
DarkwingRiddell: ping00:13
Riddellhi Darkwing 00:13
DarkwingRiddell: Care for a darkwing00:13
DarkwingPM rather00:13
RiddellI always care for Darkwing :)00:14
Darkwing:D :D00:14
DarkwingRiddell: Where is the breakdown and stuff for Ringtail?00:27
JekyllIs there a list of additional kded modules installed in kubuntu ?00:31
=== Mamarok is now known as Mamarok_
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
JekyllI'm looking at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=303722. All reporters are using (k)ubuntu00:32
ubottuKDE bug 303722 in kded "KDE daemon crashes randomly." [Crash,Unconfirmed]00:32
RiddellDarkwing: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-raring-flavor-kubuntu is the work items00:37
DarkwingThanks. :D00:37
* Riddell spots 4.9.90 on ftpmaster00:37
RiddellJekyll: Muon00:39
RiddellNetification Helper maybe00:39
RiddellPrint Manager maybe00:39
RiddellWacon Tablet00:39
RiddellColor daemon00:40
Riddellare the ones not from KDE SC00:40
RiddellI think00:40
DarkwingTo the KC... I am not Darkwing on LP... I'm david.wonderly00:44
DarkwingI have no clue who darkwing is.00:45
Riddellyou should trademark the name to stop someone else taking it00:45
DarkwingThat was done to me once tehehehe00:45
=== clay_doh is now known as claydoh
blackcrackhy peoples, i have try out you Distro and have found a bug01:58
blackcrackit is in konqueror..01:59
blackcrack1. change you workspace look  to Directory (/home/$USER/Workspace)02:00
blackcrack2. right mouseklick02:00
blackcrack3. open workspace with Konqueror02:00
blackcrackand you become ver hundert konqueror Window's open02:01
blackcrackerr: over02:01
blackcrackKubuntu versin, the Actual one, last day downloaded..02:01
blackcrackand updatet02:01
blackcrackit's a bad bug, anyone should bugfixing it..or i go back to mandriva02:02
blackcrackbest regards and a wonderful day :D02:03
ScottKyofel: I checked and the libkabc symbol changes are from the ABI break fix.  What I don't get is why the same problem didn't come up with 4.9.3 once we added the patch?03:22
shadeslayerit's re install kubuntu day :(07:53
* shadeslayer always hates re install kubuntu day07:54
jussishadeslayer: heh, I havent done that for a long time...08:06
shadeslayeryeah, I'm known to have made historically bad choices wrt to hardware08:07
shadeslayerso I have to jump through hoops08:07
shadeslayerI also need to completley wipe the disk, so have to sync everything to a external disc08:08
apachelogger!find XTest.h08:26
ubottuFile XTest.h found in libreoffice-dev-doc, libsvgsalamander-java-doc, libxtst-dev08:26
jussishadeslayer: have fun with that...08:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: btw you should port pgst to gst1.008:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: does pgst use QtGstreamer or gst directly?08:32
* apachelogger totally thinks about introducing a meta package08:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: gst08:32
jussisomeone should write a nice simple gui which uses convert and pdftk for manipulating pdf's. simple stuff like adding or removing pages, bringing in pictures etc. and dont anyone mention that abomination that is called pdfedit...08:39
apacheloggerbug #90514710:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 905147 in Qt "QPrinterDialog ignores default settings from CUPS" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90514710:02
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
* Riddell runs automation script on 4.9.9011:08
apacheloggerScottK: oh btw, KDE4_BUILD_TESTS via configure did not work because you need to pass that per-package11:26
apacheloggeri.e. KDE4_BUILD_TESTS is an option in kde4internal which is included by all kde4 cmake projects, overriding it in the configure of kdelibs will only turn it off for that particular source11:26
apacheloggeralso I disapprove of the patch naming11:29
apachelogger+    ) + i18n("<p>Kubuntu includes additions and alterations to the KDE translation from <a href=\"https://translations.launchpad.net/\">Launchpad</a>.</p>");11:31
apacheloggerit's funny because I am resonable certain that will end up not being translated as we don't have translations going :D11:31
apacheloggerRiddell: did we have a plan for that?11:32
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
apacheloggerkde4libs (4:4.9.90-0ubuntu2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low11:48
apacheloggerlol, my new changelog script is bugged11:48
* apachelogger dep3'd our qt and kdelibs patches11:50
apacheloggerRiddell: I think former has yet again loads of stuff that should go upstream11:50
apacheloggerdebfx: yofel_: shadeslayer: if you feel hackish ... a script dep3-parsing all patches of bzr tracked packages and spitting out html would be cool11:52
yofel_hm... sounds interesting11:52
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellapachelogger: it's a work item to fix translations for that12:12
Riddellbut it can be removed now12:12
Riddellsince we don't use Launchpad12:12
apacheloggerRiddell: well, we need to use launchpad for kubuntu specific apps/changes12:16
yofelapachelogger: <simplew> by the way in kate.desktop apepars the same entry twice, InitialPreference=9   and in last last: InitialPreference=812:32
yofelseems like kubuntu_kate_initial_preference.patch is obsolete? Or I don't understand what that setting does12:32
Riddellor incomplete12:33
Riddellwhat does the changelog say?12:33
Riddellit's the patch to stop libreoffice opening text files no?12:33
yofelshould be: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kate/view/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_kate_initial_preference.patch12:33
Riddelloh it lowers the preference, that'll mean it's obsolete yes12:35
Riddellif a InitialPreference=9 has been added since that patch12:35
yofelbut yeah, that's the patch that apachelogger restored to fix bug #106208612:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1062086 in kate (Ubuntu Quantal) "In Kubuntu 12.10 text files by default opened in LibreOffice Write instead of Kate " [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106208612:35
apacheloggeryofel: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kate.git&a=commit&h=5f317af72e50c83a5e7238bc9060154060c289cf12:43
apacheloggerobsolete for 4.1012:43
yofelah ok, so we can drop it for 4.9.9012:45
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BluesKajHowdy all12:50
rbelemhi Riddell 13:18
Riddellhi rbelem 13:19
rbelemRiddell: did you have a chance to take a look at the icecc package? :-)13:19
Riddellrbelem: yep, it's uploaded to raring https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/icecc13:21
rbelemRiddell: awesum! :-)13:21
rbelemthanks Riddell 13:21
rbelemRiddell: soon I will have plasma active stuff for you to review :-D13:22
* rbelem hugs Riddell13:23
* rbelem runs to work13:23
shadeslayerrbelem: are you working on PA3?13:33
shadeslayerif so, then I'll hold off on packaging it13:33
ScottKapachelogger: I finally figured that out, which is why I patched it away, so we didn't need to change everything.13:33
simplewyofel: when running 'sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth'  and changing theme, isnt also to change the grub theme?13:34
yofelthat would be default.plymouth.grub I would guess13:35
shadeslayermini.iso is broken :(13:35
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
shadeslayerdoesn't go further than trying to detect partitions13:36
simplewyofel: currently i have a different theme in grub that the one that apepars in boot13:36
yofelif you only changed one setting that's the likely result13:37
simplewyofel: what you mean?13:37
yofeldefault.plymouth != default.plymouth.grub13:37
* Riddell throws 4.9.90 in ninjas13:38
simplewyofel: i theres no such default.plymouth.grub in update-alternatives13:38
apacheloggerScottK: k, if that is what we want ^^13:39
yofeloh, I was going from the symlink but I guess the config is the same13:39
yofelI'm no expert on plymouth13:39
ScottKapachelogger: I think it is.  It's not stuff for distros that ends up getting builts (and calligra doesn't build at all, but we could override that one package if that was the only thing)13:40
apacheloggerwell, validated quality is probably in our interest13:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: what's mini.iso13:42
yofelapachelogger: netinst13:42
shadeslayernetinstaller 13:42
apacheloggeroh and that is broken?13:42
apacheloggeron raring?13:42
BluesKajthink thew alternate installer is broken as well13:47
shadeslayerwhee ubiquity crashes on the first try 13:57
ScottKSince we don't have alternates anymore, not an interest of ours.13:57
shadeslayerkdeinit can't launch konsole 13:59
ScottKNot good.14:01
=== kubuntu_shadesla is now known as kubuntuslayer
kubuntuslayeranywho, ubiquity is stucketh14:17
* BluesKaj looks at trying out the 3.7-rc7 kernel for 12.1014:23
kubuntuslayerbrrr, spotty network14:26
kubuntuslayerbug 1085991 for anyone who's interested14:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1085991 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity stuck at "Preparing to install Kubuntu"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108599114:41
* kubuntuslayer wouldn't have the slightest idea as to where the issue is tbh :P14:43
* kubuntuslayer wonders if there's an alternative way to install14:43
xnoxkubuntuslayer: unplug your yubikey?14:46
kubuntuslayerdoes that matter? :P14:46
kubuntuslayerI actually plugged it in when I was reporting the bug14:46
xnoxkubuntuslayer: ah, fair enough.14:46
xnoxkubuntuslayer: yeah 4 minute delay.14:47
kubuntuslayer*nod* 14:47
kubuntuslayerand this is why we should have a weekly cadence :P14:47
xnoxlooks like kubuntu specific bug14:48
apacheloggerthe fact that debian-installer also got stuck makes me think it is a rohan specific bug :P14:49
kubuntuslayerheh, I was about to say that I think it's a partman bug :P14:49
kubuntuslayersince d-i also failed at trying to detect disks14:49
* kubuntuslayer installs the gtk frontend to check14:50
apacheloggeroh it is stuck at the same stage?14:50
kubuntuslayerapachelogger: afaict14:50
kubuntuslayerdoesn't the disk stuff come after "Preparing to install Kubuntu" >14:50
apacheloggeryeah, that sounds a lot like a subsystem bug then14:50
apacheloggerkubuntuslayer: in case you had not noticed, but there is a list of steps on the left hand side :P14:51
kubuntuslayerlemme just confirm with the gtk frontend14:51
kubuntuslayer oh yeah14:51
kubuntuslayerthen yes, seems like a partman bug14:51
kubuntuslayerok, lemme wipe my disk and check if that makes it work14:52
kubuntuslayeryay partitionmanager doesn't work as well14:54
kubuntuslayerwell ... can't delete partitions atleast14:54
apacheloggerI still think your hardware is causing it though14:56
kubuntuslayer let's see14:58
kubuntuslayerDeleted all partitions, rebooted and voila it works fine15:15
kubuntuslayerso very weird15:15
kubuntuslayerlet's see if the lvm + encryption stuff works :P15:16
kubuntuslayer"Web browsers such as Firefox and Google's Chromium are easily installable." -> "Web browsers such as Firefox and Chromium are easily installable."15:17
kubuntuslayeror if you want to keep Google in there, use Mozilla's Firefox15:18
Riddellkubuntuslayer: who is "you"?15:19
Riddellit's not really Google's Chromium since the point of chromium is it's the non-google supplied version15:21
kubuntuslayerwhich is why I suggested removing Google from there 15:21
kubuntuslayeroh hah15:23
kubuntuslayerclicking on kubuntu.org/support and kubuntu.org/community doesn't do anything :P15:23
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kubuntuslayer( from within the installer )15:23
kubuntuslayerQuintasan: fix ubiquity15:24
Quintasanhow about you fix it?15:25
kubuntuslayerno, I'm the one QA'ing it15:25
QuintasanI ain't touching Python15:25
QuintasanUnless you pay me15:25
Quintasanand even then I will still be unhappy to touch it.15:26
kubuntuslayer1 polish zotty for every bug you fix?15:26
Tm_Twe're getting to that again, are we?15:26
apacheloggerthat is like 0.02 euros15:27
apacheloggerif you fix a 1000 bugs you can buy an entertainment movie15:27
* yofel hasn't signed the contributor agreement so can't fix it15:27
Quintasanapachelogger: See, I told you he is insane15:27
apacheloggerassuming you'd want to watch a movie a day you'd be out of bugs in one week15:28
apacheloggersounds like bad business15:28
apacheloggeryou'd put yourself out of a job and prn to watch15:28
Quintasankubuntuslayer: I'll work 100 euro per bug and I fix whichever bug I want15:28
* apachelogger notes that a lot of bugs actually result in theoretical manhour costs of >100 EUR if dealt with by a developer15:30
QuintasanI see what you did there?15:31
Quintasanminus question mark15:31
apacheloggerI am not sure you did :P15:31
_dns__Libreoffice is ugly in KDE, does anybody know how to teak ?15:33
kubuntuslayeruse calligra? :P15:33
kubuntuslayerwhy is this downloading lang packs15:33
apacheloggerno apol when you need him15:34
kubuntuslayerand ofcourse the "x" button doesn't do anything, fun :P15:34
apacheloggerI noticed that yesterday too15:35
kubuntuslayeryeah, I think it's been that way for the last 3 releases or such15:35
kubuntuslayerand beforeler that it used to crash the instal15:35
kubuntuslayer*and before that it used to crash the installer15:35
apacheloggerall hail the X15:36
apacheloggerthere is subtle truth in that15:36
apacheloggerdoes anyone have sound in pairs?15:37
_dns__Libreoffice is shitty, and google services are not stable where I live.15:39
apacheloggeruse calligra then?15:39
yofellibreoffice looks ~ok IMO with oxygen-gtk15:45
_dns__it looks terrible if you use black theme15:47
yofeltrue, but tolerable as long as you set the document background to white15:50
ScottKRiddell: These are the images we want for Alpha 1, right? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/247/builds15:55
* Riddell looks15:55
* ScottK will do better with the version number next time.15:55
Riddelldo we care about amd64+mac?15:55
ScottKIf someone tests it, I guess.15:55
ScottKIf not, I'm not going to worry.15:55
RiddellScottK: did you add those to the iso tracker manually?15:56
ScottKRiddell: yes. 15:56
RiddellScottK: they get posted automatically when the cd builder builds them15:56
ScottKThrough the administration U/I on the web page.15:56
ScottKOnly once the milestone is active.15:56
Riddellmm right15:56
ScottKI had to set up the Alpha 1 milestone.15:56
ScottKclaydoh: Can you do Alpha 1 release notes?  The big news is KDE SC 4.10 Beta 1.16:06
Riddellfrom kpat: Copyright (C) 1995 Paul Olav Tvete <paul@troll.no>  that has to be one of the oldest copyrights in KDE16:10
soeeany news about beta backport :>16:14
ScottKPlan is still after Beta 2 is packaged.16:15
ScottKWe need more people working on developing Kubuntu.16:15
* ScottK stares hard at soee.16:16
* ScottK checks to see if he gets the hint.16:16
ScottKsoee: Seriously.  We need volunteers and you don't need to know a lot to get started.16:21
Riddellafiestas: looks like you're the mystery man behind ktuberling/playgrounddelegate.cpp ?  it has no copyright name and is GPL 3 against KDE polity (a template header from somewhere?)16:27
ScottKWhich I think is waiting on the kpythonpluginfactory port to python3.16:28
afiestasRiddell: will relicence asap16:29
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK I possibly just tested the amd64+mac image 16:30
shadeslayerneed to confirm if its the same image as the one in the link you posted ;)16:31
shadeslayercurrently stuck on running postinst trigger of update-notifier-common 16:33
ScottKshadeslayer: It's the current image.16:39
shadeslayerhmm ubiquity seems stuck16:39
ScottKWhich package is the slideshow in?16:41
shadeslayerubiquity-slideshow-Kubuntu ?16:42
shadeslayerok, I get to install all over again 16:43
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RiddellScottK: we're trend setters (edubuntu following us)16:56
highvoltagewell, I wanted to originally, but stgraber concinved me that it's too much paper work. so I said I actually want to do it and will take care of the paper work. so stgraber said it's fine unless he doesn't have to do any of it.16:58
highvoltageall I'm doing though is the release announcement which includes recent changes and known issues16:59
Riddellwhat's the paperwork?  an e-mail to ubuntu-devel-announce is about it17:00
Riddellthe release page but we use that for our final announcement so it's a timesaver in the end17:00
Riddellweird, palapeli is 2.8MB of files but a git history that's 131MB17:02
shadeslayerrun gc on it ?17:03
shadeslayer( git compress )17:03
* yofel always read that as garbage collect17:05
shadeslayerok installation completed17:05
agateauI think it actually means garbage collect17:06
* shadeslayer marks amd64+mac as done17:16
ScottKjtechidna: Would you please take a quick look at Bug #1086047 and let me know if there's any additional information I should get from the system before I kill it off (I'll reinstall it as part of Alpha 1 testing).17:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1086047 in qapt (Ubuntu) "Firefox installer fails in raring" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108604717:19
jtechidnaScottK: Oh, I've got a fix for that in git master17:20
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
ScottKjtechidna: Any chance you could upload it today so we could have it working for Alpha 1?17:21
ScottKThanks.  Please close that bug in changelog, so the book-keeping works out.17:21
JontheEchidnaI was planning on doing a proper release tomorrow, but I'll apply the patch today.17:21
JontheEchidnano problem17:28
shadeslayerhmm .. wasn't the desktop supposed to have that fancy animation thing for plasmoids in 4.9.8017:29
shadeslayerthe thing that active had17:29
PaulW2Uoops sorry :)17:33
ScottKyofel: The kdepimlibs symbols change for libkabc is in the 4.9.3 package in proposed now, so just grab that and use it (with updated changelog) for
highvoltageRiddell: regarding the paperwork, it actually doesn't seem that much to me either17:45
Riddell4.9.90: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-ppa-build-status.html17:51
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-ppa-build-status.html
ScottKRiddell: I think we should respin for JontheEchidna's qapt-batch fix, so no need to turn off the cron job for image building yet.17:51
RiddellScottK: generally it's not turned off until the tuesday anyway no?17:52
ScottKYes, but since it's just us and Edubuntu, I figure if we want to be different, we can.17:53
JontheEchidnaScottK: qapt failed on armfh due to a Chroot problem. anything I can do about that?18:04
ScottKJontheEchidna: Bad builder.  I'll take care of it.18:04
JontheEchidnaok, thanks18:05
ScottKGenerally you can just retry those.18:05
ScottKIf you hit a different builder it'll be fine.18:05
ScottKSometimes on the same builder it's fine too.18:05
yofelScottK: oh, so just the symbols file wasn't updated? ok18:21
ScottKyofel: Yes.18:22
ScottKThere's one new symbol in the other package, but I think that's fine.18:22
rbelemshadeslayer: yup18:23
shadeslayerrbelem: do you have an ETA?18:24
rbelemshadeslayer: i think that until the weekend i will upload the first batch to the kubuntu-active ppa18:25
yofelare the active patches for kdelibs and workspace already in?18:25
shadeslayerah cool18:25
yofelhaven't looked at them18:25
shadeslayernote that the metapackage is broken18:25
shadeslayeras are some other things18:25
rbelemyofel: probably not18:25
ScottKyofel: Now.18:31
kubotuScottK meant: "yofel: No."18:31
JontheEchidnaoff to afternoon class, bbl18:50
ScottKRiddell: You uploaded kdepimlibs 4.9.90 to the archive instead of ninjas.18:51
* ScottK removes.18:51
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
RiddellScottK: erk19:36
=== Tm_Tr is now known as Guest3774
RiddellScottK: did you catch it in time?19:36
ScottKIt wouldn't build, so it was stuck in proposed19:37
ScottKSo it's gone like it ~never happened.19:37
RiddellScottK: thanks :)19:38
ScottKNo problem.19:38
RiddellI'll try that again to the right place19:38
yofelRiddell: why do you insist on having to specify the distversion by hand in kubuntu-initial-upload?20:00
ScottKRiddell: i386 test cases look good: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/247/builds/29232/testcases20:43
ScottKIt'd be nice if someone could try the non-english test case.20:43
ScottKI won't be around for testing tomorrow.20:43
yofelok, 4.9.4 seems good to go for quantal21:11
ScottKRunning 4.9.3 from -proposed and it seems all good here.21:17
soeecan test 4.9.4 just give me ppa :) / Quantal 64bit here currently running 4.9.321:22
ScottKsoee: Do you have a launchpad account?21:32
soeeScottK, i have i think but havent used for a long time21:33
ScottKIt's be good if you could figure it out.21:34
soeeah yes: https://launchpad.net/~soee21:35
soeehmm there is no way to change email?21:36
soeethe one used there is a bit outdated21:36
ScottKsoee: Ask in #launchpad.21:36
ScottKsoee: Can you log into your account?21:37
soeeuhm looks like i have 2 accounts as the new email is already used :)21:39
soeeone moment21:39
tsimpsonyou can merge accounts if you have access to both emails21:41
soeetsimpson, true i can login on both21:42
soeehow can i merge the,21:42
tsimpsonsoee: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Merging tells you how21:42
soeeto stay with login id: soee21:42
tsimpsonjust make sure you're logged into the account you want to keep, then follow the instructions21:43
soeeThe accounts have been merged successfully. Everything that belonged to the duplicated account should now belong to your own account.21:45
yofelwth. kcalc in 4.9.80: 560 * 0.3 = NaN o.O21:45
soeethat was easy21:45
ScottKsoee: Is soee the surviving account?21:46
Riddellsoee: hi, wanting to test 4.9.4?22:05
soeeRiddell, i can try22:10
soeei already asked ScottK - who manage kubuntu.org website here ?22:20
Riddellsoee: anyone with the password can edit bits, the theme is in bzr and it's on canonical's servers so beholden to their sysadmins bothering to do anything22:21
soeeand who decide how the website look, what content have etc?22:22
yofelwe, but any theme changes need to go through the canonical sysadmins22:24
Riddellsoee: the theme is in bzr22:25
soeewhat is bzr ?22:25
ubottubzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model.  See http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/ for a quickstart guide.22:25
soeeso something like git ?22:27
Riddellbut usable :)22:29
soeeok so as i already told ScottK 22:29
soeeim a PHP developer and i can always help with website22:30
yofelRiddell: that's debatable ;P22:30
soeeand if you are interested with new, modern websote design - this can be done :)22:31
soeebut im not sure if you want to change tehre anything22:31
soeebrb rebooting after upgrade22:35
soeeUpgrade 4.9.3 => 4.9.4 without any problems22:39
ScottKsoee: In addition to your interest in the web site, we need help with other stuff, I'm sure you're up to.22:40
Riddellsoee: there are tasks to be done on the website which are less of a big job than changing the whole theme, like merging the two download pages22:40
soeeok we talk more tomorrow22:46
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=== v is now known as VORIAN
ronnoc_Any chance Kubuntu Active will be useable on http://www.pcworld.com/article/2018343/the-true-linux-pengpod-line-will-ship-in-january.html? If so I'll order this month and test it :)23:48
ronnoc_Opps http://www.pcworld.com/article/2018343/the-true-linux-pengpod-line-will-ship-in-january.html23:48
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
ScottKShould be.23:58

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