
* thafreak is riding home in the car....02:31
thafreakhows #ubuntu-us-oh doing tonight02:33
drkokandyquiet tonight03:08
Cheri703I am doing a lot of overthinking :)03:12
Cheri703hey drkokandy03:12
drkokandyhey Cheri703 - how's it going?03:12
Cheri703not too shabbily03:13
Cheri703how's life in ashland?03:13
drkokandyall good here03:13
drkokandythings have been busy lately03:13
TuxTrendsAny Raspberry Pi owners here?03:15
drkokandythe holiday didn't help really - I was out of town visiting family & friends & stuff - and this week was the last week before we start finals at AU03:15
drkokandynot me but I think we have some people with Pis03:16
TuxTrendsfun stuff03:17
TuxTrendsIt's been a long time since I've been on here.  Jacob, are you around?03:19
jacobTuxTrends: i am, hey03:31
TuxTrendsHow are you?  It's been a long time.03:33
jacobdoing well, how about you?03:33
TuxTrendsgood here.03:34
skellatCheri703 gilbert -- Here is the tentative Ohio Team report for November 2012 posted that probably needs some fleshing out with additional bullet points: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/TeamReports/12/November#preview22:46
skellatTry this instead: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/TeamReports/12/November22:46
skellatCheri703 & gilbert: Okay, we've got an initial report for November 2012 up.  It needs fleshing out.  Alas, this is due **tonight**.  The wiki includes are in place so that we'll show up in the Team Reports at-a-glance report noting that we had an IRC meeting.  Has the LoCo done more than that, though?22:57
Cheri703Mansfield hasn't, I don't know if anyone else has.22:57
Cheri703I'll be reaching out to the loco council or whoever this month to see if they have any thoughts for us22:58
skellatCheri703: Okay.  As long as we get something up as a report since we stopped doing that some time in 2010, it might be worthwhile.23:00
skellatCheri703: I just don't want a single bullet point23:00
Cheri703fair enough, but I also don't want to make up stuff or try to fluff it up23:00
skellatCheri703: All our previous reports only noted ReLoCo Ubuntu Hour meetings, if any.  An enumeration of those are sufficient.  If you look at the October 2012 at-a-glance, few of the USian teams checked in at all: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/October201223:01
Cheri703what I'm saying is that I don't thing there have been any ubuntu hour meetings23:02
Cheri703mansfield had one at the end of october, but we didn't last month23:02
skellatIt isn't like we can really blame the weather this season.  It is over 50 degrees on December 2nd in Ashtabula.  We're having a micro-cyclic warm winter.23:03
Cheri703well, I don't think columbus is having any, I don't think cleveland, doubtful cinci, maybe dayton? that's about it. Might check the Ubuntu stop thing? see if they did anything23:03
skellatEeek.  What is "Ubuntu stop"?23:03
Cheri703that "other" group in columbus23:03
skellatWe have Ubuntu hour every day here at home but that doesn't quite count enough to put Ashtabula on the map23:06
skellatHow is the weather out Mansfield way?23:07
Cheri703pretty decent, rainy today, but it's been really nice23:30
* skellat wanders back to scripting podcasts23:32

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