
xixorHowdy ya'll..  Trying to update my system with muon, it is failing saying that the proper authentication was not provided, but it never pops up the dialog asking for the admin/root password.  Anyone know whats up?00:08
xixorTrying to teach my gf how to use Kubuntu.  KDE is pretty easy.  Getting into her session is difficult.  Oh, I'm logged in, go to Kmenu->create session… click on the "Unused" thingy, ok, now login.  Oh, you're already logged in, hit cntrl+shift+F800:27
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xixorIs there a way to get the picture in the user account profiles to show up on the lightdm login screen?00:58
tsimpsonxixor: cp ~/.face.icon ~/.face01:02
heathjsso... webgl works in firefox and google-chrome... not chromium...01:03
heathjsbut kde doesn't detect opengl...01:03
heathjsthus no desktop effects...01:03
heathjsso confuuused01:03
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doctorpepperhi guys!!02:19
personalhow difficult is it to install printer drivers in kubuntu04:58
datruthis there away to screen my screen brightness I don't think its getting as bright as it could05:09
personalanybody say anything in here?05:23
personalwelcome to boredom headquarters05:25
personalwelcome to boredom headquarters anyone talking?05:28
EmmEightwhat is the command to open up the network manager05:40
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shadeslayerohai people09:34
shadeslayerwho wants to QA some firefox packages which have KDE integration?09:34
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spike_sfhhi all10:58
timeshiphow can i use it?11:04
timeshipOK, I see11:05
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heliocastroAnyone knows if ksshaskpass is working ?12:04
simplewkubuntu was patched to change the default text editor to kate (instead kwrite)?12:04
heliocastroIt seens doesn't matter if you put in env, it never execs it with ssh-add12:04
Tm_Tsimplew: hm?12:05
simplewTm_T: im trying to check if this was changed upstream of if was a kubuntu change12:05
Tm_Tsimplew: I don't remember such change being made on either12:06
Tm_Tbut then, I'm unsure what's default these days anyway /:12:07
simplewTm_T: now its kate thats the default editor instead kwrite12:07
Tm_Tsimplew: how you check what is default?12:07
simplewTm_T: create a new user12:07
Tm_Tsimplew: considering those things tend to change heavily based on the order of packages being installed12:08
simplewTm_T: hu???12:08
Tm_Tsimplew: if you install wine, you might end up having "notepad" as your text editor12:09
Tm_Tno I'm not kidding /:12:09
simplewyofel_: could you please help clarifying if the default text editor change to kate is a kubuntu change or if is an upstream change?12:09
simplewTm_T: not really12:10
Tm_Tsimplew: this has happened me way too many times its not even funny anymore (ok, it is in its own way)12:10
simplewTm_T: that never happened to me12:11
yofel_we traditionally used kate by default and IIRC didn't even ship kwrite. The reason it wasn't the default lately was due to a patch that went missing. It's back now so kate should be the default again12:11
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simplewyofel: which patch is that?12:11
Tm_Theliocastro: is kdsshaskpass your sshaskpass provider per dpkg-alternatives?12:13
simplewyofel: i was expcting for a kdelibs patch... :/12:15
heliocastrohumm, no, but i set the script direct on autostart12:15
heliocastroOhh, new kde12:15
yofelsimplew: it was in kdesdk before. The patch got lost when kdesdk was split and kate got its own package12:15
simplewyofel: could you provide the url for that patch, cant find it12:17
heliocastroTm_T: Yes, it is12:17
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yofelsimplew: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kate/view/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_kate_initial_preference.patch12:19
simplewyofel: oh its the initalpreferences set, thanks :)12:20
simplewyofel: but if kde uses kwrite as default text editor why kubuntu changes it to kate?12:21
Tm_T...because we don't ship both in default install?12:22
* Tm_T goes check manifest file12:22
simplewby the way in kate.desktop apepars the same entry twice, InitialPreference=9   and in last last: InitialPreference=812:23
Tm_Tyup, kwrite isn't on default install12:23
simplewyofel: when i do 'bzr co ubuntu:kate'  the source files appear already patched?12:28
Tm_Theliocastro: hmm, I just installed ksshaskpass, didn't do any changes and things are already asking it, so looks like it is working here12:28
heliocastroTm_T: I forgot to mention, i don'e use a standard single id_dsa12:28
heliocastroI use three different named dsas12:29
yofelsimplew: hum, that warrants investigation then12:29
heliocastrobefore fedora kde was handling well12:29
heliocastroTm_T: I saw that kubuntu kde is handling only id_dsa12:29
Tm_Theliocastro: interesting, I wonder what makes the difference12:29
heliocastroThat's the reason my config imported is not working12:29
* yofel use id_rsa12:30
yofeloh, ksshaskpass12:30
yofelnvm me12:30
heliocastroyofel: If you have one single is fine12:31
heliocastrobut i have the necessity of have three12:31
yofelah, I have an id_rsa and id_dsa and usually authentiy to the ssh-agent in konsole and later forget about it12:33
simplewyofel: seams the fetched source fiels are really patched...12:33
heliocastroTm_T: ssh-add is even not working exportin SSH_ASKPASS12:34
heliocastroonly command line12:34
yofelsimplew: yeah, that's the default for dpkg-source at least. I'm not sure how the UDD branches work here12:34
heliocastroTm_T: Interestewing behavior comparison, a single ssh-add command, without any input, ask all keys12:35
heliocastromaybe fedora has a patch on it12:35
simplewyofel: but i dont get why was that patch created since kate.deskto already have InitialPreference=912:36
yofelsimplew: we're talking about that in -devel right now. I don't get it either12:36
simplewi have just joined12:37
simplewyofel: if you do a change in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list you need to logout to changes take effect?12:39
yofelno idea12:39
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BluesKajHowdy all12:50
susundbergHi BluesKaj12:55
BluesKajhi susundberg12:58
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_dns__Libreoffice is extremely ugly in KDE15:31
_dns__does anyone know how to tweak this ?15:31
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone15:39
phoenix_firebrd_dns__: can you post a snapshot of libreoffice?15:39
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phoenix_firebrdyofel: are you there?16:42
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yofelphoenix_firebrd: more or less, what's up?16:45
phoenix_firebrdyofel: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdeplasma-addons.git&a=commit&h=7e6922616963b3b0d571699f64c79ac53c08da8d16:45
phoenix_firebrdyofel: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdeplasma-addons.git&a=commit&h=b4d257bcf717d1b9f8b343ff4211e8b1d083a71916:46
phoenix_firebrdyofel: the patch cannot make it to 4.9.4, so can you backport?16:46
yofelphoenix_firebrd: will do16:46
phoenix_firebrdyofel: thank you16:47
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:50
yofelphoenix_firebrd: added, will be in our 4.9.4 updates16:51
phoenix_firebrdyofel: cool16:51
phoenix_firebrdyofel: thank you16:51
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phoenix_firebrdKatbuntu: hi17:39
KatbuntuHi phoenix_firebrd17:39
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KehateSenseiHey all... has anyone ever gotten a short read error while partitioning and formating ext filesystems in gParted? I can do Fat, NTFS but not linux supported filesystems19:20
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Guest2695como puedo cambiar el nick??19:34
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nuevo_nickentra "/nick nuevo_nick"19:36
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Guest2695 /nick nuevo_deyna19:49
Guest2695 "/nick nuevo_deyna"19:50
Guest2695 "/deyna_nick"19:50
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BarkingFishEvening all.  Anyone know in the recent batch of KDE updates about 48h back, whether pulseaudio was updated?  It's not capturing correctly on my system now, and I have to figure out why.21:25
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Doyleinstead of exiting a script, is there a way to keep it running?22:45
Doylemaybe an &22:45
Doylewhile calling it with service22:46
yofel&, nohup or start-stop-daemon can be used to keep something running in the background22:46
yofelservice? you mean an init script? If it's supposed to keep running there has to be something that does keep running by itself22:47
Doyleya. I made a test service to configure nagios against22:47
yofelyou could then make a service config in /etc/init/ to manage it22:47
DoyleIt writes teh start/stop logs fine, but the processes doesn't stay alive22:48
Doyleahh.. so I just need seomthing like "nohup touch dog.txt"22:49
Doylein the script22:49
Doyleor, would a "nohup echo 'poo' >> /dev/null" be better?22:51
yofelnah, I misunderstood the question. They'll help to prevent it being killed if the shell vanishes. But not prevent the application from terminating itself22:53
yofeldoes it keep running if you run it in the foreground?22:53
yofelthen you'll have to work that out first22:55
Doyleit's saved as /etc/init.d/fearservice22:57
Doyleit all works... but it doesn't stay alive. I know the answers going to be simple22:57
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