
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
jerembHey guys, how can I activate arm builds for my PPA? It seems I can't find any up to date information about this..10:21
czajkowskijeremb: do you work for canonical/linaro?10:22
jerembczajkowski: no10:23
czajkowskijeremb: then currently we don't offer arm builds for people unless they fall into those two categories at present. we are currently reviewing this.10:24
jerembczajkowski: that's sad :( anyway thanks for your reply10:26
czajkowskijeremb: as I said, it is being reviewed currently so maybe in the future.10:26
=== doko__ is now known as doko
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BarnabasDKAm trying to build a PPA for a new *.so (PKCS11 driver for a cryptocard) but I am new to bzr. It seems to build and link just fine but the installation phase is missing some files12:58
BarnabasDKIt seems to be header files for the dev package12:58
BarnabasDKwhere exactly should the be from the build root of the project?12:58
kostja_osipovhi, bzr branch lp:projectname gives me Permission denied (publickey)14:42
kostja_osipovthis is after I created a separate account on my Ubuntu to work with this project14:42
kostja_osipovwhere should I look to fix this?14:42
kostja_osipovssh would pick up a wrong private key14:57
kostja_osipovthanks! ;)14:57
czajkowskikostja_osipov: what do you mean seperate account?14:58
kostja_osipovunix account14:58
kostja_osipovi created /home/launchpad for launchpad tasks14:59
kostja_osipovand copied over  my .bazaar and .ssh/ dirs to /home/launchpad14:59
kostja_osipovbut for some reason ssh would pick up  a different private key14:59
kostja_osipovso i patched .ssh/config14:59
czajkowskimgz: ^^^ any idea15:00
kostja_osipovand added an explicit mention of IdentityFile for host bazaar.launchpad.net15:00
kostja_osipovthis fixed it15:00
kostja_osipovlike this:15:01
kostja_osipovhost bazaar.launchpad.net15:01
kostja_osipovhostname bazaar.launchpad.net15:01
kostja_osipovuser kostja15:01
kostja_osipovIdentityFile ~/.ssh/launchpad.id_rsa15:01
kostja_osipovPubkeyAuthentication yes15:01
mgzczajkowski: remember the `ssh -vv USER@bazaar.launchpad.net` thing for problems like this, should make it clear the wrong key is being checked15:01
mgzsetting IdentityFile is the right thing.15:01
czajkowskikostja_osipov: ^^^15:02
=== slank_away is now known as slank
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
evHi. May I please have a PPA with ddebs and armhf support? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/21587215:34
czajkowskiev: sure15:34
evczajkowski: thanks muchly!15:35
xnoxThese builds are "stuck":15:35
xnoxthe other one already got killed.15:36
czajkowskixnox: 2 ticks just looking after ev request first15:36
czajkowskixnox: do you want them cancelled or ??15:39
xnoxczajkowski: just kill them.15:39
xnoxczajkowski: it should built in less 10 minutes instead of hours.....15:40
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
czajkowskiev: what was the name of the guy who did the lightning talk on bug status at last UDS16:24
evczajkowski: I'm not sure I know what you're talking about16:24
czajkowskiev: he did a plennary talk on bug stats at uds in copenhagen16:25
evczajkowski: I may have missed that one16:25
evI missed a number of the plenaries16:25
mgzah, I know the one you mean. I might not have made a note of his name though, several speakers didn't really introduce themselves16:26
czajkowskiit was on the thursday as gone through the scheudle16:27
mgzev: the guy was also in your session talking about exports and doing things with R16:27
czajkowskimgz: ev chris arges16:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== glebihan__ is now known as glebihan
MasklinnCouldn't find any info on answers, save for a 3 years-old one (which was negative): does launchpad have service hooks (is it able to send notifications on bzr push) or is it mandatory to poll it?18:18
Masklinnaside from emails18:18
cmars232hi there lp19:40
cmars232how do I configure downloads in my lp project19:40
cmars232i have a PPA for ubuntu, but if I want to make builds for other OSes, is there a place for those?19:40
TheLordOfTimei assume i cannot change my Launchpad username if I have any PPAs active?20:12
tsimpsonTheLordOfTime: not without some help from LP admins20:42
soeehi, is it possible to change lanunchapd account email ?21:38
mwhudsonsoee: you might need to go to login.ubuntu.com to manage emails21:52
soeemwhudson, i alreadygot it thank you anyway21:58
dobeyman it is annoying when people keep trying to import a branch that keeps failing22:46
cmars232hi, how do I configure downloads for my project?22:47
cmars232konec does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.22:47
cmars232" how do I register them?22:47
dobeyyou create milestones, release them, and attach the file to the release22:48
dobeyor configure the series to look for downloads on an external site22:48
cmars232ah, attached to a release! thanks!22:49

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