
coolbhavidpm, hey12:25
dpmhey coolbhavi12:26
coolbhavidpm, how is it going?12:26
dpmcoolbhavi, very well. Talking to noodles from the myapps team about bug 1081504 right now. Would you mind having a look at it and see if what I said in the last comment is correct?12:27
coolbhavidpm, sure :-)12:28
coolbhavidpm, comment seems good12:31
coolbhavidpm, added a reply12:34
dpmgreat, thanks coolbhavi12:34
coolbhavidpm, btw yesterday ajmitch and myself decided to work on low hanging fruits in the queue12:35
dpmcoolbhavi, ah, that sounds like a good idea. Sorry I could not make it to the meeting :/12:36
coolbhaviI'm thinking of clearing +2's from app showdown so that it gets reduced somewhat12:37
coolbhavino issues dpm12:37
cwaynehello everyone17:01
jvrbanaccwayne, hello17:08
cwaynejvrbanac: heya, hows it goin17:08
jvrbanaccwayne, going ok... Looking forward to being on vacation in a few weeks. I'll finally be able to spend some time getting a bunch of Ubuntu stuff done i've itching to do. How about you?17:31
cwaynejvrbanac: not too bad, trying to get some more of my stuff into the software center17:31
jvrbanaccwayne, Awesome! Btw, I really dig the github lens17:33
cwaynejvrbanac: hey, thanks!17:34
cwaynei think you'll like my newest addition im working on17:34
cwaynewhich is, being about to clone the repos from a preview17:34
jvrbanaccwayne, that would be awesome! There was one feature that I was looking into adding when I had some time. It was the ability to add other github api urls. If you work for a place that uses GitHub enterprise, they have their own authenticated api url. It shouldn't be hard, I just haven't had time to branch and implement it yet.17:41
jvrbanaccwayne, perhaps i'll have some time to do that over the Christmas holiday. I'll send you a merge request whenever I get the thing added.17:49
cwaynejvrbanac: nice!  im actually working on something similar :)17:49
cwayneusing the online accounts plugins to oauth authenticate to github17:49
jvrbanaccwayne, fantastic! I'll look forward to it!17:51
ajmitchdarn, missed dpm19:35
cwayneajmitch: ping19:36
ajmitchcwayne: yes, hello19:37
ajmitchreplying to your contentless ping :)19:37
cwayneajmitch: heh, sorry :P19:37
cwaynejust wondering if the new voting rules went into effect yet19:37
ajmitchI haven't talked to a TB member to confirm it properly yet19:38
ajmitchjust assuming that they are19:38
mhall119ajmitch: ping21:26
cwayneajmitch: in that case, wanna give unity-lens-pypi it's final +1 and upload to extras :P21:28
ajmitchmhall119: hello21:42
mhall119ajmitch: hey, I was wondering if you've heard from the TB about the recommended changes from UDS23:31
ajmitchno I haven't, we talked about this in the meeting 2 days ago23:34
ajmitchI'm going to chase up a TB member about it23:34

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