
krabadorhi people, i need help to install nvidia-173 on ubuntu 12.1001:15
diploMorning all09:05
czajkowskiBigRedS: hey hows things?09:12
mungojerrydoes anyone use ubuntu one on android for uploading pictures they take? seems to disable itself a lot.09:13
czajkowskimungojerry: I do09:13
mungojerrydo you have that problem often?09:13
czajkowskinot had an isue tbh.09:13
czajkowskiI get the odd fail image but then I retry an it's fine09:13
mungojerryevery time i check, it asked me to login09:13
czajkowskiusually due to me forgetting I've left a wifi location and not have my mobile data on09:13
czajkowskimungojerry: ahh that's an issue I used to have one but couldnt replicate it to log the bug09:14
czajkowskithe nice folks in #ubuntuone will help though09:14
mungojerrythx will give them a try later09:14
popeymungojerry, u1 files crashes regularly for me09:19
popeybut I suspect it's not the same issue as you, given I'm running it on iOS09:20
JamesTaitGood morning, Angels! :-D09:34
christelmorning <309:35
christelczajkowski: hows hampshire treating you09:35
czajkowskichristel: back in london09:35
czajkowskihoping to head down later if I feel human, have awful head cold09:35
czajkowskiwe got back late last night from guildford09:35
* christel hugs czajkowski 09:35
jacobw2morning ubunteros09:41
BigRedSczajkowski: good, bit busy especiallyt for this time of morning. you?09:43
czajkowskiBigRedS: busy alright, only me on for my tz atm so it's interesting :)09:43
czajkowskijacobw2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/27282609:43
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 272826 in Ubuntu Website ""Ubuntero" inappropriate for female contributors" [Medium,Fix released]09:43
czajkowskiBigRedS: how goes the move?09:47
czajkowskichristel: never fear I'll be down soon! then you won't be able to get rid of me09:47
czajkowskichristel: shall be gone from the 12th till end of december though :)09:48
BigRedSczajkowski: I think09:49
BigRedSI've a flat for a few months from about february09:49
christelczajkowski: tsK! we should meet up before then09:52
jacobw2BigRedS: \o/09:56
BigRedSyeah, should be good09:56
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brobostigongood morning everyone.10:46
dwatkinshiya brobostigon10:49
dwatkinsI hope we were able to help out the person wanting to install MineTest yesterday10:49
brobostigonhiya dwatkins10:49
brobostigondwatkins: no sure, i was trying to get the server end working properly, and didnt properly. so went to bed, and tackling it again as we speak.10:50
davmor2Morning all11:07
pnick PeteB11:20
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=== Guest67691 is now known as PeteB
selinuxiummorning all   o/11:40
selinuxiumHey BigRedS! You back in metro central?11:40
bigcalmMorning slackers :)11:41
davmor2bigcalm: why are you a slacker11:42
selinuxiumbigcalm, I think you just admitted to joining in...11:42
TheOpenSourcererGood news! Wifey's car just passed MoT with nothing wrong! We were expecting a big bill... £39 is fine and dandy by me.11:44
TheOpenSourcererMorning all btw11:44
selinuxiumGood morning TheOpenSourcerer11:44
diploI had the same luck with mine TheOpenSourcerer11:45
wayne__hi all, anybody here help me with a problem with mythtv?11:45
diploWas expecting a huge bill and they said it passed, my response was 'really?'11:45
BigRedSselinuxium: nah, back in marchish I think11:45
TheOpenSourcererWho watched England trounce the All Blacks on Saturday? What a fantastic game.11:45
czajkowskiwayne__: just ask and if folks cna help they will11:45
selinuxiumTheOpenSourcerer, Sadly I missed it.. But was having a lovely day with my daughter...11:46
TheOpenSourcererczajkowski: Went to Farnham RFC this Sat to watch the big match.11:46
selinuxiumI was at Twickenham for the SA game#11:46
wayne__Anybody seen this error message in mythtv "Cold not connect to the master backend server, Is it running? Is the ip address set for it in myth-setup correct?"11:47
selinuxiumTheOpenSourcerer, Corporate box, Champagne breakfast... Free Guinness all day...11:47
TheOpenSourcererWow. That's great selinuxium - work?11:47
popeymorning TheOpenSourcerer11:48
TheOpenSourcererlo popey11:48
selinuxiumTheOpenSourcerer, yup... Well. a supplier helping to reward our loyalty..11:48
TheOpenSourcererHow was your glazed pork?11:48
directhexwayne__, it's a pretty common error in myth11:49
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: selinuxium https://twitter.com/RugBizNetwork11:49
wayne__directhex: any clues on how i sort it? the back & front end are on the same box11:50
TheOpenSourcererczajkowski: Thanks for that. Duly followed.11:50
selinuxiumczajkowski, likewise11:51
TheOpenSourcererWish I'd have had a bet on England. Odds were 16:1 before the game. (But I don't really gamble so it would have been unlikely for me to bet at all)11:52
selinuxiumAnybody here use munin?11:55
dwatkinsselinuxium: me11:55
popeyTheOpenSourcerer, pretty good, still some left over for sarnies11:55
selinuxiumdwatkins, when you do a ps aux|grep munin do you only see the munin-node11:56
TheOpenSourcererI have chicken Jalfrezi for lunch11:56
selinuxiumThe lunch of champions!11:56
dwatkinsselinuxium: yeah, the other processes run via cron, I think11:56
bigcalmdavmor2: selinuxium: I'm as much a slacker as the next irc user ;)12:02
dwatkinsI'm a complete slacker today, thanks to having the week off and having an annoying cold still.12:05
brianbhi having problems with 12.10 live cd will boot but crashes with all lines on screen is there any work round with boot commands?12:32
dwatkinsWhat kind of graphics card do you have in the machine, brianb?12:40
brianbits a old laptop12:41
brianb12.04 works ok12:41
dwatkinsperhaps the gfx card is no longer supported, is it on the hardware compatability list?12:42
brianbi dont know12:42
brianbis there any boot commands i can try12:42
dwatkinsI'm not sure, did you try the alternative CD as well? That has additional drivers.12:46
brianbwhat is the alternative cd?12:46
dwatkinsoh, I appear to have mis-typed - that disc has been discontinued, sorry12:47
brianbso does 12.1 contain limited drivers then?12:47
dwatkinsis there an option to boot into text mode?12:47
dwatkinsthen at least you can find out (with 'lspci' or 'lspci -v') what kind of graphics card you have.12:48
brianbi have 12.1 DVD from linux format and ubuntu users12:48
brianbthere is none on the dvd supplied by ubuntu users12:49
brianbbut can edit the boot line on the linux format version of ubuntu 12.112:49
AlanBellwhat laptop?12:49
dwatkinsI assume that's 12.10, not that there's any mathematical difference ;)12:49
davmor2dwatkins: the live and alternate cds both contain the same drivers.12:50
dwatkinsdavmor2: ah ok, I was wrong to begin with12:50
brianbits may old laptop that we lookes at the other night re the adobe flash player AlanBell12:51
dwatkinshttps://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/installation-guide/i386/hardware-supported.html might help, but we'd probably need to know the model of laptop and/or card12:51
AlanBellok, so that is the one with the S3 unichrome graphics12:52
brianbyes Alan12:53
AlanBellso 12.10 is going to want it to do 3d compositing12:55
AlanBell12.04 with unity 2d might have worked fine, but in 12.10 it will probably expose all the bugs12:55
brianbok so 12.04 will be the last ubuntu version that will work with this old laptop then13:01
AlanBellcould be13:02
AlanBellthat means it will get updates until 201713:02
brianbso is there a major difference between version 12.04 & 12.1?13:07
brianbsorry 12.113:07
AlanBell.10 being October, .04 being April13:10
AlanBellhardly any difference at all between 12.04 and 12.1013:10
bigcalmMore bugs? ;)13:11
AlanBellfewer unity bugs13:11
brianbi will try ubuntu 12.1 on a more modern laptop with a dual core i5 and HD display13:13
directhex12.10 supports UEFI secure boot, and has a newer infrastructure for online accounts. those are the big ones i noticed13:14
brianbthat laptop is 2 years old13:14
brianbso that should rule out memory and the graphics capabilities13:15
dw4tkinsWhat model is it, brianb?13:15
brianbits a MSI laptop13:15
dw4tkinsdo you have the exact model number?13:16
brianbgot a large dsplay13:16
brianbCR 72013:17
brianbmodel nr ms-173613:18
selinuxiumHmmm... just found an old Jaunty install... You can't do a do-release-upgrade from Jaunty to Lucid..13:19
selinuxiumWhat would the best way forward be?13:19
brianbthe sound will be an issue on this laptop13:19
dw4tkinshttp://www.msiwhitebook.com/product_spec.asp?model=MS-1736-ID1 - doesn't seem to have any particularly outlandish hardware13:20
AlanBellselinuxium: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:20
selinuxiumCheeers AlanBell13:20
brianbso in all accounts 12.1 should work on this msi laptop\?13:22
dw4tkinsbrianb: without knowing the specific details of the chip used in the graphics card, I can't really say13:23
dw4tkinsI guess if you can find out what it has and check the hardware compatability list for 12.04 and 12.10, you might know more13:24
brianbok fair enough i will try 12.1 in a live mode and see if i can get it to work13:24
AlanBellbrianb: 12.10 will work just fine on that core i5 laptop13:24
AlanBellit has intel graphics which just work13:25
brianbok thanks13:25
selinuxiumAlanBell, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Jaunty doesn't work and also, doesn't look right..13:30
AlanBellselinuxium: clean install of Raring? (or Quantal if not feeling brave)13:31
selinuxiumAlanBell, sorry... what I am getting at is the instructions say to use a jaunty sources.list doing so would change nothing... or am I completely off track?13:32
AlanBellerm, I think the instructions are right, changing it to old-releases but leaving it pointing to Jaunty, then doing the upgrade which will change them13:34
selinuxiumnope... it still tries to change the jaunty to lucid...13:35
AlanBellhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/34430/can-i-skip-over-releases/135028#135028 you did that bit?13:37
AlanBelltweaking the meta-release file?13:38
AlanBellmaking a hacked downloadable meta-release file13:38
AlanBellyou don't have to do that on your local host, you could point it at the file somewhere else13:39
selinuxiumAlanBell, Suffering with blindness it seems...13:50
selinuxiumAlanBell, all sorted and learnt a little more about how apt works.. :)13:50
=== d0m is now known as dw4tkins
brianbAlan Ball i understand that according to the ubuntu user that ubuntu tv seeks volunteers14:25
bigcalmpopey: any worries that Twitter will accuse you of running a fake-pope account? ;)14:27
AlanBellbigcalm: I think popey has a stronger claim to reality14:28
bigcalmAlanBell: Haha14:28
popeywell i missed a trick given my company name is pontifex14:28
popeyshould have registered that twitter account14:28
AlanBellyeah, I was surprised you didn't have it14:28
brianball paths and links lead to the Vatican14:28
davmor2AlanBell: put the computer down move away from the keyboard slowly, Don't forget I'm not down south now to fix your messes ;)14:28
popeynever needed it14:28
AlanBellI am sure you could have traded it for a couple of michelangelos14:28
brianbAlanBell did you see my comment re the ubuntu tv?14:29
AlanBell!tab | brianb14:30
lubotu3brianb: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:30
AlanBellnope :)14:30
AlanBellthey probably are looking for volunteers, dunno what for though14:31
=== aquarius_ is now known as aquarius
brianbthe three areas quoted are 1 re-creating the TV user interface using Nux toolkit14:32
brianb2 integrating Myth TV back end into the TV UI14:33
directhexanother new toolkit!14:34
AlanBelloh, they settled on mythtv now, interesting14:34
brianb3. Researching and finalizing the hardware and acceleration of GStreamer video sinks for NVidia, Intel and AMD graphics cards14:35
AlanBellwhy on earth would they want to support all those?14:35
brianbthats according to the artical in the latest ubuntu user14:35
directhexthey should clearly outsource their gstreamer hacking to a company with expertise in it14:37
brianbthe link is for more info on the ununtu tv project14:37
AlanBelldoes this mean canonical have given up on it as a commercial project pitched to OEMs?14:38
brianbso is the TV  irc channel related to the community work they are talking about?14:38
davmor2popey: can you answer a question using more than one word?14:39
AlanBellbrianb: I kind of stopped following that project some time ago, I knew they were rewriting some unity 2d bits in 3d (that is the NUX stuff)14:39
AlanBellI was expecting it to end up on an ARM platform with a pandaboard as reference hardware or something14:40
brianbonly allowed 140 chr per tweet to the hash tag popey at Vatican14:40
davmor2popey: Classy answer :)14:41
brianbso what direction is ubuntu TV going in?14:42
popeyAlanBell, it makes more sense to make it possible to run it on stuff people actually have14:42
brianbit would seem that ubuntu TV is try to go down the road of apple TV etc from what i understand from the article14:43
AlanBellit does, I think it is a good idea, it just surprises me14:43
popeymuch easier to hack on a desktop/laptop where we know the core works14:43
einonmI've not followed the ubuntuTV project that closely, but they do seem to suffer from a lack of a hardware platform14:43
popeywe have other plans for arm (e.g. n7)14:43
popeyso it's not like arm dev is unloved14:44
AlanBellyeah, I was just expecting TV to be built towards a settop box or internal board in a telly, at the expense of everything else14:45
popeybut we don't have anything to put _in_ that device yet14:45
AlanBellif it is a generic mythtv front end then that is quite interesting14:45
einonmAlanBell: are there actually any HW engineers on the team to do that?14:45
popeywe don't make hardware14:45
einonmpopey: yes, but in the TV world, you're up against others with dedicated hardware, which is cheaper and more suited to the task. If you're going to enter that market, you have to play by the rules14:46
einonm..or team up with someone that does14:47
popeyi didn't say we wouldn't14:47
popeyjust that we don't make the hardware14:47
popeythat's not new news :)14:47
einonmis there any public knowledge about who you're teaming up with, if anyone? :o)14:48
brianbwhat would be good is to have an open source version like the BBC iplayer which allows various content to be accessed over the net in a format that allows to catch up but Digital Rights issues could be a problem14:49
brianbwell it wont be apple for sure14:50
brianbwhat about Sony?14:50
einonmbrianb: It's a nice idea, but I think there doesn't exist any content owners who would give up free access to the content.14:50
einonmSony own their own content, hardware and distro channels.14:50
einonmsame as sky14:50
brianbnot without having some payperview14:50
popeyeinonm, not that I know of14:51
brianbwell if you take the BBC radio player app - it does allow you to select commerical as well as BBC radio content14:52
einonmpopey: Fair enough. its not the sort of info that gets shared easily, even if there were some14:52
dwatkinsis the iPlayer app open source?14:52
dwatkinsdidn't think so14:52
brianbits brilliant technology14:53
brianbi watch all my tv viewing on the iplayer app on my apple tablet14:54
mungojerryanyone try using 40d?14:54
brianbits so slective14:54
mungojerrywife says that some shows don't work at all14:54
mungojerrywatch 7 adverts then no programme e.g. freshmeat series 214:54
dwatkinsmy only issue with iPlayer is that a week is sometimes not long enough to watch a show, other than that it's superb.14:54
brianbi can select what i want to watch and when up to seven days also can now download for up to a month14:55
dwatkinsah ok, that at least makes the retention time less of an issue, brianb14:55
brianbthat download feature is avaible on the iplayer app on the apple14:56
brianbi dont know if its available on the pc version14:56
directhexi await tvii, personally14:56
dwatkinsbrianb: it is, my mum uses it as they have a slow internet connection14:56
directhexthe wiiu's software is hopelessly unfinished, but tvii has enormous promise14:57
brianbthe BBC iplayer is one of the best things the BBC has developed in the last 20 years14:57
popeymungojerry, i have seen that happen too, when I was in copenhagen14:57
mungojerrypopey, i've tried on multiple machines14:58
brianbthe itv and CH4 player is not so good14:58
popeymungojerry, a friend of mine works for the company and said it is a known issue depending on which content delivery network the load balancer sends you to14:58
mungojerrythe adverts always work, strange that14:58
popeythey come from a different network14:58
mungojerryseries 1 always works too14:58
mungojerryso it's nothign client side14:59
mungojerryi should try on my work pc14:59
mgdmanyone played with a YouView yet, out of interest?14:59
popeyyup, as I said, backend issue14:59
mungojerryshame there's nothing like iplayer_dl for 4od14:59
popeyyeah, its a shame the guy who made get_iplayer ripped out all the itv and 4od stuff14:59
mungojerrymaybe they will all work after chrimstas15:01
mungojerrywhen everyone has bought dvds15:01
einonmmdgm: YouView is basically freeview with a backwards EPG for the iplayer stuff.15:01
popeypeople _buy_ dvds?15:01
mungojerrywhat's the other option?15:01
directhexpaupers without 3d blu-rays do15:01
mgdmeinonm: I know exactly what it is, I helped write an app for it15:01
* AlanBell sticks to VHS15:01
einonmmgdm: cool :)15:02
directhexyouview smells like a rebadged bt vision15:02
popeyi adopted a policy from a friend15:02
mungojerryno physical media inhouse?15:02
popey"If I'm not going to watch this DVD more than 3 times in my life, I won't buy it"15:02
directhexand bt vision was pointless since it doesn't help with bad freeview reception issues15:02
popeyI rarely buy them anymore15:02
mgdmdirecthex: quite the opposite; BT Vision are taking on YouView instead of their old platform15:02
mungojerryi adopted another policy : keep wife happy, have a happy household15:02
directhexmgdm, can i use youview over pure iptv, with no antenna plugged in?15:02
mungojerryi never watch a film more than once, except for french ones and star wars and indiana jones15:03
mgdmwell, you *can*, but all you'll get is the catchup players15:03
mungojerryhence i don't buy the cds15:03
directhexthen i don't see the point15:03
dauberspopey: I buy DVD's instead of going to the cinema for most things15:03
daubers(Normally when they're <£5)15:03
directhexi already have video on demand, via lovefilm or the xbox and playstation video stores15:03
directhexi already have poor freeview reception15:03
directhexand i can even do recording if i plug na usb disk into my tv15:04
directhexso youview gains me nothing15:04
* TheOpenSourcerer loves the iPlayer built into his Samsung TV. Watched "The Killing 5 & 6" last night.15:05
directhexTheOpenSourcerer, yeah, we use that all the time..... but i'm excited for tvii15:05
popeyyeah, we use iplayer on the virgin box all the time15:06
popeyand ipad in bed15:06
brianbi can see eventually the normal method of tv delivery of off-air reception using tv transmission system becoming a thing of the past with high speed internet access and 4 or 5G mobile phones15:07
brianbTV has become more portable with tablets and phones15:07
TheOpenSourcererConsidering we are still on crappy old ADSL 2 (~3.5Mb) iPlayer works amazingly well. Two hours last night, no buffering whatsoever. (Not in HD though).15:08
directhexi wish streaming services did really really HD HD.15:08
directhexe.g. iPlayer HD is super low bitrate15:08
directhexcompared to optical media15:08
directhexi hate macroblocking15:08
einonmbrianb: the difference between IPTV and broadcast is that the current broadcast methods are extremely reliable, and IPTV is not as good. So I don't see cable/terrestrial/satellite TV going just yet15:09
brianbthe only possible proble is if tthe isp's adopt a 2-tire internet making users like the BBC pay to stream their content and if the dont pay they will slow down the delivery15:09
brianbgranted but the cost to broadcasters to maintane a terrestrial are high compared to IPTV15:10
directhexthe precious airwaves could be used for more overpriced mobile internet packages!15:11
brianbim talking in about 20 years time15:11
einonm..but they control the delivery system, and can charge what they like for it. Not so with the internet15:11
brianbwell there is talk about a 5G network using existing TV frequencies that will mean all freeview and HD version changing frequency and another retuning if and when 5G gets rolled out15:13
popeyalso, i want all my systems to have remotes like my xbmc one ripped from a boxee15:13
davmor2popey: you should see the one that came with one of tescos tv's15:14
brianbthe ISP control the flow of the internet so they can charge whatever they like15:14
czajkowskidoes anyone remember the name of the person who did the presentation at UDS about the bug stats?15:14
einonm..but ISPs  don't own content. They can't profit from buying content from others.15:15
davmor2popey: it doesn't show the remote but the description gives a clue http://www.tesco.com/direct/technika-22-212i-22-inch-widescreen-hd-ready-smart-lcd-tv-dvd-combi-with-freeview/213-9399.prd?pageLevel=&skuId=213-939915:16
brianbif BT wanted to say push there IPTV then they only have to create a 2-tier system imposing a Charge on the BBC that could have a major impact for the iplayer15:16
brianbcontent is owned by the broadcasters15:16
popeyi just repeatedly failed to type qwerty successfully :S15:17
directhexnet neutrality!15:17
brianbthats the issue15:17
einonm...broadcasters that already have their own delivery systems, like sky. They would just price their offering cheaper.15:17
brianbthere delivery system is via satellite15:18
einonmmind you, I think whatever myspace is called there days is giving IPTV only delivery a good go.15:18
einonmthere = these15:18
brianband what happened to the satellite version of the internet?15:18
mgdmit's still there, it's just expensive and latent15:19
directhexsatellite internet works fine*15:19
directhex(* high bandwidth, high latency, high cost)15:19
brianbanyway im sure the government with eventual have their say on the internet15:20
directhexit's pretty much one way, so you send data over dialup, and receive it over satellite, both of which are high latency links15:20
diploMy dad up until recently had to send his drawings to navy ships out at sea, they use a type of Satelite system but dad said it was really slow15:21
brianband very costly i bet they charge on bandwith uasge15:21
AlanBellwell there is a big difference between latency and speed15:22
brianbthousands of pounds per kb15:22
einonmI would guess that navy ships would use their own military satellites for that sort of thing?15:22
diploI think they preffered faxes at the time, was a few years ago I guess15:22
diploeinonm: Yeah they do, still not fast though15:23
brianbits very costly15:23
brianband slow15:23
brianbthats why they are going back to HF comms using a digital version15:23
shaunosats are a whole lot cheaper than you'd think.  but a whole lot more expensive than we're used to.  20USD/MB isn't unreasonable, and then gets cheaper the more you commit to15:25
brianbnot for the navy15:26
directhexAlanBell, indeed. can't beat the bandwidth of a lorry filled with mag tapes!15:29
brianbcan you still get VHS tapes?15:29
einonmdirecthex: not even by IP over carrier pigeons? :)15:31
brianbwell in 5 years time we have roll up TV screens, flexable electronics made from graphine transistors and chips15:31
directhexeinonm, oh, that's something someone tested once15:32
einonmyes, didn't the pigeons win?15:32
brianbwell they could not deciper that WW2 message from the remains of the carrier pigeon15:33
mungojerrythere's a reason for that15:34
mungojerrywithout the one-time pad, it's meaningless15:34
einonmwow, faster and more secure - homing pigeons FTW15:34
brianbi think they are looking for another Alen turning15:35
brianbso all the super computer at there disposal and they could not crack that message15:36
mungojerrywell it's the same as me agreeing with you and you only what the message "chips egg walrus monkey" means15:37
einonmHow much does bird seed cost compared to BT line rental these days?15:38
shaunoI'm not sure cost is the only consideration.  seed is also vendor agnostic, reducing single points of failure15:40
brianbwell its probably a magical mystery   tour - i am the walrus15:40
einonmplus contention on the medium might get a bit messy15:43
brianbgiven that bird seed is quite cheap and each type of seed has different kernel shapes then the data encryption per seed husk kernel would yeild a high rate15:43
brianbhence reducing single point failure due to high redundancy15:44
brianbanyway what does ubuntu 13.04 have to offer15:46
brianbsee that some stuff is going to be secret15:47
popeywell, one less thing is secret now :) http://voices.canonical.com/jussi.pakkanen/2012/12/03/introducing-libcolumbus-a-fast-online-approximate-matching-library/15:48
brianbwhats that popey?15:50
popeyits a blog post15:50
brianbi cant open it at present15:50
brianbso what the community views on this secrecy ny ubuntu?15:51
brianbis ubuntu trying to become another apple or MS?15:53
popeywhat secrecy are you talking about?15:53
brianbaccording to an article only certain developers of the ubuntu community will be privy to some new projects15:55
popeythats nothing new15:56
brianbas it always been like that then?15:56
popeyits the same for many projects in many companies15:56
popeydevelopers do some work to prove a concept is sound, or rough out a basic app/library, then announce it15:57
popeyits private till it's announced15:57
popeywhat's changed is that mark shuttleworth suggested that it might be a good idea for certain trusted developers in the community to be involved in some of these new projects early on16:01
popeywhich was interpreted as "we're doing loads more secret stuff you can't see"16:02
popeywhen it actually meant "we'd like more people to see the secret stuff"16:02
SuperMattI never understood how it was interpreted like that16:02
popeypeople are dumb16:02
popeyand mark wrote his post in a hurry16:02
SuperMattI read it, seemed a little confused, and then read it again16:02
SuperMatton second read, it was perfectly clear16:02
SuperMattanyone who only reads a source once doesn't deserve to be a journalist16:03
brianbi thought that maybe with the various comments over the new dash desktop that appeared in version 11 onwards that maybe this is the reason why a more secretively approach has been adopted16:03
SuperMattand any editor that published it without reading the source doesn't deserve to be an editor16:03
popeypart of the secrecy is the "big reveal"16:03
brianbI can understand that Canonical the company will want to keep the wraps on certain stuff that has a high commercial valve16:06
BigRedSwell, and you normally wait until something works before 'open sourcing' it anyway16:07
brianbwhat surprises me is the very large number of IRC channels that ubuntu have compared to other distros16:08
mungojerryproportional to community size16:10
dogmatic69ye, was just going to say its because its much bigger than most distros16:10
brianbso must be a big community then16:12
* BigRedS is clearly too simple for Impress16:19
BigRedSI think I'm going to use MS Paint for this...16:19
mungojerryhas anyone made a handouts for a talk, instead of presentation slides, and would like to share the design?16:19
mungojerrywant something that looks really nice16:20
mungojerryfor powerpoint style handout16:20
czajkowskimungojerry: looked at spread ubuntu16:20
mungojerryczajkowski, i mean any talk  - i have to do a talk at work and they said no projector, handout only,16:21
mungojerryand i wondered if there's anything that can really wow16:21
czajkowskimungojerry: yes there are leaflets on there16:22
popeymungojerry, scribus has some templates16:22
bokjhvHi Guys .. Just Feelin AWESOME atmo.  !!16:22
BigRedSmungojerry: I'd guess it depends on the nature of the talk, really16:22
popeymaybe a 3 fold type thing?16:22
mungojerryi thinking 5 pages, 5 lines on each page, text heavy bit like an average ppt talk. no graphics16:23
AlanBellmungojerry: does powerpoint have a layout for handouts that Impress doesn't?16:23
* AlanBell hasn't really used powerpoint after office 200016:23
mungojerrywell when i print them, it looks so bad16:23
bokjhvpopey, I wondered where you got that post for OTEN earlier .. Qu.1 , Where ? Qu.2 Posted it before ?16:23
popeymaybe you could be cunning, just give out pieces of paper containing QR codes :)16:24
mungojerrywondering if thre's a really cool design for text heavy handouts i could use16:24
popeybokjhv, hmm?16:24
mungojerrymaybe latex :P16:24
bokjhvOTEN .. your google plus youtube video post .. crowdfunded project ?16:24
popeyjust an a4 page with a giant QR code on for each person, unique to each participant which takes them to a URL where your ppt is :)16:25
AlanBellbokjhv: scam/joke by the look of it16:25
popeybokjhv, http://www.otonx.com/ is where I saw it16:25
bokjhvyeah , but was it posted on a website .. or did you just trip over it on youtube ??16:25
bokjhvoh Ok16:25
popeyhah, they've disabled comments on yt now16:25
popeybokjhv, can't remember, why?16:26
bokjhvAlanBell, Did you get some coins for petty cash from IoM recently ?16:26
AlanBelloh, they are claiming it is Ubuntu based16:26
AlanBellbokjhv: no :( I got an envelope this morning with a nice note in it and a £1 sized cut in the corner, some postie gave themselves a tip16:26
AlanBellbut never mind16:27
bokjhvdamn .. I'll send a fiver in a cash bag next time .. poo.16:27
bokjhv£5 note obviuosly ;)16:28
bokjhvI think we have stirling out of the hole in the wall next to the Terminal16:28
AlanBellgosh, princess Katie has a bun in the oven16:29
bokjhvTerminal being the sea Terminal not a hacking scam .. although it's where most of my hackathon trips have begun ;)16:29
bokjhvMust resist lookinf=g at Alan's gnewsense tree webcam ,... must resist.16:30
bokjhvAlanBell, The LUG in IoM has been called off till March-ist next year .. due to peiople basicaly being not bothereed to make the trip to Douglas on Saturday ;(16:32
bokjhvSadition abounds .16:33
BigRedSoooh. google docs seems idiot-proof16:33
BigRedSbut no export-to-free16:33
popeybokjhv, how far is it for people to travel?16:34
bokjhv5 miles usu.16:34
popeyif I go to my local lug meet in southampton it's 50 miles each way16:34
AlanBellBigRedS: download as -> odt/odp/ods16:34
popeyluckily they often have them nearer16:34
bokjhvGeography goes nuts here a trip to the other side of Town is like going to the dark side of the moon. strange really.16:34
BigRedSAlanBell: doesn't seem to do that. Does do PDF, though, which is good enough16:34
BigRedSI've no need to edit the downloaded file16:35
BigRedSin fact, it's probably best that I can't :)16:35
AlanBellooh, there isn't .odp16:35
bokjhvAnyway I had a new project wikimapia .. until I saw it was closed source .. poo.16:36
bokjhvFound a new crowd-funding website though .. https://fundrise.com/offerings/1/view  looks legit ..16:39
bokjhvShame it's all one investment company though...16:39
* bokjhv :note to self .. must stop sucking on the Americae crowdfunding pipe ^_^ 16:41
=== p is now known as PeteB
bokjhvFinally got the LEET a/c on my w$ndows sys.(sic) http://goo.gl/G6Eva16:53
TheOpenSourcererhow cool is this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1GkYT_CSH816:58
czajkowskiFor the train fans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrhslXjN5xE17:07
bokjhvToys .. here's my wishlist for chrimbo .. http://goo.gl/2dYk417:08
BigRedSw$ndows? That's a new one on me17:12
bokjhvOfcourse ' Amazon Web serv$ces ' follows closely behind.17:24
czajkowskibokjhv: you could just spell the words correctly :) it looks a bit petty17:27
BigRedSIt's just that "Windows" has an S in it already17:35
mgdmI have to say I've not seen someone call Microsoft 'Micro$oft' for a number of years17:36
mgdmeither I dno't read the right websites/mailing lists any more, or people have grown up17:36
BigRedSyeah, I guess MS are less 'everywhere' too, now17:36
mgdmor maybe Apple and Google are the new evil ;-)17:36
MartijnVdSnah just Apple17:36
BigRedSyeah, I think the trick is to have a company name that you can't easily insert a currency symbol into17:36
MartijnVdSAppl€ ?17:38
dwatkinsSo one with letters in?17:40
jacobw2Use an upside down Yen sign to the be A17:40
jacobw2I'm also quite glad we've progressed from 'M$' et al17:41
MartijnVdS¤ for "o"17:42
BigRedSyeah, but it needs to be immediately recognisable as a currency symbol rather than just an encoding bug17:42
shaunoI just name companies after their stock tickers.  a bit more subtle, a bit less childish17:44
bokjhvȺPPLE ?17:44
bokjhvДPPLE ?17:45
bokjhvOR Ѧpple If you're Jewish ... ..17:45
MartijnVdSIsn't the Israeli currency pronounced "Shackle"? ;)17:46
mohawkhello? Cans eomeon help me?17:48
MartijnVdSIt hinkw ecan!17:49
penguin42mohawk: State the nature of the help required17:49
mohawkI have a dual boot ubuntu and windows pc17:49
MartijnVdSpenguin42: You're The Doctor? :)17:49
mohawki want to make it just ubuntu17:49
mohawkbut ubuntu is the secondary os17:49
penguin42MartijnVdS: :-)17:49
mohawkso how do i uninstalll windows and make it just ubuntu?17:49
penguin42mohawk: Are they on the same disk?17:50
bokjhvPerhaps .. My personal favouite is Win₠  which I google about once every two months .. just to see if I can get the coding ebooks [ http://goo.gl/n1BSs ]17:50
MartijnVdSmohawk: you get an Ubuntu install CD, run "gparted", remove the Windows partition, move Ubuntu's swap partition to the end of the disk, resize the Ubuntu partition to be the full disk size17:50
mohawkyes they are17:50
MartijnVdSmohawk: (just the partition)17:50
MartijnVdSthen resize the filesystem once you're re-rebooted into Ubuntu17:50
penguin42bokjhv: Woah - why is there a ₠ glyph?17:50
MartijnVdS</short version>17:50
MartijnVdSpenguin42: why not?17:51
penguin42MartijnVdS: Well, erm what's it for ?17:51
bokjhvpenguin42, Cambria Math Font-base17:51
MartijnVdSpenguin42: U+20A0 EURO-CURRENCY SIGN17:51
MartijnVdSpenguin42: it's the old "Ecu" currency17:51
mohawkI am not the most tech-savvy person, so i think they are on the same partition, i have the recovery partition and the D drive17:52
penguin42bokjhv/MartinjnVds: Interesting difference of opinion17:52
mohawkI mean the recovery and Local Disk (C:)17:52
MartijnVdSpenguin42: ☃☣☤☢☭☮☯ exist..17:52
MartijnVdSmohawk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToRemoveWindows17:53
=== mohawk is now known as Mohawk-The-Noob
penguin42MartijnVdS: Lots of really odd ones in that area17:53
MartijnVdSMohawk-The-Noob: that page should explain it17:53
MartijnVdSpenguin42: there's a new cool block at the end.. with all kinds of emoticons and other things17:54
penguin42MartijnVdS: I like the set that's used by fliptext.org17:55
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
MartijnVdSpenguin42: unicode 6 added "sans-serif bold italic small e" (and the rest of the alphabet)17:55
MartijnVdSpenguin42: lots of variations17:56
MartijnVdSpenguin42: U+1f000 and up :)17:56
bokjhvOK OK lets not get into Hyroglyphics, Plz.17:56
MartijnVdSbokjhv: nah these are just domino tiles, cards, mahjong tiles,17:57
penguin42bokjhv: ʇ,uoʍ ǝʍ 'ʎɹɹoʍ ʇ,uop17:57
bokjhvcrumbs, I see 'there is no spoon' !!17:59
penguin42better eat it with your fingers then18:00
bokjhvDid anyone find that article on Pengi OS about spotify and installing the .deb ?? .. wonderfully written.18:01
bokjhvI must say the request for Info. on the #spotify channel is a little overwhelming at times.18:02
brianbwhere about are you based popey?18:10
popeybrianb, farnborough18:14
neurowhich is like fairford but more stuffy and less fun18:15
einonmand presumably pronounced by some Americans as farn-baroogah18:18
einonm..as my wife once had an american ask 'where's loogah-baroogah from here?'18:19
neuroamericans tend to do "borough" and "burgh" as "boro"18:19
neuroafter hearing american colleagues in $job-1 refer to "edinburgh" as "edinboro" many, many, MANY times, I can attest to this18:20
neurogood point, i heard many "edin-burg"s as well18:21
MartijnVdSneuro: Be glad it wasn't "Edinbury"18:22
neuronever heard that18:22
shaunoboro/berg are the variations I'm used to too18:23
einonmit turned out that loogah-baroogah was quite a way away. She was in lie-cest-err at the time.18:23
neuroasking americans to pronounce oddly-worded UK place names is always fun18:24
neuro"hey, try Milngavie!"18:24
brianbok in hampshire then18:24
MartijnVdSneuro: gloucestershire18:24
shaunoI feel like that here.  6 years in ireland, and I can't pronounce the street I live on18:24
MartijnVdSneuro: you typed that from memory, didn't you18:24
neurogoogle chrome + "llanf" + autocomplete18:25
neuroyou have to admire my honesty18:25
MartijnVdSneuro: try to get people to pronounce "Worcester"18:26
brianbapart from windows do any of you guys use other linux distros18:26
AlanBellwindows is not a linux distro!18:26
MartijnVdSAlanBell: it's not?!?!18:26
neuro"apart from windows"?!18:26
brianbi know that18:27
neuroi used to be able to say i had no windows systems in my house18:27
penguin42brianb: I use Mint and Debian sometimes; but have used RHEL, SLES, Slackware and probably some others in the past18:27
neuronow i have a windows 7 laptop, a windows 8 desktop and a windows 7 vm18:27
neuroi feel dirty18:27
shaunoI use debian more places than ubuntu these days18:27
brianbanyone tried Hikua, minix or helenos those are ukernel based18:28
davmor2neuro: than vair pwilth gwen gilth go gericth wern drobilth thantesilio go go gocth that's obviously the way to say it18:28
penguin42brianb: I think I once tried Minix like 20 years ago18:28
neurodavmor2: good luck teaching that to americans :)18:28
neurominix ... good lord18:28
* penguin42 hasn't heard of Hikua or helenos18:28
neuro20 years for me too18:28
shaunoI have haiku in a VM, haven't poked it much yet though18:28
MartijnVdSisn't brobostigon running Haiku?18:28
penguin42neuro: Yeh, I think last time I saw it was on a 8086 Amstrad18:28
neuroIBM PS/2 for me18:29
penguin42shauno: What are it's error messages like?18:29
neuro286 power!18:29
AlanBellI used riscos the other day :)18:29
shaunopenguin42: heh, I haven't had any yet18:29
neuroAlanBell: masochist!18:29
penguin42AlanBell: On a Pi ?18:29
AlanBellyeah, on a Pi18:29
shaunoI did notice someone's built plan9 for the pi18:29
MartijnVdSweird people are weird18:29
AlanBellit isn't open source as such, but there is a free as in beer image for the pi18:29
penguin42weird people? Here? Never....18:29
brobostigonMartijnVdS: yes, but only off an sdhc,18:29
brianbany tried mandriva, mageia or ROSA18:30
neurois plan 9 still under dev or is it just like retroware now?18:30
penguin42ROSA? Not heard of ROSA18:30
neuromandriva? that still exists?18:30
penguin42thought they became mageia18:30
shaunoneuro: not sure.  there's still daily snapshots, but the last real release was 200218:30
neuroi really liked it18:31
neurothat and BeOS18:31
brianbyes it now based  upon rosa18:31
penguin42brianb: Got a link to Rosa?18:31
davmor2penguin42: mageia is post of mandriva free before mandriva filed for bankruptcy again18:31
* neuro uses an arcane OS called something like "Oh Ess Ecks"18:31
neuroand there's a cat on it18:31
brianbjust type rosa in google or look on distrowatch18:31
shaunoargh.  it's oh-ess-ten, not oh-sex.18:32
neuroRosa's Thai Restauraunt18:32
brianbrosa is a russian development18:32
penguin42brianb: I get the Thai Restaurant in London, a UK fund for Women and girls18:32
neuroRosa: The UK Fund for women and girls18:32
neuroRosa on wikipedia18:32
penguin42ah - rosalab.com ?18:32
neuroshauno: I know, I was being ironical18:33
brianbyeah rosalabs18:33
* neuro hugs his mbp18:33
brianbits novel18:33
penguin42brianb: There are lots of country popular distros18:33
neurowhat window manager is that distro using, kde?18:34
neuroyup, it is, never mind18:35
neuro(just saw a screenshot with dolphin)18:35
penguin42neuro: Oh, I read it as a RHEL derivative18:35
brianbive used mandriva for years when i gave windows xp the boot18:35
AlanBellhttp://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2229164/dells-ubuntu-xps-13-should-worry-microsoft quite a positive spin on the Sputnik18:35
neuropenguin42: you can get kde for rhel18:35
brianbas well as various versions of ubuntu18:35
shaunoI use mandrake years ago, before I had a video card that'd do X properly. the only difference I noticed was that they colourized the output of gcc (?!)18:36
penguin42neuro: Nod, a little unusual to use as a default on RHEL though - not that I complain, I use KDE on Ubuntu as my main desktop18:36
neurosorry, didn't expect to see cross-Atlantic mangling twice in one word :)18:37
neuroAlanBell: tis interesting seeing Dell be honest with the pricing18:37
shaunocolourize is in the OED, ~ise isn't.18:38
neurokinda shows up the futility of asking for your "windows tax" back18:38
AlanBellthe price is high, but I would have paid it 6 months ago18:38
neuroshauno: OED prefers -ize to -ise, so that's not surprising18:39
AlanBellwe just bought a novatec ultrabook with very similar spec for half the price of the Dell18:39
penguin42AlanBell: Generally Dell will sell most of their stuff OS-free to business if you have a sales person; end user sales are more restricted18:39
shaunothey should both be there when appropriate.  my understanding is that it's greek vs latin, not UK vs US18:40
neuroshauno: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style/Spelling/Words_ending_with_%22-ise%22_or_%22-ize%22#Words_ending_with_.22-ise.22_or_.22-ize.2218:40
AlanBellpenguin42: sure, my main issue with the sputnik was that they sat on the thing for ages before releasing it for purchase, and they are targetting early adopters18:42
shaunoit still sounds more correct to my ear.  quoting pages that say "Since the 1990s, -ise has become more common in the UK" really doesn't give it much more credence18:42
penguin42AlanBell: Why did they sit on it? Time for training internally or wanting to miss the christmas sale period or something?18:42
brianbas any one used win 8?18:43
AlanBellpenguin42: I have no clue. They announced it, and demoed it, and gave 3 away at UDS-Q in May18:43
neuroshauno: UK English generally favours -ise18:43
penguin42brianb: only in a shop18:43
neurobrianb: yes, it's rubbish18:43
brianbi was not very impressed with win 818:43
penguin42brianb: It has one very nice feature; windows-d gets back to the old-style interface; I think that's a nice thing to do18:44
shaunoneuro: according to the pages you just linked, that's a change "since the 1990s".18:44
AlanBellpenguin42: at the time I was "shut up, and take my money" but now I am "meh"18:44
brianbthink its a very over hyped MS product18:44
brianbandroid and apple are streets ahead of win 818:45
penguin42brianb: I can see it working nicely as an interface on a tablet; a bit odd on laptops with touchpads18:45
shaunoimho, it's misunderstanding that since the americans prefer -ize, we must prefer -ise.  which would be frankly just as silly as claiming that every word with an -or ending should be -our in british english.18:45
neuroshauno: The Times started using it from the 1990s, not sure where the first reference came from18:45
neurothe page used to say "in the past few decades"18:45
neurobrianb: android streets ahead of windows?18:46
neuroon a desktop?18:46
brianband apple ios is streets ahead of win18:46
neurowindows 7 was actually rather good18:47
neurowindows 8 has tablety stuff unnecessarily bodged on18:47
dw4tkinsbrianb: iOS is what runs on an iPhone :)18:47
shaunoI actually think win8 is quite brave.  from the perspective of someone who doesn't have to use it, it's interesting to see someone try something new18:48
brianband tablets18:48
popeyooh, my local pc world has chromebooks in store18:48
penguin42shauno: I think the ability to flip back to the old interface removes most of the risk18:48
neuroshauno: the devil is in the details unfortunately18:48
penguin42popey: The ARM ones?18:49
popeynot sure18:49
neurothe problem with flipping back to the old interface is that the old interface isn't complete18:49
neuroi.e. the start menu is gone18:49
penguin42neuro: Ah interesting, I hadn't looked ind etail18:49
brianbi have dowladed a chrome o/s system to a usb stick its good all the time you are connected to the internet18:49
neuroyou have to press the windows key or double nudge the mouse against the right side of the desktop to get the start button up18:49
neuroand pressing either brings up the not-metro splash screen again18:50
AlanBellpopey: they had them at Guildford too, but not the ARM ones when I looked (when I got the Nexus 7)18:50
neurosome enterprising devs have brought out hacks to try and restore the old win7 start menu again18:50
penguin42neuro: 'double nudge' ?! Wow - a whole new paradigm18:51
neurooh sorry, not a double nudge18:51
brianbIP that action18:51
neuroi'm thinking of getting the menu bar up in some full screen OS X apps18:51
neuroyou have to go to either the top right or top left of the desktop18:51
neurohover, and the charms menu appears18:51
neuroreally frustrating to use18:52
neuroin retrospect i should have bought the machine with win 8 pro and exercised my downgrade rights18:52
brianbanyone used the apple dock app on ubuntu?18:52
neuroas it i bought it with win 8 then did the pro upgrade from microsoft.com18:52
neuronot sure if i have downgrade rights18:52
neuroalso i've installed smegtons of stuff off steam and origin, not sure i want to do all that again :)18:53
popeybrianb, docky?18:54
brianbnot sure18:54
neuroah, linux, the place where people go to crib other OSes UIs :)18:55
* neuro hugs his mbp again :)18:55
brianbCairo dock is it?18:55
popeymaybe, dunno, i dont use them18:56
neuropopey: you a lens man now?18:56
shaunoa little trollish, but it's not so far off when people specifically ask for 'the apple dock'18:56
popeyi use ubuntu + unity18:56
neurokudos for sticking it out18:56
neuroi can't use unity, i find it horrendous18:57
neuroshauno: it goes way back ... look at fvwm95!18:57
AlanBellit is much better than it used to be18:57
neuroAlanBell: oh no doubt18:57
popeyapple never ever copies anything from anyone, ever.18:57
brianbi think it quite good unity only if you have a large screen18:57
neuropopey: i didn't say they didn't ;)18:57
popeyi use it on a 1366x768 screen18:57
popeyI'm not saying you did :018:58
popeyjust putting it out there :)18:58
neuroyou sultry minx18:58
brianbminix eats bugs18:59
AlanBellI use unity all the time, generally with two screens of different sizes18:59
neurominix ...18:59
brianbwell the racoon does19:00
neurominix users who are !students must be in the single digits these days19:00
brianbnot as much as helenos19:00
penguin42neuro: They can probably fit in a cab with the Hurd user19:00
brianbthey dont even chat on that irc channel19:01
brianband i think you have to ask permission to19:01
brianbthe minix irc is very friendly channel same as haiku19:02
neuropopey: arm chromebooks ... is it showing as actually in stock or is it the one where you have to wait a day to get it (they get stock delivered JIT)19:02
popeythey have it in stock19:03
popey"Reserve and collect - in just one hour"19:04
neuroquidco have 10% cashback on pc world atm19:04
brianbchromebooks are reasonably priced compared to win 819:04
neuronice, my local currys and PC worlds are all "pay and collect"19:04
popeythey are capable of much less than windows 819:04
popeyso makes sense for them to cost less19:04
AlanBellooh, they do have the ARM one for £22919:04
neuroAlanBell: john lewis and amazon has it too19:05
neurothe sammy with the exynos19:05
popeythey have at least 519:05
neuroi like the keyboard size19:06
neuromakes it look like a 12" titanium powerbook19:06
brianbis there a android download that can be used on a pc?19:06
brianbor laptop19:06
neurobrianb: there's a mobile emulator as part of the sdk19:06
neurooh, i see what you're asking19:07
brianbthe problem is we are spoiled for choice now with so many O/S19:07
popeyi don't believe that's the problem19:07
neurowow, android x86 looks ... messy19:08
neuroon vbox image config: "Sound device: change to Sound Blaster 16."19:09
neurothere's a thing I've not heard of for quite some time19:09
brianbits difficult deciding which is the best system that does what you want and i guess its down to personal prefrence at the end of the day19:09
AlanBellchoice is a good thing19:10
brianbyes very much so19:10
shaunoit's an easy enough choice here.  there's one sane OS on the desktop, and two on the server.  and the rest is just noise19:10
neurosimilar here19:10
neuroi suspect our desktop choices may differ though ;)19:10
neuroquick, let's make jokes about popey19:12
neuroah well19:12
bokjhvAlanBell, You mentioned RiscOS on Rasp-Pi .. have seen this .odt ?? http://goo.gl/Zvogf19:12
neurothat was a short lived opportunity19:12
bokjhvsoorry if I've shared it before :)19:13
AlanBellthat is a 36GB torrent19:13
neuroi was about to say that :)19:14
AlanBellno thanks :)19:14
neuroTheory Of Computation/Computational Complexity - Christos Papadimitriou19:14
neurothat's a very very very cheeky torrent19:15
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
bokjhvQuick question .. do you think this keyboard will work with Ubuntu ?? http://goo.gl/VAK6J  I need it for programming ...19:34
directhexyes, but you won't have an exact keymap, iirc19:34
penguin42would be surprised if it doesn't19:35
directhexi.e. either @ is in the wrong place, or £ is missing19:35
bokjhvoh OK, thank-you .. AlanBell , Sorry linked wrong RiscOS file ,, sorry. http://goo.gl/b3Sza19:36
neuroyeah, you pasted a link to something rather naughty :)19:36
bokjhvNo idea where it came from, honest guv.  afolder within a file .. go figure ?19:38
shaunoI found an edge case that made my shasum script from yesterday explode.  apparently there were duplicate files with different names in the original filelist.  so when the grep returns multiple lines, I end up with some pretty horrendous filenames19:52
penguin42shauno: Ah, so your question is what you actually want it to do in that case19:57
shaunoyeah, it's going to be a fun one.  do I want to create both files, etc19:57
shaunoor a hardlink so the archive looks complete, but without duplicate entries19:59
penguin42shauno: I'm not sure how you ended up doing it; but if you did it by renaming the input files to their sha name and then renaming them out; instead just hardlink them out, and then clean up by removing the files - it should deal with dupes ?20:01
shaunothe issue still exists that way.  duplicates in the original filelist that I have the shasums recorded for.  so when you grep thesum reflist, you get multiple lines returned20:02
shaunomv is quite happy to obey though, so I think I'll just be cleaning up the bad filenames by hand after.  they're a sensible minority20:03
bigcalmmc \o/20:16
bigcalmUsing a trackball is better with mc than I had expected20:17
shaunoassuming you don't mean midnight commander, find a bald skin and pretend you're just manipulating steve's chromed dome ;)20:17
shauno(er, bald-headed.  that reads .. off)20:18
davmor2bigcalm: I thought you were proclaiming to be a geek Mic Controller after making popey bar you :D20:22
zleapwhat does this mean (message to ubuntu-uk) mail list got delayed " Message has implicit destination"20:40
popeyzleap, you cross-posted20:44
popeyit's generally best practice to send separate mails to separate lists, not cross post to loads of lists20:44
zleapi was sending the same mail to 3linux list20:45
zleapif put to in each address box does it tell other lists were else i sent it ?20:46
zleapok hopefully the moderator will approve20:47
popeythe moderator is me20:48
popeysend separate mails20:48
bokjhvWerll I got the keyboard, anyhow .. good times ahead !20:49
zleapok thanks20:49
AlanBellanyone used chrome remote desktop?21:28
penguin42not heard of it21:30
AlanBellit is a chrome/chromium plugin that does screen sharing and goes through firewalls/NAT21:31
AlanBellapparently fully cross platform and rather cool21:31
AlanBell760137004970 <- see my desktop21:33
penguin42interesting, does it detail it's security setup anywhere?21:34
AlanBellpenguin42: dunno, try connecting to me with that number21:35
AlanBelldid it work?21:36
shaunohm.  I tried, but got booted as soon as something convincing flashed up21:36
shauno(sorry, nosey, hadn't seen this before either)21:36
AlanBellwell it popped up that the session had started, then it cut off21:36
AlanBellso it did do some NAT traversal and figured out where I was based on that code21:36
AlanBellthis would be very cool if it works21:37
penguin42Without knowing what was encrypted where and who had access to the decrypted versions I'd be rather nervous21:37
AlanBellVerify that your firewall permits outbound UDP traffic, permits inbound UDP responses, and allows traffic on TCP ports 443 (HTTPS) and 5222 (XMPP).21:42
shaunofor the last two, allows in which direction?21:43
AlanBellso it probably securely negotiates the connection over https and/or xmpp then does UDP for the data connection21:43
AlanBelloutbound https to google and xmpp to google talk apparently21:43
AlanBellonce it has done the connection it does stun type stuff to get UDP going between the two endpoints21:44
AlanBellwhich might well also be encrypted21:44
shaunohm.  trying to use xmpp as the transport may break it for me.  my google account isn't a gmail address, so I'm backed by a different xmpp server21:44
AlanBelldunno, it is supposed to happen by magic, don't think it actually requires a google talk account21:46
penguin42AlanBell: I'd prefer these type of things to fully document the security21:48
AlanBell018370090719 multiple monitors are not supported, try that code shauno21:48
shaunolooks convincing21:49
penguin42that would be a lot of monitors21:49
AlanBellthat worked for a bit21:49
AlanBellpenguin42: heh21:49
shaunointeresting that it stopped when I switched to a fullscreen app.  it may be that Canary doesn't quite agree with OSX's fullscreen stuff21:50
shaunoso it looked convincing right until I switched to a terminal to say thus21:50
AlanBellhmm, ok21:50
AlanBellsomeone with an OS that can cope with two mouse buttons want to try 88685913192121:52
shaunoah, I see where it's going wrong.  when I page between different fullscreen apps, it switches gpus for the duration of the transition.  apparently remote desktop doesn't like that21:55
penguin42shauno: Running bumblebee?21:59
Monotokohey guys... is anyone around here familiar with a program called synergy?22:03
Monotokoor more specifically... I need to assign a hotkey to show the sidebar, rather than my mouse in the top corner... synergy is a keyboard+mouse sharing program... and I can't seem to hit the "hotspot" without going to my other PC22:05
penguin42I use synergy, but not tried anything like that22:05
penguin42indeed I'm typing to you via it now22:05
MonotokoI am too... I just can't seem to get the sidebar to show up22:06
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
arossDOTmeI am helping a friend. I have given him a flash drive, full install style with adjustments so it does not wear out the flash so quickly. He has mucked up networking. I am a networking newbie. How do I completely reset everything network related? I am looking the the doc on the wiki.23:26

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