
philipballewbkerensa, did you get my pm?20:43
philipballewMight be a good option for people needing to get to scale. http://t.co/E0KMDPn23:46
darthrobotTitle: [Error reading title]23:46
philipballewIts a new bus system I read about that doing really cheap rides from sf to la23:47
pleia2philipballew: old news :)23:47
pleia222:59:30 < pleia2> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/28/megabus_n_2206234.html23:47
darthrobotTitle: [Megabus California: Low-Cost Bus Service Expands Into Golden State With $1 San Francisco To Los Angeles Service]23:47
pleia2^^ 2 days ago23:47
philipballewpleia2, we think alike!23:47
pleia223:00:54 < pleia2> might be useful for scale :)23:47
mikestewartidk... going to be all of $9 by then23:48
philipballewmikestewart, but with the wife you can work on the bus :)23:48
philipballewmikestewart, where do you live again?23:50
mikestewartah, right.  didnt make sense.  cuz with my wife, I can't work on the bus23:50
mikestewartLong Beach23:50
mikestewartbut have family in Berkeley, El Cerrito, & Oakland .. so the bus caught my eye they other day, too23:50
philipballewnice. a competitor to this expensive rail system they are talking about23:51
philipballewbut with the price of southwest these days for san diego to sac, I have been a happy camper.23:51
pleia2it was weird to me that it's so expensive to get up and down the west coast, there are all kinds of crazy cheap buses on the east coast (where megabus is from)23:51
pleia2at least from boston to washington, the important part of the east coast ;P23:52
mikestewartya, thats a lot of bus rides for $53 billion23:52
philipballewboston to ny is like only a few bucks23:52
philipballewpleia2, so I cant go from Miami to Maine foe a dollar?23:54
mikestewartoh wait, its est 68 billion now...23:54
mikestewarteh, whats an extra $15billion?23:54
pleia2philipballew: my sister hitchhiked that journey once, but she's kind of insane :)23:54
philipballewremember how I got back to ca from oscon pleia2 ?23:55
pleia2hehe, yeah23:55
philipballeweven to get from la to san diego is around 30 dollars by train23:56
philipballewIf the bus accepts bikes, Id ride it.23:56
philipballewmikestewart, are you gonna be at scale?23:57

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