
=== Guest52869 is now known as Mamarok
nikolamplease remove sending ban from Ubuntu02:48
nikolamit is just too much staying that long for no reason actually.02:48
bazhangnikolam, hi02:56
nikolamoh you are there, hi bazhang02:57
bazhangnikolam, do you recall why you were quieted in #ubuntu02:57
nikolambazhang, i do. because i did not shut up at a second i was asked to. And i tried to change subject in a pleasant way02:59
bazhang <nikolam> almoxarife, itis not politics. It is removing Canonical spying Appl installed by default in Ubuntu. it is technical question of what apps should be removed to get Not inside Canonical politics.03:00
nikolamand because helping user for swap is considerd not doing support03:00
bazhang <nikolam> OerHeks, I would but gordonjcp keeps pushing me. I just wanted solution for Dsh home npt sending my usage and local serches to Amazon and other parties. See legal notice of Dash on the bottom of it, by pressing <I> button.03:00
nikolamnope, that is not why i was shut up.03:00
bazhangthat was part of the reason for +q , yes03:00
nikolamyou explained me i was shut up for talking about swap and not shutting up.03:00
nikolamand we were already done last time that politics is off topic03:01
nikolambazhang, but you just now explains that it is part of the reason.03:01
bazhangnikolam, if you are asked to stop being offtopic in #ubuntu , you need to do so03:01
nikolamand i knew that already03:01
nikolami know03:01
nikolambut you got to make sure you explain right reasons for doing +q. You should tell me it is about offtopic before i was talking about swap support03:02
bazhangif wish to have an informal chit chat, then #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for that03:02
nikolamI was left for impression, main reason was supporting user for swap03:03
nikolamand obviously reasons are offtopic from before that.03:03
bazhangpartly yes, and getting far offtopic from support after that03:03
nikolambut you explain that now.03:04
nikolamso i was left confused and with +q03:04
bazhangnikolam, so it's 100% clear now?03:04
nikolambut it is also clear that you could make it more clear in the future.03:05
nikolambecause i was angry for some time after that03:05
nikolamnot understanding why +q for one thing , but trouble is another03:05
nikolamit is not just fair to make me confused.03:06
IdleOneit is not fair that we have to tell you not to be off topic in #ubuntu when you claim to know this already03:06
IdleOneit confuses us also03:07
bazhangnikolam, try sending to channel in #ubuntu now03:07
nikolami learned existence of ubuntu-policy or something channel after that.03:07
nikolami usually reside on smaller channels, where wider range of topics are common03:07
nikolami do nto come to ubuntu often, too noisy for me.03:08
bazhangnikolam, please try sending to channel now03:08
bazhangand success03:09
bazhangnikolam, if there is nothing further, please don't idle in this channel03:11
nikolamaha, just to say, it was because I used to talk on general channels about general distribution-like topics.03:11
nikolamand not taking into account of support-only nnature03:12
nikolamubuntu is very big.03:12
nikolamok, going out.03:12
angelpossumhey ineed help kicking some one03:41
angelpossumtrolling inapropriate and other stuff03:42
bazhangwho is03:42
bazhangvia PM?03:43
angelpossumwhoa idle one is an op dang03:43
IdleOneangelpossum: in what channel?03:43
angelpossumwhats via pm03:43
bazhangprivate message03:43
angelpossumdefocus unsencerd03:44
bazhangthats not an ubuntu issue03:45
IdleOnetry #defocus-ops03:45
angelpossumchu you to03:45
angelpossumchus a op to03:45
IdleOnebazhang: We are all old friends from -ot03:45
Myrttiwhoa you're all ops?!?!09:20
ubottuIn ubottu, Noskcaj said: that is my point09:25
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots09:26
Tm_TMyrtti: we are?09:37
Jordan_UThere's this annoying person that keeps spamming me with demands and links in PM whenever I say something in Ubuntu. They're getting really irritating.10:15
Jordan_UI just pop in to quickly respond to something in #ubuntu, and I get PM'd.10:17
Jordan_UThey generally go by the nick 'ubottu', though I've seen variations.10:17
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jussiJordan_U: haha - so its a spambot?10:42
jpdsjussi: http://is.gd/O6CUEa14:31

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