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Chaos7TheoryI'm wondering something about Muon03:23
Chaos7TheorySince this is my first time using Kubuntu, what's the 'Full Upgrade' option for and what does it exactly mean in that case by 'Upgrade'?03:25
tsimpsonChaos7Theory: it means it will allow the upgrade of packages that require new packages to be installed, rather than only ones that don't require any new packages03:28
tsimpsonit's not going to do a release upgrade (to the "next" version of Kubuntu)03:28
Chaos7TheoryIs it not on by default since it adds a lot data?03:29
Chaos7TheorySince a large amount of packages are labeled 'Upgradeable'03:29
tsimpsonno, it just gives you the option to not have new packages installed03:29
tsimpsonsometimes it may be many packages, sometime none, and sometimes somewhere in-between03:30
Chaos7TheoryI'm also confused since there doesn't seem to be an option for default IME anymore03:31
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lor_anybody here?05:39
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Fuzzles272is this the kubuntu channel?09:23
InspectorCluseauread the topic?09:24
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contrastGreets, everyone...10:36
contrastI just did a fresh install of 12.10 and I can't connect to the Internet (using a wired connection). Oddly enough, I can connect to the network and pull up my router's web interface page just fine. Any ideas?10:37
avihaycontrast: try ping or going to
contrastavihay: That seems to work, it took me to Google...10:41
avihayyes, that's one of google's  servers10:41
ubottuTo set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/dns.html10:41
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avihayuhh, anyway, you are connected too the internet, you just have some DNS issue10:42
avihayoh, and I don't know how to fix that, or what further info to ask from you, so if anyone knows, feel free to chip in10:44
contrastavihay: Hmm, alright... At least now I can use Google on the problem machine. :D Thanks!10:44
avihaywell, it will give you results, but you'll still need DNS to access the sites10:44
contrastAhh, of course.10:45
avihayatleast you have a better definition of the problem and now google can help10:46
contrastIndeed. Thanks again.10:49
liqiaohave human?11:07
blueapplehave human?11:12
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etienne__how do I make my avatar appear in lightdm ?11:57
etienne__i changed it in systems settings but it didn't change in lightdm11:58
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jouleshi, what are the deb-src for 4.9.3?13:03
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BluesKajHi all13:13
joulesah man13:16
jouleshow do I get the public key for quantal-updates13:16
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BluesKajpublic key ? ..quantal is not in the ppas , it's in the official repos , or at kubuntu.org13:18
joulesBluesKaj: keyserver.ubuntu.com just times out..could be my firewall.13:22
BluesKajwhy a public key for quantal updates , must be a ppa or ppas , right ?13:27
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ovidiu-florinhello, I'm experiencing problems with the digital clock widget on Kubuntu 12.04. eighter if it's in a pannel or directly on the desktop, the right part of the calendar (shown when I click on the clock) is squeseed and the test does not display properly.14:23
ovidiu-florinIf I open the calendar widget, the right part (the list of the events) is displayed properly14:24
ovidiu-florinhow can I fix this in the Digital clock widget?14:25
tsimpsonif you move the cursor over the top left or top right corners of the widget, you should be able to click and drag to resize it14:26
ovidiu-florintsimpson: it resises just the clock, not the calendar14:27
tsimpsonI mean once you click on the clock to show the calendar, you should be able to resize that pop-up part14:28
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ovidiu-florintsimpson: ow.... found it... thanks14:30
ovidiu-florinthere should be some visual aid to be more explicit as how to do that14:31
ovidiu-florinlike those 3 dots that are in the bottom right of every window in KDE14:31
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uglyoldbobi have a strange problem. when the screen goes black, pressing a key causes it to immediately come back, but moving the mouse  takes 5-10 seconds. what could cause this?14:55
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JuJuBeeHow do I remove the default installed games with 12.10?15:47
thelionroarssearch for them in muon package manager and select to remove them15:49
thelionroarsor, use a terminal15:50
JuJuBeeno simple way to remove all in terminal?15:50
thelionroarssudo apt-cache search name15:50
thelionroarswhen you find the package you want to remove:15:50
thelionroarssudo apt-get remove package15:50
thelionroarsI think you will have to remove each game individually15:50
JuJuBeeOK, thanks15:52
jalcine_uglyoldbob: That might be a X issue16:01
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u19809hi all ... had to reinstall my laptop. INstalled with 12.10 but now teamviewer7 does not want to start anymore ;( Wine says it couldn't start it but does not give a reason17:49
u19809Ideas >17:49
u19809Ideas ?17:49
frankkohow do i take a photo with a webcam?17:51
frankkou19809: verbose >txtfile and post to a pastebin. Wine is not a main concerin outside the #winehq channel17:52
DarthFrogfrankko: You can use "kamoso" to take pix with your web cam.17:53
frankkoDarthFrog: Thankyou. i wil try that. I am a CLI user so i do know very little about any gui apps.17:53
DarthFrogfrankko: You shouldn't have any problems.17:54
frankkowhat is the fast command of staring a kde window17:56
frankkoseriously i am a CLI guy17:56
frankkodid that earlier and it printed..17:57
DarthFrogfrankko: If you install yakuake (Yet Another Quake), you can have a console by pressing F12.  Or just press Alt-F2 right now.17:57
frankkoDarthFrog: done17:58
DarthFrogI love yakuake.  I use it all the time.17:58
frankkois the file really saved in ~or is it a /temp situation?17:58
frankkoguis confuse me17:59
DarthFrogPress Alt-F2 for a mini-CLI (AKA krunner).  Either type your command into that window or type "konsole" for a console window.17:59
frankkogpm+dvtm is a gui, to that i agree but simple and good17:59
frankkoDarthFrog: you are one of the good ones18:00
DarthFrogfrankko: Only by accident. :-)  Thanks.18:00
frankkoi think i will return to the cli though as soon as i have this identity theft thing solved18:01
* datruth hates usb 3.018:05
datruthif its not one problem its another on this computer18:05
DarthFrogdatruth:  Why?18:05
DarthFrogthen don't use it.18:05
datruthDarthFrog: i've just spent most of the night building my system after I am done my usb 3.0 controller goes away18:05
datruthnow my driver isn't even detected18:05
datruththe only way I know of to get it back to re-install everything all over again18:06
DarthFrogWhat motherboard do you have?18:06
DarthFrogNot that I can help you but I'd just like to know what hardware to avoid.18:06
datruthDarthFrog: asus g74s18:07
DarthFrogHmm, I've always used Asus mobos.  They're generally excellent.18:07
DarthFrogMy current mobo is an Asus M4A with USB 3.0.18:08
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datruthforget asus and the hardware18:17
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* datruth packs up his stuff to return18:25
ScuniziI'm trying to get kmail to sync with my gmail account without success.. I've looked at http://userbase.kde.org/Working_with_GMail which has not helped.  Any suggestions?19:18
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CymewAnyone good with beamers? I have a beamer attached to my machine, on HDMI, but how do I get any output on it? Running the nvidia config thing I can get two screens set up, but nothing shows on on the external display. Any hints?20:28
BluesKajCymew, beamer ?20:34
Cymewpjojector, whatever you like to call them. I guess it's the same procedure as for any external display ising HDMI20:34
Cymewif only I could spell20:34
BluesKajCymew, ok20:35
CymewI used disper to get it show up at all in the gui20:35
Cymewnow it's there, how to I get any output on it???20:35
BluesKajyes the procedure is the same for any display20:35
BluesKajwhich graphics card , open a terminal , lspci | grep VGA20:36
reagleSince I moved to 12.10 I always end up with a missfont.log in  my home directory and my consoles are full of fontconfig errors20:36
reagleFontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.20:36
reagleAny ideas how to fix?20:36
CymewBluesKaj: I know it's a GeForce 9600M GT20:37
BluesKajreagle, it's a bug , look on launchpad20:37
reagleIf I delete .fonts.conf my fonts look screwy, if I set them in KDE's settings, the file is back20:37
Cymewodd thing is, on the systems settings panel from KDE, no external display shows up, only in the nvidia-settings app and in disper does it show20:38
reagleBluesKaj: I've looked but didn't see anything 12.10 specific, pointer?20:38
BluesKajCymew, kmenu>systemsettings>system>additional drivers20:38
BluesKajreagle, system settings , application appearance20:39
reaglethis gives me nothing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=.fonts.conf+is+deprecated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.20:39
BluesKajreagle, read above20:40
CymewBluesKaj: that path does not exists on my machine20:40
reagleBluesKaj: yes, I know this is where I configure fonts, and if I do so .fonts.conf comes back with all the warnings.20:40
Cymewrunning 10.04.04 and kde 4.4.520:41
BluesKajCymew, sorry kmenu>applications >system>addtional drivers20:41
reaglesearching launchpad for "missfont" doesn't return "bugs related to kubuntu" either20:42
CymewI do find the nvidia panel there, though20:42
BluesKajreagle, have you added any 3rd party fonts20:42
reagleyes, MS Core20:43
BluesKajCymew, you're looking in settings , not system20:43
BluesKajreagle, that could be your problem then20:44
Cymewno, it's in both places20:45
reaglewuh? (anything "could be" the problem) Can you point me to the bug report you mentioned?20:45
CymewI've upgraded from release 7 to 10.04.04 so much stuff in the menues looks weird20:45
BluesKajCymew, ok , alt+f2 , type jockey20:45
CymewBut, typing drivers in the search box and it's nowhere to be found20:46
BluesKajeven 10.04 is kind of dated , Cymew20:46
CymewYeah, I know20:47
BluesKajdid you try alt+f2 , jockey20:47
CymewI like LTS releases and since I have upgraded so many times my system now is kind of wonky. I'd hate to make it wonkier, but maybe it has to be done...20:47
BluesKaj12.04 is the lateest LTS20:48
CymewI'm thinking of reinstalling with 12.04 and considering these kind of problems...20:50
Cymewdamn, I did not even have jockey installed. wtf?20:50
CymewIt claims I have the current and recommended version20:51
CymewI wonder when jockey wnet missing, I know I have used it before20:52
CymewMaybe I do need to reinstall from scratch20:52
CymewThanks for getting me to reinstall jockey! ;)20:53
BluesKajok run this in the terminal , dpkg -l | grep nvidia , that will show the installed driver , Cymew20:53
Cymewii  nvidia-173-modaliases                      173.14.22-0ubuntu11.2                           Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver20:54
Cymewii  nvidia-96-modaliases                       96.43.17-0ubuntu1.1                             Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver20:54
Cymewii  nvidia-common                              0.2.23                                          Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers20:54
Cymewii  nvidia-current                             195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.04.3                      NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library20:54
Cymewii  nvidia-current-modaliases                  195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.04.3                      Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver20:54
Cymewii  nvidia-settings                            195.36.08-0ubuntu2                              Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver20:54
Cymew 20:54
FloodBotK1Cymew: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:54
Cymewquite a few drivers there20:56
yofelnope, only one: nvidia-current, the rest are support packages20:57
CymewIf you say so, I never understood what all those were20:58
yofelwhat does 'xrandr' say about the display configuration?20:59
BluesKajyes , I used the wrong command , you'll have to inustall mesa-utils , then run this command ,  glxinfo | grep OpenGL , the look in the list for OpenGL version string:20:59
yofelwasn't the original question about display configuration?21:00
BluesKajhe has no video output from the hdmi21:01
BluesKajtrying to find the right driver21:01
Cymewlooks like it's in use, no?21:01
yofelthe driver looks fine, I would be more interested whether the hdmi output is even turned on21:01
Cymewhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1411130/ this is the output from xrandr, only onme screen there, hmmm.21:02
yofel... or recognised21:02
yofelmeh, can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log please?21:03
Cymewouch! It's 2700 lines long...21:06
CymewI'm pretty sure my xorc.conf is pretty messed up by now....21:06
CymewI don't eevn know how to get that into a paste21:06
CymewThat nvidia tool had a button for saving the xorg.conf and since I had to restart the server (according to that tool) I used it to save a new one. Seesm like it was a bad idea.21:08
yofelinstall pastebinit, then just run 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log'21:08
Cymewinteresting tool21:10
yofelurgh, the EDID information isn't read right so it can't figure out a usable resolution for the beamer. (If I understand the log right)21:13
* yofel wonders what the chances are that a driver update might break more than it fixes...21:14
* Cymew puts on his conservative 10.04.04 hat and guesses breakage ahead21:15
yofelheh, well, I'm not sure how much the 304.64 driver got testing on 10.04, but there are packages in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates if you want to risk it21:16
CymewI gather you have to have 12.04 repos to even get a newer driver, considering jockey claims I have the latest, right?21:16
yofel195 -> 304 is a bit of a drastic jump21:16
Cymewoh, you were quicker than me21:16
Cymewyeah, it sounds a but much21:16
yofelnah, the PPA provides updates even for 10.0421:17
Cymewreally? Interesting21:17
yofelread the ppa description, that has instructions on how to revert the update if necessary21:17
CymewYou're right it does have updates even for 10.0421:18
Cymewwhat the heck is EDID info anyway? Is it something the device serves to the xorg server, and they have to be on the same page about what they can do to each other?21:19
yofelpretty much: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_display_identification_data21:20
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CymewIf I read that right, it means the driver doesn't know what it needs to know. Hmm. There's no list of what deviced are supported by the driver somewhere, is there? Kind of a bad idea to upgrade and all that and then find it is not a supported device anyway...21:23
yofelCymew: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-304.64-driver.html -> supported products21:25
CymewLooks like it'21:26
Cymews ok21:26
FloodBotK1Cymew: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:26
CymewSo if I upgrade and it is the source of the EDID problem, how am I supposed to get output on the external device? Do I have to run xrandr or disper or something like that, or is it just goinf to show up on the Display tab in system settings after that?21:29
yofelI can't quite remember how things were on 10.04, I would rather try nvidia-settings. But if it shows up in xrandr, it'll show up in system settings as well (same interface)21:30
CymewI thnink I'll take a moment to think if I will do the upgrade or if I should try to start with a fresh xorg.conf and see when the problems appear.21:31
CymewI'm pretty sure me clicking around in the nvidia panel screwed some things up21:32
CymewMany thanks to yofel and BluesKaj for all the help debugging the issue. I need some sleep on this as well.21:33
yofelsure, good luck21:33
CymewReally appreciated21:33
robtygartI have a question about rc.local http://paste.kde.org/619796/21:44
robtygarton the end do I need to change the 0 to a 1 ?21:44
tsimpsonrobtygart: 0 means the script was successful, anything else means there was an error. so you don't want to change it22:17
robtygarttsimpson: Thanks! From what I did, was that the correct way to launch rc.local22:27
robtygartsudo gedit /ect/rc.local22:27
tsimpsonI wouldn't use sudo with a GUI app22:28
robtygarthow would you launch rc.local?22:29
tsimpsonI'd edit it with kdesudo kate /etc/rc.local, or gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local22:30
akoma1srobtygart: open a konsole window, then run sudoedit /etc/rc.local22:30
tsimpsonwell, only the former as I don't have gedit or gksudo22:30
akoma1srunning gui apps as root is bad, no matter the gui toolkit22:31
robtygartakoma1s: that just gives me a black edit screen22:32
akoma1swhat does 'ls -ld /etc/rc.local' return?22:33
robtygartakoma1s: rob@mobile:~$ ls -ld /etc/rc.local22:34
robtygart-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 317 Oct 30 18:02 /etc/rc.local22:34
tsimpsonyou should know that xset requires DISPLAY to be set22:35
akoma1srobtygart: perhaps a typo? works right here, launching nano as root and showing the contents of /etc/rc.local22:37
robtygartakoma1s: thanks, still did not work.22:40
robtygartthats ok, I think I got it.22:40
akoma1srobtygart: can you try 'sudo nano /etc/rc.local'22:41
robtygartakoma1s: Yes! That did it.22:42
robtygartThank you!22:42
akoma1sanytime :)22:42
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