
=== rogpeppe2 is now known as rogpeppe
=== mattuk1972_ is now known as mattuk1972
gary_posterbcsaller, hey.  when you get in ping me please and let's have a quick call and/or pair a bit13:39
bcsallergary_poster: sounds good, want to aim for around 9am EST?13:40
gary_poster+1 bcsaller 13:40
bachi benji, question about object literal formatting14:07
bacthe 'closing brace not on a line by itself' rule means all outstaning closing braces bunch up on the last real line?14:08
baclooks funny14:08
benjibac: I'm not super happy with that either, but it seems to be the prevailing way in JS land, and it keeps down the vertical explostion that happens when even a few literals are nested14:10
bacyeah, but any visual attempt to match closing is completely lost14:11
benjiagreed; braces suck <shrug>14:12
benjiI guess it's a "pick your poison" kind of thing14:12
bacbenji: so is this correct?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1407811/14:12
benjibac: nope, let me paste that reformatted real quick14:12
benjibac: here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/1407818/14:14
benjithat snippet of code is a very good test case, by the way14:15
benjiwe should use it to vet/demonstrate whatever style we use14:15
bacbenji: hope i'm not being annoying but "object literals have their opening brace on a new line"14:16
bacso line 2 should begin with a brace,no?14:16
benjibac: that is the current/old one; my branch that includes the new style hasn't landed yet; I figured that we would discuss it at the standup this morning before I landed it14:16
bacok, well i can't very well follow unpublished rules.  :)14:17
benji...since apparently my mail to the list went unnoticed14:17
benjiwhat, next you'll want to be able to read the secret laws enforced by the goverment14:17
bacyeah, that "no standing unless you can prove we did what we won't tell you did" is great orwellian logic14:18
benjibac: Wikileaks to the reascue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1407828/14:19
bacbenji: i'd change line 62 to say 'equal sign or colon' to address code like line 9414:23
* benji looks14:23
benjiah, yeah that would be good; doing so14:24
bacbenji-the-style-guru, what do you think about this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1407868/14:35
benjibac: looks good; the spaces before/after the braces aren't to my particular liking, but I don't know if they are common or not14:43
bacthe SG used to say " there is a space after the opening brace of an object literal"14:44
bacbenji: but, under the new regime, shouldn't the brace be on the previous line, which would look funny14:44
benjinope, they are one-liner object literals; I guess I should clarify that the style guide is talking about multi-line.  If it will fit on one line, there is no reason not to do so14:45
bacfrankban: "2) By default, clicking on ``Charms``, I only see one deployed service. I15:07
bacexpected to see five of them (the five ones I see in the env view)."  -- I think this is a problem with the sample.json file showing deployed services that do not actually appear in the charm store.15:07
bacfrankban: we should get a fix made to the sample.json if that is the case so it isn't confusing15:07
frankbanbac: yes, I agree15:09
bacfrankban: as to what constitues 'deployed', i show those that have a matching package name, not the exact same charm.  i'll clarify with jovan15:09
frankbanbac: is it possible to check for the same charm? If so, what do you think about creating a card to implement that? I deploy a service using a charm, and when I filter for "deployed" charms, I'd expect to see only the charm used to deploy that service. But yes, maybe that's a UX question.15:14
gary_posterMakyo, hey.  I'm working on my branch, assuming you didn't get around to it last Friday.  Safe assumption?15:14
bacfrankban: yes, in fact it is easier to just match the exact charm.  my interpretation is different.  so, the UX dudes need to decide.15:15
Makyogary_poster, Yep, been buried in tests.15:15
gary_postercool Makyo15:15
bacfrankban: fwiw, my original implementation did what you suggest but i found it unhelpful15:15
frankbanbac: because you already can see the deployed charms in the env scene? 15:16
bacfrankban: b/c i thought the user might want more choice.  i'm not strongly defending that stance, though, so i'm glad you raised the point.15:18
hazmat2m standup bac, bcsaller, benji, frankban, gary_poster, Makyo, teknico 15:28
bacbenji: i'm going to land my branch using the new style15:39
teknicohazmat, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1408004/15:40
bacgoodspud: please ask jovan to join15:42
goodspudbac, emailed him... he left the room15:44
bacgoodspud: ok thanks15:44
MakyoActually, going to bring my laptop with me to the vet to finish current task. Won't have IRC, but will have email.15:48
mattuk1972makyo - thats dedication :-)15:49
Makyomattuk1972, the waiting room is crazy boring, anyhow :P15:50
MakyoAnyway, available on email if needed.15:50
gary_posterhazmat, I think I am on call...do you think you are on call?16:01
gary_posternoone here16:01
hazmatgary_poster, i'm around16:02
gary_posterhazmat yeah wrote that just before you joined16:03
=== mattuk1972_ is now known as mattuk1972
bachi jovan2, thanks for your reply.  it does make sense17:20
gary_pos`hazmat, are co-located services supposed to be able to have a special relationship with one-another, or are they only sharing the same machine as an optimization, or something else?17:20
jovan2bac: great, thanks.17:20
bacjovan2: if a deployed charm is no longer in the charm store then it just won't match17:20
gary_pos`s/one-another/one another/17:20
hazmatgary_pos`, density only. no relation17:20
gary_pos`cool thanks hazmat17:20
jovan2bac: can we capture that fact and then display alternatives for that charm that are actually in the charm store now?17:22
=== gary_pos` is now known as gary_poster
jovan2bac: so if mysql3 is deployed but no longer in the charm store we can instead display mysql 4 or 5 or whatever?17:22
bacjovan2: that is getting complicated to implement.  perhaps we can talk about that as an enhancement but it will not be straightforward.17:24
bacjovan2: something like if a charm is in the charm store results and matches exactly with one deployed, show it.  if there is no match but the package for the charm matches a deployed charm then show all charms of that package?17:25
jovan2bac: I'm not sure what you mean by that last statement, about no match but a package match…17:27
bacjovan2: that is the case where the deployed charm is no longer in the charm store17:28
bacmysql3 in your previous example17:28
bacso if there is a mysql3 deployed and the charm store search results have some other mysql charms, then show all of them because the packages are the same17:29
jovan2bac: how is matching done, I assume it's on more than the charm name?17:29
bacpersonally i think that's going to be pretty confusing17:29
bacjovan2: currently i'm making a list of packages that are represented by deployed charms and use that to filter the results.  but that's incorrect per your email.  so i would create a list of exact charms deployed and use that to filter the result set.  but we can mix and match.17:30
bacjovan2: i think this extended behavior needs to be given some more thought.  for the first pass i'd like to land using the exact charm filtering17:31
jovan2bac: ok, but for an extreme example, what happens if *none* of the charms match?17:32
bacnot extreme at all.  in that case the 'deployed' selector will not show anything17:32
bacthat case will happen anytime you search for something that has not yet been deployed17:33
bacjovan2 is that what you mean?17:33
bacjovan2 should we do a G+ hangout?17:33
jovan2bac: yes we should17:34
bacjovan2: i'm in the juju-gui hangout17:34
bacthanks jovan217:44
bacfrankban: still around?17:44
frankbanbac: yes17:44
bacfrankban: the behaviour you saw with the app not filling the browser is present in trunk but not seen on staging17:45
jovan2bac: I'll document what we agreed in our Q&A spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AghxhFfxY6uqdEFrNTdRbFdLTDRpRjJhOE5QWXR6ckE#gid=017:45
bacfrankban: on trunk if i resize my window, then it'll grow to fill17:45
bacfrankban: so something weird is happening but i don't think i introduced it17:46
bacfrankban: is that what you were seeing?17:46
frankbanbac, I was seeing the charm panel partially going over the status bar (at the bottom of the page)17:50
gary_posterfwiw, uistage redraw-on-resize seems to be working well for me, including with charm browser open17:51
frankbanbac: http://ubuntuone.com/1b9iMmsKd8EklKIdQKVtmK17:52
bacgary_poster: yes, me too17:57
bacgary_poster: just not trunk running locally17:58
bacfrankban: yes, i see what you're describing.  i did not take into account the new height of the filter widget.  good catch.17:58
gary_posterhazmat, have you already determined from Dean or therve when they are scheduling the Landscape work that we depend on?18:01
hazmatgary_poster, just got back from lunch.. i'll schedule a meeting18:14
hazmatgary_poster, meeting scheduled and email sent.. i'm hoping if we can nail down the annotations format, we should be able to work in parallel without much issue.18:40
=== hazmat changed the topic of #juju-gui to: Juju GUI - Mailing List https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/juju-gui
gary_posterok cool thanks18:41
gary_posterok bcsaller starting hangout unless you have one already...19:42
bachi hazmat, with the new charm store search filter it becomes very obvious that the data improv is serving up is cooked.  by that i mean, the charms it claims to use are not ones that are now available in the charm store which makes the 'deployed' filter not have any matches.20:02
bachazmat: could you update the sample data to have the URLs match those in the charm store?20:03
baci realize this is not a scaleable request...20:03
hazmatbac in meetings for the next two hrs.. 20:04
hazmatbac... your saying the string values aren't the same?20:04
bachazmat: yes, the charm store URLs20:04
hazmatbac those are real charm versions in the sample.json20:04
hazmatbac, they might not be current anymore though.. but they are valid20:04
hazmatbac so this speaks to needing historical data in the charm browser/api endpoint20:05
bachazmat: yes, since they are not current they no longer match.  jovan has requested actual matching of the version20:05
bachazmat: we can discuss it later when you are out of your calls20:05
hazmatbac thanks20:05
hazmatbac .. search should return current, but we should have info for older revs i agree.. the versions url refs are supported though they just return current atm.. let's talk more latter20:06
benjigary_poster: I'm ready to take over bug 1083618 if now is a good time for a hand-foff20:35
_mup_Bug #1083618: Automatically generate releases <juju-gui:In Progress by gary> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1083618 >20:35
gary_postercool benji20:35
benjiI want an IRC client that accepts sed replacement directives, like above, and applies them so you just see the fixed line20:36
gary_posterbenji, clojure channel does that or similar IIRC20:37
gary_posterbenji bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gary/juju-gui/bug1083618/ is branch20:38
gary_posterjust committed my broken current state20:38
gary_posterif you uncommit and shelve that then it should work as it was when we talked last20:38
gary_postertasks: 20:39
gary_posterbenji http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1408759/20:41
* benji looks20:41
benjiok, all that makes sense20:42
gary_posterbenji, also Kapil requested that main Makefile targets be grouped so it is easier to see what the API is when you look at the file, but that could be separate branch as you wish.  I would have done it separately20:42
gary_posterif you need anything else benji lemme know.20:42
gary_posterthank you benji!20:42
benjigary_poster: yeah, seperate branch seems appropriate; I suppose we would have an ASCII fence (###########) around them to draw attention to them20:43
gary_postermaybe so20:43
bacbenji at your leisure would you re-review my branch?20:44
benjibac: sure; will do so right now20:45
bacit includes your changes, francesco's changes, new interpretation by jovan, and matt c's CSS tweaks20:45
bacbenji i'm going to run an errand but will be back in a little while20:47
gary_posterlost you bcsaller 21:46
bcsallersays I'm still connected21:46
bcsallerdo you still have the vim session?21:46
* Makyo briefly walks sedated dog. Should be interesting.22:03
benjiMakyo: you need to video that; sounds like YouTube gold22:04
benjiright up there with the kids talking crazy stuff after having their wisdom teeth extracted22:05
gary_posternight all22:09
Makyobenji, he did run into a bush.  Wish I'd gotten it on video.  22:19
MakyoGot a picture of the aftermath, at least: http://s3.amazonaws.com/imgly_production/6307924/large.jpg22:19
bacugh, sedated dogs are just sad.22:26
MakyoYeah, he was whining just laying down earlier, but is much better now.22:27
bacbut that doesn't stop me from using them as props to recreate famous American paintings22:27
MakyoTurns out he broke a carpal bone in his front foot.22:27
MakyoHahah, awesome22:28

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