
philipballewGood evening ubuntu folks07:44
elfymorning philipballew07:47
philipballewhello elfy what's up?07:47
elfyit's a bit monday morningish here07:48
elfyhow's things with you philipballew ?07:49
philipballewalright elfy , its 12 here in California and I am prepping this week for college finals in a week. You will not see me on here for a week. Good weekend I hope?07:50
elfyexcellent thanks, good luck with the finals :)07:50
elfymorning dholbach07:52
dholbachgood morning07:52
dholbachhi elfy07:52
philipballewelfy, glad to hear. I hope you week goes smooth.07:57
elfyit will - I work week on, week of, week starts on a Thurs - so no work for 3 days :)07:57
philipballewoh nice. Anything fun planed?08:02
elfymight go for a wander down the sea wall later08:03
elfyor do some testing ...08:04
philipballewelfy, you live near the ocean?08:08
elfyI'd not call it the ocean - but I live near the sea, English Channel :)08:10
nigelbHey elfy08:10
elfyhi nigelb08:10
jussielfy: enjoy the muck... err... drizzle... :P09:03
elfymorning jussi09:04
jussielfy: morning.09:04
smartboyhwAloha elfy czajkowski jussi09:06
smartboyhwWow no Alpha 1 except Kubuntu!09:06
jussidon't we rock? :P :P09:07
jussigood morning czajkowski09:07
smartboyhwjussi, LOL09:07
elfymorning czajkowski09:10
jcastro_dpm: dholbach: was one of you going to send a mail about doc integration with wordpress?14:39
dpmjcastro_, I was, sorry. I'll send it in the next couple of hours.14:39
dholbachjcastro_, not me - I unfortunately don't have the details14:39
jcastro_no worries!14:39
jcastro_technoviking: hey, are you the only guy who has been doing template customization and so on?15:39
MrChrisDruifTemplate customization?15:41
MrChrisDruifjcastro_; ^15:43
jcastro_for vbulletin15:44
mhall119http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/147coy/a_new_general_purpose_fuzzy_matching_library_from/ upvotes please15:47
MrChrisDruifmhall119; what is it for?15:48
jcastro_I was just reading that blog15:48
jcastro_I kind of want that everywhere now, heh15:48
mhall119jcastro_: I know15:48
MrChrisDruifWoops, didn't notice I could click some link15:48
mhall119MrChrisDruif: it does fuzzy string matching15:48
jonodholbach, will be two mins15:59
jonoand then will set it up16:00
jonoI need to get dressed and hand el-babyroony to mum16:00
jonodholbach, oh actually, are you working today?16:00
jonoI remember you said you might not be16:00
dholbachjono, yes16:02
dholbachjono, no no, I'm working16:02
dholbachjono, yes, and do get dressed if you don't mind ;-)16:02
jonodholbach, lol16:09
jonook, setting it up16:09
jonodholbach, invite sent16:10
jonodholbach, I think I completely lost you now16:13
czajkowskianyone remember the guy who gave a talk during plenaries on bug stats? or a link to his video ?16:20
seiflotfyhi mhall11916:22
jcastro_czajkowski: Evan probably knows16:23
jcastro_it's at the tip of my tounge16:23
seiflotfymhall119: i was looking into getting zeitgeist-fts-extension to use libcolombous16:23
czajkowskijcastro_: good thinking16:24
jbichamy first question about libcolumbus is the license: why GPL3? a lot of GNOME is still GPL216:24
mhall119seiflotfy: that'd be brilliant!16:24
seiflotfymhall119: i cant promise much now, i would need to do it at the weekend16:24
seiflotfyi am still releasing zeitgeist-1.0 soon :D16:25
seiflotfywith gobject-introspection16:25
jbichaand I'm sure a lot of people are curious whether it's a CLA project or not16:25
czajkowskijcastro_: same, we have it narrowed down to a lightning talk as checked the schedule, but many of the speakers never introduced themselves16:27
jcastro_it should be in the video then?16:28
czajkowskijcastro_: chris arges16:32
jonodpm, gonna be a few mins late16:32
jcastro_czajkowski: yep, that's him16:33
czajkowskibloody hell that's been bugging me all afternoon :)16:33
mhall119seiflotfy: \o/16:34
dpmjono, np16:34
jonodpm, firing it up16:38
SergioMenesesdpm, are you busy now?16:38
dpmhi SergioMeneses, I'm about to have a call with Jono, but if I can help, feel free to ask and I can answer later on16:39
SergioMenesesdpm, perfect!16:39
jonodpm, invite sent16:42
vibhavczajkowski: ping16:49
czajkowskivibhav: yes16:53
vibhavczajkowski: I had a small talk with the Developer Advisory Team we planned to reach out to the LoCo council. We were wondering if LoCo teams could be encouraged to provide statistics for their activities during their Global Jams16:55
czajkowskinice idea16:56
czajkowskithere has been a bit of a dip in the UGJs16:56
czajkowskithere was so much focus on them a few cycles ago and now not as mucb16:56
czajkowskivibhav: want to fire a mail to the loco council and we can maybe blog about it16:56
vibhavsure, We could include these statistics in our reports. They would become quite informative16:57
vibhavczajkowski: sure!16:57
vibhavShould I mail the LoCo council about this?16:58
czajkowskiyes please16:58
czajkowskiI'll moderate mails later on so will get looked at16:58
czajkowskicheers vibhav16:58
* SergioMeneses back16:59
jcastro_dpm: don't forget about me an docs! :)17:00
dpmjcastro_, don't worry, will send it after the call with Jono17:05
jcastro_<3 thanks!17:07
jcastro_didn't realize you were on a call17:07
vibhavczajkowski: done!17:12
jonojcastro_, invite sent17:22
jcastro_ok on it!17:22
pleia2vibhav: what kinds of statistics? and are there tools for this kind of thing?17:31
dpmjcastro_, dholbach, ok, e-mail sent17:31
dholbachthanks a lot dpm17:31
dpmnp ;)17:32
jcastro_got it, ta!17:32
vibhavpleia2: statistics like, "X contributors came together and helped out with Y bugs", et cetera17:34
vibhavThe DAT could include these in our reports, eg:17:35
pleia2vibhav: ah, for ones doing bugs, instructions for tracking this would be helpful17:35
dholbachdpm, so that's not humboldt but yangmei?17:35
pleia2some teams have put tags on bugs, but I never knew if this was really an appropriate use of tags17:36
dpmdholbach, let me have a look17:36
dholbachdpm, do you have to enter your password to "sudo su - devdocs"?17:36
czajkowskipleia2: aye people tend to just create tags :/17:36
vibhavpleia2: I dont think tags would be appropriate17:36
czajkowskimost annoying not to use offical ones17:36
czajkowskidholbach: if someone wants to get involved in ubuntu developement, best place to point them at that has the information17:37
dholbachczajkowski, http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/17:37
czajkowskidholbach: thank you17:37
dpmdholbach, no, no password. I first ssh into humboldt as my user, and once I'm there, I do the 'sudo su ...' part17:37
dholbachit wants me to give it a password, although I'm in the group devdocs too17:38
dholbachmaybe let's figure it out tomorrow :)17:38
* dholbach hugs dpm17:38
dholbachI've got to take care of something else over here17:38
dholbachthanks a bunch for writing it up dpm17:38
dholbachsee you all tomorrow17:38
* dpm hugs dholbach17:38
vibhavczajkowski: okay, I need to hit the hay. Meet you later.17:53
czajkowskivibhav: I'm still working have moderated the mail17:54
=== glebihan__ is now known as glebihan
mhall119jono: are we having a call today?18:11
jonomhall119, yep, free now?18:15
jonocool, will set it up18:15
jonomhall119, invite sent18:16
jcastro_popey: do you have tony whitmore's contact info handy?19:09
czajkowskijcastro_: https://launchpad.net/~tonywhitmore19:10
jcastro_hah! right, of course19:10
czajkowskifirst place I check tbh most of the time people have a public address19:12
jcastro_for some reason my mind went to "the uk and popey" first before it clicked "ubuntu"19:20

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