
c2tarunCan anyone please suggest me a good Chat client for Xubuntu? Pidgin store passwords in plane text format, its kind of creepy02:48
Sadinc2tarun: xchat02:49
c2tarunSadin, GTalk02:49
c2tarunfor gTalk02:49
Sadinc2tarun: ah sorry didnt specify :P02:50
c2tarunSadin, my fault :)02:50
Sadinc2tarun: wish i knew any only really use IRC here maybe search the package manager?02:51
john____c2tarun, emesene02:57
c2tarunjohn____, I m trying to open its preferences but its crashing03:12
john____c2tarun, are you running xubuntu 12.10?03:13
c2tarunjohn____, nope Xubuntu 12.0403:14
john____c2tarun, don't know, try the latest version03:17
c2tarunjohn____, thanks :) tying to install the latest stable now03:28
john____c2tarun, i hope it works :)03:34
c2tarunjohn____, it worked :) thanks a lot03:38
john____c2tarun, nice! :)03:41
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mchammerhi there09:58
mchammergot a small problem: after an xconf-issue my theme/style is set to the default xface-style09:59
mchammerand i can't change it back to greyboard09:59
mchammeri can't change the style at all09:59
mchammercan anybody help me with taht?09:59
mchammersame for icons etc10:00
mchammereverything appearance-related10:00
TheSheep"an xconf-issue"?10:04
mchammerhad a dual-monitor xconf10:06
mchammerstarted xubuntu with one monitor only10:07
mchammercouldnt find any monitors10:07
mchammerhad to create a new xconf and so on10:07
mchammerthing is: i'm a linux noob10:07
mchammerand i don't know where to start looking10:07
mchammergoogle didnt help10:07
blackgatonegrowell ubuntu does have forum and guides10:08
blackgatonegrofirst thing you should do after install of xubuntu is install xubuntu restricted drivers10:08
blackgatonegronext intall the privative video card driver10:08
blackgatonegrothen just install the programs you want, like I dunno, pidgin, libreoffice?10:09
mchammeri got that all running10:09
mchammerwith my nvidia10:09
mchammereverything was fine10:09
mchammerthen i tried to use my laptop without my external10:09
mchammerand shit hit the fan :F10:09
blackgatonegrois xubuntu installed in the external?10:10
blackgatonegrocause that would like, explain it10:10
mchammeri got both monitors working again10:10
mchammermy problem now is: i can't get my styles/icons back to work10:11
mchammerits all default-xfce10:11
mchammerand not greybird10:11
blackgatonegrowell, you can install the theme again10:16
blackgatonegrounfortunately, xfce has that bug, one bad log off and it reverts to default10:17
TheSheepblackgatonegro: really? tell me more about that10:23
mchammerokay and how do i install it back again?10:23
mchammeri still got the list with all themes10:23
mchammerbit when i click on a style, nothing happens10:23
TheSheepmchammer: do you have a .gtkrc or .gtkrc-2.0 file in your home directory?10:24
TheSheepmchammer: you need to enable showing hidden files in thunar to see them10:24
Bartzyhello :)10:24
BartzyCan I create a keyboard shortcut to move tabs around in xfce4-terminal ?10:24
TheSheepBartzy: not really10:25
BartzyTheSheep, Bummber , It's possible with gnome terminal :)10:25
TheSheepBartzy: you can use the gnome terminal with xubuntu just fine10:26
BartzyI won't need to install half of gnome ?10:26
TheSheepBartzy: you probably will10:26
BartzyI don't like that :)10:26
mchammerno, i only got .gtk-bookmarks10:26
TheSheepmchammer: so what did you exactly change, only /etc/X11/xorg.conf?10:27
mchammeras i said i had problems starting xfce, so i went into the console and wrote a new xonf-file via some nvidia tool10:29
mchammercant remember its name10:30
TheSheepI have no idea what "xonf-file" is10:30
TheSheepnope, doesn't help10:30
mchammerthx anyway10:33
mchammerno time for this right now10:34
blackgatonegroTheSheep, well, there is something called settings manager"10:38
blackgatonegromchammer, well, there is something called settings manager, you can change the theme and lots of settings using it10:50
TheSheepblackgatonegro: that's what he was using10:53
blackgatonegroTheSheep, maybe you could do a xubuntu partition in the computer you are using, using a external HD is usually not the best idea for xubuntu10:55
blackgatonegrowait, that was mchammer?10:55
blackgatonegromchammer, maybe you could do a xubuntu partition in the computer you are using, using a external HD is usually not the best idea for xubuntu, unless you never plug it off, and that kinda defeats the purpose of having a external HD.10:56
blackgatonegromchammer , if you want some kind of portable linux, there are other linux distros that do that.10:58
TheSheepblackgatonegro: please stop giving horrible advice10:58
mchammerwas afk11:02
mchammerno external drive11:02
mchammerand yes, i used the settings manager11:03
mchammerand i can click on all the themes/styles11:03
mchammerbut nothing happens11:03
TheSheepmchammer: can you check if it actually changes the settings in the file?11:04
TheSheepmchammer: you can check it with gconf-editor11:05
mchammerwhere is it located?11:06
TheSheepthat's xfce4-settings-editor11:06
TheSheepjust open a terminal and type 'xfce4-settings-editor'11:07
mchammerokay im in it11:08
mchammerand now?11:08
TheSheepthe gtk and icon themes are under xsettings, the xfwm theme is under xfwm411:08
mchammerthx ill look11:08
TheSheeptry changing it in the settings manager and see if it changes in that settings editor11:08
mchammerit changes the name11:11
mchammerin the settings editor11:11
TheSheepok, so the settings work, just are ignored for some reason11:13
xubuntu893всем привет! есть русские в конфе?11:51
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mks_земляк :)13:17
knome!ru | mks_13:18
ubottumks_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:18
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knomeis the action buttons applet using xfce4-session-logout?15:05
knomeif yes, what's the parameter to give to xfce4-session-logout to do a single action, but ask for confirmation?15:08
c2tarunis there anyway by which I take the screenshot and upload it directly to imagebin or someother place?16:10
GridCubepress prnt-screen and upload to the option it says there16:11
c2tarunGridCube, its saying host on ZimageZ16:11
c2tarunGridCube, ohh.. that will work :) thanks16:12
c2tarunGridCube, but is there anyway to change this site?16:12
GridCubeno, but you can make your own scripts using scrot and wget16:12
baizonim using synapse :)16:21
baizonit got a build in plugin to upload :)16:21
baizonbut i think this isnt what you are searching for16:21
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apersonhi!  I recently installed xubuntu-desktop and removed most of the remnants of kde off my system.  I now find that lightdm does not work.  I've tried fresh lightdm configs to no avail.  I am using gdm right now, but I'd like to go back to lightdm.  Can anyone help or point me in the right direction on where to start?17:07
baizonaperson: you need the xubuntu lightdm package17:13
apersonI see there is the gtk one and the qt one, but nothing specifically mentions xubuntu, baizon17:14
apersonI'm assuming you mean lightdm-gtk-greeter ?17:14
GridCubeaperson, yes17:16
GridCubeaperson, whats the problem exactly?17:16
apersonlightdm just fails to start17:16
GridCubemmmmhmm so you dont get to the greeter, but you do get to the gdm greeter?17:17
apersonafter I installed gdm and set that as the new default, gdm works fine17:17
apersonI remember trying to start lightdm from a tty, but it spat out some error that I failed to capture17:18
GridCubehave you done a sudo apt-get purge lightdm && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove17:18
apersonthe gtk greeter package was already installed, btw17:18
apersonGridCube, I had apt write new configs for lightdm17:19
apersonso everything in /etc/lightdm/ is brand new17:20
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baizon!hi | Catbuntu18:28
ubottuCatbuntu: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:28
Catbuntu!patiente | baizon18:28
Catbuntu!patience | baizon18:28
ubottubaizon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:28
CatbuntuNah, hello18:29
CatbuntuWherever I go, I always go back to home: XUBUNTU18:29
baizonof course because its the best distribution ;)18:29
CatbuntuI had to fight a bit to install granola because they've not a Quantal repo yet, so I had to install the debs.18:29
CatbuntuButttt I have a question18:29
CatbuntuI added the Granola repo installing a package18:29
CatbuntuHow can I remove it from the software sources? Editing sources.list as always18:30
holsteini do that, or i install synaptic and do it in that GUI.. i like synaptic and usually just install it18:30
baizonor removing sources.d/<file>18:30
CatbuntuI'll see if it's on sources.d18:30
Catbuntuholstein, wait, Synaptic has a sources.list GUI manager?18:30
holsteinsettings - repositories18:31
CatbuntuThanks, didn't know that18:32
CatbuntuI really never used Synaptic, I preffer command line18:32
CatbuntuBut that's cool :D18:32
holsteinCatbuntu: either way... you should get the same results.. also there is ppa-purge from the commandline18:33
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:33
CatbuntuBut that's not a PPA18:34
CatbuntuI know18:34
CatbuntuWell, it's on sources.list.d18:34
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CatbuntuÀ bientôt, Auf Wiedersehen, Bye Bye, Paká19:58
JND314folks, good afternoon.20:43
JND314I've spent some time now trying to get xubuntu to boot after I've installed it on my new lenovo c30 workstation.20:44
JND314it would appear that I have now seen a similar pb with ubuntu, ubuntu-gnome, and xubuntu.20:44
JND314I think its a grub problem.20:44
JND314I have a thinkstation c30, bios rev A1KT40AUS, secure boot is not enabled, UEFI boot mode is on auto. Its a spanking new computer, complete wipe of the drive for *ubuntu install.20:46
JND314I prefer xubuntu.20:46
JND314I've burned dvds on my mac of iso files whose md5sum I've double checked.20:47
JND314oddly, while ubuntu-gnome and xubuntu don't come up after install, ubuntu did, once, and now it doesnt.20:47
JND314I have not bricked my box (whew), I'm in the bios config now.20:47
JND314If there's anyone who knows grub or some why I can even get to my drive then I will have a lot of info to work with.20:48
knomeJND314, i have to say i don't know if this has to do with UEFI, but on my new laptop, i had to create a small (few hundred megs) partition at the beginning of the drive to get xubuntu working20:49
JND314let me say that I when I do an install, I use 12.10 iso binaries (let's say xubuntu) on a dvd. I install with a clean install (wipe) of the os, enable LVM,20:49
knomeJND314, this is what the laptop had when it had windows preinstalled20:50
JND314and the process is completely smooth. On reboot grub seems to fall thru all the way to my network loader, which is null.20:50
JND314knome, oh?20:50
knomeJND314, yup. a samsung series 5, if that helps you debug this at all20:51
JND314I've been reading about the samsung laptop issue.20:52
knomeJND314, is your a samsung too?20:52
JND314I don't think that I have the same pb.20:52
knomewhat's your model?20:52
JND314I have a thinkstation c3020:52
knomeoh right, you said that already. silly me...20:53
JND314if you scroll up a bit I've given some details on this.20:53
JND314no worries.20:53
knomeyeah, i don't think i can help much20:53
knomehave you asked about this in #ubuntu?20:53
JND314I'm inclined, if I can figure it out or get help, to edit my grub config20:53
knomesince this isn't a xubuntu-specific issue, they might be able to help too, even if you're installing xubuntu20:53
JND314well, I'm headed down that road, too.20:54
JND314its *really* odd that ubuntu booted fine yday after its install20:54
knomeok, just so you know: generally it's not encouraged to crosspost20:54
JND314but today, after another fresh install, it does not.20:54
JND314I'm aware.20:54
JND314but when there's no help its fair to move on.20:54
knomeyeah. nothing personal, just pointing out :)20:55
JND314the good folks at ubuntu-gnome didn't really know, and now I see that it wasn't specific to them I've come here.20:55
JND314yep. no pb.20:55
knomeyeah. sounds wonky though.20:55
JND314yeah, in fact only after I jumped on this chat did ubuntu not come up, although I expected it to.20:56
JND314its oddly consistent. and my box isn't bricked.20:56
JND314I think its grub.20:56
JND314I think.20:56
Riley88hey guys is anyone here good with uefi i tried to duel boot ubuntu 12.10 but couldnt get grub to show up21:07
Riley88i already turned of secure boot in the bios21:07
Riley88i heard 12.04 is supposed to have better uefi support21:08
Riley88is anyone here21:09
baizonRiley88: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting21:10
baizonyou watched there?21:10
Riley88i read that already still couldnt get grub to show up21:10
Riley88i just wanted a 50gig partition for games so i was just going to choose install along side of windows7 when i did it sunday on ubuntu 12.10 grub wouldnt show up and i ended up nuking my win7 install because the partition got messed up21:17
JND314my cxn is up and down as I'm switching between networks21:20
JND314_I'm going to make a guess that grub is not being installed on my hd.21:44
JND314_if it is installed then its not pointing to the right file.21:44
JND314_in grub I clearly see prefix=(cd0)/boot/grub, and I can cat (hd0)/boot/grub/grub.cfg21:45
JND314_fyi the grub_platform=efi21:46
JND314_now I'm thinking that the Intel Boot Agent (GE V1.3.72) is preempting grub22:06
JND314_link describing about what I see: http://askubuntu.com/questions/141879/error-1962-no-opertating-system-found-after-installing-12-04-lenevo-thinkcentre22:15
submanDoes Xubuntu not support screen captures?  I tried with Alt+PrintScr and nothing happens22:56
a5m0i have one computer that's on 3.7.0-4 and one that's on 3.5.0-19 and they both claim they're up to date, any  ideas what's up?23:24
picardahello everyone23:43
picardaanyone can tell me how I can install more compiz effect on xubuntu v12.10?23:44

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