
rick_h_jcastro_: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=35342100:36
rick_h_jcastro_: using cloudfront?00:36
rick_h_http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2618168/amazon-s3-is-not-serving-files-correctly as well00:37
rick_h_looks like an api thing00:37
rick_h_well possibly00:37
rick_h_evening, working away wheee01:07
snap-lwoo woo01:21
snap-lrick_h_: You did your plumber deed. YOu should be able to collect lots of husband points for that.01:21
rick_h_heh, the trouble is that it's stuff I wanted vs her01:22
rick_h_since I do dishes more01:22
rick_h_now that we've got the new water softener wanted to update the fixtures little by little01:22
rick_h_but yea happy me now01:23
rick_h_good grief, this is some of the most convoluted pissy JS I've seen in a LOOONG time01:27
jcastro_got it02:38
jcastro_rick_h_: it was serving it text/html instead of text/css02:38
jjesse-homeso am i crazy for trying to run my VMs in NAT mode?02:39
jjesse-homeinstead of just bridging?02:39
rick_h_jcastro_: oh hmm, chrome said the binary thing02:46
rick_h_jjesse-home: yes02:46
rick_h_I HATE That02:46
rick_h_oh wait..sorry I'm with you02:46
rick_h_NAT ftw, bridging FML02:46
jjesse-homeso i want to be able to ssh from my laptop to my ubuntu server but i can't connect02:47
jjesse-homeand someone one askubuntu linked me to reverse ssh forwarding or something to resolve the issue?02:47
rick_h_huh? not following02:48
rick_h_you don't specify the whole vm/etc thing02:48
jjesse-homefrom my host i want to ssh to my guest, it times out02:49
rick_h_jjesse-home: ok, so is this virtualbox?02:50
jjesse-homerick_h_:  yes02:50
rick_h_jjesse-home: on 12.10?02:51
rick_h_stupid vbox bug in 12.10. network stuff is goofy02:51
jjesse-homei have NAT working from a access the internet etc02:51
rick_h_other than that, should just be able to install sshd (it's not part of the default install)02:52
jjesse-homelol that's a question i asked earlier :)02:52
rick_h_actual package is openssh-server or whatever02:52
jjesse-homeduring install of ubuntu server i selected SSH server or whatever the choice was02:52
jjesse-homei can SSH from my guest to my host, but not from host to my guest02:53
rick_h_and sshd is running?02:54
rick_h_on the guest?02:54
jjesse-homenmap localhost shows port 22 open and up02:55
rick_h_hmm, sorry no idea atm02:59
rick_h_I never got vbox nat working and just went back to lxc02:59
rick_h_so not sure if there's more broken there or not02:59
rick_h_but I use lxc in nat and don't need to do any special stuff to ssh02:59
jjesse-homelxc ?03:00
jjesse-homedon't know that one03:00
billingslinux containers.03:00
jjesse-homedoes just linux run in LXC then or can i run other OSes?03:01
jjesse-homesay windows server03:01
rick_h_no, I still use vbox for my windows test machine03:01
billingslxc is like BSD's jails03:02
rick_h_a bit, I think it's a little more kvm-y than that03:03
jjesse-homeoh interesting03:03
rick_h_really acts like a nice lightweight virtualization03:03
rick_h_I do all my LP dev in there.03:03
jjesse-homehrmm ok03:04
rick_h_so I have a kvm-like command to start my lxc, it boots and I can ssh or I can boot and drop into a shell for a default ubuntu user03:04
rick_h_and work in that system, but it's actually kind of local. So I use gvim to cd to the lxc and I can edit the 'remote' files in a local gvim easily03:05
jjesse-homethats fascinating03:08
jjesse-homei was just going to try and learn some stuff and play around w/ Ubuntu Server03:09
jjesse-homebut apparently its more difficult than what i thought03:10
rick_h_well, I think it's probably something in vbox :( but yea03:10
rick_h_but go bridged and should work fine03:10
rick_h_mine did, I just hated that the ip address moved wherever I was03:10
jjesse-homeand pray i don't conflict w/ anything onsite w/ a customer :)03:11
rick_h_well that's dhcp's job03:11
jjesse-homeso this is all an issue since 12.10?03:13
rick_h_at least I hit it then03:14
snap-lI've become quite the fan of lxcs. I think they might replace some of the stuff that we're using Virtual machines to handle05:16
snap-lGood morning14:20
snap-lReminder: meeting tonight14:39
rick_h_ah good to know14:39

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