
Unit193buar: amd64 or i386?00:01
Unit193This is a *highly* unsupported method, but you technically may be able to download and install https://launchpad.net/~michael-gruz/+archive/canon/+files/cnijfilter-ip1800series_2.70-3ubuntu4_i386.deb , or I'm building the same package myself, but on quantal.00:02
buarwhat is quantal?00:04
Unit193Xubuntu 12.10 release.00:04
buari will setup this deb file and write to you about result00:05
Unit193I've never tried it, I've never seen anyone try it, so best of luck!00:06
buaris it not secret, where are you from?00:07
Unit193Ohio, USA.00:07
buari'm from russia00:09
buaroh, my computer with 512 ram so stupid ( what i can to do it faster?00:14
Unit193Heh, well adding more ram would help. :P00:15
buar)))) fun, it is not impossible00:15
Unit193Disable things you don't need from boot, try to close things when you're done with them, the like.00:15
buarin win xp it is: win+r, msconfig, autostart page, and how did it in xubuntu?00:17
Unit193Menu > Settings Manager > Session and Startup.00:17
buarprint is stoped on processing the print queue00:17
buari will return from some minute00:19
overtonehi there, i justed started with xubuntu yesterday01:46
overtonei've got wireless up and running, but i did something stupid01:46
overtonei typed in the wrong password, and now it's constantly trying to configure using that password01:46
overtonebut i don't know how to tell it the correct one anymore01:46
overtonehow can i get to a place to type in the right password?01:47
overtone"Wired Networks" is greyed out01:47
overtoneexcuse me, "Wireless Networks" is greyed out01:48
overtoneanyone have an idea?01:49
v1adimirthe indicator plugin, the two little arrows - if you left-click and go to edit and then the wireless tab?02:02
overtonei don't have an edit after left clicking02:06
overtonei'm using 12.0402:06
GridCubeovertone, press alt-f2 and type nm-connection-editor02:07
overtoneaha found it02:08
overtoneright click02:08
overtoneboo, sorry02:08
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greasegumhere's a trixy question, is there a way to copy text to the clipboard that automatically removes linebreaks?04:38
holsteingreasegum: i would look at something like sed.. and just do it in a text file and copy it to the clipboard04:41
holsteinmaybe http://serverfault.com/questions/391360/remove-line-break-using-awk04:41
buarunit193, are you here?04:42
greasegumholstein:: useful idea, thanks!04:43
Unit193buar: Yep.04:43
buarabout canon IP1800 driver, i install deb file and there is printer on system, but when i print test page, they show message, that job processed, and not anymore action04:46
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Unit193buar: Can't help you anymore on that, that's the extent of what I know on that printer.04:51
buarok, thanks for your help )04:52
Unit193Sorry I can't help more.04:52
buari understand, thanks for your deb file, i will trust use him04:53
Unit193That's not mine, it's just what was in the PPA.  I don't know how well it'll work either.04:54
buari think, that sites master can help me, i will write to him04:57
=== nyu is now known as Guest80024
Guest80024hey guys, got a strange issue. after rebooting xubuntu isnt loading the gui style and i cant change it, all the icons and toolbars are just a dull looking and grey04:59
Guest80024also files and folders dont have icons, just the name of the files05:00
holsteinGuest80024: i would probably test as a different user.. and consider checking config files in my /home if the other user seems "ok"05:01
Guest80024its fine on the guest account05:02
holsteinGuest80024: thats a good start.. i would try as a different user, and consider blowing out configs that are "broken"05:03
Guest80024where are said config files located?05:04
Guest80024err, nevermind05:06
holsteinGuest80024: in your /home.. in .config and other places... i typically load up another user to test and confirm that the issue is likely in the user config.. then i start moving .config files around or renaming05:06
buarkhm, there is not volume icon and lan icon in tray, but there is yesterday, what is it?07:34
buari find, it's indication plagin is destroed07:42
=== tavasti` is now known as tavasti
buarблЯть. народу дохуищща, а толку 010:22
baizon!ru | buar10:22
ubottubuar: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:22
buarbliat!stolko narodu-tolku 010:22
TheSheep!language | buar10:31
ubottubuar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:31
ilkerhello, i am thinking about to switch to xubuntu. however, i want to learn packages which comes with installation. is there a list?11:44
blackgatonegrothere are some programs that come pre installed but you can install anything in the ubuntu repos11:53
blackgatonegrolook here: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=xubuntu11:54
blackgatonegroand here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xubuntu11:57
blackgatonegro*from the ubuntu repos*12:00
ilkerblackgatonegro: thanks, does it use networkmanager applet of ubuntu?12:02
blackgatonegro<ilker>, it uses one called "Network connections"12:41
ilkerok, thanks, i am giving it a try :)12:42
buarhow i should clear this folder:/var/spool/cups?12:46
cc_INCFinally had time to check out the latest and greatest, Xubuntu 12.1014:44
cc_INCBlown away by it's elegance, speed and performance! Wow you guys!!14:45
PhantorGorthanyone know how to fix xubuntu from treating most web downloads and some menu options as debian packages? it appears to be a weird file association handling problem.14:47
PhantorGorthit's a weird bug.14:48
cc_INCWhat are you trying to download?14:48
cc_INCWow...weird, but how do you know it wants to approach the files as Debian packages?14:49
cc_INCIs it generating a .deb extension?14:49
PhantorGorthno it's just launching the package tool and then says that the file is not a debian package14:50
PhantorGorthsimilar for the File Manager option in the menu except there is no file so it doesn't say that message just launches the package installation tool14:52
PhantorGorththe command "exo-open --launch FileManager" causes the package installer to launch14:57
PhantorGorthso I am assuming it a problem with the subsystem that handles the application finding14:58
PhantorGorthit started after I installed the dropbox feature for nautilus15:02
cc_INCI have never encountered such a problem before.15:04
cc_INCBut it sounds like your system is all in bizarro mode.15:04
PhantorGorthyou could say that15:04
cc_INCI hope some of the nice people here can be of assistance to you.15:04
cc_INCIf all fails, you can always do a back-up&re-install ;)15:05
PhantorGorthwell it's been like this for a few months and I have to launch stuff the long way. so unless anyone can come up with a simple solution quickly I will have to wipe and reinstall15:06
PhantorGorthXCFE is nice and fast but poorly documented15:07
cc_INCIt can always be worst man. There is poor documentation and there is POOR documentation15:07
PhantorGorthwell at the level of documentation I need15:08
PhantorGorthI don't consider source code as documentation :-)15:08
cc_INCTrue. Best of luck to you man. I hope someone will come with a quick resolution for your problem.15:11
koen_can anyone shed some light on the following? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208991115:40
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xubuntu306why my interne connecion is reeboting sometimes? can u help me?17:59
xubuntu306i have some wifi BCMXXXX card18:00
xubuntu306ok, cu18:03
submanI have suddenly lost access to one of my hard drives, how could this happen?  I get access denied error.18:11
nkrsusing thunar?18:14
submanUsing anything.18:16
=== Catbuntu is now known as Katbuntu
submannkrs, no, sorry.  with Thunar it works fine.  Virtualbox cannot access the drive nor can I from a command line18:17
nkrsoh, then i have no idea how to fix it, sorry18:18
TheSheepsubman: are you accessing them as the same user as thunar?18:21
submanTheSheep, something is weird here.  If I try to access the drive via /media/drivename I cannot.  I get access denied.  Yes, I have the same drive named, and showing up in the left column of Thunar and I have access to it that way.18:22
nkrstoday i upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10, and the appearance is all wrong18:28
nkrsgreybird looks really messed up18:28
xubuntu538there are a channel for xubuntu italy^18:44
xubuntu538*there is18:45
xubuntu538excuse ,e18:45
submanHow can I move a mount point of a hard drive?  Right now it is somehow mounted in /media/keithclark/f8..... and I have no idea why.  It should be in /media20:22
submanFunny thing is it never used to be mounted there.  I have no idea how it got that way20:24
slaptmanhow do i view how much ram xubuntu is readin in xubuntu 12.04?20:24
submanslaptman, free -h?20:24
slaptmanis there a gui version?20:26
submaninstall sysinfo20:26
TheSheepslaptman: in recent versions of ubuntu it mounts it under your username, so that you don't have conflicts with other people trying to mount a device with the same label20:27
TheSheepslaptman: sorry20:27
TheSheepsubman: ^20:27
submanTheSheep, that creates havoc here20:27
submanTheSheep, programs expect it to be under /media20:28
TheSheepsubman: "programs"?20:28
TheSheepthen it's a bug, they should be updated to handle it properly20:28
submanTheSheep, the amount of bugs are getting quite large in ubuntu.  The Nvidia drivers are the other main problem.  Everything used to work properly before 12.0420:30
TheSheepsubman: I don't think that ubuntu develops nvidia drivers, I'm pretty sure they are developed by nvidia behind closed door20:31
submanTheSheep, I understand that.  The common user doesn't care though.  Just frustrated today.20:32
TheSheepI just vote with my money and don't buy things that are locked out by their producers, but I realize that not everone can do that.20:33
TheSheepNot much else can be done.20:34
submanTheSheep, nope20:34
submanBut it used to all work.  That is the sad thing.20:34
submanIt is to the point now of just going back to the Windows install.20:36
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