
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lunch
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sil2100Could anyone help me with a quick question bzr related? Since I remember a configuration option in bzr that disables ssh key authentication - I need it now but can't find it anywhere11:44
sil2100I remember using it in the past11:44
mgzI'm guessing you mean you want read-only http access to launchpad rather than bzr+ssh?11:45
mgzremove launchpad_username from ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf11:47
sil2100I have no launchpad_username there ;) Checked that already11:47
sil2100Ok, I did it differently11:47
sil2100I simply switched to using http://* directly11:48
sil2100But thanks!11:48
mgzreally? what does `bzr config launchpad_username` say?11:48
mgzyou can also remove the [Launchpad] section of authentication.conf to be sure, but that should be ignored if the name isn't in the main config11:49
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=== AfC is now known as AfC|zzz
zygahey, I'm trying to use bzr join, I have two 2a branches, let's say A and B, I branch B to A/B (so it's inside the A branch), running bzr join B from root of A fails with:14:23
zygabzr: ERROR: Cannot join B.  Trees have the same root14:23
zygais this expected?14:23
mgzI take it A is a fork of B? and wow, you really are trying to do things in the most convoluted ways possible.14:24
zygaA and B are independent14:25
zygamgz: what is convulted about join?14:25
mgzis that actually true? experience says at least one of them is probably going to be something like a fastimport from git.14:26
zygait is true (the are independent), and the other part you said is also true (B is an export from git, but it was never derived from A in any way)14:26
zygaa is lp:checkbox14:26
zygab is lp:~zkrynicki/+junk/plainbox14:26
zygano common ancestry in any way14:27
zygaI gave up trying to export the merged tree from git14:27
zygaas I was unable to fix the bugs in bzr-fastimport and bzr-git14:27
zygaso I thought that good old bzr join should work14:27
zygamgz: is this a bug in bzr core or is the bzr join --help description just confusing and I'm doing something wrong on the basic level14:29
mgzzyga: as reported, join works fine. what's borked is your branches.14:29
zygamgz: how are they borked?14:29
mgz(probably, I can't get the +junk one)14:30
zygamgz: please try again14:31
=== aquarius_ is now known as aquarius
jelmerzyga: if these are fairly old bzr branches they might both have the old constant tree root file id14:33
zygajelmer: I don't undestand what that is14:34
zygajelmer: checkbox is failry old if you look at the history14:34
mgzjelmer: one is a fastimport thing, the other is an oldish branch14:34
jelmermgz: ah14:34
jelmermgz: I guess the fastimport thing should be using rich roots then?14:35
zygamgz: both branches use 2a format14:35
zygamgz: what is the "constant tree root file id"?14:36
mgz...I pretty much think helping you do this is a waste of time, because you're just making your branches more and more complicated...14:36
zygamgz: could you explain what I'm doing wrong14:36
mgzwhat's the benefit of embedding a the history of the old project in a subdirectory of your new fork?14:37
zygamgz: it's a requirement of the team leader, we wish to contiune working on the fork in the old repository14:37
mgzsure, but why that way around?14:38
mgzit would be better to just merge your changes into the existing code and not screw around with the structure surely...14:38
zygamgz: how would I merge my changes into lp:checkbox?14:38
zygamgz: and how is any of that explaining why bzr join is not working, is any of the repositories damaged?14:39
jelmermgz: is this a duplicate root file id issue? I think I missed an earlier part of the conversation14:39
mgzfor the record:14:39
mgz(Pdb) e14:39
mgzBadSubsumeSource(Can't subsume <WorkingTree6 of /home/ubuntu/tmp/checkbox> into <WorkingTree6 of /home/ubuntu/tmp>. Trees have the same root)14:39
mgz(Pdb) e.tree.get_root_id()14:39
mgz(Pdb) e.other_tree.get_root_id()14:39
mgzjelmer: zyga posted to an internal canonical list for reasons passing understanding, so you're missing some context14:40
jelmermgz: ah, I'll leave it to you then14:40
zygamgz: what I posted to the caonical list was not related much, maybe apart from just trying various things to make this work, the join issue is separate IMHO14:40
jelmermgz: (you do know about the merge-into plugin?)14:40
mgzbasically he created a new project on github as a fork of an existing bzr project, added the existing project as a submodule, and is now struggling to reintegrate the codebases14:41
zygamgz: you are incorrect14:41
zygamgz: plainbox is not a for of checkbox14:41
mgzzyga: was going to post what I understood from looking briefly and get you to correct anything I didn't understand, maybe I should do that14:42
zygamgz: ok14:42
zygamgz: we can move the discussion to a proper place if you'd like14:42
zygamgz: basically I want to "join" two projects, one of which was in git another in bzr, into bzr14:42
mgzso, we could make the join work, but I'm unconvinced that's what you really want14:42
zygamgz: anything that works is fine, fixing bugs in bzr is good if I can do that as a side effect14:43
zygamgz: fixing bugs in bzr-fastimport would be good as well but I've yet unable to trace that issue to something I can report14:44
mgzcan you explain what plainbox is to me briefly? it uses the checkbox code, and is described in the readme as a "plain replacement", but you're saying it's not a fork?14:44
zygamgz: ditto to bzr-git14:44
zygamgz: it's a rewrite that our team is doing14:44
mgzbzr-git is simple (I think, you missed pasting the error), you used submodules in your git branch, which aren't supported14:44
zygamgz: since checkbox became unmaintainable and the team lead made a decision to rewrite it14:44
mgzso it is a fork?14:45
zygamgz: I see, I didn't know they were unsupported14:45
mgzor... a redo from scratch?14:45
zygamgz: no, it's a rewrite, not a fork14:45
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|otp
mgzthen why integrate the histories?14:45
zygait uses some of checkbox scripts in practice (hence the submodule)14:45
zygabut the core is independent14:45
zygamgz: so is lp:checkbox broken in any way?14:48
zygamgz: or is the plainbox bzr export broken?14:48
mgzdepends what you're trying to do.14:49
zygamgz: well, use bzr the way it's advertised so to speak, getting bzr join to work would be a good start14:50
zygamgz: ?14:55
mgzwriting an email.15:00
=== slank_away is now known as slank
zygaeveryone, for reference, unless something major happens, the most likely bzr branch for plainbox is going to be copied from lp:~zkrynicki/+junk/plainbox15:20
zygawe'll just need do decide if we want it in lp:plainbox or lp:~something/checkbox/plainbox15:20
zygawrong window :)15:23
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mgzzyga: +metoo bug 1031773 and I'll get round to doing something about that16:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1031773 in Bazaar "Failed to run bzr" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103177316:19
mgzyour variation on the underlying problem was at least less obnoixious than the one hidetaka got...16:20
mgzdidn't want to just back the code out, but that's probably the sanest option...16:21
zygamgz: osutils.rename calls systems 'mv'?16:22
zygamgz: or is some part of python borked to return non-unicode, localized message?16:22
mgzPython 2 returns non-unicode, localised messages, when setlocale is called16:22
mgzit calls rename(2) underneath16:24
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=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
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=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
Nav_Hello. I need some help at installing centralized workflow thing on a CentOS server23:51
Nav_can someone help?23:51

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