02:04
abdostarbobweaver: :) my 2nd install today, after I missed up something with the 1st one02:04
lexngtonhonestly i gave up on that..i just use the default drivers...i gave up on installing ati drivers02:04
skutr34lexngton: And yeah. 10.10 was fantastic on my other machine using an ATI card02:04
JuJuBeeabdostar: yeats:  I use it now and it does fine for what I use it for.  iptables mostly02:05
JuJuBeeI just hate the syntax of iptables rules?02:05
bobweaverabdostar,  you are aware that there is a saying . give root permissions to user . what could go wrong ?02:05
yeatsJuJuBee: check out ufw02:05
abdostarJuJuBee: where can i find iptables in webmin?02:05
bobweaverJuJuBee,  there is ipcop pfsense gufw ect02:05
JuJuBeeyeats: what does United Farm Workers have to do with anything?  LOL02:06
ScottNYCwhere can I see a list of packages ubuntu comes with by default?02:06
ScottNYCcomes pre-installed with*02:06
bobweaverScottNYC,  depends02:06
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.02:06
JuJuBeebobweaver: do these all manage iptables config?02:06
bobweaverbecause everyone gets different settings sometimes ScottNYC  but you can look at iso02:06
bobweaverJuJuBee,the ipcop pfsense do02:07
ScottNYCok thx bobweaver02:07
matej_nvidia sucks02:07
RickZillademoing 12.10, when I open up firefox, LibreOffice, etc, I'm used to seeing another menu set at the top that I can access. Those seem to be gone in ubuntu 12.10, is there a different way to access those?02:07
bobweaverScottNYC,  you can install a miniamal and run  dpkg-query -l     to see all packages installed02:07
JuJuBeebobweaver: yeats: will they try to overwrite my current config or just read it in and let me edit?02:07
bobweaverScottNYC,  or you can extract image and look at the config there is a file can not remeber name02:08
bobweaverScottNYC,  I will mount a img02:08
yeatsJuJuBee: not sure - I would do backups of your rules, then experiment02:08
JuJuBeeabdostar: looks like gufw is a gui front end for "uncomplicated firewall"   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW02:08
ScottNYCok thx alot02:08
JuJuBeeyeats: I do a nightly backup02:09
yeatsJuJuBee: and ufw is a wrapper around iptables02:09
JuJuBeeyeats: I am reading the docs now.  Looks cool.  I will give it a try.02:09
bobweaverThere is shorewall for linux ?02:09
bobweaverer spelling *02:10
BustacapCan someone help me with a problem mounting a hardrive?02:10
bobweaver!info shorewall02:10
ubottushorewall (source: shorewall): Shoreline Firewall, netfilter configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 660 kB, installed size 1689 kB02:10
bobweaverBustacap,  what kinda harddrive ?02:11
Bustacapbobweaver: it's an ide through a usb adapter.02:11
abdostarJuJuBee: I guess I found it under networking/linux firewall02:11
JuJuBeeyeats: I like that I can manage from a remote machine with webmin...02:11
bobweaverBustacap,  is usb pluged in ?02:11
JuJuBeeabdostar: yes02:12
Bustacapbobweaver: lol of course.02:12
lucidBustacap,  what brand of harddrive ???02:12
abdostarJuJuBee: do i just enable it?02:12
Bustacaplucid: Seagate02:12
RickZillademoing 12.10, when I open up firefox, LibreOffice, etc, I'm used to seeing another menu set at the top that I can access. Those seem to be gone in ubuntu 12.10, is there a different way to access those?02:12
JuJuBeeabdostar: yes02:12
bobweaverBustacap,  plz install this package called "pastebinit"  the bot will tell you more about package. But after installed please run in terminal      " mount |pastebinit "  then give us the link that the terminal spits out02:13
JuJuBeeabdostar: then you go about creating rules.  There are many tutorials on setting it up.  Depends on your needs...02:13
bobweaver!info pastebinit | Bustacap  install with software center or sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit thanks .02:14
ubottuBustacap install with software center or sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit thanks .: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB02:14
BustacapI already have pastebinit :P02:14
bobweaverah sweet02:14
abdostarJuJuBee: all i want to achieve now, is remotley access my server02:14
bobweaverso" mount " shows you all things that are mounted02:14
JuJuBeeabdostar: yes, but you don't want unwanted traffic to get in...02:15
BustacapShows my normal drive and my flash drive.02:15
JuJuBeeIs your server connected to your ISP or is there another device in the way?02:15
bobweaverBustacap,  " lsusb " shows the things that are attached to usb slots02:15
BustacapI was just gonna pastebin that for ya02:15
bobweaverBustacap, mounting things to /media   or /mnt  is always a ok idea02:15
abdostarJuJuBee: yeah for sure, how can i set up the rule you sent me earlier02:15
BustacapBus 1 device 202:16
JuJuBeeabdostar can we PM this?02:16
abdostarJuJuBee: yeah, sure02:16
bobweaverBustacap,   you can mount things with the command  mount <device you want to mount >    <place to mount to >02:16
bobweaverBustacap,  you can also see the drive numbers that you want to use with  ^^^     "sudo fdisk -l "02:17
lucidBustacap,  what errors is it giving you02:17
Bustacapbobweaver: The problem is that I don't see it in fdisk.02:17
RickZillademoing 12.10, when I open up firefox, LibreOffice, etc, I'm used to seeing another menu set at the top that I can access. Those seem to be gone in ubuntu 12.10, is there a different way to access those?02:17
bobweaverBustacap,  you see it in lsusb ?02:18
bobweaverBustacap,  what is /dev/sdi: ?02:18
BustacapFlash drive.02:19
jesusemelendezmhey guys! I am here, any questions... let me know I am glad to help beginners guy to keep and maintain Ubuntu and Debian machines up and running!02:19
lucidBustacap,  you may have to install seagate tools to get it recognized ???02:19
bobweaverBustacap,  what about dmesg what does that say02:19
bobweaverBustacap,  grep it out plz02:19
RickZillajesusmelendezm: demoing 12.10, when I open up firefox, LibreOffice, etc, I'm used to seeing another menu set at the top that I can access. Those seem to be gone in ubuntu 12.10, is there a different way to access those?02:20
bobweaverBustacap,  there is a light that is turning on when you are pluging into usb slot for frive or any thing like that . is it getting power in other words ?02:21
Bustacapbobweaver: dmesg http://pastebin.com/RMdkeC2c02:22
Bustacapbobweaver: it's getting power and the and it is turning on.02:22
bobweaverBustacap,  unplug it and plug back in and run again plz02:22
Bustacapbobweaver: here it is again http://pastebin.com/BFL06kih02:23
bobweaver!bug 98799302:24
yhusha_so heres the thought remaster ubuntu to have a home partition on hdd then where as apps and system files are stored in root the idea would be to store all of them instead in a partition on/home making symbolic links to all these things and thus lighten the load of /root which would be configured to boot entirely from ram02:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 925760 in Linux "duplicate for #987993 Constant warnings from the kernel: Test WP failed, assume Write Enabled" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92576002:24
bobweaverBustacap,  Realtek ?02:25
yhusha_testing ways to speed up the system on a 1gg ram 1666mhz cpu02:25
tizzbobweaver do scripts need to be in the usr/sbin folder?02:25
RickZillademoing 12.10, when I open up firefox, LibreOffice, etc, I'm used to seeing another menu set at the top that I can access. Those seem to be gone in ubuntu 12.10, is there a different way to access those?02:25
Bustacapbobweaver: ?02:25
mega1i have server 10.04 and it wont connect to the internet it will ping anything on the network02:26
taojrib, ok i read the links you provided basically my base file and head file has nothing in them, and they also said resolv.conf should point to which is network-manager managed dnsmasq server to better handle VPN02:26
bobweaverto point to it in the desktop file and also to run it with out having to type its dir that it is under unless you have ~/bin ?02:26
bobweavertizz,   ^^^02:26
taojrib,  i am using TorGuard, basically when i connect through the VPN i can surf web fine but not when i disconnect it02:26
lucidmega1: are you on a laptop ???02:26
taosorry  actually got to go, i will ask later02:27
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lucidmega1: you probly need to enable wireless02:27
bobweaverBustacap,  I am not sure at all02:27
tizzoh okay02:27
mega1the server is not a laptop02:27
Bustacapbobweaver: I know right. It's tricky :/02:28
mega1i can connect to it on my laptop02:28
yhusha_or /user02:28
yhusha_any critic02:28
BustacapI just found a winblows tutorial to fix it, so I'm going to try that.02:28
BustacapI'll be back :P02:28
bobweaverBustacap,  good luck I am sure that others might have something to say02:29
BustacapTy :P02:29
yhusha_ok this thing is almost compiled but theres a possible problem in some code its pretty short.... http://pastebin.com/bPf5kLXC02:46
Pantsman0hiya all02:47
Pantsman0does anyone know how to edit the japanese kana keymap to include an extra key?02:47
nolageekcan i ask here about creating/booting from a lubuntu live-usb02:48
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:49
nolageekI've created the USB 3 times, checked the md5sum, etc... but whenever it starts I get dropped to a command prompt...  crunchbang seems to boot OK, but I much prefer lubuntu on my netbook02:50
sabCan someone tell me where the hardware manager is located in ubuntu - I want to enable a second GPU card with a second monitor attached to it02:51
lucidsab: you have to install gnome-device-manager02:54
sablucid: thanks will do that02:55
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lucidsab: then go to Applications – System Tools – device manager02:55
lucidsab: that will show you everything  you need02:55
lucidsab: anytime02:56
mega1can anyone help he get my server on the internet02:56
lucidsab: you can do it thru synaptic or in terminal02:56
tieinvUnable to locate package gnome-device-manager02:58
sablucid: I can't find that package do you know what repo it is from?02:59
lucidsab: no i dont really , i use lucid  and havent needed to see it03:01
lucidsab: try sudo apt-get install gnome-device-manager03:01
sablucid: i did and couldn't find it - also looking in synaptic right now - i will take a look at my sources list03:02
tieinvsab try network-manager-gnome03:04
lucidsab: i will look also03:04
sabtieinv: i can see that package03:04
tieinvoh sorry03:05
lucidsab: in synaptic search for gnome-device-manager and it will bring it up03:06
almoxarifeok, so i got precise running on android, does what it would be expected to do, minus hitting a right click, thats still an issue, any thoughts, rightclick on an android-lxde via the lxde os?03:06
almoxarifelxde-buntu via the arm and some omap4 ppa03:07
sablucid: its not there - this is a new install03:07
lucidsab: do you have the software-center installed ????03:08
sablucid: yes03:08
sablucid: i have also got synaptic03:08
lucidsab: try a search for it in there  gnome-device-manager03:08
topper4125Launchpad says: There is no current release of this source package in The Quantal Quetzal. You can still report bugs, make translations, and so on, but they might not be used until the package is published.  about Gnome Device Manager03:09
sablucid: it says no items match "gnome-device"  .... it didnt even let me finish typing03:10
lucidsab: hmmmm let me try it on mine . what version ubuntu you running ????03:10
sabtopper4125: thanks03:11
sablucid: quantal03:11
topper4125!info hardinfo03:11
ubottuhardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1.1ubuntu5 (quantal), package size 241 kB, installed size 700 kB03:11
topper4125that package may be as close as it gets until device manager gets updated03:12
sabubottu: i will get that .. but the prob is not that i cant find the second gpu - i can see it if i type lspci03:12
KI4RObobweaver: I found a solution for the screen going black problem:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/216783/ubuntu-12-10-turn-screen-off-when-inactive-for-never-still-turns-off03:13
sabi am also looking at libdevicemapper packages03:13
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RyanBrunswickHey everyone. Have any of you had any luck getting XFCE or LXDE to look/behave like Unity or GNOME 3?03:14
Chegyhey guys, any of you good with setting up drivers for backtrack? I'm getting an error when using airmon-ng: r871x_usb_drv - [phy3]mon0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device03:14
lucidsab: here is the deb file to add to your repository for gnome-device-manager    ---->  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gnome-device-manager/gnome-device-manager_0.2-3_i386.deb03:14
lucidChegy: i use backtrack 5 r3 on virtualbox , i will try to help you03:15
sablucid: i am x6403:15
RyanBrunswickI like Unity but I've got an older laptop that slows down under it substantially compared to lighter weight DE's03:15
sablucid: its okay i got the x64 from there thanks03:16
sablucid: i might have to wait - it has unsatisfiable depends03:19
BeelsebobHiya, does anyone know of anything I can use to quickly time profile a process without needing to install kexts?03:19
yhusha_doing apt-get dist-upgrade within a live enviroment gets this responce for just about every package: Processing triggers for libc-bin ...03:19
yhusha_ldconfig deferred processing now taking place03:19
yhusha_Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?)03:19
lucidsab: try this  --->  http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~david/gnome-device-manager/03:20
yeatsyhusha_: what's your end goal - you usually wouldn't be dist-upgrading in a live CD/USB environment03:20
sablucid: it says no repos found03:21
lucidsab: lol ok03:21
lucid i am going to all wiki pages and everything03:21
yhusha_yea not usualy just got done writing a toram feature with persistant storage for ubuntu12.04 and it seemed like something else to do03:22
lucidsab:   go here -->  http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/quantal/main/base/network-manager-gnome03:22
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yeatsyhusha_: this might help, but sounds like you've got a special setup so not sure: http://linux.koolsolutions.com/2010/12/30/tip-getting-rid-of-common-errors-in-chroot-mode/03:23
sablucid: i have that installed already03:24
lucidsab: gnome device manager is on that page also03:24
yhusha_thats exactly it03:25
lucidsab: go here  ---->  http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~david/gnome-device-manager/03:25
yhusha_so how to interupt the dist-upgrade03:26
moose-machinehi. i have just rooted my samsung galaxy s2. I was wondering if there was a way to backup its /efs folder using ubuntu instead of purchasing the root exploerer app? Thanks.03:26
sablucid: packages are only for natty lucid and hardy - none for quantal yet03:27
lucidsab: hmmm ok thats wierd , but it is still in beta03:27
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sablucid: i can wait until the quantal package - in the meantime i might try this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics03:29
yhusha_maybe aptoncd app03:30
yhusha_for backup03:31
moose-machineyhusha_: hi. is that suggestion for the /efs backup on my android? thx.03:32
moose-machinethx. is that app available in the play store or in the Ubuntu Software Centre?03:32
yhusha_software center should have it03:33
yhusha_if not\03:33
moose-machineyhusha_: ok. thanks. i will take a look now.03:33
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moose-machineyhusha_: ok. i have aptoncd installed in my machine. how do i use it now?03:34
yhusha_not very familiar with it but its pretty self explanatory03:35
relipsehow do i make the close, minimize and maximize buttons on the top right of the window instead of the top left03:35
yhusha_with that and a little blogging it'll be back'd up in no time03:35
yhusha_it will save it as a burnable file03:35
yhusha_cd/dvd/flash etc03:36
moose-machineyhusha_: ok. so i launch it from the terminal?03:36
yhusha_should be able to launch from an icon03:36
yhusha_but it that dont work there is a x command for it03:37
b0otAnyone use any wireless sd cards with ubuntu successfully?03:37
relipsehow do i make the close, minimize and maximize buttons on the top right of the window instead of the top left03:38
moose-machineok. running it now. let's see how it goes. this software is making a backup CD of my ubuntu system. I was wondering if it can do the same for my rooted Android.03:38
lucidrelipse: go here and the instructions are there  --> https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/config-desktop/C/window-button-order.html03:38
yhusha_is ubuntu on it?03:38
yhusha_if not maybe link it some how and mount then back it up like that03:39
yhusha_theres a few options to play around with03:39
moose-machineon my android? no. it is a newly flashed galaxy s2. i have connected it to my laptop using a usb cable. and i wish to access its /efs folder for backing up on my laptop.03:39
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lucidlater everyone , time for bed03:56
fubadahi, how come ubuntu-server 12.04->12.10 upgrade is requiring xorg and unity new pkg installs04:04
fubadanothing about that is mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer#From_12.04_to_12.1004:04
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escottfubada, must be getting pulled in by some package you have installed04:15
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Oracle989So, uhh.  i was having some issues with Minecraft and saw that installing Nvidia's drivers might help fix it.  It broke a lot of things.  My maximum resolution is now 800x600 stretched beyond the boundaries of a 1600x900 screen and I have no support for external displays.  I did this: http://www.techlw.com/2012/08/install-nvidia-unix-driver-30432-on.html04:16
fubadaescott: that seems to be the case, I have xbmc installed along woith xorg04:16
fubadabut i cannot figure out why I'd need accounts-facebook and etc04:17
RickZillaOk, I think I'm just about done testing out 12.10, how much different is 12.04? Should I install 12.04 instead since it is LTS?04:17
Oracle989I'm on 12.10, I guess that's relevant to my issue.04:17
fubadaRickZilla: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer#From_12.04_to_12.1004:17
fubadaIm going to 12.10 now because I need libmtp 1.1.504:17
fubadato mount my samsung galaxy as usb04:17
RickZillafubada: Thanks, I'll check it out04:18
Oracle989So I suppose the crux of my question is "oh mother of god what have I done"04:21
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d-snutzmy system crashed i can get get to the desktop but nothing else04:24
d-snutzmint 1304:24
d-snutzwhat should i do to try to recover it?04:25
lexngtoni guess boot from the cd and fix broken packages?04:25
lexngtoni guess04:25
lexngtonor try safe graphics mode04:25
wN_d-snutz: are you unable to do anything with ANY user?04:25
wN_d-snutz: you may want to create a new user for testing.04:26
d-snutzI have a dual boot for the guest i can get in there... wN04:26
wN_d-snutz: if you can get in with a new user, there is something f-ed up in your main user configuration. those configs are stored under /home04:26
d-snutzI guess im effed because im not a linux guru wN_04:27
wN_d-snutz: i'll translate that to 'hey wn. can you walk me through creating a new user?'04:27
d-snutzwN_ dud im a dumb A i installed compiz experimental04:27
d-snutzno its effed04:27
wN_did you install via terminaL?04:28
wN_d-snutz: try hitting ctr+alt+f2 and hitting return a couple of times04:28
wN_if you can get to a prompt you can uninstall that package to see if it helps04:29
wN_if f2 doesnt work, try f3-f1004:29
d-snutzwN_ im gonna try04:29
wN_d-snutz: sure. :)04:29
d-snutzI got in alt f2 but couldnt get it uninstalled04:29
wN_why not?04:30
d-snutzwN_ cuz im a computer illiterate f-tard04:31
shugganshello all!04:31
wN_d-snutz: did you try? did you get errors? are you confused about what commands to run?04:32
shugganscan anyone help me with a networking issue in server 12.1?04:32
d-snutzwN_ confused04:32
wN_shuggans: maybe. you should ask your question and see04:32
wN_d-snutz: let me connect to my ubuntu box04:32
d-snutzIm in alt-f2 now04:32
meowmeowwhat would happen if i refuse to upgrade ?04:33
wN_d-snutz: what package did you say you installed?04:33
wN_meowmeow: nothing.04:33
d-snutzwN_ my ubuntu machine work well.  my new machine didnt work well with ubuntu so its mint04:33
shuggansI can ping google.com - so DNS is resolving + LAN settings are working04:33
d-snutzwN_ compiz experimental04:33
wN_d-snutz: mint is ubuntu :P04:33
shuggansbut when I ping a Windows host on the LAN I cannot reach it04:33
wN_kk let me see04:33
wN_shuggans: can you ping it?04:33
shuggansbut i dont get an unreachable message04:34
d-snutzwN_ I can see my desktop and hear it loading apps but cant get a menu or terminal04:34
shuggansit just hangs04:34
d-snutzwN_ Yeah04:34
wN_shuggans: you may want to get wireshark and check out whats going on on the interface of both machines04:34
shuggansfresh install of both04:35
shuggansI can ping the ubuntu machien from the windows host.  but cant ping the windows hsot from the ubuntu machine without it just sitting there and doing nothing04:36
wN_d-snutz: im googling a bit. are you able to login to ubuntu2d when you enter your password? im not sure if thats available for you04:36
wN_shuggans: perhaps your windows machine doesn't respond to pings. do you have another machine you can test with?04:36
wN_and it responds fine?04:37
shugganslet me connect it and report back04:37
wN_can you ping the gateway from the linux box?04:37
d-snutzwN_ yes04:37
wN_d-snutz: does hta tmake a difference?04:37
d-snutzwN_ lemme see04:37
shuggansi can ping the gateway yes04:38
shuggansbringing the other machien up now to test a ping to it04:39
d-snutzwN_ unable to find default provider unity panel04:39
wN_shuggans: open 2 terminals. in 1 type: tcpdump host
wN_in the other type ping
wN_cha;nge that ip to your windows box ip04:40
wN_do you see any output?04:40
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wN_d-snutz: can you do anything in that environment?04:41
d-snutzwN_ in gnome i can see my desktop with virtual machine desktop icons04:41
d-snutzbut no panel04:42
wN_what happens when you hit super? (windows key)04:42
d-snutzwN_ is there a shortcut for a terminal in mint04:43
wN_d-snutz: i dont know.04:43
wN_d-snutz: go back to tty2 (alt+Ctrl+F2) and type:04:43
wN_ dpkg --get-selections | grep compiz04:43
wN_do you see the compiz package you installed?04:43
d-snutzwN_ alright04:44
wN_d-snutz: you may also want to check in /var/log/dpkg.log to see what was added/removed04:45
wN_if htat file xists04:45
wN_$ less /var/log/dpkg.log04:45
wN_press G to go to the bottom and see what it did. then back out of thos echanges by runnign: apt-get remove <package>04:46
shuggansstupid me - netork discovery + file + print sharing was turned off (PUKE: Server 2008)04:46
wN_shuggans: :D04:46
shugganswN_ Thanks a bunch for your help!04:46
d-snutzwN_ it says about 10 packs in red ---- right column says install....  I purged all compiz earlier in an attempt to fix it.... maybe i screwed  up04:46
wN_install means it was installed, or is installed04:47
wN_d-snutz: do you see the experimental package?04:47
d-snutzwN_ it say "install"04:47
wN_is that yes?04:47
allquixoticHow can I disable the "hand" that tries to move the window when I hold alt and left click on a window? I want the application to process the input not the window manager04:48
d-snutzwN_ i dont see it.  could it be bc i got it through wget04:48
wN_allquixotic: try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/118151/disable-alt-for-window-move-in-gnome-shell04:48
wN_actually, thats for gnome-shell]04:48
wN_allquixotic: try this:04:49
wN_gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/mouse_button_modifier --type string disabled04:49
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allquixoticwN_: I ended up disabling the "Move Windows" plugin in ccsm per http://askubuntu.com/questions/151252/altleft-click-how-to-remove-shortcut04:50
d-snutzwN_ here is how i treid to remove it but it wouldnt do it04:50
allquixoticnot running metacity so that's not useful; not running gnome-shell so that's not useful04:50
killeri there a way using apt-get ,so that, i can hold a package and prevent that particular package from upgrading (like firefox)?04:51
dysunso i installed RANCID for network configuration backups. i got the thing to email me. i'm just not sure what this means for the output. i was hoping someone could tell me..... retrieving revision 1.804:52
dysundiff -u -4 -r1.8
dysun@@ -336,22 +336,11 @@04:52
FloodBot1dysun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:52
wN_d-snutz: did you try running: ./compiz-addons uninstall all04:52
wN_from the same directory?04:53
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d-snutzwN_ yep, it said -bash not a valid command or something04:53
wN_were you in the correct directory?04:53
wN_you sould be in:04:53
wN_$ cd ~/compizexperimental/; ./compiz-addons uninstall all04:54
d-snutzwN_ Im in! in gnome no effects04:55
wN_cool :)04:55
IdlePhDjoin ##security04:56
angelpossumhoe do you switch servers04:56
angelpossumwhoops how04:57
angelpossumuh hi04:57
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angelpossumhow do i change server05:00
wN_angelpossum: change what?05:00
angelpossummy server05:00
wN_from what, to what?05:00
gnomefreakdo they make laptops that use 3/4g?05:01
wN_gnomefreak: verizon sells a 4g internet thingy you can connect to your laptop. i suppose its possible it could be built in05:01
angelpossumi just want to know how change it05:01
wN_angelpossum: change it to what?05:01
gnomefreakwN_: cool thanks05:02
angelpossumto any thing i guess05:02
wN_angelpossum: :)05:02
wN_angelpossum: are you trying to upgrade?05:02
angelpossumwhat do you recammend05:02
bluebomberdmesg shows a lot of messages like "usb 4-1: reset high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci_hcd" for me; can anyone tell me how I can quickly find out exactly which drive "usb 4-1" is?05:02
angelpossumno just change server05:03
wN_angelpossum: im not sure what that means.05:03
angelpossumlike going from the one we'er on to a diffrent one what do you have in mind05:04
wN_bluebomber: # ls -l /dev/disk/by-path  | grep usb05:05
wN_does that work?05:05
wN_`[jack@jack-desktop ~]$ ls -l /dev/disk/by-path | grep usb05:05
wN_lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Dec  1 00:03 pci-0000:00:1c.3-usb-0:5:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:0 -> ../../sdb05:05
TheMadDrizzleAnyone have any real experiance getting conky to cooperate?05:05
wN_TheMadDrizzle: what're you trying to do?05:05
angelpossumdo i type that in te bar im writing in now05:05
wN_angelpossum: i still do not understand what you're trying to change from/to. What are you running now?05:06
angelpossumtell him to shut up and listen05:06
TheMadDrizzlewN_: I'm trying to get it to stick onto the background of the desktop, when ubuntu boots.  I have it set to do so, but it overrides everything, i only want it stuck to the background05:06
angelpossumcalvin on linix/ubunto05:06
angelpossumer calvino05:06
TheMadDrizzlewN_: I have ' own_window_type override ' enabled on boot, and if I comment it out, and reload conky, then uncomment that line and reload, it will work perfectly, what gives?05:07
wN_let me find my conky config05:07
bluebomberwN: It looks promising, but I cannot see the correspondence (for me).05:07
wN_bluebomber: what do you see?05:08
angelpossumgotta go se you later05:08
bluebomberwN: Example: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Nov 30 20:48 pci-0000:00:13.2-usb-0:4:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:0 -> ../../sdd, but I don't have an sdd05:08
bluebomberErr, /dev/sdd doesn't correspond to a present physical drive.05:09
wN_TheMadDrizzle: its been a longggg time since i've screwed on conky, but my /etc/conky/conky.conf file has the following set:05:10
wN_own_window yes05:10
wN_own_window_class Conky05:10
wN_own_window_type desktop05:10
myherocan anybody give me link to download pidgin deb05:10
wN_that sticks it to my desktop.05:10
wN_myhero: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pidgin05:10
bluebomberwN: For me, /dev/sdd is an SD card reader, and there is no SD card inserted, so that can't be (?) the "usb 4-1" that keeps being reset, right?05:10
wN_is there an sdd listed in /proc/partitions?05:11
gnomefreakmyhero: pidgin is in the repos or even installed by default or it was at one time05:11
myherocomplete single pidgin deb installer...also is there any trustworthy site from where i can download debs in future?05:14
wN_myhero: packages.ubuntu.com05:15
bhaveshI got this when gparted finished scanning my dev/sda partitions, http://imgur.com/hOeBN (I think it is because of pen drivers I attached) what does it mean and what am I supposed to do?05:15
myherowN: imean full deb for offline installation05:16
fahad__Hi , Is the ubuntu on android,  apk opensource yet05:16
wN_bhavesh: what is sdc?05:16
TheMadDrizzlewN_: Does your .conkyrc contain anything such as.... ' own_window_colour brown05:16
TheMadDrizzleown_window_transparent yes05:16
TheMadDrizzleown_window_type override '  <-- this is the line I comment and uncomment and it works perfect05:16
wN_myhero: that should be fu ll installation. you mean dependencies too? they should be on the same site05:16
gnomefreakis gnome-art still in the 12.0 repos?05:18
gnomefreak12.04 even05:18
gnomefreaksorry 12.1005:18
gnomefreakits way to oearly/late05:18
bhaveshwN_ : I think my hard drive is dev/sda, 1st pen drive is dev/sdb and 2nd pen drive is dev/sdc05:18
TheMadDrizzlewN_: Hrm, thanks05:18
myherowN_: imean single full deb including all dependencies in one deb file for complete offline installation05:19
wN_bhavesh: can you unplug hte pen drive?05:21
wN_TheMadDrizzle: i hope that was helpful. I fought with that config for months05:21
wN_myhero: does that exist?05:21
bhaveshwN_ I clicked "No" and found out that it is the second pen drive on which I earlier had windows 8 setup05:22
myheroalso is installing ubuntu on android a goodidea ? thats like installing a bigger os on smaller os!05:22
TheMadDrizzlewN_: I just made my conky.conf the same as my .conkyrc, we'll see what happens.  It's not a super huge deal just a bit annoying =)  Thanks for all help btw!05:22
myherowN_: idon't know thatsy i m asking u....but it'll be good n muv05:23
myherosrry...but it'll b gud if it exists!05:24
fahad__hi anyone, i am looking for the source code of ubuntu on android,,its and apk which make ubuntu run on android. Do we have it anywhere05:24
wN_myhero: i think you hav eto download all the dependencies05:25
wN_myhero: installing ubuntu on android? do you have a document you're following?05:25
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fahad__i think it is internal stuff now .is it my hero05:27
myherowN_: currently im chating frm an android mob thatsy im using shorthand n hving all this typos....and asking coz idon't know much about ubuntu on android but would like to try it out05:29
fahad__thats some apk .it makes you to have ubuntu system working on andorid phone or something05:30
fahad__cool anyway thanks05:30
bluebomberwN_: No, no sdd listed in /proc/partitions05:31
bryguy_I let my kernel be updated assuming my nvidia-current package would be updated along with it. Sadly this is not the case and I've got a crappy generic vga driver working and most of unity is b0rken at the moment. I am unfamiliar with the new grub, how can I revert to the old kernel or cause the nvidia apt packages to be used with the current one?05:32
bryguy_using 12.1005:33
wN_bryguy_: i think it works the same way as the old grub. hit a key to get to the menu and select the old kernel05:36
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TaZeRhey everyone im a proud ubuntu user05:47
TaZeRi love that fuckin shit05:47
BlackScreenhow do i set up a static ip? the dns isnt working when i configure the static ip in /etc/network/interfaces05:47
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:47
ColinApplegateyou need to put your dns server in /etc/resolv.conf05:47
ColinApplegatei do believe05:48
ColinApplegatemaybe that's old school05:48
ColinApplegatei've been out of it for awhile :D05:48
TaZeRfamilys are gay05:48
BlackScreenthanks ColinApplegate05:48
ColinApplegatenp BlackScreen05:48
TaZeRpeople should just spend their lives on their computers05:48
ColinApplegateTaZeR, we do, man. :)05:48
TaZeRin solitude forever05:48
crimsonmaneTaZeR: i don't think this is a place for you to be.05:49
TaZeRbut i like it here its warm and cozy05:49
wN_i dont use ubuntu.05:49
ColinApplegatei'm excited about openstack :D05:49
TaZeRwhy not?05:49
wN_i use fedora.05:49
wN_ColinApplegate: yes. openstack is good juju05:50
ColinApplegatei just put together a box to test it out on05:50
ColinApplegatei have five computers in here. disgusting! lol05:50
wN_BlackScreen: To configure your system to use DNS for name resolution, add the IP addresses of the DNS servers that are appropriate for your network in the file /etc/resolv.conf. You can also add an optional DNS suffix search-lists to match your network domain names.05:50
* TaZeR is using X-Sys v2.2.0 (http://dev.gentoo.org/~chainsaw/xsys)05:51
TaZeRos[Linux 3.5.0-19-generic x86_64] distro[Ubuntu "quantal" 12.10] cpu[8 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 3.90GHz] mem[Physical: 1.9GB, 68.3% free] disk[Total: 39.4GB, 84.8% free] video[VMware SVGA II Adapter] sound[ENS1371 - Ensoniq AudioPCI]05:51
TaZeRthere we go05:51
TaZeRits a virutual machine =)05:51
wN_TaZeR: whats your hypervisor?05:51
wN_im not sure what +q is, but it looks bad.05:52
ColinApplegatequiet, perhaps? :)05:52
MyrttiTaZeR: feel free to join #ubuntu-ops to discuss your mute in 6hours05:52
wN_those admins are sneaky. learking in the darkness waiting to strike05:53
wN_liek venoms snakes!05:53
jamampSo, hi all. just installed Ubuntu (12.10, 32bit) on my 2010 macbook05:53
jamampthis is exciting05:53
ColinApplegatewow! good job. :)05:53
ColinApplegatewhy not 64-bit?05:53
topper4125Myrtti ty05:54
nowayridejamamp: did you have any issues with wireless? A coworker of mine tried 12.04 and had a lot of issues.05:54
jamampi heard there were problems based off processors and I was too lazy to check05:54
jamampnowayride: WiFi worked right off the livecd05:54
ColinApplegateback in the day i ran 64-bit ubuntu on my 2007 MBP05:54
nowayridejamamp: nice, Ubuntu is certainly nice :)05:55
jamampColinApplegate, not like 32 is significantly slower, though :P05:55
ColinApplegatei just built a box for win 2k8 server. heresy! lol.05:55
jamampQuestion, does the apt-get remove unity-lens-shopper require a reboot to work?05:55
nowayrideColinApplegate: Win2k8 makes me cry05:55
ColinApplegatenowayride: I have to know it for work. I need my MCITP.05:56
nowayrideColinApplegate: I do too unfortunately, but it's lols to log into a server and see torrent clients05:57
DupreeHy gang I'm a newbie at this IRC rap05:57
ColinApplegateDupree: welcome05:57
jamampsame here Dupree, only use it sparingly05:57
DialZI don't want to waste anyone's time, so maybe there is a page someone can direct me to. Installed 12.10, have an ATI 5XXX series card (5670).05:57
nowayrideOr better yet.. do a password reset, log back in, a bot for a random MMO pops up05:57
DupreeAnything I could learn about getting onto a proxy?05:58
DialZStuff was slow, so I installed the BETA AMD catalyst drivers. WOO it was faster.05:58
DialZThen update manager ran and updated a bunch of stuff including unity and compiz05:58
DialZNow I have no Unity on my desktop.05:58
DialZI am willing to return to a slower working state, but do not know what to do. I can open a terminal with CTRL-ALT-f1 of course...05:59
DialZAnyone have any advice or can point me anywhere?05:59
bluebomberwN_: Do you have any other suggestions regarding the USB device correspondence?05:59
topper4125DialZ, did you try logging out of your acct, and back in again? Check that Unity is still selected.06:00
dangersaladHey, quick question. I am using awesome wm from ubuntu's repos and I want to try out the latest stable version from source. How can I make sure I can revert back to the repo version if the newer version turns out to not work well?06:00
Dupree12.04 has a selection of desktops does 12.1006:01
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DialZtopper4125: Iĺl try06:02
Dupreebeing that you said u did not have unity anymore,DailZ06:02
DialZWell, all the unity interface stuff is missing from my desktop now.06:03
DialZEg: The sidebar, window decorations, ect..06:03
Dupreesounds serious06:03
DialZI am guessing maybe something wasn't happy with the AMD Catalyst beta drivers  had installed (maybe)?06:04
DialZI'd like to just revert to the slow working drivers if possible06:04
bluebomberDoes anyone know how to obtain the relationship between /dev/sd* and "usb 4-1" for usb devices?06:05
prashant_123456how to completely uninstall xubuntu06:05
prashant_123456OerHeks, bazhang  thanks problem solved06:06
shugganswN_ still on?06:06
DialZHm, looks like itś probably something like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208105306:06
shuggansCan anyone help me with a config issue with pptpd on Ubuntu Server 12.1 ?06:07
shuggansI can ping host names on the actual LAN... but when VPNed into that LAN I cant ping host names.06:07
topper4125DialZ, take a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196657306:08
DarkAceLaptopwhen you sudo apt-get install unity does it include the login manager as well?06:08
ClientAliveok. so I have gnome 3, installed compiz and cccsm, and did a "compiz --replace". Now I have no gnome panels and have no way to access/launch apps. Any way to get some basic functionality back and keep using compiz too?06:10
shugganscan you open a terminal?06:11
bazhangClientAlive, alt f2 works?06:11
ClientAlivecan get a terminal with crrl+alt+t though06:11
bazhangClientAlive, this is in gnome-shell , or unity06:12
crimsonmanectrl alt f1, sudo useradd, sudo shutdown -r now06:12
shuggansClientAlive: do you jsut have text available with no GUI?06:12
ClientAliveI have gui, have my same desktop background, and the apps I had open when I did compiz --replace. Prolly could lanuch apps via the terminal but that's not the idea06:13
ClientAlivenot unity. i installed 12.04 server then installed gnome 3, and now this06:13
ClientAliveis it really safe to reboot?06:14
shuggansdo a sudo apt-get update06:15
shuggansthen try sudo apt-get install --?06:16
shugganstheres one of the commands listed that will try and find reuqired packages if I recall correctly06:16
shuggansmaybe you are missing a dependancy.  did you see any erros when installing compiz?06:16
ClientAlivedid that and *upgrade to see results. Everything is up to date - 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove...06:16
ClientAliveerr. not while installing but I think there was something after the compize --replace. I don't have that terminal window any longer.06:17
shuggansdid you install your grphics cards drivers?06:17
shuggansdid you install your graphics cards drivers?06:17
ClientAlivenvidia proprietary drivers, yes. and compiz effects work fine - just no panels06:17
shugganshmm.  hold up a sec06:18
lotuspsychje!alis > lotuspsychje06:18
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message06:18
shugganstry these 3 commands06:20
shuggans"gconftool -recursive-unset /apps/panel"06:20
dangersaladAny way to get ircii in xterm to have some color highlighting?06:21
shuggans"rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel"06:21
dangersaladfor nicks and other message tyoes06:21
shuggans"pkill gnome-panel"06:21
shuggansClientAlive: any change?06:23
ClientAliveshuggans: I wanted to do a super quick check of something first. I did a "ls ~/.gconf/apps/panel" and the response printed to screen was "ls: cannot access /home/shine/.gconf/apps/panel: No such file or directory"06:23
blackshirtnothing there06:24
ClientAlivemmm hmm. here is the content of ~/.gconf/apps06:24
ClientAlivehang on06:24
ClientAlivecompiz-1        ekiga  evolution    %gconf.xml  gnome-do        metacity  nm-applet06:25
ClientAlive..  compizconfig-1  eog    file-roller  gedit-2     gnome-terminal  nautilus  totem06:25
ClientAliveall dfirectories except the .xml file06:26
shugganstry "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnone-panel"06:26
relipse is there a way to see if my windwos c++ app is running on WINE?06:26
shugganstry "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall -e gnone-panel" *****06:26
shuggansif the first doesnt work06:26
ClientAliveresponse: "gnone-panel: no process found"06:27
shugganstry "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall -e gnone-panel" (with the -e switch as well)?06:27
ClientAlivegnone-panel: no process found06:27
TheLordOfTimeshuggans, he may want to see if gnome-panel is running via `pidof gnome-panel` first06:27
TheLordOfTimeif he's getting 'no process found' its not running :p06:28
shuggansI think you should nuke the install of gnome-panel and reinstall06:29
shuggans"sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome-panel"06:29
ClientAlivecan I do something like /init-d/whatever --restart (or whatever that is) ?06:29
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ClientAlivewhy would I want to remove gnome panel? are we on the same page here?06:29
shuggans"/etc/init.d/gnome-panel restart" maybe06:29
ClientAliveI'm trying to get gnome panel back06:30
shuggansremove it, then reinstall06:30
shuggans"sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome-panel", then "sudo apt-get install gnome-panel"06:30
Mechdaveshuggans, You may not be able to uninstall gnome-panel... It is part of the ubuntu desktop meta package06:31
shuggansHmm... have you killed the GUI since you isntalled Compiz?06:31
ClientAliveno, everything else works fine just have no panels and no way to access apps through gui06:32
shuggansANyone know the command to change to the runlevel without GUI?06:34
ClientAlivehere's something interesting: A line from ps aux | less  "uname     1312  2.9  0.2 366044 44304 ?        Sl   Nov30  14:54 compiz --replace"06:34
shuggansi think runlevel 3 and then back to runlevel 5 to restart the GUI?06:34
shuggansgo "sudo init 3"06:36
shuggansthen "sudo init 5"06:36
shuggansitll kill the X service and init 5 will bring it back up06:36
shuggansit may be configured right, jsut needing restarted06:37
shuggansthat's my best idea06:37
ClientAlivedoes this mean anything? ""06:37
ClientAliveshine    28592  0.0  0.0  26688   528 ?        S    Nov30   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome06:37
ClientAlive-session --session=gnome06:37
shuggansI havnt messed with GUI in Linux for a while... not sure what the output looked like06:38
shuggansjust throwing you ideas :S06:39
_andyj_what would cause apt-get to return 504 when wget to same address works on same box?06:39
ClientAliveno change06:40
ClientAliveI see a lot of gnome stuff in ps aux but no gnome-panel06:41
ClientAliveI can try rebooting. if it blows up on me and the computer breaks I have a laptop I can use to figure out how to fix er'06:42
shuggans_andyj_: are you using the right protocol for apt?06:42
shugganslol, ok06:42
ClientAliveere' goes nothin'06:42
shuggansClientAlive: Sorry I couldnt be of more assistance :(06:42
ar9how can i install the minimal kde-desktop, kwin, taskbar, kdm06:42
_andyj_shuggans: not sure what you mean by that, I am just typing sudo apt-get update in terminal06:43
ar9the lightest kde possible? from netinstall06:43
topper4125Although “Gateway Timeout” is usually reported as the reason for HTTP 504 errors, they can also arise from problems with proxies, which are slightly different from gateways in that they do not act like origin servers.06:43
DialZtopper4125: Looks like the problem was that the beta catalyst drivers were actually built using the kernel headers for the pre-update kernel.06:44
_andyj_shuggans: maybe I should expand on what I have been setting up, I run kvm/qemu with multiple ubuntu machines and I installed apt-cacher to not be so heavy on requests to ubuntu repo's...  it works for all machines except this one, but when I wget to the repos I can access the files just fine06:44
DialZI needed to remove completely all that stuff, apt-get install the new linux-headers, then reinistall the amd catalyst drivers06:45
topper4125ar9, take a look at this: [solved] minimal KDE install: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165126906:45
DialZI guess I'll make notes --  think that will happen with each kernel update06:45
topper4125DialZ, yikes... sounds like those notes will come in handy in the future.06:46
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_andyj_sorry, had an old line in my apt.conf sorry for bother06:47
ClientAlivewell, looks like I'm back to square one. Of course, compiz is still installed but not running/in effect. Maybe I better figure out the proper way to get it working  :P06:48
ClientAlivefoud this -> "You can't use Compiz in GNOME Shell, but you can in Classic."06:51
mkhan3189Hi I hav question about multi display (connecting three monitors) using nVdia GT 61006:52
mkhan3189if someone has had any experience please let me know06:53
=== jackson is now known as jackson_
shuggansIn Windows with ATI not NVIDIA...06:54
shuggansthe application controling the displays should be about the same in linux though06:55
shuggansnot sure if the 3 monitor support is included in linux06:55
_andyj_I thought only ati cards supported 3 monitors from single card...06:55
_andyj_but I don't have a 600 series06:55
Diddycan someone help me update abobe flash. im new to ubuntu06:55
mkhan3189but it's got three output ports. and it switches06:55
mkhan3189but prefers DVI and VGA06:56
gangbandE vreun roman pe aici?06:56
mkhan3189if no DVI is found, it uses HDMI only then06:56
gangbandte frige06:56
shuggansyou have to use displayport for 3 monitors06:56
_andyj_mkhan3189 just because it has 3 ports doesn't guarantee it supports using all 3 at once, my ati card has 5 ports but the dvi and mini-hdmi can't run at same time06:56
shuggansI dont think you can run d-sub, dvi, and hdmi all at once.06:56
shuggansthey are probably there for convienience of interfaces06:57
mkhan3189_andyj_ make sense. i guess i will have to go back and go nuts on the guy who said it will support all at once06:57
Diddycan someone help me update abobe flash. im new to ubuntu06:58
guest2012ubuntu software center?06:58
_andyj_mkhan3189 haha, I just saw forum post mentioning that the 640 will support 3 at once but lower won't06:59
mkhan3189Diddy trying sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin06:59
shuggansmkhan3189: ati's 3 monitor deal is called eyefinity, nvidias is called surround.  look up the card model # on the nvidia site to see if it supports it in the first place06:59
mkhan3189shuggans yea great.07:00
mkhan3189_andyj_ can you please refer me that link?07:00
crackerjackzfor some reason my sound stopped working after updates, can someone help me figure out what happened?07:01
topper4125crackerjackz, for some reason, after updates that involve kernal updates, my sound is muted... check volume settings07:02
mkhan3189_andyj_ thanks for that. will investigate even further!07:02
crackerjackztopper4125: it says it's not muted07:02
crackerjackzthis is the kernel i have.. 32 bit. 3.2.0-34-generic07:03
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topper4125crackerjackz, k... thought maybe we had the same problem... Keyboard shortcuts to increase/decrease sound *look* like they should work, but always have to open up alsa, and adjust sliders before anything *actually* works07:04
crackerjackzthe fn + up and down arrow keys move the slider up and down but no sound.. lspci detects my soundcard and my volume manager appears to detect my card too07:05
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crackerjackz00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)07:05
qdbhello. i have installed 12.04 with russian, then selected tatar and english layouts, and i have {only or unchangable } russian layout in ctrl+alt+f1 . i have tried dpkg reconfigure console-data, it helped, but become only english, and become russian back after restart. then i tried dpkg reconfigure console-setup ... it did not help as i remember .. i should rstart something .. or reboot .. i ll look07:05
qualiawhen I'm using make, do I type make -D <option> or just make <option>    example:    make WITH_OPTIONS or make -DWITH_OPTIONS07:06
qualiaI don't wanna experiment I need someone to hold my hand.07:07
blackshirt!find halo07:07
ubottuFound: chalow, hashalot, libjifty-perl07:07
pr0toni can't boot up from USB on Sony Vaio07:08
pr0tonany ideas?07:08
_andyj_qualia: hate to tell you this but it depends on the MakeFile for the source your compiling if I recall right07:08
crackerjackzpr0ton: did you check the BIOS? does it give you the option to boot from USB?07:08
mkhan3189pr0ton did you change boot sequence?07:08
pr0tonit says External Device07:08
crackerjackzpr0ton: did you set it to be the first device it looks or?07:09
pr0tonbut when i press the Assist button it shows me an option to boot from USB/Optical Drive07:09
pr0tonyeah i did that07:09
pr0toni set "External Device" to be the first07:09
crackerjackzpr0ton: whats on the usb drive?07:09
pr0tonand it says "Operating System Not Found"07:09
TheLordOfTimeblackshirt, do you have a support question?07:09
pr0toni burned the 12.04.1 ISO to the USB stick07:09
pr0tonusing USB to ISO software07:09
pr0ton(first google result)07:09
qdbdont work07:09
pr0toni also disabled the UEFI mode and set it to legacy, so i don't know whats wrong07:09
crackerjackzpr0ton: have tried to boot it on another computer?07:10
topper4125did you check md5 of this .iso?07:10
crackerjackzjust curious if it works on other computers...07:10
pr0tonthis is the other computer07:10
pr0tonand i'm using it right now07:10
blackshirtthelordoftime, was ubuntu plan to adapt kfreebsd ?07:10
pr0tonmaybe \md5 is messed07:11
pr0tonlet me check07:11
crackerjackzpr0ton: what model is your sony vaio?07:11
crackerjackzmaybe there is an update for your bios07:11
pr0tonit's a new one though07:12
pr0tonbut i'll check for a bios update07:12
FloodBot1pr0ton: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:12
crackerjackzyou say the usb drive with ubuntu on it works on other machines right? just not the sony vaio..07:12
crackerjackzjust be careful when you're flashing your bios because you can mess things up, it's usually pretty straight forward though so you should be good07:13
qdbsudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration also dont work07:16
ubuntu_prohi there - i'm running precise and i was guided to replace my kernel with 3.4.0-030400-generic to get around a bug where USB3 fills up dmesg07:19
ubuntu_proquestion is what is the preferred method for backing back to the previous kernel release07:20
Mechdaveubuntu_pro, With your kernel install was it through apt-get or manual install? Do you still have previous kernels installed. The grub boot menu will tell you if you have07:21
ubuntu_proMechdave: yes they are still installed. It was through apt-get.07:21
Mechdaveubuntu_pro, then it is simply a matter of apt-get purge the pqckages you installed07:22
Mechdaveubuntu_pro, You in Adelaide?07:22
ubuntu_proIs there a way to do it without purging the packages? Just changing the default boot?07:22
ubuntu_proMech: Sydney - from Adelaide originally though :) and will be back in a couple of weeks07:23
Mechdaveubuntu_pro, Yes, you can change the boot priority in the grub configuration07:24
Mechdaveubuntu_pro, Thought you were an Aussie, recognise an internode ip anywhere ;)07:25
ubuntu_proMech: is it just a case of editing grub.cfg manually or is there a utility that modifies it for you07:26
ubuntu_proMech: I can probably hack at it to make it work but I like to find the most appropriate way :)07:26
Mechdaveubuntu_pro, Have a look here --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/100232/how-do-i-change-the-grub-boot-order07:27
Mechdaveubuntu_pro, It gives you a couple of options :)07:27
ubuntu_prothank you07:28
Mechdaveubuntu_pro, no worries :)07:29
g00053there is a website witch displays a pdf service manual for my car( viewing is free) , they offer a download for 6 bucks. would wget do it for free ?07:29
Mechdaveg00053, I would not endorse that myself. Just pay the $6 It is much cheaper than a paper one!07:30
excalibrhow do you list all packages that were manually installed from local .deb?07:33
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topper4125dpkg -l07:34
topper4125or dpkg --contents07:35
excalibrread my question again07:35
topper4125oh.. soz.. ya kinda glazed over the question...07:36
g00053Mechdave, yeah fair enough. as soon as I fix my car so I can get to work so I can pay for it . :D07:37
Mechdaveexcalibr, do you want to list all the files contained inside a local .deb file?07:38
jebbim having trouble with a samba server config on ubuntu server07:38
Mechdaveg00053, I know how you feel. Can I PM you?07:38
jebbi can see the share but i cant access it.07:38
topper4125excalibr, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/dpkg.html07:39
excalibrMechdave: no, only packages that were installed from manually downloaded deb's (dpkg -i .deb)07:39
Mechdaveexcalibr, Hmmm good one. You might have to read the man page for dpkg for that answer07:40
topper4125from all downloaded deb's, or just one in particular?07:40
Mechdaveexcalibr, Do you still have the downloaded debs?07:41
crackerjackzfor some reason my sound isn't working after updates but my mixer detects the device, any ideas?07:44
yellowcatHi everyone!07:52
crackerjackzhello yellowcat07:53
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yellowcatcrackerjackz, nice to meet you. I am an Ubuntu new user!07:54
crackerjackzyellowcat: welcome to the family07:54
yellowcatcrackerjackz, thank you!07:56
petani#j planetwork08:14
ashleyludlowstop listing plz08:14
elkypetani, you need to use / not #08:15
ashleyludlowno warz here08:15
simple_onei cant see the google chrome window but it's still running...08:43
simple_onebefore i was switching between dual monitor and then the problem showed up08:44
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ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:52
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator08:53
auronandace!msgthebot | pbt08:55
ubottupbt: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".08:55
Maximus_Hello, I'm having an issue getting 12.10 live-usb to work08:55
XabsterI'm so in love with windows 8's new interface (formerly known as metro UI) and I was wondering when I can expect a linux/ubuntu distro with a similar interface08:58
Xabster - said noone ever08:58
et_hello i am using ubuntu 12.10 not lts and i am having probs with nvidia drivers and dual monitors... i notice with the non lts the restricted drivers is gone and when i expirement with the drivers available via the gui i end up with major problems...08:59
et_i have to reinstall sometimes09:00
et_if i pick one that really messes up09:00
Maximus_USB keyboard and mouse not detected in 12.10 live cd? Custom PC09:00
et_any help would be appreciated09:00
et_maximus_ did you make sure usb was set correct in bios09:00
Maximus_yes, its booting in UEFI mode09:01
et_hmm then i dunno im here seeking help myself09:01
XabsterMaximus_, does that mean you're stuck in the install/menu?09:02
Maximus_i can use the keyboard in grub but as soon as ubuntu starts, nothing works09:02
Xabsterand never get it booted up09:02
* crackerjackz prays to the music gods for sound ;p09:02
et_can someone plz help me with nvidia drivers and 12.1009:03
crackerjackzet_: i can try09:03
et_okay cool09:03
crackerjackzet_: what seems to be the problem?09:03
et_well from what i experienced09:03
Maximus_Xabster yup, except grub by passed the live/install mode09:04
et_any driver i pick from the gui is not working worth a crap09:04
Maximus_just went right on the desktop09:04
et_and i wonder why restricted drivers is gone09:04
crackerjackzet_: by gui you mean jockey aka "additional drivers" right?09:04
et_yeah exactly09:04
et_sorry i should have specified09:05
crackerjackzet_: well did you upgrade your kernel or anything like that recently?09:05
Maximus_install the drivers from Nvidias website09:05
et_nope this is a new install09:05
et_i was using the lts09:05
et_im just using the reg 12.10 now09:05
crackerjackzet_: 32 bit or 64 bit?09:05
thomaslove7788I am new to Ubuntu. My Ubuntu has 18G free spaces in total. Is it too small?09:06
crackerjackzwhat kind of graphics card do you have?09:06
Maximus_im trying to get my 2 GTX 680s to work also, but I just need to get my keyboard and mouse going09:06
crackerjackzMaximus_: are they wireless?09:06
Maximus_the keyboard is a Logitech G19, it's worked in 11.10/12.02 and same with mouse, Logitech G70009:07
thomaslove7788The reason I gave Ubuntu 18G free space is by default.09:07
thomaslove7788I use Ubuntu windows install via (wubi.exe)09:07
XabsterMaximus_, tried installing some drivers (via usb stick or something)?09:08
Maximus_How can I install drivers? NO imput device works09:08
Maximus_im using Ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop now, just my custom PC won't have it09:09
Maximus_I meant 12.1009:09
et_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G96 [GeForce 9500 GT] (rev a1)09:10
scroducki created a new user with adduser command. now when i ssh with that user, i can actually view files not owned by him, howcome ? i wanted to restirct him to just his home dir, nothing else outisde09:11
dr_willisset permissions on the other dirs. or look into ssh jails09:12
llutzscroduck: you need to build a chroot for that user, see wiki for howtos09:12
et_did you abandon me09:12
dr_willisor somthing like the rbash shell  scroduck09:12
et_grrr... has anyone had any luck with ubuntu 1209:13
llutzscroduck: one example http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/chroot-users-with-openssh-an-easier-way-to-confine-users-to-their-home-directories/22909:13
et_non lts and nvidia with dual monitors09:13
dr_williset_:  12.10 is fine here09:13
et_sorry i hit enter by mistake09:14
scroduckwow so just crehard stuff :(09:14
et_i cant seem to get nvidia drivers working proper09:14
dr_willisscroduck:  i dont worry about it.. ;-)09:14
et_im using an nvidia 9500 card09:14
thomaslove7788et, what happened with your Ubuntu 12, huh?09:14
et_with 12.10 non lts09:15
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et_well i dunno this is a new instlal09:15
llutzscroduck: if you want to do that more often, this might be helpful http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/09:15
scroduckdr_willis: i have a new remote team mate and i need to give him some space on my VPS09:15
et_the lts i think seems to offer restricted drivers09:15
et_that work09:15
et_and the non lts offers this bs09:15
et_that doesnt work09:15
thomaslove7788et, do you install from windows or from your cd drive or your USB?09:16
et_i mean im not worried about a bit of work to get things right09:16
Maximus_12.10 is great... expect it won't detect my keyboard or mouse in the live-cd09:16
et_i just wonder if anyone has a solution yet09:16
llutzscroduck: "some space"? so you need only sftp not shellaccess? http://www.serverubuntu.it/SFTP-chroot09:16
et_or has exp same prob09:16
dr_willisyou can  set file/home dirs whete others cant look in tjem..09:17
et_i notice on google yeah09:17
et_some ppl are having same probs09:17
et_but no solutions are really posted09:17
et_someones gotta know here09:17
crackerjackzet_: sry i zoned out09:18
dr_willisnvidia works on  12.10 for me09:18
crackerjackzi've been up for a long time...09:18
et_dr willis09:18
crackerjackzwhat kind of graphics card did you say you had again?09:18
et_what driver are you using09:18
et_nvidia 950009:18
dr_williswhatever nvidia-currect is09:19
et_one sec09:19
Maximus_my two 680s get like 14fps in SLI ubuntu, but if I turn off SLI I get normal speeds.. funny huh? lol09:19
thomaslove7788et, are you using ubuntu right now? or other OS?09:19
et_yes right now09:20
et_but i dont have nvidia driver installed yet09:20
crackerjackzet_: look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207741809:20
=== chaplain is now known as thomas
et_wow dude09:21
thomaslove7788et, I use Ubuntu 12.10 and Kubuntu 12.1009:21
et_nice find09:21
et_ill check that out09:21
et_that is exactly my problem though09:21
et_thanks man09:22
crackerjackzet_: anytime :)09:22
thomaslove7788good luck, man09:22
crackerjackzhope it works, my fingers are crossed for you09:22
vadi2After some updates, the login screen is not coming up anymore on the computer. When I connected to it remotely and did sudo lightdm start, it did. However it's not starting without it. How can I go about fixing this?09:23
Maximus_So anybody got any idea whats keeping ubuntu live-cd from detecting my keyboard and mouse? Like how would I even install Ubuntu lol09:24
thomaslove7788I don't know my ubuntu needs anti-virus software?  I am going to install avast! anti-virus program ...09:24
gordonjcpMaximus_: is it a USB keyboard?  Is it possible you have some bizarre setting in your BIOS for legacy keyboards09:25
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: are you running a mailserver?09:25
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus09:25
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: that's about the only time you'd want an antivirus09:25
thomaslove7788gordonjcp, Windows 8 Pro09:25
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: right, but that's not Linux...09:25
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: unless you're doing some very specific things in Linux that relate to making it a server for Windows machines, you won't need an antivirus09:26
gordonjcpthere are no viruses for Linux, and it seems unlikely that there ever will be09:26
uuvni want to know if it is a tool for chenk memory in linux link winhex in windows?anybody who can help me?09:26
Maximus_My motherboards (asus maximus V extreme) has support for PS/2 keyboards, I thought that might be the problem so i turned it off and on nothing changed.09:26
thomaslove7788gordonjcp, thanks. I install ubuntu desktop in Windows 8 Pro09:27
gordonjcpuuvn: what does winhex do?09:27
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: I don't really understand what that means09:27
uuvncheck memroy09:28
gordonjcpMaximus_: have you got a PS/2 keyboard you can try?09:28
gordonjcpuuvn: memtest86?  It's part of the install media09:28
crackerjackzMaximus_: what are those devices you have again?09:28
crackerjackzwhat version of ubuntu are you running?09:28
uuvnno i just want crack password,i want to look memory information in hex09:29
crackerjackzuuvn: what password?09:29
Maximus_Keyboard: Logitech G19, MouseL Logitech G700 all of these devices worked in Ubuntu 12.0409:29
thomaslove7788gordonjcp, my ubuntu version is 12.10, it's ubuntu desktop09:30
Maximus_Im trying to live Boot ubuntu 12.10 off my USB 3.0 flash drive.09:30
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: I don't understand where Windows comes into that though09:31
uuvni find bless,but it has not a function to search memory info like winhex in windows09:31
gordonjcpuuvn: ooooh, you want to look through a file?09:31
gordonjcpuuvn: ghex09:31
Maximus_wait, does linux even support usb 3.0?09:31
crackerjackzafter dell hell my hard drive for hostage for a ransom of 59 dollars i hate passwords.. imbarassingly enough they actualy social engineered me into typing something that would clear the password on the bios but set a password on the hard drive thus holding my files hostage and they wanted 59 bucks for the master password but i cracked the password09:31
uuvnok  let me try.thank you!09:31
Fr0stbyteHello, I've installed openvpn access server , but it just doesn't want to create a tun0 interface.. any help? I've searched every tutorial I can find, but no avail.. Gonna pull my hair :p09:31
llutzMaximus_: linux supports usb3 but does your usb-3 controller support booting?09:32
crackerjackzwell i dont hate passwords.. but i hate that they actually tried to pull a fast one on me like that09:32
thomaslove7788gordonjcp, it's dual-boot Ubuntu 12.10 and Windows 8 Pro!09:32
=== Fr0stbyte is now known as Frostbyte
crackerjackzor actually did rather...09:32
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: okay, so Windows isn't really relevant when it's booted into Linux09:33
crackerjackzgood thing i was smart enough to undo it09:33
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: I guess you could run an antivirus on Linux, to scan your Windows drive09:33
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: I don't know if that works, because I don't know anything about Windows09:33
Maximus_yes it does, it's using the ASMedia Controller not the Intel IvyBridge one (ie its booting from my USB 3.0 on the case no the io shield)09:33
thomaslove7788gordonjcp, when I start my computer, it has 2 options: (1) Windows 8 Pro (2) Ubuntu 12.1009:34
crackerjackzMaximus_: do they work from the live cd?09:34
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: if you boot Linux, then Windows isn't doing anything09:34
gordonjcpthomaslove7788: Windows viruses won't affect Linux, and there are no Linux viruses09:34
crackerjackzthomaslove7788: what are you trying to do exactly?09:34
Maximus_It should.. ima try booting from the io shield this time.09:35
vesh7807Fr0stbyte:  did you check this article out http://www.shorewall.net/OPENVPN.html09:35
Frostbytevesh7807 I changed to my primary nick :p09:35
Maximus_my mouse and keyboard working now09:35
crackerjackzyah gordon is right windows viruses have no effect on linux... none of the files are even in use unless you open them like say you open a song or a picture or something09:35
Maximus_like with changing anything, I guess the kernel was taking it's sweet time..09:36
Frostbytevesh7807: I've copied from the example configurations, and rewrote my settings 2-3 times now.. upon starting, it just doesn't create the interface09:36
thomaslove7788gordonjcp, if I boot linux, only Ubuntu Linux boots, Windows 8 Pro no not start.09:36
llutzFrostbyte: does your server have tun-support enabled at all (ie some vps don't)?09:36
FrostbyteI do not use VPS, it's a home server with no-ip DUC09:37
crackerjackzMaximus_: there is some command that i can't remember off the top of my head that will show you what drivers the cd is using.. lspci -n or something idr but you copy the output of the command to this website and it tells you what drivers to look for and install09:37
crackerjackzyou have to boot from the cd and then run the command though09:37
crackerjackzlet me see if i can find the website...09:37
llutzFrostbyte:  grep CONFIG_TUN /boot/config-$(uname -r)09:38
crackerjackzMaximus_: yeah so..09:38
Frostbytellutz : CONFIG_TUN=y09:38
crackerjackzboot from the cd and type lspci -n then paste the output to this website http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/09:38
Maximus_hmm okay quick question does ubuntu support trim?09:39
=== Nisstyre is now known as whitef
crackerjackzi dunno what that is off the top of my head but is that ubuntu cd the same version that you have installed on the computer?09:39
dr_willisMaximus_:  yes09:39
thomaslove7788If you want to daul-boot Windows and Ubuntu, you must install Windows OS first, and then Ubuntu Linux09:39
crackerjackz^ true09:40
vbgunzI keep getting dropped to an initramfs prompt and I just cann't get into my system. can anyone here help?09:40
thomaslove7788crackerjackz, yeah, Ubuntu is very good stuff09:40
crackerjackzvbgunz: what was the last thing you did before it stopped working?09:40
llutzFrostbyte: anything in the logs? set "verb 10" for very verbose output09:41
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Frostbytellutz : okay, sec09:41
crackerjackzgordonjcp: there are linux viruses.. anyone could write a malicious program but the likelyhood of getting one if you stick to only getting software from the ubuntu repositories is slim09:41
Maximus_sweet I gotta get my wifi working on my desktop then I'll paste the info into that site09:41
vbgunznothing really, the computer froze and I hard to do a hard reset and then no matter what, I get dropped at initramfs09:42
thomaslove7788Linux Mint 14 has windows install, too. If you want to install Linux Mint 14, it will uninstall your Unbuntu linux09:42
Frostbytellutz : I've made the setting and restarted, which log you want?09:42
vbgunzI can't get passed it and cannot mount /dev/sda1 from another install to save what I can09:42
crackerjackzhumans are the weakest link in security.. that was proven the other night when dell of all people actually held my files hostage09:42
crackerjackzwas my own fault09:42
thomaslove7788nice to be here. See you!09:43
llutzFrostbyte: check: "grep openvpn /var/log/* | less"   and look for anything tunX related09:43
Frostbytellutz : it made it in it's own directory - I'm fetching a paste - sec09:44
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:45
Frostbytellutz : http://pastebin.com/c7aRtHFJ09:47
Maximus_okay thanks for the help everyone, I honestly didn't think this IRC would help.. which it didn't really help, it kinda fixed itself.. but you tried and thats what counts09:47
Zambzhey guys, I've just been playing with Python's awesome virtualenv which lets you install python packages in a custom directory and create multiple virtual environments with certain packages.  This got me thinking, does anyone know of a way to do the same with Ubuntu packages via apt-get or similar?  Say for example, I want to install 3 - 4 Debian packages in one directory in environment A and09:47
Zambzthen have a clean environment with a different package in environment B? :) thanks heaps for your help in advance09:47
vbgunzon my main system, I cannot get past the initramfs prompt. my data is pretty much hostage at this point, if I could just save it I'll be grateful as all hell. can anyone help me at all?09:48
ZambzHave you considered booting into the CD and trying to mount your hard disk?09:48
Zambzmight be the way to go09:48
crimsonmanevbgunz: power down system. remove hdd. install hdd to another computer. recover data.09:49
llutzFrostbyte: you've seen the last lines, correct it09:49
Zambzto see if your files are safe, you could potentially then plugin a USB drive and copy em on there09:49
Frostbytellutz : yeah, I noticed09:49
Maximus_yea all of my controllers and devices are working, I guess loading it all from usb was talking a long time. the desktop showed up instantly but I couldn't move the mouse or keyboard.09:49
llutzFrostbyte: seems openvpn doesn't start due to this, thus there couldn't be a tun-device at all09:49
vbgunzI cannot mount that hdd from another installation.09:50
crimsonmanewhy can you not mount the hdd from another installation?09:51
Maximus_question, would I even need swap space with 16Gbs of RAM?09:51
crimsonmaneMaximus_: if you want to hibernate, yes09:52
crimsonmanevbgunz: for what reason can you not mount the hdd?09:52
llutzvbgunz: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/33284/recovering-ext4-superblocks09:52
Maximus_ah man.. and how much swap would be needed? it's 128GB SSD09:53
Frostbytellutz : if I edit easy-rsa with my openvpn path, I can't create certificates.. I get bash: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/whichopensslcnf: No such file or directory09:53
crimsonmaneMaximus_: i'd rather not continue this conversation. i am sorry but i do not feel i am qualified to advize09:53
satwoodthere is some way where i can ssh into a machine and then let another person see what commands i type : they attach to that terminal, what is it ?09:53
vbgunzit's a btrfs on /dev/sda1. I am not sure it is a btrfs problem (could be), I just keep getting dropped to an initramfs prompt when trying to boot up directly off the disk. from there, nothing I can do. from this system with the disk attached I run sudo mount -o ro /dev/sda1 /mnt and it just hangs09:53
crimsonmaneMaximus_: i think 16gigs swap09:54
Frostbytellutz : I guess I should move it09:54
crimsonmanesatwood: no. ssh will not appear for them. you want Remmina probably for Remote Control09:54
satwoodcrimsonmane: where is a way for them to connect to the same tty or something09:55
llutzFrostbyte: you shouldn't need to move anything. do you have certs created before?09:55
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
FrostbyteFrostbyte : yeah, but if it made the certs with "'pwd'" as default export dir, where are the certs?09:55
crimsonmanesatwood: none that i'm aware of. I think "Remote Control" is the simplest and most effective solution for you.09:55
crackerjackzyou think i could overclock a Intel Pentium T2060 / 1.6 GHz to 2.0 GHz with out frying it?09:56
crimsonmanesatwood: when you remote control, they see everything you do09:56
satwoodcrimsonmane: i want only for a terminal, not entire desktop, does remote control do that ?09:56
crimsonmanecrackerjackz: that's not so much the question as should be asking "WIll you have any noticable increase in performance" answer is no.09:56
llutzFrostbyte: whereever $PWD pointed at that time to. use "find" to get them or make new ones in the easy-rsa/keys dir09:56
crimsonmanesatwood: it's an unfortunate side effect of remote control, but you can just full-screen the terminal.09:56
satwoodcrimsonmane: i want only text, connectoin is slow, so looking for text based option only09:57
Frostbytellutz : I'll do them from scratch just to be sure, I made some changes09:57
llutzFrostbyte: usually you do as root: cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa ; . ./vars; ./build-ca09:57
crackerjackzcrimsonmane: id say the best thing i could do to increase performance would be to get some RAM, it has a gig in it but everything is still sluggish not really sure why. just got this computer a couple months ago09:57
Frostbytellutz : that's what I did now09:58
crimsonmanesatwood: i guess it's time to google09:58
crackerjackzi'm still curious about overclocking the processor though or maybe even overclocking the RAM09:58
crimsonmanecrackerjackz: a gig is TINY amount of ram09:58
Frostbytellutz : a little clarification, does it matter if the client1 cert has the same credentials with server cert? never figured why we need a client1 cert09:59
crimsonmanecrackerjackz: if possible, add a video card (make sure you have enough wattage from your power supply unit). and add one gig ram at least. make sure you have airflow for the vid card. this will improve your computer far more than overclocking your cpu by 0.3 ghz09:59
crackerjackzyah but ive ran other distros of linux with 256 and 512 mb ram. what can i do to tweak ubuntu?10:00
llutzFrostbyte: shouldn't matter, it just makes reading logs more difficult because all things are named equal10:00
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:00
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code10:00
Frostbytellutz : this is the first tutorial I googled http://geeksandtweaks.com/wp/how-to-create-a-vpn-server-on-ubuntu-12-04/10:00
llutzFrostbyte: why client cert? how do you authenticate when not using certs?10:00
ejoZambz: for that purpose just VirtualBox10:01
Frostbytellutz : dunno, I'm a newb pretty much xD10:01
vbgunzholy cow, for the first time in years, I am about to blow out data10:01
crimsonmanecrackerjackz: depends on the ubuntu. the latest is obvious more graphic intensive.10:01
crackerjackzi know theres gotta be something i can do to speed things up though maybe some running services or something making things slow10:01
llutzFrostbyte: i hate white on black sites :(  but seems basically ok10:01
Frostbytellutz : I'm trying to give it a re-go10:02
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llutzFrostbyte: you can place all those certs wherever you want, but you have to use the correct pathes in your openvpn-server.conf10:02
Frostbytellutz : yeap, figured10:02
Frostbytellutz : but the server conf only has entries for ca.crt server.crt and server.key and that dh thingy10:03
Frostbytellutz : do I need the client cert at all?10:03
llutzFrostbyte: for the client, yes10:03
llutzFrostbyte: thats not in server.conf10:03
Frostbytellutz : I won't be planning on using a client on that box, am I good to go?10:04
Frostbytellutz : I only want to make a mesh vpn10:04
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
icerootwhat is the common way to have an encrpyted folder (not partition) which can only be opened (gui and cli) when using a passphrase10:04
MonkeyDustcrackerjackz  picked this up in this channel http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401609/10:05
llutzFrostbyte: mesh-vpn?10:05
icerootand, is there a way to encrpyted a partition which is already in use (without formating)10:05
Frostbytellutz : much like how hamachi behaves10:05
Frostbytellutz : I believe openvpn can do that10:06
Frostbytellutz : I've got a tun0 \o/10:07
llutzFrostbyte: sorry i don't know what hamachi is/does, i only use openvpn as gateways for some clients. but i'd guess, whatever you want to connect to your openvpn still needs a cert to authenticate. but you might ask in #openvpn the more versed people about this10:07
vbgunzholy crap, btrfs-restore might just be the answer, it looks like it's creating the tree from sda110:07
Frostbytellutz : it's a mesh network that uses tunneling - it's just that they do the authentication and have their certs10:08
vbgunzI swear I get my stuff back, I will not mess with btrfs until it's automatic10:08
Frostbytellutz : but because most of the times I go through their relay, I wanted to host my own server10:08
Frostbytellutz : I'm gonna figure this soon, thanx for helping.. progressed a step now ;)10:08
llutzFrostbyte: good luck then10:08
buarhi, who can help me with canon1800 printer driver? i use xubuntu only one day and donn't know how install driver. i follow instruction on this page http://tantos.web.id/blogs/how-to-karmic-koala-and-canon-pixma-ip1800-ip1900 and cann't use printer10:13
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buaranybody here?10:18
satwoodbuar: yes10:18
satwoodanyone have a ubuntu vm for me to test something really quick please ?!10:18
satwoodwill take a day for me to install a new vm. if you can point for download a vm or vbox or allow me to ssh in that would be great10:19
buarsatwood, i cann't, mobile modem10:19
satwoodare the /etc/ conf files same for ubuntu and debian ?10:20
satwoodbuar: you can find the ip and give10:20
qdbhello. i have deleted necessary packages of desktop, and go to console login , but cannot type english letters to write my user name, due to some bug... of ubuntu 12.04 ... i reported that bug several hours ago. what i can fix with livecd ? i tried to write sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data in bashrc and go to recovery root shell, but it don't run10:20
satwoodare the /etc/ conf files same for ubuntu and debian ?10:20
delinquentmeis there a suuuper simple way to figure out what are the local machines on my network?10:20
delinquentmeI've just finished intalling the OS to my new rasberryPi ... and I want to ethernet it up the the LAN  and start poking at it10:21
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
icerootdelinquentme: this channel is only for ubuntu support10:25
icerootdelinquentme: ubuntu is not working on the rasperrypi so please use the channel of your distribution10:25
egorchik007hello guys10:26
egorchik007apt-get went crazy10:26
iceroot!details | egorchik00710:26
ubottuegorchik007: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:26
egorchik007i can't install any packet10:26
egorchik007ubuntu 12.04 LTS server version10:26
egorchik007sudo apt-get install <anypackethere>10:27
iceroot!paste | egorchik00710:27
ubottuegorchik007: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:27
iceroot!enter | egorchik00710:27
ubottuegorchik007: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:27
egorchik007 libapache2-mod-rpaf : dependance: apache2 или apache2-mpm10:27
=== erry_ is now known as erry
egorchik007but i can't install those packets. i had this issue since i've deleted (purged) apache2 packet10:27
icerootegorchik007: what is the output of "cat /etc/issue" and "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii"10:28
icerootdelinquentme: if you are not using samba/winbind/wins you have to ping the while network-range to see all devices10:28
egorchik007iceroot: one second. i tried to fix the problem using taksel install lamp, and it deleted openssh, and now i can't connect to the server10:29
egorchik007iceroot: i can connect to it physically. but sources are unmodified from default ones10:29
egorchik007also: libapache2-mod-rpaf - E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:30
egorchik007so, idk what to do now. it says there is unsatisfied dependance (see up), but i can't install the dependabce and i can't remove that packet10:31
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
icerootegorchik007: what is the output of "cat /etc/issue" and "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii"10:32
iceroot!info libapache2-mod-rpaf precise10:32
ubottulibapache2-mod-rpaf (source: libapache2-mod-rpaf): module for Apache2 which takes the last IP from the 'X-Forwarded-For' header. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6-2 (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 65 kB10:32
icerootegorchik007: the dpkg -l line would be interesting to see10:33
egorchik007iceroot: wait, i physically connected to server and now i need to manually type all this output here10:35
egorchik007iceroot: oh. it's impossible. =(10:36
icerootegorchik007: what does an "apt-get install -f" is doing on the server? maybe that is fixing it already10:36
egorchik007iceroot: the problem is that my OS is russian, so all the errors are in russian. and ubuntu server outputs russian symbols oncorrectly. but installing with -f flag does EXACTLY the same thing.10:38
egorchik007iceroot: i am trying now to install -f openssh-server, but i get error about libapache2-mod-rpaf that it has missing dependance : apache2 OR apache2-mpm10:39
icerootegorchik007: apt-cache policy apache210:39
iceroot!info apache2 precise10:40
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.22-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB10:40
icerootegorchik007: does it list 2.2.22-1ubuntu1 in the first entry from the main repo?10:40
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
delinquentmeI've got a raspberry pi which is directly connected to my laptop ( ethernet ) ... how can I ping it or interact with it?10:40
icerootdelinquentme: ping ip10:40
egorchik007iceroot: 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.210:40
egorchik007iceroot: ther first entry is:10:41
=== picca is now known as picca2
icerootegorchik007: which repo?10:41
egorchik007iceroot: 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.2 0, it's main10:41
delinquentmeiceroot, im not sure what the IP of the pi is when its directly connected to me10:41
delinquentmeunless... ifconfig?10:41
icerootdelinquentme: the ip you set10:41
icerootegorchik007: dpkg -l apache210:41
icerootegorchik007: what are the first 2 characters? ii?10:42
delinquentmeiceroot, well if ive got a direct ethernet connection... shouldn't the connection on my laptops eth0 give me exactly the connection port I want to ping?10:42
icerootdelinquentme: no10:42
icerootdelinquentme: you have to setup the network-configuration  ip and subnetmask10:43
egorchik007iceroot: the firts characters are [] (incorrect russian symblos). after ====== line there are 'un' letter, then apache2, then <[][][][]>10:43
egorchik007iceroot: so, i guess, 'un'10:43
egorchik007iceroot: if there any way to switch it to english, it would be greate10:43
icerootegorchik007: LANG=en_GB.UTF-810:44
Walexegorchik007: export LANG=C10:44
jayakarthihello everyone10:44
Walexiceroot: 'en_GB' might not be available...10:45
icerootWalex: ah yes10:45
icerootWalex: thx10:45
egorchik007iceroot: ok, done, now the firts line:10:45
egorchik007iceroot: Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold10:45
icerootegorchik007: the next line :)10:46
egorchik007iceroot: | Status=Not/Inst..... and ...10:46
icerootegorchik007: just the first two characters are interesting, ii, un10:46
egorchik007iceroot: i guess you need this line:10:46
icerootii  apache2          2.2.22-1ubuntu1. Apache HTTP Server metapackage10:46
icerootthe first to characters10:46
egorchik007iceroot: un apache2 <none> (no description availible)10:46
egorchik007iceroot: that's the only entry :(10:47
jayakarthihi seemz10:47
jayakarthiwelcome to ubuntu10:47
seemzhello jay10:47
egorchik007iceroot: so. it's "un", not "ii"10:47
seemzlets crate a channel10:48
Frostbytellutz : I made it! \o/10:48
icerootegorchik007: means "unknown state/not installed"10:49
vlad__Hello. I have a weird problem with my internet connection. If someone can help me.10:49
icerootegorchik007: sudo dpkg --configure -a10:49
egorchik007iceroot: sorry me for buggin you, but russian channel is quite dead - they're discussung what's better, vim or nano.10:49
icerootegorchik007: vim10:49
icerootegorchik007: .)10:49
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
egorchik007iceroot: :p done that command, no output.10:49
vlad__I have a wireless router and i use WPA auth .10:49
vlad__I have dual boot with Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 810:50
vlad__on windows 8 everything works fine.10:50
vlad__On ubuntu I manage to connect10:50
vlad__but ping to gateway and to do not work.10:50
vlad__I get no response10:50
vlad__Furthermore, I have access to a public wireless network ( the one I am now ), and here I do not have connectivity problems.10:51
egorchik007iceroot: well, i tried to -f remove libapache2-mod-rpaf. look at this:10:51
icerootegorchik007: and sudo apt-get install apache2 is bringing what exact error?10:51
vlad__Does anyone know where the problem could be ?10:51
egorchik007iceroot: dpkg: error proccessing libapache2-mod-rpaf.prerm ............ a2dismod : not found10:51
egorchik007iceroot: now trying to sudo apt-get install apache210:52
icerootegorchik007: so its an error from the postscript10:52
icerootäh pre-remove-script10:52
egorchik007iceroot: installing apache2:10:52
dr_willisvlad__: so a unprotected wifi connection works  but one with wpa or other security does  not?10:52
icerootegorchik007: apt-cache policy libapache2-mod-rpaf10:53
icerootegorchik007: which repo?10:53
egorchik007iceroot: unmet dependencies: apache2-mpm-worket and etc. (-prefork, -event, -itk)10:53
egorchik007iceroot: sec10:53
solar_seaHi. How do I run usb-creator on another linux system ? I have no cdrom and no windows system available. I'd like to install a live version of lubuntu to an sd card and use the rest of the available space for document storage.10:53
icerootegorchik007: should be look like this      0.6-2 010:53
iceroot        500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/universe i386 Packages10:53
egorchik007iceroot: 0.6-2 0, ukrainian host, yeap10:53
vlad__dr_willis: Yes. The one with wpa security also shows me as connected it assigns me an IP, mask and default gateway, but it does not respond to pings.10:54
Walexvlad__: our psychic advisors are all busy on other astral planes :-)10:54
egorchik007iceroot: and ther is one extra line10:54
icerootegorchik007: ls -l /usr/sbin/a2dismod10:54
egorchik007iceroot: 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status10:54
icerootegorchik007: does the a2dismod file exist?10:55
icerootegorchik007: apache2.2-common: /usr/sbin/a2dismod10:55
egorchik007iceroot: no such file/directory10:55
icerootegorchik007: dpkg -l apache2.2-common10:55
crackerjackzhow do i tell if im using alsa or pulse audio.. maybe the problem with my sound isn't the driver10:55
icerootegorchik007: ii?10:55
egorchik007iceroot: rc10:55
Walexcrackerjackz: you may be using both, as the typical config is to have an ALSA plugin which diverts to PulseAudio, which then uses ALSA10:56
Zambzejo: thanks for your reply :)10:56
crackerjackzID: 00:1b.0 is the device i'm trying to get working10:56
egorchik007iceroot: there is also no /etc/apache2, however, i back-uped the sites' configs10:56
=== mindstor1 is now known as mindstorm
icerootegorchik007: ok, so you removed apache2.2-common which is provinding the file /usr/sbin/a2dismod. that file is needed from libapache2-mod-rp for the remove-part, because the file does not exist the removing is failing and dpkg has a state where packages are not configured correctly10:56
crackerjackzWalex: well how do i figure out whats going on with my sound? how do i determin if its the driver or if its some config issue or something?10:56
egorchik007iceroot: so i want to install apache2.2-common back10:57
Walexcrackerjackz: use 'aplay -D plughw:0' to see if it works at the basic al10:57
crackerjackzit stopped working after i updated everything10:57
icerootegorchik007: but you cant because apt-get/dpkg is first trying to fix the other issue10:57
egorchik007iceroot: but it can't10:57
egorchik007iceroot: well, i know that i'm an idiot. that's true. so what should i do?10:58
Walexcrackerjackz: it is quite difficult to figure out ALSA and PulseAudio for most people, if it doesn't "just work" then it is quite challenging.10:58
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
Walexegorchik007: perhaps you could tell <iceroot> what you are trying to achieve, what you want the final state to be.10:59
icerootWalex: i know it already10:59
* Walex has missed that10:59
crackerjackzWalex: i didn't hear anything when i typed that command. when i open my mixer it mentions both alsa and pulse audio.. i think it was originally just using pulse audio.. i installed ubuntu on this computer using an old cd then upraded/updated10:59
crackerjackzand the sound stopped working10:59
Walexcrackerjackz: you have to type that command with a sound file too11:00
crackerjackzWalex: ooooh11:00
egorchik007Walex: first of all, i want to fix that dpkg error, that can't let me install any packets. (openssh-server is the most needed)11:00
vlad__dr_willis: Any more information I can provide ?11:00
egorchik007then i want to fix my apache211:00
icerootegorchik007:  i would (dont say its the best method or that it is working) install apache2.2-common by hand with dpkg -i  from here http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/apache2.2-common then remove that failing package because a2dismode exist then11:00
egorchik007it worked till 0:46, then i got sms that it's down11:00
egorchik007i tried to reinstall in differtent ways and then i've done some silly things11:01
icerootegorchik007: or you could remove the a2dismod line from the prerm script of that package and rerun the remove of that package11:01
egorchik007iceroot: will try now to wget that packet and install it manually11:01
Walexor run the remove with a '--force' option IIRC11:01
icerootWalex: does it ignore errors from the prerm script?11:01
crackerjackzWalex: i don't hear anything11:01
Walexcrackerjackz: that could be just because the mixer defaults to zero.11:02
crackerjackzWalex: the sliders are all the way up tho11:02
Walexcrackerjackz: and what do those sliders control?11:02
crackerjackzWalex: master and PCM11:03
crackerjackzHDA Intel (alsa mixer)11:03
Walexcrackerjackz: run and put output in a pastebin of 'aplay -l; aplay -L; amixer'11:03
icerootegorchik007: in /var/lib/dpkg/info  there should be a *.prerm file from this failing apache2 package11:04
icerootegorchik007: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libapache2-mod-rp.prerm11:05
icerootegorchik007: in that file uncomment all lines with a2enmod and a2dismod11:05
egorchik007iceroot: i've just downloaded the deb with packet. so what is better to do, install it manually or edit that script?11:05
icerootegorchik007: script11:05
egorchik007iceroot: ther is no such file11:06
icerootegorchik007: libapache2-mod-rpaf was the package which is failing?11:06
egorchik007iceroot: only ....rpaf.prerm11:07
icerootegorchik007: yeah thats what i mean :)11:07
egorchik007iceroot: and there are only a few lines, no commented at all11:07
crackerjackzwalex 06:07 -!- Bladerunn [blade@unaffiliated/bladerunner] has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in]11:07
icerootegorchik007: mom11:07
crackerjackzcopy pasta fail11:07
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
icerootegorchik007:     a2dismod -q -f rpaf || true11:08
icerootegorchik007: put a # infront of that line11:08
crackerjackzhttp://pastebin.com/4CTxF0tY Walex11:08
egorchik007iceroot: oh, ok11:08
icerootegorchik007: save the file11:08
icerootegorchik007: and then sudo apt-get install openssh-server11:08
icerootegorchik007: it should now execute the pending remove of libapache2-mod-rpaf11:08
icerootegorchik007: if not use "sudo apt-get install -f"11:09
egorchik007iceroot: same error about dependencies11:09
egorchik007iceroot: while installing11:09
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator11:09
egorchik007iceroot: will now try with -f11:09
egorchik007iceroot: same shit with -f flag11:09
icerootegorchik007: sudo apt-get remove libapache2-mod-rpaf11:10
egorchik007iceroot: failed11:10
egorchik007iceroot: erorr about restarting apache2 (failed, of course)11:11
icerootegorchik007:     invoke-rc.d apache2 restart11:11
egorchik007iceroot: can't open /etc/apache2/envvars11:11
icerootegorchik007: comment that line too11:12
icerootegorchik007: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libapache2-mod-rpaf.prerm11:12
icerootegorchik007: after that, remove that package again11:13
egorchik007iceroot: done, tried to remove praf package again:11:13
egorchik007iceroot: 'fi' unexpected11:13
egorchik007iceroot: i will now comment the whole if-block11:13
icerootegorchik007: yes11:13
vlad__Walex: I did not understood your earlier reply.11:14
egorchik007iceroot: well, error is the same11:15
egorchik007iceroot: that's the script http://pastebin.com/h958Jf7M11:15
icerootegorchik007: you forgot to comment the fi :)11:15
a0lexhey what does eta 16w 2d mean? 16 weeks & 2 days ?? Oo11:16
icerootegorchik007: if foobar fi  is the complete syntax for an if block11:16
egorchik007iceroot: oh, i though it's a part of whole sh script, like return 0;11:16
egorchik007iceroot: yeaaah, removed that packet, installing ssh11:16
icerootegorchik007: total strange script... command || true11:16
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
icerootegorchik007: fine11:17
cjae!info meld11:17
ubottumeld (source: meld): graphical tool to diff and merge files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.0-1 (quantal), package size 413 kB, installed size 2023 kB11:17
satwoodare the /etc/ conf files same for ubuntu and debian ?11:17
icerootegorchik007: if the prerm file still exist, remove it completly11:17
egorchik007iceroot: installed ssh, unconnecting the monitor and keyboard, 1 sec11:17
egorchik007iceroot: (ssh works)11:17
icerootegorchik007: fine, so everything should be fine again11:18
sudo-apt-gethello, which software shows disk usage by files on a pie chart?11:18
cjaedoes anyone know how good the comparison between files is in meld?11:18
icerootsudo-apt-get: maybe there is a gui for "du"11:18
cjaethe option seem quite weak in it11:19
egorchik007iceroot: so how can i install apache2 correctly? i have no /etc/apache2 dir now ;p11:19
sudo-apt-geticeroot, I wanna know which folder occupies a lot of space.11:19
=== Zeroedout_ is now known as Zeroedout
icerootsudo-apt-get: du -sh /folder/to/start/the/search/11:19
sudo-apt-geticeroot, ty11:20
icerootegorchik007: sudo apt-get install apache211:20
icerootegorchik007: always use apt-get and never something else11:20
tuxillois there some developers channel for ubuntu?11:20
icerootegorchik007: or software-center11:20
iceroottuxillo: #ubuntu-dev or #ubuntu-devs11:21
iceroot!alis | tuxillo11:21
ubottutuxillo: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:21
egorchik007iceroot: server, no gui, no s-c. i used aptitude a long time ago11:21
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator11:21
tuxillook thanks iceroot.11:21
icerootegorchik007: dont use aptitude11:21
icerootegorchik007: if you are using amd64 (64bit) aptitude may bring you issues on multiarch11:21
egorchik007iceroot: i don't use it since 10.04 :)11:21
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.11:21
icerootegorchik007: fine :)11:22
egorchik007iceroot: $ sudo apache2ctl start apache2: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: No such file or directory11:22
dsenatorHi all11:22
egorchik007iceroot: how can i make him to create a config for me?11:22
icerootegorchik007: you installed apache2 with sudo apt-get install apache2?11:22
egorchik007iceroot: sure11:22
egorchik007iceroot: /etc/apache2 is on it's place, but no  conf11:23
icerootegorchik007: and what should apache2ctl start apache2 be?11:23
dsenatoranyone knows how to get Mono Moonlight working on Ubuntu... I cant11:23
icerootegorchik007: sudo service apache2 start  to start apache211:23
egorchik007iceroot: it should start apache11:23
icerootegorchik007: no11:23
icerootegorchik007: please only use "sudo service daemonname start"11:23
egorchik007iceroot: well, that ^ -> /etc/init.d/apache2: 51: .: Can't open /etc/apache2/envvars11:24
egorchik007iceroot: ok, didn't know about that11:24
icerootegorchik007: output of "cat /etc/issue"11:24
LittleRedhi... i want to upgrade my laptop from 10.4 to 12.04... should I do a fresh install or just do step upgrades?11:24
icerootegorchik007: and "dpkg -l apache2"11:24
egorchik007iceroot: Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS \n \l, then empty string11:24
egorchik007iceroot: ii now11:25
icerootegorchik007: "which apache2"11:25
icerootegorchik007: /usr/sbin/apache2?11:25
icerootegorchik007: dpkg -l apache2.2-common11:25
dsenatoranyone knows how to get Mono Moonlight working on Ubuntu... I cant11:25
egorchik007iceroot: well, there is /etc/apache2 and httpd.conf inside11:25
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
egorchik007iceroot: ii also11:26
icerootegorchik007: there should be /etc/apache2/apache2.conf11:26
icerootegorchik007: and /etc/apache2/httpd.conf11:26
egorchik007iceroot: no apache2.conf, httpd.conf is empty. may i download a sample file?11:26
icerootegorchik007: no11:26
icerootegorchik007: do you have any apache configuration now you still need?11:27
icerootegorchik007: or can we completly reinstall apache2?11:27
egorchik007iceroot: i backuped my sites-enabled, so we can :)11:27
icerootegorchik007: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 && dpkg -l apache2.2-common11:28
sudo-apt-geticeroot, theres a software known as disk usage analyser, exactly what I wanted !!(shows disk usage graphically)11:28
icerootsudo-apt-get: thats the gui for "du" :)11:28
egorchik007iceroot: deleted, common is ii11:28
icerootsudo-apt-get: du = disk usage11:28
icerootegorchik007: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2.2-common11:29
egorchik007iceroot: done11:29
vlad__Hello. I have a weird problem with my internet connection. If someone can help me.11:29
vlad__I have a wireless router and i use WPA auth .11:29
vlad__I have dual boot with Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 811:29
vlad__on windows 8 everything works fine.11:29
vlad__On ubuntu I manage to connect11:29
FloodBot1vlad__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:29
icerootegorchik007: because you or someelse else killed the config and only removed the metapackage apache2, apache2.2-common was still installed and that package is handling the default conf-files11:29
sudo-apt-geticeroot, oh, i didnt know that :)11:29
icerootegorchik007: sudo apt-get install apache211:29
delinquentmeso I've got a mounted SD card at /dev/sda2 .... how can I acccess these files via command line?11:29
icerootdelinquentme: /dev/sda2 is not mounted11:30
icerootdelinquentme: that is only the device-name11:30
XotixI just installed 12.10 on virtualbox. Is there an easy way to change the cholor scheme?11:30
icerootdelinquentme: normally it should be automaticly mounted11:30
egorchik007iceroot: installed. now all configs are on it's place11:30
icerootegorchik007: and apache is running?11:30
icerootdelinquentme: "mount" should show you the path where it is mounted11:31
icerootdelinquentme: /dev/sda5 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)11:31
icerootdelinquentme: something like that11:31
egorchik007iceroot: yes, however, it gives me .php files as a file. so i need to install mod_php11:31
icerootdelinquentme: /media/foobar/sonstwas/11:31
egorchik007iceroot: yes?11:31
icerootegorchik007: sudo apt-get install php511:31
icerootegorchik007: atfer that "sudo service apache2 restart"11:32
delinquentmeiceroot, bingo /media/567E7C787E7C52AB     $ df -h11:32
delinquentmePS .. what does df stand for?11:32
icerootdelinquentme: fine :)11:32
saviobefore upgrading to 12.10  should i remove PPA11:32
egorchik007iceroot: done, it stlls give me php sources11:32
icerootdelinquentme: display filesystems? dont know11:33
vlad__I have a connectivity problem . It is described here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401733/11:33
icerootegorchik007: sudo a2enmod php  or something like that11:33
vlad__If anyone could help I would be very thankful .11:33
icerootegorchik007: sudo a2enmod11:33
icerootegorchik007: then there is a "menu" which is asking what should be enabled for apache211:34
saviodelinquentme, df gives infomation about mounted file system11:34
delinquentmedf (abbreviation for disk free)11:34
egorchik007iceroot: yep, but nothing for php (ctrl-f'ed it, nothing)11:34
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
dsenatoranyone knows how to get Mono Moonlight working on Ubuntu... I cant11:35
icerootegorchik007: dpkg -l libapache2-mod-php511:35
satwoodare the /etc/ conf files same for ubuntu and debian ?11:35
Cottusvlad__: you can check /etc/resolv.conf, about ping, maybe the router does not allow it11:35
icerootsatwood: no11:35
egorchik007iceroot: installed11:35
satwoodare the /etc/ conf files same for ubuntu and debian ? (please put my name when you reply)11:35
satwoodiceroot: how are they different ?11:35
egorchik007iceroot: o_O why it's not working11:35
icerootsatwood: ubuntu is using upstart, debian not, ubuntu is using different software versions then debian11:35
icerootsatwood: dont mix them!!11:36
icerootegorchik007: sudo a2enmod php511:36
tuxilloiceroot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:36
egorchik007iceroot: no modules for php at all. ERROR: Module php5 does not exist!11:36
icerootegorchik007: dpkg -l php511:36
egorchik007iceroot: installed. i can now try to reinstall i11:37
icerootegorchik007: ls -l /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini11:37
icerootegorchik007: php -v11:37
egorchik007iceroot: file exists, PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.411:38
icerootegorchik007: ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-available/php11:39
icerootegorchik007: ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-available/php*11:39
savioanybody here who upgrade from 12.04 to 12.1011:39
iceroot!anyone | savio11:39
ubottusavio: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:39
jribsavio: what is your question?11:39
saviois it worth it11:39
icerootsatwood: never touch a running system11:39
jribsavio: try a live cd, or install it virtualized and see if it's worth it for you.11:39
egorchik007iceroot: no such module11:40
satwoodiceroot: its not a running system, how do the conf files differ ?11:40
egorchik007iceroot: only proxy* module on P letter at all11:40
satwoodother than versions ?11:40
icerootsatwood: i said already what the diff is11:40
icerootsatwood: if you want details use "diff"11:40
LittleRedok... looking at docs show I need to do a fresh install... but now the question is 11.10 or 12.04? any opinions on either?11:40
icerootegorchik007: sudo apt-get remove --purge libapache2-mod-php5 && sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php511:41
icerootegorchik007: that package is providing the conf-files11:41
icerootegorchik007: can it be that you deleted the apache directory on /etc/apache2/ by hand?11:41
satwoodiceroot: "ubuntu is using different software versions then debian" is this is the only differnece ?11:41
icerootLittleRed: 12.0411:41
dsenatoranyone knows how to get Mono Moonlight working on Ubuntu... I cant11:41
jribLittleRed: definitely 12.04 or 12.10.  12.04 is the latest LTS release.  12.10 is the latest release.  I wouldn't recommend an 11.10 at this point11:41
dsenatoranyone knows how to get Mono Moonlight working on Ubuntu... I cant11:42
dsenatoranyone knows how to get Mono Moonlight working on Ubuntu... I cant11:42
icerootsatwood: i also said that ubuntu is using upstart, debian not11:42
iceroot!work | dsenator11:42
ubottudsenator: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.11:42
egorchik007iceroot: i've deleted it by hand, yes11:42
satwoodok looking up upstrat11:42
jribdsenator: you go to the moonlight page and click on install11:42
icerootegorchik007: never ever do that again!!!!11:42
LittleRed<jrib> why not 11.04?11:42
egorchik007iceroot: ok ;p11:42
egorchik007iceroot: well, now ther is another proble11:42
egorchik007iceroot: it runs SLOWLY. AMAZINGLY SLOW11:42
icerootegorchik007: the packages are providing conffiles and dpkg knows the package is installed, when you delete the files by hand, dpkg still things that the files are there11:43
dsenatorjrib, reason I am here is cos I tried all possibilties11:43
jribLittleRed: because these are old.  11.04 is no longer supported.  11.10 will end support in april of next year.11:43
dsenatorit wont work at all in crhome11:43
jribdsenator: all possibilities?  So describe exactly what happened when you tried the possibility I suggested11:43
dsenatorin firefox it say installed but nothing still11:43
egorchik007iceroot: well, it doesn't wok at all, loading forever11:43
icerootegorchik007: what exactly?11:43
saviojrib, 12.10 makes many changes it uses python 3.2 and many more does it improve performance/usability on your opinion I can't download livecd because my internet connection sucks11:43
egorchik007iceroot: pm'ed you adress11:43
icerootegorchik007: i will never click on russia adrresses :)11:44
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icerootegorchik007: always porn and spam and trojans and so on :)11:44
jribsavio: I use both 12.04 and 12.10 depending on whether I want to upgrade the system every 6 months or every 2 years.  They're both very usable.11:44
icerootegorchik007: and lets use this chat11:44
egorchik007iceroot: pm'ed you my ISP domain11:44
egorchik007iceroot: ok, dojulia.soborka.net11:44
LittleRedjrib: makes sense... just did the desktop to 12.04, and don't want to leave the laptop in the dust. I'll need to reload some of the drivers, right? I just trying to get the scope of work figured out so I know how much time I'll need11:45
vlad__I have a connectivity problem . It is described here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401733/11:45
jribdsenator: http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/download.aspx you went here in firefox and installed the xpi?  Does it show up in your extension list?  How are you testing moonlight?11:45
egorchik007it has DLE installed, but it doesn't work now (loading....)11:45
icerootegorchik007: just reinstall/reconfigure the packages which are providing files to /etc/apache2/11:45
jribLittleRed: ideally, you wouldn't have to reload any drivers...11:45
icerootegorchik007: like libmod-apache-php and so on11:45
dsenatorjrib, I am trying a website done with MS Expression and it tell me i need Silverlight to view (just like flash) and Moonlight is the alternative in Ubuntu11:46
LittleRedjrib: had to load the video driver last time, but it's all good, it's an Nvidia11:46
quatarHi guys,,, it's my first time installing ubuntu in dual boot on UEFI. I'm going to boot from a 12.04 64bit flash drive and install with the automatic "alongside" installation. Is there somehing I've got to know before absolutely?11:47
WaqarAzeemHi eveyone, Last night i was gtting a trouble to configure the RealVNC on Ubuntu. It was my first experience with RealVNC ... My simple question is ... I have created a multiple user on Ubuntu and on each user session i run RealVNC by using su.  Port forwrarding at 5900 on my router. Now only one user that have Administrative priveliges can access its remotedesktop. No one else can access the11:47
egorchik007iceroot: purged and reinstalled php5 mod, same thing11:47
OerHeksdsenator, moonlight isn't developed anymore, i ( in holland) cannot see some tv stations also, bad luck11:48
jribdsenator: moonlight won't run everything silverlight can.  You'll have to read the details on their site, but for example, netflix doesn't work.  See if they have some sort of simple test to see if moonlight is installed correctly11:48
icerootegorchik007: sudo apt-get remove --purge libapache2-mod-php5 && sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php511:48
icerootegorchik007: --purge is the important flag in this case11:48
mithrani cant find the external Hard Disk in my ubuntu 12.0411:48
quatarin general... anybody here already troubleshooted with UEFI? In particular, I'm working on a lenovo laptop11:48
dsenatorjrib, I wasnt trying to watch movies tho, its just s website built with microsoft Expression11:48
OerHeksdsenator, even with this answer from askubuntu to rename the .xpi to .zip it doen't work here. > http://askubuntu.com/questions/80293/moonlight-extension-not-working-with-new-firefox-versions11:49
egorchik007iceroot: oh, nevermind11:49
egorchik007iceroot: it was mysql connection error11:50
egorchik007fuck :/11:50
mithranMy External hard disk is not detectected in ubuntu it is already been used in the apple laptop11:50
egorchik007iceroot: seems that tasksel remove my mysql11:50
icerootegorchik007: sudo apt-get install mysql-server11:50
egorchik007iceroot: it is installed (dpkg says it's ii)11:51
egorchik007iceroot: however, could taksel wiped mysql configs?11:51
dsenatorOerHeks, I see... I simply went on the moonlight site and downloaded and directly to plugin11:51
icerootegorchik007: i never used tasksel11:51
egorchik007iceroot: basicly, how can i reconfigure mysql passes?11:51
icerootegorchik007: dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server11:52
icerootegorchik007: sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server11:52
LittleRedjrib: thanks for the input... off to create a disk and get it done11:52
jribdsenator: well did it get installed or not...? Do you see it in your extensions list?11:52
egorchik007iceroot: empty output11:52
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
icerootegorchik007: sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server && sudo apt-get install mysql-server11:53
mithranplease help me  My External hard disk is not detectected in ubuntu it is already been used in the apple laptop11:53
icerootegorchik007: it will create a new user-db11:53
jribegorchik007: your site loaded fine over here by the way...11:53
icerootegorchik007: you have a backup of the databases?11:53
egorchik007iceroot: no backup :(11:54
egorchik007jrib: after a few minutes of loading or instantly?11:54
icerootegorchik007: so mysql is running but you dont know the root-pw for it?11:54
jribegorchik007: it took a few seconds, not minutes11:54
egorchik007iceroot: it runs, but my sites after a minute of loading says it's mysql error.11:55
jribegorchik007: ~12 seconds11:55
egorchik007jrib: thanks11:55
icerootegorchik007: and what error excactly?11:55
egorchik007iceroot: cannot connect to mysql. all. possibly, it has no mysql module for php installed?11:55
egorchik007iceroot: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'exsserver.ru' (110)11:55
dsenatorjrib, its there in extension list11:56
dsenatorgoing thru the process of asking me to allow plug in and restarting firefow11:57
egorchik007iceroot: well, the root pass remained the same11:57
jribdsenator: then it's installed, see if it works on other sites that use silverlight11:57
JacruthEy guys, is there any way do automatic updates?11:57
egorchik007iceroot: i logged in via phpmyadmin11:57
dsenatorit doesnt11:57
dsenatorjrib, it doesnt11:57
icerootegorchik007: then your apache/php config for mysql seems to be deleted too11:57
egorchik007iceroot: so i can make a back if needed11:57
icerootegorchik007: did i say never delete files by hand again?11:57
dsenatorjrib, sent the site to you, dunno if you saw it11:57
mithranplease help me  My External hard disk is not detectected in ubuntu it is already been used in the apple laptop anybody please help me11:57
egorchik007iceroot: i haven't delted anything except /etc/apache211:58
icerootegorchik007: you can connect to mysql using phpmyadmin?11:58
egorchik007iceroot: yes11:58
jribdsenator: so what happens at this site: http://www.aquosgames.com/spectrum/spectrumfull.html11:58
egorchik007iceroot: but with root11:58
icerootegorchik007: then apache/php are able to talk to mysql11:58
egorchik007iceroot: i will now take my site using root user, too11:58
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icerootegorchik007: no!!!11:58
icerootegorchik007: dont do that11:59
icerootegorchik007: not on a production system11:59
et_im sorry i tried a few solutions from the net but right now using an nvidia 9500 card with ubuntu 12.10 is lame11:59
icerootegorchik007: mysql-injecgtion at its best11:59
egorchik007iceroot: i know, but it seems that it deleted the site's user11:59
delinquentme_I should be able to ssh into my own system with " ssh "  .. no?11:59
icerootegorchik007: just debug your webapplication why it cant connect to mysql11:59
mah454In ubuntu server : freeradius can not load  "SQL" Module ! receive this message : "/etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default[159]: Failed to load module "sql"."11:59
egorchik007iceroot: i need to try if the problem is on DLE or somewhere else11:59
icerootdelinquentme_: yes11:59
jribdelinquentme_: sure11:59
mah454This package installed : freeradius-mysql11:59
icerootdelinquentme_: when openssh-server is installed12:00
mah454How can fix this problem ?12:00
et_mah454 install it12:00
mah454et_: package freeradius-mysql alrady installed12:00
et_then enter mysql12:00
mah454et_: ! sorry ?12:01
marcappuccinoAnyone know if it is possible to compress .flac files to .tgz or .tar.xz etc?12:01
et_ohh my bad12:01
dsenatorjrib, its asking me if i wanted to install the required add-on...12:01
mah454et_: enter mysql ?12:01
jribdsenator: it asks about codecs, probably12:01
et_try that in term12:01
icerootmarcappuccino: of course it is possible12:01
icerootmarcappuccino: but useless12:01
dsenatorjrib, yes12:01
dsenatorso i am downloading12:01
marcappuccinoiceroot: Why is it useless?12:02
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marcappuccinogunzip says unknown format12:02
marcappuccinotar cvf ... has no size advantage...12:02
icerootmarcappuccino: tar has never a size advantage12:03
marcappuccinoiceroot: so what is the point of tar ;)?12:03
icerootmarcappuccino: to create a archive12:03
egorchik007iceroot: a BIG thank you for helping me with fixing my crooked hands12:03
icerootmarcappuccino: multiple files into one file12:03
sudo-apt-getHello, I deleted files from my pendrive but the pendrive shows the same amount of disk space on ubuntu. How can I solve it?12:04
mah454et_:  I can not understand ! How can fix this problem ? Freeradius + Mysql in Ubuntu server 12.0412:04
icerootmarcappuccino: togehter with zip (tar.gz) it is one file which is also compressed12:04
icerootmarcappuccino: also see "man tar"12:04
egorchik007iceroot: if you haven't helped me so much, i might have reinstalled my os :)12:04
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icerootsudo-apt-get: you did it on the gui?12:04
icerootsudo-apt-get: there it is in the trash of the device12:04
icerootegorchik007: you are welcome12:04
sudo-apt-getI couldnt also remove it from trash.12:05
sudo-apt-geticeroot, ^12:05
iceroot!work | sudo-apt-get12:05
ubottusudo-apt-get: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:05
marcappuccinoyes, i perform `tar cvf x.tgz` or `tar cvf y.tar.xz --xz` and the size is the same...12:05
saviosudo-apt-get, format it12:05
icerootwe should bring !work !details and !anyone every 5 minutes here automaticly .)12:05
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dsenatorjrib, it now gives an error message 'An error occured when installing the software' Permission Denied is written under that12:06
icerootmarcappuccino: because you cant compress flac files12:06
jribmarcappuccino: you need "z" to compress...12:06
icerootmarcappuccino: flac is uncompressed audio, you can compress (quality loss) it only with mp3 and so on12:06
sudo-apt-getI tried to shift delete the contents of the trash of pendrive but the pendrive doesnt show extra space.12:06
marcappuccinoiceroot: what is `z`?12:06
mithranplease help me  My External hard disk is not detectected in ubuntu it is already been used in the apple laptop anybody please help me12:06
MonkeyDustsudo-apt-get  show hidden files, there's a hidden .trash file12:07
jribmarcappuccino: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?  it's not clear.12:07
jribdsenator: on firefox?12:07
mithranhow can i set the permissions for an apple time mechine backups12:07
saviomithran, does your hard disk connect internally or externally12:07
mithransavio:  external12:08
MonkeyDustsudo-apt-get  show hidden files, there's a hidden .trash-100 file, delete that12:08
saviomithran, means usb right?12:08
mithransavio: yes12:08
sudo-apt-getMonkeyDust, it works now, but why is it hidden? Why dont ubuntu devs make it like windows?12:08
mithran an apple time mechine backups12:08
marcappuccinoiceroot: sorry, basically, I have been given a set of audio files in the .flac format, which amount to 1.6 GiB. I would like to compress them into a compression archive such as .tgz, which would contain the .flacs...12:08
saviomithran, use lsusb and paste the output12:08
mithransavio: thats the name showa in media12:09
jribmarcappuccino: tar czvf12:09
mithransavio: what12:09
mithransudo lsusb12:09
saviomithran, user terminal and enter lsusb command12:10
Eagleman7Where do i find the default config file for rsnapshot ( not in /etc/rsnapshot )?12:11
dsenatorjrib, yes in firefox12:11
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sudo-apt-getWhere do the deleted files of ubuntu go? .trash like in pendrive?12:11
mithransavio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401799/12:11
jribdsenator: what happens here: http://mosaicwonder.com/gallery/DeepZoom.aspx?idx=412:11
jrib!trash | sudo-apt-get12:11
ubottusudo-apt-get: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.12:11
sudo-apt-getty jrib12:12
saviomithran, is it toshiba hard drive12:12
marcappuccinojrib: I done `tar czvf abc.tar.xz abc`, and file size is the same as the original folder...12:12
sharpshooter!pixmap | sharpshooter12:12
jribsudo-apt-get: I remember a proposal to empty trash on removable devices when the devices were unmounted, but I have no idea if that was implemented12:12
sudo-apt-getjrib, Yes thats a very good idea.12:13
mithran that was used in apple an apple time mechine backups12:13
jribmarcappuccino: I suppose that's possible.12:13
mithransavio: yes12:13
mithran that was used in apple an apple time mechine backups12:13
saviomithran, disconnect it and connect it again then use "dmesg | tail " in terminal and paste output12:14
sudo-apt-getjrib, why doesnt ubuntu have an option of shift-delete?12:14
icerootmarcappuccino: flac is uncompressed audio, you can compress (quality loss) it only with mp3 and so on12:14
icerootmarcappuccino: as i said already12:14
mithransavio: ok12:14
marcappuccinoiceroot: yes, but is there no way to compress to an archive and reduce file size? Forgive me for my naivity12:15
mithransavio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401810/12:15
jribsudo-apt-get: are you using nautilus?  I seem to have that option12:15
icerootmarcappuccino: yes if you convert them to mp3 or something like that12:15
MonkeyDustmarcappuccino  FLAC is sort of equivalent of WAV, but FLAC can be flagged, WAV cannot12:15
icerootmarcappuccino: its useless to compress flac, avi and some others with zip or something like that12:16
marcappuccinoso .tar archives are irrelevant the only way to reduce filesize is to compress to a lossy codec like mp3?12:16
icerootmarcappuccino: comressing working great on text-based files but not something like flac or avi12:16
marcappuccino(MonkeyDust iceroot)12:16
icerootmarcappuccino: yes12:17
marcappuccinoAh thanks. Can i ask why?12:17
icerootmarcappuccino: what do you think why mp3 exist? because to compress something like wav/flac12:17
sudo-apt-getjrib, that thing doent work fro pendrives.12:17
saviomithran, use df -h command and paste output12:17
jribmarcappuccino: FLAC is specifically designed for efficient packing of audio data, unlike general purpose lossless algorithms such as DEFLATE which is used in ZIP and gzip. While ZIP may compress a CD-quality audio file by 10–20%, FLAC achieves compression rates of 30–50% for most music.  I imagine this is why...12:17
jribsudo-apt-get: what thing?12:18
sudo-apt-getjrib, nautilus shift-delet12:18
jribsudo-apt-get: what happens when youtry?12:18
marcappuccinoI thought mp3 existed to not have to decompress to be able to play the media (iceroot)12:18
sudo-apt-getgoes into .trash12:18
icerootmarcappuccino: yes thats another reason12:18
WaltherUh, if there are any devs around, I'd suggest looking into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-experimental-310/+bug/108504412:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1085044 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-experimental-310 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-experimental-310 does not provide nvidia-current" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:18
jribmarcappuccino: mp3 is lossy, flac is lossless.  Compression isn't the same12:19
icerootWalther: #ubuntu-bugs12:19
Waltherah, nice12:19
jribsudo-apt-get: in edit → preferences → behavior, do you have the option enabled to include a "delete" command that bypasses the trash?12:19
savioWalther, i suggest to post on bug squad channel12:19
marcappuccinoah ok12:19
Waltherjoined, thanks12:19
mithransavio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401817/12:19
Waltherdidn't know that existed12:19
marcappuccinothanks everyone: jrib, MonkeyDust iceroot12:19
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saviomithran, your drive is mounted but only in read-only mode12:20
dsenatorhmmm, jrib something funny is happening, I get the loading percentage thing and i get a black screen when its complete and then a few moments  something shows up, I see an image12:21
sudo-apt-getjrib, thanks. The option was disabled by default I think.12:21
sudo-apt-getjrib, It should have been enabled by default.12:22
jribsudo-apt-get: have to make it hard for people to destroy their files :)12:22
dsenatorjrib, http://imagebin.org/23779312:22
jribdsenator: sure, while it's loading.  Then eventually it works?12:23
sudo-apt-getjrib, actually, not enabling it makes it hard to delete their files :O12:23
blackshirtso,what the problems ?12:23
sudo-apt-getmy little brother could not delete files from pendrive because it went directly to .trash and he didnt know what to do because it was hidden.12:24
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sudo-apt-getHe formatted the pendrive using windows later.12:25
dsenatorjrib, here is the site I had issues with at www.awafoundation.net and thats the output i get after loading http://imagebin.org/23779412:25
blackshirthidden files/dir was like regular files in linux ... Nothing makes their differences12:25
jribdsenator: you can right click on the picture for example and see "moonlight settings"? Anyway, seems like it's installed.  If you want, we can check permissions since you shouldn't have gotten that permission error earlier.  What does « find ~/.mozilla ! -user $USER » return?12:25
jribdsenator: same behavior here on your awa site.  It's likely something that just isn't compatible with moonlight12:26
iIlL10Oohow to move a windows to desktop3 in shell cmd or c++ api ?12:26
sudo-apt-getblackshirt, hidden files are disabled by default.12:26
jribiIlL10Oo: maybe wmctrl12:26
blackshirtwhat you mean with disabled by default ?12:27
sudo-apt-getsorry, hidden.12:27
delinquentme_so I just reformatted a SD card using the GUI disk utility .. and its able to be opened with Nautilus... HOWEVER ... fdisk is showing it as fat32 ... why?12:27
iIlL10Oojrib: thank you12:27
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dsenatorhmm I see12:28
Guest37589to com vc12:28
TakeItEZdelinquentme_: fdisk shows partition-ids not filesystem12:28
blackshirtnothing special with hidden files or folder in linux ...12:29
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MonkeyDustGuest37589  it works, you're in12:29
dsenatorjrib, /home/dsenator/.mozilla/plugins12:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:29
delinquentme_TakeItEZ, $ sudo fdisk -l   ... shows a fat3212:30
jribdelinquentme_: ls -ld /home/dsenator/.mozilla/plugins12:30
TakeItEZdelinquentme_: yes,fdisk shows partition-ids not filesystems. use "sudo blkid"12:30
shallwehi guys, can i use fsck for scan ntfs partitions?12:31
dsenatorjrib, the ls  -ld gave me drwxr-xr-x 126 dsenator dsenator 20480 Dec  1 09:5612:31
shallweim fear in damage something12:31
jribdsenator: as what user did you run the find command?12:31
TakeItEZdelinquentme_: even if a partition-id is "0x0b fat32" it says nothing about the filesystem really contained.12:31
blackshirtshallwe, there are ntfsfix for them ... But, commonly, fsck.ntfs was linked to them12:31
dsenatorermmm not sudo12:31
dsenatorlet me try sudo now12:31
jribdsenator: no.12:32
delinquentme_TakeItEZ, noted!12:32
dsenatoranyway, it gave same thing12:32
shallweblackshirt, thx man, i will try12:32
jribdsenator: what command did you run? Actually, just pastebin what you see in your terminal: the input and output.12:32
Eagleman7This will run every month ( 11-12-01-02 )  on monday at 2:30 midnight?12:32
Eagleman730               2               *                      */1                     mon                     /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot monthly12:32
blackshirtshallwe, but maybe better you chkdsk through your windows12:33
dsenatorhow do you do pastebin12:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:33
jribEagleman7: every monday, no?12:33
Eagleman7ow sorru, the first monday of a month?12:33
jribEagleman7: every monday, no?12:34
Eagleman730               2               1                      */1                     *                       /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot monthly12:34
Eagleman7every month at the first day of the month at 2:30 midnight12:34
jribEagleman7: sure, that runs on the first of every month, but "*/1" is the same as "*"12:35
mithransavio: how can i change it12:35
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quatarOh please I need help!!! I installed ubuntu in dal boot on a UEFI-equipped lenovo laptop, i followed the instructions from the ubuntu online documentation etc.... now ubuntu works fine but Win8 won't load anymore!!!! It's there, but it won't load12:35
dsenatorjrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401844/12:35
Eagleman7What wont load, any errors?12:35
saviomithran, have you familiar with mount command12:35
TakeItEZEagleman7: if you want "the first monday of a month" you need to check that inside your script running. cron can't do12:35
mithransavio: how12:36
jribdsenator: ls -ld /home/dsenator/.mozilla/plugins12:36
Eagleman7Take its not defined in the script12:36
Eagleman730               2               1                      *                       *                       /usr/local/bin/rsnapshot monthly12:36
savio!mount | mithran12:36
Eagleman7should work12:36
ubottumithran: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:36
jribEagleman7: sure12:36
dsenatorjrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401848/12:37
jribdsenator: sudo chown -R $USER: ~/.mozilla/plugins                 (don't make typos)12:37
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Eagleman7How will this do? there is 30 minutes between each backup to prevent errors:  http://pastebin.com/FkWz43HA12:38
jribdsenator: this likely happened because you ran firefox with sudo (which you should not do) by the way12:38
saviomithran, ?12:38
jribEagleman7: seems fine12:39
Eagleman7Ok i set it live lets see what happens :)12:39
mithrani won't get it12:39
jribEagleman7: rsnapshot is in the repositories by the way...12:39
mithranis it used in terminal12:39
Eagleman7i used apt-get12:40
jribEagleman7: but you're calling /usr/local/bin12:40
Eagleman7i rather link to the command12:40
jribEagleman7: apt-get won't install to /usr/local/bin12:40
dsenatorjrib, here is the firefox plug in page http://imagebin.org/23779612:40
jribdsenator: that's fine. Do you have any questions?12:40
mithransavio: is it used in terminal12:40
Eagleman7*                       rsnapshot hourly12:40
mithransavio:  i won't get it12:41
jribEagleman7: yeah12:41
Eagleman7not sure if that works in a cronjob12:41
jribEagleman7: it should (works here), but you can give full path if you want to be safe12:41
Eagleman7i dont have to set any path to a command in crontab?12:41
dsenatorjrib, I am still on same issue, nothing has chalnged really12:41
saviomithran, yes mount is command used to mount file system12:41
jribdsenator: as I said, that site likely doesn't work with moonlight12:41
blackshirtDir /usr/local/bin was used for local administrator12:41
Eagleman7any idea where i can find the command rsnapshot?12:42
saviomithran, wait12:42
TakeItEZEagleman7: "which rsnapshot"12:42
mithransavio: just type ' !mount '12:42
jribdsenator: you can reinstall it if you want in case your permissions issue caused something to not be fully installed (for example those codecs from before).  But it likely won't make a difference based on the behavior I see here12:42
TakeItEZEagleman7: or "whereis rsanpshot"12:42
TakeItEZrsnapshot even12:42
saviomithran, mount12:42
mithransavio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401863/12:43
dsenatorjrib, so no solution you say12:44
r_ironfisthi, guys.12:44
r_ironfistis there any way to tile windows in ubuntu's unity?12:45
dsenatorjrib, the site works with silverlight nicely... such a shame12:45
saviomithran, wait12:45
jribdsenator: you can see if you can install silverlight in a wine version of firefox (check appdb.winehq.org), or use a virtualized windows install.12:45
mithransavio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401863/12:46
Eagleman7rsnapshot is a wrapper around rsync right?12:46
mithransavio:  ok ok12:46
jribEagleman7: it uses rsync12:46
TakeItEZEagleman7: yes12:46
Eagleman7same like easy-rsa with openvpn12:47
Eagleman7it used openssl12:47
=== Bladerunner is now known as Bladerunn
Ny0hi everyone, is there anyone who can help me setting up Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications on lenovo g580 and ubuntu 12.0412:48
angsI am using ubuntu 12.04. the name of my wireless interface changes frequently, e.g. it sometimes wlan0, sometimes wlan3, ... how can I fix it?12:48
dsenatorjrib, yes it works in my virtual box but I have an openGL issue in VB and cant use my 3d graphics software so I am about to remove the vb now, since the only reason I have it is for the 3d application, plus it slows my system down a lot12:49
saviomithran, use "sudo mount -t hfsplus -o rw /dev/sdb2 /mnt12:49
dsenatori wi ll try the winn instal12:49
mithransavio: ok12:49
saviomithran, a word from me if you mount with write enable data written by apple backup will not use if you change the content12:49
mithransavio: ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401879/12:51
mithransavio: it shows like this12:52
saviomithran, use sudo umount /dev/sdb2 first then command i gave you your data will be on /mnt after command success12:53
r_ironfistonce more: is there any way to tile windows in ubuntu's unity?12:55
mithransavio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401901/12:56
mithransavio:  is it over12:56
saviomithran, use ls /mnt12:57
saviomithran, and if there is content then you are done12:58
mithranfirst  ls /mnt12:58
saviomithran, yup12:58
mithransavio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401911/13:00
mithransavio: seems like this13:00
saviomithran, use sudo ls /mnt13:01
k1l_no need for sudo. just use "ls -al /mnt"13:02
mithransavio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401920/13:03
mithransavio: but the disk is not yet mounted13:04
saviomithran, it is mounted in /mnt location13:04
mithransavio:  how can i copy that data to my system13:05
SPYGAMEhey, is anyone having issues using xchat connecting to freenode server, everytime i try to connect to freenode it gives me "network unreachable", other servers work fine13:05
mithranseeing that i have no permission in mnt location13:06
saviomithran, you want to copy that data then you no need to mount it as writable. you should tell me first. Now use " sudo umount /mnt " then remove hard drive and reconnect again13:07
mithransavio: ok trying13:07
mithransavio:  ok don it13:08
mithransavio:  reconnected13:09
saviomithran, now goto file manager and in Device tab you should see your hard drive13:09
mithransavio:  no cant find it13:10
saviomithran, use ls  /media13:10
saviomithran, what you see13:11
mithransavio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401934/13:12
ceriasNQZHi everyone!13:12
robotti^tell me! is 12.10 notably more bloat than 12.04?13:13
robotti^because of animations on unity?13:13
saviomithran, did you see the folder name start with  APPLE ......13:13
mithransavio: APPLE Time Machine Backups13:13
mithransavio: yas13:14
saviomithran, that's your hard drive if you see the past you pasted you can get it13:14
OerHeksrobotti^, what do you want for an answer?13:14
saviomithran, go there using file manager and copy everything13:14
CatbuntuAnimations on Quantal are better IMO13:14
CatbuntuBut when it was released Unity was buggy, is it still buggy on 12.10?13:15
savioCatbuntu, unity is more mature now even better in 12.1013:15
CatbuntuThen I should upgrade, shouldn't I?13:15
mithranbut in medi file manager shows it as  folder contend could not be displayed13:16
savioCatbuntu, what system are  you using ? OS?13:16
mithransavio: but in medi file manager shows it as  folder contend could not be displayed13:16
robotti^OerHeks: is it? or not? because I was planning to update to 12.10. but somebody tell me that 12.10 is slower13:16
rekoilneed some help installing ubuntu 12.10 on my 2012 macbook air13:16
kudin_help me why erorr13:16
rekoilits the 5,2 version13:16
kudin_Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: http://my.archive.ubuntu.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> W: GPG error: http://my.archive.ubuntu.com precise-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> W: GPG error: http://my.archive.u13:16
saviomithran, ohh13:16
mithransavio: but in media file manager shows it as  folder contend could not be displayed13:16
spm_DragetIs there a commandline way to list all manually installed packages?13:16
CatbuntuI'm using Ubuntu 12.04 now... I use to use Unity, and sometimes gnome shell.13:16
rekoili want as clean an install as possible13:16
spm_DragetI.e. without any dependencies.13:16
CatbuntuI also have Xubuntu and Kubuntu 12.10 installed.13:17
rekoilso i am most certainly not installing refit13:17
mithransavio: what shall i do13:17
savioCatbuntu, you can make your own decision13:17
CatbuntuDo you recommend me upgrading?13:17
rekoilbut when i do a normal install, all i get when trying to boot is "missing operating system"13:17
OerHeksrobotti^, it is like kicking open doors, any newer ubuntu version is 'better'13:17
rekoilanyone know how to fix this?13:17
CatbuntuAnd are the NVIDIA drivers issues fixed on Quantal?13:18
saviomithran, use la command to see file inside your hard drive13:18
saviomithran, ls*13:18
rekoilany thoughts13:18
rekoilit boots fine from efi when booting from the usb13:18
rekoilbut after installing it just will not boot13:18
spm_Dragetrekoil: Read a bit about UEFI and Boot-Settings. Your UEFI Bootloader (if it was instlaled correctly) needs to be configured to chainload grub.13:19
spm_DragetGoogle for macbook and ubuntu and read over the parts talking about UEFI.13:19
rekoilspm_Draget: i am using apples own bootloader13:19
et_what card are you using13:19
Eagleman7What does the file_mode and dir_mode part?   /media/samba/mybooklive cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 013:20
rekoilit is able to efi-boot the usb drive13:20
mithransavio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1401950/13:20
saviomithran, not like that you should go to /media then your hard drive13:21
saviomithran, then use ls13:22
rekoilspm_Draget: any tips? i mean its booting as it should when booting from usb, is post-install all that different from that?13:22
mithransavio: please tell me the commands in order13:22
spm_DragetI do not have a macbook and do not know anything about how to get uefi-grub into the macbook bootloade,r sorry.13:22
mithrani will try them13:22
spm_DragetIs there a commandline way to list all manually installed packages? (i.e. no dependencies)13:23
TakeItEZEagleman7: they define what permission new created files/dirs on that share will have13:23
Eagleman7isnt the default umask better?13:23
rekoilanyone here managed to install 12.10 on a macbook air?13:23
rekoilor other macbook for that matter13:23
transmadrickanybody free to chat about Transmission?13:26
TakeItEZEagleman7: better than 777 in most cases, but that depends on your setup13:26
TakeItEZ!anybody | transmadrick13:27
ubottutransmadrick: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:27
Eagleman7and rsync/rsnapshot wont care about the file_mode= ?13:27
TakeItEZEagleman7: they will care13:27
TakeItEZEagleman7: you want rsnapshot to backup to cifs-shares?13:28
TakeItEZEagleman7: can cifs preserver permissions?13:28
Eagleman7But i could also make a script to make a tar from the weekly.0 backup and then copy the tar to a cifs share13:28
Eagleman7I dont know if it can13:29
TakeItEZEagleman7: test it and see if permissions/ownerships will be kept ok13:29
transmadrickOkay, thanks ubottu. How can I make Transmission download to a specific subfolder. It only seems to allow top-level choics?13:29
arturohey guys. i'm on mint14 right now and and downloading stuff/updates in painfully slow. anyone else have a problem? i run speedtest.net and i'm still downloading in my tiered plan's speed. also changed server to singapore and korea  instead of main (i'm in the philippines, it's closer) and no change. i'm talking 10-30kbps here when trying to download chromium13:31
TakeItEZ!mint | arturo13:31
ubottuarturo: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:31
marianneok... had to take the OS back to 10.04 to get the prompt to upgrade to 12.04....anyone know why? I was on 10.1013:34
jribmarianne: from 10.10, you upgrade to 11.0413:34
marianneit wasn't giving me that option...13:35
jribmarianne: can't troubleshoot that now I guess13:35
marianneit kept erroring out13:35
mariannejrib: it's all good, I'll end up where I want to be13:35
Eagleman7rsync: symlink "/media/samba/mybooklive/rsnapshot/hourly.0/homeserver/etc/init.d/udevtrigger" -> "/lib/init/upstart-job" failed: Operation not supported (95)13:36
koen_can anyone share some insight on the following: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2089911 ?13:36
Eagleman7So i have to use my tar trick13:36
christoffermarianne, not sure but that is probably because those releases are no longer supported. If I remember correctly you can never upgrade to a release that has reached "end of life".13:37
christofferthat is 11.04 that has reached end of life a month ago that was your first step from 10.1013:37
mariannechristoffer: that's what I was thinking. I waited too long to get around to it13:38
spupuser1When I try to install with wubi this error comes up, "the selected partition /var/lib/partman/devices/=dev=sda contains the following images /ubuntu/disks/root.disk". I tried deleting /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk and swap.disk (just in case) but the installer then will always ask for a chkdsk (which I performed)13:38
jribmarianne: it's possible, you can /msg ubottu !eolupgrades if you are curious13:38
spupuser1this is my third re-install of wubi, I think my .iso is corrupted13:39
jrib!verify | spupuser113:39
ubottuspupuser1: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:39
almoxarifespupuser1: that error comes up when?13:40
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spupuser1It was downloaded correctly but wubi (?) somehow corrupted/modified it.13:40
jazzkutyais it ok to ask kde question here? noone answers on #kubuntu13:40
spupuser1it comes up when I try to do a fresh re-install of ubuntu using wubi13:40
mariannejrib: not too worried about it now. update manager is showing 12.04.1 is available13:41
jribmarianne: k13:41
spupuser1oh and I forgot to mention this is ubuntu 12.0413:42
almoxarifespupuser1: there are two parts to wubi, the exe and the iso, assume they are both trash, del the /ubuntu dir, uninstall wubi via win, and go from scratch, btw, the iso can be d/l via any means you choose, just insure its it the same dir as wubi.exe when you start wubi again13:43
spupuser1I did delete /ubuntu and did remove all traces of wubi including its %temp% files, this .iso worked previously but a recent md5 shows that it has been modified13:45
koen_spupuser1: did you open the iso an an archive manager, and save it?13:46
spupuser1no I did not modify it intentionally13:46
koen_spupuser1: just get a fresh copy of the iso13:47
xpoqzfresh install, having problems when doing certain operations in window x, like using "dash home" or dragging around the windows. Using the X.org ATI driver that was installed by default. Also tried to remove vsync from compiz config manager like google suggested..13:48
spupuser1I would but my I am currently throttled and my connection is quite unstable13:48
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koen_spupuser: don't use an installation source, when the cryptographic hashes don't match.13:49
spupuser1it used to match perfectly and it worked fine but my latest wubi session somehow modified it13:50
emodhey how do I make a website with ubuntu-desktop?13:51
koen_spupuser1: i don't think the wubi-installer modifies an iso. it only needs to read the iso, never write to it.13:52
saferemod: use php ide or any text editor13:52
emodsafer: oh. how do I do it with php in ubuntu-desktop?13:53
saferemod: I am not sure what you are asking for13:53
emodsafer:  no, just how to make a website with php in ubuntu-desktop13:54
saferemod: do you want to write php code?13:54
emodsafer:  no, I want to make a website.13:54
spupuser1I will try installing with the wubi provided in the iso, bye13:56
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c0dremod: i like bluefish13:58
xpoqzfresh install, having problems when doing certain operations in window x, like using "dash home" or dragging around the windows. Using the X.org ATI driver that was installed by default. Also tried to remove vsync from compiz config manager like google suggested..14:01
transmadrickGotta go - 'bye folks!14:04
qwmI would like to disable the function of authentication in the system since a mouse is inactive set time14:04
piezo_hello everybody, windows left and ubuntu 12.10 installed. Iḿ pretty exciting how functional this linux is, but i have a mature problem. when i activate my 3 monitors, the system has a very low performance. i dont know what the problem is, so i hope someone can help me here. if you need more informations i can tell you of course14:09
quatarhi all.. i think i accidentally broke the possibility of having a graphical interface14:11
quatarwhen i boot up my 12.04 LTS 64bit i just get the terminal14:11
totodist1Ciao a tutto il chan da totodist114:11
quatarand in the ctrl+alt+f7 i have some messages (but no errors i think)14:11
quatarno, well, i get some errors...14:12
quatarwhat i have done is make and then make install of what inside the last item here: http://linuxwireless.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/14:15
quatarit was expected to fix my eth0 connection14:15
quatarbut it managed to broke my interface!14:15
quatarHow can i restore that!?14:15
guest-GSAHPn_chanserv identify ricardo14:16
DJonesPassword change time guest-GSAHPn_ :)14:16
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guest-GSAHPn_hi everyone14:17
guest-GSAHPn_I have a wifi issue with my laptop (ubuntu 12.10) after upgrading the kernel. I can't connect with wireless...(excuse my english, i'm french native language)14:19
quatar:( nobody can help me to get my graphics back?14:19
almoxarifeguest-GSAHPn_: all you did was a kernel upgrade?14:23
almoxarifeguest-GSAHPn_: did you include the 'headers' with the upgrade?14:23
guest-GSAHPn_in fact there was a little disconnexion during the downlaod...14:24
guest-GSAHPn_i' ve downloaded via command line (apt-get udpdate & upgrade)14:25
BluesKajHiyas all14:26
almoxarifeguest-GSAHPn_: do it again if you had a 'disconnect' the first time14:27
invariantI get: /usr/bin/vlc: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/vlc: undefined symbol: FromLocale Does anyone know why? Reinstallation of vlc did not help.14:27
guest-GSAHPn_i've done it and  i was told " nothind else to install or upgrade"14:28
guest-GSAHPn_*oops nothing14:28
sqrbrkthi all, I'm trying to delete an empty directory on an external drive only to be told it isn't empty. I've tried as root and there are no hidden files. Any suggestions?14:29
guest-GSAHPn_is it possible to repair a kernel misintallation in command line to solve this problem?14:29
almoxarifeguest-GSAHPn_: on a terminal, to insure the headers are there, 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic'14:30
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dimitrii have a prob when i copy a files.... the target time is not the time of files but the current time14:30
guest-GSAHPn_ok almoxarife14:30
dimitrithere is someone help me ?14:30
sidd_makhow to list all avail packages in repos ?14:32
dchernivdimitri, copy = create so the copy will have the current time in the time stamp14:33
almoxarifeguest-GSAHPn_: assuming that some files were installed in the process, you will need to re-boot14:33
baddaysqrbrkt: did u try via terminal?14:33
sqrbrktbadday: yep14:34
guest-GSAHPn_ok i quit ...and i'll be back soon14:34
sqrbrkt"rm: cannot remove ... : Directory not empty"14:34
sqrbrktI tried sudo rm -rf14:34
baddaysqrbrkt: can you cd into the dir and write "ls -a"?14:35
b_headcan anyone tell me how to use backtrack5 on ubuntu 12.10?14:36
sqrbrktbadday: yep, just shows ". .."14:36
baddaysqrbrkt: so you wrote "sudo rm -rf /path/to/dir"?14:36
sqrbrkti've tried a few variations, yes that was one14:36
sqrbrktAlso tried deleting from Windows (it's on an external drive)14:37
sqrbrktvery strange!14:37
b_headcan anyone tell me which one works?14:37
user82hi people. i hope this is specific enough to be "ubuntu" but i tried to use the "-d" command in screen and it just does not work. i my commandline wrong? "screen -d -S led -m make && sudo ./ledtest"14:38
baddayb_head: ur question is too general14:38
b_headi have seen several descriptions but no one works for using backtrack on ubuntu. any help?14:38
VIVIDb_head, try installing the software you want to use14:39
ricardo_almoxarife, are you in? if yes what should I type in terminal? thx14:40
sqrbrktbadday: thanks for your input - gotta run now14:40
baddaysqrbrkt: no problem, you´re welcome14:40
ricardo_(i 'm back)14:41
b_headVIVI, i have the iso file for backtrack5 and how do i get it to work with ubuntu? it doesnt works with direct in stall14:41
VIVIDb_head, its an operating system, you would install it beside or in place of ubuntu.  to use it within ubuntu, youll need to use something like virtualbox14:42
VIVIDb_head, alternatively, you could just install the applications used in backtrack and use them from ubuntu14:42
quatarhi all. Suppose I accidentally broke something trying to install some unsupported module, and I now can't get graphic (ctrl+alt+f7)... how can I revert to a working configuration?14:43
eroomdehi. is there a canonical guide for post-installation removal of all the amazon bloat/malware from 12.10?14:43
DaemonicApathyDepends on what you broke, quatar. A clean install is the only definite fix, without more information.14:44
b_headVIVID, what application used in backtrack i can be able to install and used from ubuntu ?14:44
=== julz is now known as yetty
ricardo_hi. after a ' apt-get update & dist-upgrade', I've lost my wireless connexion14:44
TakeItEZ!adlens | eroomde14:44
ubottueroomde: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ14:44
VIVIDb_head, probably all of them, ubuntu has likely the largest software repository14:44
eroomdeubottu and TakeItEZ : thanks14:45
ubottueroomde: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:45
eroomdeTakeItEZ: thanks14:45
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!14:45
quatarDaemonicApathy, this is what i've done: http://www.zyxware.com/articles/2680/solved-wired-connection-eth0-not-detected-in-ubuntu-12-0414:45
quatarDaemonicApathy, anyway I'm ready to reinstall if necessary but it's going to be the first time I reinstall on UEFI14:46
quatarand I want to be sure that it's safe14:46
ricardo_i'm on ubuntu 12.10 . there was a little problem during the download (a little disconnexion) and the wireless connexion don't work14:46
ricardo_i'm on ubuntu 12.10 . there was a little problem during the download (a little disconnexion) and the wireless connexion don't work14:47
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:47
ricardo_is it possible to repair the kernel?14:48
VIVIDricardo_, i have to think that if it was broken, the computer wouldnt do anything14:48
giuseppe_hi all, anyone could help me in the omniauth and twitter connections? I'm using this guide: http://railscasts.com/episodes/235-omniauth-part-1 but after when I try I get OAuth::Unauthorized  401 Unauthorized14:48
joint2kubuntu can't see my windows 8 partition14:49
DaemonicApathyquatar: Assuming the instll went without error, did you also restart your system?14:49
bhaveshUnity is quite laggy in 12.10, it takes 1-2 secs to open the dash after clicking dash home, also search and browsing installed apps is laggy, I already installed nvidia proprietary drivers, any fixes?14:50
quatarDaemonicApathy, the install went wihout errors but the modprobe couldn't find "alx". Then i rebooted (but i only got a terminal), apt-get upgraded too etc...14:51
=== Oren_Bochman_ is now known as Oren_Bochman
VIVIDbhavesh, did you restart the machine after installing the nvidia drivers?14:51
quataranyway in the meantime I'm again installing the system DaemonicApathy!14:51
bhaveshVIVID, yup14:51
almoxarifericardo_: is the only issue 'wifi'?14:52
almoxarifericardo_: in terminal, 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit' follow that with 'sudo pastebinit /var/log/syslog' the output link share here14:53
Guest19426 14:53
bhavesh 14:54
Guest19426I want to change the pc name ,but I don't known  how to change14:54
DaemonicApathyOk, quatar. Turns out the compat drivers listed in the main article don't support alx. You would have to use "compat-wireless-2012-05-09-p.tar.bz2" or "compat-wireless-2012-05-09-pc.tar.bz2" if you were to try the process again.14:54
jrib!hostname | Guest1942614:55
ubottuGuest19426: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.14:55
quatarDaemonicApathy, yes i'll need to redo the process. Thanks for the suggestion.14:55
bhaveshGuest19426, gksudo gedit /etc/hostname in terminal14:56
quatarDaemonicApathy, but -p and -pc in what differ?14:56
DaemonicApathyThere is t least one mention of -p not working, while -pc did.14:56
ricardo_almoraxife: done14:56
Guest19426ok  I try it14:56
almoxarifericardo_: the link?14:56
=== H is now known as Guest61946
ricardo_almoraxife, do you see  the problem?15:00
quatarDaemonicApathy, for my information, how come that there exist working drivers since a long while and they are not still distributed with ubuntu?15:01
joint2kubuntu can't see my windows 8 partition. its impossible to dual boot15:04
jsxdoes the ubuntu image i just downloaded has all the patches released so far15:04
joint2kno secure boot15:04
joint2kwindows 8 will not allow a daisy chain dualboot at the moment15:04
joint2kwhen to fix?15:04
jsxhi, can anyone answer this question in askubuntu.com "does the ubuntu image i just downloaded has all the patches released so far" --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/224125/does-the-ubuntu-image-i-just-downloaded-already-have-all-the-latest-patches-and15:05
Tm_Tjoint2k: this is not a place to ask that15:05
Tm_Tjsx: does not, but it does offer installing updates rightaway, or even during the install I believe15:05
joint2kof course not...15:05
Tm_Tjoint2k: if you need support, please ask, but stop polluting the support channel with non-support discussion/monologue, thanks (:15:06
joint2kwell thanks. this room is always so helpful15:06
joint2kyea.. whatever15:06
jsxoh, ok.. I couldnt find reliable info on that anywhere else, so asked15:06
Tm_Tjsx: it's good to ask when unsure (:15:06
almoxarifericardo_: did wifi work prior to upgrading the kernel? what was the old kernel?15:07
ricardo_yes , it worked before upgrading...15:07
d13g_me too15:09
OerHeksjsx, only development version 13.04 has a daily build15:09
hitman2010456Hello ẞ15:10
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.15:10
hitman2010456Whats up ẞ15:11
DaemonicApathyquatar: No idea.15:11
hitman2010456WHO ARE U15:11
jsxthanks OerHeks15:11
jsxand Tm_T15:11
baddaysb kick him?15:12
almoxarifericardo_: i would re-install the last kernel that did work15:12
hitman2010456is there a book to understand BackTrack15:12
Tm_T!backtrack | hitman201045615:13
ubottuhitman2010456: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:13
b_headi would like that too. a book to understand backtrack15:13
DaemonicApathyhitman2010456: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/forum.php15:13
hitman2010456I need to know  how programming to understand BackTrack15:14
OerHekshitman2010456, wrong channel15:14
xomniverseIs it possible to make Guake so that, when it is transparent, it shows whatever windows I have up behind it rather than the desktop? Right now, adjusting the transparency just shows more or less of the desktop behind it.15:14
DJoneshitman2010456: As the link says, you need to ask in the backtrack irc channels, this is only support for Ubuntu15:14
b_headUBOTTU, if someone wants to crack a wifi key using reaver on backtrack, how does one go about this on ubuntu 12.10? i already installed reaver on my ubuntu15:15
ubottub_head: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:15
hitman2010456you are15:15
nongoogleI forgot my password :C15:15
hitman2010456from what15:16
b_headUBOTTU, where is the backtrack irc channels located?15:17
DJones!backtrack > b_head15:17
ubottub_head, please see my private message15:17
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords15:17
hitman2010456UBOTTU, where is the backtrack irc channels located15:18
OerHekshitman2010456, read back.15:18
hitman2010456Battlefield 315:18
naxilmi servirebbe di capire come settare una porta su un ip.. qualcuno puo aiutarmi?15:19
hitman2010456ubuntu is strange15:19
naxilooops eng channel15:19
hitman2010456no its german15:20
OerHeksstop trolling, hitman201045615:20
hitman2010456Ok, Sry bro.15:20
almoxarifehitman2010456: perhaps this will help, http://bit.ly/Sx5Jue15:20
BluesKajhitman2010456, click here, #backtrack15:20
hitman2010456Bros, can somebody help me to understand linux15:22
baddayI am trying to connect to my android tablet in fastboot mode (blue LED on, usb deb. activated), lsusb does recognize it, anyway, fastboot does not list it; any clues?15:22
hitman2010456ME TOO PLEASE15:23
baddayb_head: don´t shout15:23
k1l!backtrack | hitman201045615:23
ubottuhitman2010456: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:23
baddayhitman2010456: you were told about that. If you have no clue, inform urself how IRC works15:23
almoxarifebadday: perhaps #android-root can help15:24
baddayalmoxarife: ok, I will ask there, too, however, I thought that might be a Ubuntu-specific issue15:24
tulpeHi, suspend isn't working on my dell notebook, when I push the suspend button or the menu entry, nothing happens. pm-suspend works flawless. Any ideas?15:24
almoxarifebadday: no15:25
nongoogleon my ubuntu box i opened up a root account to change my password but when i try to get my password changed i see errors, when i try to delete the password i get something about /etc/shadow15:26
k1lbadday: did you see the device with "sudo fastboot devices"?15:27
baddayalmoxarife: is that channel on freenode?15:27
baddayk1l: no, but it appears at lsusb15:27
baddayk1l: but fastboot does not recognize it15:27
Onixsdevice should also be in fastboot isnt it15:29
k1lbadday: erm? is it in fastboot mode?15:29
=== new is now known as Guest71896
baddayk1l: think so, pressed vol+ and power, display is black, blue LED on and ID changed at lsusb15:29
k1lbadday: that dffers fro device to device. but since that is not  a ubuntu issue better ask the device-community what exactly to do15:30
ubuntuaddictedanyone do any screencasting with ffmpeg?15:30
Onixseither that or add vendor15:30
k1llike looking at xda-developers15:31
ubuntuaddictedkeep getting Could not open 'rtmp://live.justin.tv/15:31
baddayk1l: unfortunately it´s quite an unknown device15:31
baddayk1l: Already wrote there at the forum, do they have a IRC-Channel?15:31
almoxarifeubuntuaddicted: yeap, nothing there15:32
ubuntuaddictedalmoxarife, obviously theres nothing there, it fails to start the stream of my desktop with the error I posted15:33
baddayk1l: here is my post there: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3479653815:34
almoxarifeubuntuaddicted: obviously :)15:34
almoxarifeubuntuaddicted: the link is incomplete15:34
ubuntuaddictedalmoxarife, i omitted my live key for obvious reasons15:35
ubuntuaddictedalmoxarife, how can i tell if my ffmpeg is capable of steaming? http://pastebin.com/ygMRgcxF15:35
almoxarifeubuntuaddicted: obviously,15:36
leohakIs the Ubuntu tv out yet?15:36
almoxarifeubuntuaddicted: no idea15:36
leohakOkay Catherine15:37
leohakI mean how.  Lol15:37
k1lleohak: no, its not yet published15:37
leohakWas hoping to buy one15:38
leohakI bet they have problems with the content providers15:39
k1lbadday: sure that device got fastboot?15:39
thelinuxAmazing, I got few days ago to steam beta, you should check your emails, I guess they added more steam beta testers.15:39
gulag2012Next year maybe? Still fiddling with XBMC. Is the plan for Ubuntu tv to be integrated in Televisions or a set top box?15:39
leohakOn the tv15:40
k1lbadday: not all devices got that. the motorola milestone didnt have fastboot, too. so that would be my first point of search15:40
baddayk1l: how can I be sure?  pressed vol+ and power, display is black, blue LED on and ID changed at lsusb15:40
=== fisted_ is now known as fisted
k1lbadday: and that is not a ubuntu issue. when adb is installed from the repos on 12.10 fastboot works15:40
leohakEven on set top boxes it would. Be ok15:40
=== patr|ck_ is now known as patr|ck
gulag2012I watched a video on Youtube for it. It looked very promising. It's a very crowded market.15:41
almoxarifeok, so i installed lxde-buntu on the android tablet, works great, except for key presses, how do i fake a right-click?15:41
almoxarifeok, so i installed lxde-buntu on the android tablet, works great, except for key presses, how do i fake a right-click? within lxde that is15:42
leohakMaybe even the manufacturers don't want other companies doing the software15:43
baddayalmoxarife. did u install it native?15:43
gulag2012Well, it's hard everyone wants you to be in there own walled garden.15:43
jazzkutyano msttcorefonts package in 12.10? how can I install those fonts?15:44
nrdbI have a mdadm raid system setup... I noticed that it was doing a resync .... but I had received no mail to notify my of it ... :-( ... I checked the mdadm can mail me with "mdadm --monitor --scan --test" and I got the emails ... mdadm is running in daemon mode .... why didn't I get an email?15:44
compdocgulag2012, how do you like XBMC? I recently installed Plex Media, and its seems to work pretty well15:44
funkthi there would anyone know how i can change the background colour of my folders in 12.04 to say black?15:44
gulag2012I love XBMC, other than the menu system. I like it a lot. It plays everything and I can stream all my favorite tech shows.15:45
leohakOr just buy an mede8er15:45
almoxarifebadday: native?15:45
baddayalmoxarife: yeah, or just on top of android?15:45
=== nick is now known as Guest15397
baddayk1l: I just realized that if  I start the device in fastboot-mode (as I think) with Micro-SD-card inserted, it does not appear at lsusb at all15:46
almoxarifebadday: not sure how to answer that, its not an app, i would say its running native in the background15:48
Guest15397i have installed the aswesome window manager, i use it by loggin in an typing "startx" i dont really want to do this and have seen before a login prompt of which would be much better. Please could someone let me know how i can achiev this? Thanks15:48
gulag2012I just found away to get Adobe flash player off my system. There is a greasemonkey plugin called Viewtube.15:48
baddayalmoxarife: do u use the arm- branch then?15:48
dchernivGuest15397, what do you want exactly?15:49
almoxarifebadday: yeap, the omap4 kernel15:49
baddayalmoxarife: so I guess u had to boot to fastboot mode, too, hadn´t u?15:50
Guest15397i want the system to bootup to a gui login manager that logs me in to awesome.15:50
koen_can anyone shed some light on the following? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208991115:51
Guest15397either that or way to stop other people from going onto terminal 1 and breaking the startx command and thus having access to my machine15:51
gulag2012Ha ha. Logs me in to awesome!15:51
Guest15397whats funny ?15:51
dchernivGuest15397, you can install gdm or for kde kdm or if you want lightweight Slim is nice15:51
dimitrihow i preserve time and date file to copy with nautilus ?15:52
Guest15397ok ill take a look at gdm thanks15:52
Guest15397what about xdm ?15:52
xrlgfhello, in firefox where can i remove the tools that are installed when browsing a website, (tools inform we can add shotcust and other stuff for websites)?15:52
dimitricp and scp use -p parameter but nautilus ?15:52
KingArschfickwarum ist das hier so boring15:53
baddayKingArschfick: Username is offensive, ask questions if you want, otherwise you get kicked. No German language allowed, English only15:54
FreeaqingmeHow can I configure dhclient (preferably via /etc/networking/interfaces) that it uses a different fqdn per interface?15:56
badday!ask | NiggaWhatNiggaOh15:57
ubottuNiggaWhatNiggaOh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:57
dchernivFreeaqingme, /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf15:58
pazziehi all, someone here who can help me out with 3d support?16:07
Sornaensissup pazzie16:09
badday!ask | pazzie16:09
ubottupazzie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:09
Sornaensiswhat can I do you fer16:09
pazzieaah okay thanks ubottu16:09
dimitrihow i set nautilus to preserve date time and permission ?16:10
pazziewell i just installed ubuntu 12.10 on my laptop compaq 6715b, and i notice that my 3d support is slow on response16:10
pazzieall the grafical things are working, but slow. when i click dash home for example it takes like 2 sec for to respond16:11
Sornaensiswhat cpu16:11
Sornaensisand gpu16:11
Sornaensisdo you have16:12
pazziei am new to linux, i just switched today from windows to ubuntu so bare with me ;)16:12
pazzieSornaensis, amd x64 dual core16:12
baddaypazzie: should be ATI xpress 1250, right?16:12
pazzieand i believe a ati video card,16:13
zykotick9pazzie: to get video into, in terminal, "lspci | grep -i vga"16:13
pazzieyes badday16:13
=== obli-AWAY is now known as Oblivious
bobweaverwhat is a mesa stack ?16:14
bobweaverfor intel16:14
pazziezykotick9 and badday yes it is a ati express 1200 series card16:15
relipsehow do i get my GUI X - [] buttons on the right side like windows instead of the left16:15
pazzie01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS690M [Radeon X1200 Serie16:15
DJones!controls | relipse16:15
ubotturelipse: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263316:16
bobweaverlibmesa like open gl ?16:16
chanthuhey how long ago u guys started using ubuntu16:16
relipseubottu: can't I move them to the right? I am a windows user16:17
ubotturelipse: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:17
Tex_Nickbobweaver : mesa stack > http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=intel%20mesa%20stack&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDMQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload.intel.com%2Fdesign%2Fintarch%2Fpapers%2F325350.pdf&ei=KS26UPrTFIjY2AX7xICYBQ&usg=AFQjCNGJObpN06kkJin-gyiNsCKb67hBkQ16:17
IdleOnerelipse: read what the bot said16:17
bobweaverTex_Nick,  thanks but what is the package called ? on the wiki that I am reading it says to add repo unless on 12.1016:19
=== Oblivious is now known as obli-AWAY
Tex_Nickbobweaver : fraid i can't help ya there. sorry ;(16:19
Tex_Nickbobweaver : see if this helps ... there are a couple of links there that might help  > http://askubuntu.com/questions/87104/how-do-i-install-the-lastest-mesa-driver-in-11-1016:23
Jef91Anyone know if there is a way to output audio over a bluetoot headset somehow?16:26
Dougie187When something in ubuntu crashes, and it tries to generate a bug report does it also take a memory dump? Or is it just a stack trace?16:26
Dandylionhi all, when booting from a USB stick created with "usb-startup-creator-gtk", it does not save desktop theme customizations or remember packages/sw installed with the package manager, isnt the bootable usb supposed to remember such settings across reboots?16:28
RickZillaI installed 12.10 along side of Windows using the live cd...when I'm in the GRUB menu at startup, is it possible to make Windows the first option instead of Ubuntu?16:28
kristenbbhi, whenever I boot my computer, I get an error window right after the ubuntu loading screen (and before logging in) saying "the system is running in low graphics mode. Your screen, graphic card, and input settings could not be detected correctly, you need to configure tthem yourself". And all I can do is reboot. What can I do ?16:28
RickZillaDandylion: Mine didn't, I just installed from Live USB last night16:29
zykotick9Dandylion: not by default.  you need to add persistance (non-default).  but a better idea would be to just install to the usb (if you don't need it for installing on other systems)16:29
gabyhello everybody - iam trying to install some programs TAR.GZ   and i dont know how to do so - can i get help please ?16:29
escottRickZilla, the way i would do it is move /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to 03_os-prober16:30
jribgaby: what program?16:30
escottRickZilla, rather 09_os-prober16:30
RickZillaescott: I have no idea what that means16:30
escottRickZilla, just look at the files in /etc/grub.d they are run in order to generate your boot config16:30
Dandylionzykotick9: I would like to use it with several computers, but also with selected tools and settings... How to make it "persistent"?16:30
RickZillaK, I'll look at it, thanks16:31
gabyjrib: this is the program     Nuke6.1v1-linux-x86-release-6416:31
zykotick9Dandylion: i never liked persistance... good luck.16:31
[snake]is there an easy way to switch to 64 bit ubuntu 12.04?16:31
escott[snake], reinstall16:31
Dandylionzykotick9: why didnt you like it? Any particular reason/glitch? Where should I look for that feature to check it out?16:32
[snake]escott, can I somehow save all my programs and have them re installed easily at least?16:32
zykotick9Dandylion: i think usb-creator might have the option?16:32
pazziebadday, can you help me?16:32
quatarHi everybody... if somebody can help me understand my situation and fix something in dual-booting Win8 / Ubuntu with grub.(u)efi it would be appreciated :D16:32
Dandylionzykotick9: ah, will check, thanks for the pointer! :-)16:32
zykotick9Dandylion: fyi, i'm unsure if programs get saved...16:33
escott!clone | [snake]16:33
ubottu[snake]: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate16:33
jribgaby: if it isn't in the repositories, then you should: 1) look to see if the author provides a repository of his own for your ubuntu version (maybe a ppa?)  2) look to see if the author provides a .deb for your version of ubuntu  3) read its documentation on how to install it.   There is no generic way to install a tar.gz.  A tar.gz is just an archive of files.  You must read its documentation (which is16:33
jribsometimes included inside the archive as README).  See ubottu for generic instructions on installing software16:33
jrib!install | gaby16:33
ubottugaby: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:33
jrib!software | gaby16:33
ubottugaby: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:33
gabyubottu : can you please wait ?????16:34
ubottugaby: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:34
Dandylionzykotick9: well, the very "usb-startup-creator" itself is not part of LM anymore, so there is a very obvious tool to wish would "get stuck on the stick" :-)16:34
gabyjirb: please go with me step by step as i dont know much about linux16:34
baddaypazzie: so it is xpress 1250, yeah?16:34
jribgaby: what do you have a question about?16:35
kristenbbhi, whenever I boot my computer, I get an error window right after the ubuntu loading screen (and before logging in) saying "the system is running in low graphics mode. Your screen, graphic card, and input settings could not be detected correctly, you need to configure tthem yourself". And all I can do is reboot. What can I do ?16:35
[snake]escott, what is multiarch? does that mean like what I'm doing from 32 bit to 64 bit? because it says it could potentially cause problems.16:36
jrib[snake]: what ubuntu version are you on?16:36
[snake]jrib, 12.04 32 bit16:36
escott[snake], multiarch allows you to install i386 packages on x86_64 systems16:36
baddaypazzie: I need exact device name to help u16:37
zykotick9kristenbb: did it always do that?  or only after you tried to install some video drivers?  what graphics card?  (ctrl+alt+f1 to get to TTY to login, then "lspci | grep -i vga" to show video card details.16:37
pazziebadday, yes16:37
escott[snake], so you would need to audit the generated list and remove any and all references to :i38616:37
[snake]escott, Ok, I think I'll give this a try. thanks.16:37
baddaypazzie: is it a notebook?16:37
kristenbbzykotick9: yes only after I tried to install the driver, but that's the first thing I did when I installed ubuntu. The video card is nvidia gtx 680.16:38
gabyjrib :  i want to install this Nuke6.1v1-linux-x86-release-6416:38
zykotick9kristenbb: did you use teh driver from nvidia.com or from ubuntu?16:38
ubuntuaddicteddoes anyone know how to get photos videos off an iphone in ubuntu?16:38
pazziebadday, yes, a compaq 6715b16:39
jribgaby: so what was the first thing I said you need to do?  Check if the author provides a repository for it.  I cannot do that as you have not linked me to where that software comes from16:39
kristenbbzykotick9: I used the driver that was marked 'recommended' when the window showed up.16:39
pazziebadday, amdx64 dual core, 4gb, 120 SSD16:39
zykotick9kristenbb: that's good!16:39
chris__Hi there does anyone here please know how I can change the background color of my folders in 12.0416:39
kristenbbzykotick9: well apparently not, I can't log into my computer...16:40
gabyjrib: i dont know how to check it -thats why iam asking for step by step guiding16:40
chris__it used to be very simple in previous versions16:40
jribgaby: you need to say where this software is coming from...?16:40
baddaypazzie: if ur GPU appears here: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.7&product= u can download the linux driver there16:40
chris__I have tried to use gconf-editor but there is no option to change the hex code16:40
baddayif u use 64bit OS16:40
IdleOnejrib: from what I can see that software is not open source and not free.16:40
jribIdleOne: I see16:40
IdleOnegaby: There are tons of forums explaining how to do what you want. This channel can't help you.16:41
gabyjrib: please say it clear - step 1- where to go what to do .... iam not expert with linux at all16:42
zykotick9kristenbb: from a quick search online i see http://askubuntu.com/questions/147576/cant-install-gtx-680-drivers-on-12-04 which recommends installing the nvidia.com driver :(  good luck, hope you find a better solution.16:42
jribgaby: step 1: say where you are getting the software from.16:42
jribgaby: I'm not sure how to be clearer.16:42
pazzieokay badday i am downloading it, what do i need to do after the download is complete, like i said before i am new to linux16:42
gabyjrib: what you mean where comes from .... i got it from some website16:42
jribgaby: say the website.16:42
k1lgaby: ask the one, where you got that program.16:43
chris__Hi there does anyone here please know how I can change the background color of my folders in 12.04?16:43
zykotick9kristenbb: using xswat is probably better then nvidia.com driver...16:43
gabyjrib: i got it from some website but some friend who got it  and gave it to me .... the program is on my HD already16:44
gabyjrib: where is the point of knowing the website ?16:44
k1lgaby: to install a program or a game there are several ways. but we cant guess which way is for your software16:44
jribgaby: you need to ask the author if he provides a repository for ubuntu.  You can check on the website.  I asked you to do this, but you said you need clearer steps.  So I was going to check myself if there is a repository.16:44
OerHeksgaby, nuke is commercial, with their own support > http://www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/nuke/16:44
gabyk1l: i dont want  any one to  guess- i need only guiding to let you know the information you want16:45
simplewhow can i disable NON GNOME apps from appearing with italic fonts ?16:45
jribOerHeks: if http://www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/nuke/ is the software in question as OerHeks suggests, then your best course of action is to contact them about how to install the software you purchased16:45
gabyjrib: so  i should leave now ????16:46
OrphisI'm having problems connecting an Apple BT keyboard to my computer using the BT chip integrated in my motherboard identified by lsusb as "ID 0b05:17b5 ASUSTek Computer, Inc."16:46
jribgaby: you should ask the folks at http://www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/nuke/ for help installing nuke16:46
baddaypazzie: see linux install instructions at the same site, if you still have questions, feel free to ask16:47
IdleOnegaby: Have you tried Blender, it is in the Software Center and is 100% free of charge.16:47
OrphisIf I load the module btusb and the put device if in /sys/bus/usb/drivers/btusb/new_id , the internal bt is working, I can somehow discover devices but it's always disconnecting16:47
OrphisIt worked fine using Arch Linux though16:47
OerHeksgaby, here are some answers, http://www.digitaltutors.com/forum/showthread.php?22503-How-exactly-to-install-Nuke-in-Linux16:48
IdleOneOerHeks: lets move on :)16:49
zykotick9IdleOne: you can even say blender is 100% free ;)  http://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Blender16:49
IdleOnezykotick9: true16:49
jazzkutyawill there be nvidia-experimental-* packages for future driver releases from nvidia?16:51
IdleOnejazzkutya: that would be up to nvidia. We don't know16:52
jazzkutyathis is the ubuntu packaged version16:52
yanick_Hi, will HDMI sound be supported at some point with the open source ATI driver (for a Radio HD 3xxx card) ?16:52
IdleOnecorrect, but they can only be packaged if nvidia releases the code to the packagers. up to them.16:52
jazzkutyaconsidering i see almost latest version numbers with these packages i guess they do that16:53
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IdleOnejazzkutya: safe guess16:54
simplewdoes anyone have a clue why NON GNOME apps (like kde apps dolphin,konversation) appear with italic fonts in UBUNTU?16:54
serp_better than comic sans16:56
MonkeyDustsimplew  to indicate that they are non-gnome, i guess16:58
ubuntuaddictedis there a way to get files off an iphone 4s with ubuntu?17:00
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod17:00
Dandylionthe "usb-creator-gtk" has an option called "When starting up from this disk, documents and settings will be - stored in reserved space". Still theme customizations are not preserved across restarts, why?17:01
PeyamI have trouble using my VGA cable17:02
Dandylion(it is even the default option, but it does not seem to save "settings")17:02
PeyamI have a ubuntu here17:02
ubuntuaddictedescott, that's for iOS up to 4.01, not 6.0.117:02
signornessunoi need help configuring a bluetooth headset17:05
ubuntuaddictedso no one knows how to get photos, videos, and music to and from the iphone 4s? running 6.0.1?17:05
jrib!iphone | ubuntuaddicted17:05
ubottuubuntuaddicted: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod17:05
xanguaubuntuaddicted: are you using ubuntu 12.10¿17:05
IdleOneubuntuaddicted: plug it in, it should get auto mounted and you should be able to use the file manager (Nautilus) to move files to and from.17:06
ubuntuaddictedIdleOne, using 10.04.417:07
signornessunoi use blueman and it seem to be connected and paired with audio sink, i get a beep when i configure audio sink in blueman, but pavucontrol don't see the device17:07
Dandylionhi all, is it common that laptop mousepad "tapping" (instead of normal button clicking" is not supported out of the box with (most?) Live CD/DVD/USB (Ubuntu, Mint, ...) ?17:07
ubuntuaddictedxangua, using 10.04.417:07
ubuntuaddictedit shows up in dmesg as usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 317:08
xanguaubuntuaddicted: well, your're likely gonna get nothing :) 12.10 supports iOS617:08
ubuntuaddictedluckily i still have 1 win xp box in the house.17:08
ubuntuaddictedxangua, does 12.04 support it? i like sticking with LTS releases17:09
escottubuntuaddicted, its a bit silly to expect a 2.5 year old OS to support a brand new phone17:09
Dandylionre: startup persistence: even "list mode" is not remembered across boots, so which "settings" are stored if any at all? (Using LinuxMint13 right now)17:09
ubuntuaddictedescott, true, thats' why i am asking. It is an LTS and supported till next april17:09
IdleOne!mint | Dandylion17:09
ubottuDandylion: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:09
xanguagood for you, it's a never ending story ubuntuaddicted; even when you are using the latest ubuntu version when a iOS update is released the support will likely break17:09
escottubuntuaddicted, that means it get security updates until april17:09
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ubuntuaddictedxangua, neverending story? whats with the attitude?17:10
ubuntuaddictedxangua, are you aware if 12.04 works with it?17:10
killerhi...is there a  way i can replace the ubuntu icon with icon of my choice...in the unity laucher(the very first icon in launcher)17:10
escottubuntuaddicted, apple intentionally changes their wire protocols to keep people from using iphone with anything but itunes17:10
Dandylionubottu: It is based on ubuntu 12.04, and I use the usb-create-gtk, not sure if this is related specifically to linuxmint. Would be great if anyone can confirm that these things actually work on Ubuntu, then I will consider using that instead.17:11
IdleOneubuntuaddicted: I think what he meant was that the issues with supporting iOS is a never ending story.17:11
IdleOneDandylion: Mint is not supported in Ubuntu channels. ask the mint people17:11
ubuntuaddictedIdleOne, ah, amkes sense17:12
ubuntuaddictedare you aware if it works with 12.04?17:12
IdleOneubuntuaddicted: you could try a live cd of 12.04 and test17:12
ubuntuaddictedIdleOne, that's my next step I guess17:13
DandylionIdleOne: can you confirm if that is indeed working with Ubuntu 12.04? If it is a Mint issue, then perhaps I will use the Ubuntu distro instead. However, I suspect this is a general bug affecting both distros...?17:13
IdleOneDandylion: I haven't made a persistent USB in a long while but from what i remember it worked fine. make a live USB and test :)17:13
angelpossumidleone please go to ubunto_offtopic17:13
pazziebadday, are you still here?17:14
baddaypazzie: yeah17:14
angelpossumer ubuntu_offtopic17:14
IdleOneangelpossum: Something I can help with?17:14
IdleOneangelpossum: the channel name is #ubuntu-offtopic btw and I am there17:15
richweskusiv started buying all my music using ubuntu music store.. do i now own the music? i read somewhere a while ago - when you buy music on itunes you dont actually own it...17:15
pazzieokay, well i tryed to install it after i downloaded it, but for some reason i can see the file in the terminal but when i try to do ./at[tab] nothing happens...17:15
IdleOnerichweskus: you own that copy of it.17:15
pazziei will make a pastebin17:15
escottrichweskus, you own it to the same extent you own any other digital good. you might be thinking about encryption. itunes music is (was?) encrypted so it could only be played in itunes17:17
pazziebadday, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402507/17:17
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baddaypazzie: write "sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run"17:18
escottpazzie, you should install the supported way first17:19
richweskusescott: ok thanks :) i used to pirate all my music a few years ago. But iv decided because i earn enough money im going to pay these artists for entertaining me the past decade at their expense :D17:19
richweskusso im not so sure about all these legal issues etc17:19
acicularichweskus: its dependent on the store, itunes licenses the use, so you dont own a copy17:20
richweskusbut i can own it for ever but wont be able to transfer it to someone else?17:21
pazziebadday, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402515/17:21
IdleOnelicensing technicalities of media is not on topic for this channel. No, you don't own Justin Beiber now.17:21
acicularichweskus: you can not transfer or sell that which you do not own17:21
richweskusokay but i can with ubuntu tunes17:22
IdleOnerichweskus: no17:22
aciculaif the ubuntu tunes sells you a copy, then yes, otherwise no17:22
xanguarichweskus: yes you can share the mucis you buy in the ubuntu music store, is drm free :)17:22
richweskusokay thanks17:22
richweskusjust another reason i love ubuntu17:22
xangua!ot | a little offtopic, don't you think ;)17:22
ubottua little offtopic, don't you think ;): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:22
anon_I am on Ubuntuj 12.10 and created file .bash_aliases. In .bash_aliases I put alias dload='wget -c -P kkkkkk' When I put dload cnn./movie/movie.mpg for example Ubuntu tells me that this command does not exist.17:23
richweskusim asking about ubuntu music store?17:23
richweskusthats pretty on-topic iyam17:23
richweskusiyam = if you ask me17:23
escottanon_, aliases don't do replacement. what is the kkkkk for?17:23
baddaypazzie: I am not familiar with ATI GPU drivers, I am sorry. Maybe someone around here can help u17:23
IdleOnerichweskus: no it isn't. Canonical operates the music store, contact them about licensing issues.17:24
anon_escott, a directory17:24
pazzieokay thanks badday17:24
thesadmafiosopazzi: check ##hardware17:24
pazzieis there anyone else here who can help me out, with ATI GPU drivers?17:24
anon_escott, so an alias can not be fed parameters?17:25
escottanon_, as long as that is a full path and the url on the command line is correct it should work17:25
thesadmafiosopazzie: sorry, mispelled your nick. check ##hardware, there are usually some VERY knowledgable folks hanging around in there who are pretty approachable.17:25
aciculapazzie: what are you trying to do?17:25
escottanon_, i thought you were trying to replace the kkkk with something17:25
VIVIDso...is there any way i can get both 32bit and 64bit flash players installed? doesnt need to be done with the package manager necessarily17:25
baddayacicula: installing proprietary ATI driver (latest version, 64 bit)17:26
escottpazzie, have you tried installing them the supported way?17:26
VIVIDpazzie, is there some reason youre not using the prepackaged drivers?17:26
OrphisCan anybody help me setup bluetooth on my machine?17:27
hmsimhaanyone know how to change resolution on xubuntu?17:27
anon_escott, no I want to call the alias with dload someurl.com/somefile.file17:27
IdleOneanon_: did you sorce .bash_aliases after adding your file?17:28
badday!ask | Orphis17:28
ubottuOrphis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:28
escottanon_, alias expansion is at the end only. alias foo=bar bin; when called as foo baz expands to bar bin baz. you cannot put the baz earlier (bar baz bin) is impossible with an alias17:28
Orphisbadday: Well, I've asked my question many times, it seems that nobody wants to help17:28
IdleOneanon_: did you source .bash_aliases after adding your alias17:28
badday!patience | Orphis17:29
ubottuOrphis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:29
telemaster000Hey guys, I installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my Dell Latitude D620, But I can't seem to get it to take up the whole screen. Help?17:29
RickZillaKind of a dumb question, but I'm assuming cinnamon works in ubuntu pretty much the way it does in Linux Mint?17:29
Orphisbadday: I've been asking for weeks17:29
OrphisIsn't that patient enough?17:30
angelpossumfor what17:30
MoL0ToVhowto remove the hidden panel that appears if you rollover the lower middle position of the screen?17:30
angelpossumno clue17:30
baddayOrphis: if you would be so kind to either try to supply a compact version of ur question or write in the forum; otherwise nobody can help u17:30
anon_IdleOne, it is sourced in .bashrc, and I also made it executable17:30
IdleOneanon_: no clue then, sorry.17:31
OrphisMy integrated BT works just fine on Arch. It doesn't work on Ubutu. How to debug the issue?17:31
MonkeyDustOrphisif you were never helped, it simply means no one has the answer17:31
thelodgeranyone know if there is a channel for discussing open source licences?17:31
zykotick9thelodger: #fsf maybe, for free licences17:32
TransfusionOrphis: what bluetooth chipset do you have? :)17:33
baddayOrphis: Further information is required. Is it connected  via USB? What´s the name of the vendor/device number?17:33
JoseeAntonioRguys, when I use apache, it consumes memory, and for it to release the memory I have to restart the server, any ideas?17:33
anon_IdleOne, I forgot to start a new shell. Working now. Thx for your help.17:33
almoxarifeOrphis: i would start with looking at /var/log/syslog17:33
MonkeyDustthelodger  try #defocus17:33
IdleOneanon_: welcome17:33
Orphisbadday: Connected via USB, device ID 0b05 17b517:33
naxili need a rules.. of iptables for open both udp/tcp port 3071/3072 to
TransfusionOrphis: the make and model17:33
OrphisTransfusion: BCM20702A017:34
IdleOneJoseeAntonioR: perhaps #ubuntu-server if you don't get help in here17:34
JoseeAntonioRIdleOne: thanks17:34
Transfusionalso, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup17:34
thelodgerzykotick9, MonkeyDust: cheers folks =)17:34
OrphisTransfusion: It works fine on Arch when adding the device id to /sys/bus/usb/drivers/btusb/new_id17:34
Transfusionbluez python-gobject python-dbus17:34
OrphisTransfusion: I've tried the same on Ubuntu, it finds the bt and "seems" to work, but it never finds any device17:35
OrphisTransfusion: On Precise, I was able to attach a keyboard (even though it disconnected immediatly), but now I don't even see it17:35
MonkeyDustOrphis  try blueman, it got my bluetooth to work17:36
BartzyHey, a bit OT question - Anyone has any recommendation for a good mechanical keyboard (for typing/programming, no gaming) ? :)17:36
D-coyhi m4v o717:36
jrib!ot | Bartzy17:36
ubottuBartzy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:36
pazziei am trying to install the restricted driver off the hardware manager...17:36
IdleOneBartzy: ##hardware17:36
pazzieescott, no....17:36
OrphisMonkeyDust: I can't even see any device using hcitool scan17:36
Transfusionwas about to suggest hcitool dev , but...17:37
MonkeyDustOrphis  maybe some other tool sees it17:37
Transfusionthat's strange....17:37
pazzieVIVID, no, i was just doing what i was told here... since i am new to linux, i am a windows user17:37
OrphisTransfusion: hcitool dev list the device, hciconfig shows it and it looks fine17:37
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator17:37
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:37
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IdleOneanon_: I may be mistaken but even though .bashrc points to .bash_aliases when you source .bashrc after making changes to .bash_aliases it is still seeing the old version of .bash_aliases. anyway you figured it out :).17:38
Catbuntuubottu is lovely17:38
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:38
rbnswartzWhat is the correct prefix that I should use for compiling software I'm trying to fix a bug but can't seem to get my compiled version to replace the version that is already installed. Any help?17:38
TransfusionOrphis: did you try the BlueZ stack yet?17:39
jribrbnswartz: be more specific17:39
OrphisTransfusion: Isn't it what is used when I run "hcitool scan" ?17:39
ravenfirefox: which plugin shows me the source of a flash video?17:39
Tex_NickCatbuntu : please don't tease the bot ;)17:39
bobweaverrbnswartz,  this is from a deb package ?17:40
rbnswartzjrib Trying to compile and modify polkit-gnome dialog but can't get the version that I have compiled and installed to replace the one already installed. I'm assuming it isn't being installed in the right place hence the prefix17:40
jribrbnswartz: probably the best way is to make your modifications to the source package, build a new package, then install it17:41
rbnswartzbobweaver downloaded the source via apt-get source as I can't find a repo on launchpad.17:41
bobweaverrbnswartz,  what is lang to compile ?17:41
CatbuntuI'm serious, its factoids system is very interesting17:41
rbnswartzbobweaver C17:41
* Transfusion is clearly out of Transfusion's mind today, yea, hci is part of the bluez stack -_-17:41
OrphisTransfusion: It's ok ^^17:42
bobweaverrbnswartz,  you did  dch -i  ,  and also mkdir <source>build   cd build  then compile ?  so that you can have clean area after build ?17:42
bobweaverrbnswartz,  looking at source brb17:42
rbnswartzbobweaver no I did not17:42
OrphisTransfusion: I've check the syslog and there's no error message. Just bluetoothd saying it started scanning17:43
bobweaverrbnswartz,  man dch17:43
rbnswartzbobweaver: the package that I'm using is policykit-1-gnome17:43
VIVIDpazzie, i find it hard to believe someone here told you to manually install the drivers instead of using the ubuntu packages.  there must be more to that story17:44
rbnswartzbobweaver I was looking for that command yesteday thanks but couldn't find it. Thanks17:44
almoxarifeVIVID: 'they' did17:44
bobweaverrbnswartz,  bzr branch is located at    bzr branch http://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/policykit-1-gnome/ubuntu17:45
VIVIDalmoxarife, then 'they' should help him to get it working :p17:45
bobweaverrbnswartz,  er this is autotools I hate autotools17:45
TransfusionOrphis: I'm baffled.17:47
bobweaverok rbnswartz  what file or bug are you fixing ?17:48
rbnswartzbobweaver: there was a branch that was listed when I downloaded the source but it didn't contain any code that I could fine. I'll try this branch17:48
bobweaverrbnswartz,  if you like I can walk you though17:48
bobweaverthrough *17:48
rbnswartzbobweaver: That would be wonderful. Let me find the but # for you17:49
OrphisTransfusion: Me too... :(17:49
cocomohi, can i make the text cursor in gedit look like the text cursor in terminal?17:51
mega1i have server 10.04 and it wont connect to the internet i can ping every computer on the network i can even putty into it17:55
MonkeyDustmega1  dns issue, probably -- can you connect to an ip address ?17:56
bobweaverrbnswartz,  ok to start out do you have all the info for gpg in ~/.bashrc ?17:57
MonkeyDustmega1  can you ping ?17:57
bobweaverrbnswartz,  you are registed on lp and also uploaded keys and what not ? also17:57
mega1yes i can17:57
ravenfirefox: which plugin shows me the source of a flash video?17:58
MonkeyDustmega1  now ping www.google.be -- if you can't, then it's a dns issue17:58
MonkeyDustmega1  now ping www.google.com -- if you can't, then it's a dns issue17:58
rbnswartzbobweaver: been a little while since I've tried helping out on the project. Probably going to have to gen a new key17:58
bobweaverrbnswartz,  if you open up terminal and enter in  gedit ~/.bashrc      then go to the end of the file right and add this make sure that you use your email that is used on lp and make sure hat there gpg is same17:58
mega1no it cannt ping google17:59
bobweaverrbnswartz,   export DEBFULLNAME="XXX XXXXX "17:59
bobweaverexport DEBEMAIL="XXX@XXXX.com"17:59
MonkeyDustmega1  there you have it, dns does not trnaslate ip to an url17:59
princej88Hi, Has anyone had any luck getting forked-daapd to work  correctly in ubuntu server? I am having the issue where the  connection will timeout after 5 minutes.17:59
princej88I am running 12.04.1 LTS17:59
bobweaverrbnswartz,  then run source ~/.bashrc18:00
mega1where i put in the dns server18:00
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bobweaverrbnswartz,  this will make it so that you do not need to put your name and email for all the stuff that you do saves time .18:00
MonkeyDustmega1  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/dns.html18:00
bobweaverrbnswartz,  let me know when you get that far :)18:02
MrBushidohow do i remove a broken package that partially installed?18:02
MonkeyDustMrBushido  sudo apt-get autoremove18:02
bobweaverMrBushido,  dpkg -P <name >18:02
rbnswartzbobweaver: working on it18:02
bobweaverrbnswartz,  take your time18:02
yanick_Hi, will HDMI sound be supported at some point with the open source ATI driver (for a Radio HD 3xxx card) ?18:03
MrBushidobobweaver: ty <318:03
blup1is it possible that lubuntu uses more energy than windows?18:05
blup1cause I use lubuntu and the battery just hold for 1 hour18:05
blup1but with windows 7 it holded 2 hours18:05
rbnswartzbobweaver ok got the bashrc all taken care of18:05
rbnswartzbobweaver working on key now18:05
bobweaverCool rbnswartz  let me know if you get stuck at all18:06
taoever since i installed TorGuard i can't resolve dns anymore when not using VPN18:06
taobut ping still works18:07
rbnswartzbobweaver I've done this before. Just been a bit since I've done it and there was a rebuild in the time between and I don't think I saved my key.18:07
bobweaverrbnswartz,  gpg --list-keys18:07
InspectorCluseaublup1, Are you using cpufreqd and cpufreq to control the cpu usage?18:07
bobweaverrbnswartz,  do *not*  paste that plz18:08
rbnswartzbobweaver I used the gui :) not quite that ninja yet18:08
mega1how do i list all running programs18:08
bobweavermega1,  ps aux18:09
bobweavermega1,  or use system monitor18:09
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blup1I think not18:11
blup1I dont know what it is18:11
blup1if I install cpufreqd my laptop battery will provide enerygy for a longer time=?18:12
InspectorCluseaublup1, type this in a terminal window > watch -n .01 grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo  That will show what your cpu is doing. If the cpu is regulated the speed will change as you do things.18:13
InspectorCluseaublup1,  no > with that18:14
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InspectorCluseaublup1, my system regulates between 800 and 3500 mhz18:15
blup1my always 933 mhz x 4 cores18:15
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Compaq_Owneri need help badly18:16
bobweaverblup1,  you are also using "htop"  to watch ?18:16
=== Catbuntu is now known as Katbuntu
bobweaverCompaq_Owner,  ask away18:16
blup1i use the command you gave me, with lxterminal18:16
InspectorCluseaublup1, what is your system cpu speed advertised?18:16
ubuntulover!ask | Compaq_Owner18:16
ubottuCompaq_Owner: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:16
Compaq_OwnerOk well its a big question lol so hold on18:17
bobweaver!pastebin | Compaq_Owner18:17
ubottuCompaq_Owner: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:17
blup12,4mhz i3 processor18:17
blup1intel core18:17
Compaq_OwnerOK THNX18:17
blup1I am not sure if its quad core, but it shows so in the terminal18:17
InspectorCluseaublup1, then the system is regulating to 933 for the best pwer18:17
InspectorCluseaublup1, it probably goes up under a hight load condition18:18
Katbuntusorry for telling login to ubottu, wrong window18:18
rbnswartzbobweaver ok got the pgp key uploaded and authenticated to launchpad18:18
blup1ubottu ?18:19
rbnswartzbobweaver had to get some additional software installed such as enigmail and the like18:19
bobweaverrbnswartz,  great so lets make a sandbox area to build in  maybe on Desktop  so     mkdir -p ~/Desktop/build-area18:19
rbnswartzbobwaver already have one18:20
bobweaverrbnswartz,  then cd ~/Desktop/build-area  then use     use apt-get source <name of package>18:20
bobweaverapt-get source <name of package >  *18:20
rbnswartzgot it18:21
bobweaverrbnswartz,  then    cd policykit-1-gnome-0.10518:21
rbnswartzbobweaver got it18:21
bobweaverrbnswartz,  then make your changes to the file that you want to change18:21
bobweaverrbnswartz,  what is file that you are altering ?18:21
Compaq_Owneronce i typed my question wat do i do?18:22
Compaq_OwnerI have an aspire one D270-1865 which came with windows 7, and I wanted to get rid of it and replace it with ubuntu. So, I followed the instructions to create a bootable usb with the ubuntu iso and booted it on the system. Everything went fine, and it said the installation was successful and for me to reboot. So I did and nothing happened, no windows or ubuntu. I booted the usb again to try...18:23
Compaq_Owner...and reinstall ubuntu but again nothing appeared. So I got out my old desktop and formatted the usb and put dban on it. Then wiped my useless system. Once it was wiped I formatted the usb again and recreated the ubuntu iso on it, and loaded it back onto the wiped PC, but only text appeared.18:23
BLZbubbamayday, when i log in compiz immediately goes to 100% cpu.  is there a way to tell what is causing it?  i can do the trial and error and disable as many compiz settings as possible, but i was wondering if there is a way to tell exactly what it is trying to do18:23
bobweaverrbnswartz,  after alter could you plz pastebin  the changes thanks ?18:23
bobweaverrbnswartz,  maybe tell me the line # also that would help18:24
bobweaverBLZbubba,  you can run debuging on compiz  with  compiz --debug18:26
bobweaverBLZbubba,  you can see help options     compiz --help18:26
rbnswartzbobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402665/ and the changes are to some strings from 671 to 68618:27
bobweaverBLZbubba,  you can also run valgrind on compiz (I think )18:27
bobweavercool rbnswartz  looking now18:27
hayloi want to make my web-server so i can wget some files from it. Do i need any special programs other than apache server for this ?18:27
rbnswartzbobweaver I'm not much of a C programmer but anyone can find and edit strings18:28
jribhaylo: nope18:28
rbnswartzbobweaver surprised nobody has looked at this yet18:28
haylojrib: just link to them from index.html ?18:28
bobweaverrbnswartz,  cool now that you have made the changes lets move back to are <source dir >18:28
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jribhaylo: if that's what you want18:29
rbnswartzbobweaver done18:29
elstudcompaq  owner do you have a AMD board18:29
haylojrib: thank you  :P18:29
bobweaverrbnswartz,  now lets us tell the world that you made these changes18:29
jribhaylo: you can also just not have an index.html and tell apache to list the files in there (which I think it does by default when there is no index.html)18:29
bobweaverrbnswartz,  run      dch -i18:29
Compaq_Ownerintel aton n260018:29
elstudcompaq what will start when you reboot18:30
ubuntuloverCompaq_Owner, what text appeared18:30
bobweaverrbnswartz,  this will bring up a debian contol file this is where we must add are changes18:30
bobweaverso if you like rbnswartz  please pastebin what you got18:30
Compaq_Owneri forgot...but it started with linux and it had a copyright thingy..it was only one line18:30
Compaq_Ownerwait hold on18:31
rbnswartzbobweaver as far as the changelog or the entry that I'm going to enter?18:31
bobweaverrbnswartz,  if you are using nano to copy things in terminal  is ctrl+shift+c18:31
mega1in unbuntu server how do i change a users password18:31
haylothanks so much jrib :)18:31
bobweaverrbnswartz,  Correct18:31
hayloi got it ! :)18:31
bobweaverrbnswartz,  I just want to look over to make sure that you have all the right things in it :)18:31
Compaq_OwnerSYSLINUX 4.02 2010-10-22 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al18:32
rbnswartzbobweaver what exactly should be in it besides a description of a change?18:32
ubuntuloverCompaq_Owner, and how did you create the bootable USB ?18:32
escottmega1, sudo passwd username18:32
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Compaq_Ownerand lili usb creator18:33
Compaq_Owneri tryed it several timesa18:33
Compaq_Ownerthey both had same result18:33
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? Or did you let unetbootin pull down the ISO for you?18:33
Compaq_OwnerMD5 test?18:33
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: yes18:33
Compaq_Owneri just selected it in unetbootin18:33
Compaq_Ownerit is in my downloads file18:34
MonkeyDustCompaq_Owner  that's not the good way, download the iso to your harddisk18:34
bobweaverrbnswartz,  you should be adding the bug number like (LP:#) also make sure that changes are like    src/file.c: did this on lines x-z    make sure that it is not more then 80 charecters. also make sure that codename is right for version that you are changeing like where it says  (0.105-1ubuntu5) UNRELEASED       that should be    (0.105-1ubuntu5) raring18:34
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: so you let unetbootin download the ISO for you, or did you manually download the ISO yourself?18:34
MonkeyDustCompaq_Owner  i mean from ubuntu.com18:34
Compaq_Owneri manuelly downloaded it18:35
Compaq_Owneryeh from ubuntu18:35
ActionParsnip!md5 | Compaq_Owner18:35
ubottuCompaq_Owner: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:35
bobweaverrbnswartz,  I will pastebin a example18:35
Compaq_Ownershit i gotta go :/ ill be bak tho18:35
rbnswartzbobweaver had something written up but I'll change it to that format18:35
Noskcajhow do you restart compiz18:37
bobweaverrbnswartz,  Example :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402692/18:37
bobweaverNoskcaj,  compiz --replace18:37
ActionParsnipNoskcaj: press ALT+F2 and run:  compiz --replace18:37
Noskcaji wont open for me18:37
cjaehow do you make applications launch of screen of your choice, namely the primary screen18:37
ActionParsnipNoskcaj: if you don't have 3D acceleration, it won't run18:38
bobweaverrbnswartz,  make sure that you pastebin up that control file and let me see it plz.  just to make easy   you can put XX for emails and name18:38
bobweaverrbnswartz,  just like I did on my example18:39
rbnswartzbobweaver: Is there a recommended line size for these changelogs or do people just deal with it?18:40
bobweaverrbnswartz,  you can *not* have mre then 8018:40
bobweavermore *18:40
cjaehow do you make applications launch of screen of your choice, namely the primary screen from commandline18:41
bobweaverrbnswartz,  if you have more then 80 charecters then you can make a new line     two spaces then a * and write away :)18:41
bobweaverrbnswartz,  or like this I will make a eaxample18:41
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bobweaverrbnswartz, you will see that we will be running tests to see if things are funny at the end :)18:42
prashant_123456how to completely uninstall xubuntu ?18:42
bazhanghttp://superuser.com/questions/232042/ubuntu-gnome-open-an-application-in-a-specific-workspace   cjae18:43
bazhangprashant_123456, and leave what18:43
Noskcajmy launcher and top bar are still gone, how do i fix this18:43
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: how do you mean? Did you install xfce on top of ubuntu?18:43
rbnswartzbobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402701/ how does this look?18:43
bazhang!puregnome | prashant_12345618:43
ubottuprashant_123456: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu18:43
bobweaverrbnswartz,  thansk looking \18:44
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bobweaverthanks *18:44
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: or do you mean completely remove Ubuntu all together and install another OS18:44
Compaq_Ownerwait didnt leave yet...i just MD5d my iso and it didnt match...so?18:44
bobweaverrbnswartz,  this part * src/polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c      should have a : at the end of it like     * src/polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c :18:44
Noskcajall my unity features are gone, help18:45
bobweaverto say that that is the file altered18:45
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: it needs redownloading, the file is corrupted18:45
Noskcajno top bar or launcher18:45
bobweaveralso 80 charecters perline18:45
Compaq_Ownerok thnx18:45
Compaq_Ownerweres best link to download?18:45
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: any, as long at the file passes MD5 then the source is irrelevant18:45
cjaebazhang: thanks thats workspace thou18:45
bobweaverrbnswartz,  you should also add what you edited like "changed 'this' to 'that'  "18:45
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: there is no 'best'18:45
bazhangNoskcaj, have you enabled some more plugins in ccsm of late18:46
bobweaverrbnswartz,  that is just for the next person so that they know18:46
bazhangcjae, what did you mean then, if not workspace18:46
Noskcaji turned my computer on18:46
ActionParsnipNoskcaj: if you run:   ps -ef | grep unity-panel-service     is it running?18:46
gandsnutIf after installing 12.10 I get repeated failures to authenticate local wi-fi, should I try installing windows drivers for the USB wireless dongle?18:46
bazhangNoskcaj, following what did this start happening18:46
Compaq_Ownerwere do i save iso to?18:46
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: anywhere, it doesn't matter18:47
Compaq_Ownerhow come the iso downloads at lower speed than other downloads?18:47
Noskcajbazhag: i turned the computer on, tryed restarting many times then launched xchat through terminal18:47
Compaq_Ownermy regular downloads download at around 300kb/s18:47
cjaebazhang: screen as in monitor18:47
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: slower upload from the source18:47
Compaq_Owneriso is at 50kb/s18:47
Noskcajaction: jackson   2513  2303  0 05:46 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto unity-panel-service18:48
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: you could use torrents18:48
Noskcajwas the output18:48
ActionParsnipNoskcaj: use TAB to complete nicks18:48
bobweaverrbnswartz,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402713/18:48
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: are you new to the web?18:48
cjaebazhang: eg I keep having apps open on the wrong monitor18:48
bazhang!torrents | Compaq_Owner18:48
ubottuCompaq_Owner: Quantal can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/quantal/desktop/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/quantal/server/ubuntu-12.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696918:48
Compaq_Ownerlol no...just not familiar with torrents18:48
ActionParsnipNoskcaj: press ALT+F2 and run: /usr/lib/unity/unity-panel-service18:48
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: do you want 32bit or 64bit ubuntu?18:49
Noskcajant+f2 doesn't work18:49
Compaq_Ownerdoes it matter which?18:49
bazhangcjae, I understand, let me have a search of the forums18:49
Compaq_Ownerwoooo my download is done already lol18:49
Compaq_Ownershit now i actually gotta go...ill be bak latr thanx for all help18:49
rbnswartzbobweaver how does this look http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402718/18:49
bazhangCompaq_Owner, no cursing here18:49
NoskcajActionParsnip: i ran it in terminal and everything failed18:49
bobweaverthanks rbnswartz  looking now18:49
ActionParsnipNoskcaj: the terminal output may explain why it's not running18:50
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bobweaverrbnswartz, that looks GREAT !18:50
bobweaverrbnswartz,  save it18:50
Noskcaj(unity-panel-service:2514): libindicator-WARNING **: IndicatorObject class does not have an accessible description.18:50
Noskcaj(unity-panel-service:2514): libindicator-WARNING **: IndicatorObject class does not have an accessible description.18:50
Noskcaj(unity-panel-service:2514): libindicator-WARNING **: IndicatorObject class does not have an accessible description.18:50
Noskcaj(unity-panel-service:2514): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_client_get_root: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_CLIENT(client)' failed18:50
FloodBot1Noskcaj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:50
Noskcaj(unity-panel-service:2514): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)' failed18:50
cccI stabbed my finger trying to make a soda can stirling engine18:50
RickZillaThis is more of a theoretical question, but how long can we expect to use a given distro version without upgrading?18:50
bazhangccc wrong channel18:51
gandsnutIs there an IRC channel for ubuntu wireless networking?18:51
bobweaverrbnswartz,  then go back to source or top dir18:51
bazhangRickZilla, 18 months regular releases, 5 years starting with 12.04 LTS18:51
bazhang!lts | RickZilla18:51
ubottuRickZilla: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)18:51
rbnswartzbobweaver there18:51
bobweaverrbnswartz,  I would like to tell you that there is a couple of options for dch  like dch -a  Adds too control    dch -e  is for editing18:52
RickZillaSo I just installed 12.10, it will go until April 2014? I can probably live with that18:52
Noskcajsorry for the big post ActionParsnip18:52
NoskcajRickZilla, upgrading pretty easy as well18:52
bobweaverrbnswartz,  now because Launchad already has a source tar ball we DO NOT need to upload that with are fix :)18:52
bobweaverrbnswartz,  so in top dir run          debuild -S18:53
RickZillaNoskcaj: k, I'll have to look into that...I don't mind installing and configuring stuff, I just don't want to have to do it all the time18:53
blnohello. I'm making a rsync alias to copy a folder to a backup, and it seem to work. I use the options -rli. My problem is that every time I run it (even if there's no change), it outputs some changes (always the same). It says >f..T...... filename for a bunch of files.18:54
ActionParsnipNoskcaj: ok, use that to see what that means online, or look for bugs18:54
bobweaverrbnswartz,  as you will see this will compile and make everything that we need inorder to push it to LP . :) it will also run Lintian ! Lintian is great . It is also going to ask for your gpg and this is how we know that it was you that is making these changes :)18:54
marianneSuccess! went from 10.04 to 12.04... didn't have to reload drivers for the Nvidia card either!18:54
soundconjurerHas anyone successfully Dual Booted Ubuntu 12.04 with Windows 8?18:55
bobweaverSweet Deals marianne18:55
NoskcajActionParsnip, ok18:55
MonkeyDust!yay| marianne18:55
ubottumarianne: Glad you made it! :-)18:55
Steph__I just installed ubuntu 12.10 and it outputs to the monitor fine, I connect to to my TV using hdmi and no output - any ideas?18:55
rbnswartzbobweaver build failed got this output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402740/ I assume I have a patch to apply?18:56
trismblno: to a fat filesystem? if so you might need --modify-window=1 as an additional rsync option18:56
blnotrism: no, it's ntfs18:57
escottSteph__, does the tv show up in displays when the hdmi is plugged in18:57
trismblno: ahh, then I don't know, sorry18:57
Steph__no it doesn't18:57
bobweaverCorrect rbnswartz18:57
blnotrism: thanks anyway18:57
bobweaverwait NO18:57
ActionParsnipSteph__: what video chip do you use?18:57
bobweaverrbnswartz,  pastebin full  debian/control18:57
Steph__whatever is built into our motherboard intel dh67cf18:57
soundconjurerHas anyone successfully installed Ubuntu 12.04 with Windows 8 with the UEFI successfully?18:58
bazhanghttp://infectionsandmore.blogspot.tw/2012/04/dual-boot-windows-8-and-ubuntu-1204-my.html soundconjurer18:58
rbnswartzbobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402748/ will this tell me where the patch is located?18:59
bobweaverthanks no looking at version numbers . One should never add quilt(patch) if it is not there to start out with18:59
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, yes i have installed xfce on top of ubuntu 12.0418:59
bazhanghttp://www.linuxbsdos.com/2012/10/11/dual-boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-12-04-on-a-pc-with-uefi-hardware/ soundconjurer should be similar to windows 819:00
bobweaverrbnswartz,  also looking at debian dir myself brb19:00
escottsoundconjurer, im sure someone has. if you want to ask a specific question we might be able to help19:00
bazhangprashant_123456, so follow the puregnome link I gave19:00
bobweaverrbnswartz,  how about . debian/changlog19:00
bobweaverthanks *19:00
soundconjurerI am just looking for a procedure...19:01
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: then run:   sudo apt-get --purge remove `dpkg -l | grep xfce | awk {'print $2'}`; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove19:01
bazhangsoundconjurer, I just gave you a link19:01
soundconjurerI am reading it19:01
ActionParsnipsoundconjurer: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+uefi   top link....19:01
rbnswartzbobweaver past that?19:01
rbnswartz*Paste that?19:01
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, ok sir19:01
blnook, copying the modification date did the trick. I didn't want to do it because windows software doesn't, but I guess it works.19:02
bobweaverrbnswartz see pm19:02
rbnswartzbobweaver http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402755/19:02
mariannemy biggest problem was finding an empty CD-R to load the iso to... but I'm stoked (boyfriend thinks I'm nuts!)19:03
bobweaverrbnswartz,  add the patch     make sure in top source dir and run     dpkg-source --commit19:03
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, and also how to remove lxde please19:04
ActionParsnipmarianne: nothing wrong with being happy and excited. Wallow in it :)19:04
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu19:04
gandsnutWhat's the root password for a fresh install of 12.10?19:04
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: sudo apt-get --purge remove lxde lxpanel; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove19:04
bobweaver!root | gandsnut19:04
ubottugandsnut: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:04
bazhanggandsnut, there is none19:04
ActionParsnipgandsnut: there isn't one19:04
rbnswartzbobweaver: Any guidelines for the patch name?19:04
ActionParsnipgandsnut: if you want a root terminal, run:  sudo -i19:05
marianneActionParsnip: thanks... knew you guys would understand! also means I can put off buying a new laptop for at least another year...or more!19:05
bobweaveryeah there is a ton make it like the change og19:05
bobweaverrbnswartz,  ^^19:05
ActionParsnipmarianne: never a bad thing, people don't have so much money these days19:05
bobweaverlog *  please paste (boy I hate quilt )19:05
rbnswartzbobweaver so pretty much copy and paste my entry from the changelog?19:06
ActionParsnipgandsnut: if you need to run commands with root access, prefix the command with 'sudo', if it is a GUI app like gedit, use 'gksudo'19:06
bobweaverrbnswartz,  let me see what you got before saving19:06
Steph__should i assume that 12.10 won't work with the intel dh67cf motherboard? that's why the hdmi won't work?19:07
rbnswartzbobweaver http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402765/ I'm going to enter it exactly like that19:07
gandsnutTrying 'su' in an xterm asks for a password.19:07
gandsnutIf there is no password, why is it asking?19:08
bazhanggandsnut, dont use that19:08
bobweaverrbnswartz,  take out the LP bug part19:08
escottgandsnut, because you used the wrong command. never use su on ubuntu19:08
bazhanggandsnut, please listen to what we just told you19:08
mega1is it possable to clear command history for a user19:08
gandsnutbazhang:  how might I access /var/log/messages w/o root permission?19:08
bobweaverhistory --clear19:08
bobweaverhistory --help19:08
rbnswartzbobweaver http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402767/ better?19:09
ActionParsnipgandsnut: no, as there is no password19:09
bobweaveryes rbnswartz19:09
mega1is it possable to change the name of the server19:09
escott!hostname | mega119:09
ubottumega1: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.19:09
ActionParsnipgandsnut: the account is disabled for a whole bunch of reasons. You can still su to other accounts19:09
rbnswartzbobweaver ok so committing that now19:09
ActionParsnipgandsnut: your user can read the dmesg, it doesn't need root access19:10
ActionParsnipgandsnut: there also isn't a  /var/log/messages  in Ubuntu19:10
bobweavercool rbnswartz  then you can run  debuild -S   again19:11
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, lxde is still there no changes19:11
gandsnutSorry, referring to dmesg19:12
ActionParsnipgandsnut: run:  dmesg | less19:12
ActionParsnipgandsnut: users can read dmesg, no need for root19:12
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: try:      dpkg -l | grep lxde    do you get any output?19:12
gandsnutTrying to troubleshoot why both TrendNet and Belkin USB wireless dongles will not authenticate on local wi-fi19:13
ActionParsnipgandsnut: what wifi chip do they use?19:13
gandsnutLooks like the TrendNet uses RTL8187 or some such19:13
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, yes i get output19:13
ActionParsnipgandsnut: if they are usb, run:   lsusb   and search for the 8 character hex ID for the device19:13
macarnoldI want to resize my partitions without reinstalling. I have root, swap, and home, that order on hard drive. I want to increase size of root and swap. Would it be alright to delete home, then expand root and swap, and re-create home with saved data?19:14
gandsnutActionParsnip:  thx, will do immed19:14
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: then run:    sudo apt-get --purge remove `dpkg -l | grep lxde | awk {'print $2'}`19:14
escottmacarnold, sure. you would have to update the uuid in fstab19:14
rbnswartzbobweaver ok I got a text editor open on command completetion I assume I must describe my patch again?19:14
escott!uuid | macarnold19:14
ubottumacarnold: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)19:14
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, ok19:15
bobweaver!screenshot | rbnswartz  could you please take a screen shot ?19:15
ubotturbnswartz  could you please take a screen shot ?: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.19:15
gandsnutactionParsnip:  RTL8187B19:15
gandsnutActionParsnip, sorry, hex19:15
morfeo_81hi there19:15
escottmacarnold, another difficulty you will encounter is that the livecd will automatically swapon the swap partition. so you have to swapoff the swap partition delete the home and swap. grow root, add a new swap, add a new home19:15
macarnoldescott, yeah, I was wondering about issues with uuid. So is is essentially a matter of having the right uuid's in fstab? If so, then I could do this with a live gparted cd?19:15
ActionParsnipgandsnut: tried this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b19:16
escottmacarnold, yes. you can (and must) do it all from the livecd19:16
morfeo_81How can create a hot spot for IPAD using ubuntu. If use create new wireless  and shared connection I'm not able to connect19:16
gandsnutActionParsnip:  obda:8189, will check your link19:16
rbnswartzbobweaver http://imagebin.org/23783419:16
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prashant_123456ActionParsnip, ok done with it one more thing how to uninstall openbox and gnome/openbox ?19:16
bobweaverthanks rbnswartz19:17
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: thats the first thing that comes up when I search the web.....19:17
rbnswartzbobweaver I have a feeling I put the wrong thing in the wrong placed19:17
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: sorry, wrong target19:17
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, can u explain please19:17
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, ok19:17
ActionParsnipgandsnut: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=RTL8187B+ubuntu    its the top link....you seriously telling me you haven't seen that link.......19:17
escottmacarnold, too complete the high level instructions. after adding home and copying data back, you update fstab, then chroot in and update-initramfs (to get the fstab into the initram image -- you might be able to skip this step, but i would just go ahead and do it)19:18
Steph__how can i get ubuntu to see the video chip that is built into the motherboard?19:18
escott!ics | morfeo_8119:18
ubottumorfeo_81: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:18
bobweaverrbnswartz,  you might have that is ok this is why I hate quilt but just do what this file is asking for and change it19:18
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, any help19:18
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: what is the output of:    ls /usr/share/xsessions19:18
escottSteph__, in what sense is it not seeing it? is this a laptop?19:18
Steph__i can output to a montior, but i can't output to the tv using hdmi19:19
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, gnome-classic.desktop   openbox.desktop        ubuntu.desktop19:19
prashant_123456gnome.desktop           openbox-gnome.desktop  xubuntu.desktop19:19
prashant_123456gnome-fallback.desktop  openbox-kde.desktop19:19
prashant_123456gnome-shell.desktop     ubuntu-2d.desktop19:19
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: what is the output of:   dpkg -S openbox-gnome.desktop19:19
rbnswartzbobweaver I'm just going to remove that long paragraph at the top and just leave the part from the changelog19:19
bobweaverrbnswartz,  the thing is I would not think that you would need a quilt patch for what you are doing but I hate quilt and will never understand it19:20
bobweaverrbnswartz, cool19:20
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, dpkg -S openbox-gnome.desktop19:20
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: give it time19:20
Steph__escott, it's a desktop - i can output to a montior, but i can't output to the tv using hdmi19:20
sudonanohi, desktop ubuntu 12.04 64 bit with unity...rear microphone jack works but not the same thing for the jack on front panel: I've already checked volume setting on alsamixer and pavucontrol. both the jacks are connected to the analogic audio chipset integrated in the MB (there's also hd audio on ati hd4830, but alsamixer show correctly only S/PDIF connection). Any idea? (on my previous 11.04 installation front microphone was fu19:21
escottSteph__, and why do you say "ubuntu can't see the video chip" that is a very specific statement19:21
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, openbox: /usr/share/xsessions/openbox-gnome.desktop19:21
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, yes it is the output19:21
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: sudo apt-get --purge remove openbox19:21
rbnswartzbobweaver This look good http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402807/?19:22
rbnswartz bobweaver This look good http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402807/ ?19:22
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, and what about other desktop environments please19:22
bobweaverrbnswartz,  at any rate we are just going to make you a diff patch in the end I just wanted to show you how to use debuils19:22
bobweaverrbnswartz,  looks great !19:22
rbnswartzbobweaver: now I do the debuild -S again?19:22
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, openbox-kde.desktop19:23
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: use the dpkg -S command again with the other files :)19:23
morfeo_81I'm scarry about to do great error with iptable.HOw can use ppo connection and create hot spot for ipad?19:23
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ActionParsnipSteph__: what is the output of:   sudo lshw -C display19:23
bazhangmorfeo_81, read the ics link ?19:23
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:23
bobweaverrbnswartz,  well that is going on open other terminal or new tab and cd ~/Desktop/build-area  or where ever that is and mkdir diffs19:24
rbnswartzbobweaver ok so I guess I need to give gpg my secret key. I used the gui in order to create it would that cause any problems?19:24
morfeo_81<bazhang>: Yes but the problem I don't understand because I have a ip and how can change19:24
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, app-install-data: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/openbox:openbox.desktop19:25
bobweaverrbnswartz,  not sure that is a big question just use our password that you signed you gpg keys with19:25
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: then you know what to remove19:25
bobweaverrbnswartz,  the password is to make sure that it is you . that is how debian based distros know that the people that are altering packages are the people that they claim to be :)19:26
bobweaverwhen packaging that is19:26
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, when i run dpkg -S openbox-kde.desktop it gives error19:26
rbnswartzbobweaver  it doesn't give me a chance to this is what I get. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402815/19:26
bobweaverrbnswartz,  again I wanted to just *SHOW* you how debuils works19:27
gandsnutCan't seem to get out of entering passphrase and "Authentication required for wireless network"19:27
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern *openbox-kde.desktop*.19:27
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: try:   sudo apt-get --purge autoremove19:27
bobweaverrbnswartz,   open other terminal or new tab and cd ~/Desktop/build-area  or where ever that is and mkdir diffs19:27
rbnswartzbobweaver ok done19:27
rbnswartzbobweaver and then copy the patch?19:28
Steph__escott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402817/19:28
bobweavergo to where src/polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c  is19:28
bobweaverrbnswartz,  ^^19:28
escottSteph__, .... so it can see the card? Why are you saying it cannot?19:28
rbnswartzbobweaver got it19:28
bobweaverrbnswartz, then     cp  polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c  ../../diffs/altered.c19:28
bobweaverrbnswartz,  make sure that it goes to the right dir :)19:29
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, we recently uninstalled xubuntu from system but still at the login prompt i can see xubuntu login but when trying to login not able to login and i want to completely remove xubuntu from the login screen19:29
morfeo_81I don't understand because I have a ip and how can change it ?19:29
bobweaverrbnswartz,  then go back to  <buildarea>  and mkdir temp19:29
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: could just delete the session file :)19:29
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, how to do it19:30
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: sudo rm /usr/share/xsessions/openbox-kde.desktop       ...not obvious?19:31
escottmorfeo_81, thats not even a well formed question. networking is complex. you need to read the documentation and if you have questions about what the documentation is telling you then ask specific questions19:31
rbnswartzbobweaver the build dir should be outside of the source tree correct?19:31
babaluHi everybody I can't get flash images on ubuntu 1219:31
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, ok got it sir19:31
Steph__escott, my mistake.  I couldn't see the chip in the sea of code. I am trying to update/reinstall the driver in case that is the reason nothing happens when I plug a display into the HDMI port19:32
Compaq_Ownerhey so i downloaded that iso torrent, now wat?19:32
prashant_123456what is the logout command in linux19:32
bobweaverrbnswartz,  ~/Desktop/build-area/  should now have dirs for       diff,temp, and all the other stuff from build19:32
ActionParsnip!md5 | Compaq_Owner19:32
ubottuCompaq_Owner: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:32
escottSteph__, ill go back to question from 15minutes ago. does the TV not show up in displays when the hdmi is plugged in and the tv on19:32
HTC-DZguys, how do i check how much disk space openarena <the game> is using? i cant find its installed folder19:33
rbnswartzbobweaver in that case I got it19:33
escottprashant_123456, exit on terminal. gnome-session-logout in gui19:33
ActionParsnip!info openarena19:33
ubottuopenarena (source: openarena): fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.8-5+deb7u1 (quantal), package size 2103 kB, installed size 4888 kB19:33
Compaq_Ownerthr different again...19:33
escottprashant_123456, rather gnome-session-quit19:33
ActionParsnip!info openarena-data19:33
ubottuopenarena-data (source: openarena-data): OpenArena game data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5split-2 (quantal), package size 43660 kB, installed size 44240 kB19:33
prashant_123456escott, ok i will try it19:33
bobweaverrbnswartz,  then cd temp (the dir you just made )   and grab a fresh copy of policykit-1-gnome  (apt-get source policykit-1-gnome )   then *FROM the FRESH*  cd src/  and cp polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c  ../../diffs/*19:33
Compaq_Ownerwats the link to the iso torrents?19:34
ActionParsnipHTC-DZ: 45Mb + 5Mb = 50Mb19:34
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, and escott thanks for the help19:34
ubottuQuantal can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/quantal/desktop/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/quantal/server/ubuntu-12.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696919:34
bobweaversorry no * at the end rbnswartz19:34
babalucould u please help me for flash appropriate to ubuntu, I can't watch videos...19:34
bobweaverrbnswartz,  then cd temp (the dir you just made )   and grab a fresh copy of policykit-1-gnome  (apt-get source policykit-1-gnome )   then *FROM the FRESH*  cd src/  and cp polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c  ../../diffs/19:34
bobweaverrbnswartz, ^^ is corrct19:34
Steph__escott, no it does not. It does not show up on the list of available displays from the display setting when it is connected. The TV was on.19:34
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: why do you need the torrent if its finished downloading?19:34
mega1when i logon to the srver it has mega1@tech:~$ i want to change the tech19:34
Compaq_Ownercuz the MD5 didnt match again19:35
HTC-DZaction, where do i use that !info command? and i went to multiplayer and it downloaded a crap load of mods. thats why i wanna see how much space its eating up19:35
ActionParsnipbabalu: can you pastebin the output of:  uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | egrep'flash|gnash|swf|spark'19:35
bobweaverrbnswartz,  know  cd ../../diffs/   and ls  there should be two files in there correct ?  the altered.c and the new one or unaltered one correct ?19:35
bobweavernow *19:35
Compaq_Ownerit STILL doesnt match???19:35
rbnswartzbobweaver yes that is correct19:35
zykotick9HTC-DZ: for downloaded content, check your home directory somewhere...19:35
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: what is the hash you calculated?19:35
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, still having xubuntu session at login prompt19:36
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, how to remove it19:36
rbnswartzbobweaver ok I have a patch generated19:36
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: looks fine to me19:36
dr_willisprashant_123456:  theres a xubuntu.desktop file the defines what sessions are shown by the *DM managers19:36
bobweaverrbnswartz,  diff -u altered.c polkitgnomeauthenticationdialog.c > fix .patch19:37
rbnswartzbobweaver unless there was a diffrent usage of diff that I should have used19:37
ActionParsnipHTC-DZ: check in /usr/share/games     or in $HOME somewhere19:37
Compaq_Ownerwen i put it in winMs5sum it says19:37
Compaq_OwnerMD5 Check Sums are different19:37
bobweaverrbnswartz,  go to launchpad page and upload that patch file as a attachment to the bug and you are done.19:37
ActionParsnipbabalu: what is the output of:  dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'19:37
ActionParsnipbabalu: I missed a space, sorry19:37
rbnswartzbobweaver redid the patch using the -u option19:38
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bobweaverrbnswartz,  sorry about the debuild stuff just wanted to show you .19:38
rbnswartzbobweaver I understand19:38
rbnswartzbobweaver I really appreciate it didn't know what all of those tools did.19:39
ActionParsnipbabalu: wat browser(s) do you use?19:39
babalufirefox but with cromium same I can't watch videos19:39
bobweaverrbnswartz,  I hate quilt and will never understand it. I know why it is there. I am not sure as to why you gpg key is not working nor why it wanted a patch as version number changes should not ask for patch  Oo maybe ActionParsnip  can add to this he has moi moi karma on LP19:39
escott!hostname | mega1 please read this19:40
ubottumega1 please read this: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.19:40
bobweavermaybe you made different tar ? not sure.19:40
prashant_123456dr_willis, ok now removed19:40
ActionParsnipbobweaver: whats the issue?19:40
prashant_123456gnome-session-quit error ** (gnome-session-quit:4583): WARNING **: Failed to call logout: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files19:40
bobweaverrbnswartz,  other way to do what you just did. is to bzr branch  <branch>      alter the branch  and just re-upload19:41
bobweaverActionParsnip,  package wanted to creat quilt patch even though version number was changed in changelog with dch -i19:41
ActionParsnipbobweaver: never played with that dude, sorry19:42
bobweaverActionParsnip,  I was trying to show rbnswartz  how to use debuild :/19:42
HTC-DZno luck. :( any idea where any downloaded apps get installed to by default from the ubuntu software center?19:42
trismbobweaver: what's the error?19:42
MonkeyDustHTC-DZ  in /usr/bin/19:42
prashant_123456cant logout using command gnome-session-logout19:42
dr_willisHTC-DZ:   the files for a packge go to whatever system dirs they need.. it depends on whats in the package.19:42
babaluon firefox I put an addon for flash but still doesn't work or I don't know which one is best for this old pc19:43
dr_willisHTC-DZ:  the binaries normally go to the verions 'bin' dirs19:43
bobweaverhey there Awesome sause other wise know as trism  it was dpkg source error on build let me find paste19:43
dr_willisHTC-DZ:  you can use the package manager tools to see exactly what files are in a package and where they get installed to19:43
bobweaverawesome formerly know as trism,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402740/19:43
bobweaverversion # was changed in d/changelog so not sure why it would need a quilt patch Oo  << trism19:44
rbnswartzbobweaver I added a comment to the bug. Thanks a bunch.19:44
trismbobweaver: oh, dpkg-source --commit; should take care of creating the patch, or otherwise if the patch is already on top, just: quilt refresh;19:44
bobweavertrism,  thanks I can and never will understand quilt19:45
trismbobweaver: takes some getting used to19:45
mega1how do i view all the hd on my server19:45
bobweavertrism,  also watch files and the regex that goes into them19:46
MonkeyDustmega1  df -h19:46
ActionParsnipmega1: sudo fdisk -l19:46
bobweavertrism,  like when get upstreamers are not using versioning # in there tar' s19:46
escottmega1, sudo cat /dev/sd*;19:46
trismbobweaver: never touch those myself either19:46
MonkeyDustmega1  correction: try du -sh19:46
dr_willismega1:  how aboyt you clarify what you mean...19:47
[4-tea-2]Can anyone give me a hint how Ubuntu w/ Gnome asks for SSH keys? I'm loading a bunch of keys with ssh-add, yet Ubuntu/Gnome/whoever will still ask me to enter the passphrase for one of they keys that has already been loaded (upon the first SSH connection).19:47
babaluActionParnsnip could u please suggest me something to do?19:47
[4-tea-2]I'd like a way to disable ^ that.19:48
moorianebabalu: jerk off19:48
escottdr_willis, taking all the fun out of trying to interpret his question19:48
dr_willisescott:  ;)19:48
bobweaverrbnswartz,  you have read Ubuntu packaging guide and also debian new maintainers guide ?19:48
HTC-DZoh :D i found something quite cool. the app "disk usuage analyzer" did the trick :) open that app, scan home folder, it shows you exactly how much space each app is taking. click on the app, and it actually takes you to the installed folder directory. :) pretty cool stuff.19:48
babalumooriane jerk urself first19:48
bazhangbabalu, he's gone, move on19:48
dr_willisHTC-DZ:  its just showing folders.. ;) the fact theres an app in one.. dosent matter. ;p19:49
ActionParsnip[4-tea-2]: did you tell the ssh server to not request passwords?19:49
rbnswartzbobweaver I started to a while ago when I was working on a project for automated deb file creation to find out more of how things are packaged but I don't quite remember it all19:49
rbnswartzbobweaver I'll be sure to read it. I still have the URL bookmarked I think19:49
[4-tea-2]ActionParsnip: it's not asking for a password, but for the pass*phrase* for an already loaded (according to ssh-add -L) key. You know, the "secret" used to decrypt a locally stored ssh private key.19:50
rbnswartz[4tea-2] how do I provide my secret key then?19:51
[4-tea-2]rbnswartz: ?19:51
bobweaverrbnswartz,    http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/    http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/       http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/19:51
HTC-DZdr willis, its showing what i was looking for which was the space of mods downloaded.  :) which is what i was looking for. lol ay this is going to take a getting used to. :)19:52
rbnswartz[4-tea-2] I was the person that this started with. How do I provide gpg with my secret key in order to sign things?19:52
bobweaverrbnswartz,  also this is good https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/19:52
RELOLhi. Ubuntu 12.04 freezes after have pluged an MTP device19:53
dr_willisHTC-DZ:  err.. that wawsent anyway near  the question i saw you asking. ;P19:53
bobweaverrbnswartz,  look at the help.launchpad for that19:53
RELOLgvfs-gphoto2 60% cpu19:53
HTC-DZi really need to understand how this system works. from what i gather, anything you install goes into a "pool" and any new program doesnt re download whats in the "pool" instead it just uses it from there. correct?19:53
[4-tea-2]rbnswartz: ActionParsnip responded to my, completely separate, question. Nothing to do with you.19:54
rbnswartz[4-tea-2] ok then never mind19:54
mega1how do i fine out how big each partition is19:54
RELOLDBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.19:54
dr_willismega1:  sudo fdisk -l19:55
HTC-DZwillis, heres the orignal q.  "guys, how do i check how much disk space openarena <the game> is using? i cant find its installed folder" my answer according to disk usage analyzer is 136MB. how is my q not answered?19:55
dr_willisHTC-DZ:  i saw you asking where speciifc things got installed..19:55
dr_willisHTC-DZ:  the locate command is handy for finding things you have totally lost  ;)19:56
escottHTC-DZ, not everyone sees every question. but running dpkg through df and awk can get the answer19:56
HTC-DZwillis, yes, coz according to windows, if you go to the folder where things are installed you find the size of the program. but this works differently i see.19:56
dr_willisHTC-DZ:  if you install stuff via the packagte manager tools the apps do not go into a single folder.19:57
dr_williscome can, and put links to differnt locations.. but not all of them19:57
HTC-DZi know escott, im just clarifying myself to willis :)19:57
mega1would my hd show up if it was not formated19:57
dr_willismega1:  you partion hard drives. then format the filesystems on the partions.19:58
dr_willismega1:  fdisk shows the disks and how they are partioned.19:58
HTC-DZwillis, i have gathered that now :) lol19:58
dr_willismega1:  gparted can aso.19:58
escottmega1, fdisk is pretty old and doesnt handle all partition types. sudo parted -l is preferred over sudo fdisk -l.19:59
* dr_willis is old skool19:59
* dr_willis is old....19:59
HTC-DZis there a need for an antivirus software for ubuntu 12.04LTS and if so, which is a good free one to have?19:59
dr_willisHTC-DZ:  not really a need. unless you want to scan windows files20:00
escottdr_willis, not to worry. there is always someone older, until there isn't. then you die20:00
dr_willisactually thats about the only use for AV software on linux. ;) scanning your windows stuff20:00
mega1i cloned my hd onto a bigger one and after it said the linux was 32meg big and the unpartioned space was 32 just trying to format it20:00
escott!antivirus | HTC-DZ20:00
ubottuHTC-DZ: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:00
dr_willismega1:  use gparted to 'resize' existing partions. or create new ones.20:00
mega1when i did fdisk -l it says i have 3 two are linux and the other is extended20:01
darkhalo117I've been looking through the grub2 configuration page on the community website. It tells me how to change my default OS but it doesn't tell me how to tell which menu entry win xp is. Any help?20:01
ActionParsnipdr_willis: parted is a bit more descriptive than fdisk ;)20:01
dr_willisyou kids and your fancy new commands... get off my lawn! ;P20:02
ActionParsnipdr_willis: fdisk shows partitions as 'linux'  parted shows them as 'ext4'20:02
newbie|8J have a problem with amule.  It looks like it starts, but the only way I can get it to run is in sudo mode20:02
ActionParsnipdr_willis: I'm pretty old school too :)20:02
* bobweaver puts tent on dr_willis made from html520:02
bobweaverlawn ^^20:02
RocklawWhat about that Bose unit that goes under the TV? Any good? Looks like a large version of the Wave Radio.20:02
k1lnewbie|8: pretty sure you already ruined the rightsmanagment with the sudo-running20:02
* darkhalo117 tricks out his tent with css320:02
dr_willisRocklaw:  :) how is that ubuntu support related.20:02
bazhangRocklaw, how is that connected to ubuntu20:03
mega1it says GtK-WARNING **: cannot open display20:03
dr_willisGuess it wasent.20:03
newbie|8k1l: It didn't work before I did the sudo20:03
escottnewbie|8, must need access to a privileged port20:03
newbie|8escott: What is a priveleged port??20:03
NoskcajActionParsnip, my install was messed up so i put xubuntu on rather than try to fix it20:04
HTC-DZubottu, thanks for that link :)20:04
ubottuHTC-DZ: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:04
newbie|8k1l: Is there a way to fix the rightsmanagement?20:04
escottnewbie|8, a low one <102420:04
RELOLlibmtp 0.920:05
HTC-DZubottu, artificial intelligence beats human stupidity any day of the week :p20:05
ubottuHTC-DZ: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:05
Compaq_Ownerneed help20:05
darkhalo117How do I get the numbering in my grub2 menu entries so I can change my default os?20:05
bazhangHTC-DZ, /msg ubottu20:05
Compaq_OwnerI have an aspire one D270-1865 which came with windows 7, and I wanted to get rid of it and replace it with ubuntu. So, I followed the instructions to create a bootable usb with the ubuntu iso and booted it on the system. Everything went fine, and it said the installation was successful and for me to reboot. So I did and nothing happened, no windows or ubuntu. I booted the usb again to...20:05
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Compaq_Owner...try...Compaq_Owner...and reinstall ubuntu but again nothing appeared. So I got out my old desktop and formatted the usb and put dban on it. Then wiped my useless system. Once it was wiped I formatted the usb again and recreated the ubuntu iso on it, and loaded it back onto the wiped PC, but only text appeared.20:05
bobweavermaybe bose  and tv and barghh One remote http://www.whizzy.org/2012/11/device-control-over-hdmi-via-cec-libcec-ftw/20:05
k1lnewbie|8: take a look into the folder in your home and see if its owned by root. that is wrong it must be owned by your user20:05
escottnewbie|8, seems odd for a p2p client, but its clearly some kind of permissions issue.20:05
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: what video chip does it use?20:05
SonikkuAmericadarkhalo117: look in the /etc/grub.d/ folder, I think it's there20:06
newbie|8k1l: Could you give me the command to look in the folder?  I'm a n00b20:06
escottdarkhalo117, the numbering is in order of how they are listed in the grub.cfg which is built by running /etc/grub.d in sequence20:06
k1lnewbie|8: "ls -al"20:07
darkhalo117Thank you guys!20:07
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: seems to be a radeon 625020:07
new2linxi need help with my olevia screen going into dpms standby and suspend after ubuntu boots up. I had a mx400 video card and I changed it to nvidia 6200. i can see everything loading, i can even login but the screen soon goes into dpms suspend mode20:07
Compaq_Ownera wat?20:07
yanick_Hi, will HDMI sound be supported at some point with the open source ATI driver (for a Radion HD 3xxx card) ?20:07
ActionParsnipCompaq_Owner: try the boot option:   radeon.nomodeset=120:07
ActionParsnip!bootoption | Compaq_Owner20:07
ubottuCompaq_Owner: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.20:07
newbie|8k1l: What answer to that will tell me the owner?  I need to look at .amule, right?20:08
SonikkuAmericadarkhalo117: One more note: If you want to change the boot order, the easiest way to do that is to head for /etc/grub.d/ (as root) and edit the number at the beginning of the title.20:08
battlecatHi. I have a HDMI video card. When I used Linux mint it had this feature that auto detected that I needed some restricted nvidia drivers and it always found the right ones. Where can I find that on Ubuntu 12.04?20:09
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ActionParsnipyanick_: maybe, if you use 12.10 you will need the legacy driver via PPA to make it work20:09
battlecatSorry I meant 12.1020:09
HTC-DZguys, if i remove a game via the ubuntu software center does the mods for said game get deleted as well? or do i have to delete em separately somehow?20:09
darkhalo117Ok so lowest number boots first?20:09
k1lnewbie|8: the two lines where most times is your username. that is the line for owner and group_owner of the file/folder20:09
escottHTC-DZ, manually20:09
SonikkuAmericadarkhalo117: Correct20:10
ActionParsnipHTC-DZ: depends where they are stored20:10
ActionParsnipbattlecat: which nvidia gpu?20:10
krabadorhi people, i need help to reconfigure xorg20:10
newbie|8k1l: the command was ls -aL or -aI?20:10
HTC-DZhow would i know if they removed automatically?20:10
battlecatActionParsnip, I am not sure. Is there a way I can find out without opening the machine again?20:10
SonikkuAmericadarkhalo117: This is typically done when you want to put Windows in front of the other OS'es in GRUB220:10
SonikkuAmericaOr another OS20:11
countleyis there a program for fashion design on ubuntu20:11
ActionParsnipHTC-DZ: if they are stored in a subfolder in $HOME then it will still stand20:11
dr_willisHTC-DZ:  depends on how the mods got installed. If the files are in the users Home directory (custome maps and so forth that were instaleld by the user) then the software center will NOT touch files in the users home.20:11
mega1i tried gparted it says GtK-WARNING **: cannot open display20:11
newbie|8k1l: It tells me that I cannot access al, no such directory20:11
ActionParsnipbattlecat: lspci | grep -i vga20:11
escottdr_willis, it shouldnt be touching them even if they are in /usr/share/games if they aren't in the package manifest20:11
SonikkuAmericamega1: Is X11 enabled?20:11
HTC-DZoh, i see. that sucks lol20:11
DogPI just extracted the rootfs of 13.04... can someone tell me what the default user/pass is?  I can't seem to find it.20:11
battlecatActionParsnip, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a2)20:12
ActionParsnipcountley: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196070920:12
mega1dont think so20:12
bazhangDogP, there is none. #ubuntu+1 for 13.04 not here20:12
SonikkuAmericamega1: There's your problem.20:12
escottHTC-DZ, the general rule of thumb is that removing things with apt only removes things that were installed by apt. if you download and install with some other tool its your responsibility20:12
DogPbazhang: okay, thx20:12
mega1how do i enable it20:12
Steph__apparently the old "jiggle the handle" trick works for computers too because we finally out the display to output to the tv but new problem20:13
k1lnewbie|8: ?20:13
SonikkuAmericamega1: Do you have a GUI (Unity, KDE, etc.) installed?20:13
ActionParsnipbattlecat: and if you run:   apt-cache policy nvidia-current    which version is installed?20:13
mega1not on the server20:13
newbie|8k1l: I had forgotten to do the - before the aL.  This time around, the correct command tells me that .amule is under my personal access20:13
k1lnewbie|8: what are you typing? "ls -al" is what i suggested you to put in20:13
new2linxI've turned off dpms within the tv setup.20:13
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:13
Steph__the computer cannot see the wireless card when I type nm-tool into the terminal all the display information is about wired internet connections. Any idea how to fix that?20:14
battlecatActionParsnip, Installed: 304.51.really.304.43-0ubuntu120:14
k1lnewbie|8: ok20:14
HTC-DZescott, i went in the app and went to ,mutliplayer and stuff downloaded. does that mean i have to delete those mods on my own?20:14
mega1i ma connecting using putty20:14
newbie|8k1l: The first time I did the aL, I had forgotten the "-"20:14
ActionParsnipbattlecat: ok, so you have an ok driver. Do you get a low res?20:14
shallwehi guys, someone here using ubuntu 12.10 and virtualbox?20:14
SonikkuAmericamega1: OK that helps me big-time20:14
SonikkuAmericamega1: Do you have a program called Xming?20:14
shallwevirtual box instaled in ubuntu 12.1020:14
escottHTC-DZ, yes. same as if you downloaded something in firefox. apt-get remove firefox should not delete everything you downloaded in the browser20:14
k1lthen type "amule" in the terminal. if the programm gets errors it should state them there. but dont close the terminal20:14
STFhello guys, i am looking for a dhcp-server which i can configure this way, that i can use it to map 4 Public Ips to 4 virtualbox guests?20:14
battlecatActionParsnip, no the res is correct as far as I can tell. What is happening is the audio is sometimes "fuzzy" like static and the image on the HD video gets this effect that I can only think of as tearing.20:15
STFthe vm guest are started in bridgemode20:15
SonikkuAmericamega1: Google it, download it onto your Windows computer, install it, and switch it on (kill PuTTY first)20:15
newbie|8k1l: Does this mean anything ...  the directory "." is under me and the ".." is under root?20:15
mega1i have server 10.04 just ftp ssh were installed20:15
k1lnewbie|8: that is fine20:15
escottnew2linx, /home is always owned by root, as long as you own /home/username thats fine20:15
escottnewbie|8, ^^^20:16
newbie|8drwxrwxr-x  4 steve steve     4096 Dec  1 21:00 .aMule20:16
newbie|8 20:16
HTC-DZoh man :( so now how would i hunt down these add ons? and is the $home folder you referring to the icon below the start icon?20:16
escottnewbie|8, and ".." is up one directory, "." is the current directory (so probably /home/username)20:16
k1lnewbie|8: that is fine20:16
ActionParsnipbattlecat: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload20:16
k1lnewbie|8: lets move on for the next step20:16
SonikkuAmericamega1: Hmm... You're using server 10.04 right now?20:16
escottHTC-DZ, its almost certainly in $HOME/.program_name20:17
battlecatActionParsnip, that was a neat trick.20:17
newbie|8k1l: I think I had screwed up before and someone told me to delete something and after that, it worked20:17
battlecatActionParsnip, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=3627ebe296f62c880194f456322caa97bc0772d220:17
Sivikanyone else have any video issues when playing any sort of video from a remote computer?  avi or mkv format?20:17
escottHTC-DZ, otherwise it would have to know how to get root privs to install the programs in /usr/share/games20:17
SivikI'm getting a choppy line about 1/4 down from the top20:17
dr_willisSivik:  sounds like video 'tearing' to me.20:18
Sivikdr_willis, is that something caused by the video or the connection or the video playing?  The videos play fine on my tv20:18
newbie|8k1l: Something like a *.dat or something like that20:18
dr_willisSil4nc4:  its the nature of videos   dependign on how they get rendered20:18
ActionParsnipbattlecat: very handy :)20:19
dr_willisSivik: :  its the nature of videos   dependign on how they get rendered20:19
gandsnutCan I run 12.10 with selectable Unity, Gnome or other desktop?20:19
ActionParsnipbattlecat: do you have onboard sound?20:19
zatanhey how can I set on file permission like this -rw-rw-r-- ?20:19
mega1SonikkuAmerica: yes why is something wrong with it20:19
ActionParsnipbattlecat: I imagine you are using HDMI audio20:19
dr_willisSivik:  enabling vsync can get rid of it ive noticed.20:19
battlecatActionParsnip, yes. At least I would like to20:19
SivikLet me try doing that in the nvidia control panel.20:19
SonikkuAmericamega1: Pardon the delay...20:19
ActionParsnipbattlecat: have you disabled the onboard sound in BIOS?20:19
battlecatI can tell you ActionParsnip that I am using Clementine right now and the audio sounds fine.20:19
escottzatan, that is 664 see !permissions20:20
ActionParsnipbattlecat: ok that's cool20:20
SonikkuAmericamega1: Can you install stuff?20:20
ActionParsnipbattlecat: what apps does the sound go funny?20:20
battlecatActionParsnip, VLC Parole MPlayer20:20
mega1SonikkuAmerica: yes20:20
SonikkuAmericamega1: OK, sudo apt-get -y install x1120:20
HTC-DZok i managed to find the .pk3 files. <if that helps> does removing those simply remove the add ons?20:21
battlecatPlaying Mp4 files from youtube ActionParsnip20:21
ActionParsnipbattlecat: tried different sound options in VLC?20:21
battlecatActionParsnip, No I have not.20:21
SonikkuAmericamega1: Tell me if that works20:21
k1lgandsnut: yes, you can select at the login20:21
battlecatActionParsnip, I have no clue that there was another20:21
zatanescott, chers20:21
new2linxhow do i purge all nvidia drivers and start over. i am in tty120:21
du_users: how can I use ubuntu 10.10 for the internet? I use kubuntu 11.04 for my laptop!  :-|20:22
battlecatActionParsnip, The "tearing" is more upsetting20:22
battlecatActionParsnip, cant watch anything fullscreen without flinching at it20:22
gandsnutk1l: OK.  How can I confirm Gnome and other desktops are installed?20:22
Sivikdr_willis, now to figure out how to enable vsync20:22
gandsnutWith synaptic gone, I'm really lost20:23
mega1SonikkuAmerica: couldnt fing package x1120:23
k1lgandsnut: look if the packages are installed?20:23
new2linxcan anyone help me remove nvidia 96.43 and install the correct one for a nvidia 6200?20:23
newbie|8k1l: I saw something in the .amule directory that seems familiar ... statistics.dat.  Would I be doing something dangerous to delete that?20:23
cxclolhello how can I unnistal programs by terminal?20:23
gandsnutk1l: respectfully, I don't know where to look in this Unity20:23
k1lnewbie|8: im not familiar with amule in that case20:23
Siviksudo aptitude remove <programname>20:23
ActionParsnipbattlecat: did you set a different video output method in VLC20:23
Sivikor sudo apt-get remove <programname>20:23
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)20:23
cxclolthank you20:24
battlecatActionParsnip, I have found them but have no idea what to change them to20:24
k1lgandsnut: you can install synaptic20:24
Sivikcxclol, man pages are your friends. ;)20:24
k1lgandsnut: if you are familiar with it20:24
newbie|8k1l: I'm going to try that ... ActionParsnip, do you see any problem with that?20:24
DJones!aptitude | Sivik I don't think I would use aptitude any more,20:24
ubottuSivik I don't think I would use aptitude any more,: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.20:24
ActionParsnipbattlecat: Video tab under preferences.....20:24
SivikDJones, thats why I gave him the option20:24
ActionParsnipbattlecat: what have you tried doing to resolve this....?20:24
gandsnutk1l:  well, I don't mind learning the new environment, can you give a suggestion where to look to see what desktops are installed?20:25
newbie|8ActionParsnip: Do you see any problem with me deleting a file "statistics.dat" in my amule to restart the program20:25
battlecatLOL I have played around changing settings but well I dont get any results. Do I need to change and exit or just change the setting20:25
dr_willisSivik:    you may want to use the 'ccsm' tool and see if 'sync to vblank' is enabled. I thought it was turned on by default. that seems to help my systems.20:25
DJonesSivik: Yeah, I realise that, just thought it was putting the link in channel for others to reference as well20:25
k1lgandsnut: a package system you want: softwarecenter, synaptic, apt-get etc etc etc20:25
Sivikthat works.20:25
ActionParsnipnewbie|8: could rename te file instead, less destructive20:25
ftruzziHi, I have an arch installation and my home folder is in a separate hard drive. Can I make a fresh install of ubuntu using that home partition?20:25
k1lgandsnut: or just log out and see what you can choose in the login screen20:26
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:26
gandsnutk1l:  will try, thanks20:26
newbie|8ActionParsnip: I put it in the trash, but that didn't change anything20:26
battlecatActionParsnip, no worries about it. Thank you for your time and help20:26
dr_willisSivik:  i also have a similer setting on my Nvidia Control panel tool for my nvidia systems20:26
Sivikare you using the nvidia-settings program?20:26
dr_willisboth are enabled Sivik20:27
Sivikdr_willis, for nvidia, is it the vsync blinking thing?20:27
dr_willisthen theres differnt vlc video filters you could enable. ;) but ive rarey needed that.20:27
ActionParsnipbattlecat: try changing it to X11, see how it goes20:27
battlecatActionParsnip, ok will do20:28
mega1what is x1120:28
dr_willisNvidia Settings -> open gl -> Sync to Vblank20:28
ActionParsnipbattlecat: I'm just not seeing what you have done to make this better...20:28
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SonikkuAmerica_mega1: Are you still there? (Solaris was glitching, hard-rebooted back into Ubuntu 12.10)20:28
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Sivikdr_willis, does x have to be restarted to see the change?20:28
battlecatActionParsnip, Well I guess other than downloading a few test videos and changing basic settings in the preferences not a whole lot. I am not a programer20:28
dr_willisSivik:  not that i know of.20:29
ActionParsnipbattlecat: you don't have to be a programmer.20:29
Sivikdr_willis, thats weird, I guess i'm going to have to do something in that ccsm.20:29
ActionParsnipbattlecat: I'm not....20:29
battlecatI am thinking that I will go back to Mint since that worked out of the box so to say. I do appreciate your time though.20:29
ActionParsnipbattlecat: why would you need to be?20:29
dr_willisSivik:  you did click the apply button ;)20:29
ActionParsnipbattlecat: the exact same  options for VLC are in Windows, do you need to be a programmer there too/20:29
Sivikdr_willis, did the save to x configuration file20:30
dr_willisSivik:  that WOULD require an X restart then20:30
Sivikdr_willis, I don't have an apply button20:30
battlecatActionParsnip, here is something strange the Youtube video when watched in Firefox are fine but not when watched in VLC. I dont use windows lol I have a mac and a linux box20:30
Sivikdr_willis, doesn't do it for local videos but does for network videos, would that make a difference?20:31
darkhalo117Would "30_os-prober" be indicative of a windows boot in grub2?20:31
ActionParsnipbattlecat: same VLC options are in MacOS...do you need to be a programmer there too?20:31
battlecatNo MAC just works20:31
dr_willisSivik:  hve never noticed the network mattering.. unless its real High def videos.20:31
escottdarkhalo117, yes20:31
ActionParsnipbattlecat: so what relevance does "I am not a programer"  have, to anything in your situation?20:31
dr_willisSivik:  could be its how the videos are getting streamed over the network also.20:31
battlecatActionParsnip, I do not want to get into editing text files and all that.20:32
dr_willisText files are scary! ;)20:32
Sivikdr_willis, maybe but I know its not a thru-put issue.  Its a 1 gbps network connection between the two computers20:32
battlecatIs there a way to turn off something called compositing if I have it on?20:32
battlecatfound awebpage20:32
escottdarkhalo117, the other thing you can try is /etc/default/grub the one downside to renaming 30 to 09 is if those scripts get updated yours wont20:32
ActionParsnipbattlecat: you're not, you are changing config via a GUI. Edittin a text file does not constitute programming20:32
dr_willisbattlecat:  that will disable a lot of the video effects/eyecandy20:32
ActionParsnipbattlecat: if you've fixed as many macs as I have. you'd know they don't just work20:32
Sivikdr_willis, could be the fact its 1080 video.20:33
battlecatActionParsnip, Im sorry I dont agree. I work at a university and no one ever complains about MACs but the students complain about windows lol.20:33
ActionParsnipbattlecat: try installing xfce4, log off and log in to the xfce session and try there20:33
battlecatdr_willis, I would like to do that then.20:33
dr_willisSivik:  i rarely have any 1080p videos so No idea on that.20:33
battlecatActionParsnip, I am in XFCE.20:33
darkhalo117After I make these changes, do I need to run sudo update-grub?20:33
Sivikdr_willis, thanks for your input20:33
dr_willisbattlecat:  it may be beter if you clarify exactly what you are trying to do wna dwhy.20:33
SillyMebattlecat, what are you trying to do again?20:34
battlecatah back to Linux Mint.20:34
battlecatThanks guys.20:34
ActionParsnipbattlecat: I have Linux servers with upwards of 3 years uptime, and Windows SQL servers with similar20:34
dr_willisSivik:  vlc has differnt filters that may help also. I tend to only watch anime. :) so action movies and so forth may be differnt20:34
SillyMebattlecat, if you don't like editing text files, you wouldn't like slackware :)20:34
Sivikdr_willis, yea, i'm watching fringe in VLC and its doing it. but it is 108020:35
ActionParsnipbattlecat: editting text files isn't programming, just so you know20:35
escottdarkhalo117, yes20:35
dr_willisflash is acting weird.. so i will go use mint...  logical..20:35
ActionParsnipdr_willis: seen it too many times20:36
dr_willisVLC has its own 'flash code' dosent it? ive never really noticed. ;)20:36
SillyMepeople are lucky flash ever works right20:36
ActionParsnipSillyMe: I use chrome and have zero issues20:36
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countleyActionParsnip: cheers20:37
SillyMehaving zero issues when using  anything is practically a chrostmas miracle20:38
bobweaverall sorts of codex but not fringe :(  http://imagebin.org/23783820:38
SonikkuAmerica_SillyMe: lol20:38
ActionParsnipSillyMe: I do, all working here. I shop SMART. Shop S-MART :)20:38
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
ActionParsnipSillyMe: Dell D420 works 100% OOTB, with HP Deskjet 960C POS printer needing no config......20:39
protosWhy sudo echo "@setxkbmap -option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle "us,ru"" >> /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart  returns access denied? How to do it with sudo rights correctly?20:39
SillyMeSo you never at any time ever had a single issue?20:39
ActionParsnipSillyMe: using the system for web and chat and spotify. Simple times :)20:39
ActionParsnipSillyMe: oh lots but in the last 4 years it's been flawless20:39
bobweaverActionParsnip,  SO DOES MY DN420 :)20:40
ActionParsnipSillyMe: broadcom used to be a nightmare on my old Acer Aspire thing but this just flys20:40
ActionParsnipbobweaver: fun times eh :)20:40
bobweaversoory n504020:40
SonikkuAmerica((TEST: 2))20:40
bobweaverActionParsnip,  yup esp when everything works OOTB :)20:40
ActionParsnipSillyMe: I don't buy what is new, or cheap, or all the rage. I buy what is known to work...i have no problems20:40
SonikkuAmerica((OK I'm back))20:40
SonikkuAmericaprotos: Do you need 2 ">"s in your command syntax?20:41
escottprotos, no sudo. | sudo tee -a instead20:42
protosSonikkuAmerica: I need just append a line to file... As I understand I should use >> for that20:42
SonikkuAmericaOK, then follow what escott said20:42
escottprotos, >> is handled by the shell (bash) which is not sudo20:42
protosescott: big thanks20:43
du_users: Are you all on kubuntu x.x? :-|20:43
escottdu_, no20:43
RELOLNo samsung device owners?20:43
ActionParsnipprotos: sudo doesn't traverse te >>20:44
dr_willisRELOL:  samsung makes a LOT of devices...20:44
ActionParsnipprotos: you need to use:   echo "text" | sudo tee /path/to/file20:44
escottprotos, hopefully that makes sense, but "sudo echo" is rather pointless. echo never does anything that needs root access20:44
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RELOLdr_willis, yes, but MTP makes it unusable on Ubuntu20:45
darkhalo117You guys are awesome. Do you just chat on irc all day and get paid to do so?20:45
escottprotos, and be careful of the difference between tee and tee -a. tee is like >. tee -a is like >>20:45
dr_willisRELOL:  actually ive seen guides on getting MTP working. Ive done it befor. but these days i tend to just use wifi to get stuff back/forth to my phones20:45
escottdarkhalo117, paid. please send us your CC number when you are done :-P20:45
ActionParsnipdarkhalo117: I do when work is dead20:45
du_escott: How does the internet move on ubuntu 10.10? :-|20:45
ActionParsnipdu_: maverick is EOL20:46
RELOLWifi direct?20:46
dr_willisRELOL:  I tend to connect to the local lan and use any of the various tools to transfer files. ssh/scp samba,20:46
darkhalo117I'll buy a t-shirt from the store haha20:47
dr_willisI recall following this site once - not sure if its still needed for 12.10 http://ubuntu.mylifeunix.org/2012/05/29/how-to-connect-android-smartphone-ice-cream-sandwich-to-ubuntu-to-browse-files-and-for-file-access/20:47
DogPis there an OMAP3 build of ubuntu desktop 12.10?  I'm only seeing the OMAP4, but the wiki talks about it for the OMAP3 as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OmapDesktopInstall20:48
escottdarkhalo117, its all volunteer, and not directly affiliated with canonical, but feel free to donate to an open source cause if thats your wish. we are in here because we like freedom (at least thats presumptively true)20:48
KazfdAnyone know how to make a restore script in bash? trying to restore it from a file manifest. #BASH is unresponsive. :(20:49
escottKazfd, restore what?20:49
du_ActionParsnip: At first I had kubuntu 10.10 until Nov 2012 online in action, upgrade to 11.04 now! :-)20:49
SonikkuAmericadu_: You'll want to upgrade to at least 11.1020:50
Kazfdescott: Restores a file to it's original location. Like the recycle bin in Windows, if something is deleted, the script will restore it to its original location.20:50
bazhangdu_, 11.04 is end of life as well20:50
darkhalo117Much appreciated, escott. Do you guys know when the Ubuntu for Android is going to be released? I saw the youtube video and it was pretty cool!20:50
* SonikkuAmerica nods to bazhang20:50
escottdarkhalo117, best guess is thats going to have to be sold with specific devices. they may make a development release for people willing to reflash systems, but flashing systems is not something you want just any random Joe doing20:51
escottKazfd, i would check FDO (freedesktop.org) and see if there is a command line tool written for that.20:52
darkhalo117True statement20:52
Kazfdescott: I need to create it myself. Already looked around for the bash code and haven't found anything.20:52
ActionParsnipdu_: i'd just clean install Precise.20:52
escottKazfd, but things like "rm" do not go to any kind of "trash can" its just gone20:53
du_SonikkuAmerica: I think you know;" Never change a winning horse!" :-)20:53
cc_INCdu_ unless it's EOL :)20:53
Kazfdescott: I know. I created a delete script that moves to a separate location. However, I am stumped on how it's to restore to an original location.20:54
escottKazfd, well when you move it you need to log the location somehow. i would look at how freedesktop.org specifies that is to be done and follow their format20:54
SillyMeI suppose of there were some final entry point for file deletions in the OS, you might be able to hook it?20:54
=== Zorro is now known as Guest28487
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escottGuest28487, helo20:56
Guest28487hello escott20:56
Kazfdescott: Before a file is deleted, I log it in a manifest log that I created.20:56
ex0ais it possible to add a 3rd party repository during expert install or should i just wait until i boot into the system the first time?20:56
Guest28487how are you20:56
Guest28487bye bye20:57
escottKazfd, i would recommend you use the FDO standard whatever that is. but at the end of the day you have to parse your log and figure out the restore location and move it back20:57
SillyMewhat would Kazfd do if the file had been recreated in between?20:58
otend1is there any way to make the last number of a local IP static without affecting the others?20:58
escottSillyMe, you are just overthinking things. that will never happen20:59
Kazfdotend1: Without affecting the others?20:59
otend1as in, the three other numbers20:59
escottotend1, no. not possible20:59
otend1in other words, can I force the local IP of a system to adap--Oh.20:59
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escottotend1, what would happen if the next subnet already gave that low bit out21:00
SillyMeescoot, that happens all the time, when files were automatically generated by any partocular software package "x".21:00
escottSillyMe, i'm kidding21:01
gordonjcpotend1: What exactly are you trying to do?21:01
bobweaver!language | dodoteam21:03
ubottudodoteam: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:03
bobweaverthansk DJones21:03
bobweaverthanks *21:04
gopostalhi all, my root HDD says its 99%-100% used, but if i trow away big files it will be full again in 1 day. without installing anything that i know of21:05
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escottgopostal, check if any really large files are in /var/log21:05
SillyMegopostal, how big is your hard drive?21:06
gopostalif i select every file on my hdd it states that it is 24.8gb but also something like 38gb is used21:06
gopostalmy hdd is 38,5 (partition)21:06
fredericohello, i am searchin for someone, who is able to help me for a technical problem. can anyone give some help?21:07
jesusemelendezmquick question... when executing a c program on command line it gives me a permission denied.21:07
jesusemelendezmafter it was compiled.21:07
k1l!ask > frederico21:07
ubottufrederico, please see my private message21:07
gopostalescott: the /var/log is 6.4mb in total21:07
SillyMedid you set it's file attributes to "executable"?21:07
escottjesusemelendezm, is the c program opening any files?21:07
aTT0yea u got to change permissions21:08
zykotick9jesusemelendezm: is it mark executable?21:08
gordonjcpyou shouldn't have to change its permissions at all21:08
gordonjcpthat's stupid21:08
trismjesusemelendezm: how did you compile it?21:08
escottSillyMe, zykotick9 GCC should mark a.out as executable21:08
escottif he isn't using GCC then maybe21:08
zykotick9escott: thanks, good to know21:08
jesusemelendezm gcc -Wall-W-Werror main.c -o HelloWorldC21:09
SillyMewhat do you get if you "ls -l main" ?21:09
gordonjcpjesusemelendezm: can you pastebin exactly what you type to compile it, exactly what you type to run it, and any errors you get?21:09
jesusemelendezmno errors21:10
escottgopostal, there is a disk-usage utility that will say where your disk is being used21:10
gopostalescott, oke i will check that out21:10
SonikkuAmericaThat IS a weird set of args (I know what they all do but why)21:10
escottgopostal, baobob21:10
escottgopostal, rather "baobab" is the name of the program21:10
gopostalescott, thanks21:11
gordonjcpjesusemelendezm: I didn't ask if there were no errors, I asked you to pastebin exactly what you type and what comes back21:11
escott!ask | frederico21:11
ubottufrederico: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:11
SonikkuAmericagordonjcp: If he's using the webchat there is no pastebin option21:12
angshow to get a static wireless interface name (e.g. wlan1) on ubuntu 12.04?21:12
gordonjcpSonikkuAmerica: how do you figure that out?21:12
escottangs, you can modify udev to look at the mac address and fix the name21:12
angsescott: how can I do it?21:13
fredericois it possible that anybody could help me to solve tis problem:21:13
gordonjcpSonikkuAmerica: you paste a link into the channel21:13
escottangs, /etc/udev/rules.d21:13
escottangs, http://gorfeulb.blogspot.com/2010/08/udev-update-map-between-mac-addresses.html21:13
gordonjcpfrederico: 1) it's in German, 2) it looks like a homework problem 3) it is not an Ubuntu support issue21:13
angsescott: thank you21:13
gopostalescott, oke it seems that thunderbird is using a lot of disk space, i really didnt see that one coming, thanks for you help :)21:14
escottgopostal, it will keep a local copy of your mail database. might want to delete some older emails21:14
SonikkuAmericagordonjcp: That problem is about air pressure21:14
gordonjcpSonikkuAmerica: I know what it's about21:15
gordonjcpSonikkuAmerica: I can read, you know21:15
k1lfrederico: that is no ubuntu problem. so this is offtopic here21:15
zykotick9gopostal: fyi, you need to do something beyond just "deleting" emails to free space in thunderbird...21:15
SonikkuAmericaSorry, I didn't know you had translated it... No need to be defensive about it...21:16
gopostalzykotick9, oke? please tell21:16
zykotick9gopostal: sorry, i don't remember.  i stopped using thunderbird, in part to due it space usage...21:16
Arguremeh, I think I broke ipv6 :(21:16
gopostalzykotick9, oke :) thanks anyway i will search for it21:17
Argureargure@geonosis:~$ ping6 ubuntu.com21:17
Argureunknown host21:17
SonikkuAmericagopostal: What zkyotick9 said and see if you can switch your email services to IMAP (rather than POP)21:17
* Argure goes to play with config files :921:17
gordonjcpSonikkuAmerica: Ich kann lesen ein bisschen Deutsch...21:17
zykotick9SonikkuAmerica: doesn't help with thunderbird, it saves imap local as well :(21:17
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SonikkuAmericagordonjcp: I believe you, zkyotick9: Really? I didn't even know that...21:18
zvacetdoes anyone know how to completely remove unity from 12.10?21:18
gordonjcpzvacet: install a non-Unity version?21:19
gordonjcpzvacet: you could just install another DE and use that instead21:19
zykotick9zvacet: don't install it to begin with?  start from mini.iso and only install what you want.  avoid the *-desktop metapackages...21:19
zvacetgordonjcp:  :@  and install all over again I don´t think so21:19
boo_I still use Gnome21:20
gordonjcpzvacet: why not just install another DE and not use Unity?21:20
zykotick9zvacet: see "/msg ubottu notunity" for installing alternatives, i wouldn't try to remove unity though...21:20
gordonjcpzvacet: you could use XFCE if you want a desktop that looks like the early 90s, or LXDE if you want a desktop that looks like the early 80s21:20
boo_There really isn't a need to remove Unity.  Just install another DE then just use that.21:21
bobweaver80's ?21:21
zvacetgordonjcp: I know what I want but I will be happy to safely remove unity21:21
SonikkuAmericagordonjcp: LXDE doesn't feel much like the '80s if you came from a DOS/Windows background... just saying21:21
gordonjcpzvacet: why bother?21:21
gordonjcpSonikkuAmerica: I haven't used Windows since 3.1 was current21:22
streulmazvacet: running the classic shell or gnome shell >> apt-get install gnome-shell gnome-tweak-tool21:22
zvacetgordonjcp: because i don´t want to have something I will not use21:22
jesusemelendezmanybody knows the IRC for code blocks?21:22
* SonikkuAmerica smiles at gordonjcp21:22
bobweaverj/ #codebloacks21:23
SonikkuAmericaIf that's the case, wouldn't Openbox be closer?21:23
bobweaverthat is not going to work lol21:23
gordonjcpSonikkuAmerica: I do actually have a real, bought-and-paid-for set of 3.1 disks *somewhere*21:23
Argurewth did I break :(21:23
Argureargure@geonosis:~$ ping6 2a01:7c8:aaae:218::121:23
Argureconnect: Network is unreachable21:23
zykotick9gopostal: this might be of interest to you http://kb.mozillazine.org/Compacting_folders21:23
* Argure kicks ipv6 in the face21:23
gopostalzykotick9, thank you, will check it out21:24
bobweaverjesusemelendezm,  yeah it is #codeblocks21:24
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zvacetI tried method described at  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexubuntu but not happy with that21:24
jesusemelendezmthanks guys.. how about for c++ ?21:24
MrokiiHello. For some reason my USB Hub seems to stop working sometimes. When this happens, none of its LEDs for the different ports lights up anymore and nothing connected to it seems to be recognised by the system anymore, until I do a restart. Does anybody know why this happens or what I can do?21:24
SonikkuAmericagordonjcp: I have mine as well as the base DOS 6.22 disks back home (I'm in college now)21:24
ThinkT510!alis | jesusemelendezm21:24
ubottujesusemelendezm: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:24
bobweaver ##C++ ?21:25
escottMrokii, check dmesg see if anything appears there21:25
vbgunzmy computer freezes up randomly. I can lock it up by simply playing Bastion. When I go into the logs hoping I can see something that will stand out I see nothing that says heres why. What are some things I can do to figure out why this is happening?21:25
jesusemelendezmthanks guys21:25
searchinghow to remove flashplayer installed with apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:26
escottvbgunz, how are you checking the logs on the frozen system21:26
bobweaversearching,  software center maybe ?21:27
Mrokiiescott: What should I look for? I've tried "dmesg | grep usb" but nothing showed up. But I don't know when the hub stopped working as I haven't used it for a day or two.21:27
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searchingwhere is libflashplugin.so located?21:27
escottMrokii, if it has been days it might not be in dmesg anymore. you might need to check /var/log/syslog21:27
Mrokiiescott: Okay, I'll take a look.21:28
vbgunzI don't check it when it's frozen. only the sysrq keys work, I go through reisub and when it's back up, I check out system log viewer, /var/log/syslog and ~/.xsession-errors. I really don't know what else to check and I've gone through so much over the last week about this, I am exhausted21:28
bobweaversearching,  locate  libflashplugin.so    or     sudo find / -name ' libflashplugin.so'21:28
escottvbgunz, so you are doing sync. you might install openssh-server and see if you can shell in when it happens21:28
searchingnothing find21:29
bobweaversearching,  are you trying to purge it ?21:29
bobweaversearching,  like apt-get --purge remove <app>21:29
searchingI trying to remove and install flashplayer 1021:29
zykotick9bobweaver: "apt-get purge foo" works just fine as well21:29
funkthi there does anyone know how i could get a bottom bar in unity in 12.04?21:29
Mrokiiescott: searching for "usb" shows a few dozens line with this text: "udevd[24203]: timeout: killing 'mtp-probe /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-1/1-1.4/1-1.4.4 1 69' [17792]"21:29
vbgunzin the xorg log I've noticed that I have a warning of hot plug being on and keyboard, mouse, etc will be disabled. maybe that has something to do with it?21:30
bobweaversearching,  look to see what is installed    dpkg-query -l | grep flash21:30
SonikkuAmericasearching: Did you try sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplayer-installer?21:30
ThinkT510funkt: moving the unity bar to the bottom is not supported21:30
funktI want the folders to show at the bottom21:30
vbgunzescott: that's probably a great idea but I don't think I'll do it. I am sure an openssh-server in the wrong hands (mine) would most likely be a bad idea21:30
dr_willisfunkt:  add a dock21:30
searchingbut I can enable flashplayer after remove21:30
bobweaversearching,  can you PASTEbin that for us ?21:31
funkthow do i do that?21:31
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.21:31
escottvbgunz, ok?21:31
searching dpkg-query -l | grep flash done nothing21:31
funktOk sounds good how do i do that?21:31
bobweaversearching,  dpkg-query -l | grep  flash     then pastebin that for us to see21:31
Argureokay, quick question.21:31
bobweaverwhat what what Oo21:31
ArgureI found my problem21:31
Argurehow do I add an ipv6 inet to eth0 again? :P21:31
dr_willisfunkt:  fire up the package manager tools.. pick a dock.. install it.21:31
funktwhoch dock will give me old school folder tabs?21:32
searchingsudo apt-get install -f and installed flashplayer back21:32
bobweaversearching,  what about  apt-cache policy  flashplugin-installer21:32
Mrokiifunkt: you could google for something like "ppa cairo-dock" for example.21:32
dr_willisfunkt:  i dont know what you mean by old akool folder tabs.. so no idea21:32
Mrokiifunkt: What are "folder tabs"?21:32
funktwell for example in the old ubuntu you had a bottom bar21:32
funktand you could see all the folders that were open21:33
dr_willisfunkt:  thats not folders... that was showing running apps.21:33
funktI cant see that in ubuntu 12.0421:33
funktwell whatever21:33
escott!unity | funkt21:33
ubottufunkt: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity21:33
funktcan i do that in 12.04?21:33
dr_willisif you want to old gnome2 look.. then you can use the fallback mode21:33
MrokiiCairo-Dock can do this, kind of. It can show open folders.21:33
searchingjust a moment21:33
funktI dont want the old look21:33
funktall i want is one bar at the bottom showing what is open21:33
dr_willistry some of the docks - see what you like.21:33
escottfunkt, you dont want the old look, you just want the old look21:33
bobweaver!info  gnome-classic | funkt  If you like you can install21:34
ubottufunkt If you like you can install: Package gnome-classic does not exist in quantal21:34
dr_willisYou want a application list.21:34
anunakkiuse cairo-dock21:34
SonikkuAmericaAlso, try MATE for the pure GNOME 2.x environment21:34
ThinkT510funkt: the bar at the side shows what is open21:34
anunakkiwould you like a screenshot of what cairo-dock look slike on a clean install?21:34
funktoh thanks im going to try google I basically want unity but I want the bar at the bottom21:34
funktIm sure it can be done21:34
funktsome how21:34
anunakkihowever, my wm is fluxbox and my OS is fbsd in the screenshot21:34
gordonjcpwhat's the obsession with Gnome 2 anyway?  It's horrible21:34
funktthank toy21:34
bobweaverfunkt,  you are good at c++21:34
Mrokiifunkt: I have Unity and use Cairo-dock at the same time.21:34
dr_willistheres UNSUPPORTED hacks to unity to move it to the bottom..  No idea how well they work, if at all any more21:34
anunakkifunkt, i suggest looking into openbox21:35
anunakkias window manager21:35
anunakkiwith cairo-dock21:35
anunakkibut you can use it with unity as well21:35
funktok Ill try cairo dock then!21:35
funktthank you21:35
roezerAm sick of sync and social networking  just want to use my computer a browser photo and video editor and nvidia support out of the box any ideas of a distro21:35
anunakkinp, uploading screenshot of one of my vms21:35
streulmaubottu: apt-get install gnome-shell21:36
ubottustreulma: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:36
anunakkijust to give you an idea of what you can do21:36
Mrokiifunkt: Just be prepared to fiddle around with the options. :) There are quite a few and there are a few plugins as well that are interesting.21:36
gordonjcproezer: kxstudio?21:36
funktsuperb thanks!21:36
bobweaver!info gnome-shell | streulma21:36
ubottustreulma: gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.91-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 342 kB, installed size 933 kB21:36
dr_willisroezer:  i dont think its legal for disrtos to include the nvidia drivers by default.21:36
invariantroezer, Linux has Cinerella, but otherwise :/21:36
roezeryea it's a bummer dr wilis am looking at kxstudio21:37
ThinkT510roezer: openshot is a good video editor21:37
dr_willisvideo editing is a big area with a lot of tools.. but it depends on what sort of editing you want to do21:37
bobweaverdr_willis, there is a curve on that but not distros that have money. and are registered in certian  areas21:37
invariantroezer, you should first select a video editor and then an OS, I suppose.21:37
bobweavernvidia ^^21:37
roezerthink t510 still it crashes too often and causes a jamming sound in some vids21:37
dr_willisbobweaver:  then ya got the small guys that just toss it in anyway ;)21:37
bobweaverdr_willis,  hence how minty things are21:38
invariantroezer, geeks generally cared more for text editors and compilers, which is the reason you don't see a lot of those free tools.21:38
ThinkT510roezer: i've never had a jamming sound but yeah it has crashed for me too, i just save often with it21:39
invariantroezer, Cinerella has been used professionally, AFAIK.21:39
bobweavernot the uk and backer is not million dollar man21:39
invariantroezer, it does require a beast of  a machine and a competent computer user.21:39
roezerTake shotwell for example it imports images puts them into date based floders21:39
anunakkifrankt, http://i.imgur.com/NJLtU.jpg mind you that is freebsd/fluxbox/cairo-dock but i'm working on a vm with ubuntu/openbox/cairo-dock at the moment and i want to say it looks 100x better running cairo-dock in ubuntu than it does freebsd21:39
anunakkimuch more you can do21:39
gordonjcpI've never managed to get shotwell to work21:40
roezerI just copy my images into a folder upload what I need and delete the rest dont need those dates21:40
invariantgordonjcp, I did.21:40
invariantgordonjcp, I even got old versions to work.21:40
Argureyay, ipv6 works.21:40
searchingI removed flashplayer 11.x.x.x and I have a .deb file with flashplayer 10.2.159 and it is installing same 11.x.x.x21:40
gordonjcpinvariant: I think I maybe don't understand it21:40
Argureargure@geonosis:~$ sudo ip addr add 2a01:7c8:aaae:218::1/48 dev eth021:40
Argureargure@geonosis:~$ sudo ip route add default via 2a01:7c8:aaae::121:40
bobweaver!info unity-lens-photos | gordonjcp  you can synch up on start up :)21:41
ubottugordonjcp you can synch up on start up :): unity-lens-photos (source: unity-lens-photos): Unity Photos Lens. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 25 kB, installed size 206 kB21:41
gordonjcpinvariant: I plug my camera in, after a few minutes it eventually shows me a window with lots of tiny thumbnails, and that's it21:41
invariantI think if you are a video engineer, that you should probably just write your own video software.21:41
invariantIf you actually understand what you are doing, that's essentially what it would come down to.21:41
roezerinvariant was looking at  Cinerella but had a kde based system21:41
gordonjcpbobweaver: none of that makes sense to me21:41
invariantroezer, how would that be relevant?21:41
SonikkuAmericaI was just about to ask the same thing21:42
gordonjcpbobweaver: I just want to open the directory on the camera, and look at the images in an image viewer21:42
levi_hey some one i seem to have 2 acconts on here how do i swithc back to angelpossum21:42
invariantroezer, you can run any X application.21:42
gordonjcpbobweaver: I really want to get rid of the stupid "open this folder in shotwell" bar21:42
invariantroezer, KDE is built on top of X, just like GTK+ is.21:42
invariantroezer, there is a slightly more complex structure on some websites explaining the relationship in more detail.21:42
roezerinvariant  so it's loading another wm21:43
invariantroezer, no, it is not.21:43
bobweavergordonjcp,  then set the default things to what yoou want ... wait are you using unity ?21:43
roezerlike xfce loads gnome21:43
ThinkT510roezer: no21:43
gordonjcpbobweaver: yes21:43
invariantroezer, you have no idea about how things work.21:43
invariantroezer, before complaining, you should first learn how things do work.21:43
gordonjcpbobweaver: I might just uninstall rhythmbox and shotwell, since I never use them and they don't work properly21:43
levi_hey some one i seem to have 2 acconts on here how do i swithc back to angelpossum21:43
invariantroezer, it's not like the Internet isn't full of free information on how things work.21:44
dr_willislevi_:  /nick yourothernick21:44
ThinkT510roezer: there can only be one window manager working at any one time21:44
roezerinvariant  I manage to get them working most of the ime anyway :)21:44
levi_i need help21:44
invariantroezer, that's good, but you can just run cinerella on whatever you are doing, but, like I said, it requires some serious skill to use.21:44
bobweavergordonjcp,  you have open unity dash and typed in "details "  and open that ?21:44
levi_didnt work i clicked my self on this bar------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->21:45
bobweavergordonjcp,  then go to default apps you can set weth you want from there21:45
bobweaverreads over dbus21:45
gordonjcpbobweaver: yeah, that's not what I was talking about at all21:46
invariantCinerella looks quite alive and kicking from here.21:46
bobweaverlol gordonjcp  then what are you talking about21:46
invariantI never did anything remotely complex with it, however.21:46
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest47682
drecuteis it compulsory I install Kerberos in order to join to an active directory (samba)21:47
gordonjcpbobweaver: if I plug my camera in and browse to its directory with nautilus, there's a whacking great bar about an inch high that says "OPEN THIS FOLDER IN NAUTILUS"21:47
levi_how do i get to default apps21:47
=== Youri is now known as YBook
gordonjcpsorry, not nautilus, shotwell21:47
bobweavergordonjcp,  screenshot ?21:47
roezerinvariant will try  Cinerella in a new ubuntu studio install and work from there21:48
gordonjcpbobweaver: what's *really* annoying is that if I plug my phone in there are two bars, taking up a lot of the window, one for rhythmbox and one for shotwell21:48
BKTech86hi! I would like to add my bluetooth headphones to the alsa list of devices in Precise.  Can anyone point me in the right direction? thanks!21:48
bobweaver!screenshot | gordonjcp would you like to take a screen shot to show this off ?21:48
ubottugordonjcp would you like to take a screen shot to show this off ?: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.21:48
levi_will some one help me21:48
gordonjcpbobweaver: christ on a bike, be patient21:48
gordonjcpyes, I'll get a screenshot21:49
gordonjcpI know perfectly well how to get a screenshot21:49
bobweaverlevi_,  open dash type in details open it and go to default apps21:49
gordonjcpfirst I have to plug either the camera or the phone in21:49
Guest47682hi everyone, i need some help. i have a raid 0 set up with 3 hard drives. in that raid 0 setup i partitioned about 75% of the disk space to a windows installation and about 300 gb are not formatted. i'm in the ubuntu live cd right now and would like to format that 300 gb to an ubuntu format and then install ubuntu on the 300gb. gparted doesnt detect the 3 hard drives to be in a raid 0 configuration, even with kparted addon installed.21:49
Guest47682i tried to install ubuntu already and the installation failed. the installation said ubuntu has experience an internal error; title: ubiquity crashed with KeyError in plugin_on_next_clicked(): 'use_device' executable path /usr/lib/ubiquity/bin/ubiquity21:49
gordonjcpsettle down, dude21:49
bobweavergordonjcp,  sorrry21:49
escottGuest47682, what raid controller21:50
BKTech86does anyone know how to add audio devices to alsa in precise?21:50
invariantroezer, why would you do a new install?21:51
gordonjcpbobweaver: http://www.gjcp.net/~gordonjcp/nautilus.jpg21:51
gordonjcpBKTech86: plug them in, and they are detected21:51
gordonjcpBKTech86: What exactly are you trying to do?21:51
Guest47682i have the Asus P8Z77-V Pro. would that be the Z77 chipset?21:51
BKTech86gordonjcp: I'm trying to use them in audio editing software21:51
escott!fakeraid | Guest4768221:51
ubottuGuest47682: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:51
BKTech86gordonjcp: but according to `aplay -l` they are not detected21:51
invariantroezer, you can install studio, edubuntu, ubuntu, kubuntu, etc. all at the same time.21:52
BKTech86gordonjcp: for other sound applications they work fine21:52
escottGuest47682, long and short is that what you have is not raid, probably wont work, and is not worth your time21:52
gordonjcpBKTech86: what is it?21:52
Anternathi i have 10.04 server which i can only use ssh to access. I have lost access although it stays in the network when powered on.(Neither by hostname nor by ip). Happened after i did an install about security camera software. what are my options to gain access again?21:52
BKTech86gordonjcp: what is what?21:52
gordonjcpBKTech86: the sound device21:52
BKTech86gordonjcp: a bluetooth headset21:52
gordonjcpBKTech86: ah, I've never successfuly got one of those working21:53
BKTech86gordonjcp: it works21:53
gordonjcpBKTech86: yeah, you've had more luck with bluetooth than me21:53
escottAnternat, console access21:53
gordonjcpI have a bluetooth earpiece that works with my PS3 but nothing else, and I've no idea why not21:53
BKTech86gordonjcp: haha .. i dont understand why they made it such an iffy technology21:53
bobweavergordonjcp, I see wht you are saying now maybe there is dbus setting ?21:54
BKTech86gordonjcp: you're familiar with the visibility/pairing process?21:54
gordonjcpBKTech86: *extremely* familiar21:54
BKTech86Anyone an alsa expert?21:54
gordonjcpBKTech86: more so than I could ever wish to be21:54
BKTech86gordonjcp: once you've gotten it to work, it's actually extremely convenient21:55
Anternatescott it is a standolone pc, no kb, no monitor, only the network cable connected to my modem port21:55
BKTech86any idea how i might be able to get this device to show up in the alsa list?21:55
BKTech86that why i can explicitly request it in my audio editing program?21:55
escottAnternat, then buy a keyboard and monitor21:55
funktHi there I just posted a question about getting bottom bar in unity to show folders etc I am still trying achieve this if anyone has any ideas this is what I am trying achieve http://i.stack.imgur.com/15F2g.jpg21:56
Anternatwhat else can i do ?21:56
dr_willisfunkt:  looks like a frankenstein combo of gnome-classic running unity side panel.21:56
escottAnternat, yank the drive21:56
bobweavergordonjcp,  what is org.gnome.desktop.media-handling21:56
funktthats the one"21:56
funktI love it!21:56
funktany ideas?21:57
bobweavergordonjcp, do you have dconf-tools installed ?21:57
dr_willisfunkt:  use the various docks we reccomended.. they are very configurable21:57
funktI wish i knew how to do that21:57
dr_willisinstall awn, use its themes21:57
funkti tried cairo and that just gave me a docky thing with all my applications21:57
OerHeksgordonjcp,  i understand you want your camera open a specific program, i think that could be done with udev rules > http://www.linuxforu.com/2012/06/some-nifty-udev-rules-and-examples/21:57
gordonjcpbobweaver: hm, removing rhythmbox now makes it want to open in VLC21:58
dr_willisThey are VERY configurable..21:58
gordonjcpOerHeks: no, I don't want it to open anything21:58
funktnot really like above how could I do it do you still suggest cairo?21:58
bobweavergordonjcp,  there is also org.gnome.nautilus.desktop but I am not seeing anything in there21:58
gordonjcpOerHeks: I want the little bar that says "this is a digital camera, open everything in shotwell" in the nautilus window to go away21:58
funktall I want to so is show my folders and which one i have open rather than scroll through the unity bar21:59
Anternathi i have 10.04 server which i can only use ssh to access. I have lost access although it stays in the network when powered on.(Neither by hostname nor by ip). Happened after i did an install about security camera software. what are my options to gain access again?21:59
dr_willisgordonjcp:  i think i saw on askubuntu how to do thjat.21:59
funktand sometimes loose it all together21:59
bobweaverahh maybe org.gnome.nautilus.preferences21:59
bobweaverI think that that is it could be wrong google foo time21:59
dr_willisfunkt:  you are using the term 'folders' to  mean 'open applications' ?21:59
funkterm yeah21:59
funktsorry keep referring to that22:00
funktyes open applications on a smart bottom bar22:00
dr_willisfunkt:  you can shrink the left side panel to show more icons if thats all you need.22:00
funktwould be ideal!22:00
dr_willismost every dock has some sort of 'windows-list' feature22:00
funktno I just want to see what folders i have open rather than use unity side bar22:00
funktjust like that screenshot22:01
dr_willisthat screen shot is not showing any open. ;)22:01
funktok well imagine it had some open22:01
dr_willisthe various docks normally have a 'dock' mode where they look like that22:01
funktwhat docks?22:02
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.22:02
funktsorry I just don't understad22:02
dr_willisthe ones we mentioned earlier...22:02
funktI know you did22:02
dr_williscairo and avant-window-navibator have more features then most people ever need.22:02
dr_willishttp://glx-dock.org/mc_album.php?a=3 cairo dock screen shots22:03
funktI mean i used to use a terminal command and the bottom bar would appear and unity sidebar that was in a previous version22:03
InspectorCluseauplank works for me22:03
funktyou don't know of any hacks like that?22:03
bobweaverfunkt,  if you like you can use gnome-classic and Unity 2d on top of each other22:04
funktthats it!22:04
funktthats what i want!22:04
funkthow do i do that?22:04
bobweaverfunkt,  you can also kill the pannel in Unity 2d22:04
dr_willisI said to use the 2 together earlier.......22:05
dr_willisyou said you dident want the gnome2 look.22:05
escott!pm | Guest4768222:05
rbnswartzbobweaver is unity 2d still under development?22:05
ubottuGuest47682: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:05
funkthow do i do this amazing thing?22:05
escottGuest47682, I've said all I'm going to say about fakeraid22:05
dr_willisunity2d is gone in 12.1022:05
bobweaverrbnswartz,  buy some ;)22:05
soundconjurerFor me, Unity needs to be optimized to run faster. That's my only complaint.22:05
Guest47682ok, but the installer keeps failing and doesn't recognize a partition in any of my 3 hard drives22:06
bobweaverfunkt,  what is lsb_release -c22:06
bobweaverfunkt,  from terminal that is ^^^22:06
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funktwhat and add what is?22:06
dr_willisseems like a lot of work for just a app-switcher bar.. theres other app-switcher only bars in the repos i recall22:06
bobweaverfunkt,  what version of ubuntu do you hve installed ?22:07
funktor just "lsb_release -c"22:07
bobweaverhave *22:07
dr_willis!info fbpanel22:07
ubottufbpanel (source: fbpanel): lightweight X11 desktop panel. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.1-6 (quantal), package size 220 kB, installed size 549 kB22:07
Dougie187Does anyone have a good feeling for how the crash report in ubuntu works?22:07
bobweaverfunkt,  open terminal     sudo apt-get build-dep unity-2d22:07
bobweaverDougie187,  it uses apport22:09
bobweaverDougie187,  you are taling about woopsie ?22:09
abraithwaiteAny networking experts here?22:09
bobweavertalking *22:09
Dougie187Is that what it's called?22:09
abraithwaiteI'm having trouble with frequent disconnects22:09
Dougie187I'm not sure what it's called. but the thing that comes up to make a bug report when some program crashes.22:09
Frostbytellutz : there?22:09
bobweaverDougie187,  yeah that is it it is awesome what are questions ?22:10
Dougie187Do you know what it does?22:10
Dave_MaydewHi, I have an issue with Unity 3D eating memory22:10
bobweaver!apport | Dougie18722:10
Dave_Maydewmore in 64bit than 32bit22:10
bobweaverDougie187,  ther is a GREAT little thing on You tube from the last day (thusday) that talks about what we are up to with that . It is big subject22:11
rreedd4typing df -h   should show all sda hard drive connected?  sda1 and sda2?22:11
bobweaverDougie187, let me try and find link22:11
Dougie187I'm curious about something kind of weird.22:11
funktOk Bobweaver thanks! what do i do now?22:11
escottrreedd4, no. only mounted partitions22:11
bobweaverfunkt,  install  gnome-shell22:12
funktfbpanel looks just what i want too22:12
xDesufdisk -l22:12
Dave_MaydewIs it a memory leak or another issue with Unity 3D?22:12
abraithwaiteanyone know what could be causing this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/224403/frequent-disconnects-ubuntu-desktop-12-10-x64-intel-82579v-e1000e22:12
funkthow do i do that bobweaver?22:12
funktsudo apt install gnome shell?22:13
Dougie187bobweaver: ok, so I was banned from Diablo 3 for hacking, and I didn't hack. So I'm trying to come up with a list of things that could be detected as violating the terms of use for Diablo 3.22:13
bobweaver!hacker | Dougie18722:13
ubottuDougie187: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy22:13
rreedd4escott how do i see if sda1 and sda2 are connected?22:13
Dougie187:P I know.22:13
Dougie187I'm trying to determine if apport, when detecting a crash, could miscorrectly flag warden to think you're hacking.22:13
MonkeyDustrreedd4  you mean mounted?22:14
MonkeyDustrreedd4  type mount22:14
escottrreedd4, are connected. if they exist they are connected22:14
ubottuxDesu, please see my private message22:14
xDesuWell that answers that question.22:15
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o22:15
Dougie187bobweaver: does that seem... reasonable?22:15
bobweaverDougie187,  I have no clue fin mr pittman all I know is that there is great I mean great great great progress in bug fixing because of woopsie22:16
escottxDesu, if you want to talk to the bot its best if you chat with it directly22:16
funktanybody used fbpanel or ever got it to run?22:16
BKTech86can anyone help me get my bluetooth headphones to display as a device in alsa?22:16
bobweaverfunkt,  you are missing the - in gnome-shell22:16
funktoh cheers22:16
Dougie187bobweaver: sure. I think apport and woopsie are awesome. I'm just trying to figure out how much information they provide.22:17
xDesuescott I have no interest in talking to them, I just wanted to know how the bot works.22:17
Dougie187bobweaver: do you know if there's a way to force a bug report in apport/woopsie?22:17
bobweaverfunkt,  there is more :)22:17
funktbobweaver:sudo apt install gnome-shell?22:17
bobweaverfunkt,  here     apt://gnome-panel22:18
bobweaverfunkt,  open that in browser22:18
funktits already installed22:18
funktthank you22:18
Dougie187bobweaver: do you know if there is a room dedicated to apport/woopsie developers?22:19
bobweaverfunkt,  sounds like you are going to want to kill unity2d-pannel though because you want to run unity 2d and have old ffects right ?22:19
escott!launchpad | Dougie18722:20
ubottuDougie187: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/22:20
funktyeah basically unity and just an open application bar at the bottom22:20
bobweaverfunkt, you have to kill unity panel 2x  like        killall unity-2d-pannel && killall unity-2d-pannel22:20
funktok if I kill them can i get them back?22:20
bobweaverfunkt,  correct so you just want dash and launcher of Unity then22:20
axgbI have multiple desktop enviroments on my laptop, GNOME (the one i want to use) has a blue desktop background and windows are transparent and graphics really dont work What should I do?22:20
bobweaverfunkt,  launch then again in terminal  unity-2d-pannel22:21
bobweaverfunkt,  but it will cover up for gnome-pannel22:21
bobweaverbut not the bottom one22:21
funktermm.... what I would like is unity and a bottom bar with whatever folders I have open at the bottom like the old gnome style22:21
funktone at the top, bottom and unity on the side22:22
axgb I have multiple desktop enviroments on my laptop, GNOME (the one i want to use) has a blue desktop background and windows are transparent and graphics really dont work, it is unusable. how do i fix it22:22
bobweaverfunkt,  correct then that  would do that so you need to make sure when you sign in that you use gnome-session then after logging in open terminal and enter in unity-2d22:22
bobweaverthat is it22:22
escottaxgb, its an issue with your graphics card. what kind of card do you have22:22
axgbim just checking22:23
funktoh i see so use those kill functions in the terminal?22:23
bobweaverfunkt,  I mean unity2d can run off walyen for shakes22:23
bobweaverif configed right ^^22:23
funktwhat does that mean sorry?22:23
axgbescott ATI radeon 920022:24
bobweaverfunkt,  unity 2d has three parts to it       unity-2d-shell  unity-2d-spreed unity-2d-pannel22:24
bobweaverfunkt,  all 2 parts are run when you run unity-2d22:24
bobweaverer 322:24
funktyou know what this is far too complicated22:24
funktthanks for you help mate!22:24
escottaxgb, what drivers are you using? open source or proprietary (suggestion would be the same in either case -- try the other)22:24
dr_willisfunkt:  if you just want a bottom type panel.. use Lubuntu/Lxde ;)22:24
funktI am just going to have to get comfortable with this22:24
axgbhow do i check and how do i change22:24
escottaxgb, what version of ubuntu?22:25
bobweaverfunkt,  no probs if you like I was 2d dev I can make a dang bottom pannel in like 5 hours you can come back and find me if you like22:25
axgblubuntu 12.04 32bit but i installed edubuntu and gnome, all works except gnome22:25
funktdr_willis, bobweaver and all thanks so much for all the help!22:25
dr_willisfunkt:  http://www.debianadmin.com/lubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin-lts-beta-2-screenshots-gallery.html22:25
escottaxgb, jockey-gtk22:25
bobweaverso that it is what you want . But I do have a wish list on amazon ;)22:25
funktOhhh i see22:26
axgbwhat is jockey-gtk?22:26
bobweavercorrect funkt  look at my youtube videos22:26
dr_willisaxgb:  a tool to install addational drivers for some hardware22:26
funktwell honestly mate I'm sure it would be amazing thank you all the same!22:26
escottaxgb, its a program for proprietary drivers22:26
Dougie187Does a core dump read ram?22:26
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jurehelp, got fresh installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS.. got china simbols.. :( need engleash.. :(22:26
funktthanks for the help!22:26
escottDougie187, yes22:26
bobweavernp have a good one funkt22:26
axgbshall i check it out and install some other driver?22:26
Dougie187So, if there is an application monitoring a section of ram, and apport tries to generate a core dump, would that look like you were trying to read the "jailed" section of ram?22:27
dr_willisaxgb:  thats the tool normally used in 12.04 to get drivers for nvidia and ati cards and many wireless cards22:27
hyun_Hi, are there many ppl use ubuntu in embedded system?22:27
escottDougie187, i think core dumps are triggered by the kernel. i dont think apport does anything to cause the core dump22:28
dr_willisin 12.10 you get to it from the 'software-sources' tool - it has its own tab22:28
axgbshall i sudo apt-get install jockey-jtk22:28
dr_willisaxgb:  its installed allready in 12.0422:28
dr_willisand in that other app in 12.1022:28
escottaxgb, it is probably already installed. run it like you would any other program22:28
Dougie187escott: the wiki says that apport uses "cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern |/usr/share/apport/apport %p %s %c" to get a core dump22:28
bobweaverfunkt,  here is some work that I did for Ubuntu Christians Though i am *NOT* a christian   just like to code :)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po8nqy1PP_U22:29
bobweavertat is all untiy 2d22:29
escottDougie187, if you look at that /proc/sys file it is describing to the kernel what it should do when it makes a core dump. you could change that to create a core dump file22:30
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Dougie187escott: ok. it's not actually getting a core dump? I'm kind of confused. :P22:31
funkthey bobweaver: thats exactly it very nice I have to say!22:31
axgba rogram called "additional drivers" popped up, is that it?22:31
funktand there you have the bottom bar!22:31
escottDougie187, the kernel sees the program do something it should and triggers a GPF. the kernel initiates the core dump and passes the output to the command specified in /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern. the kernel does the memory read. apport is involved after the fact as the kernel feeds it data22:32
escottaxgb, yes22:32
escottDougie187, if that file were empty it would probably disable core dumps22:32
Dougie187escott: ok, so can anything else detect the memory read?22:32
escottDougie187, but check the man pages on that file22:32
axgbit says "no proprietry drivers are in use on your system"22:33
escottDougie187, i dont know how something "detects a memory read" is this a hardware feature or are you running something in valgrind22:33
Dougie187It's not my software. :P It's Blizzards Warden22:33
axgbescott: what do i do? i have it open, it says "no propartitiory drivers are in use"22:34
bobweaverfunkt,  just start unity-2d after you log into gnome throw back or whatever it is called  just type unity-2d into a termianl22:34
escottDougie187, there have been a lot of complaints about blizzard blocking people out of games just because they use linux. Blizzard doesnt seem to care22:34
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jurehelp!!! please catch me on private if someone has an ideo over this issue -> full language support was impossible to install22:34
jure[Errno 2] No usable temporary directory found in ['/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/usr/tmp', '/'] -> my ubuntu 12.04 LTS is getting china symbols???22:34
escottaxgb, try enabling the prop drivers. might be better, might be worse, probably will be different22:35
Dougie187escott: yeah, I'm one of them. I'm trying to figure out why they might have banned me so I can get them to reproduce it. :P22:35
axgbwhere do i go to enable it?22:35
escottaxgb, that application should allow you to install those drivers22:35
axgbthere is an enable button, it is grey22:35
escottaxgb, you need to run that program with gksudo then. it should have prompted you for the password, not sure why it didn't. in terminal run "gksudo jockey-gtk"22:36
aboudreaultDo you know that error? g++-4.6.real: error: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../lib/crti.o: No such file or directory22:36
aboudreault 22:36
FloodBot1jure: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:37
TheShamanoidhey ubuntu developers22:39
TheShamanoidjust wanted to say that the ubuntu font is one of the most amazing fonts i ever used22:39
axgbits the same with gksudo, it just says" no proparitory drivers in use", a few empty boxes, and at the bottem a grey(cant be clicked) enable button22:39
crackerjackzfor some reason terminal in xfce doesn't render any text, it's just a blank black background when i open the terminal22:40
escottaxgb, it may be your card is too new to be supported by the prop drivers22:40
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axgbthat is not possible, it is a few years old22:41
MonkeyDustcrackerjackz  maybe both foreground and background are black, check the profile settinngs (colors)22:42
crackerjackzaxgb: what are you trying to do?22:42
escottaxgb, you can also try to install via apt-get install fglrx22:42
submanHow can I be sure that my nvidia drivers are actually running?  Within my bug report, I notice that it says:  NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library (Proprietary, Disabled, Not in use) in several places22:43
escottsubman, glxinfo | grep -i renderer22:43
axgbcrackerjackerz : i am trying to get gnome to work, the graphics are not working, it is blue and only shows outlines of windows, works c**p22:43
crackerjackzMonkeyDust: you're a genius, thanks man :)22:43
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crackerjackzaxgb: what kind of graphics card do you have?22:44
axgbATI radeon 920022:44
crackerjackzi used to have that card.. 128 mb right?22:45
submanescott, OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 6200/PCI/SSE222:45
axgbnot sure, i think so22:45
submanescott, that does not tell me which driver is in use though22:45
crackerjackzaxgb: they had two different ones i believe.. one was 128mb and the other was 256 mb22:45
escottsubman, i would think that means the nvidia drivers, but i dont use nvidia so i cant be sure22:45
crackerjackzthats an old school card22:45
axgbi know, its a fairly old laptop22:46
crackerjackzi used to play doom 3 on it22:46
escottcrackerjackz, did ati/amd at some point start renumbering cards. i thought they were pretty consistent in "higher is newer"22:46
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crackerjackzescott: i'm not too sure actually22:46
crackerjackzaxgb: but what version of ubuntu are you using?22:46
axgblubuntu 12.0422:47
FacelessI'm going to buy a new laptop, I'm gonna run Ubuntu on it. I want an SSD, ~13" display and as low price as possible, do you guys have any recommendations?22:47
escott!hcl | Faceless22:47
ubottuFaceless: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:47
dr_willissystem76 - sells ubuntu preinstalled laptops ;)22:47
submanescott for future reference, I would grep 'OpenGL version string'.  It revealed the driver.22:48
axgbone very quick recommendation, faceless, DO NOT get a OCZ ssd as they are very unreliable22:48
jdkhi, where is #12p  ??????????????22:48
dr_willisTheres that new chromebook out for lik $250 you can put ubuntu on also. :)22:48
LordThumperWould a driver module compiled for x86 work on a x64 bit Ubuntu installation?22:48
escottsubman, renderer says it for intel so thats what i always look at22:48
crackerjackzaxgb: do you have the ati catylist control center installed?22:48
Facelessaxqb, Noticed. :P22:48
jdkhi, where is #12p  ???????????  i am using Xchat22:48
axgbmy brother lost all his university work due to a wretched OCZ hard drive. Any members on IRC who have one, make a backup, it WILL fail soon.22:49
k1ljdk: better ask in #freenode22:49
axgbive installed fgrlx, what do i do now>22:49
submanAnyone running a GeForce 6200 successfully with acceptable opengl framerates?22:50
dr_willisreboot axgb22:50
OerHeksaxgb please don't hoax, one failure is not going to happen to all of us.22:50
jdkk1l: thanks :P22:50
axgbno, it said all over the internet that it was very unreliable (according to him)22:50
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crackerjackzif you're still able to mount the drive might be able to recover some of the files with testdisk or photorec22:51
axgbshould i reboot and then what? because the IRC connection will have been ended22:51
crackerjackzaxgb: yeah reboot22:51
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escottaxgb, flash drives in general have poor failure modes (sudden and complete)22:52
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bastidrazor1 2, 1 222:55
guntbert_himawijaya: not here please22:55
TheLordOfTime!test | himawijaya22:55
ubottuhimawijaya: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )22:55
grimetontesticles ... one ... two ...22:55
gordonjcpgrimeton: get back onto 16kHz, you22:55
bastidrazorHam it up22:56
bobweaverTheLordOfTime,  you are here no Fear me stuff ? :)22:56
himawijayai just installed ubuntu 12.1022:56
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bobweaveralways makes me chuckle TheLordOfTime22:56
axgbi am back and i have restarted and installed thing you said22:57
serp_axgb: np, just tell him to restore it from his backup22:57
axgbwhat, the SSD, he did no backups22:57
serp_no backups?22:58
axgbafter hearing that they are "super tough and very reliable harddrive techbology"22:58
serp_i'm glad it failed then, hope he learned his lesson22:58
bobweaverserp ....22:58
escottaxgb, the problem isnt the hardware. its the firmware. until that matures you should be very wary of SSDs22:58
axgbi restarted and now when i boot into gnome it goes into gnome classic, can i get full gnome>22:59
escottaxgb, sounds like it likes the fglrx drivers even less than the open source. you may just want to buy a newer card22:59
axgbcan i fix the drivers, its a old-ish laptop, i dont really want do be taking it apart and fitting cards23:00
escottaxgb, they dont even make cards for laptops so...23:00
axgbthere is a sticker on the laptop saying ATI radeon 920023:01
axgbi assumed it is correct, the default installed benchmark software said nothing23:01
axgbbut are there any alternatives i can use23:01
axgbi assumed the sticker is correct23:02
crackerjackzaxgb: does it work from the live cd?23:04
axgb*sorry, its the mobility radeon 9200, it said on wikipedia that that is used in laptops23:04
axgbi dont know about live cd, i installed from CD-RW live cd and then deleted it23:04
crackerjackzaxgb: do you have the ati catalyst control center installed?23:05
axgbthis is ubuntu, im not sure about that23:05
escottaxgb, thats an almost 10 year old card. time to start thinking about upgrading23:06
crackerjackzi used to use that card on gentoo i had the ati catalyst control center installed23:06
axgbgosh, i thought it was 7 years23:06
crackerjackzwas for the desktop though23:06
axgbthough the laptops motherboard was upgraded, im not sure whether the graphics card was as well, whether the sticker was wrong23:07
escottaxgb, it was released in 2003. it would ship in devices for a couple years, but the chip itself is old old old23:07
escottaxgb, you changed the motherboard on a laptop. who does that? check sudo lshw -C video23:08
axgbit runs unity fine, it runs lxde fine (of course) it runs gnome classic fine, is there something fundamentally different about gnome 3 - isn't it very simiar to  unity23:09
crackerjackzaxgb: run the command escott gave you23:09
axgb  *-display UNCLAIMED             description: VGA compatible controller        product: M9+ 5C61 [Radeon Mobility 9200 (AGP)]        vendor: Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)        physical id: 0        bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0        version: 01        width: 32 bits        clock: 66MHz        capabilities: agp agp-2.0 pm vga_controller cap_list        configuration: latency=66 mingnt=8        resources: memory:d8000000-df23:10
axgbyes the sticker is correct23:10
crackerjackznext time use a pastebin23:10
axgbgosh, i thought it was like 5 years old, not ten23:10
noiroIs there a way to compress files as a .zip?23:10
crackerjackzits and old school card i remember playing doom 3 when it first came out on that card23:11
escottaxgb, you might have bought it more recently, but the age of the chip is counted from when it is first released not from the last device to ship with it23:11
escottaxgb, if you pay them enough to make it profitable they will print something from the 70s doesn't make it a new chip though23:11
axgbbut will it work with gnome - if gnome is too (whatever) for it, can you tell me23:11
trismnoiro: in nautilus, right click the file/folder, choose Compress... and select .zip in the dropdown23:12
escottaxgb, its not going to work well. paradoxically you might do better with 12.10 or 13.04 (when that is released)23:12
escottaxgb, the gnome team has done some work to improve the software rendering when the hardware is not good enough23:12
axgbwhen it did work, and was transparent and did some crap, it did not lagg or anything23:13
crackerjackzaxgb: does jockey show any other drivers for your card?23:13
axgbno, jockey does absolutely nothing23:14
LordThumperSorry for asking again23:14
escottaxgb, sorry i lead you astray there. i thought 9200 meant the card was newer23:14
LordThumperBut would x86 driver modules (.ko) work on a x64 installation?23:14
axgbno, some other person said it was from 200323:14
crackerjackzaxgb: it is23:14
axgbshould i give up and just use unity and gnomeclassic23:15
LordThumperOr do I need to recompile?23:15
axgbor is there something else i should do23:15
phaxHI guys I am on Ubuntu 12.0.4 and am using a router which gets the DNS from the ISP. Everytime Ubuntu starts up the /etc/resolv.conf the nameserver entries are missing. If i kill and restart dhclient the entries are present...how do I fix it?23:16
axgbok goodbye i think i will stick with gnome classic, lxde and unity.23:16
crackerjackzi was gonna help him but he gave up23:17
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RickZillaubuntu 12.10, is there a way to remove all of the non-western fonts that come with the default install, without removing them one by one in the software center?23:17
WeThePeoplehi anybody know the command to start chrome?23:17
grimetonRickZilla: open a terminal and use apt-get23:17
grimetonWeThePeople: chrome23:18
RickZillagrimeton: I know how to use a terminal, just don't know the apt-get commands to remove them23:18
RickZillaI was hoping to do it graphically23:18
grimetonRickZilla: list the installed packages: dpkg -l23:18
grimetonRickZilla: grep the fonts packages that are non western dpkg -l | grep non-western-font-packages23:19
grimetonRickZilla: return the 2nd column: dpkg -l | grep non-western-font-packages | awk '{print $2}'23:19
almoxarifeRickZilla: use synaptic, search for fonts, delete the fonts23:19
RickZillak, I'll try that. What is grep?23:19
grimetonRickZilla: and remove them apt-get remove $(dpkg -l | grep non-western-font-packages | awk '{print $2}')23:19
grimetonRickZilla: yeah, use synaptic...23:19
RickZillaalmoxarife: I'm not sure 12.10 can use synaptic like that23:19
almoxarifeRickZilla: of course it can23:20
soundconjurerYeah, Synaptic can in 12.1023:20
RickZillaWhen I try to install something in 12.10 using synaptic, the "apply" button is greyed out23:20
almoxarifegrimeton: why would 'grep' find a 'non-western......' , you seen that?23:21
soundconjurerI have tried everything to Dual Boot Windows 8 and Ubuntu 12.04 and also tried 12.10 with UEFI hardware. *sigh*23:21
grimetonalmoxarife: it's a placeholder23:21
RickZillaSynaptic doesn't work for me...I must be seeing something you're not23:22
grimetonit says:"Crystall ball auditions are delayed because of unforseeable incidents"23:22
almoxarifeRickZilla: operator error23:22
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IOmegaZhi everyone23:23
RickZillaalmoxarife: I've used synaptic quite a bit in the past...this is a new install, for some reason the apply button is greyed out...no need to assume that first23:23
almoxarifeRickZilla: you are not using synaptic with admin permission, try it from terminal, 'gksu synaptic'23:23
RickZillaalmoxarife: I'll try that23:23
crackerjackzi think i found the answer to my sound problem but will someone help me understand what it means? this guy on the forums says.. I figured out the issue. Apt-get upgrade had installed pulseaudio-esound-compat:i386, and removed pulseaudio-esound-compat. Apparently pulseaudio won't start when that package is missing. You'd think it would be a dependency or something.23:25
phaxany ideas guys ?23:25
RickZillaalmoxarife: That did the trick, I'll copy that command for future use...I much prefer synaptic to the software center23:25
RickZillathanks for the help23:25
almoxarifeRickZilla: :)23:26
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almoxarifeRickZilla: btw, you should leave then fonts, some sites will look like swiss cheese without them23:28
crackerjackzhrmm no that's not my problem.. i have pulseaudio-esound-compat installed..23:28
almoxarifecrackerjackz: do you see 'pulseaudio' running?23:29
psusiI'm trying to figure out why when I plug in my headphones, the sound stops coming out of the speakers and only comes out of the headphones under 12.04, but not under 12.10 ( comes out both )23:32
ActionParsnipcrackerjackz: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*     wait 10 seconds and then retry sound23:32
ActionParsnippsusi: different alsa version, different kernel23:32
psusiActionParsnip, I tried booting with the older kernel and it didn't seem to matter23:33
ActionParsnippsusi: weird. You may need an option in /etc/modprobe/alsa-base.conf    to make it load differently23:33
psusiso you think it's alsa not pulseaudio?23:34
psusiaccording to pacmd, the headphone port is selected for output, but it still comes out of the speakers too23:34
Slagwagapt-get install smbfs should install the smb packages right?23:34
Slagwagif i want to mount a network path in command line23:35
Slagwagi am trying to use CIFS but i got an error saying i am missing the wrong handler23:35
Slagwagbut i read that cifs was the successor to SMB so i am now confused23:36
ActionParsnippsusi: try:     echo "options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf > /dev/null         reboot to test23:36
MonkeyDustSlagwag  guess cifs is not for windows23:36
MonkeyDustSlagwag  cifs is similar to nfs23:36
Slagwagah ok23:36
Slagwagnow i did sapt-get install smbfs and i believe it installed but when i try to mount using smbfs23:37
Slagwagit fails and doesnt recognize it23:37
RickZillaalmoxarife: Even non-western fonts, when I'm reading an English site?23:37
steph__i have spent most of the afternoon trying to install mythtv without any luck - anyone willing to try to help me?23:37
steph__i run backend set up and all i get is a black screen23:37
Wipstergood evening, in hostapds setting whats the difference between supported_rates and basic_rates?23:37
RickZillasteph_: I think this is more of an ubuntu channel, is there a mythbuntu channel somewhere?23:37
steph__RickZilla, I don't know, but I'll dig around23:38
almoxarifesteph__: see what the folk at #xbmc have to say23:38
lucidsteph: try this link , it shows step by step how to install mythtv  --->  http://parker1.co.uk/mythtv_ubuntu.php23:39
ElladanSo, how do I set up encrypted swap in the 12.10 installer?23:39
ElladanBecause I went into the manual partitioner, and set up an encrypted volume.23:40
ElladanAnd then it hard errored out and crashed because I had normal swap.23:40
doomlordgnome-classic: Is there a way to bring up panel options when you can't see any bare panel pixels? (i can only click on window list,launchers, etc). i tried alt+RMB23:40
Elladan... but there is no option to create encrypted swap.  Or layer LVM on top of encryption.  Also if you create an encrypted partition you have to reboot the installer to edit it.23:41
doomlordmaybe there's something in settings menu for it, or a textfile?23:41
frustrohi all, 2 server 12.04 on 2 vps's.  I remembered 11.04 had "install ubuntu cloud" now it's MAAS that requires hardware.  There there something I'm missing? or would cloud never have worked on a vps?23:41
luciddoomlord: just Alt-Right click23:43
doomlordseems to only ever bring up options for the particular gadget under the cursor (eg 'edit -menu', preferences for window list/desktops..)23:44
phaxhi lucid23:46
lucidhey phax23:46
doomlordi guess i'll have to remove some objects to access the underlying panel23:46
phaxcan you assist me with a question on how resolv.conf is generated on Ubuntu 12.0.423:46
phaxI am on Ubuntu 12.0.4 and am using a router which gets the DNS from the ISP. Everytime Ubuntu starts up the /etc/resolv.conf the nameserver entries are missing. If i kill and restart dhclient the entries are present...how do I fix it?23:46
lucidphax: i will try23:47
ActionParsnipElladan: there are issues with hibernate and encrypted swap if memory serves23:49
IT-Lhow i config my BIOS to boot ubunto from my usb flash disk?23:49
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ActionParsnipphax: you can add things using  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base      those get  added when DHCP completes23:50
blackshirtit-l, your board should have support to boot from usb23:50
ActionParsnipIT-L: press F11 (usually) and you can select the USB to boot23:50
IT-Lmy board support USB-zip & USB-HDD23:51
lucidphax: you have a message23:51
ActionParsnipIT-L: try USB HDD23:51
IT-Lok, thanks23:51
IT-LI try...23:52
ElladanActionParsnip, that might be true, but the installer both requires and seems to have no option for it...23:56
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ElladanActionParsnip, hibernate is not really something I care about, in any case.23:57
juanlashi all, I just installed 12.10 desktop on VMware player in Win7 and it's kind of sluggish. I've got 2 cores and 4gb of RAM available for the VM. any ideas why it might be sluggish?23:58
ActionParsnipElladan: I don't use encryptfs, I think it causes too many headaches. If you don't use hibernate then rock the party :)23:58
ElladanActionParsnip, O23:58
psusiActionParsnip, nope, that didn't do it23:58
mr-richHas anyone here migrated from Evolution 3.2.x to Thunderbird?23:58
ElladanActionParsnip, I'm using dm-crypt not that stacked fs thing.23:58
IOmegaZanyone know hoe to install xgl?23:58
mr-richjuanlas: try using Virtualbox from Oracle ...23:59
IOmegaZanyone know hoe to install xgl?23:59
ActionParsnippsusi: ok, remove the line from the file23:59
ActionParsnip!info xgl23:59
ubottuPackage xgl does not exist in quantal23:59
ElladanActionParsnip, so I gave up on trying to make the partitioner sane and just hit the automatic partition button with the requisite options.  It seems to have decided to create LVM on top of dm-crypt with swap on top of LVM.23:59

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