
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
bigjoolsroaksoax: hi23:38
bigjoolsdid you see these? https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/108616023:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1086160 in MAAS "IPMI Power command does not work" [Undecided,New]23:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1086162 in MAAS "IPMI based power management default to IPMI 1.5 based authentication" [Undecided,New]23:39
roaksoaxbigjools: howdy im in class will looknat the, when i get back home23:41
bigjoolsroaksoax: no worries23:41
roaksoaxbigjools: though the first one seems invalid23:45
bigjoolsroaksoax: my thoughts too23:46
bigjoolsI'll ask23:46
roaksoaxsecond one might be the case23:47

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