
ubottuBARLT: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:37
jodhHi - I'd like to request an Ubuntu member IRC cloak. My lp page is: https://launchpad.net/~jamesodhunt08:44
AlanBellhi jodh08:50
AlanBellstaff can we have an ubuntu/member/jodh cloak for jodh please08:50
Myrttione moment09:20
Myrttijodh: congrats and yw09:23
jodhAlanBell, Myrtti: Thanks very much!09:23
MyrttiAlanBell: ta-dah09:23
Unit193Congrats, jodh.09:24
AlanBellyay, thanks Myrtti09:25
jodhUnit193: thanks09:26
Tm_Twelcome aboard, jodh09:43
=== Guest3774 is now known as Tm_Tr
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
adam_ghiya. i'd like to request an Ubuntu IRC cloak for this nickname and LP profile @ https://launchpad.net/~gandelman-a21:50
IdleOneAlanBell funkyHat topyli Pici Tm_T! Wake up, time to work!21:51
IdleOneadam_g: Congrats, sit tight someone will get to it soon21:51
AlanBellhi adam_g22:00
Fuchshi Santa22:00
AlanBell /o\22:01
AlanBellhi Fuchs22:01
Fuchstsk, okay, then I won't do any work ;(22:01
Fuchshi :)22:01
AlanBellso, can we have an ubuntu/member/adam_g cloak please :)22:02
FuchsI am afraid you can't,22:02
Fuchsbut I can offer an adam-g  or anything else that doesn't have _22:02
AlanBellthat sounds like a good suggestion22:02
Fuchsadam_g: would you be fine with that?22:03
adam_gFuchs: how about gandelman-a, like my LP acct?22:03
Fuchsif AlanBell is fine with that: sure22:03
AlanBellyeah, fine with that22:03
Fuchsadam_g: you are now cloaked, congratulations22:04
FuchsAlanBell: done <322:04
adam_gthanks :)22:04
AlanBellas long as we can reasonably get from IRC to Launchpad and back it is fine :)22:04
AlanBellthanks Fuchs!22:04
Fuchsyou're welcome, have a nice evening22:04
AlanBellFuchs: were you taking photos?22:04
FuchsAlanBell: query?22:04
AlanBellof course :)22:05

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