
chiltsmore tuis?18:26
ojwbchilts: no, just woke up early this time18:40
elkyUnity is making me sad.22:28
ibeardsleehave a drink22:29
elkyThat'd be a downward spiral. I'm pretty sure I'd get a talking to which would make me want another.22:33
ajmitchbut you'd forget about unity by that stage22:34
elkyOk, so I need to switch to firefox, but I've hit that "all the icons on the dash disappear" thing. And alt-tab has a habit of causing crashes.22:35
lifelesselky: ajmitch has a fix for that.22:36
lifelesselky: 'reboot'.22:36
elkyBut I _was_ in the middle of doing things :(22:38
ajmitchlifeless: actually I saw a proper fix committed for that today22:39
lifelesselky: and ? :)22:39
ajmitchwhich just changes all the types to 64-bit22:39
elkyajmitch, omg...22:40
elkyyou mean this might be over, finally?22:40
ajmitchshouldn't be hard to apply that to the version of unity in precise & quantal22:40
ajmitchelky: seems that way22:40
ajmitchwhat ubuntu release are you using?22:42
ojwb2**32 icons should be enough for anybody22:42
ajmitchojwb: sadly it's uptime, not pixels22:42
elkyoneiric iirc22:44
ajmitchold stuff22:45
elkyyeah. I think precise waits on the shiny new machine that ibeardslee keeps trying to steal back.22:45
ojwbfwiw, i had icons missing in oneiric and still do with precise22:46
elkyojwb, iv'e had the issue since unity first appeared22:46
ojwbmachine hasn't been up more than a day or two in either case22:46
ojwbi uninstalled it pretty quickly back when it first appeared22:46
ojwbbut it seems to reappear in each new version22:47
elkyok, reboot i guess :(22:47
ajmitchojwb: I had it happen in natty, it's always been after weeks of uptime22:47
ojwbi guess some meta package pullsit in22:47
ajmitchelky: not necessarily22:47
ojwbactually, it's not quite the same as i still have some icons22:48
ojwbbut several are just blank for some reason22:48
ajmitchif you haven't already, I've got a workaround that doesn't require changing unity or rebooting22:48
ibeardsleeelky: setup an rsync, get that done and then `sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda count=2` or something22:52
ajmitchibeardslee: trying to break stuff?22:56
ibeardsleeheh .. elky has a new machine, but hasn't had the chance to migrate from her old machine yet.  Just suggesting options to kill the old machine and force the migration22:57
ajmitchsounds like time for percussive maintenance22:57
elkyI missed them because i was rebooting AND THEN UNITY DIDN'T LOAD22:57
elkyrebooted a second time and it came back, thank deity22:58
elkyso what were the suggestions?22:59
ibeardsleeelky: setup an rsync, get that done and then `sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda count=2` or something22:59
ibeardsleealthough you could also just put the old disk into the new machine23:01
elkyI wanted to do that way back and you said no :(23:02
ibeardsleeI didn't think you'd take so long about it23:02
ibeardsleeultimately would want the disk back23:02
elkyI didn't think there'd be obstructions23:02
elkyNow's not the time to do this anyway, I'm supposed to be prepping for some deployments23:04
lifelessibeardslee: /dev/zero surely23:14
ibeardsleeI did actually mean /dev/random .. but /dev/zero would probably work as well23:17

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