
=== Sv2 is now known as Sv
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
davecheneyis their a quantal-server-armhf-image available ?03:41
davecheneyfor omap403:41
infinitydavecheney: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/03:46
infinitydavecheney: Or, if you're after netboot images, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/quantal/03:46
davecheneyinfinity: i tried the netboot last night03:57
davecheneyit doesn't setup the uboot parition03:57
infinitySure it does.03:57
infinityIt *is* the uBoot partition03:57
davecheneyright, but after you go through the installer03:57
infinityThe only way for that to fail is if you either repartition the card, or remove it.03:58
davecheneythe sdcard is just formatted like a usual quantal install03:58
infinityOh.  Yeah.  Don't install to the SD card.03:58
infinityIt's designed to install to other media.03:58
davecheneyinfinity: shuld I start with precise and dist-uprade instead ?03:58
infinityThe installers are identical.03:58
infinityOh, unless you mean a precise preinstall.03:59
davecheneyas in, start with the precise sever omap4 image03:59
infinityWhy do you want to run from SD so badly?03:59
davecheney'cos I only have a panda03:59
infinity... and?03:59
davecheneyyeah, I guess I can use outboard usb03:59
infinityI run all my Pandas from external media.  Makes them not suck. :P03:59
davecheneythe internal card is farqing slow03:59
davecheneyok, that sounds like a plan04:00
infinityYes, this is why we don't officially support installing to SD anymore.04:00
infinityIt's an awful user experience.04:00
davecheneyuse the netboot installer, install to the usb drive04:00
davecheneythen i need to adjust my uboot settings right ?04:00
infinity(That said, if you use netboot and then tell the installer to "install to largest contiguous free space" instead of "entire disk", it might work)04:00
davecheneyor will the netboot installer do that for me ?04:00
infinityNo, it'll do everything right for you.04:00
davecheneyif i'm not an idiot an let it overwrite the card I just booted from :)04:00
infinityJust select the external disk and "entire disk", and it'll do the right thing and rewrite the SD card.04:01
davecheneyokie dokes04:01
davecheneythanks mate04:01
infinityEven a USB thumb drive is a huge improvement over running from SD, but I do recommend an external hard drive (rotary is fine, SSD is a waste of money).04:01
lilstevieSSDs are faster than USB04:01
davecheneyfor all my machines they mount /home over nfs04:02
davecheneyso I only use the sdcard for /04:02
davecheneyand once everything is cached04:02
davecheneyit's usable04:02
lilsteviehell even a lot of rotary disks have faster access times04:02
infinityOh, if you're doing things like that, then yeah, you might want to try installing to SD, I suppose.04:02
infinityLike I said, we don't "officially" support it, but if you pick the "largest contiguous space" option instead of "entire disk", it may DTRT.04:03
infinityIt used to.  But I haven't tested that in a while.04:03
davecheneyi'd say usb ethernet and usb sata would be about as aweful04:03
davecheneyinfinity: i'll try largest04:03
infinityUSB HDDs are ridiculously fast in comparison to SD, though, if you intend to do anything locally.04:03
infinity(Also, SD cards kinda burn out and explode with heavy use, but if you're essentially using it read-only, that's not as big a deal)04:04
davecheneyinfinity: btw, nexus 7 with lightdm shutdown is a pretty decent build host04:04
davecheneybut again, mount your home from somewhere else04:04
davecheneythat is an expensive flash card04:04
infinityBuilding over networks doesn't excite me terribly. :/04:05
infinityIf I could both charge it *and* have a USB HDD plugged in at the same time, I'd love it.04:05
davecheneythat would rquire some kind of bi sexual usb cable04:05
* davecheney shudders 04:05
infinityI have enough build hosts lying around here, though.04:05
infinityAnd still considering jumping on the Chromebook bandwagon.04:06
davecheneyif I could get someone to mule me one from the states, us!04:06
davecheneyi have the reddies in my hot little hand04:06
davecheneybut you can't buy the buggers in AU04:06
infinityYeah, can't buy them in Canada either, but getting friends to ship across that border is less hassle.04:07
davecheneyi'll keep an eye out for folks making the trip across the ocean04:07
davecheneybut I suspect it'll be UDS-R before I can get one04:07
infinityAnd I usually buy all my laptops in the US, just due to the fact that they always try to fleece us on local sales.04:07
infinityOur dollars are basically at parity right now, but everything's mysteriously 30% more expensive here.04:08
davecheneyinfinity: yes, the AUD is kicking the greenback's arse04:08
davecheneybut for some reason there is a 10-20% living in australia tax04:08
infinitydavecheney: Your tax makes some sense.  People have to send stuff to you in the middle of nowhere.04:08
davecheneynah, that is bullshit04:09
infinitydavecheney: In my case, everything ships from the same warehouses (often, ironically, ones in Canada).04:09
davecheneytaiwan is a lot closer to AU than Canada04:09
davecheneysamsung are korean, i think04:09
infinitydavecheney: Yes, but you're a population of 20M.  We're 350M.04:09
infinitydavecheney: That *does* make a difference when it comes to how you can or can't ship bulk.04:10
davecheney22million i'll have you know, we've been busy04:10
davecheneyyeah, i'm just whinging04:10
infinity(I know it sucks, I used to live in Melbourne(04:10
infinityThe trick was to have friends visit.  Or travel lots.04:11
infinityAnd always get stuff on the outside. :P04:11
infinityExcept lambs.04:11
davecheneyinfinity: i've also got hold of an imx.5304:12
davecheneyhow do you run the sata port on there04:12
davecheneyconsidering there is no power header04:12
infinityI have mine plugged into an internal->eSata adaptor, and have it plugged into an eSATA drive in a caddy.04:21
davecheneyahh, right, so your getting the power from the caddies wall wart04:22
* infinity nods.04:22
infinityThat's the only sane way to get power to anything on these boards.04:22
infinitySame for USB drives.04:22
infinityDriving them from the USB hub will end in tears.04:23
davecheneyoh no, think of the children!04:23
davecheneyinfinity: doing largest looks like it'll work04:24
davecheneyit started at partition 2 this time04:24
davecheneythanks for the tip04:25
infinityYeah, this could all be made more elegant, but... The biggest consumers of netboot on omap/omap4 boards also happen to be people who preseed and do their own twisted magic anyway.04:25
infinityAs such, it never became much of a priority to make this more user-friendly.04:26
infinityOr friendly at all. :P04:26
davecheneyi think it's pretty decent04:26
* davecheney has been playing with freebsd/arm04:26
davecheneythat is _not_ user friendly04:26
infinityOh, sure, we're more friendly than most everyone else.  But I hold myself to a higher standard than that. :P04:26
* davecheney nods04:27
infinitySomeone really needs to send me a Beagle xM.04:28
infinityThis C4 I'm testing on makes me want to kick puppies.04:28
infinityI bet I could have kidnapped a bucket of XMs when I was in London last.  And I forgot.  Drat.04:29
davecheneyc4 ?04:33
davecheney"when i doubt, c4!"04:33
infinitydavecheney: Ancient beaglboard model, 750MHz, 256MB of RAM.04:34
infinitydavecheney: Not the most pleasant system to be testing my omap3 fixes on.04:34
davecheneyoh sadface04:34
davecheneycan't you use the loco ?04:35
infinityTo test omap3 stuff?  That would be a cute trick.04:35
infinityGiven that it's a different SoC. :)04:35
davecheneyoh, sorry04:35
davecheneyi keep forgetting that it's not Ti04:35
davecheneybut then again, there won't be any more OMAP boards now04:36
davecheneyso i'd better get use to that04:36
infinityAnd I was so looking forward to the Panda5.04:36
davecheneyhave they just given up04:37
davecheneyi heard they were selling the OMAP5 rights04:37
davecheneyor they were at least up for sale04:37
infinityI'm actually not sure of the current state of affairs.04:37
davecheneythere is also the exyijis04:37
davecheneyi have no idea how to spell that04:37
davecheneythe quad cortex-a904:37
davecheneyfrom samsung04:37
davecheneyok, gotta fly, thanks for your help04:42
davecheneywill report back when the net install is done04:42
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=== albert is now known as Guest87672
=== Guest87672 is now known as Phryq
=== Sv2 is now known as sv
tassadar_Will 12.10 version of ubuntu for nexus 7 get any updates or not?18:46
xenomedoes midori not support html5 anymore?  It seems to work great under the angstrom distribution22:27

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