
holsteinlen-dt: thats what i was thinking03:37
holsteinmight seem slower actually, instead of faster03:37
holsteini think folks read the term "realtime" and want a piece of it.. like its going to speed their machine up03:38
len-dtholstein, its all a matter of what the machine is focusing on. Give it less to focus on and it will be faster...03:43
smartboyhwHi zequence. how's it going?12:29
zequencesmartboyhw: fine. just recovered from the flu14:08
smartboyhwzequence, you got a flu!?!?!? Thats14:09
smartboyhwI'm better (for now). Got too busy with tests the past 5 days14:09
zequenceI was never very sick, but stayed home to not make others sick14:09
zequenceBad thing is I can't exercise so much when I'm sick14:09
smartboyhwzequence, oh OK14:09
zequenceI usually go running or cycling almost every day14:10
smartboyhwzequence, so hmm I looked at the whole pile of "You want Alpha 1 or not?" emails, and it seems Alpha 1 won't even exist!!!!14:10
zequenceIt would exist for those who want it14:10
zequenceI think Kubuntu might be the only ones interested in that14:10
smartboyhwzequence, yeah. Even Edubuntu quit (I thought Edubuntu was the only one interested:P)14:11
* smartboyhw goes to look at the UDS pads14:11
smartboyhwI painfully discover that the pad is missing:P14:12
smartboyhwNot missing, but the whole UDS-R disappeared14:12
* smartboyhw is very unhappy that Xfce still can't approve a Chinese (Hong Kong) translation team after 3 weeks, with enough people supporting this already15:08
astraljavazequence: If it's only flu, though, you will not be making others sick any easier than when you're healthy. It's a misconception, albeit a very common one at that.21:31
astraljavaA stomach flu, though, is a whole 'nother bomb. :)21:31
zequenceastraljava: I'm pretty sure you're infectious, especially in the early stages http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influenza#Mechanism21:42
astraljavazequence: Well, you can be spreading it few days before you feel you're sick, or several days after. But yeah ok, cutting a few days off of, say, ten, might still make a difference. :)21:47
zequenceYou're the most infections at the beginning. It's hard to avoid infecting people before feeling symptoms. In my case, there might have been one day when I was doing that. 21:51
zequenceAfter the body has started to get a hold of the virus, you may still have a runny nose, but you aren't even nearly as infectious21:52
zequenceBy Monday, I won't be21:52
zequenceI was staying at home for two reasons really. One because of sickness. Two, I had the chance to take care of other things21:53
zequenceIn Sweden we can stay home from work up to one week at a time, without a doctors report21:55
astraljavaYes, that's actually my main reason to stay home whenever I feel sick the slightest. :)21:55
zequenceI know in Finland, it's a little harder :)21:55
astraljavaHere that's only three days.21:55
zequenceWhen I worked in Finland, I had to show evidence of sickness on the first day21:56
zequenceThis was a summer job at VR21:56
zequenceI was cleaning trains, and making beds21:56
astraljavaOk, it might be tougher for temps.21:56
zequence2003, I think it was21:56

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