
Kilosmorning all you peeps. hope you ready for another week at the grindstone05:00
Squirmshoot me now05:39
Kiloshi timkeller mazal 05:50
mazalMôre oom Kilos 05:51
Kiloshi psydroid 06:14
superflymorning Kilos06:15
Maazsuperfly: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell superfly Good morning to you" 1 hour, 2 minutes and 14 seconds ago06:15
SquirmI'm going to die today :/06:17
Kiloswhy Squirm ?06:17
Squirmand hello Kilos, superfly, mazal 06:17
Squirmkind of went out last night :P06:18
Kiloshello young fella06:18
Kiloseish again06:18
superflyhi Squirm, Maaz06:18
Squirmwith many people who didn't have work today06:18
Kiloshi ludo06:19
mazalMorning superfly and Squirm and Ludo 06:19
mazalGrrr , I reached 1 hour at work before this win ticked me off :P06:19
Kilosbackup format install06:20
Kilosor do recovery06:20
Kiloseek of topic06:20
superflya win annoying you? wow... normally a lose annoys me :-P06:21
mazalThis "thing"  , right in the middle of a ton of works decides "win explorer has stopped working" ai06:22
psydroidhi Kilos06:23
psydroidhi Squirm06:23
psydroidhi superfly06:23
superflyhi psydroid06:24
psydroidand mazal and Ludo06:24
superflyKilos: I released my software this weekend. Got more sleep on Sunday than I've had in a long time06:24
psydroidand whoever isn't awake yet06:24
Kiloswonderful superfly im happy for you. now dont set deadline stuff for a while06:25
Kiloslost sleep isnt easy to catch up06:25
Kilosunless you do like Squirm then sleep is easy its waking up thats hard to do06:26
superflyKilos: yeah, but unlike Squirm, I don't go out partying06:27
Kilosyeah i know you like me, tea and coffee is good06:27
superflyA good cider is nice once in a while06:28
Kilosoh ya. by soda you mean coke etc06:29
superflyKilos: no, cider, an alcoholic drink made using fruit like apples or pears (I've heard that pear ciders are quite divine)06:31
Kiloswhew never tried them methinks, but amarula was nice06:32
Kiloshiya maiatoday  all good girl?06:39
maiatodayhi Kilos, yup thanks06:39
maiatodaybusy :) but what's new. People want stuff finished for the end of the year06:40
Kilosyou also gonna write a testimonial maiatoday ?06:40
maiatodayI could but I wonder if the team contact should.06:40
maiatodayI made a blog post with a slide show of the highlights of the photos anyway06:41
Kilosi think so , it will show why you love being the team contact06:41
Kilosbut hear what the others think06:42
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:08
Kiloshi jrgns 07:39
jrgnsmorning Kilos07:54
magespawnhowdy room09:04
Kiloshi magespawn 09:04
magespawnhey Kilos09:05
magespawnso whats up today?09:29
charl_hi hi09:34
charl_hi magespawn, Kilos 09:34
charl_Maaz: bring teh coffee09:34
Maazcharl_: Huh?09:34
charl_Maaz: coffee on09:34
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:34
Kiloshi charl_ 09:35
KilosMaaz, coffee please09:35
MaazKilos: Sure09:35
magespawnhey charl_09:37
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_ and Kilos!09:38
charl_Maaz: thanks09:39
Maazcharl_: Sure09:39
KilosMaaz, ty09:39
MaazYou are welcome Kilos09:39
SquirmMaaz: coffee please09:50
MaazSquirm: There isn't a pot on09:50
SquirmMaaz: coffee on09:50
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:50
MaazCoffee's ready for Squirm!09:54
* Squirm jumps up and down in excitement09:55
Squirmthank Maaz 09:55
SquirmMaaz: botsnack09:55
MaazWhat do you want Squirm Trying to butter me up or something?09:55
SquirmMaaz: botsnack09:55
MaazWhat do you want Squirm Trying to butter me up or something?09:55
mazalI also want what is in that coffee :)09:56
magespawntestimonial done Kilos10:06
Kilosgreat ty magespawn 10:06
Kilosjust some from the foreign peeps would add more punch hey?10:11
Kiloslike why sit in eu and chat here10:12
Kilosmust be a reason10:12
Kilosbecause we so cool, thats why10:13
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Trixar_za 10:40
Trixar_zaHey Kilos10:42
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos hi10:47
inetprogood morning everyone10:47
Maazinetpro: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell inetpro Goeie môre boetie" 5 hours, 33 minutes and 21 seconds ago10:47
Maazinetpro: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode10:47
Kiloshehe hiya inetpro 10:52
MaazKilos: By the way, inetpro on freenode told me "tell Kilos hi" 4 minutes and 36 seconds ago10:52
Kiloshmmm looks like we communicate through the bot now11:11
charl_Maaz: botsnack11:29
MaazWhat do you want charl_ Trying to butter me up or something?11:29
charl_yes for some coffee, it's snowing and i want a hot drink11:29
charl_Maaz: coffee on11:29
* Maaz washes some mugs11:29
charl_gah there we go with the dirty mugs again... :P11:29
magespawnMaaz coffee please11:33
Maazmagespawn: Sure11:33
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_ and magespawn!11:33
Symmetriaanyone here know postgres fairly well?11:36
Symmetriaselect prefix,withdrawl from against where prefix in (select distinct prefix from tracker where aspath like '%33770') and withdrawl = 1;11:39
Symmetria:( that doesnt work11:39
nuvolario/ aloha12:07
nuvolarijust peeking in12:08
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
* magespawn has been up since 03:30, and needs some shut eye12:45
Kiloswhat was the pro last night magespawn 12:45
mazalAnybody here in silver lakes area ?12:46
Kilosthe emergency call out man12:47
magespawnthought you were talking about inetpro12:47
magespawnjust a router that seems to forget the username and password12:47
Kilosno man dodo12:47
magespawnsee above12:47
Kilosbig rain here and no ups on maverick12:48
* magespawn has been up since 03:30, and needs some shut eye12:48
Kilosgo sllep lad12:48
Kilossleep as well12:48
magespawnahh well then hope for stable eskom12:48
magespawncan't for another 2 and a half hours at least12:48
magespawnthen i will be at home12:50
magespawnwas falling asleep while i waited for the problem router to reboot12:50
mazalBye all , see l8tr maybe12:51
magespawn Maaz google silver lakes12:52
Maazmagespawn: "Silver Lake Country Club Golf & Weddings, Orland Park, IL" http://www.silverlakecc.com/ :: "Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail • Silver Lakes" http://www.rtjgolf.com/silverlakes/ :: "Silver Lakes Association - Home Page" http://www.silverlakesassociation.com/ :: "Silver Lake Sand Dunes Area, Silver Lake Michigan Hart, Mears ..." http://www.thinkdunes.com/12:52
Maaz:: "SILVER LAKES ELEMENTARY" http://www.broward.k12.fl.us/silverlakesele/ :: "Helendale, …12:52
magespawnMaaz google silver lakes south africa12:52
Maazmagespawn: "Silver Lakes Country Golf Estate" http://www.silverlakes.co.za/ :: "Security - Silver Lakes Golf Estate" http://www.silverlakes.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=64&Itemid=235 :: "Accommodation Silver Lakes - RoomsForAfrica.com" http://www.roomsforafrica.com/dest/south-africa/gauteng/pretoria/silver-lakes.jsp :: "Property in Silver12:52
MaazLakes - RE/MAX Southern Africa" http://www.remax.co.za/Property-in-Silver-Lakes-Pretoria-Gaut…12:52
magespawnMaaz tell mazal not me12:55
Maazmagespawn: Got it, I'll tell mazal on freenode12:55
magespawnits like they are cousins or something12:56
SymmetriaI succeeded13:08
Symmetriacheck this:13:09
Symmetriabgptracker=# select prefix, count(withdrawl) from tracker where prefix in (select distinct prefix from tracker) and withdrawl = '1' group by prefix,withdrawl order by count(withdrawl) desc limit 10;13:09
Symmetria      prefix      | count13:09
Symmetria  |   60813:09
Symmetria  |   60713:09
Symmetria  |   60713:09
Symmetria  |   60713:09
Symmetria  |   60713:09
Symmetria^^^ the 5 most unstable prefix's on the internet in the last 10 hours13:09
SymmetriaI can query tons of stuff13:09
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
inetproSymmetria: what do you mean with unstable?13:47
Symmetriainetpro as in, appearing and disappearing off the internet routing table13:59
Symmetriabasically, those routes have been withdrawn 600+ times and reinstated in the global routing table in the last 10 hours14:00
Symmetriaheh, I could write the queries fairly easily to tell you who they belong to as well14:00
inetprowhy would that happen?14:00
Symmetriaprobably link instability 14:01
Symmetriacircuit goes down, someone gets cut off the internet, they stop announcing as a result14:01
magespawnbye all14:20
Kilostoods magespawn 14:22
superflyEish, it is hot in here15:01
Kilosin where superfly ?15:01
Kilosthe train?15:01
superflyFebruary is going to be far worse15:01
Kilosthey making fire in the wrong place15:01
Kilosmust be there where it goes chuff chuff chuff15:02
Kilosnot where peeps wanna take a nap15:02
superflyEasy when you're moeg like me15:04
nuvolario/ hi oom kilos15:23
* nuvolari gaan nou huistoe15:23
Kilosveilig gaan seun15:23
nuvolaridankie oom15:23
nuvolarisal dalk vanaand kom inloer15:24
Kilosen jy het werk nuvolari 15:24
Kiloshierdie week nog15:24
nuvolarija ek werk hierdie week nog oom Kilos 15:54
nuvolaridan gaan ek huistoe15:54
Kilosnee man wr k hier15:54
Kilosen ie aand van die 17de is vergadering en jy stoel15:55
Kilosen 18de is reapproval ding15:55
Kilosai ek sukkel met my volk15:56
Kilosnuvolari, ^^15:56
* nuvolari sleep drubin aan sy oor in en sit hom op die stoel15:56
* nuvolari points15:57
Kilosjou werk is jou werk15:57
Kilosjy het gese jys reg15:57
nuvolarihoekom die week oom?15:57
* nuvolari sien die datum vir die meeting is nie die week nie :P15:58
Kilostestimonial man15:58
Kilosjulle vat about n week om aan die gang te kom15:58
=== nuvolari is now known as testimonialman
testimonialmanas ek by die huis is glo ek dit gaan bietjie maklikker wees15:59
Kilosjy sal vergeet15:59
testimonialmandie week soek almal hul pond vleis15:59
Kiloste veel familie15:59
testimonialmanoom is hier om my te herinner :P15:59
Kilosgaan jy hier kuier as jy by die huis is seun?16:00
testimonialmanbeslis meer as wat ek nou kan!16:01
* testimonialman nomineer oom kilos as #ubuntu-za se sekretaris16:02
testimonialmanwant oom doen dit basies alreeds16:02
Kiloshehe jy tender vir n hout overall16:03
testimonialmanek't darm die facebrick en twitter values ingevul :P16:05
testimonialmanek wonder hoe ons die mailing list stats kan kry!?16:07
testimonialman:O we had ubuntu hours in durbs too16:09
magespawnhey kilos16:44
Kiloshey magespawn 16:45
magespawnawake now16:48
Kilosyou feel better?16:48
Kilosjust a nap?16:49
magespawnyes about an hour, so that i can still sleep tonight16:49
mazallo magespawn 16:50
magespawnhey mazal i was a bit slow on the typing this afternoon16:50
mazalnp , took me a while to figure out what the message meant :)16:51
Kilosif i nap i feel worse when i wake up16:52
Kilosnothing less then 3 hours16:52
magespawndepends on the kind of sleep that you can get16:53
Kilosthe kind with eyes closed man16:53
Kilosand lying down not like the fly sitting inna train16:54
Kiloslike a pigeon onna perch16:55
testimonialmanSiiinging in the rain, siiiining in the rain16:55
* testimonialman sings16:55
magespawncan you do that testimonialman?16:56
mazalIs daai man ok ? :)16:56
* mazal starts hunting for spare hdd16:56
testimonialmanoh dear16:56
Kilostestimonialman, jy moet jou testimonial daar bot sit16:57
testimonialmanat least it wasn't sinning in the rain16:57
=== testimonialman is now known as nuvolari
magespawnor sh*ting in the rain16:57
nuvolarinee sies16:57
nuvolariMaaz: approval.application = http://bit.ly/WtOUPl16:58
Maaznuvolari: Sorry...16:58
nuvolariMaaz: approval.application is http://bit.ly/WtOUPl16:58
Maaznuvolari: One learns a new thing every day16:58
nuvolariMaaz: smart bot!16:58
Maaznuvolari: Huh?16:58
nuvolariMaaz: botsnack16:58
MaazWhat do you want nuvolari Trying to butter me up or something?16:58
nuvolariMaaz: yes16:59
Maaznuvolari: Excuse me?16:59
nuvolariMaaz: you are excused16:59
Maaznuvolari: I already know stuff about you16:59
nuvolariMaaz: you16:59
Maaznuvolari: I am your new robot overlord16:59
Kiloshi magtie 17:00
magtiehi Kilos17:00
nuvolarihi magtie 17:00
magespawnwell at least he makes us coffee17:00
magespawno/ magtie17:00
magtiehy nuvolari17:01
magtiehi magespawn17:01
mazalWhich is best , gparted or disk utility ?17:09
magespawnmazal i use both, they sort of cover each others shortfalls17:16
mazalI see du can't format in fat3217:17
magespawndo you use fat32 a lot?17:19
mazalNope , just on drives I use on my ps317:20
mazalIt can only read fat3217:20
magespawnohh did not know that17:22
magespawnthat is seriously dumb17:23
mazalIt has it's own propriety filesystem for the internal17:23
mazalBut for externals you must use fat3217:23
Kilosthats where gnome2 is lekker17:25
Kilosright click the stiffy or so and go format17:26
Kilosall the choices there too17:26
magespawni forget, what is the upper size limit for fat32?17:27
mazalThat's for single file17:27
mazalAnd as far as total drive size , I dunno. I have used a 500gig before without problem17:28
mazalI never had a problem as all my movies I put on it is sd mp4 and never much bigger than 2gig17:29
mazalBut the HD boys have a problem17:29
magespawnhere you go17:34
mazalJa the 32gig is only a windoze thing17:36
mazalLinux happily format large drives as fat3217:36
mazalBut there must be a limit surely. I haven't reaced it yet though17:37
mazalreached even17:37
magespawndoes that not create problems when moving it around between os' ?17:37
mazalFat32 is actually one of the best multi OS formats17:38
mazalAs almost anything supports it17:38
magespawnhttp://geeknizer.com/install-run-linux-applications-on-android/ this is from inetpro from g+17:38
nuvolarieww @ fat3217:38
mazalI wouldn't use it for pc though17:39
mazalJust for movie store for ps317:39
magespawni thought it might give problems because of windoze not expecting the bigger size17:40
mazalNo Microsoft with their control issues just doesn't allow you to format fat32 past 32gig17:41
mazalIn Windoze17:41
mazalBut if you format the drive in linux or 3rd party util in Windoze like swissknife the windoze works perfectly with it17:41
mazalMS just put it into their own default formatter17:42
mazalThey mos want to force and control everything you do17:44
mazalCan still remember how we all had to search for 3rd party partition tools back when the ps3 came out17:44
superflymazal: if you think microsoft is bad, you haven't tasted apple17:51
mazalNever worked on an apple , way above my budget :P17:52
mazalCould never figure out why they are so expensive17:53
tumbleweedick, fat3217:53
tumbleweedif you want a modern cross-platform filesystem, apparently UFS is writeable from most OSs17:54
tumbleweed(the DVD UFS, not BSD UFS)17:54
mazalWish I could make the ps3 see samba shares , now that would be nice17:59
tumbleweedI thought they could see uPnP shares18:00
mazalThey can and I used media streaming for quite a while18:00
mazalBut struggled to get it working properly on ubuntu18:01
mazalI always got either graphic problems or performance problems or disconnects18:01
mazalSo I just went with the "dump it on an external" route eventually18:02
charl_good evening18:22
magespawnhey charl_18:22
charl_hi magespawn 18:23
charl_hi zeref 18:23
zerefhi charl_ 18:26
Kiloshey magespawn 18:28
Kiloswonder if we can catch the weed for a testimonial?18:29
Kiloswhere is yours charl_ ?18:29
tumbleweedKilos: yeah, intending to write one18:30
Kilosand who is the LionThinker?18:30
Kilosgreat ty tumbleweed 18:30
Kiloswe gotta support our maia18:30
Kilosusing parted magic for the first time. looks good but very slow tosecure erase a drive18:36
Kilosalso wrned me disk failure imminent, Backup NOW18:36
mazalParted magic is always in my bag18:36
mazalIs that the 2tb oom Kilos ?18:37
Kilosya but i not giving up just yet. im sure ill get a year or 2 more out of it18:38
Kilosjust partition and not use the whole bad area18:38
mazalSjoe that drive has given you a hard time18:39
Kilosthat dd commands zeros a drive in a second18:39
Kilosthis is a 6 hour job18:39
Kilosonly because it wont take ubuntu18:39
Kiloson sucks it works fine18:40
mazalThat's weird18:40
Kilosubuntu is very sensitive to bad drives18:40
Kilosbut the 80g i have maverick on here gave the same warning 2 years ago i think it was18:41
Kilosa zero and a couple of low level formats and it came backto life18:42
Kilosfound another tool too, but need to learn what all it can do18:45
mazalI'm off18:52
mazalSleep well everyone18:52
magespawni am off for tonight, g'night all19:07
Kilosnight magespawn 19:08
Kilossleep tight19:08
* inetpro lol at 03/12 18:03:05 <Kilos> hehe jy tender vir n hout overall19:09
Kiloshet jy gesien ons bossie gaan ook n ding skryf19:11
inetproKilos: wag ek lees nog19:12
inetproahh, ok19:13
inetproLudo: wb19:13
inetproKilos: reen dit daar ook weer?19:13
Kilosval goed laaste 15 minute of so19:14
inetprointeresting weather today19:14
Kilosbaie donnerweer19:14
Kiloshi smile-druk 19:14
smile-drukhi quick Kilos :p19:15
inetpromorning rain, then sunshine, afternoon storm and rain, then sunshine and then evening rain again19:15
=== smile-druk is now known as smile
Kiloswe need it inetpro , ground very dry19:15
inetproKilos: het jy smile se knoppie gedruk?19:15
Kilosis hy nie die leeu outjie nie?19:16
Kiloswie was dit19:16
inetprogood evening everybody19:16
Kilossmile, what about your testimonial why you from there visit #ubuntu-za19:17
smileI'm already in #ubuntu-za ? :)19:17
Kilosand charl_ ??19:17
* smile doesn't understand19:17
inetprosmile: ReApprovalApplication2012: http://bit.ly/WtOUPl19:18
Kilosty inetpro you stole it up top19:18
Kilosyou wanna borrow my email addy19:18
inetproKilos: there's a reason why it is up there19:19
Kilosoh mines gone19:19
Kiloslemme restart xchat19:19
Kilosthere back again19:20
Kilosmine showed hierdiw week nog19:21
smileOh, the bottom of the page :)19:22
smileI don't know what to write, Kilos :o19:22
Kilossmile, just say why you as a linux user visit us daily19:23
smilewell because ubuntu-za channel is open if I join in IRC :)19:24
smileand I do like you, guys :D19:24
smileAnd I like the Afrikaans language too :p19:24
Kilostell the world not me lad19:25
smilewhere? testomanions? :p19:25
smileI can't write it, lol :'(19:25
Kilosi couldnt either19:25
Kilosinetpro, why19:25
smileTESTOMONIALS? :p19:25
inetprosmile: login19:26
Kilosbut i couldnt open it19:26
Kilosi dunno why19:26
smileinetpro: where? :p19:26
Kiloseven logged in i couldnt19:26
smilewiki, inetpro ? :p19:26
inetproKilos: smile knows how to drive a wiki19:26
smileyes of course I do :D19:26
smileI have one myself :)19:26
smileBut I don't do much with it :p19:26
smileand I'm admin of LXDE wiki :p19:27
smileMy connection is slow :|19:27
inetprosmile: are you registered on launchpad?19:27
inetproyes it is very slow19:27
smileyes, inetpro 19:27
smileI joined the ubuntu-za team (just now)19:28
inetprothere should be a login link in top right or top left19:28
inetprono, just left of "Help"19:28
inetproImmutable Page Info Attachments Ubuntu Wiki Login Help19:29
smileyes i logged in ;)19:30
smilehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/ReApprovalApplication2012 <- see my testimonial :p19:31
smileI hope you like it19:31
* inetpro goes to read19:31
smilebye :)19:32
inetprohmm... nothing there yet19:32
Kilosnot there19:32
Kiloswake up smile 19:32
smileI'm leaving too :(19:32
smileKilos: I saved it :p19:32
smileshift + F5? :p19:32
Kilosok sort it tomorrow19:32
Kilossleep tight19:32
Kilossaved where19:33
inetpronice one smile19:33
inetprolekker slaap19:33
smileKilos: on that page :)19:33
smiledankie, inetpro 19:33
Kilosi dont see it19:33
smile I discovered ubuntu-za in search for an Afrikaans channel on freenode. I was already in ubuntu-nl-offtopic, lubuntu and ubuntu-nl channels. It goes even further, as a Wikipedian I joined freenode and set up an IRC account with ChatZilla. Since then, I learned to read and speak Afrikaans. I do like the people in ubuntu-za, because they talk to you and are curious to know more about you. I've...19:34
smile...become a daily member of the ubuntu-za channel. Thank you guys! 19:34
Kilosyip see it now19:34
smilebye Kilos :)19:34
Kiloswell done laddy19:34
Kilossleep tight19:34
Kilosneeded to reload that thing19:35
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight19:36
Kilosnag goosie19:36
inetpronag oom19:36
Vince-0anyone awake?21:07
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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