
ScottKronnoc: Someone ought to explain to them that there's KDE/Plasma in the Ubuntu repositories.  No need to offer opensuse just for that.00:10
ronnocScottK: I caught that00:11
ScottKronnoc: Here's your chance to be a Kubuntu evangelist.00:11
ronnocYea. I'll start by blogging about it and commenting on the article and go from there. At that pricepoint, and with the percieved 'safety-net' of Android, this thing could be huge. 00:13
ScottKDeleting 22K messages from Akonadi/Kmail takes a LONG time.00:20
micahgthat's something it shares with Thunderbird :)00:24
persiaDo they regenerate the index on each delete?00:26
ScottKNot sure, but it's progressed about 2.5K since I mentioned it.01:23
ScottKI suspect the problem is the display is trying to refresh after each delete as the process that's CPU bound is Kontact/Kmail, not something akonadi.01:23
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ronnoc_BTW ScottK - I'm already a kubuntu evangelist :)04:01
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Tm_Tmhb ... who knows where he is?06:00
Tm_Tthis one https://launchpad.net/~martin.bohm06:01
Tm_T...is expiring on kubuntu-members06:01
ScottKHe's not been involved in some time.06:04
ScottKIt's unfortunate, but I'm not surprised.06:04
Tm_Tallright so no worries06:05
MamarokRiddell: the Polo just arrived, yay!09:21
Mamarokthank you very much :)09:21
afiestasRiddell: ktuberling thingy done09:29
RiddellMamarok: remember the payment, you need to post a picture of you or someone equally good looking wearing it on planets ubuntu/kde :)09:42
Mamarokwill certainly do in a few minutes :)09:42
MamarokI will ping you when it is up09:42
Riddell"Qt 4.8.4 has just been released" says my e-mail09:45
Tm_TRiddell: nice10:01
Tm_T"Stable release4.8.4[2] / 29 November 2012; 5 days ago" says Wikipedia, ye10:02
Tm_Tsource being http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2012/11/29/qt-4-8-4-released/10:02
RiddellTm_T: mm, qt announce list being a bit slow indeed10:33
Riddellbah kdepimlibs needing some change10:40
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shadeslayerRiddell: art thou working on pimlibs?11:21
shadeslayerit needs libxslt1-dev from what I can tell11:21
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah I am11:22
shadeslayerah cool11:22
Riddelljust got my chroot set up11:22
shadeslayercool :)11:22
shadeslayerlunchpad i386 builders have insanely long build queues11:24
Riddellloads of symbols removed from kdepimlibs 4.9.90 compared to 4.9.8012:08
BluesKajHi all13:13
Riddelllots more 4.9.90 to be done http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-ppa-build-status.html13:23
Riddell!ninjas 13:24
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger, yofel13:24
apacheloggerbusy with phonon stuff13:24
* yofel_ is at work13:25
Riddelljust when you're free :)13:25
Riddelland not busy on alpha 1 testing or 4.9.4 :)13:25
simplewsometimes kubuntu changes back to defaults, i use to change fonts to 'Sans 8' and in "kcmshell4 componentchooser" -> Web Browser   i use to change to option 'in an application based on the contents of the URL'.   but kubuntu uses to change back these settings to defaults, how is this possible?13:31
yofel_someone that's bored could test 4.9.4 for precise. It finished building a while ago13:33
Riddellyofel_: for precise? very generous of us to do13:34
simplewRiddell: i have sent you an email about this problem, could you have a look?13:34
yofel_there seem to be plenty of people still on precise, and it's not a really large update13:34
simplewyofel_: hey dude :)13:35
Riddellsimplew: sorry not today way too many other things to be done13:35
yofel_hi simplew13:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
simplewno one has an idea why these 2 settings keep getting to kubuntus default for no reason?13:36
apacheloggeryofel, Riddell: IMHO we should try to give more updates to LTS releases anyway ... particularly when they are little effort13:37
simplewRiddell: the mail was sent 8 days ago...13:37
Riddellapachelogger: it's a bit of a luxury when we're slow at packaging for development release and current release13:37
apacheloggerRiddell: personally I'd take LTS + dev series over latest random stable13:39
apacheloggerbut yeah13:39
apacheloggerwe'd be faster if people were talking me serious :P13:39
simplewdoes anyone have a clue why the mouse theme in lightdm or kdm is 'Oxygen_White' when i changed the mouse theme in systemsettings to another?13:39
apacheloggerlanguage fail13:39
yofelsimplew: the login screen should be using the x-cursor-theme alternative13:40
apacheloggeralso #kubuntu for support please13:40
* apachelogger just broke ktuberling again -.-13:41
Riddellapachelogger: the audience who wants an LTS is unlikely to want the latest KDE from a PPA I feel13:41
simplewapachelogger: but these questions are also realted with development, so that they can be fixed13:42
apacheloggerRiddell: dunno, particularly kde contributors tend to install LTS for their dear ones but put the latest PPA SC on it13:42
apacheloggerso it's less far off from the latest and greatest13:43
simplewi see that in startupconfigfiles and startupconfigkeys  theres no set for fonts, maybe thats why fonts continue being changed to kubuntu defaults?13:43
apachelogger(I am not saying we should backport every SC inbetween LTS relases btw)13:43
Riddell"PPA exceeded its size limit"13:44
Riddellrollocks, ninjas is full13:44
apacheloggerdo they still not run janitor?13:44
yofelit's running13:44
yofelbut it seems like 4.9.90 + 2X4.9.4 was too large13:45
Riddellespecially with language packs for quantal and precise!13:46
apacheloggerwe have language packs in ninja?13:46
apacheloggerguess those do not need to go there13:46
yofelI didn't think they would be that large13:46
Riddellyofel's generosity is too large :)13:47
yofeltrue ^^13:47
Riddellwhen is 4.9.4 released so it can be moved out of ninjas?13:47
yofel4.9.4 release is supposed to be today: a) wait b) remove langpack c) ask for more size13:47
Riddelld) move out of ninjas toot sweet13:48
apacheloggeryou can copy the langpacks to staging meanwhile13:48
Riddellif it's due for release today that's entirely fair13:48
apacheloggerif you want to wait13:48
Riddellnah, way to much bother to copy them twice13:49
Riddellthey should be moved to updates/backports13:49
Riddellyofel: what's needed to get them moved? I'm at your disposal since I can't do 4.9.90 currently13:50
yofelI think someone tested quantal, so we're good to move it. For precise I would need a test first.13:50
Riddellyes soee tested it13:51
yofelif we do want to move them without waiting for an announcement13:51
RiddellI'll test quantal locally and precise on an ec213:51
soeeyes tested yesterday, no problems during and after upgrade13:51
yofelRiddell: then I could copy quantal right now and wipe it from ninjas13:52
simplewseams im not being taken seriously...13:53
yofelsimplew: we have more pressing issues right now...13:53
simplewyofel: i consider this problem a very serious one, having settings reverted to default, that should never happen13:54
Riddellsimplew: sorry we're just busy on several things this week13:55
simplewwell, this is my POV, but i think in a generall view its a very important issue13:55
Riddellyofel: go for it13:55
apacheloggersimplew: there are no reports about this on launchpad so I suppose it is caused by something in your specific setup13:55
simplewapachelogger: not quite, i have created new users and this continues to happen13:56
simplewapachelogger: and only these 2 settings are the ones that are reverted to defaults, the remaining ones continue following user sets13:57
simplewapachelogger: so far i didnt set /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/kdeglobals to use the fonts i want to see whats causing this, but i cant discover it13:58
Darkwingaaaaaaaaand another email change for the Darkwing13:59
simplewRiddell: why default fonts in kdelibs were changed to 'Dejavu Sans' and in kubuntu-default-settings continues with Ubuntu?14:02
Riddellsimplew: I think the patch in kdelibs comes from debian, the kubuntu-default-settings value is a decision of kubuntu14:03
apacheloggerqt&kdelibs are patched by debian to use dejavu14:04
yofelRiddell: done, try again14:04
simplewbut if in kubuntu is to use different fonts, are that patch continues in ubuntu?14:04
simplewbut if in kubuntu is to use different fonts, why that patch continues in ubuntu?14:04
apacheloggerbecause we want dejavu when kds is not installed14:06
simplewapachelogger: kds?14:07
apacheloggerthe settings package14:07
Riddellactually we should remove that dejavu patch, it might mess with the fontconfig settings which will be more considered14:12
apacheloggerRiddell: should talk with debian why they patch14:16
apacheloggerperhaps the fontconfig stuff in earlier Qt4 was misbehaving14:16
Riddellapachelogger: debian's fontconfig settings are different from ubuntu so I think there are separate issues14:19
apacheloggerRiddell: well, the point is that the default font should be set via fontconfig and the patches do nothing more than that14:20
apachelogger(which could of course be achieved by putting a config file into the qt package if necessary14:20
rbelemdanimo_: ping14:49
rbelemdanimo_: we have sent more patches14:50
danimo_rbelem: cool, can't look into them, but if they are on the server side, coolo is the better person to ask anyway14:51
rbelemdanimo_: that make icecc work with android14:51
danimo_rbelem: (I'm on a code camp atm)14:51
danimo_rbelem: cool!14:51
rbelemdanimo_: oki :-)14:51
rbelemdanimo_: which channel can i find him?14:51
danimo_rbelem: usually he just idles on IRC14:52
danimo_rbelem: he'll react on github notifications though14:52
rbelemdanimo_: oki :-) i will wait for him14:53
rbelemthx danimo_ 14:53
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Riddellyofel: precise removes a bunch of packages on dist-upgrade to ninjas http://paste.kde.org/619580/15:15
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yofelRiddell: you do have backports enabled as well?15:16
Riddellyofel: no, should I?15:16
Riddellkubuntu backports?15:16
RiddellThe following packages will be REMOVED: libkdegames5a libkggzgames415:17
yofelyes, kubuntu backports, ninjas has only the parts that are needed to build the 4.9.4 pieces. You'll need a bit more to get the deps worked out15:17
Riddellah yes, that's better15:17
shadeslayerhow interesting15:40
shadeslayeragateau: do you know about : https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/telepathy-indicator/trunk15:40
shadeslayeragateau: can we potentially use that for KDE Telepathy?15:43
Riddellshadeslayer: that's not new?  there's always been a telepathy indicator plugin15:43
Riddellit works but uses a bunch of gtk stuff15:43
Riddellapt-get install telepathy-indicator15:43
shadeslayerright, but does it work with ktp?15:44
Riddelllyofel: 4.9.4 working well on precise15:46
Riddellvnc ec2-54-234-27-194.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5901 should you wish to check15:47
agateaushadeslayer: never heard of this15:48
* agateau clicks15:48
agateauoh, it's not specific to ktp15:49
Riddellshadeslayer: it does, it works with the telepathy daemon15:49
Riddellyou need to restart it after install15:49
* shadeslayer tries15:49
* agateau never knows how to start telepathy stuff :)15:50
shadeslayertp is fairly decoupled :P15:50
shadeslayerlemme logout15:50
Riddellyou might need to restart something else I'm not sure, I know it didn't work for me when I installed it then it magically worked when I wasn't expecting it later15:51
agateauit's probably a standalone binary which you can run by end15:52
kubotuagateau meant: "it's probably a standalone binary which you can run by hand"15:52
shadeslayeruhh can't get it to work for some reason15:55
yofelRiddell: thanks15:58
danimo_why is inotify.h under /usr/include/<arch>/sys/, instead of /usr/include/sys in 12.04?16:07
danimo_or am I missing an additional package?16:07
shadeslayerdo header includes get multi arched?16:07
shadeslayerI'm not sure16:07
shadeslayerfor eg : http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/amd64/kdelibs5-dev/filelist16:08
shadeslayeroh hmm16:09
shadeslayerdanimo_: on raring : /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/inotify.h16:09
shadeslayerthis is thoroughly confusing16:09
danimo_shadeslayer: yes, but cmake will not look in the arch directory16:09
danimo_given it's an implementation detail of debians arch abstraction, apps shouldn't even have to know16:10
yofelcmake *should* check there - unless someone goes and overrides the include search patch. I could be wrong though...16:19
yofelI know that we have a patch for gwenview for exactly that reason16:21
danimo_yofel: find_path(INOTIFY_INCLUDE_DIR sys/inotify.h) fails16:21
danimo_yofel: url?16:21
danimo_yofel: it's the reason why the owncloud client never uses inotify on debian/ubuntu/kubuntu16:22
shadeslayerdanimo_: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/gwenview/view/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_cmake_jpeg_multiarch_path.diff16:23
yofelshadeslayer: thanks (my network connection is crappy right now :( )16:23
shadeslayeryofel: np :)16:24
shadeslayeralso, hah! how the tables have turned :P16:24
shadeslayerRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/analitza/revision/5316:33
shadeslayer"53. By Jonathan Riddell 3 hours ago : asdjaaoijs"16:33
shadeslayernot to mention things like : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/analitza/files/head:/debian/libanalitzagui4/16:34
shadeslayerCould not find executable /build/buildd/ark-4.9.90/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/plugins/clirarplugin/tests/clirartest.shell16:38
shadeslayeris that because we have disabled tests in kde4libs?16:39
shadeslayer"PPA exceeded its size limit (11527.00 of 10240.00 MiB). Ask a question in https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/ if you need more space."16:40
yofelwe already wiped stuff, now wait for the janitor16:41
yofeloh, beta2 announcement is out16:43
yofeland 4.9.4 got its release page16:44
yofelyofel: re gwenview patch: fix that in FindJPEG rather16:50
yofelmeh, I can't highlight myself16:51
yofel__yofel: ^16:51
Riddellshadeslayer: could you tell my head wasn't fully functioning this morning? :)16:51
shadeslayersilly yofel talking to himself :D16:52
shadeslayerand I thought I was the silly one when I talked to myself to test telepathy16:53
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shadeslayeranyone running precise and want to test some FF packages with KDE integration?17:09
Riddelloh I just shut off that ec2 machine :(17:09
MamarokRiddell: see my blog: http://blogs.fsfe.org/myriam/2012/12/04/on-knitting-google-codein-and-a-nice-surprise-delivered-to-my-doorstep/17:24
RiddellMamarok: now you're famous http://planet.ubuntu.com/ :)17:24
Mamarokblame markey for the blurry pic17:25
Riddellhe just doesn't want anyone to see your good looks in that shirt17:25
QuintasanRiddell: Any progress on business cards?17:32
QuintasanRiddell: oh, also, did you take a look at maliit?17:32
RiddellQuintasan: no sorry been too busy for either17:38
QuintasanRiddell: That's okay, I just wanted to know if there was any progress, I'm particulary interested in business cards :P17:39
Darkwingsomeone made business card templates?17:39
QuintasanDarkwing: Not really, that's what we are looking for I believe17:39
* Darkwing ponders17:39
Riddellit's not difficult to make an SVG with logo+contact details on it17:40
QuintasanI think we agreed on name, surname, phone, email and gpg fingerprint on it.17:40
QuintasanRiddell: I don't think it is if you KNOW how to do it17:40
* Quintasan for example has virtually no iea17:40
DarkwingI found that placing a scannable QR on the back was good. I did that for loco cards I made a while back.17:41
QuintasanHmm, that's a good idea :D17:41
RiddellQuintasan: apt-get install inkscape is the first step :)17:41
QuintasanRiddell: That sort of implies I have the thing called design sense :P17:43
shadeslayeryou could do a call for designs on G+17:49
shadeslayerthe guy who started the G+ page has awesome design skillz17:50
QuintasanScottK: What was that python package which you showed me at uds?18:51
ScottKQuintasan: No idea.  Can you give me a hint?21:43
ScottKyofel: You saw 4.9.4 is released, right?21:43
QuintasanScottK: It was that one with some multiarch dirty hack21:44
ScottKQuintasan: pykde421:44
QuintasanScottK: Thanks21:44
robtygartI have a quick question about rc.local http://paste.kde.org/619796/ Do I need to change the 0 to a 1?21:48
robtygartOk never mind I think I figured it out. 21:51
robtygartWould it be possible to add something to disable DPMS in the next build. PLEASE! 21:54
yofelScottK: we published it to get it out of the way, but there's no announcement yet21:58
yofelonly the website update21:58
ScottKyofel: There's a KDE announcement.21:58
yofelnot on http://www.kde.org/announcements/...21:58
yofeland I only got the 4.9.90 announcement mail today21:59
ScottKIt was a bit before that.21:59
yofelI saw the mail to the release-team, but nothing to kde-announce22:01
ScottKIt turns out that's all I saw too.22:01
yofelthat's why I didn't put anything on the website yet22:01
ScottKThey've published it, so we should go ahead and announce, etc.22:01
ScottKGo for it.22:01
yofelhm... I'm kinda conservative on this after sebas once asked me to not announce things ahead of time...22:02
ScottKThey've published the release, so I think it's on them now.22:03
yofelI'll make the website announcement in a bit, I'll poke you to push the publish button then ;P22:03
ScottKrobtygart: Why?22:34
ScottKAlso what file is that in?22:34
robtygartScottK: I am trying to disable "dpms" at startup22:35
ScottKRight, but why are you trying to do that?22:35
robtygartBut I only can from terminal using "xset -dpms" after restart its back to defult22:36
robtygartthe file is /ect/rc.local22:37
ScottKOh, so you added it?22:37
ScottKOr rather added the dpms call.22:38
robtygartyes I added that.22:41
robtygartThank you Scott. 22:41
robtygartI think I figured it out.22:41
ScottKI suspect you can change things in /etc/kbd/config or add your own script in /etc/X11/Xsessions.d.22:42
robtygartSo that should keep DPMS of22:42
robtygartThanks again Scott! I need to restart. Bye 22:45
RiddellI wonder if ninjas is accepting uploads yet23:01
ScottKWas it not before?23:04
ScottKRiddell: Did we ask to have cron turned off for our images?23:04
RiddellScottK: I didn't no23:04
ScottKShall I?23:05
Riddellplease do23:05
yofelninjas has space again23:05
simplewwhats the kde equivalent to wireshark ?23:38
Riddellsimplew: try asking in #kubuntu or #kde23:56
simplewRiddell: thats why the answer didnt got answered, i thoutght i was in ##linux23:57
ScottKIn any case, it's wireshark or tcpdump.23:58

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