
=== 16WABFBB5 is now known as tyf
tyflinux-generic-lts-quantal package is really not a PAE kernel?02:01
infinitytyf: It's PAE, what makes you think it's not?02:01
infinitytyf: We don't have non-pae in quantal and above.02:01
tyfafter i installed it in precice, i do uname -r, the name doesn't show "pae". so i went to the packages.ubuntu.com, browse through the quantal's kernel packages, found some kernels named with -pae02:03
infinitytyf: The name has nothing to do with it.02:03
infinitytyf: From quantal forward, we don't have a non-pae kernel.  Hence, generic is now pae.02:03
tyfok, thanks for the info, btw, is there a definite way to check whether the kernel is compiled with PAE enabled?02:04
infinity(precise-i386)root@cthulhu:~# grep PAE /boot/config-3.5.0-19-generic 02:06
infinityOf course, there's also the simple "does your computer have a ton of RAM, and does the kernel see it?" :P02:07
infinityYou'd know pretty quickly if you booted a non-pae kernel.02:07
tyfok, that's understandable, but here I have exactly 4GB of RAM but i don't know how much video RAM is in the intel hd4000 and the nvidia gt630M. 02:13
tyfWhen i booted up with a non-pae kernel, which RAM will be "truncated" first? or the kernel will refuse to boot?02:14
tyfThe Ethernet controller "AR8162 Fast Ethernet" is still not supported by any kernel modules in the quantal kernel 3.5...02:20
tyfVery weird, the wlan is properly detected and used, but  still have to compile the "alx" module myself in order to use the ethernet port, as occured to me when using kernel 3.2 and 3.4 too02:23
tyfmaybe I should blame myself for buying this laptop :(02:23
infinitytyf_: Looks like you're going to need compat-wireless, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205012604:18
infinitytyf_: Oh, actually, if you go back to using the precise kernel, there are claims that linux-backports-modules-3.2.0 has the driver you need.04:21
infinitytyf_: See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/927782 for more details.04:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 927782 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "integrate the Atheros AR8131/AR8151/AR8152/AR8161/AR8162 Ethernet driver with Jockey" [Medium,Confirmed]04:22
tyf_fyi, i have uninstalled the jockey since i first installed the OS in this laptop...it always crashes and very annoying during startup04:47
tyf_and, the recent updates of the kernel 3.2 has caused very random complete lockup in my computer04:49
tyf_so i decided not to use the kernel 3.2 for some time04:50
tyf_btw, i heard that the quantal kernel is going to be included in the 12.04.2 release...hence, I will just wait for that...:P04:51
infinitytyf_: The quantal kernel that will be included in 12.04.2 is the one I already had you install.06:13
infinitytyf_: (linux-generic-lts-quantal)06:13
infinityapw: Do we need to be doing lbm-lts-quantal as well for the backport stack?  Without it, people who need cw for obscure/new hardware support kinda get shafted.06:14
infinityapw: Specifically thinking of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/927782 which is fixed in lbm, but not in the quantal kernel itself (hence, not in lts-quantal).06:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 927782 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "integrate the Atheros AR8131/AR8151/AR8152/AR8161/AR8162 Ethernet driver with Jockey" [Medium,Confirmed]06:14
apwinfinity, i think we were hoping not to, but you may well raise an important point09:21
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
ppisatiapw: why do you keep the low latency branch in a separate tree instead of being a topic branch (like ti-omap4) of our main tree?10:52
apwppisati, because in theory it is maintained by people outside of the kernel-team who cannot write there10:56
ppisatiapw: ok10:56
apwppisati, though i cannot deny it would make sense to have it mirrored into there, same for ppc10:56
ppisatiapw: and do you plan to backport the fix for lp1029730 back to P/Q?10:57
ppisatibug 102973010:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1029730 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu) "linux-image-$(uname -r) should suggest linux-headers-$(uname -r)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102973010:57
apwi believe the fixes for dpkg are planned for backport so we would have to indeed10:58
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=== amitk-afk is now known as amitk
jamesh20000Hi, I'm about to install a linux based OS for the first time ... a shop is going to do this for me13:13
jamesh20000Someone told me not to get a kernel that's much higher than 2.6.2713:13
jamesh20000do I have a selection of kernels when I install Ubuntu ?13:13
jamesh20000I don't know how Ubuntu works13:13
tyf_it is hard to answer what kernel is best for you, but generally if you have newer hardware, go for a higher-versioned kernel13:15
tyf_you don't have to worry about the kernel version first, just install a version that you like to use....I recommend the LTS versions, i.e. the 10.04 and 12.0413:16
tyf_somehow i still love to use 10.04 for its stability13:16
jamesh20000I'm going to install Ubuntu next to win7 -- How much space is reasonable for the Ubuntu partition?13:22
* henrix -> lunch13:32
jamesh20000I'm going to install Ubuntu next to win7 -- How much space is reasonable for the Ubuntu partition?13:34
xnoxjamesh20000: support at -> #ubuntu channel.13:40
xnoxbug 108595814:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1085958 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "FTBFS linux-libc-dev fails to compile iptables" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108595814:16
tyf_Guess the linux-backports-modules-cw will not be available for the linux-generic-lts-quantal kernels?14:37
argesapw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/BuildKernelWithChroot15:10
* ogasawara back in 2015:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jsalisburybjf, herton, henrix Seems like allot of people are affected by bug 108053017:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1080530 in v86d (Ubuntu) "v86d prevents suspend from completing" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108053017:04
bjfjsalisbury, ack17:07
* ppisati -> gym17:09
rtgjsalisbury, maybe 'freezer: exec should clear PF_NOFREEZE along with PF_KTHREAD' ?17:26
rtgotherwise you're gonna have to bisect. there are a boatload of patches twixt those 2 releases17:27
jsalisburyrtg, looks like an easy thing to revert.  I'll build a test kernel and request that they test.17:28
shnatselI see Precise seeds have been converted to using 3.5 kernel backported from Quantal by default for x86 architectures. I wonder if I should use 3.2 or 3.5 for a derivative distro? I'm primarily concerned by two things: 1) for how long will it be supported and 2) will hardware support patches be backported to 3.5 like they are being backported to 3.2?17:54
xnoxshnatsel: the support path from quantal-lts kernels will be the raring-lts kernels.18:00
xnoxshnatsel: so the quantal-lts kernel will have the support timeframe of quantal release.18:00
xnoxshnatsel: so there is an option of getting newer kernels throughout precise release.18:01
shnatselxnox: I see. It seems there's no metapackage that points to the latest backported kernel, so anybody who had their system shipped with the Quantal-backported one will automatically have the support time of Quantal itself, not the LTS 5 years? Or raring-lts will provide a dummy transitional package for quantal-lts?18:04
xnoxshnatsel: I don't know how this will be done when the raring kernels will come around.18:07
xnoxshnatsel: but do note that we do not auto-upgrade people to quantal-lts kernel, the install images for 12.04.2 will switch to quantal-lts.18:07
xnoxshnatsel: note that raring-lts kernels will be available only well after raring release.18:08
shnatselxnox: yes, I'm aware of that. I'm wondering what will happen to people who will use 12.04.2, because the Quantal kernel will be supported for a much shorter period than the rest of the Precise system18:09
xnoxhopefully somebody else can answer that.18:09
shnatselokay, I'll try asking in #ubuntu-devel :)18:13
shnatselbut I take it 3.2 is going to be supported for 5 years?18:13
shnatselalso, is hardware support really being backported to it or it's just me? (e.g. does it work with Ivy Bridge?)18:14
bjfshnatsel, yes, it is supported for 5 years18:16
bjfshnatsel, the purpose of the lts-hwe kernels is specifically for supporting newer HW18:17
shnatselbjf: but the lts-backports are not supported for 5 years? If not, is there an upgrade path?18:17
shnatselokay, I trust you won't abandon the people who installed 12.04.2 XD18:20
shnatselfinal question:18:20
bjfshnatsel, you are correct that they are not supported for 5 years. if you are on lts-hwe-quantal, you will be automatically upgraded to the 14.04 (T) lts-hwe kernel when that releases18:21
* rtg -> lunch18:21
shnatselbjf: oh, good to know. Thanks!18:21
shnatselFinal question: bug 1034099 is a stable release regression that leads to a kernel panic, but it's been unattended for some time. Happens in Precise and Quantal. Is there anything I can do to help get it fixed?18:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 1034099 in ulatencyd (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic with ulatencyd on kernel 3.2.0-29-generic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103409918:22
shnatselI'm not a 1337 haxx0r myself, just a script kitty and an architect for an Ubuntu-derived distro18:23
bjfshnatsel, all i can tell you at this point is it will need further investigation and probably some bisect work to see if we can find the regression18:25
shnatselso bisecting the exact patch should help?18:25
bjfshnatsel, absolutely18:25
shnatselthe bug appeared after an update and there were 3 or 4 patches in it; getting someone to bisect it shouldn't be too hard :)18:26
bjfshnatsel, there are 109 commits between 3.2.0-28.45 and 3.2.0-29.4618:30
shnatselI see the debian changelog wasn't that precise18:30
shnatselwhere can I find that branch?18:30
shnatselalso, is "debuild" enough for building the packages? or should I use something else?18:31
bjfshnatsel, i'm looking at the git repo at: git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-precise.git18:33
bjfshnatsel, these are the instructions i normally point folks at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel 18:35
shnatselbjf: thanks! I'll try to get somebody on bisecting it :)18:36
bjfshnatsel, debuild does alsow work :-)18:37
shnatselbjf: is there a way to list all the commits between those two tags, for ease of bisecting?18:55
shnatselI can't obtain it (I'm a noob at git)18:55
bjfshnatsel, have you ever used git to help do a bisect?18:55
bjfjsalisbury, can I hand this off to you ? ^18:56
bjfshnatsel, we have a wiki page that will help18:56
shnatseloh, great!18:56
jsalisburybjf, sure18:56
shnatseland I'm instructing another person instead of doing it myself, so I'll invite them here18:56
jsalisburyshnatsel, I can perform the bisect for you, and post test kernels.18:56
jsalisburyshnatsel, is this for bug 1034099 ?18:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1034099 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic with ulatencyd on kernel 3.2.0-29-generic" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103409918:58
bjfjsalisbury, between 3.2.0-28.45 and 3.2.0-29.4618:58
jsalisburybjf, ack18:58
shnatseljsalisbury: to clarify, I have no skills to fix the bug, I just tried to help getting it fixed by bisecting the exact commit that causes the regression. But that'd be great anyway :)18:59
jsalisburyshnatsel, I'd be more than happy to do the bisect.  I'll start a bisect between  3.2.0-28.45 and 3.2.0-29.46 and post a link to a test kernel in bug 103409919:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1034099 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic with ulatencyd on kernel 3.2.0-29-generic" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103409919:00
shnatseljsalisbury: oh, that'd be great! Thanks a lot!19:00
jsalisburyshnatsel, np.  It sounds like this is pretty easy to reproduce.  It just requires ulatencyd installed on Precise?19:01
shnatseljsalisbury: yes. The kernel panics on every boot.19:02
shnatselIn Quantal, too19:02
shnatseland in Precise19:02
shnatselI have no data about Raring yet19:02
jsalisburyshnatsel, ok.  Let me see if I can also reproduce it.  If I can, that will greatly speed up the bisect process.19:03
shnatselIt should be easily reproducible. It was the most reported bug in our distro, ever :)19:08
shnatselAll the machines I've seen were bricked by this update.19:08
* henrix -> EOD19:11
jsalisburyshnatsel, I'll try to reproduce the bug.  If I can, I'll perform a bisect to find the bad commit.  If I can't reproduce the bug, I'll post an update the bug and ask for help testing.19:15
shnatseljsalisbury: thanks!19:16
shnatselI've found the wiki page on bisecting and arranged bisecting with a guy who experiences it, just in case19:16
jsalisburyshnatsel, great, thanks.19:17
=== ayan_ is now known as ayan
* apw calls it a day ... no ... more ... config ... review19:56
rtghallyn, did you ever get any traction on your patch at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1065589/comments/15 ?19:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1065589 in lxc (Ubuntu) ""initctl list" shows 11974 instances of network-interface-security after two days of uptime" [Medium,Triaged]19:58
rtgbjf, linux-generic-lts-quantal20:06
rtgherton, do you think bc78c57388e7f447f58e30d60b1505ddaaaf3a7d is a candidate for stable? 3.2+20:27
hertonrtg, looking20:29
=== henrix is now known as henrix_
hertonrtg, yeah, looks something that can go in 3.220:32
rtgherton, looks like it applied to all stables through 3.620:32
hertonrtg, hmm, can't find it here applied on other stables20:34
rtgI meant to say that it _should_ be applied to other stables as well20:35
* rtg has had enough fun for one day20:38
hallynrtg: hm, no, it got an ack from dlezcano, and died there20:55
hallynrtgso an ack from Eric and Daniel - I'll resend with those20:57
bjfbryce, i just pinged sconklin about the video switch gadget he developed and he's indicating that he'll send one to you21:22
sconklinbryce: I just pulled one (the last assembled one) and I'll have it out to you ASAP21:23
brycesconklin, bjf oh great, thanks!21:55
strcrzy_does anyone know of issues with SSDs and I/O errors on 3.2.0?22:26
strcrzy_we just upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04.1 and now about 10 of our 50 machines started vomiting up disk I/O errors22:29
argesstrcrzy_, I would recommend filing a bug, so we can see logs and what error messages there are22:40
infinityhenrix_: Another shankbot request.  Currently, I think 'promote-to-security' keys off of jjo's 'security-signoff', but for rebase/derivative/community kernels, I'd like this to also intersect with "is/was the master being/been promoted to security?"23:29
infinityhenrix_: (Security team already gave me the go-ahead to promote derivative kernels that cover CVEs, but it's a bit of a pain to manually cross-reference every time).23:30
hertoninfinity, ok, me or henrix_ will do23:35

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