
=== slank is now known as slank_away
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lifelessbigjools: if they paste the error they are having they might get help!01:16
bigjoolslifeless: well, quite :)01:17
adeuringgood morning08:50
deryckMorning, all.10:57
rick_h_morning deryck12:04
rick_h_adeuring: do you have time to do a hangout on this zcml fun please?12:04
adeuringrick_h_: sure12:04
rick_h_adeuring: woot! all the product tests passed. So back to my own new tests and making this work. Thanks!12:59
adeuringrick_h_: welcome :)12:59
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sinzuijam, mgz: I don't understand the issue with this import to help the user. Can you help? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/21574613:16
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=== rick_h_ changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On-call reviewer: rick_h | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: ~170
rick_h_adeuring: can you please review this branch we chatted about then since I'm OCR? https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/changing_maintainer_1077841/+merge/13784914:25
adeuringrick_h_: sure14:26
sinzuirick_h_, do you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/cleanup-merged-people-1/+merge/13770014:34
rick_h_sinzui: will do after call14:42
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rick_h_sinzui: r=me15:27
sinzuithank you rick_h_15:28
adeuringrick_h_: could you please review this mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/bug-1086043/+merge/137882 ?15:43
rick_h_sure thing adeuring15:44
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
mattywI'm having a go at fixing bugs in loggerhead. I'm trying to run serve-branches but all I get from my browser is: The resource could not be found. Anyone able to offer a couple of minutes to help me work out what I'm doing wrong?15:56
rick_h_mattyw: when I last ran it I could only get it to work against a single branch and not against a direcotry of them15:58
mattywrick_h_, from within my loggerhead source directory I do ./serve-branches (no args) correct? I believe that should give me one branch16:00
rick_h_ok, what I had to do to get it working was install it as a bazaar plugin, and then use bzr serve --http16:05
rick_h_mattyw: https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/loggerhead/yui3.7.1 is the branch I had going to work on YUI update there and I had to go that plugin route to get it to run/verify16:07
rick_h_adeuring: one question and one comment fix on your MP16:09
rick_h_adeuring: your tests pass though, so maybe I'm mis-understanding things which is why you didn't have to move the displayname to the new interface as well?16:10
* adeuring is looking16:10
adeuringrick_h_: I am pretty sure that displayname will be needed to fix bug 1086057. But the bug listings do not show the displyname; the series's name is needed in the call of canonucal_url()16:12
_mup_Bug #1086057: Users with an artifact grant for a bug related to a private product can't view the bug page. <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1086057 >16:12
adeuringrick_h_: but for now, I'd like to keep displayname protected by lp.View -- simply because it is not needed in the bug listing16:14
rick_h_adeuring: right, so you moved displayname in the zcml from one block to the other. Then you moved name into IProductSeriesLimitedView, but not displayname16:14
rick_h_adeuring: ah ok gotcha16:14
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mattywrick_h_, thanks that seems to work16:14
adeuringrick_h_: argh, yes, no I get the oddity. let me check again16:15
adeuringrick_h_: milestone.displayname needs lp.LimitedView for bug listing page, but productseries.displayname is not needed there...  As said, I'll probably have to use lp.LimitedView for productseries.dispalyname in my next brnach16:18
rick_h_adeuring: right ok. so r=me just wanted to dbl check there16:18
rick_h_zcml turning my brain to mush today16:19
adeuringrick_h_: thanks. YOur question made sense -- it was probably not the best idea to change the permission for two different classes in one branch ;)16:19
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james_wrick_h_, hi, would you take a look at the extra revisions on https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/python-oops-tools/recent-oopses/+merge/137055 please?16:25
james_wthey are to fix the tarmac test failure under python2.616:25
sinzuirick_h_, do you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/revision-karma-2/+merge/13790616:29
* sinzui looks at james_w's branch16:30
james_wthanks sinzui16:30
sinzuiah, I see. r-=me16:30
sinzuijames_w, r=me.16:31
james_wsinzui, merci16:31
rick_h_sinzui: sure thing looking16:36
rick_h_sinzui: r=me16:44
sinzuithank you rick_h_16:44
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mattywrick_h_, me again, I thought I'd look into this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/358293. But I can't seem to even find the search box displayed anywhere.17:26
_mup_Bug #358293: Search field is too narrow <trivial> <ui> <loggerhead:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/358293 >17:26
rick_h_mattyw: hmm, wonder if it's not displayed in a single branch view17:28
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
mattywrick_h_, hmmm, looks like this is what I see https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/107590717:33
_mup_Bug #1075907: Loggerhead - serving two directories from parent <loggerhead:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1075907 >17:33
rick_h_mattyw: right17:34
rick_h_sinzui: forced another build-not build17:37
sinzuioh, so did I17:42
rick_h_heh, crush the buildbot!17:42
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
wgrantderyck: Hi, did the definitional issue that I raised last night get sorted out before we announced private projects were out of beta?20:09
wgrantI suspect we've released a definition of privacy that we can't support.20:09
wgrantSpecifically, AIUI we say that series and milestones are private from people who can only see a bug, when that's impossible.20:09
=== rick_h_ changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On-call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: ~170
deryckhi wgrant.  It's not landed yet, but abel has a branch nearly done.  Should be landing during his tomorrow.20:29
wgrantAh, great.20:29
deryckwgrant, thanks for catching that and letting us know.20:30
wgrantIt just reveals some details of milestones and series?20:30
deryckwell, and a list 403s20:30
wgrantI mean, how does the fix fix it?20:30
deryckwgrant, that was the yeah, and then I thought you meant something else.  sorry. :)20:31
wgrantRight :)20:31
deryckwgrant, we fix it with limited view to reveal the name of the milestones and series.20:31
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