
Kiloshi superfly nlsthzn and other early birds05:52
superflymorning Kilos06:11
Kiloshehe read the last paragraph http://www.simpleprecision.com/2012/05/kubuntu-12-04-post-installation-tuning/06:30
Kilosother info useful though06:30
Kilosmorning mazal07:03
mazalMôre oom07:09
Kilosmazal:  het jy al kubuntu probeer07:11
mazalWas 'n hele rukkie op K. Het nie baie gehou van dit nie , heelwat bugs07:12
mazalMaar dit was hulle community wat my eintlik weggejaag het van K af07:12
Kilossjoe. ek vind net dat jy baie goed self moet instaleer maar nog nie bug op 12.04 nie07:13
mazalWas voor ek hier was07:13
Kilosai was hulle hardekwas07:13
mazalEk dink dit was11.0407:13
Kilos12.04 is vir my baie lekker07:13
mazalNee hulle het God gelaster07:13
Kilosek het 9.10 probeer en konnie 3g laat werk nie toe los ek dit tot nou, maar nou is dit heel grand07:14
mazalDis iets wat ek nie sal van deel wees nie , toe loop ek07:14
Kilosjy kry slegtes orals07:15
Kilosmaar hier is redelik07:15
mazalVandaar is ek Xubuntu toe (was in die dae wat ek nie gehou het van unity nie)07:15
Kilosons kde mense is goeie mense07:15
Kilosgaan lees http://www.simpleprecision.com/2012/05/kubuntu-12-04-post-installation-tuning/  maar begin laaste paragraaf07:16
mazalJa nee was nie die OS se skuld nie. Maar ek het gesukkel met bugs ook07:16
mazalKannie eers onthou wat alles nie07:17
Kilosek vind 12.04 baie stabiel07:18
Kilosfoute is wat ek self doen met verkeerde goed07:19
mazalEk is terug vanaf X na unity toe agv die langer LTS cycle07:19
mazalToe doen ek die moeite om unity te leer en reg te gebruik en vandag is ek baie happy met dit07:19
mazalAs ek spaar pc gehad het sou ek dalk weer bietjie gekrap het met kubuntu en selfs xubuntu ook07:20
Kilosek het ook unity maar moeilik om te kies watter is eintlik beter07:20
mazalDit was op 'n stadium my hobby om al 3 te bou en custom iso's te maak07:20
mazalMaar dis toe ek nog 4mb lyn gehad het07:21
mazalHelemal te veel apt-get's om op 384 te doen07:21
mazalOm ubuntu proper OS te maak vir my is ongeveer 1 gig se installs07:21
mazalAlleen soos wat hy kom kan hy nie eintlik veel doen nie en is eintlik baie onvolledig07:22
Kilosja man maar as jy jou archives save op n ander plek dan doen jy dit als lokaal07:22
mazalHet toe noggie geweet van daai trick nie :P07:23
Kilosek het kde 12.04 gister skoon install en 45m data gebruik07:23
mazalDaai trick het ek onlangs eers geleer by oom07:23
Kilosek my archives is 3.7g07:23
Kilosdis so lekker om iets te instaleer en dit se "nothing needs to be downloaded"07:24
mazalJa nee daai breek my07:24
mazalVat 2 volle aande om als op te kry07:24
mazalDis hoekom ek eerder my eie iso maak07:24
mazalDan re-install ek my system nes hy is07:25
Kilosso wats nuus07:25
Kilossoos met daai externe07:25
mazalDie fout was eenvoudig , maar die dame het nie geweet nie07:26
mazalDie rede hoekom gekoopte power supplies nie werk nie is agv amps07:26
mazalHulle het net gekyk na die volts , en vir haar helemal te lae amps gegee07:26
mazalHet vir haar mooi neergeskryf wat sy moet kry07:27
mazalEn nou-nou gaan ek na ons ondersteuning groep afsluiting toe07:29
Kiloshet jy nie die ou een gesien nie?07:29
mazalGaan bietjie braai en die res gaan diere kyk07:29
mazalNee , hy is weggegooi07:30
mazalMaar die drive se duidelik 12v 2amp op hom07:30
Kilosdom donners07:30
mazaloi dit herhinner my iets07:30
Kilosek het gister n dom ding gedoen. n backup van my kde op my seun se skyf gedoen. nou wys dit /home/miles en nie /home/ian nie07:44
Kiloshet nou miles as other user in gesit07:44
Kilossal sien as ek reboot07:44
Kilosdis wat ek se. my kde probleme maak ek self07:45
mazalSelf inflicted pain07:45
Kilosja maar ek sukkel met quassel se settings om goed reg te kry toe doen ek dit07:46
mazalEk sien die apt-archive verwyder automaties ouer versions van packages07:47
mazalEn los net die nuutste een op die drive07:47
mazalHmm , maar sekeres los hy , interesting07:49
Kilosdis wat nog nodig is vir ander goed wat jy kan instaleer07:59
Kilosof dependancies08:00
Kilosek gaan reboot en kyk of ek kan as miles hier werk08:01
mazalMaaz: Tell Kilos to have a great day08:17
Maazmazal: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode08:17
Kiloseek what a job to share admin with a second user08:58
nlsthznProteas doing well09:17
charl_good afternoon13:07
charl_hi psydroid 13:07
charl_Maaz: coffee on13:07
* Maaz washes some mugs13:07
psydroidhi charl_13:08
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!13:11
Kilosdag magtie gaan dit goed. lekker reen hier14:50
Kilosafternoon everyone else14:51
magtieHi Kilos 14:51
magtieGaan baie goed.  Reen hier ook.14:51
Kiloslekker. ek het geslaap na middag ete. dit was lekker met die gedreen op die dak14:52
Kilosyo Vince-0 whats you lug say?14:53
magtieDit reen baie sag hier. Hoor niks14:53
magtieNet die tuin kan jie sien groei!14:54
Kilosen bossies hier by ons14:54
magtieHet vanmiddag 'n paar groentes gesaai - net betyds14:55
Kilosal wat hier groei is knoffel , goggas eet die res14:55
Kiloso en my aarbeie in potte14:56
Vince-0Hi Kilos 15:03
Vince-0Met with some peeps yesterday15:03
Vince-0they're not avid IRC users but I will host a G+ hangout this week15:03
Vince-0mostly noobs15:03
Kilosgreat ty Vince-0 15:15
magespawnhowdy all15:31
Kiloshey magespawn 15:31
magespawnVince-0: let us know the when and where and i'll see if i can make it15:33
magespawnhey Kilos15:33
magespawntestimonial writing week15:33
Kiloslemme kwon when its done then you are one less to nag15:34
mazalLo everyone15:34
Kiloshi mazal 15:34
magespawnhey mazal15:35
mazalWhat's G+ Vince-0 ?15:35
Kilosgoogle plus15:36
Kilosits the latest craze15:36
Kilosetas data thow so good if you uncapped15:36
Kilosmazal, https://plus.google.com/15:44
Kiloseverything goes round in circles15:45
mazalHmm , just another fb15:50
magespawni like it a little more15:51
mazalAlready don't like it after 5min. Wall flooded by post from people I don't even know and haven't added15:53
magespawnin G+?15:53
magespawni only accept posts from those in my circles if i want to read something else i go looking for it15:54
mazalFound the problem in settings under "explore"15:56
mazalDisabled all15:56
magespawnyup then you can add the ones you want and go from there15:57
mazalDoes ubuntu-za have a page there ?15:58
Kilosthe pro runs it15:59
magespawnsitting outside in the peaceful garden might not have been such a smart idea16:02
magespawngetting eaten alive by mozzies16:03
Vince-0you gotta customize your stream with circles16:04
Kilosthere was something one could burn onna braai or fire that chased them16:04
Kiloshey magespawn 16:11
Kilosdid you see the pro tell me not to blame ubuntu for my restrictions16:12
Kiloscheeky swine16:12
magespawnyup was therelol16:18
magespawn#kubuntu has #kubuntu-offtopic for general chat, just an idea16:29
Kiloshmm interesting16:45
* Kilos reading up on 2 tb stuff. some talk of GPT instead of MBR16:46
Kilosand gdisk is in our repos17:02
Kiloswhat a blow. i thought i was mastering the mbr bit17:02
inetprogood evening17:11
inetproKilos: is ek nog steeds in die dogbox?17:19
magespawninetpro check the logs about an hour ago lol17:27
inetpromagespawn: that's why I'm asking17:27
inetprolooks like he's got his knife in for me now17:27
inetprowill never forgive me again17:27
magespawnmaybe he has let you out now17:27
Kilosnaand inetpro my boetie17:28
inetproKilos: ek het gesê skuus oom!17:28
Kilosek weet man ek terg jou net17:28
inetpronou sal ek maar moet stibly hier17:28
Kilosjy bly nerens stil nie17:29
inetproja, ek in moeilikheid17:29
Kilosnee man17:29
Kilosskuus inetpro 17:29
Kilosthere now we even17:29
Kilosdid you see about the gpt thing instead of mbr inetpro ?17:30
inetprohmm... what was that?17:30
Kilosmaybe there hope for me yet17:30
magespawnwhen i ring the bell or give the signel you will retreat to your corners gentlemen, and no below the belt blows17:31
magespawnlets have a clen fight17:31
Kilosstop it magespawn 17:32
inetpromagespawn: aye aye sir17:32
Kiloshurts my head to laugh so lekker17:32
inetproKilos: you must backup thrice17:33
Kiloshahaha nothing to backup17:34
Kilosjust sucks17:34
Kilosall i want is to get ubuntu onto it17:34
inetproKilos: rule no1 is backup, rule 2 is backup, rule 3 refer to rule 117:34
Kilosonce grub has a hold bye bye sucks17:34
Kilosim just not sure from reading that if its actually the drive that is now gpt not mbr anymore17:36
* inetpro will not attempt it for now17:41
inetprohappy with what I have17:41
Kilosill sort it out and make notes17:41
magespawnno need for me either no drives bigger than 1tb17:46
Kilosif i didnt want to use it till ian comes to fetch it i would leave it with 7 only17:47
Kilosbut what a pleasure doing recoveries with so much spare space17:48
magespawnwonder if this runs ubuntu/linux http://www.zdnet.com/thinkpad-twist-hands-on-its-a-thinkpad-its-a-tablet-its-super-laptop-7000008172/18:05
Kiloshi smile4ever 18:14
smile4everhi :)18:14
Kilosinetpro, is your reapproval link in the topic thing the one where peeps go do testimonials?18:19
magespawnhey smile4ever 18:21
Kilosoo who is the Lionthinker18:21
smile4everI love ya :p18:22
Kiloswell done mazal 18:23
Kilosi still dunno how you guys add your testimonials but luckily i got friends here18:24
mazalHuh hoe nou ?18:24
Kilosjust read your testimonial18:25
mazalWat het ek nou reg gedoen ? :P18:25
mazalOh ok18:25
mazalKept it short and sweet :)18:25
Kiloshehe i dunno how18:26
Kilossuperfly, when can we expect yours up there?18:26
Kilosand you inetpro 18:26
Kilosaw peer got psydroid18:28
* mazal likes inetpro's rules :)18:30
Kiloswhere did you read them18:30
mazalJust a bit up , the three backups18:31
=== smile4ever is now known as smile-druk
mazalO koos18:31
Kilosyou lonely smile-druk ?18:31
* Kilos hugs smile-druk 18:32
mazalMaaz koffie on18:32
Maazmazal: What?18:32
mazalMaaz coffee  on18:32
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:32
smile-drukKilos: yeah, and busy :|18:32
Kiloswb psydroid 18:33
psydroidty Kilos18:34
MaazCoffee's ready for mazal!18:36
Kilosbrb moving modem to unity18:40
magespawnpeer resets a lot of connections, busy18:44
superflyKilos-: I'll do some stuff in the week18:45
Kilos-ty superfly 18:45
magespawnlike i said testimonial writing week18:46
mazalGoing to bed18:49
mazalSleep well everyone18:49
magespawnbl emergency call out18:55
charl_hi all19:19
charl_hi smile-druk 19:19
charl_hi Kilos-19:19
Kilos-hi charl_ 19:20
charl_how's it going?19:20
smile-drukhi :)19:20
Kilos-good ty and you?19:20
smile-druknot really that good :P 19:20
charl_good good19:20
charl_what's up smile-druk ?19:20
smile-drukslept bad :o19:21
charl_oh shame19:21
charl_i am sleeping pretty well the last while i must say19:21
charl_i am feeling a lot better19:21
charl_the past summer i spent in an old apartment building with virtually no insulation19:22
charl_so the sun goes down at 11 in the evening and it stays warm until the sun comes up somewhere around 419:22
charl_how does a man sleep in weather like that i dunno19:23
charl_some people seem to do it19:23
Kilos-in a bath of cold water19:23
charl_yeah lol19:23
charl_something like that19:23
charl_i am in a very well insulated apartment building now though so i assume the next summer it's going to be much better :)19:24
charl_hi ludo19:25
smile-drukbye :p19:30
Kilos-bed time for ballies. night all sleep well20:03
Kilos-nag inetpro 20:03
inetprogood night Kilos-20:03
Kilos-dankie vit die vriendskap20:03
Kilos-al is jy vol20:03
Kilos-vol nensense20:04
* Kilos- ducks20:04
inetprowatch out Kilos-20:04
Kilos-terg man20:04
* inetpro just finished watching bruce lee 20:04
Kilos-ek stuur jou my epos adres20:04
Kilos-not jackie chan20:05
inetproof jackie chan... whatever20:05
inetproop etv20:05
Kilos-ya ek ook20:05
inetprogoeie nag oom20:05

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