
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
mjrosenbso I'm trying to update my chromebook to 12.1001:54
mjrosenband it is failing due to a checksum mismatch01:55
mjrosenbW:Failed to fetch01:55
persiaTry again now (it's been 5 minutes).  That usually means a mirror goes wonky, which is usually solved shortly for the mirrors identified by "ports.ubuntu.com"02:02
mjrosenbI tried at like noon, and was getting it then02:11
* mjrosenb tries again02:11
mjrosenbnopepe, still there02:12
mjrosenbany other suggestions?02:41
persiaMaybe delete everything under /var/lib/apt/lists/ and run `apt-get update` again?  This should redownload everything, but it won't fix it if it's an issue with the checksums on the server.03:07
infinityIt won't be a mirror issue, that file has been static for months.03:16
infinityUnless it's actually corrupt on the mirror he's hitting.03:16
infinityWhich is pretty unlikely for ports.03:17
infinityNope, looks fine from here.03:18
infinitymjrosenb: Try persia's "delete the world and try harder" approach.03:18
* mjrosenb is running apt-get update as i type03:21
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mjrosenbwell, that is strange03:29
mjrosenbit says there is no new release03:29
mjrosenbbut dist-upgrade wants to upgrade 1,223 packages03:30
mjrosenband /etc/issue now says that I am running 12.1003:30
TheMusoAre the nexus7 raring images working yet?03:30
persiaapt believes you to be running 12.10 with outdated packages (based on the content of /etc/apt/sources.list)03:31
mjrosenbpersia: sounds right.03:31
* mjrosenb wonders if this is going to attempt to install a new kernel03:31
mjrosenband how that is going to go if it does03:31
persiaIt will only do so if you have a kernel package installed for which there is a newer package available in your currently configured archives.03:32
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mjrosenbI never installed a kernel package03:37
mjrosenbalthough I should still get perf on here at some point or other.03:38
mjrosenband iirc, the kernel that this is running was just copied from chromium so we'd get nice driver support out of the box03:40
mjrosenbgreat, now plymouth is throwing an assertion04:45
mjrosenbactually, I have absolutely no clue how to recover this system04:45
[mbm]mjrosenb: nexus7?04:52
[mbm]there was an open bug about that one; the console=none in the kernel commandline was causing issues, and plymouth had been disabled until it could be fixed04:53
mjrosenb[mbm]: no, chromebook.05:01
mjrosenbalthough I would not be surpred if this is the same assertion that the nexus 7 is throwing05:38
mjrosenbso, I'd like to do something fancy like init=/bin/bash06:16
mjrosenbbut I don't actually know how to touch the kernel arguments on here.06:16
dholbachgood morning08:01
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ppisatiSupport for Tegra 2D hardware09:31
ogra_ppisati, heh, you just missed the person intrested in it most :)09:32
ogra_(though igues marvin24 has seen it already)09:33
ogra_marvin24, <ppisati> http://lwn.net/Articles/526920/09:33
ogra_ppisati, sadly tegradrm doesnt work with the binary driver yet09:34
marvin24ogra_, ppisati: yeah, this will take a *long* time09:35
ogra_right, and thanks to our new desktop policy we are bound to the GLES drivers09:35
ogra_so even if it would land tomorrow, we couldnt use it09:35
lilsteviecause of unity09:36
ogra_well, compiz, but yeah09:36
marvin24what abount software gles?09:36
ogra_i didnt get it working on the nexus yet09:36
ogra_i have it working on the chromebook and dont know why :)09:36
mjrosenbdoes anyone know how to change the parameters that the kernel gets on a chromebook?09:37
marvin24ogra_: strange ...09:37
ogra_mjrosenb, probably hrw09:37
hrwmjrosenb: you have to sign kernel and at that stage you can change cmdline09:37
hrwmjrosenb: >09:38
hrwmjrosenb: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109993695638569781190/posts/34PYU79eUqP09:38
ogra_so just get a pen then :P09:38
hrwogra_: any progres on teaching plymouth to check proper console=?09:39
ogra_hrw, it isnt the console parameter at all :)09:39
hrwor whatever09:40
ogra_hrw, it is a missing piece of console-setup09:40
hrwogra_: tell me more09:40
ogra_if you build your initrd with FRAMEBUFFER=1 set in the initramfs.conf, plymouth works fine09:40
hrwI do not have initrd09:41
ogra_i'm working on tracking it down to a specific function in console-setup, once i have that well just add it to the plymouth upstart job and it should work09:41
mjrosenbhrw: the issue is I cannot currently boot into ubuntu09:41
ogra_hrw, right, initrd doesnt matter its just that you can fix it by having an initrd that runs console-setup09:42
hrwmjrosenb: tell me more?09:42
ogra_which means running that console-setup bit from an upstart job before plymouth starts should work as well09:42
mjrosenbhrw: I attempted to upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 with the standard do-dist-upgrade, and now it plymouth just thros an assertion, and I cannot continue booting.09:43
hrwmjrosenb: boot chromium, mount ubuntu, cd ubuntu/etc/init/;rm plymouth*;reboot09:43
hrwworks just fine09:43
ogra_no, the biuts will re-appear on next update09:44
hrwor s/rm plymouth*/for f in plymouth*;do echo manual > ${f}.override/09:44
hrwor s/rm plymouth*/for f in plymouth*;do echo manual > ${f}.override;done/09:44
ogra_drop the rm's09:44
mjrosenbiirc, I can boot into chromium by just turning on the validation again?09:44
ogra_the above looks fine09:45
hrwmjrosenb: better is keep chromium kernel in KERN-A and boot ubuntu with KERN-B or KERN-C09:45
hrwso all you need is change of partition priorities09:45
hrwworks just fine09:46
mjrosenbhrw: so I didn't touch the kernels, I just ran do-dist-upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade09:46
mjrosenberr, maybe it wasn't do-dist-upgrade09:46
hrwmjrosenb: do update to 13.0409:46
mjrosenbI tab-completed it09:46
ogra_do-release-upgrade is the right tool09:46
mjrosenbhrw: is support better in 13.04?09:46
hrwmjrosenb: s/better//09:47
ogra_hrw, up0loads packages and fixes all the time :)09:47
hrw12.10 does not know anything about chromebook09:47
mjrosenbhrw: does 12.04?09:47
hrwyou are joking or not?09:47
ogra_the 12.04 that you can install with that weird script that downloads 50 tarballs will work09:48
ogra_(since it is hacked up)09:48
mjrosenbyeah, that is how I installed it to begin with.09:49
hrwI used python to calculate offsets and did setup with linaro image09:50
hrwthat's why my chromebook may lack some packages09:50
hrwI am waiting for 32GB microsd card to arrive so will have pristine ubuntu install on it09:53
hrwunless courier would bring me another chromebook...09:53
hrwbut this will rather not happen09:54
mjrosenbis there a microsd card reader other than the full-sized sdcard on the side?09:55
hrwthere are small usb readers09:57
hrwwhich sticks out for 3mm from socket09:57
mjrosenbahh.  I've seen those09:58
mjrosenbthis one that holds the microsd card so it will eject *into* the computer if you could theoretically eject it when it was inside the computer?09:58
hrwno idea - order not arrived yet10:00
mjrosenb this mount command is taking quite a while to complete...10:02
mjrosenbaaand, ^C does not do anything on this terminal :/10:04
mjrosenbok, problem solved10:13
mjrosenbi assume I need to re-run |sudo cgpt add -i 6 -P 5 -S 1 /dev/mmcblk0| in order to get this machine to want to boot into ubuntu again?10:13
hrwor -T1 at least10:21
mjrosenbok, this time, it finished the kernel initializations, then "mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth" and is now hung there10:21
mjrosenbwhat does that do?10:21
hrwsets 'tries' field10:22
mjrosenboh, so it'll boot into ubuntu N times, then go back to cros?10:22
hrwno, thats matter of priority field10:23
hrwyou have 3 fields: tries, priority, successful10:24
hrwpriority == which kernel boot first and which if first one fail10:24
hrwsuccessful = this kernel boots at all10:24
ogra-cbi think i'll go with something like the second one here http://tbreak.com/tech/2012/06/quick-look-apacer-32gb-usb-3-0-memory-sticks/10:53
ogra-cbthe values arent stellar but still far beyond USB 2.010:54
ogra-cb(for the chromebook rootfs)10:54
hrwogra-cb: nice :)10:56
ogra-cbi havent found a place to buy it yet though10:57
hrwhttp://www.shopmania.co.uk/external-memory/p-apacer-ah152-super-mini-usb-drives-16gb-48812413 but 16GB only10:57
ogra-cbit is small enough to not turn into a lever that opens the netbook case if you press it :)10:57
hrwI have to connect my usb3.0 harddrive and check speed10:58
ogra-cbyou should see between 80 and 120M/s10:59
ogra-cbi personally think even 60 are awesome alreadfy though :)10:59
RaYmAnogra-cb: it's just a pity you can't use usb 3.0 to boot kernel from :(11:00
ogra-cbi dont care11:00
ogra-cbas long as my rootfs runs off a fast device11:01
ogra-cband as long as i *can* boot a kernel somehow :)11:01
=== hrww is now known as hrw
hrwRaYmAn: you put kernel in KERN-C on internal and boot rootfs on usb3 - fine11:31
hrwinternal emmc has 59 MB/s average read in gnome-disks bench11:39
hrwech. gnome-disks fails to bench my usb3 drive11:44
hrwon chromebook11:44
ogra-cbfile a bug :)11:45
hrwhdparm has 92MB/s11:45
hrwBug #1081019 already exists11:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 1081019 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "Benchmark for Harddisk fail" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108101911:50
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hrwsame hdd connected to desktop has 147 MB/s average11:51
hrwI miss "maximize to whole available desktop space" action in WM11:56
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ogra_which WM ?12:04
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fmoreauhi. Does anybody know why ext4 fs is prefered over a "flash" fs such as ubifs ?14:46
suihkulokkifmoreau: for a flash file system, such as ubifs, you need a raw interface to the flash. most device these days instead have a MMC interface where you can only put block filesystems, such as ext414:49
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=== plars_ is now known as plars
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ogra_yippie !16:39
ogra_slideshow is back16:39
ogra_xnox, hmm, so that onboard behavior is really bad in oem-config since the switch to compiz16:41
ogra_i actually have to reboot to make typing work16:41
ogra_plars, janimo, so i dont get why you need adbd instead of just using ssh over usbnet16:43
janimoogra_, no idea if usbnet works I never used it16:44
ogra_it does16:44
ogra_pretty agressively even :)16:44
janimoogra_, if the current kernel needs some patch or config options enabled feel free to ping the kernel team :)16:44
janimoif not then a wiki entry would be nice16:45
* ogra_ accidentially built it in into one of his test kernels ... made my desktop NM go crazy :)16:45
janimoI never used this feature16:45
janimoit should not interfere with normal work though and not be buggy :)16:45
plarsogra_: same, never tried usbnet. If you have some pointers I'd like to hear more about it though.  adb is nice from the perspective of being a similar tool for what a lot of people would have normally used there, and has some neat features, but I'm not really stuck on it16:45
ogra_it doesnt16:45
ogra_but NM shows you it tries to auto establish the network (it only shows you a wired connection)16:46
plarsogra_: will usbnet have issues since the n7 might be on a server, potentially with several other n7's attached doing the same thing?16:46
ogra_it just took me quite aq while to find out that this behavior comes from the attched nexus (which didnt have the NIC up )16:46
ogra_plars, usbnet just behaves like any other network16:47
plarsogra_: So I'd need to be able to bring up those connections and distinguish between them16:47
ogra_just that your device is called usb0 and that the wire is actually a usb connection to the next machine16:47
plarsogra_, janimo: so it sounds like we just need a kernel with it turned on, and give it a try16:48
janimoogra_, and it shows up depending on whether you connect the nexus to a laptop or not?16:48
ogra_i simply assume you want to issue more than just a reboot via ssh16:48
ogra_janimo, plugging in the USB connection with usbnet *buioltin* will always try to bring up usb0 (and the desktop/laptop side for it)16:49
ogra_indeed you shouldnt build it in :)16:49
ogra_but load it on demand as module16:49
plarsogra_: I don't actually have NM running on the ubuntu-server they are attached to currently16:49
ogra_well, you want to attach more of them16:50
ogra_i would actually runs something like dnsmasq16:50
ogra_so you can hand out IPs to them via dhcp16:50
ogra_and preseed usb0 properly for that16:50
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xnoxogra_: why does a reboot help after flashing in oem-config? a reboot is still treated as first boot if oem-config is not completed?17:26
xnoxogra_: is it a problem with fastboot reboot then?17:26
ogra-cbxnox, nope. rather with some ubiquity-dm race or onboard17:42
ogra-cband yes, oem-config-remove is run last, it removed ubiquity-dm ... as long as that didnt run you will always end up in oem-config on next boot17:43
xnoxogra-cb: right so if I reboot a few times sometimes onboard is fine and sometimes it isn't? but doesn't ubiquity launch onboard anyway ...17:44
* xnox will have to play with it.17:45
ogra-cberr no17:45
ogra-cbif you reboot onboard will always work fine17:45
ogra-cbit just doesnt if it boots through from the tarball installer17:45
ogra-cbi could add another reboot to the process but imho we already have to many (especially with the one we will need for the hostname later)17:46
plarsjanimo: so from what I'm reading, it looks like it's could just be CONFIG_USB_ETH that we need to turn on?17:56
janimoplars, ogra-cb should know as he had a kernel with that enabled. I am not certain what other (if any) options are required17:57
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mjrosenbhrw: ping21:03
mjrosenbunrelatedy, if I don't want oneconf or update-manager running, what is the right way to turn them off?21:12
mjrosenbok, so I'm going to assume that the best way forward at this point is to just go through the chrubuntu setup again, since all of the data I care about is on an external sdcard21:59
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hrwmjrosenb: pong22:35
mjrosenbhrw: should I try to get 12.10 working, or should I just give up, re-install from the crazy tarball-downloading script, then try to update directly to 13.04?22:36
hrwmjrosenb: I suggest skipping 12.1022:41
mjrosenbwell, the plann was to get 12.10 booting, then immediately upgrade to 13.0422:41
hrwmjrosenb: make a backup, upgrade to 13.04 directly. if fail - restore backup22:48
mjrosenbhrw: that shouldn't be too hard, the partitions are small enough that I can dd them both onto an external sd card.22:55
philhugis anyone familiar with the rockchip rk3066 devices? e.g. those chinese hdmi sticks like MK808?23:21
philhugand does anyone have a complete kernel source? the chinese manufacturers don't seem to care much about the GPL.23:23

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