
AscavasaionHello there... HOw do I get the arrows top and bottom of scrollbars in Lubuntu?  I do not liek the way they are now.  thank you.10:03
AscavasaionDo I hve to disable overlay scrollbars?10:04
AscavasaionIs this what I should be doing - http://askubuntu.com/questions/34214/how-do-i-disable-overlay-scrollbars10:06
AscavasaionOkay, that never worked.  any other ideas?10:11
AscavasaionX-chat has the correct scrollbars, but Document Viewer, etc do not.10:11
AscavasaionAbiword does not have the correct scrollbars, but Gnumetric does.10:13
AscavasaionGnumetric does not.10:14
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TravisGood morning.12:40
AspiYo. Quick and easy: Are Linux drivers processor architecture specific? IE. will a x86 driver cease to work on ARM architecture?13:03
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lessshasteI just installed dropbox from the .deb that dropbox provides.. how do I actually start it and get an icon showing it is working?13:35
clyphoxjust run it, it'll start automatically on login in future13:39
clyphoxthere will be a notifcation icon in the normal notifcation area13:40
synnedi need some help here with the themes16:48
synnedcan anyone help??16:49
fahimI'm interested to implement Lubuntu on corporate environment. So, it is possible to do that? Will there be any other problems with file manager or any thing else?18:11
holsteinfahim: try it live... its stable, though learning the environment, or locking it down could prove challenging18:12
fahimThanks holstein for your reply. I've used lubuntu and I love it, but the fact is that I've used that for personal use. Now I need experts advice that is it ready for corporate environment?18:15
holsteinfahim: it'll be the same as it is for you18:15
TheLordOfTimedefine "ready for corporate environment"18:15
TheLordOfTimeactually depending on the needs of the organization, you may need either a different derivative or something else18:16
TheLordOfTimejust saying :P\18:16
holsteinfahim: there is no "corporate" version.. but it'll be the same version you are using..18:16
TheLordOfTimealthough i've put 4 organizations to Ubuntu LInux so... :P18:16
holsteinwould i use it? sure.. i would lock it down and make it work..18:16
fahimIf you guys tell me that it's enough for corporate environment, then I'll be relieved. I know there is no corporate edition. I want to implement lubuntu on a bank with almost 8000 PC and I want to give them same DE. So that it'll be easier for them to learn.18:17
holsteinfahim: "enough" is a matter of opinion, and depends on the case, as TheLordOfTime is suggesting18:18
TheLordOfTimeholstein, you havent stated what you're moving from, what your needs are, etc.18:18
TheLordOfTimeso how can we give you any type of advice?18:18
TheLordOfTimebesides, we're all biased towards Ubuntu or Ubuntu-variant of choice18:19
holsteinfahim: you can implement it where ever, and the software is what it is.. its all open which could prove more helpful18:19
fahimYes. TheLordofTime thanks for your reply. I'm migrating from windows XP.18:19
holsteinfahim: do i think i could implement *buntu for that task? sure... would i? certainly, if i felt it met the needs of the users18:19
TheLordOfTimei think you need to evaluate what the users' needs are software-wise18:20
TheLordOfTimebefore making the leap to LInux18:20
holsteinyup.. if they need/want microsoft word for example.. or if they currently use it. that alone could be a frustration18:21
holsteinif you came to a bank that was just opening and setup a system for them, they would just use it, and it would all work... no migration needed18:21
holsteinits the migration and the re-learning that you need to consider18:22
holstein*buntu is quite capable of most any task you need.. its the users that must be considered18:22
fahimSo, TheLordofTime I'm you have great experience on Linux migration. They are interested for a good Linux dist. with a fast DE.18:22
holstein"good" is a matter of opinion18:23
fahimYes. holstein that's correct.18:23
holsteinyou should go back and ask them to define "good".. what exactly do they need? what software...18:23
holsteinLXDE is a nice choice since is kind of windows like in layout18:24
holsteinim about to do an install at a school with LXDE18:24
TheLordOfTimefahim, go ask them what the specific needs are.18:24
TheLordOfTimefahim, software requirements, etc.18:24
TheLordOfTimecan't give you valid info without that18:24
TheLordOfTimebut note: i only deploy Linux in organizations when they say to, most of the time I end up deploying Windows there18:25
fahimTheLordofTime: why Windows?18:25
holsteinyeah... its a great way to fail if you force it on them.. even though its usually the easiest as far as maintenance to go linux, they might want/prefer windows18:25
TheLordOfTimefahim, because the organization's needs demanded it18:26
TheLordOfTimefahim, i work as a third-party technician for those organizations, for largescale deployments on systems, i get called in to support18:27
TheLordOfTimemost organizations do the research and say they need Windows, but these're specialized organizations who don't have software to do their needs that is FOSS or built for Linux, so...18:27
TheLordOfTimethe point is: each organization has different needs.18:27
TheLordOfTimeLinux may or may not fit those needs accordingly18:27
fahimI see!!! They want to save money. that's why they want Linux.18:28
holsteinor, they are just "married" to it and might not want to transistion or migrate.. or trust the FOSS alternatives18:28
TheLordOfTimesometimes its saving money, sometimes its software needs, but it depends on each organization18:28
TheLordOfTimemigration windows -> linux is hard for organizations18:28
TheLordOfTimeeven though they save by using linux, retraining users is hard18:28
TheLordOfTimeretraining admins is even harder.18:28
holsteinfahim: but, if they have to pay someone to re-train them to use linux.. or if they dont like it, and need to get new systems.. could be the total cost is less just staying with XP.. not that i wouldnt try migrating18:28
fahimin Bangladesh we are going to face copyright restrictions in near future, that's why we are thinking about switching to Linux. previously we didn't pay for windows!!!18:31
holsteinyou had microsoft give you a bunch of licenses?18:32
TheLordOfTimei think he means piracy18:34
fahimYes. That bank have give a huge amount of money for 8000 PC within 2-3 months18:34
holsteini mean, if they arent going to pay for anything, then id say a "free" choice is the only way to go then...18:35
fahimYes, as an LDC country we weren't forced to buy a licensed software by TRIPS agreement with WTO.18:35
fahimBut that's going to end in near future.18:35
holsteinim not following.. you mean, you pirated it? and found a loophole where you cannot be prosecuted?18:36
TheLordOfTimei think this discussion is going offtopic...18:37
fahimI understand this info may be horrible to you. Please visit this link for better understanding.http://www.twnside.org.sg/title2/twninfo317.htm18:38
fahimsorry for the offtopic18:38
TheLordOfTimei meant about the discussion of whether you found a loophole or not.18:40
TheLordOfTimein any case...18:40
TheLordOfTimethe original statement still stands: if the needs do not fit LInux, you may need to find some alternative that is legal.18:41
holsteinyeah.. i thought better of it when i asked.. i dont need to know that.. we can help with an specific question about the install18:41
TheLordOfTimeor adapt to change your needs to work with linux.18:41
* TheLordOfTime returns to stabbing php5's code18:41
fahimThanks guys for your help.18:42
lesshasteI am running lubuntu desktop but whenever I run anything I get warnings.. For example emacs gives me18:51
lesshaste** (emacs:25391): WARNING **: Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap:18:51
lesshaste        /usr/share/themes/Lubuntu-default/gtk-2.0/images/null.png,18:51
lesshasteborders don't fit within the image18:51
lesshasteis there a lubuntu version of emacs I should be using?18:51
norttiI'm having a problem with oracle virtualbox. when I try to start a irtual machine I get error about kernel driver for virtualbox missing and it prompts me to run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup as root but that file doesn't exist18:56
DasEinortti: rather a #vbox question, but I take it (as far as channel is calm) .. headers installed ?18:59
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages18:59
DasEinortti: then become root in terminal (sudo -s) and just enter  /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup19:00
DasEiusing dkms can save you a lot of hassle (if for any reason not by default) , ongoing ksplice is worth a look, but let's first fix hat issue19:01
DasEiare the modules being build now ?19:02
norttiheaders were already installed19:02
norttidkms is also installed19:02
DasEiwhat is the reply to /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup ?19:02
nortti/bin/mksh: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: not found19:03
DasEi /bin/mksh ?? that's bsd, isn't it ??19:05
DasEinortti: ^19:05
DasEinortti: which terminal then ? lx-terminal ?19:06
norttiI installed mksh myself and set it as my default shell19:06
DasEinortti: ose or the oracle version ?19:07
norttithe one in package virtualbox which I think is oracle19:07
DasEinortti: per default there is only the ose in repos, unless you either get it directly from oracle or set up an additional repo19:08
norttiok. should ose one call itself oracle virtualbox?19:09
DasEisudo dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-ose19:09
nortti``This is a dummy transitional package for virtualbox and can be19:10
norttisafely removed after the installation is complete.''19:10
DasEinortti: per default there is only the ose-version   in repos, unless you either get it directly from oracle or set up an additional repo (which then is called just virtualbox)19:10
DasEisudo dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox19:11
norttistill doesn't work19:11
DasEinortti: be more specific about outputs19:12
norttiDasEi: http://paste.dy.fi/sx1/plain19:15
holsteinlesshaste: did you install from the repos?19:15
lesshasteholstein, yes19:16
lesshasteholstein, although it's worth saying that I installed ubuntu and then lubuntu-desktop19:16
DasEinortti: before wondering about shell (as root) : apt-get -f install && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install virtualbox*19:17
holsteinlesshaste: whast the issue? is it not starting? is that not in the terminal?19:17
lesshasteholstein, is starts but I get lots of warnings in the terminal19:18
holsteinnortti: i installed virtualbox-dkms the other day after i broke virtualbox19:18
DasEiholstein: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup  << cmd not found is the issue19:18
holsteinnortti: i restarted to get the module to load19:18
holsteinDasEi: yup.. i didnt find that either19:18
holsteinDasEi: i just installed virtualbox-dkms and rebooted19:18
* DasEi using repo 4.... here all fine19:19
holsteini tried to install the newer one from the oracle site.. i went back to the repo one19:19
DasEiso the dkms then, well last above cmd, nortti19:19
DasEinortti: sudo apt-get install virtualbox*19:19
holsteinlesshaste: unless it looks bad or the warnings seem dangerous, i wouldnt worry about it.. you can pastebin the whole thing if you are concerned19:21
DasEivirtualbox-dkms installed ? sudo modprobe -a19:21
lesshasteholstein, it's just very ugly :)19:21
DasEinortti: solved ?19:25
holsteinlesshaste: i just launched it here in openbox on 12.04.. no errors19:27
holsteinlesshaste: i think its probably just as "ugly" as you were mentioning...19:27
DasEinortti: more precise ? the vbox-dkms-package installed ?19:28
holsteinnortti: i would purge it all and start over... it was tricky for me the other day.. i was in the card and didnt have internet fast enough to get much help19:28
norttiDasEi: yes19:30
DasEinortti: before wondering about shell (as root) : apt-get -f install && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install virtualbox-dkms  and as init/upstart  might not be up to date (new kernel ??), try rebooting, else I'd also tend to purge (and use repo, as it has better features)19:32
DasEinortti: please report after reboot19:41
norttinow it works19:42
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)19:42
* DasEi later, homework19:42
norttiI must say that I kinda feel lost every time I have to do something like this with lubuntu19:44
searchingI need help19:55
searchingIn /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf the theme of greeter theme=Industrial19:57
searchingI have Lubuntu default19:57
zleaphow do i work out what version of ubuntu i am running20:34
zleaplsb_version isn't working but I am not sure exactly what to type20:34
zleapi got it now20:37
fdmanybode alive here?:)21:55
fdmhow can I change theme (black cursor + Bear2 + panel settings) via terminal?21:56
Nate_RevCan I get some help booting Lubuntu from a usb?22:06
Nate_RevI created a Unetbootin and my laptop will recognize it, but choosing any option or allowing it auto start freezes it..22:07
Nate_Revany ideas?22:08

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