
dholbachgood morning08:02
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neoraiychuGood morning from Chicago, IL  USA!14:35
coder_what r u doing14:41
parthiis there only one person in this hangout?14:41
imaginary86Hello! All seems to work :-)14:42
lcastro0789Hi! online from Guatemala ;)14:42
doturhello :)14:42
bsl45hi there from Moscow, Russia14:42
imaginary86Stellenbosch, South Africa!14:43
coder_Hi EYERYONE :-)   ;)14:43
=== lukas_ is now known as Guest93534
parthii am getting the error again and again like saying,14:44
parthi"Some error exists pLease restart" or "continue to use"..14:44
parthiIs that solved?14:44
designbybeckQUESTION: What kind of tablet is that again?14:46
designbybeckAh Nexis14:46
parthihey its very gud to see ubuntu on nexus14:46
parthican v install python/java application in that?14:47
designbybeckIn the USA can you only get it on AT&T service?14:47
bsl45I wonder if Toshiba AC100 is still going to be supported, it's a legit netbook on ARMv7 but its Tegra2 video support is still not there, no hardware acceleration, no suspend.14:48
=== Raja is now known as Guest33529
cabbagehe's using a mechanical keyboard14:50
olavk2hello everyone14:50
doturthat would be cray having ubuntu on your washing mashine14:50
coder_hey Are All of u waiting for the ghangout to start14:52
ba7a7chyit is great !14:53
ba7a7chyI love askubuntu !14:53
cabbage13.04 will be the next LTS right?14:53
Linux4lifeIt works14:54
midhunohi all14:54
LuckkHello !14:54
steadramonhi all14:54
dholbachPLEASE NOTE: if the title of the video on http://ubuntuonair.com/ does not say "Ubuntu Development Hangout with Rick Spencer" you might have to reload the page. I just updated the link.14:54
=== fran is now known as Guest20724
vaslabshello ubuntu people14:55
cabbagethanks for the tip14:56
=== supermario is now known as Guest7680
cabbagesomehow i was playing an old video14:56
cabbageso now i see "this live event will begin in a few moments" right?14:56
dholbachand we'll start in about 5 minutes14:56
grisoftca't wait14:56
grisoftcan't wait14:56
ba7a7chy3 more min14:57
vaslabsI hope will see the new kernel 3.7 in 13.04 :)14:57
=== amir__ is now known as Guest80134
ba7a7chyyou can have it in 12.10 with ppa:xorg-edgers14:57
RuggaHi, does anyone know the status of hybrid graphics driver development? I know Nvidia has upped their game after steam has been released for Linux14:57
vaslabsbut is it official?14:58
ANUPIits started :)14:58
vaslabsand I hope we'll see the official drivers of ATI too for the new kernel14:58
=== Fred_ is now known as Guest22184
ANGELOhello :P14:58
shavitwhen it will start?14:59
ANUPIeverybody there14:59
dholbachwe'll kick off in a second14:59
SSStylish_cant w815:00
jqmmesdoes the video auto-start?15:00
cabbagethis is my first time watching this haha15:00
ANGELOThey spoke?15:01
ANUPIdeepak are u indian ?15:01
vaslabsis it on?15:01
ANUPIdeepak are u indian ?15:02
dholbachI'll just ask a bunch of questions in the beginning, and then we get to ask your questions15:02
dholbachcan you please please prefix your questions with QUESTION:15:02
dholbachso they're easier to spot15:02
ANUPIdeepak are u indian ?15:02
dholbachfor example: QUESTION: Where did you get the nice t-shirt from?15:02
ANUPIdeepak are u indian ?15:02
jqmmesany way to disable the login/logout msgs in the webpage irc?15:04
apt-get_installQUESTION: Will the search results from Amazon be disabled by deafult in 13.04?15:04
avinashwhen it will start15:04
naveen_how much time it will take to start15:04
lars4mnt@jqmmes The purple IRC icon in the corner, options and then around in the middle hide JOIN/Quit/parts15:04
bsl45Come on, guys! This is not really a recruiting event or is it?15:04
jqmmesthx lars4mnt :)15:05
bcurtiswxeveryone who has hit play before it started needs to refresh the page, we are live :)15:05
lars4mntyou're welcome jqmmes15:05
coder_how much time more15:05
designbybeckGood point... in Open Source their problems are your problems! nice!15:06
bcurtiswxQUESTION: Does the Valve work going on mix with the work you are doing/ your team?15:06
pmik76hello everyone.. the hangout has started15:06
stavrosLinuxhow can I ingore joins, quits?15:06
ZarathustraDKLittle icon in top left chat-window ---> Options ---> Hide "Join/Leave" messages15:06
=== Hai is now known as Guest8320
stavrosLinuxthanks man15:06
bcurtiswxaww rick, no TV? :)15:07
Tioyou should add applications on it the same way zorin os did. so when you install ubuntu you get a full pc out of the box, every program you need installed, everything working. this is a huge step, is why i use zorin over ubuntu.15:08
Joe____When you say ubuntu on the phone, do you mean as a sort of dual boot solution, or will one be able to use the phone as a phone to make calls/take photos and so on?15:08
EHankinsonPlease drop Unity15:08
ba7a7chyno ! i love unity15:08
im2thkHow many developers are working on Ubuntu?15:08
steadramongah unity haters15:08
Joe____Tio, I disagree, I start with the minimal install because I'd rather not have everything everyone might need installed on my machine.15:08
vaslabsunity has become great15:08
EHankinsonGnome with compiz15:09
phil____i like unity15:09
lars4mntJust that they dropped unity 2D sucks a bit on slower hardware15:09
dholbachplease prefix questions with QUESTION:15:09
Tioat least to have the option to install ubuntu with some deafault applications15:09
Tiofor developers, for normal users, etc15:10
Tioso you can hose the pack that fits your needs better15:10
olavk2hello, when will the livestream end?15:10
hackwa_QUESTION: how will 13.04 work on windows 8 systems with UEFI ?15:10
EHankinsonDual boot hackwa15:10
Tioanyway, ubuntu is great. i used windows all my life and now am starting using ubuntu, or ubuntu versions like zorin os15:11
Tiois great15:11
lars4mntEhankinson hackwa_ means with secure boot stuff in uefi15:11
chirart....ubuntu everywhere... good! But... like windows maked-ing?!15:11
mhall119hackwa_: I believe we have a signed bootloader for 12.10 already that works with UEFI Secure Boot15:11
Joe____QUESTION: When you say ubuntu on the phone, do you mean as a sort of dual boot solution, or will one be able to use the phone as a phone to make calls/take photos and so on?15:11
ZarathustraDKQUESTION: Will 13.04 have the new Valve-optimized Nvidia-drivers available?15:12
vaslabsQUESTION: Will ATI release an official driver for the new kernel that ubuntu 12.10 and later use?15:12
mhall119hackwa_: we'll have 2 options, a self-signed bootloader for OEMs that ship Ubuntu, and a Microsoft-signed bootloader for everyone else (this is my understanding anyway)15:12
=== pinkfloyd is now known as Guest73040
Tioa great and unique idea : sell ubuntu-usb-stick, an optimized ubuntu version for usb sticks with all it needs for a pc, major applications, etc. so people buy them , plug in any pc, and run ubuntu out of the box with everything they need. and if can be done for tablets as well.15:14
lars4mntmhall119: Or we will have to set up a CA, like the web has right now15:14
TioAnother great idea : ubuntu cloud os. To access your desktop from a webpage.15:14
mhall119lars4mnt: the firmware doesn't check remote CAs, so trusted keys have to be in the firmware15:15
hackwa_i was planning on dumping win8 for ubuntu :)15:15
Guest73040smart phone ubuntu os is a must15:15
im2thkWhat happes to compiz now that the lead developer left canonical?15:15
TioQUESTION : when will be ubuntu cloud os ? Access your desktop from a webpage.15:16
lars4mntmhall119 Still, an unbiased signer is better than keys issued by ms. Since they don't really like linux, they may just refuse to deliver keys.15:16
chirartQUESTION: Why in the last 2 releases most of users migrated from ubuntu to xubuntu? Unity? Graphical Interface?15:16
InvictusHelp us apple users switch to Ubuntu! I have a macbook pro 8,1 and things like wireless dont work out of the box which is so essential. Help us switch!15:16
mhall119lars4mnt: I would be surprised if they did15:17
jqmmeswell, my ubuntu doesnt really like to have many scopes installed... dash starts to get really slow, hope you fix that for 13.04...15:17
mhall119chirart: do you have any data to support "most of users migrated"?15:17
mhall119jqmmes: it will be15:17
EHankinsonIs Ubuntu heading towards an end user system or will it stay developmental?15:17
TioQUESTION : when will be ubuntu cloud os ? Access your desktop from a webpage.15:18
mhall119jqmmes: that's one of the primary reasons for the changes he mentioned15:18
lars4mntI'll hope that, mhall119. But with competitors, you'll never know for sure15:18
jqmmesok, thats good to hear!15:18
chirartme, first, and all of my knowns that in the past used ubuntu, know passed to xubuntu15:18
Invictusstop amazon! We are not a product to sell we are your customers dont become like google15:18
apt-get_installInvictus:  +115:19
jqmmeswell, they said that they wont be droping amazon...15:19
apt-get_installthat's sad15:19
xKhnumWayland  compositor in 13.04?15:19
lars4mntJust apt-get remove unity-lens-amazon. Done.15:19
Invictusi know but voicing our opinion matters15:19
mhall119the Amazon search will be there, but it will be different than it is now (all Dash searching will be)15:20
apt-get_installlars4mnt: it is not just the lens15:20
hackwa_no you can disable it there is an option in privacy settings15:20
stavrosLinuxQUESTION: wayland news ?15:20
notmyrealnamelens are ok, just hope we get some security15:20
lars4mntapt-get_install: Is there other amazon-related adware installed too?15:21
apt-get_installlars4mnt: yea15:21
panzerboyis he talking about Steam?15:21
mhall119unity-lens-amazon provides the Amazon product results15:21
hackwa_no adware15:21
panzerboy(just joined the hangout)15:21
JON___is there any ubuntu expert in malaysia whom I can contact with ?15:21
bcurtiswxdholbach, thanks :)15:22
lars4mntapt-get_install: Oh, you mean in the launcher? That's just a shortcut. And that one does not invade my privacy.15:22
introspectionhello everyone15:22
TashasetsukiWith valve and gaming being supported more, are viruses / spyware going to be an issue in Ubuntu like in Windows?15:22
panzerboyTashasetsuki: doubt that15:22
JON___I hv been using ubuntu since 2008, I wish to promote to my alma mater15:22
verbosoQUESTION: what are the updates on Wayland? Is that stable enough yet?15:23
apt-get_installlars4mnt: i didnt mean them15:23
lars4mntTashasetsuki: When they ubuntu gets enough market share, sure there will be viruses. But since ubuntu is o15:23
lars4mntpen source, the bugs can be fixed quite fast.15:23
panzerboyTashasetsuki: the issue is not having games or not15:24
apt-get_installQUESTION: Will the support for the LTS be longer than 5 years in the future?15:24
panzerboyTashasetsuki: but Linux is, by design, more secure I would say15:24
ba7a7chywill there be a better support for SLI 2x and SLI 4x ? or is this an nvidia issue ?15:24
jvrbanacQUESTION: Sorry if this question has already been asked already (joined late). But, what are the 3 top goals for Unity in 13.04?15:25
lars4mntpanzerboy: Absolutely more secure, because a lot of people can look at the code and point out bugs.15:25
fox__if there's virus on ubuntu, that virus not threaten ubuntu only, but all linux distibutions15:25
ba7a7chyQUESTION: will there be a better support for SLI 2x and SLI 4x ? or is this an nvidia issue ?15:25
TashasetsukiYes, I know, that is why I was asking, Im just saying when an operating system becomes more popular, poeple will want to take advantage and try to get other peoples information.. because just like windows, we have adobe flash (or will have again I assume) and other programs like that which have the same vulnerabilities as windows15:26
lars4mntfox__: If it's an exploit in unity-related code, i think it does not affect other distros :)15:26
mhall119Unity is available on other distros15:26
notmyrealnameSo with the all the lens being added, will there also be security for those said lens? Which the amazon lens has none.15:26
EHankinsonUbuntu on everything!15:27
mhall119notmyrealname: currently each lens/scope is responsible for it's own security15:27
ErroHow will the restrictions on Ubuntu phone be? Would one need to root it?15:28
fox__QUESTION: will ubuntu (espesially ubuntu server edition) add more killer enterprise solutions? such like RHEV.15:28
TashasetsukiThat is my main concern, not that Ubuntu or linux would be less secure, but the proprietary programs we will be using will be just as poorly secured as the Windows / Mac counterparts..15:28
notmyrealnamebut if its going to be defalt, shouldn't ubuntu be one responible?15:28
EHankinsonWill there ever be a Ubuntu media box?15:29
mhall119Tashasetsuki: strong app sandboxing is one of our primary goals for 14.04, and parts of that are already being worked on for 13.0415:29
mhall119notmyrealname: for defaults, yes15:29
cabbageyes that will be fantastic15:30
notmyrealnameSo why does amazon lens have none? just plan text..15:30
cabbageyour desktop PC in your phone15:30
mhall119notmyrealname: the amazon lens sends data over SSL15:30
Tashasetsukimhall119: Fair enough.15:30
espnuwait hold on, ubuntu desktop on a phone/tablet?15:31
TashasetsukiAre there any plans to work on better upgrade of video drivers or drivers in general?15:31
espnuhow is that suppose to work? assuming the desktop isn't touch optimized.15:31
lars4mntnotmyrealname: The problem is, pictures related to your search results are sent directly from amazon servers. They may be able to reproduce your search query  with that information.15:31
josh___martinQUESTION: Do you have plans to add enterprise features for servers out of "box", for example: could ubuntu completely replace Windows server and exchange, etc.15:31
espnu(it's pretty hard closing apps on nexus 7, as of now)15:31
Dejwubuntu needs a closer cooperation with google to win the desktop market. chrome_os and ubuntu ... alone not big chance but together is a perfekt combo to kick billy and apple in the nuts ;)15:32
cabbageespnu: yeap. the idea is you use your normal phone on to the go, and when you get to home/office you plug it into a cradle connected to a keyboard/mouse and monitor and thre's your desktop replacement15:32
mhall119espnu: drag the launcher icon to the trash to close15:32
ba7a7chyBecuase Nvidia kick ass :)15:32
espnuhm i see15:32
mhall119espnu: Ubuntu for Android assumes your phone is docked to a screen, keyboard and mouse15:32
=== me is now known as Guest43555
KellimtaiQuestion about the mobile smartphone what will be about the warrenty if you want to install 14.4 ubuntu on a android os, will you need to root it befor or?15:34
lars4mntba7a7chy: Thanks. I was thinking he was saying edge-ubuntu :/15:35
=== jervin_ is now known as jervin_also
noneofthemI love the fact that there are more laptops available with Ubuntu preinstalled now. ASUS is doing a great job in my opinion. What other manufacturers can we expect to release Ubuntu devices in 2013?15:35
steadramonThe Nexus 7 ships with a locked bootloader. You must unlock it in order to flash different images to the device.15:35
noneofthemYeah. I saw Dells developer laptop. Who else may we be looking at next year apart from ASUS, Lenovo, Dell, System76 and Samsung?15:36
EHankinsonPlease make it an option.15:37
noneofthemUnity is an option already.15:37
lars4mntThe dev laptop from Dell with Ubuntu is more expensive than the same laptop with windows. I'm not really convinced.15:37
jervin_alsois Unity a delicious user experience?15:37
ba7a7chyUnity = <315:38
derEremitonly thing that still anoys me is click and drag: dragging some files to launcher schould reveal that window15:38
derEremitapart from that i love it15:38
harijayDoes anybody know what the status of Project Wayland is?15:38
Joe____@lars4mnt, dell redid a lot of their pricing the day they released the developer ubuntu ultrabook.  It's now about $100 less then the windows option.15:38
hackwalars4mnt : i guess thats because thay had to custom build drivers for that particular system15:38
Dejwubuntu needs a closer cooperation with google to win the desktop market. chrome_os and ubuntu ... alone not big chance but together is a perfekt combo to kick billy and apple in the nuts ;)15:38
noneofthem@lars4mnt: That is not true. There was an error. The Ubuntu version is actually cheaper than the Windows counterpart15:38
jervin_alsoI like Unity now, but the first default version wasn't user ready.15:38
lars4mntnoneofthem: Okay, wasn't updated on that yet15:38
noneofthemno worries15:39
noneofthemThings are moving fast15:39
harijayIs project Wayland coming along?15:39
phill1i like unity and dash15:39
mhall119harijay: prefix your questions with QUESTION:15:39
NitinWhat's ubuntu's plan to get to tablet markets?15:39
jervin_alsoAnything that depends on me remembering all of the obscure software on my computer is inately flawed.15:39
noneofthemAre there plans for a Surface-like device running Ubuntu?15:40
Joe____I switched to xfce a few versions ago, and just took a look at unity recently.  It's looking pretty good now.15:40
NitinQUESTION: What's ubuntu's plan to get to tablet markets?15:40
harijayQUESTION: How about project Wayland the X replacement . How is that coming along15:40
Joe____@noneofthem - isn't the nexus 7 along those lines?15:40
xKhnumUbuntu need "speed"  so: what optimizations will be made in 13.04 (ram, cpu)?- Google Go language will be used more in Ubuntu and Python less? ( maybe for Ubuntu Software Center); Wayland compositor for better performance?  Will de a  "peformance mode" like it was  Unity 2d - (for good games  performance)15:40
TashasetsukiAre there any plans to work on better upgrade of video drivers or drivers in general?15:40
irv_How long of support time will 13.04 have?15:40
noneofthemUnity is fantastic. Hate having to use Windows 7 at work.15:40
Joe____@harijay, your question is probably in the queue, they'll get there.15:41
apt-get_installthe dash is slow because of all amazon crapware15:41
noneofthem@irv 18 months as it is a normal release15:41
ave_you were talking about getting into development- but as a windows developer its a little overwhelming coming into the opensource world, where things seem to be a little all over the place and not very well documented- where do I even start15:41
ErroWhy wouldn't Canonical support the raspberry PI?15:41
lars4mntapt-get_install: False. After uninstalling that stuff, it is still too slow to be useful15:41
xKhnumUnity is very good but need more speed....15:41
NitinTashasetsuki's question +1. Should Ubuntu users ditch anything nvidia?15:41
daroQUESTION: what about folders(not quicklist) in Unity like in iOS?, there's project call "drawers"...15:41
hackwai liked 12.04 more than 12.1015:41
espnuunity always seems to freeze at my computer, had problems with my hard drive lately. might be caused by kernel panic, im not sure. :/15:41
mesirendonI'm not totally convinced about unity. It works great, yes, but I'm using gnome3. i found it better to work.15:41
EHankinsonMy fav is 10.0415:42
hackwa10.10 was best15:42
noneofthem12.10 is the best release so far in my opinion15:42
noneofthemstarted with 5.0415:42
mesirendonI liked 11.0415:42
lars4mntespnu: A kernel panic halts your system. It does not slow it down. Bad ram can also cause problems.15:42
hackwame with 9.0415:43
ZarathustraDKX don't have a soul?15:43
ba7a7chylol x is ginger XD15:43
espnualright, sounds like kernel panic then. because everthing halts/freezes.15:43
noneofthemAre there plans for a better Calendar for Ubuntu? I would love to see Google Calendar integration15:44
ba7a7chysecound that !15:44
lars4mntespnu: I have also experienced those freezes, but they just seemed to disappear magically...15:44
popeydholbach, probably the reason they're asking about more than 5 years is because RHEL is supported for longer :)15:44
ba7a7chyQUESTION: Will there be a "real" integration of unity web apps or will it stay a moziila shourtcut ?15:45
hackwarhel is not free :P15:45
darontegrate new calendar with Nitro15:45
mhall119ba7a7chy: what isn't "real" about it now?15:46
espnu@ba7a7chy, i think chrome was about to "allow"/"create" web apps. will see if i find it :)15:47
jqmmesyeah, unity webapps is a bit useless and weak at the moment :\... at least in my opinion...15:47
ba7a7chymhall119 right now it is more of a shourtcut for firefox not a fully integrated applicattion like a notification, indicator and such15:47
irv_Why do I have to setup PPA so I can install more lens? Are lens going to come in the base package?15:48
jvrbanacdholbach, thanks!15:48
jqmmesirv_ they said before, that the objective is to have most of the lens pre-installed by default15:48
lars4mntirv_: Plans are to bundle community lenses and install them by default15:48
lars4mntjqmmes: You beat me to it :/15:48
apt-get_installQUESTION: Will the better support for games and applications mean bigger malware risk? (Flash, Java in browser, etc)15:49
jqmmesisnt flash pretty much dead?15:49
apt-get_installjqmmes: u are joking?15:49
mhall119ba7a7chy: right now it integrates with the Launcher, the HUD, the Sound menu and the Messaging menu, that's more than just a shortcut15:49
jqmmesno... i wish it had died already... hate it...15:49
ba7a7chy" I dont know what the question is but the awnswer is yes" :)15:49
lars4mntFlash should have been killed by html5, but the performance of html5 is too bad currently15:50
Tashasetsukiapt-get_install: I asked that earlier, but they didnt answer it.. I doubt we will have issues with malware... but being a proprietary program and having the same security issues as the Windows/Mac counterparts..15:50
ba7a7chyQUESTION: Are you moving tawords or away from MONO ?15:51
MuzZzwhen do you think, a new and updated version of ubuntu will come up? probable time15:52
mhall119MuzZz: April 2013 :)15:52
MuzZzohh, ty :)15:52
Joe____@MuzZz, they're still sticking to the 6 month schedule, new releases in April and October, with a new LTS every 18 months.15:53
MuzZzohh thats cool :)15:53
MuzZzwhat do you guys think, which is better, gnome classic or unity? or xfce or cinnamon for ubuntu?15:54
jervin_alsoI'm reasonably happy with anything that lets me use my computer easily.15:54
phill1for faster computers unity15:55
mhall119+1 jervin_also15:55
mesirendonI've used all of them... but (this is my personal opinion) Gnome 3 is working very nice to me. I liked gnome 2 and I used all those compiz effects, but I moved to the new one and I like its simplicity15:55
lars4mntMuzZz: Depends what you want. Windows-like (xfce i think) or something revolutionar (unity)15:55
MuzZzfor a 2 cores cpu with 2 gigs of ram15:55
jqmmes@MuzZz that depends on each taste... I myself use unity, but for a lightweight desktop i also like lxde15:55
Joe____QUESTION: A lot of people were excited about the new Dell developer laptop.  Any new options/cooperations we can get excited about?15:55
ZarathustraDKQUESTION: Landscape would be a nice management tool for schools and libraries were it not for the steep per-machine licensing cost (105$ per machine it seems). Any plans to offer bulk subscriptions of Landscape? Make it free for private users?15:55
Joe____QUESTION: Tablets rely heavily (completely) on touch interface.  I haven't used ubuntu on a touch interface at all, but what's the progress/timeframe there?15:56
noneofthemWhat's the status on NAUTILUS? Will Canonical make their own fork?15:58
TashasetsukiAre there any plans to work on better upgrade of video drivers or drivers in general?15:59
ba7a7chyThats it ?!?!?15:59
EHankinsonIts been real15:59
ba7a7chyso many questions left unawnserd :(15:59
MuzZzi love ubuntu, have been using it since 3 weeks, had to reinstall it several times, because i screwed up somethings16:00
EHankinsonWill there be an Ubuntu media box?16:00
mesirendonPlease, an answer to Joe's question16:00
apt-get_installEHankinson: xbmubuntu?16:00
EHankinsonxbmubuntu? standalone box16:00
mhall119Joe____: mesirendon: Right now the focus is on reducing our system resource requirements so that it will run on tablet hardware, then we'll have a good foundation for building a touch-friendly UI16:01
ZarathustraDKThank you for the time Rick ^^16:01
jqmmesits called xbmcbuntu, not xbmubuntu16:01
ba7a7chythanks !!!16:01
mesirendonthx Joe16:01
jvrbanacThanks Rick and dholbach!16:01
EHankinsonThanx guys16:01
daro_see you guys, thx16:02
apt-get_installjqmmes: okey16:02
dholbachawesome session16:02
dholbachthanks everyone!16:02
ba7a7chywhat is his nick ?16:02
steadramonthx guys16:02
NitinThanks !16:04
=== rohit is now known as Guest1728
riddz17Is Ubuntu making invasion in the mobile devices platform or support for some of the new Technologies like Gesture Control?16:43
riddz17Is Ubuntu making invasion in the mobile devices platform or support for some of the new Technologies like Gesture Control?17:23
H3XThere was a bug in the wubi when installing 12.10 where you cant login and it tries to force root..  so i went with 12.04 LTS and was wondering if it would still do that if i upgrade via terminal?  Because Im afraid to upgrade due to this issue17:24
H3Xnote: when it forces root it is impossible to login17:25

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