
DandelSarvatt: it appears that the gles 1, gles 2 and egl tests will be integrated into the default quick tests and all test profiles :) ( still sure ya don't want to have libwaffle )05:00
Dandelgood mornin ricotz 09:03
Dandelit looks like all the egl, gles1, and gles2 will be integrated into the all tests profile ( and thus the quick driver and others )09:05
mlankhorstso piglit tests will run for even longer? :p09:26
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Dandelmlankhorst: not that much longer... it's only a handful of tests... although, it definitely requires egl16:31
hyperairhmm, the last xorg-edgers update seems to have screwed over snb rc6 residency.16:33
hyperairit seems to be ~1% these days instead of ~50%16:33
brycemlankhorst, tjaalton also check rdepends in universe; slangasek noticed virtualbox and a few other random bits and bobs have dependencies18:17
mlankhorstvirtualbox is probably the ddx too18:50

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