
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
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dholbachgood morning07:52
evpitti, bdmurray: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker/ReducingRetracerDiskUsage09:12
pittiGood morning09:16
evpitti, mpt: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1BWOIRdJvUueJa4cWV68UEY3nlmHgAVJY6aNGo6YSCQg/edit09:37
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pittiev, bdmurray: bug 108499610:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1084996 in Apport " StacktraceAddressSignature is missing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108499610:01
bdmurraypitti: so with that SRU also bug 1084296 should be fixed10:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1084296 in apport (Ubuntu Quantal) "possible for a 2nd occurrence of a crash not to be sent to errors" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108429610:03
mptev, bug 105606110:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1056061 in Errors ""First seen" version is wrong in release-specific table" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105606110:11
mptev, bug 1020988 is fixed now, right? :-)10:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1020988 in Errors "The Whoopsie Daisy infrastructure should be charmed (juju) for testing and development" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102098810:15
mptev, bug 1068060 looks like another example of a typo-test-level bug with a decent-sized benefit10:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068060 in Errors ""the past week" is missing from table period menu" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106806010:18
bdmurrayev: is bug 1021326 fixed too?10:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1021326 in Daisy "Only show version numbers from official Ubuntu sources in "First seen" and "Last seen" fields" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102132610:20
mptev, bdmurray: reported bug 108585310:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1085853 in Errors "Errors code revision number not shown on the Web site" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108585310:24
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mlankhorstslangasek: is a rebuild of the non-ddx reverse-depends of x11proto enough?10:33
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mlankhorstslangasek: https://launchpad.net/~mlankhorst/+archive/ppa/+packages pushed there, libxcb on armel failed on uploading, building went fine and it wasn't a rdepends anyway, just thought I'd test it11:09
pittimvo: have you ever used python-apt to construct an apt cache for a different architecture?11:10
pittimvo: I tried to call apt.apt_pkg.config.set('Architecture', 'armhf') before apt.Cache(rootdir=...), but it isn't taken into account11:10
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cjwatsonmlankhorst: I think that's possibly transient, as it seems to just have fallen over trying to upload to the librarian - retry that build?11:13
mlankhorstyeah it's fine, armhf worked so no need to try again..11:15
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didrockscjwatson: FYI, as you didn't attach any bugs to https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/frame/cross/+merge/137457, I think that tomorrow's frame daily build will only be "Automated snapshot from rev <…>" (nothing wrong with that personnaly), just a warning :)11:51
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cjwatsondidrocks: Ah, fair enough, I wasn't sure how to interact with it from a patch submitter's point of view11:51
cjwatsondidrocks: Not a big deal, it's one of hundreds ...11:51
didrockscjwatson: exactly :)11:51
cjwatsonSo, what, it uses the bug title by default?11:52
didrocksyeah, the bug title11:52
cjwatsonWould it be helpful if I filed a bug now and attached it?11:53
didrocksit's trying to search for an attached bug for all merges branches (whatever the deepness of the merge is), and as well, trying to fetch bug #<...> and a tons of variations of it in the commit message if you didn't attach it11:53
didrockscjwatson: hum, now that the upstream jenkins merger is doing its job, I think it's too late TBH11:53
cjwatsonI'll live11:54
didrockssame for me ;)11:54
didrocksI just prefer to warn beforehand :)11:54
mvopitti: I used this before, yes, let me check whats going on, maybe multiarch oddness12:06
pittimvo: or does root= reset this?12:06
mvopitti: and its generally a important and useful use-case12:06
mvopitti: could be, give me a minute to create a test12:06
pittimvo: danke!12:07
cjwatsondoko__: Have you had any opportunity to consider Debian #693220 yet?12:08
ubottuDebian bug 693220 in build-essential "Add crossbuild-essential support" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/69322012:08
cjwatsondoko__: My cross-build environment has some corner-case difficulties with including wookey_'s bootstrap archive, and I'd like to get to the point of being able to work in plain raring ASAP12:10
doko__cjwatson, yeah, will look at it this week12:10
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mvopitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1407600/ <- that seems to be doing what needs to be done (modulo that archive does not have armhf but if I use ports there it seems to be fine12:14
pittimvo: odd, that's pretty much what I did12:15
mvopitti: do you have anything in your rootdir that migh reset something in the config? a apt.conf or apt.conf.d snippets?12:15
pittimvo: ok, if that works for you, then I probably just did something wrong12:15
pittimvo: a sources.list with http://ports.u.c/, just like you12:15
pittimvo: (currently discussing stuff with ev, getting back to this soon)12:16
pittimvo: thanks!12:16
mvopitti: odd, happy to dig more with you once you have a spare minute :)12:16
pittiGet:3 http://ports.ubuntu.com precise/main armhf Packages [1258 kB]12:19
pittimvo: ok, your test case works here12:19
pittimvo: ooh12:19
mvopitti: \o/12:19
pitti        apt.apt_pkg.config.set('Architecture', 'armhf')12:20
pittimvo: spot the error :)12:20
pittiyay, works in apport now12:20
* pitti hugs mvo, sorry for disturbing then; just blindness12:20
mvopitti: :)12:20
ogra-cboh, when did we drop the requirement for the /ubuntu-ports dir ?12:20
mvopitti: no worries, the config synatax is archane12:20
ogra-cbit always needed to be http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports in the past12:21
pittihm, I guess not since I got my first arm device :)12:23
evpitti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker/MapReduce - what I just explained in written form12:32
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evpitti: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/BugsToFixedBinaries14:26
evmpt: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~daisy-pluckers/whoopsie/trunk/view/head:/src/whoopsie.c#L8714:26
bdrungcjwatson: can you please look at https://code.launchpad.net/~logan/ubuntu/raring/partman-basicfilesystems/debian-merge/+merge/135032 ?14:32
cjwatsonI'm going to reject it because it's against the wrong branch, but OK ...14:33
evpitti, mpt, bdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/whoopsie/+bug/1085987 - created this from our batches discussion14:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1085987 in Whoopsie "Submitting batches of error reports to daisy.ubuntu.com" [Undecided,New]14:34
bdrungmicahg: can you look at the SRU at bug #1027977 (you sponsored the quantal fix)?14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1027977 in valgrind (Ubuntu Precise) "strstr() function produces wrong results under valgrind callgrind" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102797714:36
bdrungxnox: can you look at the SRU in bug #1027977 (you sponsored the fix to raring)?14:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1027977 in valgrind (Ubuntu Precise) "strstr() function produces wrong results under valgrind callgrind" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102797714:38
mptbdmurray, bug 108497914:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1084979 in Apport "Submitting error report asks confounding questions" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108497914:39
mptbdmurray, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-error-tracker14:43
xnoxbdrung: Can you explain how you calculate micahg for quantal & me for raring?14:43
xnoxbdrung: micahg sponsored it into quantal, when quantal was the dev release. I was looking at the bug, but didn't review it for sru.14:45
bdrungxnox: hm, there is a copy-paste mistake14:45
bdrungxnox: bug #973014 is for you14:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973014 in gst-plugins-bad0.10 (Ubuntu Quantal) "gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad, (libgstvideoparsersbad.so), causes a failure to decode many common video files encoded as AVC 1 Baseline - L2.1, Baseline - L1.1 & others" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97301414:46
bdrungxnox: my calculation was to look at the sponsor who uploaded the fix to the development version14:47
xnoxbdrung: I see now what you did there =)14:48
bdrungxnox: :D14:49
* bdrung tries to be a load balancer14:49
cjwatsonxnox: Any thoughts on http://paste.ubuntu.com/1407904/ ?  (still testing)14:55
pittiogra-cb: IIRC you used qemu-user in the past to run arm binaries on x86, didn't you?14:57
ogra-cbpitti, sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static && sudo qemu-debootstrap ....14:58
micahgbdrung: sorry, not this week14:58
pittiogra-cb: oh, I just found the -L switch14:58
pittiogra-cb: I was trying LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib qemu-arm /tmp/sandbox/usr/bin/gdb14:59
xnoxcjwatson: looks ok. As long as it boots & still shows ubuntu logo with christmas lights going on and off again, this should be fine.14:59
pittiogra-cb: but that tried to use /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 still; but with -L it seems to work14:59
ogra-cbpitti, better use qemu-debootstrap and create an arm chroot ;)14:59
pittiogra-cb: nah, I want this for the apport retracers14:59
cjwatsonxnox: seems to in kvm -snapshot at least14:59
ogra-cbpitti, ah, k15:00
pittiogra-cb: they already build a sandbox with all hte necessary debs and ddebs unpacked; I just want to rum armhf's gdb in there15:00
pittiogra-cb: and that actually seems to work15:00
ogra-cbyeah, as long as it finds the libs15:00
ogra-cbyou shouldnt need to call qemu-arm explicitly though15:01
ogra-cbbinfmt shoould take care15:01
ogra-cbread: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib /tmp/sandbox/usr/bin/gdb ... should just work as well15:02
pittiogra-cb: ah, maybe I didn't install that properly15:02
ogra-cbqemu-arm-static should handle it in its postinst15:03
ogra-cbor qemu-user-static as it is called nowadays15:03
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bdrungpitti: can you look at bug #1070581 (you are the last uploader of that package)?15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1070581 in langpack-locales (Ubuntu) "Name of the language spoken in Bangladesh" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107058115:03
stokachutjaalton: would it be possible to get a debdiff for bug 1012900 so we can get it through SRU?15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012900 in sssd (Ubuntu Precise) "Using SSSD, PAM error when exiting su session" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101290015:05
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tjaaltonstokachu: I'll push 1.8.5 for precise15:06
tjaaltonit's maintained in git15:07
stokachutjaalton: perfect thank you15:07
tjaaltoni'll pull some packaging fixes too15:07
tjaaltonthat landed raring on saturday15:08
stokachutjaalton: even better! :D15:08
tjaaltonI'll finalize the package tomorrow15:08
stokachutjaalton: thats perfect, ill look for an update tomorrow, thanks again15:09
cjwatsonxnox: Righto, pretty sure this is right, so uploading; wanted you to have a heads-up though :-)15:14
xnoxcjwatson: ok. i will reboot today =)15:14
pittiogra-cb: eek -- we have no armhf ddebs for quantal and raring15:19
pittiogra-cb: I fixed the ddeb-retriever configuration, but urgh..15:20
pittiseems nobody was missing them so far15:20
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pittiogra-cb: how would qemu-user integrate itself with binfmt-misc?15:43
pittiogra-cb: shouldn't it ship a file in /var/lib/binfmts/ the or so?15:43
cjwatsonqemu-user-static does15:44
pittioh, -static15:44
cjwatsonWhich is almost more useful since you can copy it into chroots and such15:44
pittihm, but I guess I still need to explicitly call qemu-arm, for the -L option (LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't seem to work)15:47
evpitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/daisy/+bug/108601415:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1086014 in Daisy "Generate reports for testing programmatically" [Medium,Confirmed]15:50
evpitti: also, can you track your progress in the ARM retracer work in https://bugs.launchpad.net/daisy/+bug/104443715:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1044437 in Daisy "Retracer ARM support" [Low,Confirmed]15:53
slangasekmlankhorst: yes, that's fine for a test16:08
mlankhorstslangasek: good enough then?16:16
slangasekmlankhorst: yep, looks like it - I'll get those processed today16:16
ScottKpitti: Is there a reason to leave jockey in the archive?16:25
pittiScottK: did kubuntu stop using it?16:25
pittiPackage: jockey-kde16:25
pittiTask: kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-full, kubuntu-active-desktop, kubuntu-active-full, kubuntu-active16:25
pittiScottK: if you don't need it any more, I'll happily kick it out16:26
ScottKLet me make sure.16:26
RiddellScottK: muon doesn't yet replace it16:27
RiddellJontheEchidna needs more poking16:27
ScottKAh.  OK.16:27
shnatselcjwatson: Hello! Could you point me to the scripts that generate the "/efi" folder on Ubuntu ISOs? I can't find anything relevant in lp:ubuntu-cdimage16:33
cjwatsonshnatsel: tools/boot/<blah>/boot-amd6416:35
cjwatsonshnatsel: in lp:~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu16:35
mlankhorstnormally x11proto won't break anyway, ddx depend on xserver abi and xserver abi just doesn't use the extra fields unless available.16:35
ricotzinfinity, hi :), i hope you can cherry pick the mentioned fix for eglibc here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=687265#c916:36
ubottuGnome bug 687265 in general "deadlock in libcanberra-pulse with gstreamer 1.0.2" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:36
shnatselcjwatson: thanks a lot!16:37
shnatselfound it :)16:37
pittislangasek: ah, so I did try gdb-multiarch, but didn't set a target so it coulnd't decipher the core properly; do you happen to know the option for this?16:38
pittiah, 'set architecture'16:41
smoserslangasek, around?16:42
pittislangasek: hm, with value "arm" I still get "/tmp/tmpQ9sZpI" is not a core dump: File format is ambiguous", and arm-linux-gnueabihf or armhf are not valid16:44
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pittiand "show architecture" from arm's gdb is just "arm"16:45
shnatseloh, one more question: I see Precise seeds have been converted to using 3.5 kernel backported from Quantal by default for x86 architectures. I wonder if I should use 3.2 or 3.5 for a derivative distro? I'm primarily concerned by two things: for how long will it be supported and will hardware support patches be backported to 3.5 like they are being backported to 3.2?16:46
cjwatsonThe point of the 3.5 kernel is to provide improved hardware enablement16:46
cjwatsonThough I think the plan is to supersede it with whatever's in raring after raring's out16:46
shnatselcjwatson: ah, so Ivy Bridge works OOTB, etc? I hear it doesn't work in 3.216:47
cjwatsonNo idea about that16:47
cjwatsonNot a kernel guy, I just do what I'm told with the seeds :)16:47
shnatselcjwatson: thanks, I'll ask in the kernel channel then :)16:47
smoserit would seem that mountall is likely the difference between pretty green dots at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/ec2%20AMI%20Testing/view/Overview/job/quantal-server-ec2-daily/153/ and red ones at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/ec2%20AMI%20Testing/view/Overview/job/quantal-server-ec2-daily/154/ . the difference in manifests of those 2 builds are http://paste.ubuntu.com/1408166/ . seems bug 1059471 to have regressed.16:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059471 in mountall (Ubuntu Quantal) "2.41 fails to mount root partition" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105947116:48
xnoxev: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/16:53
xnoxev: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/commontask.html16:53
infinityricotz: I'll have a look at it.17:01
mlankhorstslangasek: just leaves the rest of the stack then :)17:03
ricotzinfinity, thank you17:04
slangasekpitti: can you toss me a sample core file so I can poke at it?  the documentation on 'set architecture' is lousy IME, I generally find I have to do this by feel17:09
pittislangasek: I was using the one from bug 107095217:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1070952 in nux (Ubuntu) "unity_support_test crashed with SIGSEGV in omap_device_del()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107095217:10
slangaseksmoser: hey there - otp, but go ahead :)17:10
pittislangasek: we don't have debugging symbols for quantal/raring, but at least a stack of ?? without error messages would do fine17:10
smoserslangasek, i did. see above.17:11
smoserand comment added to bug 105947117:11
slangaseksmoser: right, reading now17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059471 in mountall (Ubuntu Quantal) "2.41 fails to mount root partition" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105947117:11
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smoserand i apologize17:11
smoserfor not testing as solid as you woudl have liked. but sometimes it doesnt fail, and I *did* test.17:11
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slangaseksmoser: unfortunately, the tests being run here aren't very diagnosable, "assertTrue" doesn't give us any other debugging information; can you reproduce these failures?17:23
smoserslangasek, yes.17:23
smoserthey fail > 50% of the time on canonistack and on ec217:23
slangaseksmoser: oh, the console output looks more interesting though... seems you're getting 'Permission denied'?  Do the cloud-init jobs need any tweaking to work correctly with the changed mountall?17:25
smoserwhere do you see permission denied?17:25
slangaseksmoser: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/ec2%20AMI%20Testing/view/Overview/job/quantal-server-ec2-daily/154/ARCH=i386,REGION=eu-west-1,STORAGE=ebs,TEST=simple-user-data,label=ubuntu-server-ec2-testing/console17:26
slangaseksmoser: in response to the ssh attempts17:26
smoserwell, if fails to ssh in17:26
smoserbecause the instance failed to import hte keypair17:26
smoserbecaus the instance failed to find the datasource17:26
smoserie, there was no way into that instance.17:26
smoserthe data you want is actually17:27
slangasekah; where's the datasource failure?17:27
smoserthats a bad one.17:27
smoserwell, sor of a bad one17:27
smoserit demonstrates the "plymouth ate output" bug17:28
smoserslangasek, the "good news" is that when i add --verbose to kernel cmdline it gets much harder to reproduce17:29
smoser(ie, i cant reproduce with that on just yet)17:30
smoseri'm 0/517:30
smoserslangasek, can you confirm that you want me to try to get failure with --verbose ?17:30
smoserbecause if so, i'll work on that.17:30
smoserbut i can give you access to an instance to poke around on and just look if you'd like17:31
smoseryour choice of raring or quantal17:31
smoserok. i have it failing. console output is very limited, but i'll get it and let you into instance.17:32
slangaseksmoser: thanks17:33
smoserslangasek, console log at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1408297/ .17:36
slangaseksmoser: thanks.  which part shows me the failed access to the datasource?17:39
smoser:) plymouth ate that output17:40
smoserbut its in /var/log/boot.log and /var/log/cloud-init.log17:40
smoserand you can correlate timestamps17:40
slangasekwhich is one is the expected data source?17:41
smoserslangasek, there is a big hint in that the EC2 datasource didn't run until uptime of 136 seconds.17:42
zulbarry: ping17:42
smosercloud-init-nonet waiting 120 seconds for a network device.17:42
smosercloud-init-nonet gave up waiting for a network device.17:42
smoserit would appear to me that the race condition that we're seeing stops the network device added hooks from firing and bringing up network.17:43
slangaseksmoser: eth0 was seemingly not found until 5 minutes after boot... any idea there?17:46
slangaseksmoser: /var/log/udev confirms that the kernel didn't turn up eth0 until 265.527315 after boot17:46
slangasekso this is triggered by mountall, yes, but the real problem is that something's preventing the network interface from being found in a timely manner by the kernel17:47
smoserwell, the reason for so long after is proably that cloud-init-nonet blocked for 120 seconds, and then cloud-init (which was blocking) looked for the datasource for probably the remaineder of that time.17:47
slangasekcloud-init-nonet shouldn't be blocking udev17:48
smoseri agree.17:48
smoserbut it is17:48
smoserwell some race there i think.17:48
slangasekudev is 'start on virtual-filesystems', udevtrigger is 'start on startup and started udev and not-container'17:48
slangasekso as soon as virtual-filesystems is emitted, udev runs; and the virtual-filesystems event does not block on the rootfs, which is where cloud-init-nonet hooks in17:49
smoser265 = 10 seconds of boot time + 120 timeout + 126 seconds of "look for datasource"17:49
slangasekso process list confirms udev didn't start until 17:3517:49
slangasekI think I need mountall --verbose output to diagnose further :/17:49
smoserslangasek, ok. i'll work on that.17:50
smoseryou have any ideas on the "plymouth ate my output" issue ?17:50
smoser(which i'm opening a separate bug for now)17:50
slangaseknot really17:50
slangasekother than that I'm not sure 'console output' is actually a good idea17:51
slangasek(*because* it's probably incompatible with plymouth)17:51
smoserwell thats a bug in plymouth/upstart17:52
smoserif console output doesnt work17:52
smoseri need some way to get stuff to the console17:52
smoser(which i can see remotely)17:52
slangaseksmoser: it may be a bug in plymouth, but not the bug you're thinking17:59
slangasekplymouth itself is supposed to replay output to the console18:00
smoserit does the ioctl to /dev/console that says "give me all that stuff"18:00
smoserand then nis supposed to replay it18:00
smoserslangasek, you want --verbose or --debug for mountall18:05
slangaseksmoser: --verbose is sufficient18:05
slangaseksmoser: you're familiar with the dance for /etc/init/mountall.conf to capture the output off somewhere?18:06
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slangasekpitti: 'set gnutarget elf32-littlearm'18:07
smoserslangasek, i don thtink so. but it *should* go to console i think :)18:08
slangaseksmoser: yeah, if plymouth doesn't eat it ;P18:08
pittislangasek: oh, how obvious! merci beaucoup18:08
pittislangasek: this goes on top of "set architecture arm", I figure?18:08
smoserbut it stlil gets into /var/log/upstart/mountall.conf i think18:08
slangaseksmoser: I generally disable 'console output' and do '> /run/mountall.log 2>&1' in the script when I'm debugging mountall; you can also just omit 'console output' and it'll capture to /var/log/upstart automatically, yeah18:09
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slangasekpitti: well, seems that it gives me the same output with or without the 'set architecture arm'18:09
slangasekpitti: that output is not particularly pretty though :)18:10
pittislangasek: I still get "warning: wrong size gregset struct in core file"18:10
slangasekyeah, I get that too; not sure what it means18:11
pittislangasek: with qemu-arm gdb it is slightly bigger than just one line18:11
slangasekdigging further18:11
pittislangasek: and it at least gets addresses18:11
* slangasek nods18:11
pittislangasek: thanks18:11
slangasekpitti: maybe the original binary is also needed?18:13
pittislangasek: I do have that18:13
pittislangasek: I have a complete apport-like sandbox from apport-retrace18:13
slangasekcan you give me a pointer to it?18:13
slangasekah ok18:13
pitti$ du -hs /tmp/sandbox/18:13
pittithat's not too bad, I could tar it up18:13
pittiOMGupload speed from the office18:14
pittislangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1408422/18:16
pittislangasek: these are my two commands (slightly hacked in-place, as I was running them out of apport-retrace)18:16
pittislangasek: (the sandbox has armhf's gdb package and dependencies unpacked)18:17
* slangasek nods18:18
smoserslangasek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1408434/18:21
smoserslangasek, appears mount of /run was blocked18:23
slangaseksmoser: where do you see this?  I'm not seeing any of the mountall --verbose output in the console log18:23
smoserits not there.18:23
smoserin instance, /var/log/boot.log18:23
slangasekah, ok18:24
slangasekI do however see 'mounted-run' running at 15s, so that doesn't seem to have been blocked18:24
slangasekright, so /run is *mounted*, but something prevents 'mounted MOUNTPOINT=/run' from returning18:24
slangaseksmoser: there are only three jobs on this system which start on that event: resolvconf, container-detect, and mounted-run.  container-detect doesn't do anything that should block, and in any case the timestamp on its log shows that it completes quickly; that means we need to look at the other two to see what's blocking18:29
slangaseksmoser: in theory the only long-running code in mounted-dev shouldn't block because it's backgrounded, but you could try commenting out the 'run-parts' line18:29
smoserslangasek, sure.18:30
smoserslangasek, it hink you meant mounted-run18:33
slangaseksmoser: yes :)18:35
barryxnox: thanks for porting gnome-menus to py318:45
arosenI'm trying to modify an existing package; if I do apt-get source <package>; how can I recreate the package using those files?18:45
penguin42arosen: dpkg-buildpackage18:46
smoserslangasek, i think i've reproduced with "#    [ -d "/etc/update-motd.d" ] && run-parts --lsbsysinit /etc/update-motd.d > /run/motd &"18:49
smoser(ie commented out)18:49
smoseri will wait a bit to be sure.18:49
smoseryeah, definitely reproduced there.18:49
evmpt, bdmurray, pitti: http://www.toptable.co.uk/opentables.aspx?m=72&p=6&d=03/12/2012%2019:00:00&lat=51.5063116&lng=-0.0998713999999836&di=0.5&ula=Bankside,%20London%20Borough%20of%20Southwark,%20London%20SE1%200SU,%20UK&t=loc&fsr=1&rp=opentables.aspx18:53
slangaseksmoser: ok, that seems to leave only resolvconf as a possible culprit, hmm18:55
evtotes workin hard ;)18:57
mpt#ubuntu-devel, The Food Channel18:58
smoserslangasek, if you want to check my work18:58
micahgAre we serving Raspberry Pi? /me ducks18:59
slangaseksmoser: looks sane to me; resolvconf seems to be the only possible explanation19:02
slangaseksmoser: how about a set -x in /bin/resolvconf for debugging?19:06
slangaseksmoser: sorry, /sbin/resolvconf19:06
smoserslangasek, [   14.223470] init: resolvconf state changed from post-start to running19:07
smoserthat is the last occurance of 'resolvconf' in the console log19:08
smosershouldn't we see a stopped or killed ?19:08
slangasekthough, the fact that it goes to 'running' that early means that the pre-start script has finished19:08
slangasekok, this may be a straight up bug in mountall then19:09
smoseroh yeah. you're right. about the running19:10
slangasekunfortunately we have asymmetric debug output here, so we don't actually see when the mounted event is emitted19:10
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1408556/ is console output19:10
slangasekbut given that none of the three dependent jobs seem to be buggy, I suspect that 'mounted /run' isn't being emitted until after the rootfs is mounted rw19:10
slangasekand that's a bug19:10
smoserwell, that is one of the resonss i put utc and kernel uptime in cloud-init output19:11
smoserso you can correlate if you have symettric logs19:11
smosererr... if you only have separate logs19:11
slangaseksmoser: could I have you test a patch to mountall to add more debugging, while I start looking for this bug?19:12
smoserremember when we had /dev/console, and writes there were not masked by some complex daemon ?19:12
smoserthat was cool19:12
smoserslangasek, sure.19:12
slangasekyes, I believe that was before we had an event-based init system and you could actually rely on writes to the console happening in some meaningful order19:12
slangaseksmoser: http://people.canonical.com/~vorlon/mountall-better-debugging.patch19:14
slangaseksmoser: oh, at least I have a clue now why this change triggered the problem: the initramfs is mounting /run with the device name "tmpfs" whereas /lib/init/fstab lists "none", so I guess before this fix we were maybe not emitting mounted MOUNTPOINT=/run at all?19:29
slangasekthat should have manifested as broken resolvconf handling in the cloud images though, AFAICS19:30
smoserwell, i've not seen broken resolvconf handling in images.19:30
smosercertainly not at the 50% failure rate that we're seeing this.19:30
slangasekyeah, it seems that would've been a 100% failure rate, not 50%19:31
slangaseksmoser: you could try changing "none" to "tmpfs" in /lib/init/fstab, see if it's reproducible then19:31
smoserslangasek, sure.19:34
slangaseksmoser: (would still like to see debug output with that mountall patch first, however, to make sure this isn't a red herring)19:34
smoserslangasek, ok. i'm building that, and will build an image with it.19:36
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smoser sbuild-build-depends-mountall-dummy : Depends: plymouth-dev (>= but it is not installable19:39
smoserthat happened when trying to build patched mountall. :-(19:39
smoserin schroot19:39
infinityE: Unable to locate package plymouth-dev19:41
infinityThat's a more helpful error message.19:42
slangasekshould be  plymouth-dev (>= | libplymouth-dev19:42
slangasekand we have the latter19:42
smoserprobably some user error. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1408628/19:42
penguin42I'd appreciate a review on the following trivial crash fix at some point; https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-treblig/ubuntu/raring/xpilot-ng/bug-103325019:42
infinityslangasek: plymouth-dev is a virtual...19:42
slangasekinfinity: shouldn't be?19:43
slangasekinfinity: it's the divergent Debian package name19:43
infinityOh, it's a virtual in Ubuntu only.  Ick.19:43
penguin42you can't do version comparisons like that on virtuals can you?19:43
slangaseksmoser: I think there's a toggle you have to set somewhere to get sbuild to behave correctly and not ignore alternate build-deps19:43
slangaseki.e., to get the Ubuntu buildd behavior19:44
infinityPretty sure that versioned build-deps on virtuals explodes the apt resolver, hence the buildd sbuild is fine, the one on my system, not so much.19:44
infinityOh, or maybe it's just the alt toggle.19:44
slangasekinfinity: it's not "virtual", it's *non-existent*19:44
mlankhorstyeah if only i could do versioned virtuals :/19:44
slangasekthe only reason apt reports it as "virtual" is mountall's own reference to it19:44
SpamapSslangasek: I know for php I have to use the aptitude build dep reosolver19:44
infinityslangasek: Oh, so it is.  That helps.19:45
slangasekreally seems like we should set this toggle by default in the Ubuntu sbuild package19:45
SpamapSslangasek: the man page claims that the aptitude resolver is not the default because of performance concerns19:46
SpamapSI can't imagine it adds more than a few seconds to any given build19:46
smoserwhat is the toggle ?19:47
infinityNo need to use aptitude.19:47
infinitysmoser: Add "$resolve_alternatives = 1;" to your ~/.sbuildrc19:47
slangasekright, there it is19:47
infinityslangasek: If we toggle it by default, it breaks my sid builds, mind you.  I'm not sure there's a right answer here.19:47
slangasekinfinity: I guess you could be fancy and make it vary with build target? :)19:48
infinityYeah, which is the glory of config files that happen to be perl code.19:48
infinityBut that's harder to enforce at the packaging level, since the package doesn't know what you've named all your chroots/targets.19:49
infinityEasier for a user to mangle.19:49
infinityMaybe our default sbuildrc could include a commented-out snippet, though.19:49
ScottKProbably something the sbuild wrapper in u-d-t could handle though.19:50
infinityThere's a wrapper?19:50
* ScottK thought so.19:50
slangasekI thought there was just mk-sbuild19:51
ScottKYeah, that's what I was thinking of.19:51
infinityYeah, that's all I see.19:51
slangasekoh, but does that generate sbuildrc snippets?  I don't recall19:51
ScottKSorry for the distractin.19:51
ScottKdistraction even.19:51
infinityAlthough, Andy just did some mangling to do proper pocket/component manipulation, and I should massage that and figure out if it belongs in sbuild or u-d-t.19:52
infinityMaybe an ubuntu-sbuild wrapper that employs his hacks, plus sets the right variables (resolve_alternatives can be set in the environmnet too) might do the trick.19:52
ScottKThis is how pbuilder-dist got started ...19:53
infinityOn balance, though, I'd prefer sbuild DTRT out of the box, if that's plausible.  The alternative thing is a minor mess, that's all.19:54
* slangasek runs away19:54
ScottK(see pbuilder-dist-simple for the simple idea from which the monster grew)19:54
infinityActually, I should turn that off in my .sbuildrc again before I forget and do a Debian upload with it on.19:54
infinityAnd remind myself to make it conditional later.19:54
slangasekpitti: do you also get this error? seems some deps are missing from the tarball: warning: Could not load shared library symbols for 17 libraries, e.g. /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libX11.so.6.19:56
arosenWhen I do apt-get install package vs apt-get source package for some reason a different version of package is received20:22
arosenany ideas why?20:22
micahgsource files from other releases?20:27
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arosenmicahg: yes20:30
micahgarosen: there's your answer20:30
arosenmicahg: also I was wondering if there was anyway to use dpkg-buildpackage without it having to look for an upstream tarball and instead use the untar'ed code from the current working directory ?20:33
smoserslangasek, has reproduced raring+debug patch20:38
smoserthere is no swap on those instances though20:38
slangaseksmoser: random aside, do you have an .ssh config snippet of some kind to not save fingerprints for cloud hosts? :)20:40
slangaseksmoser: ok, very interesting output, it shows the mounted event is sent *very* early but doesn't complete until we hit those timeouts20:41
slangasekso the device mismatch was a red herring after all20:41
smoserslangasek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1408767/20:42
smoseroh. do you want the console output for that ?20:42
smoseri completely wasn't thinking. and didn't realize your patch added debug in both swap and "other"20:44
slangaseksmoser: there's no chance I'm missing something here, is there?  like an upstart job that starts on /run and deletes itself on first boot?20:45
* slangasek keeps living in denial that this is his bug :)20:46
smoserslangasek, no. nothing evil like that.20:47
smoserslangasek, i was about to comment that cloud-init in "config" does execute a 'mount -a' as it might update /etc/fstab.20:48
smoserbut it doesn't get to the point where it would/could do that.20:48
slangaseksmoser: ok, am going to have to meditate over this code for a bit :/21:01
* infinity hands slangasek an Amiga.21:02
* ScottK thinks whisky might work better.21:06
slangaseksmoser: aha21:12
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slangaseksmoser: try_mounts(), once it's seen that all mounts are attempted, loops waiting for each of the outstanding events to finish; and it happens that the outstanding event for / is in the list ahead of /run :P21:13
* slangasek claims his whiskey reward21:14
infinityslangasek: Hrm, could that be the source of my on-again-off-again "waiting for /tmp" bug that I keep forgetting to file?21:16
slangasekinfinity: shouldn't be, no21:16
infinityAlright, I should do a few dozen reboots and see if I still have that bug, and then file it.21:17
infinityAnd we can go spelunking.21:17
smoserinfinity, i see a waiting for swap all the time21:17
smoser(encrypted swap)21:17
smoserit ends up being mounted, just annoying.21:17
smoseri dont have /tmp on separate mp21:17
infinitysmoser: The special thing about my case is that /tmp isn't actually a mountpoint here.21:17
slangaseksmoser: does it time out?21:17
slangaseksmoser: or do you only see the message briefly because it really is taking a while to find itself?21:18
smoserslangasek, briefly during boot... i dont knwo tha tit goes away, but it goes to login screen. (i didn't know if it was the login screen that wiped it off the display). it does get mounted.21:19
smoserbut in most cases where i have swap i see the message on the boot screen21:19
smosergranted i probably have encrypted swap everywhere21:19
smoseras i have a encrypted home user everywhere.21:20
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slangaseksmoser: build-tested only: http:?/people.canonical.com/~vorlon/mountall-more-asyncer.patch21:28
smosermore asyncer.21:28
smoserslangasek, did you see the complaints in some logs about dbus and ...21:29
smoserprocess 329: arguments to dbus_server_unref() were incorrect, assertion "old_refcount > 0" failed in file ../../dbus/dbus-server.c line 749.21:29
slangaseksmoser: there's a bug report about that; I don't yet understand that one either21:30
slangasekthere's only a single call to dbus_server_unref() in all of mountall, so I'd love to know who is unreffing it for us :P21:31
arosenIf you do apt-get installl <blah> apt will automatically resolve the dependencies for you. Is there anything like that if you do dpkg -i foo.deb?21:36
ionarosen: Offtopic for this channel, but anyway: dpkg --unpack foo.deb && apt-get -f install21:36
slangasekor just 'gdebi foo.deb'.21:37
ionIf i’m on a desktop, i just use xdg-open, which opens it in software-center nowadays.21:37
slangaseksmoser: can I ask you to open a new bug report about this mountall race?21:45
smoserare you not happy with the one i have open ?21:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1078926 in Ubuntu "raring instance failed to find EC2 datasource" [High,Confirmed]21:48
slangaseksmoser: no, because you didn't file it against mountall ;)21:48
slangasekmoving it21:49
smoserslangasek, i should spin the kernel issue off to another bug though.21:50
urgodfatherhello room, does anyone have experience in the gma500 (Poulsbo) chip? im looking to update to the 3.7 kernel, as it has additional bug fixes, but cannot get much insight as to update it properly21:54
ScottKbarry: Did the pykde4 import fail because someone had pushed to it before the upload?22:07
slangaseksmoser: ok, bug paperwork done.  do you expect to be able to test that proposed patch today?22:07
barryScottK: i'm only guessing on that one.22:07
ScottKBecause that package even has Vcs-foo pointing elsewhere ...22:08
slangaseksmoser: btw, I guess this is a regression vs. 2.42, but I think it's probably just a partial reintroduction of the same problem we had before 2.41?22:10
smoserslangasek, well, this is probably critical or greater at the moment.22:12
slangasekso is that a yes? :)22:12
smoseras anyone who upgrades on a running cloud instance is looking at a boot time of 260 seconds22:12
* slangasek nods22:12
cjwatson"critical or greater" - signs of severity hyperinflation22:12
smoserand if we were to promote a daily we'd have 50% failure boot.22:12
* cjwatson looks for the wheelbarrows full of bug comments22:12
smosermegahyper inflation22:12
smosercjwatson, what would you call it if you regressed grub to having new installs boot only 50% of the time.22:13
smoserand existing installs take 4 minutes additional22:13
smoserslangasek, i've just built a image with that new deb.22:15
smoseri will launch a bunch of instances later.22:15
slangaseksmoser: ack, thanks22:15
smoserand see if it seems fixed.22:16
cjwatsonsmoser: "critical", not "critical or greater" :P22:19
ScottKNo, wait.  That's something different.22:24
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mlankhorsttjaalton: ohey new patch to make libgallium shared on mailing list btw22:50
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slangaseksmoser: have trivially proven to myself that this patch is broken; fixing now23:25
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slangaseksmoser: ok, have pushed a better patch now, this time it survives my own test. http://people.canonical.com/~vorlon/mountall-more-asyncer.patch23:45
* mlankhorst pokes slangasek 23:45
slangaseksmoser: I'm sufficiently convinced of it's correctness that I'm going to push it to Debian unstable now so we can get it on its way; but please test and let me know if I've missed anything23:46

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