
AlanBellthe download easily outruns my wifi but it is reporting 25Mbit now, if I plug in to the router it will be 70mbit or so down00:00
penguin42AlanBell: So that lets us watch HD video of whatever you're seeing all the time?00:00
Azelphuraccording to bt infinity checker my flat should be capable of 66.9/2000:01
Azelphurbut sky only do 40/something :(00:01
AlanBellhttp://ubingo.libertus.co.uk/cam/pad well you can watch 640x480 of my front garden00:01
Azelphurhi dark garden00:01
AlanBellthe camera has survived the cold temperatures so far00:02
Azelphurso looks like it's coming soon anyway00:05
penguin42It's odd, I thought the fibre stuff is much closer to BTs infrastructure than the ADSL2 stuff is00:09
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Azelphurso after much investigation, it seems like I can have speed, bandwidth allowance, or cheap, pick any 2 :P00:33
AzelphurI think I'll sacrifice a little bit of speed, sky will no doubt up the offering at some point, and it's the easy route00:33
bokjhvAny-one about ?05:59
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MooDoomorning all08:13
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:17
brobostigonmorning MartijnVdS10:11
* MartijnVdS just came back from a 15k run10:11
MartijnVdStraining for the 20 again, early March10:12
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MooDooI've got to speeds, slow and stop ;)10:22
MartijnVdSMooDoo: oh, that's YOU in the street every time I'm trying to do some shopping? ;)10:23
AlanBellpopey theopensourcerer christmas trees are in sandy lane10:42
MooDoomorning alan10:48
christelAlanBell: how many did you cut down? :)11:18
daubersbug package question: Kernel update occured yesterday, but both of my proprietary drivers didn't get reinstalled because linux-headers wasn't pulled in. Should I file this against nvidia_current and the broadcom driver packager, or against the kernel, or against jockey?11:23
daubers(Much fun being booted to a cli with no netwoorking....)11:24
jacobw2daubers: against the things that sound depend on specific kernel version, i think11:30
jacobw2daubers: s/sound/should11:30
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StevenRwell. that was less painful than it could have been (getting Virgin Media to make my 30Mbps broadband go faster than 1.5Mbps)11:32
daubersjacobw2: But surely that would mean that every time a new kernel is released, nvidia_current needs to be repackaged?11:37
* daubers reports it against nvidia-current and lets others deal with it11:40
jacobw2daubers: if the kernel update breaks nvidia current11:41
jacobw2daubers: yeah, i think it's most likely to be handled by the nvidia team11:42
daubersjacobw2: It happened to the broadcom driver too :)11:43
jacobw2daubers: damn these binary blobs11:58
AlanBellchristel: cut down 6 or so, brought one ho12:10
AlanBellit is 9ft tall and has to go in an 8ft room, so some adjustment required12:10
StevenRAlanBell: christmas tree?12:11
AlanBellStevenR: yup12:11
AlanBellfree pick your own trees12:12
StevenRAlanBell: is there enough space above the ceiling to raise it by the required 1ft to fit the tree in? Don't forget fairy/star room too.12:12
AlanBellthe "cut a hole in the ceiling" plan has been rejected12:13
SuperEngineerit is always easier to dig down than dig up... remove floorboards when nobody looking... exclaim "Oh! The tree did fit after all!"12:14
AlanBellthe minecraft approach to christmas tree installation12:15
AlanBelldon't stand on the bit you are digging, there might be lava12:15
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)12:16
StevenRAlanBell: one would hope that you would not find lava under your floor12:17
RaycisCharlesHas the name for 13.10 been decided yet?12:26
RaycisCharlesSomebody suggested Solid Snake...I like it.12:26
bigcalmIt's like collapsing within the uncertainty principal. As soon as a name is suggested, the wave collapses and that name is removed from all possibilities12:28
penguin42the naming of releases is in the lap of the Mark12:28
RaycisCharlesOh dear.12:29
RaycisCharlesHe'll probably pick something dumb, then.12:29
bigcalmSelf appointed benevolent dictators (for life) tend not to listen name suggestions12:29
RaycisCharlesIt might not matter if he manages to alienate users even more than he has already.12:30
RaycisCharlesHow about Ubuntu 13.10 Stubborn Shuttleworth?12:30
jacobw2Shimmering Swallow12:31
jacobw2Stoic Slothbear12:32
penguin42Something Speedy would be better12:42
jacobw2Slothbears are actually man eaters12:45
penguin42jacobw2: Well you'd be slothy if you're laying back trying to digest that man12:45
jacobw2"Captain Williamson in his Oriental Field Sports wrote of how sloth bears rarely killed their human victims outright, but would suck and chew on their limbs till they were reduced to bloody pulps."12:46
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
SuperEngineerMy 2p's worth on 'Stating “Works with Linux” gains a sale (and respect)' http://superengr.wordpress.com/13:40
shaunoanyone have a handy trick off-hand, to rename a directory full of files to match the output of shasum?  (eg, I have misnamed files, and a copy of 'shasum *' from how they should look)17:21
penguin42hmm fun problem17:22
shaunoI can probably bodge something together, but if it already exists, it'd be much easier17:22
jacobw2 for i in $(ls); do mv $i "$(shasum $i)"; done;17:23
penguin42shauno: Howabout starting with something like mv $NAME `shasum $NAME| cut -d' ' -f1`17:23
penguin42jacobw2: nice17:23
penguin42jacobw2: But that's not what he wants17:23
penguin42jacobw2: He wants to go the otherway as well17:24
shaunoyeah; that's pretty much the operation I'm trying to reverse17:24
penguin42jacobw2: i.e. already has an output of shasum for the whole directory and wants to look back up and rename to the entries that match17:24
shaunothey've all been renamed to be 8.3-filename friendly, and I'm trying to restore sanity17:24
penguin42shauno: so then   for NAME in *; do mv $NAME `grep reffile ^$NAME|cut -d' ' -f2`17:25
penguin42shauno: Or something like that, with some checks :-)17:25
jacobw2i think that's the solution17:27
jacobw2use 'do echo "mv .."' to check the form first17:28
penguin42hehe yes17:28
penguin42and you need to check for the case where there is no match in the reference file17:28
jacobw2you'd get a missing argument error from mv17:29
penguin42true; it never quite seems a safe way to do things when moving files around17:30
jacobw2well, you could do 'cp ../new/$NAME' to avoid losing data17:32
penguin42or ln17:32
jacobw2if you deleted the old folder, you'd have a directory of correctly named but broken symlinks :)17:33
jacobw2unless you meant using hardlinks17:33
shaunohm, it's a shame cut won't take two spaces as a delimiter, -f2 doesn't like filenames with spaces17:33
penguin42shauno: awk will work with things like tabs, but hmm17:34
penguin42shauno: given the sum is the start of the line, I think you should be able to wrangle the start of the line off17:36
bigcalmGood evening peeps17:39
shaunowell, it's not pretty, but appears to be working; for I in *; do mv "$I" "done/$(grep ^$(shasum "$I" | cut -d' ' -f1) ~/shasum.lst|sed 's/^.\{42\}//g')"; done17:43
shaunoand yes, I'm working on a copy of the original, I'm not that brave :)17:43
shaunothere must be a more efficient way that doesn't involve grepping the same file 55,000 times, but it's a one off, so I'll live17:44
penguin42shauno: isn't it amazing the number of places 42 comes in useful?17:45
shaunoI did notice that's the only constant there.  a sha1sum is 40 characters long, and the separator is two spaces, rather than a tab as I thought17:46
popeypip pip bigcalm17:51
n1md4evening.  i've installed ubuntu minimal, but add-apt-repository is not workning "sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found".  I've isnstalled python-software-properties.21:13
n1md4python-software-common has the answer.21:17
yxkvastbrobostigon said that you where nice "chaps" that could help me install minetest on my computer21:37
yxkvasti dont even know the basics, and have no idea why someone would like to try to explane this to me21:39
* yxkvast is going to get another beer21:39
dwatkinsmemtest, perhaps?21:41
yxkvastminetest, another variant of minecraft (a game).21:43
dwatkinsoh right, I don't know what that is, sorry.21:43
dwatkinsdo the googles not help? ;)21:43
yxkvastwe was going to play online, but i have played minecraft earlier and really like it, but my computer is not so good, so i have not played minecraft for a while, but minetest doesnt need much of a computer to run especially on ubuntu21:44
yxkvasthttps://launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+archive/stable is there a file there or a script i need to download ?21:46
dwatkinsThere's a link part-way down 'read this about installing', yxkvast - hopefully that has all you need21:47
dwatkinssorry "read about installing" if you're searching the page21:47
yxkvastthanks :)21:48
yxkvastdo i have to register to launchpad.net?21:49
dwatkinsdon't think so, just add the repository as it says21:49
yxkvastwhat to print in the terminal ?21:54
dwatkinsurrm, I'm not sure what you're asking - it should give you a list of commands21:54
yxkvastshould i just copy that ?21:55
dwatkinsyes, that demonstrates the sudo command and what comes after it, which will run the apt-add-repository command with the necessary privileges, so copy the bits after the prompt and enter your password when asked21:56
yxkvastok, ill try21:58
yxkvasti had the idea that the gwibbler was just an example that i was supposed to exchange with something else22:00
dwatkinsthe bot doesn't know that package22:01
Azelphuranyone done any speedtest.nets on bt infinity?22:02
daftykinsmy mate has a 40/10 service with moded 'modem' to give line stats if y'need?22:02
yxkvastnothing of this make sense to me, what is an PPA (it starting to make little sense now, therefore i asked about the ppa so i can figure out what to do and not just do as i have been told to do)22:02
Azelphurdaftykins: was interested in the 7622:03
daftykins76 huh?22:03
Azelphurdaftykins: bt infinity is 40/10 or 76/2022:03
daftykinsah ok22:03
daftykinscor you're greedy ;)22:04
dwatkinsyxkvast: it's a Personal Package Archive, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas22:04
yxkvastsudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name22:04
Azelphurdaftykins: yep :D22:04
daftykinsAzelphur: when he hosted a file for me from home the other day and i grabbed it at 900KB/sec+ i shed a tear :(22:04
Azelphurhttp://www.speedtest.net/result/2182164792.png woa lol22:04
dwatkinsAzelphur: wow, your upload is better than my download speed :)22:04
daftykinswhat do you see real-world values though? speedtest.net is pretty inaccurate imo22:04
Azelphurdwatkins: not mine, but that's the service I'm gonna get22:05
Azelphurhttp://www.speedtest.net/result/2176761695.png :O22:05
loakyIs there anything you can run locally to test speed?22:11
popeyyxkvast, brobostigon that ppa is old22:11
Azelphurloaky: yea, just go to http://speedtest.net22:11
brobostigonpopey: my server will use the stable minetest server, server and client need to be the same version, therefore, etc.22:12
popeydoes minetest work on arm?22:16
yxkvastbrobostigon, Is this correct: sudo-apt-respitory ppa:gwibber-daily/ppa ?22:16
brobostigonpopey: good question, it is c++, so should be recompile-able.22:17
popeymight give it a go22:17
brobostigonyxkvast: for gwibber that looks about right,22:17
popeyyxkvast,  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/stable22:18
yxkvastwhat should i print instead od gwibbler ?22:18
daftykinsAzelphur: are those both biz packages?22:18
loakyI read somewhere Minetest has trouble with Windows on ARM. I don't know whether you can draw any parallels though popey22:19
yxkvastso then i will print sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/stable, whatever we are doing will work perfectly ?22:19
Azelphurdaftykins: not afaik22:19
popeyyxkvast, the following commands:-22:19
popeysudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/stable22:19
popeysudo apt-get update22:19
popeysudo apt-get install minetestc5522:19
yxkvastpopey, thanks:) i will try that22:20
popeyjust tested it here on ubuntu 12.0422:20
loakyActually that was Minecraft so forget I mentioned it popey22:20
* directhex moos22:20
yxkvastit is installing22:22
yxkvastis it intalled now, the game?22:25
popeyyxkvast, what desktop you using?22:25
yxkvastcool, it showed up in the games22:25
popeyah cool22:25
yxkvastit is great that i have kind computer experts to help me22:26
yxkvastthe computer has not yet loaded the game yet, but that is probably because the computer is made from two trashed computers22:27
popeyit shouldn't take long to start22:28
popeystarts instantly here22:28
popeyIt's a bit early development wise22:30
popeyit oddly renders stuff nearby and stuff far away but not mid-range stuff22:30
yxkvastI will restart the computer, and se if the program starts as i should22:31
popeyit shouldn't need a restart22:31
yxkvastbut i think this is a good sign that i need to buy/build a new computer22:31
popeywhat spec is the current one?22:32
dwatkinsis there a command that will get a summary of the computer's specification in Ubuntu? A line or two that gives just the vital information (instead of a load of other stuff like cat /proc/cpuinfo does)?22:35
daftykinsthere's that lshw-gtk app i think?22:35
daftykinsi feel like i said this before very recently22:35
dwatkinsyou may have done, daftykins - I'm often elsewhere22:35
dwatkinsthanks, will check22:35
daftykinsah righty-o22:36
yxkvasti can send a pm if it makes any sense22:37
dwatkinsyxkvast: if you think it needs replacing, it's quite likely it's not fast enough to run minecraft, sadly22:37
yxkvasti did send a pm to popey, if it did make any sense i can send those specs to others too22:38
dwatkinsI was just curuous. Unfortunately the command I'm talking about outputs 350 lines by default and 33 lines with the '-short' option, but perhaps there are simpler ways like using pastebinit22:38
popeymodel name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz22:38
dwatkinsah right, that pretty much summs it up ;)22:38
popeythere's the system info thing22:39
popeyjust open the dash and type "details"22:39
popeyIntel® Core™ i7-2640M CPU @ 2.80GHz × 422:39
popeyis what it says for me22:39
dwatkinsah ok22:39
dwatkinsI was hoping for a command line version too22:39
popeylshw -html produces nicer output22:42
dwatkinsah yes, neat22:43
yxkvastthanks for the help with the software installations22:48
yxkvasti will take a look if i can update some of the hardware22:49
yxkvaston tuesday i will maybe have more updates on the hardware front22:50
yxkvastso if you have the server up and running in a week brobostigon  i maybe have made some chances with the computers22:50
=== yxkvast is now known as yxkvastAFK
dwatkinsc ya22:52
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