
pleia2yay, summaries are done \o/03:38
* pleia2 editor mode copy2wiki03:38
Unit193URL when you're ready. :)03:40
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: please, check the xubuntu faq and 10 reasons article comments I made03:51
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: I saw, thank you :)03:51
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: remeber to add your name to the credits if you wish to be included04:37
JoseeAntonioRyep, not this time as it's a simple fix :)04:37
pleia2ok :) thanks for those, I ended up using them04:38
JoseeAntonioRsure :)04:38
pleia2still copying stuff over and need to do stats, but I have some house things to do (such a busy weekend), I'll get them done some time tonight :)04:53
pleia2Unit193: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue29406:25
pleia2sent off to editors06:27
dholbachgood morning07:52
Unit193Seems good for now.18:45
pleia2thank you18:45
TheLordOfTimeAccording to micahg, who owns the Bug Squad meeting event, bugsquad doesn't have its own meetings, and may have merged with a different group's meetings.  Accordingly, the event on the 11th for the Bug Squad meeting isn't needed (refer to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/12/03/%23ubuntu-bugs.html for logs of this brief discussion, around 18:45 on the logs)20:02
TheLordOfTimeanyway the fridge calendar managers are able to remove that event?20:03
TheLordOfTime(apparently micahg misplaced the credentials for the account that "owns" the event)20:03
pleia2done, thanks20:04
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue29422:05
HarryLweberevening from europe @ pleia222:11
pleia2good afternoon from california :)22:12
* Unit193 makes a random Hotel California comment here, and that links still pass.22:13
pleia2hooray, I didn't break anything since this morning \o/22:13
Unit193Nah, links break over time.22:15
zhiattagscan anyone here teach me how to run .exe files on my ubuntu 12.04?22:47
pleia2zhiattags: some .exe files work, you have to try the application called "wine" but you really want to ask this kind of question in #ubuntu (this channel is for Ubuntu News discussions, not support)22:48
zhiattagsthanks pleia222:49

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