
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
subthalamusI just installed edubuntu from DVD onto old T30 stinkpad16:01
subthalamusI knew I should have checked the box for gnome during install16:02
subthalamusunity doesn't load, u just login to a blank wallpaper16:02
subthalamusshould I bother with trying to find a different video driver or is unity not customized for edubuntu? (in which case I hate it)16:03
subthalamuscan I avoid rerunning the entire install?16:04
subthalamusto get gnome?16:04
alkisgsudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback16:06
alkisgAnd select it from the lightdm menu16:06
subthalamusalkisg: thanks16:07
subthalamuscould u offer some advice on the other questions?16:07
alkisgAbout video driver? Which graphics card does it have?16:10
subthalamussorry for delay, tending to a bunch of kids at the same time :(16:42
subthalamus RV200 [Mobility Radeon 7500]16:42
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
subthalamusalkisg: just fyi, PEBCAK error, gnome-session-fallback was already installed so I just logged in with that...17:00
alkisgCool, sorry for the delay, tending to a bunch of kids + a bunch of dogs :D17:47
=== Tm_Tr is now known as Guest3774

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