
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
MCR1ricotz: Hi :) A new fglrx has been released (12.11 Beta 11) - would be nice if you could update the xorg edgers ppa...08:21
ricotzMCR1, oh, i see, i will try08:24
MCR1ricotz, thx 8-)08:24
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa_lunch
=== psivaa_lunch is now known as psivaa
MCR1ricotz: o/ Thanx a lot 4 the fglrx-update. Worx perfectly. No need for new xorg.conf this time. 8-) And seems to be more stable than beta 8, which was crashing quite often - especially during OpenGL starts...13:32
ricotzMCR1, i am glad it works since these are uploads into the blue13:33
ricotzi can't test those13:33
MCR1It is perfect, except 4 the AMD Beta Driver overlay...13:34
MCR1but this is something one can easily remove...13:34
ricotzMCR1, would be nice if you could check the dkms build with kernel 3.713:35
* MCR1 is shaking in fear ;)13:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ricotzMCR1, you can try to point to a patch to remove that watermark13:35
MCR1there is even a script somewhere, because the manual solution involves some effort13:36
MCR1wait, I'll try to find a link13:37
ricotzi actually feared some kind of binary patching13:39
MCR1I think the dir is wrong though (should be /usr/lib/fglrx/xorg/modules/drivers/)13:40
ricotzi actually feared some kind of binary patching13:41
MCR1well, there is a manual solution also13:42
MCR1but it involves copying a file from the non-beta to the beta13:42
MCR1ricotz: See here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/206558/how-to-remove-the-amd-testing-use-only-watermark-from-ubuntu-12-1013:43
MCR1ricotz, it is the second answer with 3 points...13:44
MCR1ricotz, I'll try to jump into the cold water and test fglrx with Kernel 3.7 on Quantal in the next dayz && will report then...13:46
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
MCR1ricotz: Hahaha - with the new driver I get a new error message when trying to activate Display 3:16:20
MCR1The selected configuration for displays could not be applied16:20
MCR1required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(5120, 1200), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(3840, 1920)16:20
MCR1Why is there a maximum of 3840x1920 ???16:21

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