
=== eu is now known as Guest55136
=== Guest55136 is now known as adorilson
JamesTaitGood morning, Angels! :-D09:34
gatoxgood morning!11:18
gatoxbrb...... need to restart11:47
alecugood morning, all!11:58
gatoxalecu, hi11:59
mandelalecu, gatox, hello!12:01
alecuI've got my daughter Amelia with a big rash spread all around, so I'm not taking her to kinder today, and will take her to the doctor as soon as the traffic around calms down a bit.12:01
gatoxmandel, o/12:01
mandelgatox, yes, I was drunk during the weekend ;) (which explains twitter)12:01
alecu(there's a subway strike to complicate matters around here)12:01
gatoxalecu, ack12:01
mandelalecu, uhh cuida a amelia!12:01
gatoxmandel, jejejejeje i figure it out12:01
alecuso, I'm probably taking at least the morning off... I'll let ralsina know as soon as he gets here.12:01
Chipacaalecu: ralsina is stuck in the 18th century but should be back sometime soon (he just needs to find 1.21GW in usable form)12:21
Chipacaalecu: take care of amelia; between mandel, cparrino and myself somebody will let ralsina know :)12:21
alecuChipaca: great, thanks!12:22
* Chipaca was always tickled by the ridiculous precision that number was given in, vis-a-vis the cudeness of the rest of the equipment12:23
alecuChipaca: I'm guessing that from the 18th century he cannot pinpoint exactly the time to return, and will probably get around here with a year's offset.12:24
alecuI'm talking about ralsina, not dr. brown.12:24
Chipacaalecu: traveling forwards in time is sooper easy12:24
Chipacaalecu: all you have to do is stay still12:24
Chipacaalecu: you can even speed it up by just moving12:25
Chipacajust bounce of walls as stuff as you can12:25
mandelalecu, gatox, we might also have rendering bugs in the text entry of nux.. talking with nux experts about thins on how to solve it..12:25
alecuChipaca: but you can only get so far12:25
mandelalecu, gatox, I'm talking about nux::TextEntry nothing related with us..12:25
alecuChipaca: you are still limited by the lifespan of your body :-(12:25
gatoxmandel, mmm...... i'm fixing libunity here for the errorpreview protocol12:26
alecumandel: what kind of bugs?12:26
Chipacaalecu: if you bounce of things at seven-nines of c, you'd be surprised at how interesting your life span becomes12:26
Chipacaof course, seven nines is quite extreme12:26
mandelalecu, infinite loop by calling recreate canvas when added in a layout12:26
mandelalecu, similar to what the static cairo text problem we had, thankfully I read yhe book you sent12:27
gatoxmandel, yac12:27
alecumandel: I'm thinking of searching for the lost chapters in that book.12:28
alecumandel: "when added in a layout". At what point are we exactly adding the textentry to the layout?12:29
alecumandel: are we doing it at "form" construction time?12:30
alecumandel: or later?12:30
alecumandel: (by "form", I mean, the container widget)12:30
mandelalecu, we create the layout and add it, later that layout is added to the main preview layout12:31
alecumandel: and all of this happens in the main preview constructor? or does it happen later, for instance, in the middle of a paint cycle?12:33
alecumandel: the later case is usually problematic for some toolkits.12:33
mandelalecu, in the paint cycle, so that the object does get created but never painted12:33
alecumandel: if this happens in the former case, it surely looks like a bug of nux.12:33
mandelalecu, the fact that this happens https://pastebin.canonical.com/79574/ is also smelly12:34
alecumandel: I mean, is the layout added *during* the paint cycle?12:34
mandelalecu, that is while doing nothing (of course the mouse is out of the window)12:34
mandelalecu, oh, no, is added at construction time AFAIK12:34
karniGood morning o/12:34
=== eu is now known as Guest78528
alecumandel: yes, that looks like the Cairo context is being recreated on each draw cycle, due to the layout being unstable.12:40
alecumandel: which is a serious red flag.12:40
mandelalecu, yes yes, which is something that has worried me since I saw it, remember I mentioned this in the sprint?12:40
alecumandel: I remember you talking a lot about Tubers. Oh, and I think I remember you mentioned this, too.12:42
gatoxkarni, o/12:43
mandelalecu, ralsina, mvo, the nux work will make our stuff land later than expected, we have a big problem in there13:14
mandelalecu, ralsina_, looks like we have several rendering bugs, one with the canvas being deleted every two frames, another with layouts not working when they have more than one cairo text13:19
mandeland text does not use ellipses correctly.. nice...13:22
mandelalecu, ralsina_, karni, mvo => gatox has lost internet connection13:53
=== mandel is now known as mandel_lunch
gatoxbackk....... i'm connected using the phone...... so is not very trusty....... but during my not connection time..... i was able to fix libunity-error preview and the error preview branch! \o/14:22
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=== mandel_lunch is now known as mandel
=== slank_away is now known as slank
=== eu is now known as Guest27757
* gatox lunch16:31
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
ralsina_good morning!16:38
dobeyhola ralsina_16:45
ralsina_hola dobey!16:45
dobeylunch, bbiab17:14
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
dobeylater all23:12

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