
ptldoes any of you know how to enable HDMI sound on the UG802 with ubuntu?00:44
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stgraber /win 3702:54
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dholbachgood morning07:52
feastymorning dholbach08:19
dholbachhey feasty08:19
feastyCheers for the email the other day.08:20
dholbachthank YOU08:24
dholbachI'll reply to it in a bit - just finishing up some other small bits08:24
feastyHey no worries.08:25
xnoxogra-cb_: so i get initramfs busybox from the nexus boot/rootfs on cdimage.10:57
xnoxogra-cb_: and I haven't been able to boot a single one off cdimage so far (as far as i remember)10:58
xnoxthe one from hwe still works... but I do use the 16GB specific image there.10:58
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ogra_xnox, how did you install ?11:23
hrwogra_: does unity 3d works on opengles?11:24
ogra_hrw, sure11:25
ogra_else nexus7 wouldnt be possible11:25
hrwogra_: someone complains for chromebook: https://bugs.launchpad.net/chromebook-arm/+bug/108559611:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1085596 in Cross distro support for Samsung Chromebook (ARM based) "Graphics acceleration not working in ubuntu desktop 12.10" [Undecided,New]11:26
ogra_yes, seems the GLES driver doesnt offer all features, you can force it to GLES though but that will still render parts in SW11:26
ogra_though its fast enough to be usable even with that11:27
hrwnux-tools has a tool to check it iirc?11:27
ogra_yes, and that seems toi be bugy11:28
ogra_xnox, just installing the latest daily here, seems to work fine so far11:28
ogra_zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled/current/raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.img.gz.zsync11:29
ogra_zcat raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.img.gz >raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.img11:29
ogra_sudo fastboot erase boot11:29
ogra_sudo fastboot erase userdata11:29
ogra_sudo fastboot flash userdata raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.img11:29
ogra_sudo fastboot flash boot raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.bootimg11:29
ogra_sudo fastboot reboot11:29
ogra_xnox, thats my installation preocess, there is no reason it shouldnt work for you the same way11:30
mjrosenbodd, my chromebook does not seem to ant to update to 12.1011:30
mjrosenbit seems to really like 12.0411:30
ogra_mjrosenb, you need to tell update-manager that you want to run non LTS releases11:31
mjrosenbdid that already11:31
ogra_(somewhere in /etc/default)11:31
mjrosenboh, I think I did it through the gui.11:31
ogra_well, should be the same11:31
* mjrosenb verifies that he did this...11:32
hrwmjrosenb: I wish you lack with alsa mixer then11:32
ogra_it is actually in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades11:33
hrwmjrosenb: when you will start playing with alsa mixer switches be aware of smoke possibilities11:33
mjrosenbhrw: alsamixer isn't currently working, so upgrading can't hurt.11:33
xnoxogra_: I'll purge my downloads and redownload just in case.11:34
mjrosenbhrw: "smoke possibilities"?11:34
ogra_xnox, on the 16G model it should still work, it just wont use all of the available diskspace11:34
hrwmjrosenb: many people (including me) already fried speakers in chromebook11:34
ogra_mjrosenb, you can blow up the speakers apparently11:34
hrwmjrosenb: smoke, melted plastic etc11:35
hrwand lot of heat of course11:35
mjrosenbI usually leave my laptop's speakers muted, so unless that option is inverted...11:35
hrwit is a bit more complicated11:35
* ogra_ is in oem-config11:38
ogra_the WLAN paswword input field doesnt take any input11:41
ogra_xnox, hmm, i thinnk compiz screws up onboard here11:43
ogra_i can provide the wlan PW via the NW applet ... but not through the installer11:44
xnoxogra_: interesting.11:44
ogra_and now i cant type in my name11:44
ogra_fridays image worked though11:45
ogra_not being able to create a user is kind of a blocker11:46
* ogra_ reboots11:46
ogra_ah, better, a reboot fixed it (though probably because i didnt need to configure the wlan this time)11:49
hrwogra_: which keymap does ac100 uses?11:56
hrwogra_: kernel one, own xkb one, generic xkb one?11:56
ogra_consoilesetup as every ub untu out there11:57
ogra_nexus7 install finished ... no issues beyond the kbd input stuff above11:57
hrwogra_: console-setup is just a package.11:59
ogra_yes, the package conatining all kbd and console font related setup bits12:00
ogra_it uses keyboard-configuration, xkb-data and kbd in the backend12:01
hrwok, but did you added ac100 specific keymap or not had to?12:03
ogra_why would i `12:04
hrwI am wondering how to handle chromebook keyboard. default keymap under chromium has set of useful mappings (pgup/down home/end) which are missing under ubuntu12:05
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ppisatiok, this is weird12:59
ppisatii've a package (oprofile) that was removed in precise12:59
ppisatibut later was reintroduced12:59
ppisatibut was only built for armel12:59
ppisatihere is the Q version13:00
ogra-cblikely debian/control messed up13:00
ppisatishowing that it was only built for i386/amd64 and armel13:01
ogra-cbcheck debian/control if it is "Architecture: any"13:01
ogra-cb(it should)13:01
ppisatiArchitecture: alpha amd64 arm armel hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 sparc13:02
ogra-cbyeah. fix that then :)13:02
ppisatiadding armhf should be enough13:03
ogra-cbwell, it defines all available arches anyway13:03
ogra-cbso "Architecture: any" would be proper13:03
ppisatiyeah, "any" is probably better13:03
ppisatiactually it's more than this13:51
ppisatithe importer fails13:51
janimoogra-cb, do you know what could have bringed and empty  /lib/modules/3.5.0-213-omap4/ on the nexus7?13:52
janimoI only noticed it now, no idea which package brought it13:52
janimoI suppose it's not via the default install. It only had a build symlink in it13:53
ogra-cbppisati, well, bug 653312 shows some activity at least13:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 653312 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Import fails with NoSuchRevision" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65331213:53
ogra-cbppisati, make some noise there :)13:53
ogra-cbjanimo, headers most likely13:53
ogra-cb3.1.10-8-nexus7  3.5.0-215-omap413:55
ogra-cbogra@nexus7:~$ dpkg -S /lib/modules/3.5.0-215-omap413:55
ogra-cblinux-headers-3.5.0-215-omap4: /lib/modules/3.5.0-215-omap413:55
ogra-cbogra@nexus7:~$ apt-cache show linux-headers-3.5.0-215-omap4|grep Task13:56
ogra-cbTask: ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-usb, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-usb13:56
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ogra-cbppisati, err, whats that about disabling ondemand +16:26
ppisationdemand is broken in P16:27
ppisatior actually16:27
ppisaticpufreq was broken back then16:27
ppisatiin fact the default scheduler is performance16:27
ppisatibut there's one guy insisting in using ondemand16:27
ogra-cbcant be, i never had a simgle issue with that16:28
ppisatiso i decided to swith it off completely16:28
ogra-cband thats an essential ubuntu default16:28
ppisatino, it's not16:28
ogra-cbnatty to raring16:28
ppisatihere is the original bug16:28
ogra-cbppisati, yes, we forcefully set it in userspace since 200816:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 971091 in Linaro-Ubuntu "Pandaboard ES freezes with the default CPU scaling governor ondemand" [Medium,Fix committed]16:28
ogra-cbi know, i see the bug (you mention it in the merge request too)16:29
ppisaticomment #16 says "AFAIK this should be solved in tilt-3.4, the problem was coming from frequency update code which should now be in good shape."16:29
ogra-cbif you disable it in kernel, did you test how the userspace bits behave if the module is nonexisting ?16:29
ppisatii'm not using on demand on my boards16:30
ppisatii mean, no one forces it16:30
ogra-cbafaik the only prob we ever had with ondemand vs perfocmance that was actiually traceable against cpufreq was when we switched to cpuidle for a short period in precise16:30
ogra-cbppisati, see the init scripts16:30
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ogra-cbspecifically /etc/init.d/ondemand16:32
ppisatiogra-cb: wait16:32
tassadar_ogra-cb: will 12.10 ubuntu for nexus7 receive any updates or will you update only raring now?16:33
ogra-cbtassadar_, *i* wont touch quantal (but i also havent touched it since UDS)16:34
ogra-cbtassadar_, quantal is a very evil hacked up demo image that shoouldnt actually be used for more than demoing or looking at bugs16:34
ogra-cbraring recieves all the love16:35
tassadar_okay, thanks, one more annoying question: I would like ubuntu to be able to use some folder in /data/media/ as root folder and to be able to use .img file from flash drive as /. Is there a chance that modification like that would get into official ubuntu packages, if it is clean&properly done?16:37
ogra-cbyes, i think i told you about the work in grub that linaro is doing16:38
ogra-cbthats exactly using such a setup16:38
ogra-cbusing grub for a boot menu, then lupin for mounting an img16:38
ogra-cbatter all i would still suggest to just use the recovery partition, apply two minot changes to the userspace and be done though16:40
tassadar_I don't want to lose recovery :/16:40
ogra-cb(ita auper trivial)16:40
ogra-cb*its super ...16:41
* ogra-cb cant see his keys in the dark16:41
ogra-cbyou can even do dual boot with the current images with a minor modificatio16:42
tassadar_what exactly do you mean by minor modification16:42
ogra-cbwell, flash bootimg to recovery and develop a patch for flash-kernel to respect that16:43
ogra-cbthats all dual boot needs16:43
ogra-cbppisati, is there no way to fix it in kernel ?16:44
tassadar_well, now that kexec-hardboot support is in n7 kernel, I can just use files from /boot folder in Ubuntu's root, which is awesome16:44
ogra-cbinstead of chopping out the option16:44
ppisatiogra-cb: the fix is "somewhere" is tilt-3.416:44
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ppisatiogra-cb: so it could be anywhere16:45
ogra-cbtassadar_, that wont save you, it will berak on the fist run of update-initramfs16:45
tassadar_yes, I'll have to remove the flash-kernel hook16:45
ogra-cbwhich you really want to keep in case someone uses i.e. an encrypted homedir16:46
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ogra-cbtassadar_, if you want to avoid flashing, tra to have a file that exports FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP on boot16:47
ogra-cb(set it to something indeed)16:47
ogra-cbthat should save you16:47
ogra-cbthats better than removing packaged files16:47
tassadar_yeah, saw that in the hooks, that will indeed be better16:47
ogra-cb(they have a tendency to re-appear) ;)16:47
ppisatiogra-cb: anyhow, if you try to use a governor that is not available, it's a noop16:50
ogra-cbstill, its an ubuntu default we dont offer16:51
ogra-cbalso are we sure the thing wont overheat if it permanently runs at full speed ?16:51
ppisatieither we do this, or we have to disable cpufreq16:51
ogra-cbwhich means full power anyway and bigger changes16:52
ogra-cbwell, seems there is no way around unless we offer a backported kernel then :/16:53
ppisatiogra-cb: btw, i was pretty sure i asked what our builders were running, and i was told it was performance16:54
ogra-cbppisati, ah, could be, i think they use ubuntu-core or something similar, that might not ship these userspace bits16:55
ppisatiogra-cb: so if they don't melt, i'm good with performance16:55
ogra-cbheh, k16:56
ogra-cbinfinity, so whats your plan wrt nexus7 and flavours16:56
infinityNot sure I have one.16:57
ogra-cbcurrently an ubuntu desktop build takes 130-150min16:57
ogra-cbif we switch doing tarball post processing on nusakan i guess we could get to 90min or so16:57
ogra-cbi have definitive requests from kubuntu. lubuntu and edubuntu16:58
ogra-cband would like to provide something for them by A2 time16:59
infinityWe'll have to talk about it in a bit, then.16:59
infinityIt may require bringing up another buildd.16:59
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ogra-cbdo you think there are chances for simply getting a second builder in place16:59
ogra-cbah, snap16:59
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whatissixbyninesup sup17:13
whatissixbynineI've got a galaxy s3 i9300 (exynos 4212 quad core version, 1gb ram, no lte). Would like to get this going for it.. any advice?17:17
whatissixbynine4412 i meant, sorry!17:19
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whatissixbyninejeez guys18:01
whatissixbyninehow ya gonna pick up momentum if no one is ever around ;_;18:02
* ogra-cb sees 178 people in the channel18:05
ogra-cbwhatissixbynine, usually people react to questions in this channel, you should probably ask yours :)18:06
whatissixbynine[09:18] <whatissixbynine> I've got a galaxy s3 i9300 (exynos 4212 quad core version, 1gb ram, no lte). Would like to get this going for it.. any advice?18:07
ogra-cbthats not a question is it ?18:07
whatissixbyninesure looks like it to me o.O18:08
ogra-cbwhat exactlyy do you want to know ?18:08
whatissixbynineits enough information to correctly ident it (was 4412 rather than 4212 cpu btw)18:08
ogra-cbwe dont offer any images for phones18:08
whatissixbyninewell, i don't see an ubuntu for general exynos, but i do see one for odroid-x18:09
ogra-cbso its up to you18:09
ogra-cbthe userspace can surely run on that HW18:09
whatissixbyninethere was a great project with the motorola, vids and such, calls and texts working18:09
ogra-cbnot from here though18:09
whatissixbynineso your saying that no one bothered to pull the stuff in?18:10
ogra-cbthere is a commercial project from canonical, if you mean ubuntu for android18:10
ogra-cbof which there is nothing more available than these videos18:10
xnoxpublically that is.18:11
ogra-cbubuntu-arm offrers current;y images for panda and beagleboard as well as the nexus7 tablet and the ac100 netbook18:11
ogra-cbif you want anything else you need to build it18:11
ogra-cb(oh, and i forgot highbank and armadaxp arches on server)18:12
whatissixbynineyeah i figured i would have to build it, but i thought i could take something like the odroid and hack it towards this. anyway not sure how to start.18:12
whatissixbynineWould like to get this going for it.. any advice? where do i start?18:13
whatissixbynineI can get chroot working, and i don't like it. vnc sucks.18:13
ogra-cbwell, userspace is usuallz always the same in ubuntu-arm18:13
whatissixbyninejust its crashing is a dealbreaker18:13
* xnox is not sure what "odroid" is that you are talking about.18:14
whatissixbyninethe ubuntu for android is what I am looking for18:14
ogra-cbso you need to know how to modify the bootloader and shoudl provide your own kernel18:14
ogra-cbubuntu for android only exists in videos18:14
whatissixbynineok, so the repos for the packages i want arn't open source or openly available?18:15
ogra-cbno idea if there are repos18:15
ogra-cbthere is surely code, but yeah, thats not public yet18:15
whatissixbyninei dont really care if i got to build from scratch, i'm looking for a guide or howto or something18:15
ogra-cbwell, there is nothing yet18:15
whatissixbyninewell, how does one go about porting arm to a new device?18:16
whatissixbynineone that's NOT new18:16
whatissixbynine99% of what i need driver wise should be in the odroid image18:16
ogra-cbwell, userspace is usually ported :)18:16
whatissixbynineno comprende18:16
ogra-cbas long as you have an ARMv7 device all of ubuntu will just run18:16
whatissixbynineyes it is18:17
ogra-cbwhat you need to get your specific device going is ehough insight into the bootloader and boot process and your own kernel build18:17
whatissixbyninegive me a sec18:18
ogra-cb(as i said above a few lines)18:18
whatissixbyninei'm having trouble with ur head18:18
ogra-cball of ubuntu is built and available for ARMv7 ... if you have a working setup you can just apt-get install whatever you want ... not different to any intel PC18:20
ogra-cbbut whats not in ubuntu is any support for your device18:20
ogra-cb(bootloader and kernel)18:20
ogra-cbeverything above bootloader and kernel level is already there and usable ...18:21
ogra-cbso to enable your device you need to get these two bits working18:21
whatissixbyninethat makes a bit more sense18:26
whatissixbyninewhen I chroot into it, and do the vnc type install, that does not create an acceptable kernel/bootloader?18:27
whatissixbyninethat's actually a vm?18:27
ogra-cbno, that uses the android kernel and bootloader18:27
ogra-cbits a chroot, a VM emulates a machine18:28
whatissixbynineright, thought so18:28
ogra-cbthe chroot just uses the android and runs an ubuntu rootfs inside18:28
ogra-cbwhcih also means that various bits indeed wont work18:28
whatissixbyninegot it18:28
Etherninyeah it would be great if you could just install full arm ubuntu with it's own kernel on android phones...19:07
Etherninlike the Nexus 719:07
whatissixbynineEthernin, it really should be possible. very annoying that it's even this hard. even more annoying that there's little to no open projects for porting to new devices19:14
RaYmAnIt's not hard at all. Getting basic linux/debian/ubuntu running on any arm device where you can flash your own kernel is trivial..Getting it running good is a whole other matter of course.19:16
whatissixbynineRaYmAn, ok now your talking sir!19:20
whatissixbyninei have ability to dual boot into secondary rom, so initially i would slam in there19:21
whatissixbyninerunning good may indeed take a lot more, but i would be happy to get a start on19:21
whatissixbyninecurrently downloading the android sammy source for my i9300 and gonna try to slam the linux image from odroid inside it19:21
RaYmAnusually the easiest is just a couple of steps. 1) get a standard rootfs that doesn't start anything graphical - disable plymouth.Put it on an sdcard 2) build a kernel with fbconsole enabled and point cmdline at sdcard. fbcon should give some info19:22
whatissixbyninenot sure at all what i'm doing at this point, but i suppose i could update yall as we go19:23
slangasekhey, anyone here who could help with a gdb-multiarch issue?19:33
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slangasekam trying to run gdb-multiarch on x86_64 against an Ubuntu armhf corefile + executable; I swear this used to work, but I never remember quite how to do it so I'm not sure if gdb has regressed or if I'm just missing the magic option19:37
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