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didrockshey sil2100, how are you?08:50
sil2100didrocks: hi, fine - battling a sudden virtualbox segfault right now08:55
didrockssil2100: do you have time for an easy task today? :)08:55
sil2100didrocks: what's up ;) ?08:55
didrockssil2100: so, there is no integration tests neither for webapps or indicators08:57
didrockssil2100: but I do think there are some kind of integration tests for them melt into autopilot08:57
didrockssil2100: if you can list them and give a way to only launch those tests, that would be awesome!08:58
didrockslike "here is how you launch all the indicator tests":08:58
didrocksand "here is how you launch all the webapps tests"08:58
didrockssame with OIF, if any :)08:58
didrocksand webcred08:58
didrockssil2100: makes sense?08:59
sil2100didrocks: you mean, integration tests for them directly in lp:autopilot?09:00
didrockssil2100: oh, it can still be in unity trunk09:00
didrockssil2100: just having the list of them :)09:00
sil2100Ok, I'll look for those then and try to find them09:00
didrocksand a way to only launch thoses09:00
didrockssil2100: do you think you can get that today? that will help to be more confident in what we release09:01
sil2100didrocks: yessir, I'll also ping you if I have any clarification questions09:03
sil2100I'll look in a moment09:04
didrockssil2100: thanks! do not hesitate :)09:04
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diogobaederHi guys, I think you might be already aware of this, but it's worth telling anyway: Quantal still has a bug in Unity that makes a window close and vanish from the desktop, and unable to be brought back again except from killing the process that runs it.12:50
diogobaederAnd this closing seems to happen sometimes when I focus on another window - then, when I try to come back to the previous one, it's gone, not even showing with Alt+Tab12:51
popeydiogobaeder, is there a bug filed for this?12:52
popeydiogobaeder, sounds like a familiar bug in bamf12:53
diogobaederpopey, not sure, still looking for it, so I figured out it would be faster to tell here12:53
popeysure, sil2100 Mirv ^^ recognise this? :)12:53
diogobaederpopey, I'm not finding a bug report for it. May I create a new one?12:57
diogobaederack :-)12:57
popeydiogobaeder, what version of bamf do you have installed?12:58
diogobaederpopey, I don't know. What is bamf?12:58
popeydiogobaeder, apt-cache policy libbamf3-0 | grep Installed12:59
popeywhat does that show?12:59
diogobaederpopey, it shows nothing, empty output13:00
popeydiogobaeder, apt-cache policy libbamf* | grep Installed13:01
popeydiogobaeder, paste.ubuntu.com paste it there if it's a few lines long13:01
diogobaederpopey, empty output again13:02
popeydiogobaeder, you using non-english system?13:03
Mirvsounds familiar bug, but not that I'd have encounterted it myself lately13:03
diogobaederpopey, yep, pt_BR13:03
popeyok, just pastebin the output of apt-cache policy libbamf*13:03
diogobaederapt-cache policy libbamf*13:03
diogobaederOops, wrong window, sorry13:04
Mirvbut it's probably something that occurs on some usage patterns more than on some others13:04
popeydiogobaeder, is it a java app which disappears?13:04
diogobaederpopey, nope, C/C++ in most cases (happened some time ago with geany)13:05
diogobaederpopey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1410197/13:05
popeydiogobaeder, ok, please file a bug .. "ubuntu-bug unity"13:06
diogobaederpopey, I'm filing it in Launchpad right now, directly13:08
diogobaedernp ;-)13:08
sil2100popey, diogobaeder: ah, this one strange bug13:08
sil2100Didn't see that one for a while personally, I had the hopes it was fixed by accident ;p13:08
diogobaedersil2100, unfortunately not :-(13:09
diogobaederpopey, sil2100 , https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/108637513:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1086375 in Unity "Window closes automatically when switching to another app" [Undecided,New]13:09
sil2100diogobaeder: thanks!13:09
diogobaedernp ;-)13:09
diogobaederAlright, guys, I'll get back to work. Thanks for the help!13:10
* diogobaeder waves13:10
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sil2100I actually thought we submitted a bug report for this one13:10
sil2100I even somewhat recall doing it myself even, let me check that13:11
davmor2sil2100: there might be but he couldn't find it13:11
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ubot5Launchpad bug 1015147 in Compiz "Windows disappearing from screen while still running" [High,New]13:12
sil2100Maybe it's this one?13:12
sil2100I think it's the same issue13:13
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didrockssil2100: for unity.tests.test_panel.PanelIndicatorEntryTests, those are multiple tests? not just one?13:35
sil2100didrocks: yes, these are 3 tests testing indicator (and menu) behavior13:39
didrockssil2100: thanks :)13:41
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MCR1andyrock: A very intelligent way to determine which desktop you are on to choose the right icon... but won't work 4 any other config than 2x2 :(14:14
MCR1JohnLea: Hi. Would it be possible to have a solution like this for the workspace switcher icon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/838854/comments/10 ?14:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 838854 in unity (Ubuntu) "Workspaces, Launcher - The workspace Launcher icon should change depending on which workspace is currently being utilised" [Medium,Fix committed]14:17
andyrockMCR1, yeah read the bug description14:18
MCR1andyrock: You did it exactly like planned, but I am not satisfied ;)14:19
seb128you will never get users happy about it anyway, if you map 4x1 to the grid people will complain that they have a row and that the icon should represent the real layout14:21
MCR1seb128: Sure...14:21
seb128thinking about those corner cases takes lot of time and efforts that are not spent on the real issues14:21
MCR1seb128: But currently it won't work for anyone who wants to have the cube, which is a Compiz classic...14:22
seb128well, unity is not a compiz classic...14:22
seb128I though unity was depending on wall anyway?14:22
seb128what I'm saying is that unity is designed and made with a set of fixed option/choices, it's not meant to deal with any ccsm settings combinaison on earth14:23
seb128if some users want to tweak options good for them but they are on their own...14:24
MCR1a desktop without options will never be good for everyone...14:24
MCR1& sometimes users have to tweak things to make other things work...14:25
MCR1like changing shortcuts is a perfect example14:25
MCR1Ofc this should just work14:25
seb128right, there is a set of supported options14:26
seb128desactivating workspaces will be one14:26
seb128having a random layout of workspaces probably not14:26
seb128or you have to live with the icon in the launcher nor respresenting your config14:26
MCR1I am working on making every CCSM option just work - together with Unity14:26
MCR1without cutting long time functionality14:27
seb128well, that's a nice goal, but are you going to design an infinity or workspace icon for all possible layouts? or generate it from code? how will a 16x3 grid work on a 32 pixel icon?14:28
MCR1I believe Unity and Compiz should work together in harmony14:28
MCR1seb128: In this special case I have already outlined a possible solution14:29
seb128it fixes your 4x1 case14:29
MCR1with the modulo function you can easily cycle...14:29
seb128well, then it stops making sense14:29
seb128it just feel weird14:29
seb128but anyway I didn't want to start a long discussion, it's just not realistic to want to play nicely with any random setting14:30
MCR1sure, c ya14:30
seb128you can probably do what you suggest, I'm ready to bet that you will get a but report next that a 3x2 grid should lead to an icon reflecting the grid...14:30
MCR1sure, that is life14:30
MCR1now there will be bug reports that it only works with 2x2 ;)14:31
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didrocksmterry: so, just so you know, we just fixed a big issue due to compiz/cmake. It's rolling in, then, I'll rekick a build in ubuntu-unity/daily-build ppa. If you can install it in a couple of hours (ensure to have the incoming compiz which will start to build in an hour), and just poking around as we are closed to the release16:50
didrocksmterry: and if you find times to fix some obvious bugs, feel free :)16:50
didrocks(even if I doubt about it ;))16:50
mterrydidrocks, OK16:50
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didrocksfginther: is https://code.launchpad.net/~bregma/compiz/lp-1085581/+merge/137880 running?17:21
fgintherdidrocks, looking17:21
didrocksfginther: thanks, quite anxious on that one to be merged :)17:22
* bregma makes puppy-dog eyes17:22
didrocksbregma: let's see if it works :p17:22
fgintherdidrocks, bregma it's building rightnow17:22
* bregma wags tail17:23
* didrocks crosses fingers then to run the compiz daily-build17:23
fgintherdidrocks, bregma, merged :-)17:27
didrocksfginther: thanks \o/17:28
* didrocks push the trigger for ubuntu-unity/daily-build ppa17:28
didrocksbregma: mterry: FYI compiz 1: will build shortly in the ubuntu-unity/daily-build ppa17:30
didrocks(note the .1 ;))17:30
mterrydidrocks, in my sources!  :)17:30
didrocksoh, maybe it will be 0.9.9 :p17:31
didrocksmterry: good17:31
didrocksbregma: mterry: we bumped today the version, so it will be: 1:0.9.9~daily12.12.04-0ubuntu117:32
didrockssil2100: popey: btw, you will be interested, the more testers we have for the first big drop…17:33
mterrydidrocks, we should just change versioning to 12.12.04-0ubuntu1  :)  Like YEAR.MONTH but extended17:33
didrocksmterry: I would love to, quite difficult to convince upstream for now :)17:34
didrocksmterry: so let's wait for a cycle with daily build and this process to win them all! :-)17:34
didrocksmhr3 will surely accept, but he doesn't know about it yet :p17:35
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bregmaubuntu-unity/daily-build PPA is now good to go19:54
bregmafor those of you who were on the edge of their seats19:54
bregmathe rest of you can continue to look at pictures of cats19:55
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