
Len-nbmicahg, ubuntustudio-look - https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-look/UbuntuStudio has been updated and is ready for release.00:16
Len-nbIt has been decided to remove the version.00:16
Len-nbmicahg, this helps by giving less maintenance as well as better centering the text on the screen.00:17
Len-nbmicahg, sorry, I should have said "in plymouth".00:18
Len-nbScottL, FYI ^^^00:18
ScottLLen-nb: do you by chance notice that it had my "artwork license update" as well?00:18
ScottLi woudl like to mark that as complete rather than just "inprogress"00:18
Len-nbScottL, yes00:19
ScottLawesome :)00:19
Len-nbYa, when it is released we can mark both as DONE00:19
ScottLokay, leaving for the night so some video can render. i should be on in the morning01:25
smartboyhwzequence, if you can: Explain how do you actually make posts in the website please///08:58
zequencesmartboyhw: No hurry with that. You are assigned to make posts for beta and r.c. testing only so far09:13
smartboyhwzequence, gum I am worrying that when beta posts come I won't be able to make the announcements:P09:14
zequencesmartboyhw: I'll show you how to make a draft09:14
smartboyhwzequence, OK09:14
zequencesmartboyhw: First, head to ubuntustudio.org/wp-admin to log ing09:14
smartboyhwzequence, OK09:15
zequencesmartboyhw: You should end up looking at the dashboard09:15
smartboyhwzequence, ah now I get it:D09:15
zequencesmartboyhw: On the left view, you can see "Posts"09:15
* smartboyhw just doesn't know how to log in:P09:15
smartboyhwNow I get it09:16
smartboyhwYeah thx zequence 09:16
zequencesmartboyhw: So, add a new Post. But, do not "publish" it09:16
zequenceYou can play around with editing it, previewing it, etc09:16
smartboyhwzequence, OK09:17
zequencesmartboyhw: Have a look here, to see who is doing what https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PublicRelations09:17
* smartboyhw is look09:17
smartboyhwzequence, OK:D 09:18
zequencesmartboyhw: If we have anything else we'd like to test, other than beta or RC, you can post about that too, but I don't see anything happening until some time next year, the earlies09:19
smartboyhwzequence, yep. 09:19
smartboyhwBTW Edubuntu quit Alpha 1 too, now really only Kubuntu is playing it....09:19
scott-workgood morning everyone12:51
scott-workinterested post on g+ this morning from dick mackinnis of dream studio12:51
scott-work^^^ that's not the link to the g+ post, but to his website post which the g+ links to12:51
scott-workhe has done some very interesting stuff:12:52
scott-work1. he apparently has made an easy tool to "upgrade" from vanilla ubuntu to dream studio (this may interest zequence)12:52
smartboyhwHi scott-work 12:53
scott-work2. he differentiates between 'dream studio OS' and 'dream studio for ubuntu' (not terribly important but i find it interesting)12:53
scott-work3. has a number of instruction tutorial videos http://www.dickmacinnis.com/dreamstudio/dream-studio-live-instruction/12:54
scott-work(these are paid content, you pay $30 an hour and he will support you through skype)12:54
scott-work4. he has a paid service for updating to the latest apps: http://www.dickmacinnis.com/dreamstudio/dream-studio-subscription/12:55
scott-workthe one video i found was for installation and it includes a section very much like the ubiquity plugin we have been trying to get implemented: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO99lq3slg813:00
scott-worki would say that is very ambitious of him and an interesting payment model13:15
scott-workhis accomplishments are inspiring me get some of the stuff i had wanted to do for ubuntu studio done13:17
scott-workalthough i am slightly jealous of some of what he has done because we had those same ideas as well but haven't gotten them done :P13:22
zequenceIf we can just get our thumbs out for 6 months, I don't see anyone being able to compete with what we could offer13:32
zequenceI think it looks interesting, but I don't understand why he doesn't work on Ubuntu Studio isntead13:33
scott-workzequence: +1 your last sentence13:35
scott-workzequence: look at ubuntustudio.org, tell me if you like what you see13:36
zequencescott-work: I tried that yesterday, but didn't really like. I guess it could work, but it's a little rough, and looks too much like a blog to me13:44
zequenceI think it's actually quite optimal to only have the slideshow and a news feed, plus a menu, like now. Maybe I'd just prefer a different design13:45
zequencescott-work: I see you added the about page13:46
zequenceOr, moved the front page there13:46
zequenceWould be nice to rewrite that page, I think13:46
zequencescott-work: Ah, now I see. You put the news page onto the frontpage. The articles are minimized. That's good13:52
* smartboyhw still can't see much new things13:58
zequencesmartboyhw: The content of the front page was moved to "About Us" and "News" was moved to the front page14:02
smartboyhwzequence, gee I thought it had been there when you taught me how to login:P14:03
zequenceBut it's good if you didn't notice, cause that must mean it's very natural to have things this way14:03
zequenceSnowing. -7 C. I've ran 12km today. Will run 4 more when I head home for the second time today14:04
zequenceLiving like a FinnoKenyan for a couple of weeks. Running between the office and home, 2 times back and forth14:04
zequenceEvery day14:04
zequenceHoping this will improve strength. Need to eat like a horse too14:05
smartboyhwzequence, LOL14:05
astraljavaI couldn't be bothered to consume huge amounts of hay, though.14:07
zequenceastraljava: I don't much hay. But, I do eat lots of oat though14:17
scott-workzequence: we can always move the news stuff away from the home page again and leave the news titles on the right14:24
scott-workzequence: i definitely agree that the "about us" text could be rewritten. my idea was that it would be much easier to write it when we explore the mission statement item14:25
scott-workthis falls into the category of "defining the problem tells you which answer you are looking for" :P14:25
smartboyhwscott-work, that is better:P14:25
zequencescott-work: I think we should go with this. If someone has any ideas on how to improve it, we could talk with knome about taht14:31
smartboyhwSadly knome isn't in this channel, is he in #xubuntu-devel?14:31
smartboyhwYes hmm14:31
scott-workzequence: sounds good :)  i had changed it to also only show 5 items at a time (i felt that the default 10 was too much)14:34
zequencescott-work: I could imagine even 3 is enough, but then one would like to have a link to a page which shows all14:37
zequenceOr, even 1. And have a news feed on the side14:37
zequenceJust thinking out loud14:37
zequenceThere's nothing telling the visitor that there's a news feed, so a header might be nice14:38
zequenceSomething like "Latest News"14:38
zequencescott-work: How about this? only three posts, and a news feed on the side14:42
scott-workzequence: that sounds good14:54
scott-workone thing i don't like with the current setup is that there isn't a page with _all_ the news, but....14:54
scott-worki'm not sure this is bad because links still work to whatever page, one can search in google for any article, and one can search in the website for any article14:54
zequencescott-work: I think that is something we could get help with14:57
zequencescott-work: I'm setting up a staging area, that we control14:57
zequencescott-work: This way we can upload changes to the code, and see the results, not having to deal with rt.ubuntu.com, until we're satisfied14:57
smartboyhwzequence, wow good thing.15:01
scott-worksounds good to me15:01
holstein!ru | smartboyhw ...you can just shoot non english speakers those links from the bot15:05
ubottusmartboyhw ...you can just shoot non english speakers those links from the bot: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:05
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:05
micahgLen-nb: can the uploads wait until Wed evening/Thursday?15:11
scott-workholstein: that is awesome about the translations!15:21
scott-workhow are you doing, man?15:22
holsteinscott-work: eh... not bad15:22
holsteinyou gud?15:22
scott-workyeah, been doing some videos, starting to move into other videos now, trying to finish my album :)15:23
smartboyhwholstein, sorry don't know:P15:25
zequencettoine: Hi15:37
zequencettoine: Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PublicRelations15:38
zequencescott-work and me did some work on that yesterday15:38
zequenceAll is set, except the plugin is not installed15:38
ttoinezequence, great15:55
ttoinezequence, should we post about major update of applications like gimp, ardour, etc. and how to backport it ?15:55
micahgwell, I think gimp is different than ardour15:56
ttoinezequence, for videocast, we should define some common intro, outro, and chapter screens to use15:57
ttoinemaybe we can create some inkscape templates for that15:57
zequencettoine: I think we should backport stuff ourselves, but posting about major updates is ok with me. If the update is not in Ubuntu Studio, either mention it should be for next release, or we will be backporting it (if we are going to)15:57
* micahg doesn't care who requests a backport of a new app FWIW15:57
ttoinezequence, so it is necessary to add something about that on the wiki page15:58
micahgas long as people do the testing15:58
zequencettoine: backporting is a developer task, not something for our users to be reading about IMO15:58
ttoinee.g. before posting about an application update, check with the Ubuntu Studio team if it is going to be backported15:58
zequenceI'm just thinking out loud on that, but this would make sense to me15:59
micahgzequence: FWIW, requesting a backport/testing can be a user task, the actual backport is done by someone on the ubuntu-backporters team15:59
ttoinezequence, I agree, but it would be interessant for our user to know if the application update is going to be bakcported or if they have to use backport until next release15:59
micahgand the backporters team will help with test packages as well15:59
micahg*if needed16:00
zequencemicahg: Yeah, but I don't think we should be asking user to backport stuff for us. If we know we want to backport something, we should just do it ourselves, is what I was thinking16:00
ttoinezequence, and then, let our user know it16:00
micahgzequence: oh, sure, that's fine, but it might be nice to let people know that backports of newer versions of some things are possible unless you plan on backporting whatever is available16:00
zequenceBetter to try get more people involved in development, which is one of the big tasks for us this cycle16:00
micahgI think with Studio, there are a lot of apps that get improvements that people would want to see16:00
micahg*see backported16:01
zequencemicahg: Good point16:01
micahgbut if they have an itch to scratch, then can drive it16:01
zequencettoine: If we do any kind of update, that is news stuff of course16:02
zequencettoine: I think you should just find your own way with the news reporting. And if you have ideas about user involvement, that's great16:02
zequenceI won't be very active on anything for a couple of weeks at least, so there will be no progress on developer docs16:03
micahgsorry to interrupt :)16:03
zequencePerhaps I can get most of it done after Xmas16:03
zequencemicahg: No, it's fine :)16:04
ttoinemicahg, I can see that backporting is not so fast in Ubuntu: just check "sound converter". after several weeks, it is updated in Debian, but still not in Ubuntu... 16:04
zequencettoine: Debian ?. Not Stable, right?16:04
micahgttoine: no one has requested a backport yet :)16:04
ttoinemicahg, me16:05
ttoinezequence, yes, sid16:05
micahgbut yeah, I haven't had so much time for backports, I hope to get back to it next week16:05
micahgttoine: I see no request in my queue :)16:05
zequencettoine: Please add any backport tasks here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+spec/ubuntustudio-backports16:05
ttoinemicahg, I can find anymore the bug about that point16:06
zequencettoine: sid is their development release, so it is updated constantly16:06
zequencettoine: If there's a bug, we should fix it, and then do a SRU16:07
zequencettoine: heh, I've added it here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+spec/ubuntustudio-sru16:07
micahgttoine: raring is ahead of sid for soundconverter16:07
zequenceLP #107750816:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1077508 in soundconverter (Ubuntu) "2.0.1 is bugged, update to 2.0.4" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107750816:07
ttoinemicahg, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/soundconverter16:08
micahgoh, right, that's the funny SRU one....16:08
ttoinehow can I ask for backport in 12.04 ?16:08
micahgttoine: that's a tricky one, it's not necessarily a backport16:08
micahgdid someone talk to the SRU team about whether or not they'd take the whole update wholesale?16:08
zequenceI haven't done anything on that yet16:08
micahgttoine: if it was a normal package, it would be 'requestbackport -d precise PKGNAME', but this is an exceptional case16:09
ttoinezequence, how did you recover the bug number ? I can't find it...16:09
ttoinemicahg, and is there other packages like sound converter that are exceptional cases ?16:10
micahgttoine: idk, backport is normally for new features, SRU for bug fixes16:11
zequencettoine: Look at the links I posted :)16:11
zequenceI gotta go. bbl16:11
zequenceI've added it as a SRU task, so that was what I was planning for it16:11
zequenceI still need to SRU jackd2 as well16:12
zequenceThought I'd do them both at once16:12
ttoinezequence, ok16:14
ttoinemicahg, ok16:14
scott-workttoine: i haven't read everything above but...just filing a bug isn't quite enough, the right backports team needs to be assigned to the bug or it will not get done, see the link that micahg posted. also if anyone really wants to make sure it gets done then do the testing included in the link.16:15
scott-workoops, sorry. i see that micahg and zequence cleared it up and that soundconverter isn't gonig to be a normal backport16:16
ttoinescott-work, hard to read everything when working16:18
ttoineI know that16:18
scott-workttoine: heh, i understand because apparently i did the same :P16:19
scott-workttoine: sorry, wasn't trying to be difficult or insulting, but i know there many have misunderstandings about backporting and wanted to make sure everyone involved understood. however, i'm glad you already knew about it :)16:20
ttoinescott-work, sometime developper stuff are confusing for me16:23
ttoinebackport and sru are quite the same problem but not the same way to solve16:24
scott-workttoine: do you feel we can mark the first task on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+spec/ubuntustudio-public-relations as DONE ?17:04
scott-workttoine: i also started (but not published) a press page on the website to address the second item as well, the links need to be curated however17:05
ttoinescott-work, It is ok17:05
ttoinescott-work, we should create some guideline about posting news about backports and SRU17:06
zequencettoine: I don't think we need to have any guidelines about that. If one of us wants something backported, or sru's or anyone in the community wants it, we add it to the blueprints, and someone will do it18:01
zequencettoine: If we have backported or SRU'd something, it is good if the PR folks are notified18:02
zequenceSo that it can be mentioned in news18:02
zequenceWe could make it a routine, that whenever we update anything on a non development release, we notify PR team18:03
zequencettoine: Ah, perhaps that is what you meant. Whenver something is updated, the PR team should be notified?18:07
scott-worki thought ttoine meant more about some guidelines for what text to use in the news post. which could be considered part of the "standard verbiage" task though20:03
scott-workwould someone more knowledgeable about testing than i like to write a news post for the website explaining how me aren't doing the usual milestones?20:04
ttoinezequence, that's what i meant, yes21:01
ttoinebut the scott-work idea about guidelines is a goos idea too21:02
scott-worklooking at the misc blueprint. do we really want to "Make sure GRUB menu shows for 10 sec by default"?21:08
scott-workif a user (such as myself :P ) only has ubuntu studio on their machine they might not really appreciate this21:09
ttoinescott-work, the matter is for people with laptop21:20
ttoinefor batterie life time, it is better to use a generic kernel when not making music21:20
ttoineso the aim was to find a way for users to have the choice21:21
scott-worksorry, lost connection due to webchat21:32
scott-workttoine: this is the last thing i saw "so the aim was to find a way for users to have the choice"21:32
scott-workhmmm, that is a very good point about laptops21:33
scott-worki seem to recall that grub can show a menu if more than one kernel is present, i wonder if this correct?21:33
ttoinescott-work, the matter is for people with laptop21:41
ttoine<ttoine> for batterie life time, it is better to use a generic kernel when not making music21:41
ttoine<ttoine> so the aim was to find a way for users to have the choice21:41
ttoinescott-work, you can press the shift key at startup to have the menu21:42
ttoineor it will show if there are an other system than ubuntu21:42
ttoinebut if there is only ubuntu and many kernel, it won't show21:42
Len-nbmicahg, no rush on the ubuntustudio-look package. Thankyou.21:45
zequencescott-work: I think the answer to keeping news feeds coordinated is just to have a habit of posting about any new stuff we did on the mail list. Then anyone in the PR team can use material from there, and create official news from it22:02
scott-workthat sounds good22:02
zequenceI guess another good practice might be for PR people to subscribe to changes22:16
zequenceBut, on what? Everything?22:16
scott-workno, not everything22:50
scott-worklet's wait until we start the first serious backport and evaluate what we need to do22:51

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