
aetcorezykotick9: hey i didnt actually know about that... and to think i have been using linux this long without knowing lol. thanks00:00
zykotick9ztgu: expect issues with hybrid graphics setups ;)  i see lots of "issues" in this channel involving them.00:01
webfoxI have a system running and working and a system with is showing wrong keyboard inputs, could someone help me to verify which setting is being used at this working system and try to transfer to the other not working please?00:01
arossDOTmealien2050: nope still broken00:01
zykotick9aetcore: makes uninstalling a lot cleaner00:01
zykotick9aetcore: side note - don't distribute DEBs created with checkinstall00:02
blackshirtis that not recommended way to create debs package?00:03
webfoxIs it a bad time, the channel seens to be pretty much crowd but no one seine to be interested on helping people here.00:03
RickZillawebfox: I wasn't trying to be a smarta$$, just trying to figure out what you need help with00:04
daftykins!impatience | webfox00:05
aetcorezykotick9: yeah cool, i wouldnt :D00:05
daftykins!patience | webfox00:05
ubottuwebfox: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:05
blackshirtwebfox, what the problems happens to you?i just sitting here for a while time ..00:05
blackshirt!find keyboard00:05
ubottuFound: keyboard-configuration, fcitx-modules, jack-keyboard, keyboardcast, keyboards-rg00:05
SunMoonStarHi guys. I tried to install Ubuntu 12.10 on my old laptop and ran into a problem after using it for a bit. Here are two photos of what happened: http://imgur.com/zbULF,6eLcp and http://imgur.com/zbULF,6eLcp#1 ... anyone know how I can fix this?00:06
blackshirthello alien205000:06
webfoxRickZilla, you got to realize this channel is considered to provide not professional support, in other words I didn't came here to listen someone ask me to try give my system some kick and test some commands. I want a serious help and something I can learn and follow. This is something useful, but if everybody which is here thinks they are being used because it is not charged or whatever don't blame me.00:06
zykotick9ztgu: please keep your questions in this channel.  thanks.00:07
ShawnRiskMy internet doesn't seem to be connecting on Ubuntu but is connecting on my mac, any ways I can fix this?  The only way I have fixed this is restarting the laptop but I don't want to do that now.00:07
alien2050guikfe: you should try to mount the Linux drive with mount /dev/sda1 (for example); you need to figure out your linux partition... if it's /dev/sda2 then do mount /dev/sda2 /100:07
alien2050guikfe: then redo the command with /1, not /media/whatever00:08
zykotick9ztgu: and i'm not gonna give hardware purchasing advice.  research well before hand, is my only suggestion.00:08
alien2050guikfe: looks like it's a usb key (or a mountable drive) that you're trying to source towards grub-install, with a GPT partition type, won't work00:08
alien2050you can do a fdisk -l to see the partition l;ayout on your drive00:09
zykotick9alien2050: if it's gpt, "sudo fidsk -l" won't work.  use "parted -l" instead.00:09
webfoxYou guys have to realize when you are "trying" or "testing" or perhaps "having fun" telling users to use certain commands you can be screwing pretty much bad some serious users which need their machines to work. And if you want to be a serious and respected community start to think it is professional thinking at help someone if you really can and not for money and it is not a shame.00:10
a5m0i have one computer that's on 3.7.0-4 and one that's on 3.5.0-19 and they both claim they're up to date, any  ideas what's up?00:10
alien2050zykotick9: nah it'll work, I've got GPT right here and it shows up fine00:10
SunMoonStarHi guys. I tried to install Ubuntu 12.10 on my old laptop and ran into a problem after using it for a bit. Here are two photos of what happened: http://imgur.com/zbULF,6eLcp and http://imgur.com/zbULF,6eLcp#1 ... anyone know how I can fix this?00:10
daftykinswebfox: don't be so self-righteous.00:10
blackshirtwebfox, stay with focus and don't to be out of topic00:10
zykotick9alien2050: but it doesn't show teh actual partitions???00:10
zykotick9alien2050: "WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdd'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted." from fidsk -l00:11
alien2050hey blackshirt00:11
webfoxyou don't give a fuck, right?00:11
webfoxwell, maybe I am wrong.00:11
blackshirtwebfox, maybe the others too00:11
jrib!language | webfox00:12
ubottuwebfox: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:12
webfoxBut if I am wrong Microsoft is write, and don' t come tell me you are proud of your free of charge os.00:12
daftykinsSunMoonStar: have you tried pulling the battery and mains, then try firing up again from cold?00:12
alien2050zykotick9: hmmm.... actually maybe you're right, got a 3 TB drive here, thought I had formatted it in GPT format... maybe I'm wrong...00:12
zykotick9jrib: that must be what, the 10th time someone has sent webfox the !language factoid.  think your wasting your time.00:12
jribwebfox: this channel is for ubuntu support.  Please stay on-topic00:12
SunMoonStardaftykins: what do you mean by 'mains'? No I have not tried that. I think that it is a graphic card issue, correct?00:13
aetcoreSunMoonStar: those drivers are FGX ones00:13
webfoxI have a system running and working and a system with is showing wrong keyboard inputs, could someone help me to verify which setting is being used at this working system and try to transfer to the other not working please?00:13
SunMoonStaraetcore: explain?00:13
daftykinsSunMoonStar: yeah the graphics driver is having some trouble. mains = the AC adapter electricity source00:13
blackshirt!keyboard-configuration | webfox00:14
aetcoredrm, nouveau are gfx drivers00:14
SunMoonStardaftykins: I will try to unplug, take out battery, replug, etc, brb00:14
blackshirt!keyboard-config | webfox00:14
arossDOTmewebfox: professional = not f*** at us00:14
blackshirt!find keybord00:14
ubottuPackage/file keybord does not exist in quantal00:14
jribwebfox: you can try « setxkbmap -query »00:14
blackshirt!find keyboard00:15
ubottuFound: keyboard-configuration, fcitx-modules, jack-keyboard, keyboardcast, keyboards-rg00:15
ztguzykotick9: If I choose a laptop with intel and nvidia gpu. I can only use the intel gpu (with same amouth of battery level as in windows)?   And not use the Nvidia?00:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:15
webfoxjrib, I am running Server.00:15
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:15
webfoxblackshirt, how do I use it?00:15
zykotick9ztgu: you probably won't get the same battery life on ubuntu as you will with windows i'm affraid... no matter which graphics card is involved.00:15
jribwebfox: what does "showing wrong keyboard inputs" mean exactly?00:15
GuillHello all :)00:16
blackshirtwebfox, issue sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration00:16
aetcoreomg iCarly was here00:16
blackshirtTo reconfigure your keyboard config00:16
webfoxjrib, well, in fact it is not exactly that. In fact the keys are not working as it is supposed to be. For example the slash key prints nothing or a wrong key.00:16
ztguahh, but if I use a laptop with AMD gpu?00:17
ztguI think this one is good http://www.komplett.no/k/ki.aspx?sku=76154300:17
aetcorewebfox: USB or PS2 ?00:17
ztguany ideas?00:17
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jribwebfox: slash sometimes prints nothing and sometimes prints the wrong key?  Which wrong key? Does it change at random?00:17
zykotick9ztgu: just an FYI, but whenever someone mentions they have amd/ati graphics, i add them to my /ignore list...  i hate ATI/AMD.  my next cpu will be intel, because of AMDs purchase of ATI.00:18
webfoxjrib, it was installed on a Ubuntu host now I brought it to a Mac host.00:18
aetcorewebfox: also what is the current keyboard type, eg en_us, en_uk etc00:18
jribwebfox: you're not being clear00:18
ztguWell what would you recommend thenP00:20
ztguIntel GPU?00:20
webfoxaetcore and jrib, sorry guys if I offended you. and thank you for your help.00:21
zykotick9ztgu: if you can afford it, something with nvidia (non-hybrid).  if not intel.00:21
webfoxblackshirt, that was it. Thank you very much!00:22
iuri_Hi there00:22
guilhermekfealien2050, and doing so resulted in nothing >_>00:22
guilhermekfealien2050, I wonder if the solution would be to install another boot-loader00:22
alien2050guilhermekfe: what happened00:22
iuri_After i installed plugins on my box youtube doesn't play well the musics00:22
guilhermekfealien2050, same problem00:22
alien2050guilhermekfe: black screen still ?00:23
guilhermekfealien2050, yes00:23
iuri_it gets stuck on one part of the music does anyone have the same trouble?00:23
alien2050guilhermekfe: what was the output of grub-install ?00:23
alien2050it should have said "no error occured, install finished" or something00:23
webfoxI want to configure the network of my server with is not working as well, could someone help me to make it please ?00:23
arossDOTmeany other network packages to try reinstalling? or might I guess00:23
ShawnRiskHow come no one can help me on my problem?00:24
guilhermekfealien2050, I don't have it here with me, but there were no errors00:24
ztguzykotick9: with non-hybrid, what do you mean? can you give me an example of a laptop?00:24
daftykinsShawnRisk: what do you mean ubuntu and 'your mac', do you have ubuntu installed on your mac?00:25
alien2050arossDOTme: Last time, I had to do a purge of network-manager, should be ok after that...is network-manager still working or is it greyed out ?00:25
zykotick9ztgu: nope.  i imageine most (perhaps all?) these days will be hybrid :(00:25
daftykinsSunMoonStar: check this out too: http://askubuntu.com/questions/205021/how-to-solve-gpu-lockup-switching-to-software-fbcon-on-new-install-of-12-1000:26
ztguzykotick9: Then you leave me no option, a AMD laptop or an laptop with an intell gpu (not very good performance in gaming and video editing)00:26
alien2050guilhermekfe: when grub-install runs, it usually modifies the boot sector of the drive... do you have multiple drives (HDD) ?00:27
zykotick9ztgu: well... it's all up to you.  go AMD or go hybrid...00:27
alien2050maybe it modified the wrong one00:27
guilhermekfealien2050, nope00:27
alien2050guilhermekfe: just the one ?00:27
guilhermekfealien2050, yes00:27
guilhermekfealien2050, only sda00:28
zykotick9alien2050: you are aware that grub-install from a livecd would require properly chrooting right?00:28
alien2050zykotick9: nope, I do it a zillion times, it works fine without chroot00:28
alien2050I just jump to root, then run grub-install, and it just works. Actually did it last week, no chrooting00:29
mega1i am trying to repair an install of server 10.04 and its asking me which root system which should i choose00:29
guilhermekfealien2050, by the way, I did it with chroot00:29
nonkn4merblackshirt: you're a bigger man than I, helping webfox after that attitude... 10 points to you, sir.00:29
daftykinsnonkn4mer: i was convinced it was a troll, i +1 your comment sir00:30
alien2050Trick is to mount the linux partition properly, that's why I usually mount it to /1 to not get confused by the automounter00:30
alien2050like /media/whatever.... it should work... maybe it's something else...00:31
guilhermekfeI mounted it to /mnt00:31
alien2050guilhermekfe: what is the hardware?00:31
webfoxnonkn4mer, try to see what really happened here and accept my apologies man. It's nothing to do with others.00:31
scales11hi all.  i have an ssd and disabled journaling on the ext4 partition as well as adding "noatime,discard" to its fstab.  now the ssd wants to run a check disk at every boot.  any way to fix this?00:31
guilhermekfealien2050, Intel i7, 6GB RAM00:31
alien2050uefi ?00:32
alien2050which release?00:32
alien2050ubuntu I mean00:32
nonkn4merwebfox: it happens.  When tech isn't working and one little thing needs to be fixed before the greater problem can be solved.00:32
nonkn4merwebfox: * it's frustrating.  we've all been there.  just usually not in IRC :P00:32
guilhermekfealien2050, Ubuntu 12.10 x6400:33
scales11any advice?00:33
alien2050UEFI is enabled in BIOS ?00:33
alien2050or not00:33
scales11alien2050, are you talking to me?00:33
ztguHey, i was thinking about buying this laptop: http://www.asus.com/Notebooks/Multimedia_Entertainment/N56DP/      Any advice? does it look compatible? drivers?00:33
alien2050scales11: no sorry00:33
webfoxnonkn4mer, I understand but sometimes people can be really harmed with a weak support. And it's not an obligation of no one here to help, BUT if help be serious.00:34
arossDOTmewebfox: Don't expect it your toes scrubbed. I could have helped you know but you put me off.00:35
alien2050webfox: +100:36
nonkn4merwebfox: I'm glad your issue has been resolved, though.  Now on to bigger and better things.  Like more steam ports for linux00:36
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webfoxarossDOTme, it is completely up to you helping people, but please be professional if you do.00:36
nonkn4mer!cooke | alien205000:37
nonkn4merhmm, didn't work00:37
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:37
nonkn4merthere we go00:37
SierraARnonkn4mer: You were missing an i the first time ;)00:37
scales11hi all.  i have an ssd and disabled journaling on the ext4 partition as well as adding "noatime,discard" to its fstab.  now the ssd wants to run a check disk at every boot.  any way to fix this?00:38
nonkn4merSierraAR: no spell check in CLI?  blasphemy!!!00:38
webfoxnonkn4mer, thanx man!00:38
alien2050guilhermekfe: still thinking...00:38
SierraARHaha, I never use spellcheck myself even when it's right in front of me xD00:38
guilhermekfealien2050, oh, thank you00:38
guilhermekfealien2050, I found this, by the way, http://askubuntu.com/questions/131125/ubuntu-12-04-64-bit-after-installation-help00:39
alien2050yeah but that would be ONLY if you got a grub prompt which you don't right ?00:39
alien2050guilhermekfe: black screen only, right ?00:39
alien2050alien2050: cuz I've seen on nvidia cards often it won't boot and you get a black screen and you got to put "nomodeset" like the GTX560 for example00:40
guilhermekfealien2050, only black screen, though I can switch (blindly) between the options and choose windows or ubuntu00:41
alien2050guilhermekfe: unless you are satisfied with nouveau driver....00:41
alien2050guilhermekfe: what is your GFX?00:41
guilhermekfeIntel HD gfx 300000:41
alien2050guilhermekfe: so not even ati or nvidia... should work right out of the box....00:42
SierraARSo I've noticed something odd with my dualboot windows/ubuntu system.00:42
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alien2050can you send your output of fdisk -l00:42
SierraARI have a couple pictures in the shared partition I made the other day.00:43
alien2050when you're booted in the live cd ?00:43
alien2050and do you have a way to stay in chat here ?00:43
SierraARWhy does it seem like the colors are.. Different on windows and ubuntu? I.e., something in windows is orangish brown, but on ubuntu it's more vibrant red00:43
guilhermekfejust a min00:43
VegaMan_anyone here good at bacdooring?00:44
k1lVegaMan_: this channel is not the apropriate channel for that topic00:45
VegaMan_ah... sorry about that. can you direct me to an appropiate channel?00:45
guilhermekfealien2050, oh, and it's not a live cd (don't know if this info is helpful), it's a bootable usb stick00:45
alien2050live usb then00:46
alien2050should be the same00:46
guilhermekfenice =)00:46
daftykins!ot | VegaMan_00:46
ubottuVegaMan_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:46
webfoxIs there a way to reduce the Ubuntu Server font size and keep it that way after rebooting ?00:47
VegaMan_thanks daftykins00:47
alien2050guilhermekfe: actually, when it works (as it should!) it is the same... I have switched to USB keys for my OSes recently and it is a LOT faster than cds/dvds00:49
craigbass1976I was in earlier today with this problem: "I've got a laptop in front of me.  The owner is paranoid -- while his wife was doing an update, he freaked and stopped it half way through.  I'm stuck at an initramfs prompt after a "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/..... does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!" message."  Someone told me to fsck the partition, which I had already done and gotten a clean bill of health.  I also remember somehow finishing the update (this00:49
craigbass1976 was a couple of weeks ago -- I'm just getting back to the box now) and that went ok.00:49
daftykinscraigbass1976: so it's still freaking out at boot?00:50
daftykinscraigbass1976: i have to go, but check /etc/fstab has the correct matching UUID's to mount each partition compared with the output of actual UUID's (from 'sudo blkid') perhaps from a liveCD/USB00:51
craigbass1976daftykins, yes, although I'm at a different fork in the road now that I've rebooted.  "the disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present.  Continue to wait or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery.00:52
MishaFashionistaHey guys does anyone use web2py here?00:53
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craigbass1976daftykins, M (because skipping the mount of / seems silly) takes me to a root prompt, preceded by Root filesystem check failed.  A maintenence shell will now be started.  Ctrl D will terminate this shell and reboot00:53
guilhermekfe__alien2050: a lot better =)00:53
craigbass1976daftykins, I'm tucking my kids in; if I don't respond I'm not being rude, just might be a few minutes.00:54
MishaFashionistaI have a question about starting up web2py. On the tutorial it says after installing it type python web2py.py -S welcome and it says web2py.py file or folder doesn't exist00:54
alien2050guilhermekfe__: it's working now ? great00:54
MishaFashionistaI already have python defaultly installed00:54
guilhermekfe__alien2050: no no00:55
guilhermekfe__alien2050: fdisk -l ?00:55
alien2050guilhermekfe__: ok ;) pastebin^00:55
guilhermekfe__alien2050: pastebin.com/Wp1dqezX00:56
alien2050guilhermekfe__: i see00:57
SierraARAnybody know of a way to install internet explorer on ubuntu? I've not found anything that works so far; I kinda need it for web development/testing00:58
alien2050guilhermekfe__: what is the drive capacity ?00:58
Shubuntuhey guys is there a way to list the currently active keyboard shortcuts?00:58
alien2050guilhermekfe__: forget it00:58
guilhermekfe__haha, ok00:58
alien2050guilhermekfe__: any need for 640GB in GPT00:58
craigbass1976daftykins, maybe grub is just gone?  ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2081502&highlight=a+maintenence+shell+will+now+be+started00:58
alien2050cuz usually that's for going higher than 2 TB00:59
alien2050guilhermekfe__: what tool did you use to format it, cuz I think that it's your problem right there, although I'm not a GPT expert....01:00
guilhermekfe__alien2050: I just used the default program that comes with Ubuntu Live, when installing it01:00
guilhermekfe__alien2050, by the way, I set it as a primary partition01:01
alien2050guilhermekfe__: http://askubuntu.com/questions/130673/why-can-i-not-boot-from-the-hard-disk01:01
webfoxMan, I need someone help to keep dpkg-reconfigure console-setup setting after rebooting my machine.01:03
draco_γεια χαρα σας01:03
craigbass1976If I'm on a livecd and do a chroot /dev/wherever-my-install-is,  any apt-get update types of commands apply to my install, right?01:03
alien2050guilhermekfe__: Look closely at this part in the url : "Via Gparted convert your disk into a non-GPT disk (this will format your disk), then reinstall Ubuntu"01:03
alien2050guilhermekfe__: They say GPT boot support in 12.04 is still not fully supported... I would definitely put it back to non-GPT, especially for a 640G drive01:04
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guilhermekfe__alien2050, I see...01:05
guilhermekfe__well, let's try this =)01:05
alien2050guilhermekfe__: not sure about 12.10 though... but in a non-gpt setup, this is what fdisk -l should report : http://pastebin.com/iRNa1Xza01:06
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alien2050guilhermekfe__: BTW ignore the "does not start on cylinder...."01:07
nxgenerationcan anyone explain how to add unstable packages to ppa?01:07
guilhermekfe__very different01:08
alien2050guilhermekfe__: on my setup, linux is installed on /dev/sda4, you see? It's supposed to find a LINUX column in the end01:08
alien2050then it knows how to boot. The weird thing I've noticed, sometimes the grub-install still says "no errors" even if it didn't find anything01:09
alien2050guilhermekfe__:  so what I would do is first, backup all your data, then reformat as non-GPT partitioning like in the url, then reinstall01:10
guilhermekfe__as I can see here, in order to reformat it as a non-GPT I should just set the flag bios_grub01:10
alien2050guilhermekfe__: is this system dual boot? if so, don't forget to backup the other drive's data. Everything will be fine after that... it will not show a black screen because it fill find grub01:10
alien2050guilhermekfe__: I don't know about GPT, maybe it'll work, but I don't know how to setup this flag, is there even the optioni in the gparted formatter? Remember to backup your data before doing something like this though!!!01:12
guilhermekfe__alien2050, there isn't much data, I installed it some hours ago =)01:12
arossDOTmewebfox: dpkg-reconfure then TAB TAB look for console something01:13
alien2050guilhermekfe__: ok then01:13
alien2050guilhermekfe__: this could help you http://johnlewis.ie/converting-to-gpt-in-ubuntu/ and this also http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190178101:14
alien2050guilhermekfe__: is it dual boot this system ?01:14
guilhermekfe__alien2050, yes01:14
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guilhermekfe__alien2050, gosh, should I reformat the entire disk?01:15
webfoxarossDOTme, it works fine, but after a reboot it cakes back as it was before. :(01:15
ztguI am going to get this laptop: http://www.asus.com/Notebooks/Multimedia_Entertainment/N56DP/#specifications01:15
ztguAny idea of compability out there?01:16
ztgufor linux ofcourse:)01:16
alien2050guilhermekfe__: yep, that's what I would do. Format it first using gparted back to non-gpt, in case winblows decides to format it to GPT again, again I'm not an expert in GPT, but with my 3 TB drive, I had to split it to 3x1 TB partitions to keep it non-gpt01:16
alien2050guilhermekfe__: for a 640G drive, it's no issue01:16
guilhermekfe__alien2050, omg, it's so annoying, and I got a headache01:18
arossDOTmewebfox: whats your install....?01:21
alien2050guilhermekfe__: unless there is another way to boot using GPT in Ubuntu, that I don't know about.... but if you have a live USB Win7 and a live USB ubuntu, it should take 1 hour max and you're back in business. Put Windows as primary (ie install first or it'll scrap your linux boot sector if you put it second)01:21
heladocalienteHi guys. How can I open the a tab in gnome terminal within the same window using the gnome-terminal command?01:21
webfoxarossDOTme, Ubuntu Server 12.0401:21
xanguaheladocaliente: with the menu or control+alt+t01:22
arossDOTmewebfox: no idea01:22
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webfoxarossDOTme, no problem, thank you. In fact the problem isn't about to change the font but to keep it changed after reboot.01:23
guilhermekfe__alien2050, I installed win7 first01:23
arossDOTmewebfox: I only had the problem on persist flash drive installs01:24
OpenSorceIs it actually still a good idea to set up a separate /home partition?01:24
webfoxarossDOTme, Ubuntu Server ?01:24
guilhermekfe__alien2050, well01:24
heladocalientexangua: I want to be able to use a command line since I want to put it in a alias.01:24
guilhermekfe__alien2050, I give up by now01:25
guilhermekfe__alien2050, gotta sleep =)01:25
arossDOTmewebfox: nope01:25
guilhermekfe__alien2050, thank you for your great support!01:25
webfoxarossDOTme, sorry, I am not following you here.01:25
alien2050guilhermekfe__: no problem. Good luck!!!01:25
arossDOTmewebfox don't matter. its old "news"01:25
Jordan_Uguilhermekfe__: alien2050: Booting from GPT is very well supported. What problem are you having?01:25
guilhermekfe__alien2050, thank you very much, I'm gonna try solve this tomorrow ;D01:26
arossDOTme.. out of date01:26
guilhermekfe__Jordan_U, the black grub screen01:26
webfoxarossDOTme, mm, ok01:26
alien2050_: Like I said, it may be I'm missing something for GPT, Jordan_U have a look at the pastebin he sent earlier with fdisk -l01:27
guilhermekfe__Jordan_U, this one pastebin.com/Wp1dqezX01:27
almoxarifei did an install of kde via terminal, didnt realize it but it all was done as user root, did i bypass my users settings when i did that?01:27
almoxarifevia apt-get01:28
johnjacobjingerhalmoxarife, no01:28
johnjacobjingerhalmoxarife, u have to use sudo (which is the same as doing it as root)01:28
arossDOTmealien2050: gave you a break :). had some help on #ubuntuuk. now got it working by "start networkmanager" but not working on reboot01:28
johnjacobjingerhit would not have worked if you didnt01:28
almoxarifejohnjacobjingerh: no, thats the point, i didnt01:28
Jordan_Uguilhermekfe__: almoxarife: I don't see any problem there, except that if you want to see the actual contents of the GUID Partition Table you should use "sudo parted -l".01:28
johnjacobjingerhwhat did you do exactly?01:29
johnjacobjingerhalmoxarife, like walk me through the steps you did (i.e. what command did you run)01:29
alien2050Jordan_U: still doesn't explain the black screen...01:29
johnjacobjingerhbut even if you installed something as a different user it wouldnt be an issue01:29
Jordan_Uguilhermekfe__: Could you please run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces?01:30
Jordan_U!bootinfo | guilhermekfe__01:30
ubottuguilhermekfe__: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).01:30
escottalien2050, fdisk cannot read gpt anyting01:30
alien2050Jordan_U: no grub starts01:30
alien2050escott: yeah I got that part thx :)01:30
alien2050arossDOTme: nice, so wicd is out of the way then01:31
almoxarifeJordan_U: long story short, i got img of lxde-buntu for droid, i want kde-lite the plasma???? something lite, i stripped lxde and loaded all of what seemed plasma, i can ssh in x and work the kde as kde, but no actual graphics via vnc, :)01:31
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Troy^i need a good music player for ubuntu, I listen to all my music over my network from my ubuntu server box which is using samba shares01:33
almoxarifejohnjacobjingerh: long story short, i got img of lxde-buntu for droid, i want kde-lite the plasma???? something lite, i stripped lxde and loaded all of what seemed plasma, i can ssh in x and work the kde as kde, but no actual graphics via vnc, :)01:33
Troy^none of the music players seem to liek that or work very well01:33
almoxarifeJordan_U: wrong nick, xkuze plz01:34
alien2050Troy^: my preferred player is audacious01:34
johnjacobjingerhoh did you configure vnc correctly?01:34
alien2050Troy^: kinda like winamp01:34
Jordan_Ualien2050: np01:34
johnjacobjingerhi dont know anything about ubuntu on droid tho01:34
guilhermekfe__Jordan_U: alien2050: www.pastebin.com/aXyf26fE01:34
johnjacobjingerhso dont know if it's the same but u need to set up vnc correctly01:35
amigamiacan anyone suggest what distrobution i should use that will allow me to have a top and a bottom panel like i had with gnome in versions 10.10 and 10.04? i'm ijust so frustrated wiith all this crazy windowing bs today...i just want what i want!01:35
TheLordOfTimeamigamia, Xubuntu.01:35
TheLordOfTimei think.01:35
Troy^alien2050: hopefully that works with my samba shares01:35
* TheLordOfTime hasn't used XFCE for a while.01:35
almoxarifejohnjacobjingerh: vnc is fine, i connect to a blank screen running something, not kde or lxde anymore01:35
xanguaamigamia: xfce, kde, lxde01:35
* amigamia sighs...01:35
alien2050Troy^: it will, it doesn't care about the type of FS, as long as its mounted01:36
johnjacobjingerhalmoxarife, sounds like something in the unset SESSION_MANAGER area of the vnc config01:36
johnjacobjingerhlike mine says "#gnome-session –session=gnome-classic &"01:37
johnjacobjingerherrr minus the # in there01:37
Troy^how do i properly mount a samba drive?01:37
almoxarifejohnjacobjingerh: what file specifically?01:37
Jordan_Uguilhermekfe__: Ok. Your computer has UEFI firmware, and both Ubuntu and Windows are configured to boot via UEFI. What version of Ubuntu did you install?01:37
guilhermekfe__Jordan_U: 12.10 64 bits01:37
TheLordOfTimeamigamia, xfce, kde, lxde are Desktop Environments.  Respectively, the Ubuntu variants with those are: Xubuntu (XFCE), Kubuntu (KDE), Lubuntu (LXDE)01:38
amigamiaAre you sure you don't mean you think Thelordoftime?01:38
TheLordOfTimenot for that last statement :p01:38
TheLordOfTimepretty certain Xubuntu is XFCE, Kubuntu is KDE, and Lubuntu is LXDE01:38
almoxarifeTheLordOfTime: play nice, tag the nick you are talking to01:39
almoxarifeamigamia: you too, pls01:39
TheLordOfTimealmoxarife, that's my fault, he's tagging at the end, i get the highlight anyways01:39
Jordan_Uguilhermekfe__: When you installed Ubuntu, did you boot from CD or USB?01:39
Troy^alien2050: audacious does not like that the stuff is not local01:40
Troy^which is dumb01:40
johnjacobjingerhalmoxarife, nano .vnc/xstartup01:40
guilhermekfe__Jordan_U, USB01:40
alien2050Troy^: what does it do ?01:40
almoxarifejohnjacobjingerh: that in the /home?01:40
Troy^tells me it is not local that is it, rhythmbox sort of worked for non local stuff it let me add the songs would play like 3 seconds of the song and not play the rest.01:41
almoxarifejohnjacobjingerh: ok, looking at file, what should i be looking for?01:41
alien2050Troy^: where is the samba share mounted?01:41
johnjacobjingerhlook for where it says unset SESSION_MANAGER01:42
johnjacobjingerh#exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc01:42
johnjacobjingerhuncomment those if they are commented01:43
Troy^i need to get smbfs and mount the drive i think. Wasn't doing it right possibly?01:43
Jordan_Uguilhermekfe__: Could you please file a bug report against grub-efi-amd64? You can do so by booting from the Ubuntu liveUSB and running "ubuntu-bug grub-efi-amd64". As for working around the problem, it seems that your firmware can boot via BIOS as well as via UEFI, so that could be used as a way to work around things but unfortunately I don't have the time to walk you through anything now. I might be here tomorrow.01:43
johnjacobjingerhsorry almoxarife i actually gotta go...01:43
johnjacobjingerhbut thats all i know for setting up VNC's window manager01:44
arossDOTmealien2050: the problem is on reboot it's waiting for network connect but fails01:44
guilhermekfe__Jordan_U, of course buddy01:44
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Troy^how do i properly mount a samba share?01:44
alien2050Troy^: did you try to smbmount instead of calling smb on the fly, like that (smbmount // /mnt/music –o username=user,workgroup=wg) replace with proper values01:45
alien2050Troy^: then you can access as /mnt/music as if local01:45
guilhermekfe__Jordan_U, thank you for your time, see you tomorrow (if I don't get this to work...)01:46
craigbass1976Gah.  I'm back.  I hit M at the screen I land on, then follow this advice: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38617/root-filesystem-check-fails-after-power-failure-during-installation  and after a reboot, I land back at initramfs.01:46
Troy^i dont know what the /share is alien2050 if there was a way to see it01:46
craigbass1976I thought if I chrooted that I could then run the update, but chrooted doesn't see the network card I guess even though the livecd does01:47
alien2050Troy^:  try "start \\machinename" on windoz, it will show you the share that are avail01:47
alien2050Troy^: or "start \\ip" from a dos prompt01:48
* alien2050 shivers at the thought of windows support.... never again! :)01:48
Troy^alien2050: troy@Troy-Box:~/code/python/exercises $ sudo smbmount /mnt/smbshare/01:49
Troy^mount.cifs: bad UNC (
* alien2050 thinks winter is coming.... brr01:50
alien2050Troy^: maybe try without the slash after mediashare01:51
alien2050Troy^: is your share named "mediashare"01:51
Troy^alien2050: got it but its asking for a password lol01:53
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alien2050Troy^: ensure your username has access to your resource (admin, rights, blehhhh, some windows thing like that).... brrr01:54
Troy^Trying to find my smbconf file on my server now01:54
mehworkwhenever i touch the right edge of my right monitor my mouse *always* gets messed up, until i refresh my screen or drag my mouse off the screen and back on. Any idea why? This only happens in unity01:54
alien2050Troy^: could also be that you did not add the user and passwd with smbpasswd -a userid01:54
alien2050Troy^: ensure it is the same as the windows id or map it accordingly01:55
alien2050Troy^: to be on the safe side, remember to restart the samba service01:57
Troy^argg where is the sambaconfig lol01:58
goddardwhats a perfect roll in D&D?01:58
arossDOTmealien2050: dbus + network man boot?01:58
mehworkgoddard: what does that have to do with ubuntu01:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:59
craigbass1976Is there a "Rescue a broken system" choice on a livecd?  I don't see one.02:02
alien2050Troy^: should be somewhere around /etc/samba02:03
alien2050Troy^: unless you compiled it manually somewhere else02:03
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Troy^alien2050: yea got it troy@Troy-Box:/etc/samba $ sudo smbmount mount.cifs // /mnt/smbshare/ -o guest02:04
Troy^Warning: mapping 'guest' to 'guest,sec=none'02:04
Troy^Couldn't chdir to // No such file or directory02:05
alien2050it says "couldnt change dir" or you re saying you cant change dir02:05
alien2050cuz if successful it should be under /mnt/smbshare, just saying02:05
Troy^i don't think the syntax is right02:06
alien2050maybe guest account has limited access also02:06
Troy^works fine on windows02:06
alien2050Troy^: have a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25587202:07
alien2050Troy^: there's the command explanation02:07
lauratikaim trying to change my mac address and i have current and permanent when i change the mac address it works only with current and not permanent, some one knows if i can change the permanent mac address??02:10
Troy^well i'm doing it all it just sais share doesnt exist i dont know alien2050 so frustrating lol02:10
alien2050lauratika: Usually it's burned on the network card... shouldn't be possible to change it02:10
alien2050Troy^: and the obvious.... the share does exist right? ;)02:11
lauratikaso how does this affect me?02:11
Troy^well i'm using // i also tried specific path //
alien2050lauratika: It doesn't! What is the exact problem ?02:12
alien2050Troy^: try a pastebin with the command so we can see02:12
alien2050Troy^: the actual output when you try to mount02:13
maxiaojunwhy 12.10 install gnash by default?02:14
SunMoonStar1I'm on an old laptop with a bad trackpad. I plugged in USB mouse and left click works, but no right click, middle click, or scroll wheel. How do I get them to work?02:14
Troy^alien2050: http://pastebin.com/ZHxDKDPL02:14
maxiaojungnash is always able to display ad correctly02:15
maxiaojunbut gnash always crash when using gmail, github, ... whatever useful things02:15
alien2050Troy^: can you try with another user then guest, and did you try to smbpasswd -a username02:15
Troy^smbpasswd -a username i do not think is the proper syntax02:16
phoenixsampraswhy is last Ubuntu so bugged? its crashing on my Laptop.... ubuntu 11, works fine tho02:16
SunMoonStar1I guess cause it's new?02:17
Troy^pretty much that the sharepath doesn't exist alien2050 i know it's there because i'm using it on my other machine02:17
SunMoonStar1I still can't get this damn right click to work02:17
alien2050Troy^: also, create the directory /mnt/mediashare and try the same -> sudo mount -t smbfs // /mnt/mediashare -o someuser02:17
lauratikajust that im trying to change mac address for private issues02:18
alien2050yes smbpasswd -a is the right syntax, to create a user in samba and allow it to connect to windows SMB service02:19
lauratikaand this permanent not changing the address makes me wonder how private it is02:19
Hytekso what are some cool things to do with a VPS other than OpenVPN?02:19
lauratikahow important for security reasons is to change the permanent mac address02:24
lauratikaoops! got disconected sooryy.02:24
Troy^well samba is crap well else on ubuntu server can i use to serve to my linux machine/machines for music liek right now i just use the samba share for my HTPC. I'm looking for a way to serv music to my other linux machines in the house.02:25
almoxarifelauratika: take your current public mac, google it, then decide02:25
almoxarifeTroy^: how about a nice sftpd?02:26
lauratikaalmoxarife: but current change, so not a problem is the permanent im worried about02:27
Troy^almoxarife: from my understand ftp is not good for music and that02:27
almoxarifeTroy^: you mean stream?02:28
Troy^almoxarife: right..02:29
almoxarifelauratika: your public mac should not be changing, unless you got some handy gadget to keep changing it, that would be cool02:29
almoxarifeTroy^: explain what you want to achieve02:29
Troy^my ubuntu server has all my music storage.. I want to beable to play my music from any machine in the house including my other linux machines02:30
TheOnionRackI've just installed 12.10 server on my VPS and I've noticed that Apache and Samba are installed and running by default. Why is that, and what is the best way to turn it off?02:30
almoxarifeTroy^: look at xbmc as the server and upnp from the remotes?02:31
Dr_willisTheOnionRack,  check /etc/init/ for the upstart scripts to disable them i belive. Or just uninstall them.02:31
Troy^almoxarife: it is a headless server02:31
arossDOTmealien2050: thanks bed now02:31
Troy^almoxarife: i want to beable to use regular music players inside ubuntu such as rhthymbox02:31
TheOnionRackDr_willis: I'm just wondering why the default is set up like that in the first place.02:32
lauratikaalmoxarife thanx!02:32
SunMoonStar1Can anybody help me add support for my USB mouse (on old laptop).. it is not responding to right/middle clicks02:32
almoxarifeTroy^: you need to google some, the options are endless for what you want to do, i suggest yakking with the folk at #xbmc also02:33
alien2050Troy^: Well... if you want to see another way of thinking with storage over network, what I do here is I installed linuxes in every room I need, all data transfer is done though NFS, all the time, instead of Samba/Windows shares. When I absolutely need winbloze, I use winscp to copy files that I need, otherwise I don't even trust this company to touch my filesystems properly through persistent access like SMB. The major advantage, I fou02:33
Dr_willisTheOnionRack,  just a guess.. its somthing your VPS is doing02:33
Troy^alien2050: ill do NFS and samba02:34
almoxarifeTroy^: i have xbmc on a HTPC, it servers up to the android just fine, nice simple setup\02:34
TheOnionRackDr_willis: So it's not the vanilla install then; it's something that my VPS provider has done to their image02:34
TheOnionRackDr_willis: So it's not the vanilla install then; it's something that my VPS provider has done to their image02:34
alien2050Troy^: A mixed solution with Windows in the mix is in my opinion always a bad idea... but I'm just saying... there are alternatives02:35
almoxarifeTroy^: if you do NFS you dont need samba, sort of defeats NFS02:35
Dr_willisTheOnionRack,  that would be my guess.. #ubuntu-server may tell you if those are installed by deefault on a server install.. but i dont think they are02:35
TheOnionRackDr_willis, thanks. I'll go ask them.02:36
alien2050almoxarife: +102:36
Troy^alien2050: and almoxarife well my htpc has a wireless card that does not play well with winblowze or linux is all i would use honestly. so i'm in this situation02:36
voxcroixdo i need partition /boot /swap for my 64bit win7 ubuntu12.10 and BT502:37
Troy^does not play well with linux. but plays well with winblowze*02:37
almoxarifeTroy^: usually the wireless issues have more to do with you and all your neighbors being on channel ????? 7 or 4??02:38
alien2050Troy^: that's too bad... if it only connects through SMB, it's bad design in my opinion... but hey, you are on #ubuntu and not #windows ;)02:38
Troy^almoxarife: i have that issue too but the card really has the crappiest linux drivers alive02:39
alien2050Troy^: that said, you error message still sounds like your windows does not want to play nice with samba02:39
Troy^uhh can i share ntfs drives in linux over NFS?02:39
alien2050Troy^: yep02:39
Dr_willisTroy^,  yes02:39
Dr_willisIf they are mounted with the proper permissions02:40
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Troy^alien2050: samba server is on linux, i'm trying to mount the samba share on another linux machine. no windows envolved.02:40
alien2050Troy^: Oh, then it's easy! You should have said so02:40
Dr_willisfor linux to linux you could use sshfs also. ;) but i dont know what your needs are02:40
alien2050Use NFS between the 2 linux boxes, keep samba only for the HTPC02:40
Troy^trying to share music from my ubuntu server to other linux machines in the house.02:41
Dr_willisTroy^,  sshfs can handle that light task. ;)  your user can mount their home on the other box to a local directory02:41
Dr_willisa upnp server could do it also. but then you need to use a upnp client.02:42
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alien2050Troy^: add a cronjob that copies with rsync the data periodically (2 min?) from the HTPC to samba, and then use NFS on other boxes02:42
Troy^Dr_willis: really don't want to use a upnp client. sshfs hmm I'll look into that02:43
raidnewbanyone familiar with mdraid recovery?02:43
alien2050Oh well, it's getting late... time to go. Bye all!02:43
Troy^sudo sshfs fizz@ ~/remoteserver/ -o port=227702:50
Troy^sais missing host02:50
Troy^so confused lol02:50
trismTroy^: I usually just use nautilus, File/Connect to Server...02:54
Troy^trism everytime you boot in?02:56
Heart^Killercan i ask apache related question?02:57
trismTroy^: no, I just have it bookmarked and click it when I need it, I suppose not the best method if you want it always connected02:57
bazhangHeart^Killer, try #httpd02:58
Heart^Killerok thx bazhang02:59
Troy^trism: it seems to handle my music better via sshfs.02:59
Troy^Now if i can get it auto mount on boot.03:00
Troy^johnjacobjingerh: this is a sshfs requires authentication03:02
trismTroy^: well, sshfs is one of the options in the dropdown (which is what i use)03:02
trismTroy^: combobox?03:02
BigEndianBecauseI've got a plymouth/cryptsetup question.  When I set up an encrypted volume I am able to run "cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/xxx volname" and successfully enter my password with no problems.  However,  when I am prompted for the password on boot,  the password prompt keeps recycling. This is not a case of incorrect password entry,  this is some weirdness with plymouth.  I have studied /lib/cryptsetup/cryptdisks.functions and "plymouth03:04
cute_bettongcan someone help me with this please03:06
cute_bettongim not sure what the exact command there reffering to is03:06
chronoscute_bettong: to turn on led?03:07
chronoscute_bettong: echo 3 > /sys/class/leds/samsung\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness03:07
chronosto turn off: echo 1 >  /sys/class/leds/samsung\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness03:07
chronosecho 003:08
DaemonicApathyBrightness seems to go up to 8.03:08
nikolamtesting 123, looking for nice advice for /boot partition size these days in 12.1003:09
chronosI have  asus, here is 0, 1, 2, 303:09
cute_bettongchronos it's telling me permission denied03:09
nikolamhow much do you think is enough, since i think ubuntu still stockpiles boot images in /boot03:09
Dr_willisnikolam,  depends on your ussage   /boot/ isent really needed much these days03:09
chronoscute_bettong: do as root03:09
DaemonicApathynikolam: My boot is >100MB, so...maybe 250MB would be a decent buffer for you.03:10
nikolamDr_willis, yes I know, but kind of get used to it. Maybe I should just forget about it.03:10
cute_bettongchronos tried it but it's still saying permission denied03:10
cute_bettongthe command im putting in is03:10
pndemcIs there a way to wget an entire directory?03:10
cute_bettongsudo  echo 8 > /sys/class/leds/samsung\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness03:10
Dr_willisIve kept iso files on /boot/ to have for grub to boot :) so ive had  it be several gb in size03:11
chronosit does not write to file as root cute_bettong03:11
chronossudo echo 8 print 8 as root03:11
chronosbut > file write to a file as your user03:11
chronostry it: sudo  'echo 8 > /sys/class/leds/samsung\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness'03:11
chronoscuz now u sending all command to sudo :)03:12
cute_bettongsays comman not found03:12
Dr_willisI think normally  you use tee command to do that stuff.03:12
cute_bettongchronos, says command not found03:12
chronoscute_bettong: lol, ok, I'm wrong03:12
cute_bettongchronos, hehe ok thats fine, whats the correct command?03:13
chronossudo su -03:13
chronosand than run echo03:13
DaemonicApathycute_bettong: You may want to make sure /sys/class/leds/samsung actually exists on your system. It seems some do not have it.03:13
psusi_nikolam, unless you have unusual requirements you don't need a /boot partition03:13
Dr_willis    echo "foo" | sudo tee /root/somefile03:13
chronoscute_bettong: ^^03:13
nikolampsusi_, i am not sure. I got used to it. Maybe it is needed still to be able to use Btrfs partition as boot device.03:14
psusi_nikolam, nope... grub2 supports btrfs03:14
nikolamThat way I had no trouble installing on Btrfs on another machine03:14
pndemcIs there a way to wget an entire directory and all of its contents?03:14
cute_bettongchronos, i installed samsung-tools, so im pretty sure i have it03:14
psusi_nikolam, it even supports lvm and mdraid or a mix of the two03:15
nikolamok then, maybe it is actually obsolete. Just maybe supporting ZFS for boot on ubunut might make separate /boot partition needed still.03:15
DaemonicApathypndemc: -r flag03:15
psusi_nikolam, looks like it also supports zfs03:15
cute_bettongchronos, any ideas?03:16
Dr_willisi think some raid setups may need a /boot/ partition03:16
Dr_willisoutside the raid. :) i never get that complex03:16
nikolamI have one machine where I used another system Grub1 to chainload ubuntu on zfs. But installing on zfs from ubuntu ony, maybe still needs /boot03:16
chronosthe sugeste by Dr_willis not works?03:16
psusi_Dr_willis, grub2 supports raid03:16
nikolampsusi_, it is great if it does :)03:16
chronosecho 8 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/samsung\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness03:16
Dr_willispsusi_,  i think with some setups it may not. but ive only seen it mentioned in here a few times03:16
Dr_willisI dont use raid. ;)03:17
zykotick9pndemc: wget -r03:17
Dr_willischronos,  that command seems.. wront..03:17
cute_bettongchronos, any ideas? i really want my backights back on, they used to turn on and off now there stuck off03:17
psusi_Dr_willis, with legacy grub, you had to manually install it on both members of a raid1 and that was the only kind of raid you could get it to boot from... with grub2, it supports booting from all flavors of raid without a separate /boot03:17
pndemczykotick9, DaemonicApathy, wget -r http://www.domain.com/path/ isn't working03:17
cute_bettongchronos, check your im's03:18
nikolamthat is interstiong, I was also looking to set up booting from each disk if other fails, when root is on RAID1 made with just Btrfs03:19
nikolamAnd I have 2 boot partitions on that 2 disks.03:19
chronosDr_willis, cute_bettong, works for me: echo 3 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/asus\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness03:19
Dr_willis  \:\: is a real partof the path? thats.. weird03:19
psusi_nikolam, with grub2, you can install it to all disks and it can boot from any and access one big raided root03:20
brainard52Is it normal that gedit is unable to "snap" to one half of the screen or the other depending on where you drag the window? (I have no clue what it's called as I've never bothered learning the name of the feature)03:20
chronosDr_willis: : is something reserved by bash03:20
Dr_willisbrainard52,  it alwways works if you drag it by the title bar?03:21
chronosor ::03:21
Dr_willisso part of the filename is :: ?03:21
johnjacobjingerhlooks like i'm pulling an allnighter tonight03:21
DaemonicApathypndemc: Works fine for me...03:21
nikolampsusi_, i quite did not get to the details on that machine, but I figure just installing grub2 on another disk will be enough to boot from it. Maybe I need to somehow merge /boot partitions on 2 disks03:21
johnjacobjingerhoops wrong window03:21
brainard52Dr_willis, other programs work, but just not gedit. It's not that big of a problem, but I thought it was kind of weird.03:21
nikolamwill not be enough03:21
Troy^I have an issue my default web browser is chrome. set in ubuntu gui options. But ubuntu tries to open an old chromium-browser i use to have installed which is now removed and fails to find it obviously. How do i get it to actually open chrome03:22
psusi_nikolam, the recommended way these days is to just not have a /boot and install grub on all disks the bios can boot from03:22
DaemonicApathyTroy^: From which program are you failing to get the correct browser?03:22
nikolampsusi_, I see. if grub2 is so advance now, even supporting zfs, then there is absolutely no objection in removing practice of having /boot partition.03:23
psusi_about the only reason for a /boot these days is if you still have one of the exceedingly rare buggy biosen that can't see the whole disk03:23
Troy^DaemonicApathy: my irc client which is run in a term03:23
nikolampsusi_, precisely.03:23
DaemonicApathyTroy^: I would check the settings for the client, since the terminal should default to the system choice.03:26
Troy^DaemonicApathy: meaning weechat?03:27
nikolamwhat file system would you choose these days for old old machine to have as much speed as one can?  xfs or ext3? ore something else (ext4 does not have windows reading drivers)03:27
Troy^DaemonicApathy: i don't think there is a browser default for the irc client03:27
psusi_nikolam, it is quite nice... at work I have a server with a 4 disk raid-5.. grub is on all 4 disks, can boot from any of them and recognize the raid-5 array with at least 3 working disks out of the 4, recognize the lvm volumes on them, find the root volume and boot the system03:29
Dr_willisTroy^,  when i run weechat in Gnome-terminal i belive its actually gnome-terminal that 'hilights' the urls and lets me click on them.03:29
Dr_willisnot weechat. ;)03:29
psusi_nikolam, hrm... well if you need windows to be able to read it and the windows driver still does not support ext4 ( I thought it did now? ) then ext303:29
nikolampsusi_, i was thinking of not using LVM at all. Just btrfs and maybe Zfs on another.03:30
nikolammaybe i just go with ext4. or xfs. don;t know what is a bit faster and uses a bit less ram.03:30
psusi_nikolam, btrfs shows a lot of promise but is still kind of in beta.. I would not touch zfs with a 10 foot pole03:30
nikolamit was xfs before, but seems ext4 would be faster03:31
paradizelosthey all, ever since upgrading to 12.10, my laptop has hung on shutdown, with "INFO: task Xorg blocked for 120 seconds"03:31
paradizelosti have to hard power it to get it to reboot03:31
paradizelostany thoughts on what could cause it?03:31
nikolampsusi_, yes, I just decided i waited long enough for "beta". If it is ready for oracle and suse servers, it is ready for me :)03:31
paradizelostmight be related, but it also won't wake up from suspend03:31
psusi_nikolam, if you're adventurous and talking about your desktop, go for it... for a production server though, you're nuts ;(03:32
nikolamparadizelost, you could repprt but on launchpad.net with your laptop model,03:33
nikolampsusi_, :) I know i know And I just seems to not quite love that "unfinished business" btrfs state all these years.03:33
kvothetechbtrfs is awesome03:34
nikolamzfs is the production in that area, at least for NAS03:34
psusi_it is awesome... just not yet stable enough for a production server03:34
nikolamkvothetech, it is!03:34
kvothetechtheres a few quirks but overall it's awesome...zfs doesn't hold a candle to it03:34
psusi_zfs isn't supported in Linux with an in kernel driver, hence... don't touch it03:34
nikolamthey added even SEND support to it recently. (a la zfs send)03:35
psusi_also the fuse driver still has many bugs and fails the fs stress tests03:35
psusi_yea... I need to play with it again soon and test that03:35
bazhanglets get back to ubuntu support please03:35
psusi_the snapshots are also very nice03:35
nikolampsusi_, well it IS supported with kernel driver, it is just not inside kernel. You have PPA to install it (ZfsOnLinux)03:35
* nikolam thinks it is very nice how Btrfs makes subvolume snapshot when upgrading system installed on Btrfs :)03:36
psusi_hopefully it will be the default Ubuntu fs by 14.0403:37
imapancakehey i need to kick some one but im not an operator03:37
nikolami ment how ubuntu upgrade process does it.03:37
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psusi_yea, the apt-btrfs-snapshot package is quite nifty03:38
angelpossumplease help03:38
bazhangpsusi_, nikolam lets get back on topic please03:38
bazhangangelpossum, with what03:38
angelpossumi need to kick some one but im not a chann op03:39
bazhangangelpossum, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support03:39
psusi_angelpossum, that's like saying I need to amputate this man's leg when 1) you are not a doctor, and 2) there's nothing wrong with his leg03:39
angelpossumoh well what do i do or where do i go03:40
bazhangangelpossum, /join #ubuntu-ops03:40
nikolamso what do you think, xfs or ext4 for an oold system.03:41
psusi_I'm just glad I finally got that patch into the kernel for online resize of mounted partitions, now need to patch parted and gparted to support it03:41
psusi_there's something very sexy about resizing your btrfs root partition while it's in use ;)03:42
psusi_I might be nuts though...03:42
Dr_willisor just perverted. ;03:42
nikolampsusi_, I think btrfs online resize is included in 12.10 I just did make raid1 out of raid0 on same 2 partitions on 2 disks the other day.03:42
Gallomimiauhhhh. crap. errors while installing linux 3.2.0-3403:42
jebbhas any one installed fog on ubuntu?03:42
Eidel1hey people !03:43
Dr_willis!info fog03:43
ubottuPackage fog does not exist in quantal03:43
Gallomimiahi eidell03:43
Eidel1so check this03:43
psusi_nikolam, btrfs supports it but you can't resize a partition that's in use... before the patch that I finally got into 13.0403:43
Gallomimiaso what do i do to figure this out:    Errors were encountered while processing:03:43
Gallomimia linux-image-3.2.0-34-generic03:43
Gallomimia linux-image-server03:43
Eidel1i am a ubuntu convert.. needing to know how to get my wireless working03:43
Gallomimia linux-server03:43
nikolamjebb, what is fog?03:43
FloodBot1Gallomimia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:43
Gallomimiayeah i know... 4 lines is short enough03:43
jebbits an imaging software03:44
Eidel1ive added all the broadcomm drivers to the black list... installed ndiswrapper and installed the latest driver from lynksys03:44
Eidel1still no go03:44
nikolampsusi_, I just did that. I used it and ... aah you ment "resize". No I just live migrated it between raid levels.03:44
psusi_nikolam, yea... I'm talking open gparted, resize partition, apply... poof... despite the fact that it's mounted... been working on getting patches to do that merged since this time last year03:45
Eidel1really could use some help with this.... been googeling the hell outta this and cant seem to find the fix03:47
nikolamEidel1, what is the hardware etc what lspci is saying, try search for that03:47
Gallomimiaso, no one has any ideas why apt-get would fail to install the newest linux packages?03:47
Dr_willisno more specific error messages Gallomimia ?03:48
nikolamGallomimia, linux images are supported in ubuntu releases constrains.03:48
Gallomimiajust dpkg returned error 103:48
Gallomimiayeah my server is on 12.04 still03:48
GallomimiaLTS ftw03:48
nikolamand it put that message during regular in-release update?03:49
nikolamor you were doing something else>03:49
Eidel1awww crap... lspci is saying it is still using the bradcomm driver03:50
Eidel1for the network controller03:51
nikolamno, lspci is just saying hardware identification. does not have anything to do woth driver03:51
nikolamlsmod gives list of used drivers03:51
Eidel1well i am new to ubuntu so i really could use some direction in getting this up and running03:51
nikolamI usually use both network interface producer name and lspci ID to serch on google for advice. Usually it ends up chatted about on ubuntuforums.03:52
Dr_willisaskubuntu.com normally has some good info also.03:53
Eidel1ill check em out03:53
nikolamwhat is device id/card name is03:53
Eidel1its a wmp300n by linksys,03:54
nikolamDr_willis, is askubuntu part of official ubuntu community support or it is external one03:54
Eidel1i read a user got it working in ubuntu 8.xx release03:54
Eidel1i tried his fix and it did not work on the newest release03:54
nikolamID Eidel103:54
Eidel1lspci is not showing the wmp300n card im using...03:55
Dr_willis8.xx release was  4 years ago. ;)03:55
Eidel1yea i know... but i didnt see any new posts for wmp300n and 12.1003:56
Dr_willishow new is the card? did it just come out? or been out for a while?03:56
alina842 /join #ubuntu-offtopic03:56
Eidel1the card has been out for a while03:56
alina842oops :)03:57
nikolamSeems like help.ubuntu.com does not return results again, without executing google and googleapis javascipts.03:58
nikolamdoe not fall back to non-javascript search03:58
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Dr_willisHmm. No hits at all on askubuntu.com for wmp300n  Must be a... unusual card. ;)(04:00
Eidel1yea... im still searching all over for this04:01
psusi_you have a video card that is over 4 years old?  time to upgrade ;)04:01
Eidel1not a video card... its a wireless card04:02
oxidehello,anyone greek here?pm me!04:02
nikolamDr_willis, use lspci ID of the card and that name i google search04:02
Eidel1i run 2 gtx 690's im my main rig... this PC i put ubuntu on is a friends04:02
nikolamoxide, http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-greek-users It is saying channel #ubuntu-gr is on hellas04:04
Dr_willisIm finding google hits on linux and that card back to 2007 - :) 5+ yrs old card?04:05
Eidel1yea... like i said.. its not a new-er card04:06
Dr_willis5 years is ancient. ;)04:06
Eidel1it is a solid wireless N card... it performs like a champ in windows !04:06
Zed__bill rocks04:06
Dr_willisErr.. was wireless N even around 5 years ago?04:06
Eidel1this card was !04:07
Zed__geronimo 304:07
psusi_I don't think so04:07
escottDr_willis, yes (in a pre-standard form but they were already doing the lithography)04:07
Eidel1linksys wmp300n wireless N .... that is the exact model of this thing04:07
psusi_damn... I'm old...04:08
nikolamis WMP300n with AR5416 Atheros Chipset ?04:08
nikolamit helps searching with lspci id of it04:08
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Eidel1lspci -nn / -q does not show any ID's on this wmp300n04:11
nikolamhere they suggest using Belkin driver with madwifi, but not sure if it can work over 11Mbit with madwifi http://madwifi-project.org/ticket/133104:12
Eidel1all i see network related is a broadcomm controller04:12
jamampHi guys, I have a problem. b43 driver for my wlan doesn't seem to want to work. i've installed via software center and apt-get install (firmware-b43-installer & b43-fwcutter). linuxwireless.org confirms by chipset (BCM43224 [14e4:4353]). I unload brcmsmac and start b43 via modprobe, yet my wireless will not turn on04:12
nikolamsorry, it is http://madwifi-project.org/ticket/154504:12
zykotick9Eidel1: looks like the wmp300n in the US anyways (europe is different) does use a broadcom chipset04:14
Dr_willisGotta love it when companies use the same product name for  things with differnt specs. ;)04:15
Eidel1yea i read that the broadcomm controll never works with ubuntu...04:15
zykotick9Dr_willis: even better when they change chipsets mid-production ;)04:15
nikolamthat is why I repeat for 4th time - please state your lspci device ID!04:15
Eidel1i tried running it with the broadcomm contoller that shows in the system manager and it still does not work04:15
Eidel1dude... im telling you for the 4th time... lspci is NOT showing and ID04:16
jamampEidel1: try lscpi -vnn -d 14e4:04:16
nikolamsorry then.04:17
Eidel1there we go... now im geting something... let me sort this real quick04:17
Dr_willisOn a PLus Note -  Ive found a lot of USB wifi dongles on amazon that work  with ubuntu out of the box. ;) No fuss at all.04:17
gulag2012I'm a victim of broadcom adapter. I'm boycotting Acer, four month netbook and the keyboard died. Has anyone ordered from System 76?04:17
acidflashbroadcom is easy to fix,04:18
acidflashthere is an adapter, and  some non-free drivers for it04:18
Eidel1subsystem: linksys device [1737:0060] ... if thats any help04:19
Eidel1network controller [0280] : Broadcom Corporation BCN4321 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4329] (rev 1)04:21
gnnrwish it was more straight forward to install a webcam, jus sayin04:21
gulag2012Acid, you have gotten broadcom to work? Ubuntu would freeze the moment I pulled the cat 5 cable. It freezes as soon as it connects to the broadcom.04:21
Dr_willisstraight forwrd? I just plug mine in and it works. ;)04:21
bakishey does anyone know what's wrong with nvidia-current-update on 12.10? it keeps failing saying it failed to fetch something at the end04:21
gnnrah good idea :)04:21
gnnrlemme test it first04:21
gnnri was just following manual04:22
trismbakis: can you pastebin the error?04:22
bakissure thang04:22
gnnrDr_willis, is that a alias, or are you actually a Dr?04:22
trismbakis: ahh, happens occasionally, you may need to: sudo apt-get clean; then sudo apt-get update; then try again04:24
acidflashI have gotten broadcom to work on kernel version 3+04:24
acidflashit was wifi though, not wired04:24
acidflashI have not tested wired at all.04:24
Eidel1thats what im going for... wireless N... i dont care who the driver comes from... just as long as it works :)04:25
bakistrism: it failed in the same way again04:25
acidflashEidel1: you can follow any particular tutorial, for kernel version 3+, doesnt have to be ubuntu specific.04:25
acidflashEidel1: the problem is licensing issue, the drivers themselves work fine.04:25
WeThePeopledo dual cores work continuously in 12.04 or does ubuntu core park or what?04:26
gnnrEidel1, did you add -vv to your lspci?04:26
gnnrk nm04:26
acidflashb43 firmware04:26
Eidel1 BCN4321 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4329] (rev 1) is what i got outta it04:26
acidflashWeThePeople: cores are accessed as needed,04:26
WeThePeopleacidflash, do you need help with b43?04:27
acidflashWeThePeople: no, works fine.04:27
zykotick9Eidel1: perhaps you've seen this, it for 12.04 and doesnt seem to have a solution but http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200123004:28
Eidel1looking at that now zykotick04:28
konamhi guys, i just got a dell inspiron 14z, it's got a i5 2.5ghz and comes with w7 64 bits, is it still recommended to install ubuntu 32bits on it? or would it be preferable to install the 64bits?04:29
zykotick9!tab | Eidel104:29
ubottuEidel1: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:29
acidflashthis one will work also, assuming your problem is firmware missing04:29
acidflashkonam: install 64 bit04:29
konamthe download page seems to recommend the 32bit...04:29
zykotick9Eidel1: is is from debian's hardware database for 14e4:4329, not sure it'll help ya either but http://paste.ubuntu.com/1409541/04:30
konamdon't know why, the 64bit architecture is fairly mainstream now..04:30
acidflashkonam: thats for most people, alot of people dont use more then 4g of ram, and dnt have needs for more then that, but future proof is 6404:30
DaemonicApathybakis: The only references I can find for your problem suggest using a different mirror for your udates.04:30
gnnrEidel1, sometime checking out kernel.org backports, can provide a solution https://backports.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Documentation/compat-drivers04:30
konamacidflash thanks04:30
SierraARkonam: I'm runnung 12.04 64bit with no problems here04:30
WeThePeoplehow do i place a panel in 12.0404:30
Eidel1ok, checking out these links now04:30
konamSierraAR on the same machine?04:30
erwhlois there any way to integrate pidgin into 12.10's messaging menu?04:31
SierraARkonam: Not exactly the same. Mine's an ASUS, but it's using an intel (Forgot what the exact specs are off the top of my head)04:31
SierraARAlso can't recall if I have 4GB or 8GB on this machine04:31
acidflashkonam: you will be fine using 64 bit, infact, you will be better off.04:32
SierraARIs there a way to grab my system specs in ubuntu, btw04:32
acidflashkonam: in most cases, you can even use 32 bit program on your 64 bit system,04:32
gulag2012system monitor shows some specs.04:32
acidflashkonam: if your a regular user who doesnt dig deep into libraries, you wont run into dependency issues when its time to upgrade your system, and with 64 bit you get more registers for your cpu meaning you get more ram to use for your system, tehre will be a big difference in performance04:32
Dr_willis!info sysinfo04:33
ubottusysinfo (source: sysinfo): display computer and system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-9 (quantal), package size 105 kB, installed size 358 kB04:33
zykotick9konam: if you have less then 4GB of ram, i wouldn't bother with 64bit.  acidflash, 64bit will use MORE RAM compared to 32bit?04:33
konamacidflash i know, thanks, i just wanted to know if sierra had the same machine04:33
Dr_willisI think the extra ram used by 64bit apps is not much to worry about. ;)04:33
acidflashzykotick9: it will allow you to use more.04:33
SierraARzykotick9: It will allow the use of more ram I believe he meant04:34
konamacidflash this new machine has 6gb of ram so I WILL use the 64bit one04:34
Dr_willisIve seen this argued befor. ;) I always use 64bit os on 64bit hardware. even if i only have 1gb of ram04:34
zykotick9acidflash: yes, allow to use more.  but if you only have 1GB of ram, then it will use more (compared to 32 bit)04:34
SierraARgulag2012 Dr_willis thanks04:34
acidflashzykotick9: if your running a 64-bit app on 1 gb of ram, on 64-bit architecture it wont use more, it will use the same amount, if your running it in a wrapper (ie 32-bit mode) then yes it will use more04:35
zykotick9Dr_willis: as do I ;)  but it doesn't make sense really.04:35
gulag2012Zykotick9, what about the swap if I'm running an ssd do I need a swap, I set mine at 2gigs, and it barely ever uses the swap.04:35
Dr_willisgulag2012,  I dont even have a swap partion on my 8gb machine. :) i just sort of removed it by mistake once.. and never put one backon04:36
zykotick9gulag2012: swap is a good idea generally, makes your system faster.  BUT on a SSD it will, theoretically, shorten the drives life.04:36
Dr_willisbut its just a web surfing/irc box.04:36
SierraARI don't think my ubuntu install has  aswap. I didnt see it when I was adjusting partitions04:36
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zykotick9!tab > gulag201204:36
ubottugulag2012, please see my private message04:36
Dr_willisSpending the $$ to get a SSD and skipping on the ram is sort of self-defeating.04:36
acidflashSierraAR: nano /etc/fstab, look for swap04:37
gulag2012That is what I want to avoid, I have no trim software in Linux and I want to make sure I'm not killing my drive.04:37
Dr_willisno trim software?  kernel supports trim now.04:37
acidflashgulag2012: if your a regular user, doing regular reads and writes, I wouldnt worry too much about your ssd,04:37
zykotick9gulag2012: i have swap on my SSD - but i don't care if i need to replace it... YMMV04:37
SierraARAh ok, yep there is one that says swap04:37
SierraARMight be what that unidentified partition gparted found was?04:38
acidflashSierraAR: yeah, could be, or that might be windows if your dual booting, normally swap is marked as "Linux swap"04:38
gulag2012Thanks, I'm not worried, I will most likely upgrade it before mine dies completely.04:38
acidflashgulag2012: your looking at 20 years before it dies if your doing regular reads/writes, maybe even more04:38
SierraARI do have a dual boot between windows 7 and ubuntu. The unidentified part was in the extended partition Ubuntu sits in, though04:39
zykotick9gulag2012: my origional EEE PCs ssds are still working - and they've always had swap.04:39
acidflashgulag2012: 10,000 writes per cell, x the number of cells x the distribution algorithm, thats alot of time.04:39
gulag2012That's hopefully true. So you have some older ssd's that are still going that's great news.04:39
trismbakis: out of curiosity what is: apt-cache show nvidia-current-updates | grep -i md5sum;04:40
gulag2012Everyone has been so helpful thank you. Is there any good sites to learn how to harden Ubuntu. I have my home folder locked, but I still feel weird coming from Windows. I have set the software firewall, and locked my home folder that's about it.04:41
acidflashgulag2012: harden how? you mean make it secure?04:42
bakistrism: with the semicolon?04:42
gulag2012That's what I meant secure.04:42
trismbakis: semicolon not necessary, just force of habit04:42
acidflashgulag2012: linux in general is failry safe, and iirc ubuntu comes with software firewall, you could always encrypt your home directories, and that would make you more safe also.04:43
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acidflashgulag2012: turn off un-necessary services, such as ssh, if your not running ssh server, telnet, print-server, etc.04:43
acidflashgulag2012: after that, you should be alright.04:44
bakisMD5sum: d4cafb7f4cb2dcbf089a828409e3978a04:44
Dr_willistelnet? ;) Old skool04:44
gulag2012Alright, Ya, I installed something that brought up a gui last night. It allowed me to turn off scanner and other services like you said. I have to watch the video again.04:44
trismbakis: looks good to me, maybe just a bad connection? are there any leftover debs in /var/cache/apt/archives/?04:45
acidflashDr_willis: yeah but for the time being, things like sysrqd runs on telnet, until they port it so ssh, still going to need to be old skool :D04:45
Dr_willis!info sysrqd04:46
ubottusysrqd (source: sysrqd): small daemon intended to manage Linux SysRq over network. In component universe, is optional. Version 14-1 (quantal), package size 8 kB, installed size 88 kB04:46
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Dr_willisGotta love recursive descriptions. ;)04:46
bakistrism: yeah there's one in partial related to this exact file04:46
Dr_willis!info sysrq04:46
ubottuPackage sysrq does not exist in quantal04:46
trismbakis: ahh try getting rid of that and try to install again04:46
matthew1993good evening04:47
matthew1993I am attempting to install ubuntu to my mac via bootable usb stick04:47
acidflashDr_willis: its basically a system which allows you to run magic syrq commands locally04:47
matthew1993any concerns before I proceed?04:47
acidflashDr_willis: sorry remotely04:47
acidflashDr_willis: assume your system locks up, and you can get to it physically to press reset, you could telnet to it, and pass the commands e, u, i, b04:48
matthew1993I have used Ubuntu on a windows machine via Wubi a few years ago04:48
bakistrism: same thing failed again haha04:48
acidflashDr_willis: and it would be like passing at the keboard Alt + SysRQ + E,U,I,B04:48
acidflashDr_willis: which would first kill services, then unmount, then finally reboot the system04:48
gulag2012It seemed to me that Wubi ran much slower than bare metal, do you think my observation is correct?04:49
acidflashDr_willis: can/cant/spl*04:49
trismbakis: yeah I suspect some connection issue, might try: apt-get download nvidia-current-updates; see how that goes, check the md5sum and install that if successful04:49
matthew1993gulag2012: it rarely ran slow, and I was running on a system that was outmoded by at least five years04:50
OzeraI am on ubuntu 12.04. I can't see the top or side bars and everything is really laggy. I can still click on the icons where they would be if i could see them on the bar...but i just cant see them. I'v updated everything04:50
Ozeracan anyone help me?04:50
matthew1993gulag2012: at the time, it was the most up-to-date version, around 2009 or 200804:50
matthew1993Ozera: feed me your computer specs04:51
Ozeramatthew1993: http://pastebin.com/8QHHU7zs04:51
matthew1993Ozera: also, did you check processor requirements? Storage space? How did you install 12.04?04:51
bakisdoes anyone know how you're supposed to install drivers through nvidia's site? i don't know what to do with the .run file i get haha04:52
Ozeramatthew1993: this current install has been on this laptop for a long long time. I did however just install EVE last night. maybe that broke it04:52
OzeraI installed via CD iirc04:52
gulag2012Me too, still rocking an 780G AMD board. I can't wait to build a new system. I'm trying to hold out for Ddr4. Running Ubuntu saves pc's from landfills.04:52
Dr_willisbakis,  best to use the drivers from the repos.. and you run a .run file. :) as if it was an executable.04:53
matthew1993Ozera: EVE may have taken up both storage space and RAM. I suggest moving to bootable drive if you want both Tux and EVE04:53
Dr_willischmod +x foo.run    then ./foo.run04:53
bakisi tried that... with a ./ or what?04:53
bakisof course04:53
Dr_willis./ for stuff int he cirrent dir.. Yes.04:53
Ozeramatthew1993: idk what tux is. But okay. How do we fix this04:53
peepsalotcan someone recommend an easy to use paint program, and don't say gimp04:54
Dr_willisGimp is not a 'paint' program.04:54
matthew1993Ozera: haha Tux is the linux mascot. In any case, what you need to do is to move your partition onto a usb drive at least 4 GB or larger04:54
trismpeepsalot: mypaint?04:54
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Ozeramatthew1993: why?04:54
peepsalotDr_willis, yeah that's why no one should say it :-P04:55
matthew1993Ozera: this will free up your HD space and RAM allowance.04:55
matthew1993Ozera: Additionally, it should, in theory, improve performance04:55
Ozeramatthew1993: can't I just delete EVE? I installed it via Winetricks04:55
Ozeramatthew1993: how do I check diskspace04:55
Dr_willisI recall some clone of good old Deluse Paint.04:55
acidflashdf -h04:55
matthew1993Ozera: yes, you can do that04:55
acidflashor du -h (foldername) for a particular folder04:56
matthew1993Ozera: I haven't used Ubuntu in a while, but I would look for your system settings04:56
peepsalottrism, i'll give that a try, thanks04:56
gulag2012Also try DF -h, I just learned that today.04:56
acidflashgulag2012: df small letters04:57
acidflashgulag2012: linux is case sensitive04:57
Ozeramhm it worked04:57
bakisso i did ctrl+alt+f1 to install the nvidia but that didn't work and now i have no idea how to get back to normal...04:57
gulag2012Oh sorry, I'm still getting used to that.04:57
domo1I'm using useradd to create users in an automated way. Is there anything special adduser does that I should be aware of? So far I have: useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash USER04:57
Ozeramatthew1993: http://pastebin.com/vp2tJfaX04:57
bakisgot it..04:57
acidflashgulag2012: no worries, in time, and with the help of mighty TAB, we all get used to it ;)04:57
matthew1993Ozera: if you so desire, delete EVE04:58
Ozeramatthew1993: How? Do I go through Winetricks?04:58
matthew1993Ozera: yes. You should be able to delete bia WINEtricks04:58
Ozeranow to figure out how to do that04:59
matthew1993Ozera: I've never used WINEtricks, but from what I know, you should be able to,04:59
Eidel1yea !.... i didnt worjk04:59
Eidel1Setting up firmware-b43-lpphy-installer (1:015-14) ...04:59
Eidel1No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation04:59
Eidel1No supported card found.04:59
Eidel1Use proper b43 or b43legacy firmware.04:59
FloodBot1Eidel1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:59
matthew1993Annnnd I have T-minus 42 minutes until I can but my precious ubuntu onto a flash drive04:59
Eidel1oh.. sorry05:00
Ozeraokay going to the broken account bbl05:01
killerHi, i want to install xubuntu-desktop (as it feautres in xubuntu)...and  not the default xfce.05:01
Dr_willisand whats stopping you? ;)05:03
bakistrism: when i do the apt-get download it's downloading as nvidia-current-etcetera.deb.FAILED05:04
Dr_willisbakis,  youve done a apt-get update, recently? It could also be a server issue05:04
bakisyeah i've done a million apt-get updates haha05:04
Kane_HartHey all, I been using Ubuntu for a bit at a datacenter. I assume the server edition. I have everything up and running for months now just fine. I run a small forum. The downside is I kept goolging simple SMTP Server setup. The guide I could find were ugh. I don't know the ones i found required knowing how to read the bible in a way lol.05:06
Kane_HartSo I started using googles SMTP but I guess they did not like that and the emails got blocked pretty fast. I was wondering how can one setup something simple even for just outgoing for the html software.05:07
Ozeraokay i'm on the broken accoutn and I uninstalled EVE.05:08
OzeraTHat didn't fix it05:08
OzeraDoes anyone have any idea how to fix this?05:09
bakistrism: and now i'm getting the same errors installing linux-source05:09
FloodBot1verempuan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:09
Kane_Hartwhy is the floodbot making more spam then he was..05:09
Kane_HartUgh 1500 people and I will not find help in here woot lol05:09
almoxarifebakis: share via pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list05:11
Dr_willisKane_Hart,  given how specilized your question is.. thats not supriseing05:11
bakisalright hold on i'm doing a dist_upgrade05:11
Dr_williskandinski,  theres #ubuntu-server also that may know more on specific services like that.05:12
Dr_willisoops that was for Kane_Hart05:12
NorwackI'm having issues with freezing. The "unity" on left is freezing, and the top (no matter application) and the top right icons..any ideas? happend twice today05:13
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Kane_HartDr_willis is setting up a simple mail server that complex?05:13
Kane_HartI thought be like apt-get install damn mailserver05:14
kandinskihi Dr_willis!05:14
bakisalmoxarife: ^05:14
Dr_willisKane_Hart,  and it aparently worked dident it? then google decided you dident need to be sending through their servers?05:14
verempuankane :) can i get a tutorial how to setting mail server /??05:14
Kane_HartI was looking how to setup a basic local smtp mail server Dr_willis I was saying what I have been doing instead05:15
Kane_Hartsince I was failing at it doing it remote :P05:15
almoxarifebakis: the repos are viable, specific error you see?05:16
bakisalmoxarife: what??05:16
NorwackKane_Hart: Install tasksel if its not install. Run "sudo tasksel" and select the Mail Server checkbox..and the rest should be fairly easy?05:17
Norwacknot installed* ^05:17
NorwackPerhaps someone could help me? "I'm having issues with freezing. The "unity" on left is freezing, and the top (no matter application) and the top right icons..any ideas? happend twice today05:18
krzany issues with this wireless card: http://www.killergaming.com/solutions/technology.php?nav1=17505:19
Kane_HartThanks Norwack I will give it a try05:19
NorwackYou're welcome, Kane_Hart05:20
bakisso i uncommented some canonical repos and that seems to be fixing things?05:21
almoxarifebakis: GREAT, problem solved05:22
bakisalmoxarife: yeah thanks a lot man05:22
verempuansetting mail server ubuntu05:23
almoxarifeverempuan: why? who you gonna spam?05:23
verempuanspam T.T not spam05:24
Kane_HartLife hates me haha05:24
Kane_Harttasksel: aptitude failed (100)05:24
verempuankane :D05:24
Kane_Hartfixed did some apt update05:26
bakisdammit so i installed those nvidia updates and now my resolution is fucked haha05:28
bakisgot it! just had to run sudo nvidia-xconfig in case you wanted to know05:29
Alepojoin #medan05:29
WeThePeoplehow do i add panels to 12.0405:36
kvothetechwebfox: which de?05:38
kvothetechWeThePeople: which de?05:38
kvothetechsory webfox05:38
WeThePeoplekvothetech, 12.0405:39
Dr_willisWeThePeople,  Which Desktop Enviroment?05:39
kvothetechWeThePeople: ???? ok that's a version...not an environment05:39
Dr_willisYou can run addadiotional docks if you want more then what Unity has05:39
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.05:39
WeThePeopledr_willis, i forgot05:40
WeThePeoplewhat is a dE05:40
WeThePeoplehow would i find it05:41
WeThePeoplei have gnome-panel installed05:41
Ben64what do you select when you're logging into ubuntu?05:42
Dr_willisWeThePeople, Desktop Enviroment? = DE05:42
Dr_willisWhat did you select on the Login screen. ;)05:42
Kane_HartThanks Norwack again :) All working05:42
WeThePeoplei installed 12.04.1 so maybe gnome305:43
Dr_willisUnity is the default DE on ubuntu ;05:43
WeThePeopleok unity, i auto login05:43
NorwackNo problem Kane_Hart05:44
Dr_willisso we are back to my original answer. :) If you want more panels use some sort of Dock.05:44
JonathanDawdyin ubuntu can you do dianostic scans on your prossesor cores and ram cards. because my comuter is acting up and freeing when its not even overloaded05:45
Dr_willisTheres a MEMTEST option on most live cds and  in the grub menus05:46
JonathanDawdycan i do it from ubuntu05:46
Dr_willisTheres a MEMTEST option on most live cds and  in the grub menus...  You would boot a Ubuntu CD..05:46
JonathanDawdybecause im sick of my windows partition freazing when it shouldnt05:46
Dr_willisor a ubuntu install05:46
Dr_willisMost of the various system rescue live cds also have similer test apps05:47
JonathanDawdybut is there a program or memtest in the actual boot of ubuntu05:47
Dr_willisthe live cd has a memtest option.. yes...05:47
JonathanDawdyno not live disk05:47
JonathanDawdyim actually booted in full ubuntu05:47
Dr_willisTheres a MEMTEST option on most live cds and  in the grub menus.. <<<<<<< look in your grub menu when you boot...05:48
JonathanDawdywell i know that might not work05:49
JonathanDawdyi have an other ishue at hand05:49
JonathanDawdya free unallocated 18446744 TB partition in my half tera drive05:49
flyingelephantwhat grub files do I have to edit to reinstall a tar backup onto a disk with changed id. In the docs it says fstab and menu1st, but cannot find menu1st05:50
Dr_willismenu.lst is from the old grub105:50
JonathanDawdyanyone here able to explain that05:50
Ben64JonathanDawdy: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"05:50
JonathanDawdynope fdisk wont show it05:51
JonathanDawdydisk utilities will05:51
JonathanDawdyand gparted crashes when it trys05:51
JonathanDawdyany ideas05:51
Ben64if fdisk doesn't show it it doesn't exist05:51
Dr_willistry parted?05:51
JonathanDawdywhat drwillis05:52
Dr_willisor cfdisk05:52
Dr_willisfdisk is the old classic tool. cfdisk, and parted are newer.05:52
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JonathanDawdynononononono Dr_willis05:52
flyingelephantso I just edit fstab, will it boot?05:52
JonathanDawdybad things happened05:52
JonathanDawdywhen i did sudo cdisk05:52
JonathanDawdyok cfdisk foundit05:53
Ben64I thought you sounded familiar05:53
JonathanDawdyok cfdisk found it05:53
Ben64Nov 13 2012 18:23:25 <Ben64>JonathanDawdy: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"05:53
Ben64you haven't fixed it since last month?05:53
JonathanDawdyben it shows the same thing, it shows the truth05:53
JonathanDawdybut when i did cfdisk05:53
JonathanDawdytermanol went hell no05:54
JonathanDawdyFATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 4: Partition ends after end-of-disk05:54
JonathanDawdy                           Press any key to exit cfdisk05:54
JonathanDawdythats the big error partition05:54
Ben64then delete partition?05:54
JonathanDawdyi cnat05:54
Ben64sure you cna05:54
JonathanDawdyits unllocated05:54
JonathanDawdyit wont let me05:55
DaemonicApathyI suggest formatting the partition/drive.05:55
JonathanDawdyit says i have to mke a volume in ti first05:55
JonathanDawdybut then it says there is no room05:55
Dr_willissounds like the partions are all goofed up.  its thinking partion 4 is bigger then the disk.05:55
JonathanDawdypartition 4 shouldnt exsist05:55
Dr_williswhat tool did you use to partion it?05:55
JonathanDawdyi only have 1,2a,2b and 305:56
JonathanDawdyno 405:56
sdfsfwefthats cuz 2a and 2b are extended05:56
JonathanDawdyits really 1,2,3,405:57
JonathanDawdybut 405:57
JonathanDawdygot cagoofed05:57
JonathanDawdyi pist bin this part cuzz i cant explain it05:57
flyingelephantanybody know how to tell grub2 to boot a disk id?05:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:58
JonathanDawdyok i got it06:02
JonathanDawdyyou guys still there06:02
sdfsfwefi am06:02
Dr_willisMost of us. ;)06:02
sdfsfwefand would like to know what it was06:02
JonathanDawdynot download06:03
Ben64dude just pastebin06:03
JonathanDawdyyou click and veiw06:03
JonathanDawdypaistbin wanted text only06:03
Ben64we don't want to see mspaint drawings06:03
JonathanDawdyidk y06:04
JonathanDawdybut this is a picture06:04
Ben64we don't want pictures06:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:04
JonathanDawdythat is what i need to show you06:04
Dr_willisimagebin.org :) for images06:04
Ben64pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"06:04
JonathanDawdyonly diskutilities will show this06:04
Ben64doesn't matter06:04
JonathanDawdyLISTEN sudo fdisk does nto show it06:04
Dr_williscdfdisk does? or parted?06:05
JonathanDawdyparted wont load it it crashes and cfdisk I SAID TEN TIMES said fatle error06:05
JonathanDawdyyou dont listen06:05
Ben64chill out and pastebin "sudo fdisk -l"06:05
Dr_willisI would suggest getting the data from the disk, and totally repartioning it.06:05
JonathanDawdyit dont show it06:05
Ben64I think this is why I stopped helping last time06:05
Ben64you refused to pastebin06:06
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JonathanDawdyfine il paist bin and you tell me where you see the phrase 18mil plus terabytes06:06
JonathanDawdyand then will talk about how helpfull the waist of time was06:06
WeThePeoplehow do i edit the panels and add to them?06:09
WeThePeoplemove things on the panels06:09
Dr_willisWeThePeople,  you are referng to the Unity panel? or the gnome-fallback panels? or some other panels?06:09
WeThePeopledr_willis, i am using gnome06:10
Dr_willisWeThePeople,  Unity uses gnome.. as does gnome-fallback, as does gnome-shell....06:10
JonathanDawdylook at the note at the end06:10
WeThePeopledr_willis, will installing gnome shell have those capabilities?06:10
ForSparePartsAnybody else have alt-tab not working after an upgrade to 12.10?06:11
Nate_RevHello? I could use some help installing Ubuntu on a Netbook..06:11
Nate_RevI was here earlier and the suggestion didn't work.06:11
JonathanDawdyyou see that ben06:11
Dr_willisWeThePeople,  gnome-shell has its own fancy interface. very differnt from the old gnome-206:11
WeThePeoplenate-rev, what up06:11
Ben64JonathanDawdy: if you're going to have an attitude about it, you can just go fix it yourself06:12
JonathanDawdyim just mad ok i say things and ppl egnore me so im srry ben but tnx for the help. and do you understand what i was trying to explain to you about fdisk not showing ti06:13
Ben64i'm done with you06:13
WeThePeoplenate_rev, whats up06:13
Nate_RevAlright. I have a Gateway LT4010u that I want to convert fully to Linux. I wanted to use Lubuntu. I made a bootable usb with Unetbootin and that just freezes on me. Tried installing through a virutal box after another suggestion and that just told me it couldnt because of "pae"06:13
Dr_willisNate_Rev,  ive had issue s with unetbootin in the past.  the Pendrivelinux site has other tools06:14
Nate_RevThat turned out to be a feature removed from 12.10, so they said to use an older distro, I used 12.04, and that too, failed the same way.06:14
WeThePeoplenate_rev, use a dvd06:15
sdfsfwefNate_Rev : try lilo to install to usb06:15
Nate_RevIt's a netbook, so it has no disc drive, and I doubt I'll have access to an external anytime soon06:16
JonathanDawdyDr_willis,  you there06:16
Dr_willisNate_Rev,  try some tools other then Unetbootin, from the pendrivelinux site.06:16
sdfsfwefNate_Rev :http://www.linuxliveusb.com/06:16
Dr_willisJonathanDawdy,  Im in and out all day long.06:16
Nate_RevI used that link and it failed me as well. :/06:17
JonathanDawdyDr_willis, i privote messaged you could you help06:17
Nate_RevI'm trying one of the Pendrivelinux one's now06:17
sdfsfwefdid you change your bios boot order06:17
Dr_willisI ignore app pms..  ;)06:17
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: Please pastebin the output of "sudo fixparts /dev/sda".06:17
Dr_willisall pms06:17
Nate_RevI've done this before, not my laptop, but a similar one. and it worked fine.06:18
sdfsfwefare you trying the 64 bit or 32 bit version06:18
sdfsfwefone thing i can think of is get an external dvd drive .  .06:19
Dr_willisor just do a straigght image to the USB and see if that boots.06:19
sdfsfwefmake the usb bootable first06:20
JonathanDawdyJordan_U, sudo: fixparts: command not found06:20
nxgenerationNate_Rev: dd is still the best for iso writing to usb or win32imager for windows06:20
Dr_willisif you image it via dd it will be bootable. ;)06:20
sdfsfwefi agree06:20
Nate_Revalright, I'm trying one now.06:21
Nate_RevIt should be FAT32  correct?06:21
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: sudo apt-get install gdisk06:21
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JonathanDawdyE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)06:21
JonathanDawdyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:21
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: Do you have another package manager open?06:22
JonathanDawdyim doing updates06:23
Dr_willisthats why then, ;)06:23
JonathanDawdywait done06:23
sdfsfwefyah fat3206:23
JonathanDawdyil retry06:23
Guest98678hi, i ve installed ubuntu on a usb pen drive but system dont boot. i cant even enter bios, any idea?06:23
Dr_williswhy cant you enter the bios? dont know what key to hit?06:24
sdfsfwefremove the round batery on your motherboard to reset bios to default maybe you can access it after06:24
JonathanDawdyGuest98678,  reboot  but spam the f12 button06:24
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: You should now be able to run "sudo fixparts /dev/sda".06:24
JonathanDawdyok doing it now06:24
Dr_willison my PC's its F1 , or Esc, or F8 or DEL06:24
JonathanDawdyFixParts 0.8.106:25
JonathanDawdyLoading MBR data from /dev/sda06:25
JonathanDawdyMBR command (? for help):06:25
Guest98678Dr_willis , when the usb pen drive is attached it doest let me to06:25
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: OK, fixparts isn't finding any problems with the partition table then (you can quit by typing 'q' then enter).06:26
sdfsfwefthen change boot order before puting in drive06:26
JonathanDawdyThis will abandon your changes. Are you sure? (Y/N):06:26
JonathanDawdywhat changes06:26
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: Y06:26
JonathanDawdyok pm me i have a link to send you06:27
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: I prefer to keep discussion in-channel.06:27
JonathanDawdyfine but its two links a media fire instant veiw picture and a paistbin06:27
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: I would file a bug report against whatever tool is reporting the oversized partition.06:28
JonathanDawdyjust look at the links plz06:28
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: I already have.06:28
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: Especially because with the msdos partition table that you have it's not possible to have partitions that large, even if the partition table were corrupt and not matching the drive it wouldn't be possible to represent any partition above 2 TiB.06:29
JonathanDawdyok so diskutilities is bad06:30
Guest98678hi, i ve installed ubuntu on a usb pen drive but system dont boot. i cant even enter bios whit the usb pen drive attached, any idea?06:31
Dr_willisyou can enter the bios with the drive removed?06:31
Guest98678Dr_willis , yes i can06:32
JonathanDawdyJordan_U,  then help me here i wanna scan my cores and ram to find any details about problems because windows keeps freezeing and thats were im noticing the imposable because when it does my ram is emty and prossesers berrly 50%06:32
JonathanDawdyso i dont understand how06:33
Jordan_UDr_willis: Even when the channel is relatively low volume, my /lastlog appreciates when you use people's nicks when talking to them :)06:33
Jordan_UJonathanDawdy: Hold shift during boot to get to the grub menu and select memtest.06:33
JonathanDawdyok is that the only way because i dont wanna know if there is a criticle i want to know all the details down to "the prossesor was powered and stalled for 2seconds "06:34
JonathanDawdyis there a program i can install in ubuntu that will find that stuff06:35
sdfsfwefGuest98678: change the default boot order in the bios without the usb stick. save and exit and reboot with the usb atached06:35
Dr_willisive had some older pc's where i couldent change the order. unless the usb flash was plugged in sdfsfwef  ;)  once removed.. it would forget the usb in the list.06:35
Guest98678sdfsfwef , it wont  work06:36
Dr_willisbut ive never seen a PC not let you get into the bios.. if a usb was plugged in.,06:36
JonathanDawdyok i have an idea for you guys06:36
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sdfsfwefwhat did you use to make the usb ?06:36
JonathanDawdyif you put a disk into the computer it will stay in bioss forever because it trys to load the disk06:36
JonathanDawdythis may help you be able to see the boot screen06:37
Guest71306Is someone reading me?06:37
Guest71306I am totally newbie with irc06:37
Guest71306someone who can help me06:37
Nate_Revdidnt boot..06:37
JonathanDawdyik when i leave a disk in my computer it will take upto 2 min to boot06:37
Nate_RevIt is stuck on "syslinux copyright blah blah blah06:38
JonathanDawdysdfsfwef, i sent you a message did you get them06:38
Dr_willisNate_Rev,  how did you make the usb this time? You did vrify the md5 of the ISO?06:38
sdfsfwefgood night guys06:38
Nate_Revoof. Idk, uhm, I made it with multiboot.06:38
Guest71306someone can help me? Could you tell me about a tutorial od irc? commands and stuff06:39
JonathanDawdyok is that the only way because i dont wanna know if there is a criticle i want to know all the details down to "the prossesor was powered and stalled for 2seconds "06:39
JonathanDawdyanyone know06:41
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:41
JonathanDawdyis there an ubuntu program that tells me more then the criticles about my prossesor and ram i want it to scan them and i want to know all the details down to "the prossesor was powered and stalled for 2seconds "06:42
Dr_willisNate_Rev,  you mean this -->  YUMI – Your Universal Multiboot Installer06:42
Dr_willisJonathanDawdy,  i dont think we understand what you mean.  Theres numerous hardware info tools in the repos. memtest is the defacto standard for testing memory to see if its good.06:43
nxgenerationNate_Rev, the problem can also be a kernel panic, have you tried booting ubuntu with nomodeset?06:43
JonathanDawdyok ost metest that scan the ram and prossesor cores will only tell you things like 'core one never started criticalERROR"06:44
Nate_Revwhats that mean?06:44
JonathanDawdyi want a more descriptive scan06:44
Guest98678hi, i ve installed ubuntu on a usb pen drive but system dont boot. i cant even enter bios whit the usb pen drive attached, any idea?06:45
JonathanDawdybecause i know both ram card work and both cores work06:45
JonathanDawdybut i want to see if they may be haveing any slight small ishuse06:45
Dr_willisstart with memtest. let it test for a few hours.06:45
JonathanDawdybecause iv been haveing lots of lag spikes io spikes like crazy all of a sudden06:46
Pwnnais it okay if i compile thunar 1.6 from source or will that fuck up my xubuntu install?06:46
Dr_willisPwnna,  there may be a ppa for it.06:46
PwnnaDr_willis: thunar 1.6 came out today?06:46
Dr_willisPwnna,  so? :) if a guy is maintaining a ppa for it.. he could have it there in very short time.06:47
nxgenerationwhen you booy and hold shift, you get the grub menu, try adding nomodeset after "quiet splash"06:47
PwnnaDr_willis: the trouble is to find that PPA.. any ideas?06:47
Dr_willisa ppa would be the safest way to test it06:47
nxgenerationNate_rev > when you booy and hold shift, you get the grub menu, try adding nomodeset after "quiet splash"06:47
ubuntuusbhelpI'm trying to get ubuntu onto a bootable usb to use on mac. run into a snag06:47
PwnnaDr_willis: agreed..06:48
Pwnnahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/1086207 >.<06:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1086207 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Please backporting Thunar 1.6 in Xubuntu 12.04 LTS" [Undecided,Invalid]06:48
ubuntuusbhelpusing the sudo command and trying to actually put the .img.dmg onto the drive, but keep getting "Operation not supported" in Terminal06:49
ubuntuusbhelpI'd really appreciate any help. I'm unfamiliar with terminal commands and just minutes ago by the grace of Chtulu FINALLY forced the system to make the img copy of the original ISO06:50
ubuntuusbhelpif all else fails im ragequitting life06:51
Guest98678is it possible to install ubuntu from terminal?06:51
ubuntuusbhelpGuest98678: are you addressing me, or asking a general question?06:51
nxgenerationGuest98678 > Yes possible06:52
Guest98678nxgeneration, what do i need?06:52
Guest98678nxgeneration, which i dont have06:53
nxgenerationif your new to ubuntu use a live cd06:53
opensagewhat is your situation Guest9867806:53
ubuntuusbhelpIm not new to Ubuntu06:54
Guest98678opensage , i ve installed ubuntu on a usb pen drive but system dont boot. i cant even enter bios whit the usb pen drive attached, any idea?06:54
ubuntuusbhelpI just want something, shall we say, more mobile06:54
opensageno, if you can't change the bios06:54
almoxarifeubuntuusbhelp: how about lxde on the droid?06:54
TheLordOfTimeubuntuusbhelp, you appear to be assuming everyone's talking to you.  Generally, if someone says something to you, they include your name.06:54
rumpe1Guest98678, BIOS always boots first and /then/ boots anything else. Has nothing to do with the drive.06:55
budmanghow do I get ubuntu to auto try my ssh key instead of -i first?06:59
Guest98678rumpel , it s not a drive problem, it s a xubuntu proble, with my motherboard07:00
nxgenerationif it doesnt get past the bios, there are no modules loaded for any motherboard07:01
almoxarifeGuest98678: its a trash usb07:03
=== gpix13 is now known as gpix13_away
Guest98678almoxarife , it s not a trash usb its a problematic motherboard07:04
kalonGuest98678: Try reformating the USB and check that your iso is good.07:05
almoxarifeGuest98678: alrighty, so issue resolved, its not a linux issue07:05
Guest98678nxgeneration , i guess the motherboard goes nuts when trying to detect this ubuntu installed pen drive07:06
WeThePeopleaudio not working on 12.04 DE ubuntu07:06
almoxarife!sound WeThePeople...07:06
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:06
kalonI suggested to you in the xubuntu room that you could remove the harddrive, install on another computer then reinstall the drive. It's be magic.07:07
almoxarifekalon, i missed it07:08
WeThePeoplegot it workin07:08
Guest98678almoxarife , when i tried to install ubuntu 11.04 i had the same problem but could solve it. but know taht solution don t work07:08
kalonsorry I should have prefaced that for Guest9867807:08
almoxarifeGuest98678: yeah, your motherboard hates you or you got a trash usb drive07:09
Nordomafter you pulled a ppa repository and then used sudo apt-get updates and downloaded the updates how do you install the ppa? sudo apt-get install?07:10
almoxarifeNordom: what/? whih came first? you added the ppa?07:11
Nordomalmoxarife: corret, I added the ppa then updated07:11
Nordomso I have the files I need, how do install them, or are they automatically installed?07:11
almoxarifeNordom: after adding and updationg, 'upgrade'07:11
Nordomhow do I updage?07:12
homecablehow many hours is 6:30 am to 12 am ?07:12
almoxarifeNordom: sudo apt-get upgrade07:12
Nordomalmoxarife: how do I upgrade?**07:12
Nordomalmoxarife: thx a bunch!07:12
nxgenerationhomecable, 5 1/207:12
homecablei mean 6:30 am to 1 am07:13
homecablemore then 5 /1207:13
almoxarifehomecable: take it elsewhere\07:13
homecable8 plus07:13
opensagehomecable 17 1/207:13
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
opensage6;30am to 12pm = 5 1/2 + (12pm - 12am) = 17 1/207:15
almoxarifeopensage: take it elsewhere07:15
opensageanswering his question almoxaife07:15
homecablethanks opensage07:16
opensagedon't know what he needed it for, but figured I'd help quickly almoxarife07:16
nxgenerationlooks like cron.07:16
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
nxgenerationmy ubuntu uses 12GB ram :o07:20
somsip!ram | nxgeneration07:21
ubottunxgeneration: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html07:21
rumpe1nxgeneration, more like 1,807:21
nxgenerationrumpe1, why does it says used 1244907:22
opensagenxgeneration how many GB ram does your system have?07:22
nxgeneration32 GB07:23
opensageoh okay07:23
opensagewell when was the last time you logged off?07:23
rumpe1nxgeneration, it also uses it for buffers and caches, which can be dropped easily. In fact 20GB of your RAM is free = useless, because the system has no idea, for it should be used. At least as long as you don't start something, that really needs a massive amount of ram.07:23
nxgenerationopensage, ehm a year ago07:23
nxgenerationrumpe1, the full 20GB will be used when running xen using it for maya 3d07:25
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krzare there any issues with intel pro wireless advanced n cards?07:41
Huffameggood morning! after a recent update the "scale"-function has stopped working on *one* of my users. it works perfectly on my main user (with root privilegies) but not on the other. I have to restart unity in compiz in order to get it working and then it only works sometimes.. i've looked online without luck. suggestions?07:48
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iIlL0oOwhat do rpcbind do ? can I disable it ?07:53
iIlL0oOwhat does rpcbind do ? can I disable it ?07:57
penguinmaniIlL0oO, no, you cannot disable it. (well you can but it will break things) http://linux.die.net/man/8/rpcbind for more info.07:57
iIlL0oOpenguinman: I have chmod -x for it07:57
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penguinmaniIlL0oO, why do you want to disable it?07:58
iIlL0oOpenguinman: it is listing on a tcp port :111 , I thank it is unsafe07:58
penguinmaniIlL0oO, it's not unsafe, trust me.07:59
iIlL0oOpenguinman: ok07:59
serp_ok random guy on the tubes, i will trust the security of my machine to you08:05
iIlL0oOpenguinman: I chmod -x for it , what will happen after serval days ?08:06
serp_rcpbind allows people to remotely run code on your machine08:08
penguinmaniIlL0oO, i imagine it installed as a dependancy for something. Have you installed anything new recently?08:08
penguinmanor are you using nfs?08:11
BoozeWoozfrom hi08:12
BoozeWooz:P hi08:16
iIlL0oOpenguinman: I can not remember , I uninstalled it . nothing unusual packages .08:18
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BARLTCIAO A TUTTI!!!!!!!!!08:31
ubottuBARLT: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:31
EaglemanThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:    There are some packages in that list that i need, any idea why its saying i dont need them anymore and how to prevent it?08:34
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:36
nickbuuntuhi all08:37
MonkeyDust!pin > Eagleman08:37
ubottuEagleman, please see my private message08:37
nickbuuntuquick question.  I'm running xubuntu 12.10 and installed the unity desktop.  It doesn't appear in the session choices on the login screen?  Have I missed somtheing,  well,  what have I missed :)08:38
Dr_willisnickbuuntu,  what package did you install exactly?08:39
nickbuuntuI have xUbuntu 21.10 installed.  Lovely.  Tried to install the Unity Desktop as well, through symantic but it's not appearing as a session choice on the login screen08:40
nickbuuntuDoes GNome need to go in as well?08:40
nickbuuntu21.10  LOL 12.10!08:41
Dr_willisnickbuuntu,  install the ubuntu-desktop package? it should pull in everything08:41
carloshola buenos dias08:41
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nickbuuntuI'd have thought so.  Dr. I'll do a sudo apt-g install unity-desktop?08:41
Dr_willisnickbuuntu,  install the ubuntu-desktop08:41
Eagleman!es > Guest8154308:42
ubottuGuest81543, please see my private message08:42
MonkeyDustnickbuuntu  or simply install ubuntu, instead of xubuntu08:42
nickbuuntuaahhh  no probs  back in a tick :)08:42
MonkeyDustnickbuuntu  in ubuntu, install xfce, if you like, it's easier08:42
nickbuuntuWoh!  I missed heaps  'ta :)08:42
MonkeyDustnickbuuntu  that's a process called 'learning' :)08:43
nickbuuntuheh :)  I supposed so Monkey dust :)08:43
nickbuuntuI actually like XFCE over unity.  But you know, like try stuff.  Cause we can :)08:44
almoxarifei managed to start plasma-desktop via a ssh session, i had two desktop there for a few showing, via ssh crashed soon after, how can i manage a ssh session with x in a more controlled setting, meaning how do i sandbox it somehow, my options are slim,08:44
nickbuuntuI tell ya.  What I absulteyly love about Linux, is you bugger it.  And recovery becomes an upgrade opportunity :)08:45
EaglemanHow di i find "leftovers" from previous removed packages?08:46
almoxarifewhat if i had apache issues? but i had to get into a plasma-desktop screen? would that help?08:47
almoxarifeEagleman: apt-get clean and autoremove, or synaptic also shows them08:48
EaglemanHow can i be sure everything is removed?08:48
almoxarifeEagleman: apt-get purge somepackage <-- that will make it go hasta luego, everything except whats in your /home/08:49
almoxarifeEagleman: synaptic does the same thing, not as sexy though i hear, its too simple and effective as a tool08:50
MonkeyDustEagleman  there's something more thorough, but be careful with it -- i picked it up in this channel    dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P08:50
almoxarifeMonkeyDust: whats more thorough than 'purge' ?08:51
almoxarifeMonkeyDust: you mean the package that is left in cache because its set to save them rather than purge post install?08:52
HorizonXPhey guys, i'm trying to install roundcube-plugins-extra and I get the following:08:53
HorizonXPThe following packages have unmet dependencies: roundcube-plugins-extra : Depends: roundcube-core (>= 0.5.1) but it is not going to be installed08:53
HorizonXPthing is, roundcube-core is installed...08:53
blackshirthorizonxp, like your apt database was not uptodate08:53
blackshirtOr maybe not activated08:53
almoxarifeHorizonXP: using synaptic?08:54
HorizonXPblackshirt: apt-get update didn't fix it08:54
HorizonXPdo i maybe need to remove roundcube-core and reinstall it?08:54
Eaglemanfiles still exist like: /run/puppet  /var/lib/puppet08:54
almoxarifeHorizonXP: you must have added a ppa08:54
EaglemanHad the same with bacula, some things didnt get removed08:54
HorizonXPalmoxarife: i did not add a ppa08:55
HorizonXPthat i know for sur08:55
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almoxarife!info roundcube08:55
ubotturoundcube (source: roundcube): skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers - metapackage. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.2-4 (quantal), package size 10 kB, installed size 94 kB08:55
MonkeyDustroundcube sounds like some compiz effect08:56
HorizonXPMonkeyDust: web-based IMAP client08:57
MonkeyDustHorizonXP  yeah08:57
EaglemanWhat does it do MonkeyDust?  dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P08:57
HorizonXPvery odd08:57
HorizonXPjust removed all of roundcube, and tried installing roundcube-plugins-extra, since I figure that should pull in all the deps08:58
HorizonXPsame error08:58
almoxarifeHorizonXP: how about looking for a bug?08:58
HorizonXPalmoxarife: yeah, just about to08:58
HorizonXPlooking through the packages DB first08:59
MonkeyDustEagleman  it purges all the packages that have been previously removed, not just the one you indicate08:59
MonkeyDustor specify08:59
EaglemanIs it save?08:59
EaglemanCan i get a list of packages first before running it08:59
max3off topic question: what's the best (or a good) java book for beginners? something that covers the concepts in depth but isn't like a grad level treatise on them. prior experience is that a long time ago i programmed in fortran08:59
MonkeyDustEagleman  i use it with every update, in a custom script, keeps my system clean09:00
cjaredrunquick question. if i use aptitude to reinstall a package like mysql, will it keep all my mysql configs?09:00
cjaredrun and data09:01
Ben64max3: head to your local library, go to 005.276209:01
max3i live in uganda, no public librarires here09:01
heoyea_cjaredrun: if u didnt purge it09:01
HorizonXPBen64: .... you know the Dewey number off the top of your head?09:01
solovamcan anybody tell me how to pin freshly installed Chrome to side bar?09:01
Ben64HorizonXP: yes09:02
cjaredrunthanks heoyea_, so if i didnt purge it, and do a reinstall, theoretically my old database and config should all remain?09:02
EaglemanMonkeyDust can i get a list of packages before i run the complete command?09:02
Ben64max3: national library of uganda?09:02
heoyea_cjaredrun: theres 2 type of configs, 1 in ur system and 1 in ur home folder09:02
HorizonXPBen64: I don't know whether to be impressed or... I don't know what. lol.09:02
Ben64HorizonXP: i got curious about dewey decimal one day, and learned it all...09:03
max3Ben64: is that a thing? did you google that or something? anyway i live in rural uganda. anything with the word national in it is a 5 hour bus ride from me09:03
heoyea_solovam: think u just open chrome and right click on the icon and pin09:03
Ben64max3: yeah googled it. looks like its in Kampala09:04
MonkeyDustEagleman  don't know, but why are you so anxious?09:04
max3Ben64: yea 5 hours09:04
EaglemanI dont want to uninstall things i might need09:04
solovamheoyea_: right click, no option to pin09:04
MonkeyDustEagleman  IMO, if a program needs it, it won't be uninstalled09:05
solovamnope that does not work. there's no option to pin when I fire up Chrome from command line and right click on the icon09:05
HorizonXPwell that's a weird bug09:05
HorizonXProundcube-plugins-extra depends on roundcube-core09:06
HorizonXPhowever, if you download the .deb and try to isntall it via dpkg, it says it conflicts with roundcube-core09:06
solovamEverything else has "Lock to launcher"/ "Unlock from launcher" menu item, but Chrome does not. Installed with dpkg -i on the .deb downloaded from Google.09:06
HorizonXPif you try to remove roundcube-core and install roundcube-plugins-extra via dpkg, it says it needs roundcube-core09:06
ryannathansdid an update and now the machine's GUI won't start. 12.04.1. segfault on xorg09:07
solovamcan anybody tell me how to pin freshly installed Chrome to side bar?09:07
EaglemanIt was:   dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}'   Weird that you use a command and you dont exactly know what it does09:08
MonkeyDustsolovam  rather use chromium, it's what chrome is based on09:08
heoyea_solovam: think u need an app to pin it cuz the unity stuff sucks in features at the moment09:08
MonkeyDustEagleman  i explained what it does09:08
solovamMonkeyDust: so Chrome from Google is no good?09:08
varikonniemican i export my software list from software center somehow?09:08
almoxarifegoogle chrome is good09:08
MonkeyDustEagleman  it purges all the packages that have been previously removed, not just the one you indicate09:09
varikonniemii can see i can sync another computer up with same software - this could achieve it. But i need a computer. Could i export it to a file instead?09:09
Ben64!cloning | varikonniemi09:09
ubottuvarikonniemi: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate09:09
MonkeyDustsolovam  chromium is in the repos, using that will solve your sidebar issue09:10
varikonniemiBen64, thanks!09:10
solovamMonkeyDust: seriously? I believe you, but this is seriously amazing. Ubuntu seems like the primary platform for Google and they serve one of their main apps that does not work out of the box?09:11
varikonniemireally surprised there is no gui way -- maybe some day :)09:11
Ben64varikonniemi: there might be, many people just like terminal :)09:11
MonkeyDustCLI <309:12
varikonniemiwell i need to install 10mb of aptitude to even do it so not optimal :D09:12
varikonniemibut no biggie09:12
Ben64yep, mouse is for internet browsing and video gaming only09:13
Ben64varikonniemi: theres also a way to do it with dpkg, but i'm not sure of the syntax09:13
varikonniemiwell ubottu should teach that, seeing as it comes with ubuntu D:09:13
solovamOh well, it's not like I am going to use Ubuntu for real (RH). Thanks. BB09:13
Ben64"dpkg --get-selections" and "dpkg --set-selections" or something09:13
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi  this is what i use http://paste.ubuntu.com/1407521/09:14
penghack1hello everyone,how can i get the graphic driver of sis 6351,i have search the forum and i get a driver of sis671 and so on...but it doesn't work..09:16
penghack1and my english is not so good...09:16
varikonniemiMonkeyDust, i think your method solves the problem with multiarch that ubottus method warns about?09:18
phaxHow do I configure the mouse pointer to show as normal when scrolling over a konsole or xterm window?09:18
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi  never had issues with it, so i guess it does09:19
voxcroixmy desktop ubuntu 12.10(64bit) after login nothing come out...09:21
ryannathans12.10 stable yet?09:21
varikonniemii recommend skipping 12.10 !09:21
MonkeyDustryannathans  it's the latest stable09:21
ryannathansvarikonniemi: what's wrong with it09:21
varikonniemias in if you are still on 12.04, stay09:22
ryannathansprobably unity09:22
ryannathansshall do09:22
varikonniemii have had nothing but rouble with it -_-09:22
jerry_lhello room.09:22
fidel_ryannathans: from official point of view 12.10 is stable - if it is for yo & your hardware .... hard to tell ;)09:22
varikonniemistarting with x failing to load after gfx driver install :D09:22
voxcroix12.04(64bit) stable?09:22
varikonniemiso it is pretty fail imo09:22
ryannathansvoxcroix: of course, it's LTS09:22
voxcroixthx. i will go back to 12.0409:23
jerry_lhello room is there a driver config to ignore if a screen is connected on start uo. headless.?09:23
varikonniemivoxcroix, you installed gfx driver?09:23
varikonniemik not the same as i had then.09:24
varikonniemiinstalled any dkms driver? afaik all of them fail via software center09:24
voxcroixryannathans do you try fedora17 b4?09:24
ryannathansvoxcroix: no09:24
varikonniemifedora is mainly for developers/hobbyists09:25
penghack1who has the driver of sis6351 for ubuntu12.04 ,i cant find it..or u can tell me how to install it by some software.my english is not so good,sorry...09:25
voxcroixsis6351 onboard card?09:28
penghack1my standalone video card is broken...09:28
voxcroixmay i know ur motherboard model09:29
penghack1wait pls.09:29
denishzahi all...09:30
denishzaI'm eager here to know about ubuntu 12.1009:31
denishzaHave all of you installed ubuntu 12.10?09:31
penghack1voxcroix it's 671t-m by tcl.and the chipset is sis 671/fx/dx/mx09:32
penghack1i get these from cpu-z09:32
penghack1south bridge is sis 96809:32
voxcroixu are running 12.10?09:33
voxcroixthere is no driver detected?09:33
denishzayes I have just installed09:33
penghack1i'm new for ubuntu,and i just know very little about linux..09:34
denishzai use compaq cq 4109:35
denishzaand all stuffs are working09:35
soeehi, what would be the command to pack and compress all files and directories in current directory ?09:36
denishzawifi -> ok09:36
denishzasound -> ok09:36
EaglemanWHich KVM web Management Tool do you suggest for just one server and no clusters at all?09:36
stevecccsorry if this is slightly off topic but does anyone own a samsung galaxy tab2 who wouldnt mind a chat09:36
denishzavga driver still will be installed09:37
Eaglemansteveccc i would suggest you go to #android09:37
almoxarifehow do i force 'suggested' with apt-get?09:38
denishzaoh guys let's join ubuntu for your best performance09:38
webfoxHey, did someone has called me?09:38
steveccceagleman: i am but no one seems interested in a chat so thought I would try a linux room as they are normally friendly - sorry if it was off topic09:38
almoxarifesteveccc: would owning a rooted KF help?09:39
stevecccalmoxarife: KF?09:39
penghack1kindle fire?09:39
bandahow can i install every font possibly available to anyone, anywhere on ubuntu. i want to use the fonts in gimp for web design09:40
bandagimp's default fonts are lame09:40
stevecccalmoxarife: may i pm you?09:40
almoxarifepenghack1: yeap09:40
almoxarifesteveccc: nope09:40
almoxarifesteveccc: how about in #android-root?09:41
stevecccalmoxarife: ok - though with it being off topic I would keep it private - I was mainly asking about the tab as samsung seem to be slow releasing updates and it bothers me so wanted to guage others opinions09:41
almoxarifesteveccc: no idea09:41
almoxarifesteveccc: its off topic here, not in android, it is an android aint it?09:42
penghack1i get a driver just has a .so file and a xorg.conf,i just copy them to /lib ,is it right?09:44
stevecccyes but as I mentioned they dont seem very responsive and hence chatting here - dont worry i will wait in android until its busier09:44
EaglemanWHich KVM web Management Tool do you suggest for just one server and no clusters at all?09:45
voxcroixpenghack1 try this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-927219.html09:45
penghack1thanks i'll try09:45
voxcroixpenghack1 http://drivergratis.com.br/x/e8/sis+6351+ubuntu09:47
bandaanyone here use gimp on ubuntu? how can i get all of the fonts that corel draw and adobe photoshop have09:48
penghack1oh thanks!09:50
bounarotiis anyone here?09:51
bandaanyone here use gimp on ubuntu? how can i get all of the fonts that corel draw and adobe photoshop have09:51
MonkeyDustbounaroti  it works, you're in09:51
bandaFONTS - I NEED FONTS09:51
MonkeyDust!repeat | banda09:51
ubottubanda: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:51
bandaok MonkeyDust09:51
heoyea_copy it over to ur ~/.fonts folder09:52
penghack1:( those drivers is just for windows ...09:54
vltHello. On an Ubuntu 12.04 machine with generic kernel 3.2.0 I have an USB memory connected. `lsusb` shows it but I can’t find it as block device anywhere. How to “enable” access to it?09:55
SpaceRockethow to clear configuration and cache for ubuntu-desktop and unity ?09:55
MonkeyDustSpaceRocket  sudo apt-get autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo rm -r ~/.cache09:57
susundbergpenghack1: see package "xserver-xorg-video-sis - X.Org X server -- SiS display driver"09:57
SpaceRocketdid that but still interface using KDE look and Empathy doesn't have any accounts even after I added Google account in Online accounts, MonkeyDust09:58
susundberg!ask > hzyg09:58
ubottuhzyg, please see my private message09:58
penghack1use "apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-sis - X.Org X server -- SiS display driver"?09:58
heoyea_SpaceRocket: unity-reset09:59
susundbergpenghack1: 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-sis' but you might need to edit Xorg conf file (dont know if such is needed anymore)09:59
susundbergpenghack1: see also http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-927219.html09:59
heoyea_vlt: what format is it10:01
vltheoyea_: Format of what?10:01
heoyea_vlt: u got s usb stick right?10:01
vltheoyea_: Yes.10:03
MrCoderIs there a way to have 2 folders, folderA and folderB. If a stat is done for a file in folderA then it will also look in folderB? If the file is found in folderA it will use that one. I tried to Google for this but Im not sure what terms to look for...10:03
vltheoyea_: I expected it to appear as /dev/sdX10:03
=== alin|mobile is now known as alinmear
heoyea_vlt: type mount10:04
vltheoyea_: Why "mount"? I don’t even have a block device yet.10:05
MonkeyDustMrCoder  better ask in #bash10:05
penghack1 it's so hard to read so much english words....:(.... i should study more english when i was young....10:05
MrCoderMonkeyDust, thanks, will do10:05
heoyea_vlt: then do sudo fdisk -l10:05
vltheoyea_: I did. Nothing.10:06
heoyea_vlt: try repluggin it10:06
vltheoyea_: I can’t access the machine physically. How can I trigger a re-read?10:06
me-1hi...I can make any partition...plz help10:07
vltme-1: cfdisk10:07
heoyea_vlt: not really sure since u donno where the device is at10:07
vltheoyea_: lsusb lists it10:08
heoyea_vlt: then u can try umount then mount the device again10:08
vltheoyea_: Whut? Which device?10:09
me-1vlt: Fatal error .can not read disk10:09
vltheoyea_: There’s no /dev/sdX.10:09
heoyea_vlt: thats what i said earlyer10:09
acidflashfdisk -l10:09
acidflashsee what disks you have10:09
acidflashand what sd* number they were assigned10:10
acidflashafter that, make sure to replace X in sdX with the number/character it was assigned10:10
acidflashie: /dev/sda -> /dev/sda110:10
acidflash1 being the partition number10:10
heoyea_me-1: are u trying it on the disk ur are currently running?10:11
heoyea_me-1: u gotta use a live cd or usb10:11
heoyea_me-1: else u cant change anything while ur system is still using it10:12
me-1i am on live CD . how do I copy text from terminal so that I can share ouput with you10:13
penghack1susundberg, much thanks!and people on irc are so friendly,thanks anyway10:13
me-1ctrl+c or right click copy is not working10:13
heoyea_me-1: u can use mouse to copy10:14
cheekeeI cannot see my DVD drive on ubuntu 12.0410:14
SpaceRocketafter I installed KDE, applications look like KDE in Unity, I removed KDE but still, how can I revert back the original GTK look10:14
Jordan_Ume-1: ctrl+shift+c10:14
zykotick9me-1: highlight text with mouse, leave highlighted - move to other window, middle mouse click (usually wheel) to paste10:15
heoyea_cheekee: try putting a dvd in10:15
heoyea_SpaceRocket: probally use gnome-tweak-tool to change back the themes10:17
rethushow can i easyly jail a ssh user to only get connection (for ssh tunnel & socket5-Proxy) ?10:18
cheekeeheoyea_: I have. The drive door opens and closes...a green light shows it is working...but nothing shows that it has been mounted10:19
SpaceRocketheoa_, didn't work10:19
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huihhiiohIt's so much difficult to switch windows in Unity. How could I display one icon per window (even if it's the same app) ?10:26
saisschmuckhuihhiioh, keep in mind keyboard shortcuts. You can alt tab and alt tilda through windows.10:34
MonkeyDusts/he's gone10:35
jmunschrethus: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/openssh-deny-or-restrict-access-to-users-and-groups.html        is this what you are looking for?10:35
saisschmuckWhat's the point of asking a question if you aren't going to wait a couple minutes. Oh well.10:35
MonkeyDustpatience, instant help, that sort of thing10:37
contrastGreets everyone... I just did a fresh install of 12.10 and I can't connect to the Internet (using a wired connection). Oddly enough, I can connect to the network and pull up my router's web interface page just fine. Any ideas?10:38
zykotick9contrast: can you ping  if so, it's a DNS issue.10:39
MonkeyDustcontrast  if you can surf to an IP address, but not to an URL, it's a DNS issue10:39
MonkeyDustzykotick9  was faster10:39
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ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:43
jmunschor this?   http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-6-how-to-block-outgoing-access-to-selectedspecific-ip-address.html10:43
anon010There used to be a command called "reset" which cleared the screen and the buffer, so one could not scroll up and down anymore in the shell. This no longer works. Has this been replaced?10:47
DJonesanon010: Try "clear"does that do what you want10:47
anon010DJones, no "clear" only clears the screen10:49
anon010DJones, one can still scroll up and down10:49
rethusi have setup openssh-server. the connection established, but if he enter the password, he got permission denied.10:51
rethusi have add him as AllowUsers myuser to sshd_conf10:51
jerry_li dont like the new look of 12.04 unity i prefer the bar across the top. things are faster to get to instead of a touch screen interface.10:51
rethushave i to do something else to garant login10:52
jribrethus: do you allow password logins?10:52
rethusi have default setup, only permit rootlogin10:52
rethusor have i to specialy add passwordlogin10:53
jribrethus: default setup doesn't have AllowUsers10:53
rethusi have add it10:53
jribrethus: default setup also doesn't allow perm root login...10:53
llutzjrib: it does10:53
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jribrethus: can you pastebin your /etc/ssh/sshd_config?10:53
vltacidflash, heoyea: I have _no_ /dev/sd* in my system. This is actually my problem. I need to know the way to "load" the device present in lsusb to the /dev tree.10:54
jribllutz: for what ubuntu version?10:54
llutz"PermitRootLogin yes" is default at least since 10.0410:54
llutzjrib: ^10:55
llutzjrib: even if root is locked, but sshd setting is still there10:55
rethusfor the user i have done only useradd myuser10:56
llutzjrib: and imho, that should be changed10:56
rethusmaybe have i to put him to the group ssh or something simlar?10:56
EaglemanCan i use openstack to manage my KVM machines on one ubuntu server?10:56
jribrethus: did you restart ssh after making your changes?10:58
llutzrethus: shouldn't be needed, how does your AllowUsers line look like?10:59
jribllutz: you're right; I guess I assumed that wouldn't get changed -- I don't see a good reason to anyway10:59
rethusi have done sudo reload ssh10:59
llutzjrib: they just use the unchanged debian-config. but since there are lots of people activating the root-account, it should be set to "no" or at least "forced-commands-only" (imho)11:00
jribrethus: did you create a home for your new user and give him a shell other than sh?11:00
rethushome was automaticly created... have not added a seperate shell. where can i do it11:01
jribrethus: the shell isn't really important, you can take care of it later with "chsh"11:01
kandinskihi, I need to clean my disk of installed software, and apt-get remove for every package is slow. Which CLI tool can I use that gives me a list of all installed packages so I can select a bunch for mass uninstall?11:01
jribrethus: pastebin your attempt at logging in with: ssh -vv user@host11:02
Touhou11kandinski: dpkg --get-selections11:03
Touhou11kandinski: And you can pipe the output to a textfile or something11:04
kandinskiTouhou11: thanks11:04
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MonkeyDustkandinski  or dpkg -l|grep ii|awk '{print $2}' > ~/Documents/packages11:05
kandinskiMonkeyDust: nice11:05
kandinskiactually, two steps11:05
kandinskifirst I'll just review the output of dpkg -l and edit a list of lines for deletion11:06
kandinskithen pipe the awk '{print $2}' to apt-get remove11:06
jrib!clone | kandinski11:07
ubottukandinski: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate11:07
kandinskithanks both of you11:07
kandinskijrib: thanks, but what I need to do is a deinstall to clear the disk, which is a bit full11:07
ted_Hey - trying to compile some C++ stuff - it this the right place to ask qs?11:07
kandinski(SSDs make you go into economy mode)11:07
jribkandinski: that might give you a shorter list since it's supposed to not give you the packages that were automatically installed as dependencies11:07
EaglemanCan i use openstack to manage my KVM machines on one ubuntu server?11:08
kandinskioh, jrib, you are right11:08
jribrethus: the sshd_config you pastebinned has ssh listening on 1122; I'm confused11:08
PymousHi ! I'd like to mount a folder automatically on startup of my UbuntuServer, here is the command I'm using : mount –t vboxsf VMShared /var/shared  => How can I do that automatically ?11:08
rethusyes i changed this to 772211:08
Eagleman!fstab Pymous11:08
Eagleman!fstab > Pymous11:08
ubottuPymous, please see my private message11:08
rethusconnection established, but if i enter password, permission denied11:09
jribrethus: start the server with "sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -d" and try connecting again.  Then look for interesting output server-side11:10
jribrethus: by the way, you can login as "myuser" locally on the server without issues, right?11:11
MonkeyDustPymous  that's in virtualbox, just type: sudo mount -t vboxsf [foldername on the host] [foldername on the virtual machine] <-- just the name, not the complete path11:11
kandinskijrib, the problem with that is that it doesn't show descriptions, and there are many things here that I have no idea what they are. Also I intend to delete quite a few doc packages (I'm looking at you, latex!). I really have a very small SSD11:12
jribkandinski: you can change the output format of aptitude11:12
rethusmhh, seems a password-error... if i try su, i got also a auth-error11:12
rethusi try to change the password... one moment11:13
PymousEagleman > Thanks !11:14
PymousMonkeyDust > I'm trying to do it automatically ;)11:14
* kandinski reads man aptitude11:14
jribkandinski: http://www.algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/projects/aptitude/doc/en/ch02s04s01.html more info that you'll ever need11:14
MonkeyDustPymous  select the shared folders and check 'auto-mount'11:15
rethusblame on me... was wrong password11:16
kandinskijrib, yeah11:16
rethusthanks a lot jrib11:16
MonkeyDustPymous  and also check 'make permanent'11:16
kandinskiman aptitude didn't give any description options, but I just guessed '%d'11:16
kandinskithanks everyone11:16
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Guest14858ciao a tutti11:18
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:18
vamadirhello, who know how to use ubuntu(vps)+webmin+apache(virtual hosts)?11:20
grek1hy i have sudo do-release-upgrade, Checking for a new ubuntu release, No new release found, for cat /etc/issue11:22
grek1Ubuntu 11.04 \n \l11:22
jribgrek1: tail /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades11:23
cfhowlettgrek1: release upgrade would only upgrade to 11.10 which is NOT the current release.11:23
grek1here is tail /etc/...11:24
jribgrek1: now read the comments in that file :)11:25
cfhowlettgrek1: one more reason I install LTS releases only ...11:26
lordamit@nothingspecial, still there? I got disconnected.11:26
MonkeyDustgrek1  "the release upgrader will attempt to upgrade to"11:26
MonkeyDust#           the release that immediately succeeds the currently-running11:26
MonkeyDust#           release11:26
MonkeyDustgrek1  but 11.10 is eol11:26
nothingspecialyep lordamit but you are in #ubuntu now11:26
nothingspecialyou were in #ubuntuforums lordamit11:26
lordamit:| my bad.11:26
cfhowlettgrek1: IMO your best option is a clean install of 12.04 but go with 12.10 if you absolutely MUST have the latest and greatest shiny stuff.11:27
jribgrek1: do you understand?11:27
jribcfhowlett: stop saying that, he can upgrade to 11.1011:28
cfhowlettjrib: note the preface: IMO.  I didn't say he couldn't install 11.1011:28
jribcfhowlett: ah ok, my mistake... still early here11:29
rethusssh connection is now established from other server. but if i enter 5000 on external firefox, i didn't got a connection11:29
jribrethus: did you pass -D 5000?11:29
MadJahsalut tout le monde11:30
ubottuMadJah: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:30
MadJahok no problem dude11:31
llutzrethus: and you configured firefox 127.0.01:5000 as SOCKS procxy, not http/ftp?11:31
rethusnormaly if i choose socks5, it should work?!11:32
jriblordamit: /quit11:32
rethusllutz: does ssh need to be added to some group which have network-connection ?11:33
llutzrethus: no11:33
pppapis there a archlinux channel?11:33
pppapis there an archlinux channel?11:33
jribpppap: #archlinux11:33
Touhou11pppap: It requires registration on IRC11:34
pppaphow to ?11:34
grek1jrib: - im not understand - i cant run new install11:34
jribgrek1: change "Prompt=lts" to "Prompt=normal"11:34
grek1this is mediacenter (broken lcd) so i can run from pendrive and must upgrade ok i try11:35
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grek1ok i change and now do-relase-upgrade work i stat it11:36
rethusmay this be a problem, that i try to establish the tunnel out of a vbox ?11:37
grek1is no t possible to i run upgrade or reinstall to 12.10 ?11:37
grek1from command line11:37
grek1now i must upgrade 11.10 -> 12.04 -> 12.1011:37
jribgrek1: this upgrade will take you from 11.04 to 11.10.  Then you need to upgrade again to go from 11.10 to 12.04.  Then one more time to 12.10.  This is why cfhowlett was saying a fresh install may be faster11:38
* cfhowlett indeed11:38
grek1how to start fresh install - from running ssytem11:38
grek1i cant start from pendrive11:38
grek1(i dont have screen) so wait to system up then connect with nx now11:38
jribgrek1: you would need to back up your files, do a new install, then copy your files back.  Upgrade keeps your settings and data.  With a fresh install, you need to backup your data and then restore it11:38
grek1this i know - i ask how to do it11:39
grek1pendrive not work like i write11:39
studentdoes u know how delete ubuntu11:39
grek1is poosible run - start fresh install from runing system  not live ?11:39
Touhou11student: What do you mean by "delete"? Wipe your hard disk?11:40
almoxarifestudent: same way you would install windoz11:40
grek1any know ?11:40
MonkeyDuststudent  delete the ubuntu partiton11:40
kilonanyone here with Palit Geforce GTX650 1GB graphic card ? just ordered a new pc and will instal ubuntu on it and make sure it will work well. Tried to pick popular components .11:40
studenti cant go to particion11:41
almoxarifegrek1: sort of is, yes11:41
studenti dont know why11:41
grek1how ?11:41
almoxarifegrek1: what did you want to install?11:41
Touhou11kilon: NVidia supply a unified driver for all their cards, should work fine11:41
MonkeyDuststudent  boot a live session, then use gparted and delete the ubuntu partition11:41
grek1i want install 12.1011:42
kilonTouhou11: a single drive , ah thats good news , thanks for the clarification11:42
rethusssh connection is established.. i see the prmt of the external server.11:42
grek1i have 11.04, laptop without lcd monitor11:42
rethusbut firefox seems not to use this route11:42
almoxarifegrek1: yes, but which? kubuntu? lubuntu, etc?11:42
grek1they work as media center connected to tv and work ok but bios is not show on tv11:42
studenti was insert windows xp into cd and dont want to boot why11:43
grek1it dosent mather they run xbmc later11:43
llutzrethus: lsof -i :500011:43
grek1sometimes remote session to this comp11:43
grek1so how to start instalation ?11:43
almoxarifegrek1: is that what you want? something media center-ish?11:43
kilonis there anything like iMovie for Ubuntu ?11:43
cfhowlettkilon: openshot11:44
grek1yes i use it more of year (xbmc + dvbt tuner, live tv movies - work great)11:44
rethusssh     22714 xstable    7u  IPv4 0xffffff800fc32160      0t0  TCP localhost:commplex-main (LISTEN)11:44
alexbston AWS, if there is something broken in an Ubuntu AMI - who should be contacted ?11:44
MonkeyDuststudent  i have no information about windows cd's, better ask in ##windows11:44
rethusllutz seems to listen11:44
almoxarifegrek1: xbmc-buntu is what i use for the HTPC11:44
alexbstthe cloud-init of 11.10's latest AMIs is borked on grub-pc11:45
llutzrethus: yes, seems correct11:45
grek1i have ubuntu on desktop, but now i talk abount media center computer. so how to start instalaction11:45
studentbut dont want to in bios11:45
almoxarifegrek1: xbmc-buntu is what i use for the HTPC <--- xbmc-buntu!11:45
rethusllutz: you have an idea, what else is wrong11:45
grek1ok but how to installl11:45
grek1any ubuntu ?11:45
grek1witchout go to bios11:45
kiloncfhowlett: thank you , looks like it fits my basic needs11:46
llutzrethus: you configured ip-forwarding on the tunnel-endpoint?11:46
grek1is possible from runing system ?11:46
grek1mayby add some - when reboot install new11:46
rethusllutz: no, configured nothing at all11:46
cfhowlettkilon: enjoy.  consider sharing your art on #ubuntustudio or in the ubuntustudio/multimedia forums11:47
MonkeyDuststudent  what is your own language?11:47
llutzrethus: so what do you want to access using firefox then? just the server?11:47
llutzrethus: and what is the error ff gives you?11:48
rethusllutz: but i have try this: on my local pc i have connect to an external pc vvia ssh tunel, that works well... and firefox use this server.-ip.11:48
grek1ok so i update 11.-4 -> 11.10 -> 12.04 -> 12.10 :)11:48
rethussame configuration on other pc have problem which i describe above11:48
rethusdesktop1 (my local system here) connected to server1 show ip of server1 if i check it in the web11:49
rethusdid i connect desktop2 in same way to server1, i got a connection timeout11:49
MonkeyDustgrek1  fresh install is faster, easier, more efficient and cleaner11:49
grek1yes but i can do it i write , i CANT go to bios, and cant setup boot from usb, so how to run install ?11:50
rethusi go for lunch, be back in 20 minutes11:50
grek1MonkeyDust: you understand what i write ?11:50
kiloncfhowlett: i am also a blender user and python developer, nice that openshot integrates with blender11:51
cfhowlettkilon: yes that was LONG overdue.11:52
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killerhow can i see all sections under "man 1"?12:00
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milliganI have a residual tomcat6 init script in /etc/init.d/ and in several of the runlevel scopes. Is there a global command to remove it? I have uninstalled tomcat6, manually installed tomcat 7, and created an init script for it. I want to remove tomcat6 and replace it with tomcat712:01
janweikHow do I see all apps in my Ubuntu? When I click "Dash home", I get only the recent ones. I can then click "5 more"- but how do I get them ALL?12:06
MonkeyDustjanweik  click Filter, right, up12:06
janweikOK. I will try. But how can I open "Unity"?12:09
guilhermekfeJordan_U, hey buddy =)12:09
MonkeyDustjanweik  unity is the desktop environment you're in, it's not something you 'open'12:09
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janweikLast question: I by mistake typed janweik when installing Ubuntu. How cab I correct it to janerik?12:10
guilhermekfeJordan_U, after a lot of battle I just couldn't get grub2 to show me the text (black screen only)...12:10
janweikOK, I'll be back later...12:12
grek1i tyhink is some bug - form windows when user put svs witch ubuntu they cant install, if user do it from ubnuntu they cant ! :)12:13
grek1put dvd /pendrive12:13
BeastI open Unity everytime I log into Ubuntu's defeault desktop12:13
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drRocktopus_good morning Ubuntu'ers :)  I am just getting started with using this OS and a bit ocnfused as to how it handles graphic drivers.  I have a fresh install of v12 on a new machine with and HD2500 integrated chipset... yet I can only choose 1024x768... is this nomal?  do I need to tweak the selection menu somehow?12:21
cimehi! is there a way to get current user's default public key, which ssh uses for connecting to other servers?12:26
yacccime, ~/.ssh/ and look for the default file names?12:27
yacccime, why would you want that => which key exactly is used can be quite fine tuned => .ssh/config plus ssh-agent12:28
lukicathey folks, got an sony vaio x laptop with an intel gma500. the screen ist flickering on ubuntu 12.04 any ideas to solve it?12:28
cimeyacc: is this what ssh (command line program) do? if so, then I could just read id_rsa.pub12:28
yaccdrRocktopus: No HD2500 here, but your best bet is friend Google, e.g. Ubuntu HD2500 as search string.12:28
cimeyacc: thanks12:28
yacccime, what are you trying to do?12:29
* yacc senses good intentions but potentially bad ideas ;)12:29
sidveeAm not able to connect to12:30
yacccime, id_dsa.pub not to forget, ...12:30
cimeyacc: I'm creating a simple CI system which I want to integrate with Gitlab (GUI for managing GIT), and would like to show the pub key that shoud be added to gitlab12:30
cimeyacc: there is no need to be 100% right, but just if it founds it it shows it12:30
sidveeAm not able to connect my system to tv using HDMI. It is getting detected but screen goes blank. Please help!12:31
yacccime: Well, then you should probably offer a menu of *.pub files in .ssh PLUS sort it so that the id_ files are the favorites ;)12:31
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cimeyacc: good suggestion, thanks12:31
sidveeAm not able to connect my system to tv using HDMI. It is getting detected but screen goes blank. Please help!12:34
yacccime, although not as popular nowadays, but you do realize that the ssh key does not have to reside on the local filesystem at all (that's where ssh-agents come in)12:34
yaccsidvee, ok, first question, what hardware do you have.12:34
sidveeyacc: I do have ATI radeon.12:34
yaccWhich one ;)12:35
yaccsidvee, that's slightly non specific, plus which drivers are you using, => providing information when you ask for help is good => near impossible to provide to much information.12:36
yaccsidvee: Next thing, after you've collected your hardware information (e.g. lspci should show you at roughly what ATI card you've got), you can google.12:37
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic12:37
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code12:38
sidveeyacc: I am pretty new to linux. So I don't quite know what info to provide when posing queries. Sorry!12:38
yaccsidvee, e.g. I personally don't use the HDMI output on my ATI, hence I personally won't be able to help.12:38
yaccsidvee, sudo apt-get install pastebinit ; hwinfo | pastebinit12:39
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator12:39
yaccShould give you an url that you can post here, ...12:39
sidveeyacc: I have ATI Radeon™ HD 3000 Series, but it is not active as the driver provided is unstable and crashes my machine.12:39
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya (Hardy or earlier) - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+ - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/12:39
yaccsidvee, well, which graphic card is active then?12:39
sidveeyacc: The intel chipset one.12:40
rethusi'm back12:40
rethusnow i found a strange problem12:41
rethuslsof -i5000 on my local machine (desktop1) show, that it is listen12:42
yaccsidvee, there are basically two facts here, one good, and bad. The good one is, that you'll have to learn the basics of problem solving, which is a generally useful thing ; the bad one is the same thing, just with the emphasis that you still don't know about it.12:42
rethusi have a google-chrom-extension: quick-proxy. if i configure 5000 there, i surf over the external server-ip12:43
yaccsidvee, the first thing is to get enough details about your issue => Ubuntu 12.04 I guess, Intel HD2500, HDMI problem, right?12:43
rethusif i enter the same in firefox-settings, i got an error12:43
rethusconnection was reset by server12:43
rethusany idea, why such a difference? llutz12:43
sidveeyacc: I can't agree to it anymore. But you know the worst thing? I don't know how to get started. It is a kinda a feeling that you want to learn, but don't know where to get started. Wish there were a blue print for that. :(12:44
yaccsidvee, that's why I'll try to go through it with you, ...12:44
yaccsidvee, would you agree that Ubuntu 12.04 + Intel HD2500 + HDMI problem describes your problem for the moment?12:45
sidveeyacc: Perfect.12:45
yaccsidvee, that's what you take, and you enter it into google, I'll do it too.12:45
rethusi got it12:47
yaccsidvee, I'll take that into a query, no sense cluttering up the channel it with URLs.12:47
rethusin firefox, you have to set manualy proxy, but keep all fields (but sockets) empty12:47
rethusnow next step with ssh-tunnel.: how can i get this: the ssh-client should run his linphone over the ssh-tunnel (server). but on the server also runs a sipclient.12:51
rethusis it enough to setup linphone to act over as proxy and switch the port too 5061 ?12:52
janweiky mistake (touching adjacent keys) wrote "janweik" when I installed Ubuntu. How can I now correct it to "janerik"?12:55
janweikShould be "I by mistake ,,,", but the first letters disappeared12:55
almoxarifejanweik: it may be easier to create user ' janweik ' and then toss the other12:58
janweikYou mean user "janerik", I suppose... And how do I do that?12:59
almoxarifejanweik: System > Administration > Users and Groups ?13:02
janweikI'll try, thanks!13:03
kandinskiI'm having trouble removing a bunch of packages Any advice? Details here: http://paste.lisp.org/display/13404513:03
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almoxarifekandinski: interesting, the 'remove' generated an install13:08
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MonkeyDustkandinski  sudo apt-get autoremove13:08
kandinskiMonkeyDust: 0 installed, 0 to remove...13:08
almoxarifekandinski: were those 'unresolved' pckgs already error'ing out prior to the remove?13:09
kandinskialmoxarife: nope13:11
almoxarifekandinski: see the pckg's listed as 'depends'? install them, see if that resolves the error, then add the base pckgs to your 'remove....' file13:12
BluesKajHi all13:13
kandinskiwell, the depends are installed13:13
=== Guest16937 is now known as forkup
vltHello. On an Ubuntu 12.04 machine with generic kernel 3.2.0 I have USB memory connected. `lsusb` shows it but I can’t find it as block device anywhere. Any idea how to “enable” access to it? dmesg and lsusb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1410189/13:14
limpchow do you force a user to provide a reason when they issue a reboot via cli?13:14
kandinskiI tried to install them, but they were already there13:14
kandinskialso, I don-t want to remove libaudio, openssh...13:14
freijonHey all. who do I talk to about ubuntu's "update-notifier" ?13:14
kandinskiit's all a bit insane13:14
almoxarifelibxt6:i386 <-- that is installed? kandinski...?13:15
rethusis there a way to pipe all external requests of linphone to a sshtunnel?13:15
kandinskialmoxarife: oh right, probably I have the amd64 version...13:15
* kandinski goes back....13:15
almoxariferethus: yeap, talking android?13:16
almoxariferethus: sorry, voip fone?13:16
kandinskilibxt6:i386 is already the newest version.13:17
kandinskiso yeah, almoxarife, it's all there13:17
kandinskiand adduser version is greater than 3.10, because it's 3.113ubuntu213:18
rethushow can i guide the sip protocoll to a special gateway13:18
kandinskiit makes no sense13:18
rethusis there a way to add a route specialy for protocoll13:18
almoxarifekandinski: it does not, did you do the -f thing ?13:19
kandinskiyes, that too13:19
kandinski0 to install, 0 to remove, etc13:19
unk_hello to all :)13:19
ActionParsniphi unk_13:20
almoxarifelibaudio2:i386 <-- so you really dont need this lib? kandinski...? and its not installed or is?13:20
rethuswould this work, if i add the ssh-tunnel to local port where sip listen?13:20
kandinskiit is13:21
kandinskiand I think I need it13:21
kandinskiI never intended to remove it, something is trying to, however13:21
almoxarifeon 64bit you need libaudio, unless you have wine or something else needing 32bit sound13:22
almoxarifeon 64bit you need libaudio, unless you have wine or something else needing 32bit sound kandinski...13:22
RustybladeHey guys, I just installed Ubuntu 12.10 (Wubi) 64bit. And I am not being able to install Wine, any help?13:22
RustybladeProblem I get when I type,13:23
ActionParsnipRustyblade: run:   sudo apt-get install wine      use apastebin to host the output13:23
freijonI hope this is the right place to ask: I'm trying to disable the auto-popup and _AS WELL_ the indicator notification of "update-notifier". Disabling the auto-popup results in the indicator showing up when there are updates. I'm setting "com.ubuntu.update-notifier.no-show-notifications" to "true" but that doesn't seem to do anything. does anyone have an idea here?13:23
RustybladeAny idea Parsnip?13:24
unk_Rustyblade type in your console "sudo apt-get install wine"13:24
almoxarifeRustyblade: try 'sudo apt-get install wine1.4'13:25
unk_up @almoxarife13:25
RustybladeI get this error13:25
unk_wine were in 1.4 version ? o.o13:25
unk_what is a error? copy and paste here man! >D13:25
kandinskialmoxarife: never mind, thanks a lot13:26
RustybladeIt says I have held broken packages. I tried sudo apt-get update13:26
RustybladeAnd I refreshed all my repos...13:26
RustybladeTo default13:26
RustybladeI still can't install WIne13:26
almoxarifeRustyblade: kde-runtime? you using kde?13:27
Rustybladei am not sure, how can I check?13:27
almoxarifeRustyblade: you would know, its not gnome, its KDE!13:27
freijonif you are not sure then you are not using it :D13:27
unk_rustyblade: using GNOME or KDE ?13:27
adakossOh, hey guys13:28
RustybladeI am new to ubunut..13:28
Rustybladei gues KDE13:29
Picialmoxarife: it says gnome-exe-thumnailer OR kde-runtime13:29
almoxarifeRustyblade: what i dont get is this, its a wubi install, why the need for wine, wubi=windoz13:30
Rustybladeit says both of them13:30
RustybladeI still need it...13:30
almoxarifeRustyblade: Pici...is correct13:30
lukicathey folks, got an sony vaio x laptop with an intel gma500. the screen ist flickering on ubuntu 12.04 any ideas to solve it?13:30
adakossI've been having this issue since I switched to Ubuntu - maybe someone can help me -- I'm running a freenas 7 share and whenever I write anything to it (copy, transfer, ftp, rsync) the permission get messed up for everyone on the network. I end up being the only one who can read it (using ubuntu 12) ... Ive tried chmod 777/776 but no dice, sometimes I can't do that. Is this a freenas issue , ubuntu issie, or am I just a newb? =)13:30
RustybladeCause my mom uses my comp and she doesn't like ubuntu13:30
adakosslukicat: sounds like the refresh rate is off13:31
RustybladeLook at line 12-1413:31
almoxarifeRustyblade: your comp is running wubi, thats a windows install of ubuntu or am i missing something13:31
RustybladeYeah its windows install..13:31
adakosslukicat: im not sure how to fix that, i'd see if there is a video drive availible, or checking the video settings13:31
Picialmoxarife: it still boots up separately. Its not like running a VM inside of Windows.13:31
Rustybladepici look it says Gnome-exe AND kde runtime...13:32
PiciRustyblade: I've seen it 5 times. It says OR.13:33
PiciAnyway, thats not the problem.13:33
almoxarifePici: true, i ran wubi for longgggggggggggggggggg time, i never saw fit to run wine, btw, vbox running ubuntu on windoz does a sweet job of having ubuntu seamless on win, sort of cool13:33
RustybladeSo what do I do :(13:33
almoxarifeRustyblade: that wine is from a ppa?13:34
RustybladeI didn't install the PPA13:35
almoxarifeRustyblade: lets see what you get from apt-get install wine1.4-i38613:36
alonhi, i have a jar file that opens fine on winzip@windows but is missing files on unzip@ubuntu, any ideas?13:37
adakossalon: opens up? you mean it extracts?13:38
almoxarifeRustyblade: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list13:39
ActionParsnipRustyblade: try:  sudo apt-get install wine1.413:39
killerhow do i replace lightdm with xubuntu's login manager?13:39
PiciActionParsnip: thats in the original paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1410237/  I think he needs multiverse enabled13:39
ActionParsnipPici: likely13:40
KartagisI've got guest ok = yes under smb.conf for a share, but windows users get asked for a username and password. why?13:40
ActionParsnipkiller: I'd ask in #xubuntu what it is, then install it.13:40
almoxarifekiller: whats it called? xdm? install it, you should find youself at a screen for choosing the present one replacing with xdm?13:40
ActionParsnipkiller: what's wrong with lightdm?13:40
freijonI hope this is the right place to ask: I'm trying to disable the auto-popup and _AS WELL_ the indicator notification of "update-notifier". Disabling the auto-popup results in the indicator showing up when there are updates. I'm setting "com.ubuntu.update-notifier.no-show-notifications" to "true" but that doesn't seem to do anything. does anyone have an idea here?13:41
killerActionParsnip: ubuntu 12.04 is too heavy for my old laptop, so just installing of all xubuntu's packages13:42
agtcookeCan anyone help me troubleshoot MariaDB + PAM + Centrify? I have Centrify working for AD-based SSH logins, but I'm getting nowhere with MariaDB and PAM.13:42
agtcooke'best I'm getting in my syslog is Dec  4 08:32:23 precise-test mysqld: 121204  8:32:23 [Warning] Access denied for user 'myuser'@'localhost' (using password: YES)13:43
ActionParsnipkiller: you can still use lightdm, just install xfce4 and use the lighter desktop13:43
RustybladePici i tried it..13:44
Rustybladeit doesnt work13:44
Rustybladei get this13:44
sysRPLhi, can someone help me? i was using compiz settings manager and tried to override show desktop whch prompted me to override unity plug in. now i have no desktop/unity when i log in. i just get a wall paper and no keyboard shortcuts work. i need to reset the setting for that user but can't run anything when i log in as that user13:44
almoxarifeRustyblade: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list13:44
killeri know just wanted to replace lightdm:ActionParsnip13:45
riplysidvee, have you opened the video options, once the cable is in? I had the same issue with the sound and had to 'select' the HDMI output13:45
killeri know ,just wanted to replace lightdm:ActionParsnip13:45
ActionParsnipkiller: you could install slim, its super light13:45
ActionParsnipsysRPL: launch ccsm and reset all settings.13:45
ActionParsnipsysRPL: did you not read the warning when you launched ccsm?13:46
sysRPLActionParsnip,  can't launch anything when i log in as that user. and yes i read the warning but i thought i was jsut overrideing unity's show desktop command, not the entire user interface for my account13:47
ActionParsnipsysRPL: press CTRL+ALT+T and you can....13:47
sysRPLActionParsnip,  okay and then what do i do to reset my unity?13:47
MacroManI'm struggling with usermod. I want to be able delete a file that has been created by the user www-data in the group www-data. So I did 'sudo usermod -a -G www-data myusername', but I still can't delete the file. Any ideas?13:47
MacroManThat usermod command was supposed to add my user into the www-data usergroup13:48
ActionParsnipsysRPL: run ccsm and there is a reset option. Again, did you read the warning when you first launched ccsm?13:48
ActionParsnipMacroMan: did you log off and on again?13:48
cambazzhello, i need a note taking program. i used to use tomboy, but tomboy will not work in quantal. or it wont start at boot, etc13:48
MacroManActionParsnip, No, I'll try that now.13:48
ActionParsnipMacroMan: its the same in Windows.....13:49
jribMacroMan: you need to login again.  You also need to make sure the directory the file is in has group www-data and is writable by the group13:49
sysRPLActionParsnip, i read a few warnings13:49
ActionParsnipsysRPL: guess why they exist13:49
sysRPLActionParsnip, the roginal problem was that show desktop, the keyboard shortcut, wasn't working13:49
ActionParsnipcambazz: tried gedit, you can take great notes with that13:49
MacroManActionParsnip, jrib, The folder is in the www-data group, I prob just need to login in again.13:49
MacroManBack in a tick13:50
ActionParsnipsysRPL: default shortcut is superL+CTRL+D13:50
rudivswhere does ubuntu-bug save the results of its processing?13:50
ActionParsnipsysRPL: did you try that before messing with settings?13:51
sysRPLActionParsnip, yes13:52
sysRPLActionParsnip, it did nothing13:52
sysRPLActionParsnip, it used to work with the old compiz plug in so i was trying that13:53
=== alin|mobile is now known as alinmear
BoozeWoozpfff :S helps13:53
BoozeWoozmy entire distro is broken ):13:53
jennieHello, what is good screen/desktop  for ubuntu 1204 , as there are many out there I am confused ,please name a good one13:53
SierraARjennie: You mean like unity, cinnamon, etc?13:54
ActionParsnipjennie: XFCE, LXDE, Gnome, KDE13:54
almoxarifejennie: KDE!13:54
ActionParsnipSierraAR: Unity isn't a desktop, it's a shell13:54
SierraARActionParsnip: I haven't a clue what those things you just listed actually are xD. Google time13:55
jennieI want to make of my dekstop, I have ubuntu 120413:55
=== blacklist is now known as Blacklist
ActionParsnipjennie: can you clarify the question please13:55
MacroManActionParsnip, Still can't remove the files. Here are some details: http://pastebin.com/L8AYWMk413:55
almoxarifejennie: use vlc13:55
MacroManCould it be because the file is write protected?13:56
ActionParsnipMacroMan: what arethe ACLs on the ZOOM_INDEX file?13:56
jribMacroMan: you don't have write permission on the directory...13:56
BoozeWooz:( someone can helps please?13:56
jrib(nor the file for that matter)13:57
BoozeWoozmike phelps :(13:57
ActionParsnipMacroMan: access control list, the paste answers it:    -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 155K 2012-12-04 13:39 ZOOM_INDEX13:57
MacroManjrib, Yeah, but it's odd, because I am a member of the www-data grup13:57
jribMacroMan: it's not odd.   Group doesn't have write permissions on the directory13:57
Kartagishow can I copy files/directories to my system with umask 022?13:58
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: how can anyone reply when all you say is "it's broken"13:58
Kartagisfrom a ntfs partition that is13:58
BoozeWoozfrom here :S i cannot do anything with apt get :((!!13:58
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: so no, nobody can help, we have zero details13:58
BoozeWoozok i gave detail ActionParsnip : http://pastebin.com/9auq0F5213:58
MacroManjrib, but the user www-data created the folder13:58
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc13:59
BoozeWoozis of big issue, happened AFTER i putted 10.04 (i think?)13:59
jribMacroMan: you see the "drwxr-xr-x"?  The second set there, the "r-x" in the middle indicates the group does not have write permission.13:59
MacroManjrib, Does that mean the www-data group or my group though?13:59
BoozeWoozACtionParsnip is, "precise" i put 12.0413:59
BoozeWoozis it an issue?13:59
jribMacroMan: the group that owns the file in question ("networks" in this case)13:59
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: did you look at what:    "dictionaries-common/default-wordlist: return code: "0", value: """    means?14:00
MacroManjrib, So it's not possible for me to modify the file without sudo?14:00
BoozeWooznot really but.. its not only that, its the rest of the packages14:00
jribMacroMan: you can change the permissions so group has write permission...14:01
BoozeWoozmost errors are due to other packages :S i want to fix thes efirst14:01
jrib!permissions > MacroMan14:01
ubottuMacroMan, please see my private message14:01
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: did you also read /usr/share/doc/dictionaries-common/README.problems ?14:02
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: so what HAVE you done?14:02
BoozeWoozi found :o14:02
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
BoozeWoozActionParsnip: i tried doing for all packageshmm14:02
BoozeWoozActionParsnip : sudo apt-get *packagename* --configure14:03
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: that won't do anthing14:03
BoozeWoozbut.. theres like very many of htem and :s it got booring after a while14:03
BoozeWoozand didnt seem to fix anything14:03
MacroManjrib, Thanks. I'll keep having a play around to see what I can achieve14:03
BoozeWoozhmmm my cpu load become 100%.. it seems t obe doing something14:03
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: did you try the perl script mentioned in the page you just linked?14:04
BoozeWoozyes i did14:04
BoozeWooz"echo metaget shared/packages-wordlist owners | debconf-communicate"14:04
BoozeWoozsudo apt-get install -f14:04
BoozeWooztheres now much talk inside my terminal14:04
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: you missed one14:04
BoozeWoozSetting up libwww-perl (6.03-1) ...14:04
BoozeWoozSetting up libxml-parser-perl (2.41-1build1) ...14:04
BoozeWoozSetting up librpc-xml-perl (0.76-1) ...14:04
BoozeWoozSetting up libapparmor-perl (2.7.102-0ubuntu3) ...14:04
BoozeWoozSetting up apparmor-utils (2.7.102-0ubuntu3) ...14:04
FloodBot1BoozeWooz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:04
BoozeWoozSetting up autoconf (2.68-1ubuntu2) ...14:04
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: use a pastebin14:05
BoozeWoozoops sorry14:05
=== andrew_ is now known as asvetlov
MacroManjrib, Ahhh, I was getting confused. rwxr-xr-x Means that only the user has permission to edit, not the group.14:06
BoozeWoozoh yes that fix_db.pl, im executing it now14:06
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: you really need to run all the commands on a page, try reading slower14:06
BoozeWoozmy pc is not so perform thou :S its athlon k6 thing14:06
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BoozeWoozwell i ran all commands in order, i just missed i actually read them14:07
BoozeWoozhmm nice seems that this dictionary thing was messing up everything :o i was expecting it wasnt related to the rest14:08
MonkeyDustBoozeWooz  athlon k6 is from 2003 or so, i have one too14:08
BoozeWoozits a good compter14:09
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: I hope you use a light desktop like LXDE14:09
BoozeWoozbut.. not so speed14:09
BoozeWoozits EDE14:09
ActionParsnipBoozeWooz: cool14:09
BoozeWoozbut cpu speed is no concern (most of the times)14:09
BoozeWoozram is more of an issue ... always run out of it pff...14:10
=== johnny is now known as Guest64118
N8WulfEDE... sorry, coming in late, are there screenshots somewhere?14:11
BoozeWoozits +- like windows 95.. i like this.14:11
BoozeWoozi think LXDE is generally better but, it eats too much ram14:12
limpchow do you force a user to provide a reason when they issue a reboot via cli?14:12
BoozeWoozi tried XFCE4, which they "say" is quite nice i think but :s unusable14:12
limpchow is it unusable?14:13
BoozeWooztoo much ram, too slow too14:13
N8WulfI've been using XFCE on some of my servers, depends what you need the DE for I suppose14:13
limpci switched to xfce since ubuntu switched to Gnome 314:13
BoozeWoozgnome/kde is laughably unusable :S14:14
BoozeWoozmaybe i will upgrade to K7 soon but14:14
limpcnot really14:14
limpcgnome 3 maybe. but gnome 2 was quite good14:14
BoozeWoozit still works =) only problem is14:14
ymartineaudoes ubuntu server long term support version support install over serial port? my system is headless14:14
BoozeWoozmy harddisk makes this very annoying noise when it spins up... i think it will die and i dont have SATA 2 connector...14:14
BoozeWooz@ymartineau, yes you can also use with LAN14:14
GuestGuestGuestBoozeWooz: dropbox14:15
N8Wulfmaybe that's the reason you think your system is slow, and not really a Ram issue14:15
limpcmaybe thats your problem :P trying to run modern linux distros on antiquated hardware :P14:15
BoozeWoozys i tried mm mepis?14:15
ymartineaui'd prefer live from usb stick14:15
N8Wulflimpc: ditto14:15
BoozeWoozits quite nice, except not so much packages and i dont want to selfcompile14:15
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=== alin|mobile is now known as alinmear
=== alinmear is now known as alin|mobile
BoozeWoozmy pc demands a reboot.. i will reboot for it. cya in 5min :P14:16
BoozeWoozSUDO REBOOT14:16
N8WulfBoozeWooz: lol14:16
MonkeyDustBoozeWooz  sudo shutdown -h now14:16
MonkeyDustBoozeWooz  sudo shutdown -r now <-- reboot14:17
almoxarifepc demands a shut down :)14:17
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
limpchow long has sata been out? his machine must be like 15 years old O_o14:17
AmpersandHi everyone! I have a question - is there a way to make Empathy remember the Yahoo aliases? Whenever I set them, if i go offline and online again, they're all reset, showing the user ID rather than the alias I've set up. Is there a way to fix this?14:18
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
EaglemanGMI> I'm getting this error when running devstack: error: Installed distribution python-keystoneclient 2012.1 conflicts with requirement python-keystoneclient>=0.1.2,<0.2     2012-08-22T16:11:58  <GMI> never mind, I had some left overs from a previous installation     How did he solved this?14:21
elena-IKwhat determines where in the menu an application shows up? why is filelight (a disk usage viewer) in accessories and baobab (another disk usage viewer) in system?14:22
MonkeyDustelena-IK  guess it depends on what the developper preferred and specified in the code14:22
marianneaside from using Chrome, does anyone know of a fix for firefox freezing when using adobe?14:24
LordThumpermarianne: Did you try removing the pdf plugin, and reinstalling it?14:27
Nik05Hey guys, Im trying to whitelist /dev/.initramfs in rkhunter. First i added ALLOWHIDDENDIR="/dev/.initramfs". But then i still got the warning "Hidden file found". So i added ALLOWHIDDENFILE=..., but now i get an error that /dev/.initramfs is not a file. But before that it said hidden file found. :P14:27
Nik05How do i solve that?14:28
wasabiAny advice on getting a macbookair1,1 with a broadcom wifi interface working? Interface shows itself present, but lists no networks nearby.14:29
ThinkT510!bcm | wasabi14:29
ubottuwasabi: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:29
JustSomeGuyhi is it possible to define a varibale in an upstart job via running a command? like this LDMAUTH=`ls -la /var/run | grep ldm-xauth`?14:30
marianneLordThumper: yes, but it still craps out after about an hour or so14:30
ActionParsnipmarianne: can you pastebin the output of;  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'14:34
ActionParsnipmarianne: by 'adobe' I assume you mean 'flash'14:34
marianneActionParsnip: yes, it's flash....14:34
ActionParsnipmarianne: adobe is a company, you cannt use that, you can use flash which is made by adobe.14:35
ActionParsnipmarianne: if you use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com    you can pastebin the text, copy the new address in the address bar once the page changes14:35
jasper22Could someone help me with memory problems/confusion ?14:36
ActionParsnipjasper22: ask and see14:36
marianneActionParsnip: I understand... give me a few... I'm working too14:36
jasper22I physically installed 32Giga of memory in computer14:36
seednodeNot enough.14:37
ActionParsnipjasper22: RAM or SSD?14:37
seednodeI mentally installed 32GBs14:37
jasper22if I do: sudo dmidecode -t 16  I see in Maximum capacity is : 32GB14:37
jasper22but in other tools like free -mh   or top  I see different memory size14:37
ActionParsnipjasper22: ok, what is the output of:  uname -a14:37
jasper22Linux storage 3.5.0-18-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 19 10:26:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:38
marianneActionParsnip: no output from it...14:38
ActionParsnipjasper22: great, run:   free -m    and pastebin the output please14:38
ActionParsnipmarianne: it will output something14:38
seednode... hi again, student.14:38
FloodBot1student: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
TheLordOfTimestudent, do you have a support question?14:38
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seednodeNo, he's just being student. Someone call ops?14:38
BoozeWoozform hi :p14:38
jasper22ActionParsnip: here you go:  http://pastebin.com/vSpeXZW914:38
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TheLordOfTimeseednode, you should let them speak for themselves, thanks.14:39
OerHeksjasper22, if your motherboard is limited to 32 gb, total size of memory will include cache, videomemory and such, so usable working memory could be less than 32 gb.14:39
TheLordOfTimestudent, so ask your support question/14:39
aconberehey folks, I have an issue with the way that ubuntu 12.04 is updating resolv.conf (I know it changed). basically /run/resolveconf/interfaces/wlan0.dhclient has the right info in it, but the generated resolv.conf does not. I don't use network manager (I use wicd), but everything up to the generation of resolv.conf seems to be working...14:39
ActionParsnipseednode: you can do it14:39
studenti put 51214:39
seednodeTheLordOfTime: I'm just basing it off of his actions yesterday.14:39
ActionParsnipseednode: just type:   !ops14:39
studentinto motherbord14:39
seednodeTheLordOfTime: This isn't unfounded annoyance; he was being a bother yesterday.14:40
studentand is again slow14:40
jasper22OerHeks: I mean I actually push Kingston 8G panels in memory slots14:40
MrCoderI am doing this "mount -t overlayfs -o lowerdir=/home/user/org,upperdir=/home/user/overlay overlayfs /home/user/dest" and getting this..."mount: special device overlayfs does not exist"... Whats going on?14:40
studentare u hereeeee14:40
ActionParsnipjasper22: does the RAM show in BIOS?14:40
ActionParsnipstudent: many are14:40
ActionParsnipstudent: in fact 1709, including you14:40
AmpersandHi everyone!  I have a question: is there a way to make Empathy remember the Yahoo aliases? Whenever I set them, if i go offline and online again, they're all reset, showing the user ID rather than the alias I've set up. Is there a way to fix this?14:41
studentwhat includin me14:41
jasper22ActionParsnip: Hmmmm....14:41
ActionParsnipjasper22: is it 32Gb max per slot of the mtherboard?14:41
ActionParsnipjasper22: or 32gb max total14:41
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aconbereresolve.conf.d/original has in it!14:41
marianneActionParsnip: here you go... the output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1410373/14:41
aconberethat would do it14:41
OerHeksjasper22, i see, you have 8 gb visible.14:41
jennieI am trying to check ubuntu's partition for bad files but I am getting this error , help please http://picturepush.com/public/1156336614:42
jasper22OerHeks: yes. But why not 32Gb ?14:42
WhereIsMySpoonHi, Im trying to connect my nexus 7 to ubuntu (on a vm, i have the right drivers for the host OS and i can see it on the host OS) but it doesnt seem to be recognised, even through I made a udev rule for it]14:42
ActionParsnipmarianne: what is the output of:  dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'14:42
jasper22ActionParsnip:  here is complet output:  http://pastebin.com/hT7cL5Qa14:42
jasper22OerHeks: here is complete output: http://pastebin.com/hT7cL5Qa14:42
ActionParsnipjasper22: ok and what configuration of memory sticks did you insert?14:43
OnepamopaActionParsnip 32gb per slot? that's not possible my friend ;)14:43
jasper22ActionParsnip: ??? What do you mean ?14:43
OerHeksjasper22, hard to say, is ee 2x error in dmidecode .. sounds like incompatible ram14:43
jasper22ActionParsnip: There's only 4 slots and I insert to each one Kingstone 8Gb14:43
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OerHeksjasper22, or faulty motherboard, or your motherboard needs a bios update14:44
jasper22OerHeks: yeah yeah - resintall the system14:44
jasper22Any other suggestion ?14:44
ActionParsnipjasper22: does it show in BIOS when you access it?14:44
jasper22ActionParsnip: it's mean I must restart the computer.... does the dmidecode output is not enought ?14:45
jasper22ActionParsnip: ok - wait a sec14:45
ActionParsnipOnepamopa: why not http://www.slashgear.com/samsung-32gb-ddr3-ram-stick-revealed-1847404/14:46
wasabiWell, got the thing detecting networks. Can't join one though.14:46
ActionParsnipOnepamopa: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820239425&Tpk=32Gb   not a bad price14:47
WhereIsMySpoonHi, Im trying to connect my nexus 7 to ubuntu (on a vm, i have the right drivers for the host OS and i can see it on the host OS) but it doesnt seem to be recognised, even through I made a udev rule for it :(14:47
jennieI am trying to check NTFS  partition for bad files but I am getting this error , help please http://picturepush.com/public/1156336614:47
ActionParsnipOnepamopa: so, why is it not possible?14:47
Nik05ok my problem is a bug in an older rkhunter version. Ubuntu has this older version14:48
elena-IKI searched for banshee in software center, it shows up 3 times ( http://s8.postimage.org/bulutzu43/banshee.png ). rhythmbox shows up twice. bug?14:48
ActionParsnipelena-IK: i don't suggest you check NTFS with anything but windows14:48
aconberewelp, that fixed it14:48
aconberenow WHY would someone think that I always want in my resolv chain?14:48
WhereIsMySpoonActionParsnip: you mean you do suggest?14:48
marianneActionParsnip: tried it a couple times... no output... its being a troll14:48
shroudWhereIsMySpoon: the first thing you want to check is whether it shows up in lsusb - to make sure it's actually passed-thru to the vm14:49
WhereIsMySpoonwait never mind, the amount of negatives in tha tsentence confused me14:49
elena-IKActionParsnip: you HLed the wrong person14:49
WeThePeoplehow do i turn off effects for ubuntu DE14:49
ActionParsnipWhereIsMySpoon: no, ntfs is proprietary to microsoft, so useing microsoft's tools is wise14:49
WhereIsMySpoonshroud: Bus 001 Device 028: ID 80ee:0021 VirtualBox USB Tablet14:49
shroudthat's your mouse14:49
WhereIsMySpoonit says tablet14:50
ActionParsnipelena-IK: thanks :)14:50
shroudyes, it does, it really is your mouse though - in tablet mode14:50
ActionParsnipjennie: i don't suggest you check NTFS with anything but windows14:50
WhereIsMySpoonshroud: Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub is the other output of lsusb14:50
WhereIsMySpoonthats it14:50
shroudthat's the usb port/hub14:51
WeThePeopleis it possible to use a primary partition as a swap area14:51
WhereIsMySpoonshroud: i dont have a usb hub14:51
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: sure, it can be any partition type14:51
jennieI want to do it because explorer.exe is getting unstable always when I access it14:51
kelvinellahi i need help here, i have an hp laptop, i just boot it up with ubuntu 12.04 liveCD usb drive, the desktop is upside down?  how to fix that?14:51
shroudWhereIsMySpoon: uh yeah, you do, your vm does anyway14:51
ActionParsnipjennie: tried safe mode?14:51
WhereIsMySpoonshroud: i meant i dont have a hardware usb hub14:51
jennietried many other things too14:51
kelvinellaeverything is fine until after i click try ubuntu14:51
ActionParsnipjennie: got your windows install CD?14:51
WhereIsMySpoonin any case, so my nexus 7 isnt going through to the VM14:51
WhereIsMySpoonany idea why?14:52
shroudWhereIsMySpoon: so it would seem, check virtualbox's settings and make sure it's actually being passed-through to the vm14:52
ActionParsnipkelvinella: what excat model?14:52
jenniebut the problem is explorer.exe is onoly getting unstalbe while acceessing that 1.7tb partition , all others are working fine14:52
kelvinellaHP ProBook 4520s14:52
kelvinellaActionParsnip, HP ProBook 4520s14:52
ActionParsnipjennie: the tools in Linux for NTFS are a best effort attempt, so the scans etc are not 100%. You should ask in ##windows14:53
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i am going to try xubuntu12.04 later14:53
OerHeksjennie us a tool cd like UBcd to check that ntfs partition http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/14:53
nerdwho the hell says the popularity of ubuntu is decreasing. It's even hell lot popular than before14:53
kelvinellaActionParsnip, is xubuntu faster than ubuntu nowadays?14:53
nerdjust check the number of people in the #ubuntu channel..!!14:53
ActionParsnipkelvinella: it will be, yes. Its alwys used fewer resources14:53
nerd25 to 30 % increase then the previous year.14:53
WhereIsMySpoonkelvinella: <3 ma xubuntu14:54
shroudnerd: how exactly is that representative of the entire userbase?14:54
ThinkT510!ot | nerd14:54
ubottunerd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:54
kelvinellaActionParsnip, whats new in ubuntu 12.10?14:54
jennieOerHeks, how do I check from ubuntu tools ?14:54
fidel_kelvinella: its the same os - using some other default apps - usually some lighther ones compared to the default ubuntu-setup ...thats it more or less14:54
jenniefsck is giving me error that  ' disk is mounted ' even when that partition is not mounted14:54
ActionParsnipkelvinella: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+12.10+what+is+new14:54
nerdThinkT510: is this off topic ?? are you new to ubuntu ?14:54
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i need to install virtualbox and win714:54
WhereIsMySpoonnerd: this is a help channel for ubuntu, not for discussing its popularity14:54
nerdanything related to ubuntu can be discussed here.14:54
ActionParsnipjennie: you can test by running:   mount     to see if it's mounted14:54
WhereIsMySpoonnerd: wrong14:54
ThinkT510nerd: this is a support channel, only support issues here14:55
kelvinellacoz my company wants me to type everything up in Word200714:55
ActionParsnipkelvinella: does it not run in Wine?14:55
WhereIsMySpoonkelvinella: they won't accept pdf?14:55
ThinkT510!topic | nerd14:55
ubottunerd: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:55
kelvinellabut i need xFig and maple13 they are linux softwares14:55
nerdWhereIsMySpoon: ok than as you guys wish. i was being happy for ubuntu and you guys pour the water over it :(14:55
kelvinellano they want my hard copies so they can edit later14:55
OerHeksjennie, not, like ActionParsnip told you, ntfs is proprietary to microsof, use windows tools to check14:55
nerdeven this much of words are annoying in this channel ..!!14:56
kelvinellaand l have been using ubuntu since 2006 i love it14:56
kelvinellafast and reliable14:56
ActionParsnipkelvinella: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=4992   gets a platinum review14:56
kelvinellai tried wine before with 10.10 dont work well with word200714:56
MonkeyDustkelvinella  use a windows virtual machine for Word and save the docs in a shared folder14:56
kelvinellayea i share files with dropbox14:57
kelvinelladoes virtualbox work well in xubuntu well?14:57
MonkeyDustkelvinella  I mean a virtualbox shared folder14:57
nerdkelvinella: if it suits your requirment try google docs. then you might not be dependent on windows14:57
nerdkelvinella: yes virtualbox works perfectly great in xubuntu or any other linux14:58
kelvinellathere are apparently two versions of virtualbox, one from ubuntu repo one from sun, which one is better?14:58
kelvinellagoogle doc doesnt work well14:58
ActionParsnipkelvinella: there has been a lot of changes since then, its a lot better. You can also use openoffice and you should be ok14:58
nerdkelvinella: go for ubuntu repo one as it is more stable and checked by ubuntu.14:58
MonkeyDustkelvinella  even if you install it from teh repos, you'l get oracle14:58
kelvinellai need many extra stuffs from real version of word200714:58
jasper22ActionParsnip: yeah - I see 32Gb installed in BIOS14:59
nerdkelvinella: if you need latest features then install from the virtualbox site14:59
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, how do i auto hide the side panel in ubuntu DE in 12.0414:59
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marianneActionParsnip: here is that output...   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1410404/14:59
jasper22ActionParsnip: Sorry - I forgot to tell you that this is XEN computer14:59
kelvinellawhich one is faster running win7?  one from ubuntu repo or official site in virtualbox?14:59
ThinkT510WeThePeople: should be in the settings14:59
nerdWeThePeople: check the background option in that there is an option to auto hide the panel.15:00
kelvinellaactually i prefered latex but my boss wants word200715:00
nerdkelvinella: run 2007 using wine15:01
ravenhow to open a harddisk (/dev/sdb) in any hex-editor?15:01
kelvinellanerd, i had experienced with wine + word2007 before, for normal text input everything is fine until i insert equations (a lot) and many graphics, and textbook it crashes15:03
rumpe1raven, hex-editor /dev/sdb   ... I guess15:03
kelvinellaso i prefered virtualbox+word2007 now15:03
rumpe1raven, everything is a file on linux ... almost everything15:03
kelvinelladeadline is coming fast15:03
shadokraven: just use the raw device, /dev/sda for example (try "hd /dev/sda")15:03
ActionParsnipmarianne: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer     then enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin15:03
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ravenshadok no - ghex2 for example cannot open this15:04
ActionParsnipkelvinella: I'd use openoffice then save to word 97 format15:04
marianneActionParsnip: awesome... thank you!15:04
SierraARIs libreoffice or openoffice a better choice?15:04
kelvinellaActionParsnip, hard to type equation in openoffice15:05
ThinkT510SierraAR: libreoffice is the default now15:05
ActionParsnipkelvinella: shift+2 here15:05
ActionParsnipkelvinella: could also use googledocs15:05
kelvinellaActionParsnip, still cant figure out how to insert latex code in openoffice plus word2007 is really easy to use compare to openoffice15:05
SierraARThinkT510: Yes, but that doesn't really answer the question though. I plan on working with files that are also created and edited using MS Office 201015:06
ThinkT510kelvinella: then stick to vbox15:06
kelvinellaopenoffice > word 2003 or before BUT word 2007 > openoffice15:06
ActionParsnipkelvinella: latex code is just text...so copy and paste it in as you need15:06
kelvinellaActionParsnip, it doesnt work in openoffice15:07
Nik05select it, copy it, paste it15:07
MonkeyDustkelvinella  try libreoffice15:07
kelvinellai try both15:07
gypsymauroI done a mistake on a 10.04 with lvm , I boot with a live distro and I changed a group name , changed correctly the fstab but I forgot to update grub, now I restart the live I mount the root fs but /boot folder is empty (?!?) wtf?15:08
kelvinellaif you type $\frac{1}{2}$ it doesnt give you one half15:08
Nik05no kelvinella it will give you $\frac{1}{2}$15:08
kelvinellaabiword does general equations with latex i tried15:09
kelvinellabut abiword is hard to make it beautiful15:09
Nik05kelvinella use texlive15:09
kelvinellado u know latex?15:09
quake_guyanyone know why I would have an internet connection via my broser but when I go to do software updates it say I have no internet connection. I had to manually tell it to connect. I am running 12.04 as a guest in virtualbox. The network icon in the upper right says I have never used my eth0 connection even though I am online15:09
ActionParsnipkelvinella: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/latext.odt     I just did it. Copied and pasted some text from the web.15:10
ubottutonpen1973: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:11
TheLordOfTimequake_guy, perhaps network level filtering?15:11
TheLordOfTimequake_guy, i've seen that on several corporate, university, and small-business networks.15:11
quake_guyTheLordOfTime, actually the issue is a combination of my home and work system both of which have 12.04 as a guest. But it all worked fine in 10.0415:12
ActionParsnipkelvinella: how come I can paste Latex code into the file?15:12
kelvinellaActionParsnip, not the code i want the equations15:12
ravenshadok ?15:12
kelvinellaActionParsnip, not the code if u use latex u know what i mean15:13
ActionParsnipkelvinella: have you asked in the latex channel, see what they use and how?15:13
kelvinellahttp://mathbin.net/121767 see link15:14
guilhermekfewhat is the best system status widget for ubuntu?15:14
ThinkT510!best | guilhermekfe15:14
ubottuguilhermekfe: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:14
kelvinellathis is what i mean, if i type in $$\int_0^\infty\sin(x)\;dx$$ it will give me the integral shown on that site15:14
guilhermekfeThinkT510: :)15:14
guilhermekfeok, I don't know of any application that actually could do that, could some one point me out?15:15
guilhermekfe(coming from win, here)15:15
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: there is no single best anything for any OS15:15
escottkelvinella, there is a #latex question if you have a specific tex question15:16
dr_willisconky is very popular guilhermekfe15:16
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: do you want to see Ram use, CPU use etc?15:16
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: sure thing15:16
bazhangguilhermekfe, conky for one, gnome-shell has a ton of extensions for that, visit their site15:16
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: exactly15:16
kelvinellai dont have tex question i have a question how to insert latex equation in openoffice or libreoffice15:16
guilhermekfedr_willis: thank you!15:16
dr_willisthis is the bestrc channel however.... ;-)15:16
guilhermekfebazhang: gotta check it out :)15:16
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: conky (as dr_willis) stated is pretty flexible. There are ones for the indicator panel too15:17
escottkelvinella, why not just write your document in tex15:17
kelvinellamy boss or colleague then dont know how to edit those files15:17
nabblethi, it seems that filezilla has some problem with GnuTLS - the uploads get very slow (it uploads chunks in intervalls) - anyone knows this problem and knows how to resolve it?15:17
kelvinellaso i have to use word2007 :(15:17
escottkelvinella, there is a math mode in word, presumably in office.15:18
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/network-memory-and-cpu-usage-indicator.html    is another option. None are outright 'best'15:18
kelvinellaequation editor in word2007 is really good, understand some latex code15:18
MonkeyDustkelvinella  just installed office 2010 in a winXP virtual machine, works fine15:18
kelvinellabut none in openoffice15:18
MonkeyDustkelvinella  forget open office, try libre office, probably more up te date15:19
ActionParsnipkelvinella: I'd ask in #latex  and so forth15:19
kelvinellai tried libreoffice same thing15:19
kelvinella#latex is like dead15:19
ravenhow to open a harddisk (/dev/sdb) in any hex-editor?15:19
escottraven, $EDITOR /dev/sdb15:20
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: sure, that depends on your need, but now, I'm getting along to conky15:20
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ravenescott ghex2 for example cant open /dev/sdb15:20
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: exactly, and everyones needs aren't the same, hence there is no single best, only options15:21
escottkelvinella, #latex is just going to tell you to use tex. you are coming up against the "better competitor problem" if an open-source project has a better competitor for some feature it often just never gets built b/c the devs move to the better version15:21
dr_willisraven:  why are you hex editing a hard drive?15:21
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: there is a 'best for you' but it may not be the best for others15:21
kelvinellaescott, i have no problem with just tex but others cant edit it15:21
[snake]hi, my ubuntu I booted it up and it is in chinese randomly O_O15:21
escottraven, other than the size of the problem nothing should prevent the program from editing the file except for basic permissions15:22
ActionParsnip[snake]: can you change it back?15:22
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: that's just so philosophical  =)15:22
kelvinellaescott, and i just start using word 2007 2 weeks ago, great improvement over previous version and it can insert graphics and do column or table a lot easier than latex15:22
escottkelvinella, i understand that. im just saying that if the libreoffice math mode doesn't do it for you, you probably want to jump to windows and use word15:22
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: its a simple fact.15:22
[snake]ActionParsnip, well, I'm in the language thing and I clicked some buttons(which I can't read) and it didn't change anything....15:22
ravenescott i tried with sudo and with normal user15:22
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: and true for almost anything15:22
MonkeyDustkelvinella  you said abiword can handle what you want, it's just not very beautiful <-- what's more important, beauty or functionality?15:23
kelvinellaescott, the only bad thing about word2007 is that some eps pic files cant be inserted15:23
escottraven, s/size of the problem/size of the file/; what error messages are you seeing15:23
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: which is why asking "what is the best...." is pointless15:23
kelvinellai need the output  to be beautiful15:23
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: all you will get are opions15:23
kelvinellalike with graphics and look attractive15:23
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: sure thing, but I would be pointed a lot of "personal best" which isn't that useless15:23
kelvinellaabiword cant do what i want15:24
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: then it's a poll, which is not supported hete15:24
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: specially for someone that didn't know of any option, haha15:24
ActionParsnip[snake]: the top button says 'apply system wide'15:24
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: I see15:24
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: i stated conky and the link to an indicator option. I know many15:25
[snake]ActionParsnip, ok, I'm going to try and reboot to see if it changes...15:25
SierraARguilhermekfe: Try google?15:25
ravenescott nothing in the cmd15:25
guilhermekfeSierraAR: sure...15:25
dr_willis!info gkellm15:25
ubottuPackage gkellm does not exist in quantal15:25
dr_willis!info gkrellm15:26
ubottugkrellm (source: gkrellm): GNU Krell Monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.5-3 (quantal), package size 763 kB, installed size 2049 kB15:26
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: Not necessary anymore, thank you, now I know 3 options :)15:26
escottraven, you could try dd'ing off the portion of the disk you want to edit and then working on that copy15:26
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: lets do it another way. What is the best antivirus for Windows?15:26
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: yeah, that's impossible to define15:27
ravenescott yes but i just tried with hexedit - this can open it15:27
ActionParsnipguilhermekfe: same difference to your initial question15:27
ravenbut thats ok15:27
Codex_err, how do I get rid of this unity thing? :)15:28
guilhermekfeActionParsnip: I just have my personal best, that you could stick to, but many others can find it bad15:28
escottraven, maybe ghex2 is trying to mmap the partition15:28
ActionParsnipCodex_: install gnome-panel   log off and log in to  the new session. Or use XFCE, LXDE, KDE or some other desktop session15:28
bazhang!notunity | Codex_15:28
ubottuCodex_: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:28
MonkeyDustCodex_  install and use a different DE15:29
subdesignany help setting microphone on ubuntu. plugged in to the same ports under Win is working.15:30
subdesignie. i have headset not only mic15:30
Codex_err, I tried to start gnome-panel from the startup programs, but it didnt work15:30
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ion_cu_Caprasa va dau la muieee15:31
freijonI hope this is the right place to ask: I'm trying to disable the auto-popup and _AS WELL_ the indicator notification of "update-notifier". Disabling the auto-popup results in the indicator showing up when there are updates. I'm setting "com.ubuntu.update-notifier.no-show-notifications" to "true" but that doesn't seem to do anything. does anyone have an idea here?15:32
ion_cu_Caprahi..someone on here?v15:32
ActionParsnipfreijon: just make the update notifier not start at boot15:32
MonkeyDustCodex_  sudo apt-get install lxde -- or: sudo apt-get install xfce -- or something else of your choice15:32
MonkeyDustion_cu_Capra  it works, you're in15:33
blacklistis possible connect galaxy tab 7.0 on ubuntu 12.04 ?15:33
ActionParsnipblacklist: sure just plug it in using USB. Connection made15:33
ActionParsnipblacklist: you will be sending 5V of power down the line15:33
Codex_monkeydust: unity seems to not allow any menus to be added. I can't even start programs from it since no menus are available15:34
freijonActionParsnip: it should be settable without root privilegues15:34
kelvinellaActionParsnip, could the upside down screen error caused by compiz?  i am reading forums online15:34
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Codex_and it only shows 2 programs. I wanted panel settings, but those are not available :)15:34
MonkeyDustCodex_  ctrl-alt F1 and work from there15:34
blacklistActionParsnip,  i plug my tab is not possible look ssd iside my tab , because ?15:35
ActionParsnipfreijon: maybe, but you can set it to show using root access, then you can disable it as user15:35
zykotick9freijon: just a guess, but if your user is NOT in the sudo group, do you still get the update notices?  why are you disabling this?15:35
ActionParsnipblacklist: the single storage in the system is a pain, there is a way around it15:35
Codex_monkeydust: i tried this alacarte which shows the menus I want, but the desktop don't show those menus? Is unity not showing any menus?15:36
padhahCould someone help me with a Search & Replace in ST2 using RegEx. I have the RegEx expression that correctly identifies what should be replaced, but I can't seem to figure out how to actually replace the selection. Details at https://gist.github.com/4205205. TIA.15:36
ActionParsnipblacklist: older models had separate storage for OS and user data, newer ones have a single block of storage15:36
ActionParsnipblacklist: that's why15:37
MonkeyDustCodex_  i don't like/use unity myself15:38
freijonzykotick9: I'm writing an app which informs about updates (cause the auto-popup is annoying) with PackageKit as a backend. therefore I want to give the users a user-friendly option to disable update-notifier and use my app instead15:38
padhahor the text substituion could use sed15:38
zykotick9freijon: cause reinventing the wheel is fun...15:38
ActionParsnipCodex_: i'd install xfce4 and log off and use that as the desktop15:38
ActionParsnippadhah: I'd ask in #bash too15:38
freijonzykotick9: you could also say that for the several music players out there...15:39
padhahok, good suggestion ActionParsnip15:39
ActionParsnipblacklist: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-easily-mount-the-galaxy-nexus-on-ubuntu-11-10-via-unity15:39
Codex_actionparsnip: gnome panel used to work fine in previous ubuntu version :)15:39
ActionParsnipfreijon: run:     sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop15:39
Codex_but newer version always breaks something with no way to get the good working thing back :)15:39
ActionParsnipfreijon: you can then run the startup apps program and disable the startup item15:39
ActionParsnipCodex_: LXDE has looked the same for years, XFCE is similar15:40
MonkeyDustCodex_  i use gnome-classic, it's very similar to gnome215:40
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nerdOpenbox is the best !!!15:41
nabblethi, did anyone else experiecne trouble with filezilla when uplaoding files via a TLS secured connection?15:41
nerdnabblet: no i don't15:41
nerdwhat's the error you getting ?15:41
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freijonActionParsnip: thanks, I'll look into your approach if there is no option for this15:42
nabbletnerd: it connects just fine and all, but then it stops the upload, waits, reconnects, uploads a bit, stops, reconnects...15:42
nerdnabblet: have you chk your firewall config ?15:42
nabbletnerd: all i fould were some forums that pointed out, that some versionf of gnutls and filezilla are "incomplatible"15:42
nerdare you behind router ?15:43
nabbletnerd: yes15:43
nabbletnerd: i'd say normal home setup15:43
nabbletnerd: nothing fancy15:44
nabbletnerd: also, downloading works flawlessly15:44
nabbletnerd: it's jsut the upload15:44
nerdnabblet: cool, do you have any other machine at your home.15:45
nerdif yes try this same setup to connect to that machine.15:45
nerdcheck it works or not.15:45
nabbletnerd: no don'T have an other machine.15:46
nerdif it works that there is either prob from the server side, or you net config15:46
nabbletnerd: i see there are connection time outs15:46
nabbletnerd: it times out, reconnects, times out, reconnects15:46
nerdnabblet: tip to troubleshoot such probs.15:46
nerduse virtualbox and other linux machine to check15:46
nerdi think your firewall is blocking the flow.15:47
nabbletnerd: and every time it transfers exactly 163.9 KB15:47
nerdtemp disable firewall to check your connection status.15:47
nerdand then try to connect15:47
nerddisable firewall from your router as well to check the connection15:48
nerdand then try .15:48
ndaskalhi - I am running 12.0415:48
ndaskalcan't find .bash_history15:48
nerdif still you are having prob then i thing the server you are uploading to might be facing some prob right now.15:48
ndaskalbut history command works and normal keyboard navigation of history works15:48
nerdother way round do the dupport TLS secured connection ?15:48
nerdnabblet: i got to go now, hope other guys over here will help you :) or you can msg me latter about the prob.15:49
nabbletnerd: i had no problems like that before15:49
nabbletnerd: btw, here is a nice pic showng what happen http://imagebin.org/23813715:49
nerdnabblet: you were able to make same connection before ?15:50
nabbletnerd: thx for your concern15:50
nabbletnerd: yes15:50
nerdthen there might be prob from server side15:50
nerdnabblet: np :)15:50
nerdok mate got to go now. best of luck for your issues.15:50
nabbletnerd: i'll vpn to an other network and see...15:50
nabbletnerd: thank you15:50
nerdnabblet: great !!15:50
nerdya do it that way.15:51
nerdnabblet: you are welcome :) :)15:51
ActionParsnipndaskal: the file gets added to when you close the terminal15:51
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ndaskalActionParsnip: ty - any way to configure it to appear earlier?  is that an ubuntu thing or something about the release of bash?15:53
krofnaHow can I set up keyboard to type serbian cyrilics instead of latin letters?16:01
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anonymoushi susundberg16:07
anonymousso guys wua?!?!16:07
ActionParsnipwhat is 'wua'?16:08
anonymouswhat you at?16:08
kelvinellathanks guys i am out ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)16:09
anonymousare you still there "actionparsinp16:09
Codex_oh well, lets hope 12.10 unity works better :)16:10
JDogHermanCan someone help me get my wireless working in 12.10 with my macbook pro 2011?16:10
anonymouswhere is 12:1016:10
gp5stwas the -e option removed from netcat?16:10
jsparksJDogHerman: as a virtual machine?  or native?16:10
chililianyone use awesomewm?16:11
anonymousguys what is 12:1016:11
anonymouswhat is native16:11
morkois /tmp only cleaned when booting?16:11
anonymoushi yoboy :)16:12
JDogHermanIt is a broadcom BCM433116:12
anonymousokay idk what that is but thanks anyway16:12
anonymousso where is everyone from16:12
llutz!ot | anonymous16:13
ubottuanonymous: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:13
gp5sthttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/10065993/how-to-switch-to-netcat-traditional-in-ubuntu answered my problem.16:13
MonkeyDustanonymous  guess you're not in the channel you want16:13
YoBoYI updated yesterday my server from 10.04 to 12.04 but I have now a problem with byobu and don't know how to solve it. The problem is it don't launch on ssh login. What can I try to fix this ?16:13
geekuxhi, i'm using 12.04 with unity. if i move windows over the edge of a workspac, the overlapping area will apear on the next workspace. can i disable this behavior somehow?16:13
anonymousoh sorry ubottu16:13
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jsparksJDogHerman: you've gone into system settings > additional drivers, i'm assuming?16:13
jsparksJDogHerman: and have the latest kernel update?16:14
JDogHermanI don't see additional Drivers in the unity System Settings16:14
JDogHermanI ran an update and followed the intstuctions in the wiki16:15
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jsparksJDogHerman: have you done apt-get dist-upgrade16:16
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escottYoBoY, i think ssh doesn't always allocate a tty which may be a problem for screen16:16
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JDogHermanthis is a new install16:16
jsparksJDogHerman: to make sure you have latest kernel16:16
jsparksJDogHerman: right, so there are probably a ton of updates waiting for it16:16
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: what video chip do you use?16:16
JDogHermanjsparks: I am using 3.5.0-19-generic16:17
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WeThePeoplehow do i add programs to glx dock16:17
jsparksActionParsnip: it's going to be built-in radeon 6770M or somethign like that16:17
YoBoYescott, Any idea how I check that ?16:17
JDogHermandist upgrade is done16:18
ActionParsnipjsparks: sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle; sudo aticonfig --initial16:18
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: ^16:18
ActionParsnipjsparks: its all that pretty GUI does, nothing more16:18
ActionParsnipjsparks: how is that hard?16:18
JDogHermanI dont know the video chip16:18
jsparksActionParsnip: how is what hard?16:19
JDogHermanit showed video so I assumed it worked16:19
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: what is the output of:   lspci | grep -i vga16:19
ActionParsnipjsparks: the command, if its a Radeon something then its all that's needed16:19
JDogHermanHD 6700M16:19
SpaceRockethow to convert iso file to img ?16:19
ActionParsnipjsparks: nice guess :)16:20
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle; sudo aticonfig --initial16:20
ActionParsnipSpaceRocket: why are you doing that? it may not be necessary16:20
MonkeyDustSpaceRocket  it says here: with fuseiso16:21
JDogHermanActionParsnip: will that help my wireless issue?16:21
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: what wifi chip do you use?16:22
jsparksJDogHerman: this is more of a blanket answer, but if you haven't updated your system since the initial install, may be wise do to do16:22
escottYoBoY, there is an argument to ssh that you can give to force it to allocate a tty16:22
JDogHermanjsparks: I have updated16:22
JDogHermanActionParsnip: BCM433116:23
SpaceRocketActionParsnip, because I want to create usb startup disk to boot on macbook16:23
jsparksJDogHerman: I have the same model MBP that you do, and I don't recall having to search around for wireless drivers...16:23
ActionParsnipSpaceRocket: then install unetbootin and use that.....16:23
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ActionParsnipJDogHerman: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter16:24
jsparksJDogHerman: there is a GUI appcalled aditional drivers that can sometimes autodetect what's missing16:24
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: also:       sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer16:25
JDogHermanActionParsnip: did that16:26
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: you can then reboot and it should load ok16:26
nir2142tell xorg crash randomly and go to the login screen . its a bug in xorg or in nvidia drivers?16:26
JDogHermanActionParsnip: no luck16:26
SpaceRocketActionParsnip, whats the diff between unetbootin and the statup-creator in ubuntu?16:27
zezadasmaybe xorg16:27
JDogHermanjsparks: how do I open the app additional drivers?16:27
ActionParsnipSpaceRocket: one is unetbootin, one is usb-startup-creator     dfferent apps16:27
ActionParsnipSpaceRocket: there are tonnes of apps to make bootable USB devices16:28
nir2142i am not the first that reporting it its also in ubuntu 12.04 and 12.1016:28
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: after a reboot, if you run:   sudo lshw -C network    is the wifi unclaimed?16:28
zezadasanyone here know how to make vdpau work on nvidia, with bumblebee...16:29
JDogHermanActionParsnip: sudo lshw -C network responds with nothing16:29
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: it will, give it time16:30
WeThePeoplehow do i add programs to cario dock16:30
JDogHermanActionParsnip: it drops me back to the terminal with no output16:31
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ActionParsnipWeThePeople: I run the app then riht click it and pin it that way16:31
jsparksJDogHerman: I don't use unity, so it'll be a bit different instructions.  one moment16:31
unshadowHi guys, do you think Ubuntu is going towards or away from MONO?16:31
JDogHermanActionParsnip: WAIT. I miss typed16:31
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ActionParsnipJDogHerman: if you COPY the command, you won't have the issue16:32
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JDogHermanfor some reason command+c isnt working for me16:32
JDogHermanActionParsnip: What am I looking for in this output?16:32
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: does it say unclaimed for the wifi16:33
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: ctrl+shift+c and ctrl+shift+v for terminal16:33
JDogHermanActionParsnip: I dont see anything about unclaimed16:35
JDogHermandriver bcma-pci-bridge16:35
ActionParsnipJDogHerman: ok, run:    sudo iwlist scan     do you see wireless networks?16:35
JDogHermanActionParsnip: is that correct?16:35
JDogHermannope just eth0 and lo16:36
hamhut1066hey guys, I'm newish to ubuntu. I'm runnig Awesome because my netbook can't handle much else :p and I was wondering if you knew if there was a way to view/select available wifis, either from terminal or installing some random thing, I have unity installed still so might already have a program I am unaware of that will solve this problem16:37
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kiran_will blubuntu theme works in Xubuntu ?16:38
questionmannYO, the following command what is a good default for BURST? I dont know what to use I'd just use the default if I could -> tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: tbf rate 10000kbit latency 1ms burst 154016:39
TheLQQuick question: So in the middle of upgrading ubuntu server from 12.04 to 12.10 I somehow managed to ctrl+c out of the entire upgrade process when viewing a diff of a config file that dpkg wanted to upgrade. Now dpkg isn't associated with any screen but is still waiting for input on whether to replace or ignore. Is there anything I can do?16:40
WeThePeoplewhere are the imgs stored at for all programs16:40
jsparksJDogHerman: under dash home, you can search for "additional" and it should pop right up16:40
JDogHermanjsparks: nothing listed16:40
jsparksJDogHerman: are you running 32 or 64 bit?16:41
jsparksJDogHerman: hmm.  i'm at a loss now.16:41
nxgenerationAdditional Drivers can be found at software sources, Jockey is no longer a part of ubuntu 12.1016:43
jsparksnxgeneration: that would explain it16:45
jribTheLQ: is it backgrounded?  Try fg16:45
datruthI have a nvidia card using kubuntu 12.10 and everytime I open chrome my system restarts to the login screen is there a fix for this?16:46
JDogHermanAny other Ideas?16:46
WeThePeoplewhere are the imgs for the programs in 12.04?16:47
MonkeyDustdatruth  try chromium16:47
ActionParsnipdatruth: have you tried renaming ~/.config/google-chrome16:47
gregor_Is there any way to start application from autostart with a delay? It needs some seconds for connecting wifi ap, and the application needs an established connection16:48
datruthActionParsnip: yes I even just updated to the lastest nvidia driver v 31016:48
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nxgenerationWeThePeople, imgs?16:48
diverdudeHello....What tool do you guys recommend to organize harddisks and prepare raid system on my 4x4TB harddisks?16:48
ActionParsnipdatruth: do other browsers cause the same issue?16:48
datruthActionParsnip: I've only tried the browser google-chrome16:48
ActionParsnipdatruth: not thought to try others....16:49
MonkeyDustdatruth  chrome is based on chromium, try chromium16:49
WeThePeoplenxgeneration, yeah i am trying to connet the img file to my new launcher for chromium16:49
datruthActionParsnip: I was hoping not to be pushed away from the program as it works very well16:49
ActionParsnipdatruth: you aren't being pushed in any way, its testing...nothing more16:50
natschilHello. I'm trying to setup my system so that some usb sticks are mounted as executable by default (please ignore the fact that this is probably a bad idea). I've setup udev so that it sets MODE to 777, but that hasn't seemed to work. Therefore I'm wondering whether ubuntu removes the execute bit at some other point, or whether I've configured udev wrong. Anybody know?16:50
ActionParsnipnatschil: if you configure the file system in /etc/fstab then it will be ok16:51
datruthActionParsnip: I've de-activated all nvidia drivers and I've removed my xorg.conf16:51
datruthI'll try that16:51
natschilActionParsnip: The problem with using fstab is that I then need to create a mountpoint directory, which I'd like to avoid.16:52
ActionParsnipnatschil: why do you want to avoid making a mount point?16:52
datruthActionParsnip: so that worked I guess this issue is specifically with the driver? How can I drop down to an older version of the driver like 290?16:53
vividi seem to be having a theme issue with 32bit applications on a 64bit system.  where do i set which theme a 32bit app uses?16:54
ActionParsnipdatruth: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc16:54
datruthquantal that is16:54
escottnatschil, you did that wrong16:54
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-current16:54
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.43-0ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 37202 kB, installed size 105660 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)16:54
ActionParsnipdatruth: there is the 304 in the repos16:55
escottnatschil, the noexec comes from the "users" mount option. you need to change things with udisks to mount with "exec" or create and fstab entry16:55
datruthActionParsnip: yeah I tried that and my xorg crashes when running chrome16:55
escottnatschil, back out whatever you did to udev16:55
datruthActionParsnip: and using 304 disables my screen brightness keys16:55
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ActionParsnipdatruth: what is the system make and model?16:56
datruthasus g74sx16:56
vcarneyJust upgraded Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 server on Rackspace. I've installed grub-pc.16:57
vcarneyMy server won't reboot??16:57
vcarneyi'm left with16:57
decciI have a hadoop installed on Ubuntu 10.04.4 . I want to replace HDFS with lustre. How shall I accomplish it?16:57
datruthActionParsnip: okay so I just re-installed 304 and chrome isn't crashing xorg maybe it was my xorg.conf?16:57
nir2142tell me datruth when xorg crash it send you to login screen?16:58
vcarneyany help? i'm starting at a grubdom> terminal16:58
FloodBot1overlord: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:59
ikoniaoverlord: please try to talk on one line16:59
datruthnir2142: thats exactly what it did16:59
overlordhow on the line16:59
overlorddo u know student16:59
ikoniayou type on online, by typing everything you want to say, and THEN pressing enter17:00
overlordi kmow17:00
nir2142i see that alot of people nvidia version 304.51 solve this problem which version did you install?17:00
ActionParsnipdatruth: tried the boot option:    acpi_backlight=vendor17:01
vcarneyi'm able to read my config (hd0)//boot/grub/grub.cfg17:01
overlordare u man or woman ikonia17:01
diverdudeHello....What tool do you guys recommend to organize harddisks and prepare raid system on my 4x4TB harddisks?17:01
ikoniaoverlord: it doesn't matter17:01
ikoniadiverdude: I recommend a hardware raid controller17:01
YoBoYescott, after some research, I can't find anything, with or without a -t on my ssh, it's the same :]17:02
diverdudeikonia, no, needs to be software controlled17:02
overlordwhere u from ikonia17:02
ikoniadiverdude: then I recommend you don't do it17:02
nonkn4merdiverdude: are you planning on doing ZFS then?17:02
ActionParsnipdatruth: also try adding:    Option "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1"              to xorg.conf in the display device section17:02
YoBoYescott, the "tty" seems a pts/017:02
diverdudenonkn4mer, no i just need to do raid517:02
escottYoBoY, i dont personally use screen that much, but i believe you do need -t to utilize screen over ssh17:03
ikoniadiverdude: so what's the problem then ?17:03
escottdiverdude, if you are using raid5 do be aware of the write hole17:03
diverdudeikonia, i dont know how to set it up17:03
diverdudeescott, write hole?17:03
ikoniadiverdude: you understand that you'll only have 3 x 4TB of disks usable ?17:03
YoBoYescott, ok, thanks for trying to help :)17:03
diverdudeikonia, i tried using the debian install but that failed miserably17:03
escottdiverdude, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID_5_write_hole17:03
diverdudeikonia, sure17:03
diverdudeikonia, thats why i bought 4 :)17:03
ActionParsnipdatruth: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=27997317:03
overlordare u man or woman17:03
ikoniaoverlord: it doesn't matter17:04
ikoniadiverdude: is this going to contain your OS install, or just data ?17:04
overlordwhere u from than17:04
ActionParsnipoverlord: why does it matter?17:04
ikoniaoverlord: that doesn't matter either, this channels for talking about ubuntu technical discussion17:04
nonkn4merdiverdude: you want to set it up as your boot volume, or just another partition?17:04
diverdudeikonia, also my OS install17:04
ikoniadiverdude: I'd really advise you to keep this simple and get a hardware raid controller then17:04
ActionParsnipoverlord: as long as people can type english well enough then location is moot.17:05
diverdudenongoogle, well i was actually thinking of making a small partition for my grub17:05
ikoniadiverdude: you'll need a seperate /boot partition17:05
diverdudeikonia, no there is no room for a hardware raid controller17:05
overlordi am from serbia17:05
ikoniadiverdude: I suggest you do a good bit of research on raid and mdadm first17:05
overlordi am from serbia17:05
nonkn4merdiverdude: I'd agree with ikonia: on this one.  Hardware or bust.17:05
ikoniadiverdude: you'll need to get your head around the basics of what you are doing17:05
ikoniadiverdude: then come back with specific questions17:05
overlordi have one question17:06
Picioverlord: This channel is for support only. If you are looking to chat, there is #ubuntu-offtopic17:06
diverdudeikonia, well i know the concepts...i just dont think there any proper tools...at least of what i tried17:06
ikoniadiverdude: if you've not got a grip on the basics of software raid yet it's hard to walk you through it properly, so I'd suggest a little more research first17:06
ikoniadiverdude: proper tools ?17:06
overlordi have one question17:06
nonkn4merdiverdude: I had a software RAID created with the built in GUI Disk Utility.  changed to a hardware PERC6 card.  changed my world17:06
ikoniadiverdude: mdadm is the tool17:06
ActionParsnipoverlord: what is the question17:07
escottdiverdude, you might thing seriously about doing raid1+0 instead of raid517:07
goddardhow can i get skype to either intergrate into my messaging icon or system tray?17:07
diverdudeescott, raid0 is no good for me...i will have no security....raid1 is also not good...waste of space...raid5 is a good balance17:08
ikoniahe didn't say raid 017:08
ActionParsnipgoddard: it loads in the system tray by default here17:08
diverdudei dont have enough disks for raid1017:08
escottdiverdude, thought you said you have 4 disks17:09
diverdudei do17:09
goddardActionParsnip: im on 12.10 and installed the deb file from the site and its a no go17:09
ikoniadiverdude: take a little time to resarch raid/mdadm and get a basic idea then come back with specific questions17:09
escottdiverdude, how is that not enough for raid1017:09
ActionParsnipgoddard: I'm on 13.04 and installed via deb, runs in the top panel17:09
ActionParsnipgoddard: just found this too: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/skype-ubuntu-messaging-menu-notifyosd.html17:09
=== The is now known as Guest44182
Guest44182i have problem whit ubuntu17:10
Guest44182with ubuntu17:10
diverdudeescott, because that only gives me 8 TB and thats not enough17:10
nonkn4mer!ask | Guest4418217:11
ubottuGuest44182: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:11
magmahi, my sound is all distorted. What can I do?17:11
diverdudeikonia, before i can use mdadm i need to have a OS running....and i dont17:11
ikoniadiverdude: no17:12
Guest44182i want to boot windows xp on ubuntu how17:12
ikoniadiverdude: but I know what you are saying17:12
ikoniadiverdude: again, a little research is worth while17:12
diverdudeikonia, ?17:12
goddardActionParsnip: ahh didn't work for me17:12
datruthActionParsnip: if I do not have an xorg.conf then what?17:13
MonkeyDustGuest44182  do you mean dual boot, or inside ubuntu? you could use virtualbox17:13
Guest44182dual boot17:13
nxgenerationfirst install xp then ubuntu17:14
MonkeyDustGuest44182  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows17:14
goddardActionParsnip: sorry got it working but not like the other one :D thanks17:14
MonkeyDustGuest44182  what nxgeneration says, first windows, then ubuntu, or you have to repair the grub menu17:14
Guest44182lsten bro17:15
Guest44182i have ubuntu i want windows xp17:15
diverdudeescott, write hole...you just mean if disk fails its dangerous while system reeastblishes a newly inserted disk?17:15
goddardor you can just go for straight ubuntu and use a virtual machine17:15
goddardthats what i do17:15
MonkeyDustGuest44182  you have our advice17:15
escottdiverdude, no17:16
kionGuest44182: I dont know what you want it for but you may emulate it with wine17:16
escottdiverdude, its a problem with raid5 protocols, means that the implementation needs to have a battery backed up controller or it needs to be careful that things actually get synced to disk17:16
Guest44182and i want to enter a bios how do that in old computer17:17
nonkn4merescott: doesn't that have to do with the software caching data before the disk write to improve speed?17:17
ActionParsnipkion: wine isn't an emulator, its what Wine is an acronym for17:17
goddardf2 or f8 or del usually lets you into the bios17:17
escottdiverdude, consumer disks do all kinds of weird things including lying to the os about when data hits the disk, that means mdadm has to very very very careful or you run the risk of having silent corruption on the disk without knowing it17:18
MonkeyDustor sometimes f1217:18
kionActionParsnip: ok, just wanted to give him an option :)17:18
nxgenerationor delete17:18
Guest44182i was press f2 f8 del and nothing17:18
MonkeyDustGuest44182  the first screen should show which key, somewhere in one of the corners17:19
Guest44182in the corners shows esc17:19
nxgenerationtry esc17:19
diverdudeescott, but i guess thats a problem nomatter what raid17:19
diverdudeescott, i have 4 WD enterprise disks17:20
escottdiverdude, its not a problem with other raid levels17:20
Guest44182and i was try esc and no particion17:20
diverdudeescott, only raid5?17:20
escottdiverdude, and raid617:21
MonkeyDustGuest44182  does it not show "press.... to enter setup" or something similar?17:21
nonkn4merdiverdude: bonus with raid6, can support 2 drive failures17:22
escottdiverdude, whenever you strip across more than 2 disks17:22
Guest44182no monkeydust17:22
lawlwhere can i get a copy gpxelinux without installing other programs?17:22
Guest44182i go now17:23
diverdudeescott, yea true17:23
superbootHi guys. when doing the dpkg --get-selection / set-selections / apt-get dselect-upgrade, the old system is i386, and the new is x64. Can I run the list through sed or something to get it to install x64 packages instead of i386?17:23
Guest44182thx for help me17:23
ikoniasuperboot: you need to do a re-install17:23
Guest44182yes u can run17:23
ikoniasuperboot: no17:23
escottdiverdude, the on disk format can recover (via parity) an invalid copy, but that can also lead to the invalid copy not being corrected17:24
Guest44182yes he can17:24
superbootikonia: no what?17:24
ikoniasuperboot: no, you can't do that17:24
ikoniasuperboot: you'll need to do a clean install of x86_6417:24
superbootI did.17:24
ikoniasuperboot: then why are you asking if you can do it17:24
ikonia(you can't - so if you've done it I'd be prepared for instability)17:24
superbootikonia: and then I ran the apt-get dselect-upgrade and it installed a bunch of i386 packages. I want to install the same list, but the x64 versions.17:25
escottdiverdude, so you submit your writes to disks 1,2,3 and parity. and 1,2,3 hit the disk, the system fails with parity unwritten. on reboot you pass fsck because 1,2,3 read cleanly only parity does not17:25
diverdudeescott, hmmm i could also just do no raid...4 partitions, have 16TB and rely on my backups17:25
escottdiverdude, so at that point for that particular block you have raid0 with 3 strips17:25
ikoniasuperboot: I understand what you want, and I'm advising you that's a bad idea, however if you feel strongly about it do it, but be prepared for instability17:25
superbootikonia: I ment I did a clean install of x64 to start with.17:26
ClientAliveok, so ls -R will list all subdirectories and thier contents - but is there a program that will give that kind of list showing like a tree/ hierarchical structure (with lines connecting things and formatting/ indentation?17:26
ClientAlivehas to be a command line program17:26
superbootikonia: ok, I'm not trying to argue with you.17:26
escottdiverdude, for that reason you often see people encouraging the use of simpler things like raid1017:26
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ikoniasuperboot: I'm sorry, I'm missing the problem, if you have an x86_64 install, why do you have 32bit packages (apart from compatability libs)17:26
llutzClientAlive:  ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g' -e 's/^/   /' -e 's/-/|/'17:27
diverdudeescott, i agree on that...but that only leaves me with 8 tb :/17:27
escottdiverdude, not saying you shouldnt use raid5 just be aware of it17:27
xomniversethis may not be the place but I figured I'd ask; when I sync podcasts onto my iPod Classic 6G in Banshee, they show up correctly in Banshee, but when I disconnect my iPod and try to use it, the Podcast menu won't load when I select it. It shows 2 files there, but nothing happens if I select it.17:27
ActionParsnipllutz: nice :)17:27
llutzActionParsnip: 1. google hit :) http://www.centerkey.com/tree/17:28
ActionParsnipllutz: pretty much ;)17:28
solsticehi. so why,even though I have filled up /etc/crypttab with the relevant info, my crypted partition is still not mounted ?17:28
xomniversethe files do show up in the Music section (where they SHOULDN'T be), so it looks like Banshee is not handling the iPod's music library correctly17:28
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nonkn4merdiverdude: "only" 8TB.  :P17:28
MonkeyDustllutz  i added a pipe to less ;)17:28
hilohello. I have been using Ubuntu 10.04 for servers for a few years now. Can anyone ring in here on the pros/cons of 12.04 server vs. the 10.04 server install? And also, what drawbacks are there, if any, to doing a distribution upgrade from 10.04->12.04 rather than a clean install (as I have limited physical access)?17:29
ActionParsniphilo: newer versions of packages , newer kernel17:29
ikoniaJoeyJoeJo: I'd suggest a bit of resarch17:29
ikoniahilo: I'd suggest a bit of resarch for things that are specific to your needs17:29
brian_cI have a question about using ubuntu on a bootable server. i have set up "fog" and it is imaging correctly and it is booting to the .iso images but i get this error "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"17:30
ClientAlivewow. thx llutz. That's perfect17:30
nonkn4merhilo: Is there a problem you're having that has you thinking about upgrading?  or upgrading for the sake of the upgrade itself?17:30
llutzClientAlive: see http://www.centerkey.com/tree/ how to make a script of this17:31
superbootikonia: I'm replacing an old x64 system with a new one (new hardware, everything.) and after doing the dpkg commands, and apt-get etc.. the system was complaining about heldback packages. I then ran aptitude install <X-package> and it said to isntall that, it would have to remove 380 i386 packages. So I guess the dpkg commands generated a list of i386 packages.17:31
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ikoniasuperboot: why is there 380 32bit packages ?17:31
ikoniasuperboot: there shoulnd't be 380 32bit packages on a 64 bit native install17:32
ClientAlivellutz: awesome. I was just thinking about how to keep hold of it. I considered making an alias out of it  :)17:32
diverdudenonkn4mer, hehe well if you easily collect 50GB in a day, 8TB wont last long17:32
hilononkn4mer, 10.04 doesn't have support for the LSI 9750-8i HDD controller. I am having issues installing the driver manually after having to reinstall the OS last night. Kernels 2.6.33 and newer have native support.17:32
superbootikonia: right. so I think they came from the dpkg --set-selections && apt-get dselect-upgrade procedure.17:32
ikoniasuperboot: sorry, that won't happen, a native 64bit system won't install 380 32bit packages17:33
jribhilo: I can't think of a reason not to install 12.0417:33
ikoniasuperboot: if you have a 64bit install (clean) that you some how have 380 32bit packages on, I'd be very concerned17:33
superbootikonia: I'm just saying what happend. I know it doesn't make sense.17:33
ikoniasuperboot: then I would backup your data and do a clean install17:33
ikoniasuperboot: get a sane install17:33
ClientAlivellutz: where would one keep a script like that? In /etc or something?17:34
vividdoes anyone know how to change gtk themes for 32bit applications?17:34
ikoniaor understand where 380 32bit packages have come from17:34
superbootikonia: Ok, I agree. Thanks.17:34
llutzClientAlive: ~/bin or /usr/local/bin17:34
nonkn4merhilo: do you have a test lab?  That's the beauty of having my servers on ESXI boxes.  Right click > duplicate, upgrade test test test > make live17:34
ClientAlivellutz: right on. thx17:34
brian_canyone? i have no clue why it's not working17:35
hilononkn4mer, I have an Oracle VBox host which I use for testing but the particular server in question is a bare metal installation17:35
ikoniabrian_c: just saying "anyone" isn't helpful17:35
brian_cit got someones attention17:35
hilojrib, Are there any drawbacks to upgrading an installation rather than a fresh install?17:35
nonkn4merbobweaver: it appears a cat has walked across your keyboard17:36
bobweaverspilt coffee on keyboard :/17:36
ikoniabrian_c: it makes people ignore you as annoying17:36
bobweaversorry about that again17:36
ikoniabobweaver: not a problem,17:36
brian_cikonia it was just a simple question17:36
ikoniabrian_c: "anyone" isn't a simple question17:36
Matriks404hi, my Ubuntu last time run normally, but today it after turning off because de-charged and plugged to power source, i run browser and system started to be unstable, same with other browsers. Can I check errors on disk or somethin?17:36
datruthActionParsnip: after trial and error I have confirmed the issue is not with the driver its with the xorg.conf17:37
Guest69817Hello, I am trying to load Ubuntu 12.10 from the windows wubi.exe program, I have gotten it to fully install and when it hits the sign in screen the loadup screen deforms, and it kicks to a gpu lock up message. I have heard that booting with "nomodeset" will allow me to get to desk top but I am unaware how to do that.17:38
datruthActionParsnip: I never dim my screen anyway so perhaps I'll leave it like that until the functionality works by default17:38
brian_cikonia I have a question about using ubuntu on a bootable server. i have set up "fog" and it is imaging correctly and it is booting to the .iso images but i get this error "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"17:38
datruthIf I am in X with kde but have no /etc/X11/xorg.conf then where is X getting it's configuration from?17:38
Guest69817anyone nomodeset help?17:39
Eric-NLHello, anyone in the mood to help me with an obscure hardware related issue?17:40
kionEric-NL what is your issue?17:40
bobweaverwell dell n5040 has a great protector against liquid spills ... close call17:41
vividanyone know where gtk themes are set for 32 bit applications on a 64 bit system?17:41
ikoniavancha: should be the same plae17:41
Eric-NLkion: random reboots on high load with lots of I/O17:41
ikoniavivid: sorry should be the same place17:41
=== Guest69817 is now known as Nyhcjedi
kionEric-NL: sorry, I think I am not qualified for that17:42
NyhcjediAnyone help with a login issue to 12.10?17:42
Eric-NLkion: np, thanks for relpying. Any suggestions on where to find some help?17:42
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  can you please give us more details ?17:43
kionEric-NL:  I would start on /var/log/syslog17:43
vanchahey there guys17:43
vividikonia, i installed shimmer-themes (xubuntu) tried it out, set it back to ambiance, and now all my 32bit applications are using the xubuntu theme17:43
kionEric-NL:  and see what is the inmediate event before shut down17:43
Eric-NLkion: looked there, nothing in it. System reboots instantly without panic17:43
vividsome config directory in ~/ maybe?17:44
vanchaanyone in here using an msi cr650 laptop by any chance?17:44
jribhilo: not really17:44
ikoniavivid: should be the same place,17:44
ikoniavivid: it looks in the same place for 32/64bit17:44
kionEric-NL: there is a way to increase the verbosity of the logger, change it to debug17:44
vividso, what place is that?17:44
Nyhcjedii have windows 7, i downloaded the windows installer for ubuntu 12.10, it loaded completly, it wanted me to reboot, i reboot, it looked like it was going to get to a login screen, the screen corrupted, and it went to a command line where it said gpu lockup, and it just loops nack to the corrupted login screen,17:44
Eric-NLkion: worth to try, let me look that up17:44
kionEric-NL: I can remember where you can increase the verbosity of your logs17:44
Nyhcjedithen back to the command line where it tries to switch it (but fails)17:45
bobweaverNyhcjedi, what is gpu card ?17:45
tdn_How can I install just one package from a PPA?17:45
brian_cikonia so no help?17:45
Nyhcjedievga gtx 580 superclocked17:45
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  lspci -vnn | grep VGA17:45
Nyhcjedinvidia card17:45
Eric-NLkion: syslog-ng-ctl by any chance?17:45
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  is nvidia loaded ?   lsmod | grep nvidia17:46
ikoniabrian_c: no17:46
vanchacan anyone help me out with a wireless problem here?17:46
ClientAlivellutz: is there any way to make that one command you gave me show the leaves too (all the files in the directories)?17:46
Nyhcjediwell i guess the initial issue is I cant login to the ubuntu installation17:46
kionEric-NL: sorry I have to go17:46
Nyhcjediso im not sure how to get to the command lien to check this17:46
Eric-NLkion: np, thanks for your time17:46
brian_cikonia: do you know where i can get a copy of gpxelinux.0?17:46
kionEric-NL: hope you can solve it17:46
ikoniabrian_c: no idea17:46
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  I see that try to press ctrl+alt+f1 at login screen if you get that far ?17:47
mako_reactorinstall gentoo17:47
ikoniamako_reactor: really, please keep that sort of random stuff out of the channel17:47
meddieanyone familiar with DWM here?17:47
bobweavervancha,  what is wireless question ?17:48
raptor67682do you know if there is a cli (console) program to look into torrents at mininova?17:48
Nyhcjediok so ctrl alt f1 loads me tot he comamnd line?17:48
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bobweaverNyhcjedi, did it ?17:49
jribmeddie: just ask your question17:49
Nyhcjediill have to load irc on my laptop as i am on the pc that was having trouble in my windows installation17:49
evildid anybody here try out zorin os 6.1? does it have any shortcomings to ubuntu?17:49
bobweaverahh I see Nyhcjedi  yeah that is a good idea17:49
llutzClientAlive: http://mama.indstate.edu/users/ice/tree/17:50
meddiejrib : i have some issues with .xinitrc , whenever i run DWM with startx , there'll be issues like no sound and some applications not working as it should like vlc , but if i run it through GDM everything works just fine17:50
bobweaverevil,  maybe there is zorian channel ?17:51
bobweaverI know nothing about that distro17:51
jribmeddie: you may have to take care of making sure some things like dbus and consolekit play nice.  What ubuntu version?17:51
mr-richAny help migrating from Evolution 3.2.3 to Thunderbird?17:51
ActionParsnip!who | mako_reactor17:52
ubottumako_reactor: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:52
zykotick9jrib: that's what i was thinking too, but the arch wiki just says use "exec dwn" in .xinitrc???  so i'm not sure that's the issue?17:52
meddiejrib ubuntu lucid , i suspect that there's a permission issue involved concerning the sound problem17:52
bobweaveris there any tool{s} that will  let me see all paths (dbus) that are being used well using Ubuntu ?17:52
bobweaverlike com.canonical.Unity  ect17:53
hiloCan anyone help configure Samba? I have only ever been able to get it working in completely open guest mode. Any time I try to enable any kind of user access whatsoever, no one at all can ever authenticate or connect to my shares.17:53
LordThumperIs Ubuntu working on any smart toaster?17:53
zykotick9bobweaver: i'm not really sure what you are asking, but does lsof help?17:53
SolarisBoybobweaver: qdbus17:53
SolarisBoybobweaver: you can also do it from many scripting languages easily17:53
jribmeddie: ha, well that was quite a while ago.  Look into dbus-launch and ck-launch-session17:53
bobweaverThat is AWESOME SolarisBoy17:54
SolarisBoy=) been there before17:54
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bobweaverSolarisBoy, examples ?  sorrry I am just starting to get a handle on dbus17:54
SolarisBoy qdbus --literal --system org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames17:54
ClientAlivethx llutz: that thing is pretty cool :)17:54
bobweaverSolarisBoy,  what are the things like ":1.96"   what does that mean ?17:55
ActionParsnipClientAlive: could make an alias for it :)17:55
bobweaverSolarisBoy,  sorry I will make a paste17:55
LordThumperI tried installing 12.10 on my smart toaster, however the toast come up burnt. Should I try to update the kernel?17:55
ActionParsnipLordThumper: are there any bugs reported?17:56
jribzykotick9: don't know; haven't used arch in a wwhile17:56
LordThumperI am reading the log...17:56
meddiedoes not work jrib17:56
LordThumper"Toast not supported" :/17:56
ProfessorBaconthey took our jribs17:56
jribmeddie: what did you do?17:56
Codex_lordthumber: my toaster is still installing it. We'll see some burnt toast here too.17:57
bobweaverSolarisBoy,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1410760/  like the even # lines in paste17:57
zykotick9jrib: i don't use arch, just went looking for dwn + xinitrc hoping i'd find that something besides "exec dwm"17:57
meddiejrib : err running both commands?17:57
brian_cI have a question about using ubuntu on a bootable server. i have set up "fog" and it is imaging correctly and it is booting to the .iso images but i get this error "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"17:57
veritascsNoob Question: how do I open apps that aren't in the task bar on the launcher?17:57
bobweaverSolarisBoy,  I am also just looking for man page atm17:57
jribmeddie: ah, those should be introduced into your ~/.xinitrc in some way.  I'm being vague because I don't remember exactly what the situation was in 10.0417:58
SolarisBoylol yea thats the first thing i was checking =)17:58
SolarisBoybobweaver: not quite sure - it may just be the return from that function ListNames but again not sure still looking around17:58
SolarisBoyi observe some elements in the hash have them and some dont17:58
meddieok jrib i'll get back to you mang17:58
hiloWhen using tar to backup a server, is there a way to ensure all files are coalesced so that the backup is consistent?17:59
LordThumperCodex_: I updated the kernel, and the apt-get update/upgrade17:59
LordThumperThe toasting app was old I think17:59
LordThumperRebooted the toaster, and trying again, wish me luck17:59
Eric-NLHello, I've got random reboots on high load + I/O, anyone in the mood to help?17:59
veritascsNoob Question: how do I open apps that aren't in the task bar on the launcher?17:59
seednodeThrough the terminal?18:00
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seednodeOr searching them in the lens.18:00
SolarisBoybobweaver: you can also just type qdbus with no args it seems those numbers correlate to each bus item18:00
hiloveritascs, press the superkey (windows) and type the name of the app18:00
theadminveritascs: Go to the Dash and find them there (you can use the search, or switch to the Applications tab and navigate through categories)18:00
veritascs@theadmin thanks!18:01
veritascshaven't used ubuntu in years, i like the improvements (like wifi/sound/bluetooth ootb018:01
bobweaverSolarisBoy v.cool I want to learn how to read from dbus and pass things to a ui in a safe way that is task at hand . been looking at libdee know of anyother things ? (qt/qml ? )18:01
Eric-NLnobody interested in random reboots?18:01
ActionParsnipEric-NL: have you tested you RAM health?18:02
meddiejrib the sound problem is solved :D but uhhh i still can't load vlc18:02
SolarisBoybobweaver - sure pick a language and in a google search bar type "$lang + dbus"18:02
Eric-NLActionParsnip: I've been looking in that direction Memtest86 has done several passes without issues18:02
ActionParsnipmeddie: tried renaming ~/.config/vlc    then rerunning the app18:02
meddiejrib it'll work just fine if i log-in through gdm18:02
ActionParsnipEric-NL: its a good place to start18:02
bobweaverSolarisBoy,  :)18:02
SolarisBoybobweaver: perls library comes with some cool example scripts to get you started18:02
meddieActionParsnip, just renaming? okay18:02
ActionParsnipmeddie: sure, you'll get a fresh folder and see if it works then. Deleting is destructve18:03
SolarisBoybut its perl so... meh - i like ruby-dbus personally18:03
hiloEric-NL, I would recommend using some kind of hardware stressing tool18:03
ActionParsnipEric-NL: have you tried making a new user and logging in as that, see if it's the same/different there18:03
Eric-NLActionParsnip: I've been trying all kinds of stuff, like updating bios firmware etc. After ruling out insufficient power i started removing memory modules18:04
hiloEric-NL, memtest is great but it only tests the memory, and I've heard that it doesn't always do so for large amounts of ram18:04
Eric-NLhilo: i'm doing an dd + stressapptest18:04
ActionParsniphilo: how would it not?18:04
NyhcjediBobweaver using ctrl+alt F1 i was able to login to my account at the command line18:05
ActionParsnipEric-NL: also try installing XFCE if you are using Unity / Compiz. If you know it's ok there then you know its a video / compiz issue18:05
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  good type in    lsmod | grep nvidia  anything come back ?18:05
meddieActionParsnip, renaming did not work :(18:05
Eric-NLActionParsnip / hilo : the funny thing: running with half the memory makes the problem disappear. Now I've shuffled all the modules arround, and the problem is gone as long as they're not all in at the same time.18:06
ActionParsnipmeddie: try running it from terminal, the output may help18:06
ActionParsnipmeddie: also what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc18:06
NikPHow can I replace the GNOME-panel with the Avant Window Navigator?18:06
NyhcjediBobweaver nothing came back18:06
ActionParsnipNikP: kill the gnome-panel process and start awn18:06
nonkn4merEric-NL: you may want to install memtester+ and see if you can isolate which module is faulty18:07
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  then your driver from nvidia is not installed . try to install it      sudo apt-get install nvidia-current18:07
meddieActionParsnip, im on lucid18:07
ActionParsnipmeddie: Lucid has less than 6 months support left, just so you are aware18:07
NikPActionParsnip: Yes, I know that, but I wan't taht when I log me in, the AWN starts.18:07
ActionParsnipmeddie: can you run:  apt-cache policy vlc      and pastebin the output. Thanks18:07
hilohilo, I rebuilt my PC last week after some issues and used memtest, as well as some windows apps to heavily tax all my hardware (8+ hours running prime95 and some other GPU program simultaneously). I can't remember which site it was, but it said that memtest86 doesn't actually test above a certain address. I will try and find it and link you to it if you're interested.18:07
NikP(Sorry, I'm German)18:08
Nyhcjedibobweaver im guessing command syntex comes overtime? :)18:08
bobweaver!german | NikP18:08
Eric-NLnonkn4mer: I might try that, the only thing that worries my, is that when trying the modules seperately, everything is fine, but putting them in together makes stuff break.18:08
ubottuNikP: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:08
ActionParsnipNikP: make a small script and to kill the panel and run the app, then use the startup app to run the script18:08
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  sorry I do not follow18:08
nonkn4merEric-NL: could be a faulty slot then maybe?18:08
NikPActionParsnip: OK, I'll do that. Thank you!18:08
Nyhcjedibobweaver no worries was that s|from|for to me?18:09
hiloActionParsnip, maybe memtest has been updated since that articles writing and the current one is fixed? That wouldn't surprise me.18:09
Eric-NLnonkn4mer: Could be, but then I would expect memtest86 to find something X-(18:09
meddieActionParsnip, the pastebin http://pastebin.com/aceX8YAz18:09
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  kinda , I wanted to switch(s) from too for  on the thing I said above that18:09
brian_cI have a question about using ubuntu on a bootable server. i have set up "fog" and it is imaging correctly and it is booting to the .iso images but i get this error "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"18:09
meddieActionParsnip, the thing is i've used 12.04 but it's extremely laggy and slow , its a really old computer18:10
ActionParsnipmeddie: try:   sudo apt-get install software-properties-common; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chimerarevo/vlc-lucid; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install vlc18:12
ActionParsnipmeddie: did you try xubuntu 12.04?18:12
Nyhcjedibobweaver i downloaded and installed the driver shall i try the lsmod  | grep nvidia again?18:13
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  can you install this      sudo apt-get install pastebinit  then let us know when done please ?18:13
ubottujulien2: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:14
ActionParsnipmeddie: the newer version may help. Lucid has painfully old versions of packages18:14
meddieActionParsnip, unfortunately that doesn't work :(18:15
jenniewhich driver should I install , the one in background downladed from ATI website or the one in foreground the repository one ? http://picturepush.com/public/1156681018:15
NikPActionParsnip: Oh yeah, that works great! Thank you!18:15
ActionParsnipmeddie: does the package update ok though??? Simply saying "Doesn't work" helps nobody, most of all you18:15
searchingError: Dependency is not satisfiable: how to fix18:15
Nyhcjedibobweaver, that iscomplete18:15
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  what is output of    apt-cache policy nvidia-current |pastebinit         (should be a http link )18:15
ActionParsnipsearching: sudo apt-get -f install        is a good start18:15
searchingthat will install old files18:16
brian_cI have a question about using ubuntu on a bootable server. i have set up "fog" and it is imaging correctly and it is booting to the .iso images but i get this error "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"18:16
g105bJust noticed that something has installed apache2 as a dependency and its not intefering with my actual webserver - how can I see what installed it?18:18
meddiesorry ActionParsnip  , the update process didnt went really well , it can't find software-properties-common , and a lot of unmet dependencies for the vlc18:18
Nyhcjedibobweaver http://paste.ubuntu.com/1410802/18:18
bobweaverNyhcjedi, cool , run      sudo service lightdm restart       can you log in and see gui ? if not reboot18:19
meddieActionParsnip, the pastebin http://pastebin.com/wFyfxFA418:20
jribg105b: aptitude why apache218:20
jribg105b: alternatively, apt-cache rdepends apache2   and then look for things that are installed...18:20
bobweavermeddie,  what is output of       apt-cache polict vlc  ?18:21
Klauzhello experts, im getting a lot of errors on "ata10.00" in dmesg, how do I correlate ata10.00 to an actual device?18:21
bobweavermeddie,  what is output of       apt-cache policy vlc  ? ***18:21
g105bIs it normal behaviour to install a webserver as a dependency and then leave it running even though it's bastardising the currently installed server?18:21
jribg105b: depends on how you installed the other server18:22
meddiebobweaver, http://pastebin.com/aceX8YAz18:22
g105bapt-get install18:22
jribg105b: what server?  Did you figure out what package pulled in apache2?18:22
jribg105b: if you install apache2, it's normal for it to run18:22
g105bjrib, it looks like nothing is depending on it - I just removed it, and everything is back to normal - but its a mystery to how it got installed in the first place18:23
jribg105b: look at /var/log/dpkg.log and see what got installed around the same time?18:23
Nyhcjedibobweaver logging in as we speak, it did require a reboot. Anything else i need to know regarding this>18:23
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  nope just make sure that drivers are installed good work. but as a hint there is more up-to-date drivers then the one that you have. if you run into troubles. you might want to look at them(x-swat ppa).18:25
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  but you know that saying "if it any broken and you are not adding new options "  then dont fix18:25
Nyhcjedibobweaver :) ty for the help18:26
jdoghermanwhen installing a bcm4331 on a macbook pro 2011 do i have to install backports for 12.10?18:26
bobweaverNyhcjedi,  np enjoy Ubuntu :)18:26
meddiebobweaver is there any signifant difference between running startx and running GDM? i mean is there any service that only run through GDM ? because everything works as it should through GDM18:28
jribmeddie: what's your .xinitrc look like now?18:28
bobweaverjdogherman,    you are talking about linux-restricted-modules-*18:29
brian_cI have a question about using ubuntu on a bootable server. i have set up "fog" and it is imaging correctly and it is booting to the .iso images but i get this error "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"18:29
brian_cI have a question about using ubuntu on a bootable server. i have set up "fog" and it is imaging correctly and it is booting to the .iso images but i get this error "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"18:29
bobweavermeddie,  not sure TBH18:29
meddiejrib http://pastebin.com/fPi9gEeS18:30
jdoghermanbobweaver: I am trying to get the wireless to work on my macbook pro under 12.1018:30
bobweaverjdogherman,  what is output of     lspci -vnn | grep 0280   ?18:30
jdoghermanbobweaver: Ill check in a min. I am almost finshed restarting18:31
sta7icHey guys, it looks like encrypting my home dir filled up my drive. I have a large file ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED. not sure i can just deleted this, or what caused it to fill up18:31
escottsta7ic, with encrypted home the apparent disk usage is doubled. it is in fact not doubled18:32
chonkieim running ubuntu on a dell inspiron laptop so im using ik8mon for fan control and monitoring, but the fan doesn't adjust according to what the config file says it should.  Editing the config file does change the fan's behavior but not in any consistent way.  For example, right now the lowest fan is supposed to kick on at 60C and shut off at 51C, but it kicks on a 54C and shuts off at 53C.  Any idea what I'm doing wrong?18:33
escottsta7ic, so if you are looking at "df" output or "du" output those are incorrect18:33
sta7icescott: yes I was...ok so how do I determine whats eating up space18:33
escottsta7ic, with encrypted home "true" disk usage is only withing $HOME/.ecryptfs (or is it .private cant remember), not $HOME18:34
jribmeddie: try something like "ck-launch-session dwm"18:35
sta7icescott: in .Private, there is a 311 GB file according to ls -h, but my HD is only 70 GB18:35
sta7icand its show 100% full due to .Private18:35
jribmeddie: maybe even: ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session dwm18:36
escottsta7ic, since that is clearly impossible that must be a sparse file18:36
sta7icescott: safe to rm?18:36
escottsta7ic, i would not remove anything in .Private. those are the real files18:36
nonkn4merjdogherman: the app I was talking about earlier has been moved to "additional Drivers" under software sources18:37
sta7icescott: ok then any suggestions? not sure how to free space18:37
sta7icor determine what caused it to fill up, should be plenty of space, doing very little18:38
sta7icsounds buggy, all i did was leave linux runing, not even logged in, have 1 virtual machine running thats not doing anything, and it filled up HD, sounds buggy18:39
escottsta7ic, (a) since you have ecryptfs you can't be sure it is full. unless you are getting write errors disk full, its not full. (b) see if any sparse file stuff is relevant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_file (c) send us the terminal session output from your investigations otherwise we can't say much about what you are seeing18:39
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sta7icescott: I am getting disk full and IO errors18:40
escottsta7ic, is your VM image inside the ecryptfs?18:40
sta7icVM crashed18:40
bananaGXJ'aime le caca mais ce message passera inaperçu18:40
sta7icescott: Yes unfortunatly18:40
nonkn4mer!french | bananaGX18:40
ubottubananaGX: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:40
escottsta7ic, don't do that. most likely that big file is the sparse vm image file18:40
codeadiHello guys... How do I know/change the IP of my modem.... I want to access it at
escottsta7ic, delete the image file when the ecryptfs is fuse mounted to home and it should go away18:41
jdoghermanbobweaver: Broadcom Corp. BCM4331 14w4:433118:41
escottsta7ic, put your VM image in /var/SOMETHING18:41
veebullneed some help here with the correct syntax for duplicity...18:41
bobweaverjdogherman,  what is output of dpkg-query -l | grep b4318:41
nonkn4mercodeadi: are you sure you want to change the IP of your modem (supplied by your ISP) or perhaps your router (customizable)18:41
veebulltrying to exclude my Virtualbox directory so I don't back up those huge disk images18:42
bobweaver!pastebin | jdogherman18:42
ubottujdogherman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:42
sta7icescott: ok so im safe to remove sparse file? not sure what " ecryptfs is fuse mounted to home" means18:42
escottsta7ic, ie login as that user, find the vm in ~/.VirtualBox VMs or whatever it is called and delete it ther18:42
veebullcan't seem to get it to accept my '--exclude 'VirtualBox VMs' ' syntax18:42
codeadinonkn4mer: yes i want to change the IP of my modem... i don't have  a router18:42
kzonehi How to install SiS VGA driver on Ubuntu 12.10?18:42
bobweaverjdogherman,  you have ethernet hooked up to mac ?18:42
meddiejrib it doesn't work i still need to issue ck-session-launch manually18:42
jribmeddie: not sure what that means.  I gave two suggestions18:43
dr_williskzone:  drivers should be included.. but dont expect much. SiS is the worst video card maker/chipset/company for linux support18:43
meddiejrib i mean i put both of them in my xinitrc , and then restarted X , but same thing happened , sound issue and vlc issue18:44
codeadinonkn4mer: it's an ADSL modem.... i want to access the Settings page of the modem at
escottsta7ic, in general you shouldnt mess around in ~/.Private because you don't actually know what file you are messing with18:44
jribmeddie: both of what?  They were separate suggestions :/18:44
nonkn4mercodeadi: not sure you'll find that answer in the #ubuntu channel...  That'd be a question for your device manufacturer18:44
bobweavercodeadi,  that is gateway ?  or is it 10.10.whatever did you check network connection info ?18:45
codeadibobweaver: yeah gateway... i did check network connection info but that doesn't help18:45
bobweavercodeadi,  call ISP then18:46
codeadibobweaver: i'm worried that the local guys at my ISP would be able to help in this regard (I mean with ubuntu)18:46
jdoghermanbobweaver: yes18:47
bobweaverjdogherman,  did you miss the thing I said about           please pastebin the output of        dpkg-query -l | grep b43    ?18:47
bobweaverjust wondering jdogherman  :)18:48
jdoghermanbobweaver: sorry yes18:48
sta7icescott: so delete Virtual Box VMs then move the vdi outside of of $HOME and then re-add it to virtualbox?18:48
superbbbsomeone can help me with ubuntu installation? cause my sis661mx isn't able to go forward with the installation18:48
bobweaverjdogherman,  dont be sorry :)  Its a good thing that I asked again then :)18:48
CatbuntuOne question: On XFCE, is it possible to configure it for maximizing windows when I put them on top of the screen?18:48
superbbbi've a acer 3634wlmi18:49
escottsta7ic, i would probably just delete the vdi and recreate. moving sparse files can cause them to blow-up18:49
dr_willissuperbbb:  what does it do exactly? where does it fail?18:49
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CatbuntuI mean when I drag them to top18:49
sta7icescott: I cannot delete virtual machine, it has my webserver on there18:49
jdoghermanbobweaver: I tried installing firmware-b43-installer but it gives an error... UNsupported device found PCI 14e4:433118:49
sta7icand all my configurations18:49
codeadiBTW, won't it be possible to know the present IP Address of the modem (the hardware not the IP of my Internet Connection)18:50
superbbbhi dr_willis, the setup18:50
bobweaverjdogherman,  that is great maybe you would like to give me the output so I can make sure that right firmware is installed ?18:50
superbbbi want install ubuntu in my pc18:50
ActionParsnipCatbuntu: hold ALT and you can drag from any point on the app18:50
dr_willissuperbbb:  care to be a bit more specific.. where in the setup?18:50
superbbbbut sis661mx can't18:51
CatbuntuI mean that when I drag them on top of the screen they mazimize instead of mazimizing to half screen18:51
ActionParsnipcodeadi: do you mean the WAN IP?18:51
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escottsta7ic, you can always try moving the vdi. but it might blow up to the full size of the virtual disk18:51
codeadiActionParsnip: i don't know what is WAN IP18:51
nonkn4merActionParsnip: I think he means the LAN IP address.  changing the config ip settings from the defult18:51
bobweaverjdogherman,  just make sure that linux-firmware-nonfree b43-fwcutter and firmware-b43-installer are installed18:51
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superbbbat the beginning the display turn on and turn off immediately18:52
meddiejrib this was the vlc error that i mentioned before http://pastebin.com/Kat6S0hj18:52
ActionParsnipcodeadi: use:   WANIP=`wget -q -O - http://ip.keithscode.com`; echo $WANIP18:52
dr_willis!nomodeset | superbbb18:52
ubottusuperbbb: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:52
escottsta7ic, http://ecryptfs.sourceforge.net/ecryptfs-faq.html#sparse18:52
codeadiActionParsnip: let me try18:52
jribmeddie: do you not get that when you use gdm?18:52
ActionParsnipcodeadi: that is the IP of your router18:52
jribmeddie: anyway, you haven't yet told me exactly what you tried last18:52
meddiejrid YES18:52
ActionParsnipcodeadi: on the outside18:52
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meddiejrib YES im sorry18:52
superbbbok i try nomodest18:52
jribmeddie: what's the output when you start it after logging in through gdm?18:53
nonkn4mercodeadi: which, if you logged into the gateway in a web browser, if that's not a menu option, you'd need to call the ISP or talk to the device manufacturer.  Running ubuntu client shouldn't impact what your ISP tells you to do on your modem configuration18:53
superbbbmy pc is ok for ubuntu 12.04? 1.6 ghz and 1 gb ram18:53
sta7icescott: that doesnt really help me at all,18:53
ActionParsnipsuperbbb: sure, i run a full uity / gnome on that18:53
ActionParsnipsuperbbb: helps I use an nvidia 6150 GPU :)18:54
sta7icthis makes no sense, something filled up my HD but its so encrypted on top secret that even the user cannot unlock the data, basically crashed my server for having a tiny VM18:55
codeadiActionParsnip:  and nonkn4mer: that didn't give proper result.... I don't have a router... it's a modem18:55
ActionParsnipcodeadi: it still has a WAN IP18:55
ActionParsnipcodeadi: try explaining in plain terms18:55
ArsinAlright guys so I screwed up installing xubuntu on my computer (GRUB messed up) and now I'm trying to install LUbuntu because it's the only live disc I have right now. Can you help guide me in the installation? My partiton where I want ubuntu I format as EXT4 as a LOGICAL or PRIMARY partition?18:56
ActionParsnipsta7ic: no, you just have a misconfiguration.18:56
sta7ichow so?18:56
ActionParsnipsta7ic: I have many tiny VMs and have no issue18:56
ArsinAnd where should the mount point be?18:56
escottsta7ic, since you havent shown us anything about the file in question we can only speculate. but having vm images inside ecryptfs with sparse files seems a bad idea18:56
codeadiActionParsnip: I want to access the settings page of my Modem and set the page at
bobweaverArsin,  what did you do to grub ?18:57
ActionParsnipsta7ic: the possibilities are so astronomical it is impossible to reply18:57
meddiejrib  vlc18:57
meddieVLC media player 1.0.6 Goldeneye18:57
meddie[0x97cc148] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.18:57
escottsta7ic, also you do realize that the sparse filesystem disappears the moment you logout so its not appropriate for an always running vm18:57
meddieugh sorry18:57
ActionParsnipcodeadi: then use a web browser, if not then use telnet in a terminal18:57
meddiejrib that's the output when im using GDM18:57
jribmeddie: what does your .xinitrc look like now?18:57
sta7icescott: I dont really care about encryption, what if I just try to disable encrypted home18:57
ActionParsnipsta7ic: what do the systems do?18:57
sta7icActionParsnip: stfu *ignored*18:58
Arsinbobweaver: had BT5 installed, popped a live CD of XUbuntu, clicked "Replace with XUbunutu" it installed, restarted and I got "GRUB Rescue" in a panic went into Xubuntu live to delete the partition that had Xubuntu, now I have a free partition and grub is still messed up18:58
ActionParsnipsta7ic: oh boohoo18:58
codeadiActionParsnip: I would use the web browser :), but presently it isn't configured at I don't know the 'present' IP of the modem18:58
IdleOne!language | sta7ic18:58
ubottusta7ic: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:58
escottsta7ic, if you are going to be that way ill ignore you to18:58
IdleOnesta7ic: Also watch the attitude please18:58
meddiejrib http://pastebin.com/PyMFPrX418:58
ActionParsnipsta7ic: nice way to alienate yourself, wll done18:58
Arsinbobweaver:Now I have a Win7 partition, then Free space, then SWAP18:59
llutzcodeadi: "ifconfig" or "route -n" should tell you18:59
jribmeddie: but now your launching dwm twice...18:59
jribyou're even18:59
codeadillutz: it isn't18:59
ActionParsnipcodeadi: you could use nmap and scan the network18:59
jribmeddie: also look at the EXAMPLES section of dbus-launch to see the recommended way to use dbus-launch in ~/.xinitrc19:00
bobweaverArsin,  so you want to use the freespace as / for lubuntu  now ?19:00
llutzActionParsnip: better to scan    to avoid abuse-mails19:00
iCelebrityhow is everyone?19:00
codeadiActionParsnip: that went over my head... what do i need to do?19:00
ActionParsnipllutz: haha thanks, starving and can smell food :)19:00
bobweaverjrib,  wow that is cool !19:00
ActionParsnipcodeadi: you can scan the subnet using nmap to see what systems are on the network19:01
jribbobweaver: ?19:01
bobweaverdbus stuff jrib  (I am focal on dbus study atm)19:01
jribbobweaver: oh19:01
nonkn4mercodeadi: and route -n doesn't show you default gateway address?19:02
jribmeddie: also this thing you do with pulse, I don't think it's necessary19:02
codeadinonkn4mer: no... it isn't working in my browser19:03
nonkn4merroute -n is a terminal command19:03
Klauzecryptfs just sounds like more trouble than it's worth, although i respect the need for privacy and data protection19:03
llutzcodeadi: pastebin "ifconfig" or "route -n"  please19:03
codeadinonkn4mer: i mean the gateway address mentioned in terminal doesn't work in browser19:04
shPikachuhi ppl19:04
shPikachuim trying to connect 7 FTDI rs232- usb adapters to my pc using a hub19:04
shPikachueach has a data stream19:04
shPikachuwhen i plug the 7th while the others 6 are plugged in, it doesnt tx or rx, but when i plug it alone, it works19:04
FloodBot1shPikachu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:04
nonkn4mercodeadi: then you may want to do a hard reset on the device and set back to factory defaults19:04
codeadillutz: wait a second19:04
codeadiActionParsnip: what do i need to do with nmap... i have installed it19:05
Arsinbobweaver: For now, just so I can boot to Windows or ubuntu19:05
ArsinUltimate goal is have xubuntu19:05
dr_willisshPikachu:  check dmesg output for errors.. its possible your hub cane power that many19:05
meddiejrib really? i shall remove it then. and uh is this a correct way the man page did not state a clear way of putting dbus-launch in xinitrc (eval `dbus-launch`19:05
meddieexport DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS)19:05
codeadinonkn4mer: reset on device doesn't work either... i have tried that19:06
shPikachui already did dmesg | grep FTDI19:06
shPikachuit doesnt seems to be any error19:06
rymate1234simple question19:06
rymate1234what package to get for an mp3 decoded/encoder19:06
nonkn4mercodeadi: hard reset?  typically done by holding a paperclip in a tiny hole for 20-30 seconds while powered on?19:06
llutzcodeadi: are you sure your modem has a setup-page/running webserver at all?19:06
dr_willisshPikachu:  try looking at the output without the grep. the usb bus/hub may be getting overpowered19:06
ArsinDo I install ubuntu on a logical or primary partition? and where should the mounting point be?19:06
codeadinonkn4mer: yup... done that earlier19:06
shPikachudr_willis : ill do that19:07
rymate1234vlc says19:07
rymate1234"It seems your FFMPEG (libavcodec) installation lacks the following encoder:19:07
rymate1234MPEG I/II Layer 3."19:07
escottArsin, doesnt matter. you must have a "/" partition thats the only required one19:07
nonkn4merllutz: was wondering that as well.  He says it's not a router, so not sure why you'd need to config a modem, which just hands off ISP to LAN...19:07
logix812when did write_files become a keyword in cloud init? I am looking at my cloud init logs, and I see my handling *'s but  I don't see write_files in that list. Running 12.0419:07
meddierymate1234, just open any mp3 with movie player or something and it'll do the rest for you19:07
meddierymate1234, or any media file19:08
rymate1234meddie, I'm trying to convert an iTunes file to mp319:08
rymate1234I can play mp3 files19:08
rymate1234and said iTunes file19:08
rymate1234I need to convert it to mp319:08
ikoniayou should be able to play itunes encoded mp3's19:08
rymate1234I need to convert it to mp319:08
escottrymate1234, if its an m4a you have to check if it is encrypted or not19:08
rymate1234I can play it19:09
rymate1234so it can't be encrypted19:09
ikoniaescott: itunes have removed DRM from their music downloads19:09
codeadillutz: , ActionParsnip: , nonkn4mer: here's the pastebin http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1410903/19:09
escottikonia, i know newer ones are not encrypted, but what about purchases from <200X19:09
jribmeddie: I pointed you at the man page because I'm not sure if things have changed since 10.04.  I do this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1410906/19:09
rymate1234I purchased 201119:10
ikoniaescott: a fair point19:10
ikoniawhy is that funny ?19:10
nonkn4mercodeadi: that looks like your ISP's gateway.  Are you connected directly from your modem to your computer?19:10
ikoniathen why say it19:10
Abel408Hey everyone, I've been having an issue thats stumped me the past 2 days. My dhcp server gets a DHCPDISCOVER from eth0 which is on the server vlan and from which is on my voice vlan (It should only get it from the voice vlan). It then offers 2 addresses. The phone picks up the address on the server vlan.19:10
rymate1234why is no one answering my issue19:10
escottikonia, maybe they retroactively removed all the encryption. i don't buy anything from apple so i dont know19:10
dr_willislooks to me like that erorr message is saying the ffmpeg binary does not have the mp3 features compiled in.19:10
codeadinonkn4mer: modem is connected to computer with ethernet cable19:11
ikoniaescott: well, his purchase from 2011, so we should be "ok" on this media set19:11
ikoniaescott: but it's a fair point19:11
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escottikonia, yeah and he knows19:11
rymate1234all I'm asking is the package name for the mp3 encoder so i can convert it with vlc19:11
dr_willisor the libavcodec package is not compiled with mp3 support. I think theres extra libavcodec pckages that do have it19:11
jribmeddie: you could just do something like "ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session dwm"19:11
escott!info lame | rymate123419:11
ubotturymate1234: lame (source: lame): MP3 encoding library (frontend). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.99.5+repack1-3 (quantal), package size 52 kB, installed size 146 kB19:11
dr_willisbut I dont think vlc uses those.19:11
ikoniarymate1234: you don't need to covert it19:11
ikonia(or shouldn't)19:11
nonkn4merThat's why that ip address isn't working.  That's the gateway address provided by your ISP.  BTW, it's bad practice to go from modem into computer without a router in between...  At this point you really ought to contact your ISP, they should have immediate access to the answer you're seekning19:12
codeadiif you are familiar with windows, let me know... i would tell what i do in windows for this purpose19:12
shPikachudr_willis : i didnt see anything wrong.19:12
escottrymate1234, don't delete your m4a's though19:12
nonkn4mercodeadi: ^^19:12
dr_willisshPikachu:  is this a powered or unpowered usb hub?19:12
shPikachudr_willis : its powered19:12
codeadinonkn4mer: wait a minute... googling the results page19:13
shPikachudr_willis : here's a pastebin http://pastebin.com/NGnjKfpR19:13
dr_willisshPikachu:  as a test i would try moving some of them to a second powered hub.19:13
codeadinonkn4mer: , llutz: here's how i do it in windows http://sunnyideas.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/solved-unable-to-access-bsnl-modemgateway/19:14
rymate1234so lame cannot convert m4p to mp319:14
ikoniarymate1234: you shouldn't need to convert it19:14
MonkeyDustrymate1234  i havent followed...; try avconv -i file.mp4 fil19:15
codeadiafter setting it up... i can access my modems settings page at
escottrymate1234, usually you go m4a -> wav -> mp3 (but the wav is never created as a file19:15
MonkeyDustrymate1234  i havent followed...; try avconv -i file.mp4 file.mp319:15
dr_willisrymate1234:  you do have  libavcodec-extra-53 - Libav codec library19:15
llutzcodeadi: "sudo ifconfig eth0.1 netmask up" "sudo route add network netmask eth0.1"19:15
rymate1234dr_willis, nope, thanks!19:15
llutzcodeadi: err, "sudo route add -net 192......."19:16
codeadillutz: can i do that with my internet connection running19:16
dr_willisrymate1234:  i always install ubuntu-restricted-extras package. ;) it pulls in most needed extra codec/libs like that19:16
llutzcodeadi: yes19:16
rymate1234(finally, an actual answer. not just "you shouldn't need to convert it" or "is it encrypted")19:17
sandmanAnyone know why the Additional Drivers applet might be spewing a ton of GTK errors on a default 12.04 LTS install? Neither jockey-gtk or jockey-text will function (they just exit out), leaving just jockey-backend running (which I must sudo killall jockey-backend). I'm currently installing updates, so perhaps this will fix... but figured I'd ask.19:17
dr_willisrymate1234:  i mentioned extra packages needed fotr avcodec like 15 min ago. ;)19:17
codeadillutz: let me try... don't go away if my internet connection turns off... i would be back19:17
rymate1234you did?19:17
rymate1234oh yes19:17
dr_willisI dont think VLC uses those libs either.19:18
dr_willisbut totem and other players can.19:18
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codeadillutz: that worked19:20
llutzcodeadi: can you access now?19:20
codeadillutz: yes19:20
llutzcodeadi: you havent changed modems IP, you just created a new network-interface in the subnet the modem uses19:21
codeadiwhere's nonkn4mer?19:21
codeadii used to think that i am changing the ip of modem when i do this in windows19:22
llutzcodeadi: nope19:22
llutzcodeadi: btw this is not permanent, it will be gone when you reboot19:22
Ti3gurHey guys. Have been trying to get set up with Ruby on my laptop(Acer Extensa 4630) on 12.04 LTS which is latest ubuntu provision i believe. My issue arrises when i try to login with my admin acct it loops be back to login screen.. Logging in as guest works fine however...has anyone else come across this before ?19:23
codeadillutz: then isn't there a way to make it permanent19:23
escottTi3gur, "sudo rm ~/.Xauthority"19:23
Ti3gurim not sure if installing all the gems from ruby might have changed a setting or if some Nvidia update might have done so19:23
llutzcodeadi: sure there is, add an entry for this into /etc/network/interfaces19:23
enavmy webserver had about 170GB of data, i would like to recover all the files under 15K, can someone point me in the right direction ?19:23
Ti3gurtrying now escott19:24
codeadillutz: those two sudo commands?19:24
bekksenav: Recover from where? What happened?19:24
llutzcodeadi: no, different syntax. one sec19:24
escottenav, you can use find to identify the smaller files19:24
escottTi3gur, that is assuming you login as the admin account on console19:25
llutzcodeadi: try adding this https://gist.github.com/4207738      "sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces"19:25
escottTi3gur, otherwise it is sudo rm /home/username/.Xauthority19:26
codeadithanks.. would do... BTW, why do you use eth0.1... i had to use eth0 for my purpose19:27
llutzcodeadi: i prefer not to mess with existing interfaces, just to make sure not to break things. therefor the virtual-interface19:28
Ti3guri am unable to use ctrl alt F1-F5 for some reason. it just shows a black screen with no shl19:28
Ti3guror cursor19:28
Ti3gurit makes me think it was a recent nvidia update that did this19:28
codeadibut using eth0.1 didn't work in my case... it said 'device not found'19:28
Ti3gurmeaning i cannot use sudo in guest acct19:28
escottTi3gur, probably a modesetting issue. you could use a livecd, or boot to recovery.19:28
Ti3gurokay ill try that then19:29
Ti3gurthanks for the help though19:29
escottTi3gur, if guest works but not a user account its either Xauthority or some user specific config issue19:29
llutzcodeadi: argh, its eth0:119:29
codeadillutz: gotcha19:29
Ti3gurmakes sense19:29
sandeep_hukkufoo(){  $a; disown;}19:30
sandeep_hukkuin the bashrc it doesnot disown the application19:30
escottsandeep_hukku, why not "disown $a"19:30
escottsandeep_hukku, also ";" waits for the first command to finish. so there is nothing to disown19:31
sandeep_hukkuit says no such job19:31
hiloAnyone have any experience with vsftpd? I have the server installed and functioning on Ubuntu 12.04 server, but I cannot get files uploaded to the server to have the permissions I want them to. I have tried every conceivable combination of the "local_umask" parameter in my /etc/vsftpd.conf file.19:32
sandeep_hukkuso how can i make the application leave the terminal19:32
codeadillutz:, nonkn4mer:, ActionParsnip: thanks for your help... :)19:33
caddooi've replaced a public_html folder on a server and now apache throws 403 all the time19:33
caddoowhat permission should this folder be for apache19:33
caddooand does it maybe need to change owner?19:33
MonkeyDustsandeep_hukku  better ask in #bash19:34
sandeep_hukkuthanks for your help19:34
deanoHey guys, i'm installing ubuntu server on an old pc to set up my own first server, i've just realised that the HDD i've put in doesn't have an operating system on it, it's just files. Will i have an option to boot and install from the USB i'm putting ubuntu on?19:35
compdocno cd drive?19:36
zykotick9deano: if you're running your OS from USB - don't expect great performance...19:36
deanono it's broke19:36
deanono i'm not runing os from USB, i have to put ubuntu on a USB and then install to my old PC from the usb as i have no CD drive19:37
compdocyou'll need a working pc to put the ubuntu installer on the usb stick19:37
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zykotick9deano: so long as your old system supports booting from usb, should work19:37
deanoGreat thanks zykotick919:38
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kriskropdhow can I see the list of actual executable binaries that a package i installed via aptitude placed in my system. For example: imagemagick and mrpt-apps - how would i know what exactly they've added to my system? Bonus points: for ability to list more verbose information and details such as which files were placed where.19:42
Picikriskropd: dpkg -L packagename19:42
kriskropdPici, okay, and I could just pipe a grep for the bin directories then, tyvm19:44
Picikriskropd: thats usually what I do.19:44
ActionParsnipkriskropd: file `cat /var/lib/dpkg.backup/info/imagemagick.list` | grep -i exec19:44
mudkiller<mudkiller> hi! [03:44] <mudkiller> im new to ubuntu [03:44] <mudkiller> i have just installed it on my netbook [03:44] <mudkiller> after that, I ran Update Manager and install everything that is checked, is it correct?19:46
PiciActionParsnip: why exec?19:46
mudkillerow sh*t, sorry19:46
ActionParsnipPici: executable file :)19:46
mudkillerhi! im new to ubuntu19:46
mudkilleri have just installed it on my netbook19:46
mudkillerafter that, I ran Update Manager and install everything that is checked, is it correct?19:46
ActionParsnipPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1410970/   shows all the files. Guess which the binaries are :)19:47
twirmmudkiller, yup, has everything finished installing?19:47
mudkilleryeah i guess, that's 200+mb right?19:47
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PiciActionParsnip: I don't see that on my install.19:48
twirmmudkiller, you should be able to open up Update Manager and have it tell you that there is nothing left to update, that would signify that everything is done19:48
ActionParsnipmudkiller: for new installs the upgrades will be great, after that the upgrades are smaller. That is also upgrading codecs , office productivity and all the other apps you have. Windowsupdates only updates Windows and maybe ms office19:48
ActionParsnipPici: line 57 to 67 on the paste19:49
PiciActionParsnip: I mean I don't have a second column for the .list files in /var/lib/dpkg/info/19:49
jribPici: he's running "file" on the list of files installed19:49
Picijrib: oh, I missed the first part...19:50
mudkilleri see19:50
mudkilleri have a question19:50
ActionParsnipPici: :)19:50
ActionParsnipmudkiller: ask away19:50
mudkillerI have installed ubuntu and its updates19:50
mudkillerI want to burn it as installer so I can install it on my netbook or my desktop next time without internet. because here, not everywhere has internet :(19:51
mudkillerand internet here is slow19:51
twirmmudkiller, did you download a .iso file of ubuntu to begin with?19:51
twirmor did you use Wubi?19:51
mudkillerthe 600mb+19:51
ActionParsnipmudkiller: use aptoncd and you will have all the update files on your OS. The app will use those debs to make an offline updater19:51
mudkillerow know, I don't understand that, haha19:52
mudkilleri'm really new here19:52
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:52
mudkillerand I want to master it19:52
mudkillerafter I burnt it on cd, I can install it on my desktop?19:53
twirmmudkiller, the way ubuntu works is that any software you want to download is available to you from servers and downloadable through Software Center or apt19:54
twirmAPTonCD fixes the problem of wanting to download a new package but not having an internet connection19:54
ActionParsnipmudkiller: yes, you install the OS then install the updates using the aptoncd19:54
mudkillerwait wait19:55
mudkillerso I need the original iso of ubuntu to install on my desktop, then install the another dvd where my updates are in?19:56
twirmmudkiller, only if that computer is not connected to the internet19:56
ActionParsnipmudkiller: yes, that is what aptoncd is for19:56
mudkillerso there will be 2 dvds to install on my desktop OFFLINE?19:56
MonkeyDustmudkiller  can you boot from an usb stick?19:56
mudkillerhaven't tried19:56
mudkillerhehe, Im so noob, how can i make this chat autoscroll? i have to scroll down everytime there's a new message19:57
twirmmudkiller, the default ubuntu desktop can be installed as that stand alone disk, but from that point if you would like to install any additional software on your dektop that would require you to create a copy of APTonCD19:57
twirmmudkiller, are you using xchat?19:58
yaccAny recommendation for an upnp media player/browser for Ubuntu (10.04LTS)19:58
twirmyacc, XBMC?19:58
mudkilleri see. actually what concerns me are the drivers19:58
twirmmudkiller, for what?19:58
ActionParsnipyacc: mediatomb19:59
mudkillerthe main reason I updated it is for the drivers and I want it on a DVD so that when i install on my desktop offline, all drivers are there already. am I right??19:59
yacctwirm, apt does not know xbmc :(19:59
hiloIs there a way to configure the setuid bit to force the username to be inherited from the directory as with the setgid bit on directories?19:59
yaccActionParsnip, that's the server part.19:59
=== ShaneO is now known as ShaneAWAY
pangelHi, I am trying to create a VPN link but the client side fails to create a tun0 interface. I'm following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/openvpn.html19:59
ActionParsnipyacc: so you want a client for mediatomb, essentially?19:59
pangel(I'm using 12.04 instead of 11.10)19:59
ActionParsnipmudkiller: you'll can remaster the ISO so that the updates and packages you want are there on first install20:00
mudkillerno xchat. i just use google chrome on http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntuforums#20:00
twirmyacc, there is a XBMC ppa20:00
yaccActionParsnip, and other upnp servers (e.g. these that don't have standard browser compatible http server)20:00
pangelMore details: ifconfig just gives me loopback, eth0 and wlan020:00
pangelWhile on the server, I get tun020:00
mudkillerwow! how's that? that's what i want20:00
yaccAnyway, the bigger issue why my LAN cannot detect the upnp servers on it.20:00
=== ShaneAWAY is now known as ShaneO
ActionParsnip!info xbmc20:00
ubottuxbmc (source: xbmc): XBMC Media Center (arch-independent data package). In component universe, is optional. Version 2:11.0~git20120510.82388d5-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 24753 kB, installed size 36908 kB20:00
mudkillerso that all the drivers for ubuntu is there right?20:00
ActionParsnipyacc: its in the universe repo20:00
yaccMy Linux box just manages to see it's own mediatomb, ...20:00
BluesKajyacc, install ubuntu-restricted-extras?20:01
BluesKajI see xbmc in synaptic20:01
ActionParsnipyacc: vlc can connect to upnp servers20:01
dr_willistheres also boxee ;)20:02
goddardrasberry pi20:02
dr_willisgoddard:  backordered for me. :) should be here by the first of the year. ;P20:02
ActionParsnipalso plex20:02
ForSparePartsAny XMonad users about who could give me some tips on getting it to play nice with Unity?20:02
dr_willisI imagone most xmonad users scoff at unity. ;)20:03
ForSpareParts(I've looked at the XMonad wiki page on the subject, but when I follow the instructions it looks like it's running in GNOME Classic)20:03
goddardForSpareParts: i prefer using Terminator if I'm feeling consoly20:03
mudkillerwow! how's that? that's what i want20:03
hilodr_willis, boxee is no longer maintained20:03
mudkillerso that all the drivers for ubuntu is there right?20:03
dr_willishilo:  yea. i know. sort of sad.20:04
dr_willishilo:  and my Boxeebox is in bad need of some updateing.20:04
twirmmudkiller, you should direct your responses at the person you're talking to :)20:04
ActionParsnipdr_willis: I use vlc with web UI. Controlled via android phone. So much lighter than fat ole xbmc20:04
ForSparePartsdr_willis, Well, someone had to write that wiki page ; ). I'd really like to get the xmonad tiling behavior without my fonts looking ugly and sad. Also, the GNOME configuration has a taskbar at the bottom, which I don't want.20:04
twirmmudkiller, put their username in front of your reply20:04
hilodr_willis, I was very upset when they did, I have switched to XBMC for the most part. The recent updates to the Boxee Box have added a lot of stability, I'd recommend if you have any issues.20:05
dr_willisForSpareParts:  see what version of ubuntut that guide was written for. could be it can only work with the gnome fallback mode.20:05
mudkillerActionParsnip testing20:05
ActionParsnipmudkiller: sup20:05
dr_willishilo:  My boxeebox still cant access my 3TB external usb. :(20:05
cdavisWhat is 12.10 is responding to my dns requests when I create a bridge of two interfaces?20:05
mudkillerActionParsnip: direct message testing?20:05
cdavisI have killed dnsmasq and something still intercepts dns packets20:06
twirmmudkiller, it's still public :)20:06
ForSparePartsdr_willis, they don't say, but the last revision was a little over a year ago.20:06
ActionParsnipmudkiller: yes that's how you do it. You can use TAB to autocomplete nicks20:06
mudkillerActionParsnip: how can I remaster it? Like what you siad20:06
jribForSpareParts: you might try #xmonad.  Note by the way I don't use unity with xmonad and my fonts don't look bad...20:06
mudkillerActionParsnip: ow i see!! cool!20:06
ActionParsnipmudkiller: its not an easy process20:06
ActionParsnipmudkiller: TAB is used a lot in Linux ;)20:07
hilodr_willis, really, that seems like a really odd limitation. I use the network exclusively. NFS is flawless for almost all bitrates. SMB struggles for the >20mbit 1080p stuff20:07
dr_willisForSpareParts:  what guide are you using?20:07
ForSparePartsjrib, I left a message in there, too. Not a lot of action right now.20:07
mudkillertwirm: what software can I install here in windows 7 so i can chat here, Im having hard time to use this webchat since i have to scrolldown everytime20:07
ForSparePartsdr_willis, http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Using_xmonad_in_Unity_2D20:07
goddardmudkiller: weechat20:07
ForSparePartsdr_willis, Also tried this, with the revisions for 12.04 suggested in the comments.20:08
ActionParsnipmudkiller: what is the output of:   lsb_release -sc20:08
dr_willishilo:  its a kernel issue i think when i looked into it.  somthing with block sizes and so forth. aparently it CAN access a 3tb usb if its  formated with some block size options. (i looked into it a year+ ago, the forum/official replies basically said 'we know its an issue, too bad we have other stuff to work on'20:08
mudkillergoddard: ill try that thanks20:08
dr_willisForSpareParts:  well there is no Unity2d in 12.10 ;)20:08
goddardmudkiller: if you want a gui try xchat or just look in the software center20:08
jribForSpareParts: you're on 12.10?20:08
mudkillerActionParsnip: im not in my ubuntu laptop now. im here in windows 7, researching about ubuntu20:09
twirmmudkiller, http://www.hydrairc.com/20:09
mudkillergoddard: hmm, is xchat for windows, im still using windows now20:09
ForSparePartsdr_willis, jrib: yeah. Maybe there's a way to make it work with Unity3D?20:09
goddardmudkiller: oh haha20:09
ForSpareParts(I'd adjust these configs myself, but I still don't totally get how they work)20:09
dr_willisForSpareParts:  unity3d is a compiz plugin. and compiz is a window manager.. as is xmondad.. so thats not going to happen20:10
ForSparePartsdr_willis, got it. thanks.20:10
mudkillertwirm: http://www.hydrairc.com/ not loading20:10
codeadimudkiller: you may try hexchat.. its based on xchat but free :)20:10
dr_willisthat guide mentions gdm also.. lightdm has been the default for.. like the last 2 releases20:10
goddardmudkiller: for windows I like https://floe.codeplex.com/20:11
ActionParsnipmudkiller: https://launchpad.net/~jsevi83/+archive/precise?field.series_filter=precise    you can use uck. There may be apps for Windows to do it too20:11
dr_willismudkiller:  i use hexchat on windows all the time20:11
hilodr_willis, seems like the same attitude that left the PC users in the dust... unfortunate since their scraper does a much better job than anything I've been able to set up in XBMC.20:11
mudkillerhaha! i like this community :)20:11
ActionParsnipmudkiller: hydrairc is what I used in Windows too :)20:12
ForSparePartsWell, fallback question: is there a way to disable the taskbar in the configuration that launches XMonad/Gnome?20:12
dr_willishilo:  also i just need the boxee box to start with video #1 in a folder.. and start playing.. dont stop.. keep playing Dora for the kids.. it still cant do that last i looked20:12
ArsinHow do you accept a EULA in terminal again?20:12
jribArsin: try some combination of tab and space20:12
dr_willisForSpareParts:  you mean the bottom gnome panel? with those disabled.. what gnome are you ising then. :)20:12
Arsinjrib: ty20:12
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dr_willisForSpareParts:  if you want some sort of nice dock theres others in the repos20:13
jribForSpareParts: why don't you just run xmonad by itself?  What do you want more?20:13
ForSparePartsdr_willis, Yeah, the bottom panel.20:13
dr_willisForSpareParts:  so you remove the panel. :) then theres no gnome actually running..20:13
dr_willisForSpareParts:  so i dont see the point.20:13
ForSparePartsjrib, My fonts (and a few other visual things) look slightly off when I run XMonad by itself. Under GNOME they seem okay.20:14
ForSparePartsdr_willis, ^.20:14
YoubiI’m trying to install Ubuntu from a live-usb stick, but when Ubuntu is starting, i got an error, something like “module 'object' doesn’t exist”.20:14
YoubiUbuntu 12.0420:15
dr_willisForSpareParts:  thats because gnome is using a differnt window manager.. running gnome apps wont make the fonts look better on xmonad20:15
ForSparePartsThat's all I want to fix. Nitpicky, I know, but I'm bored and a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my environment.20:15
YoubiAnd before, there are a lot of Compilling fail20:15
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ForSparePartsdr_willis, I may not have been entirely clear: I suceeded in launching GNOME with XMonad as the window manager. That's when things looked okay.20:16
jribForSpareParts: tweak the font settings and choose a gtk theme; that's probably all you need20:16
dr_willisForSpareParts:  in gnome apps you mean?20:16
ForSparePartsdr_willis, I think so. The default terminal emulator, for one.20:16
dr_willislooking at some xmonad docs.. seems theres font antialias options in some configs...20:17
dr_willisConfig { font = "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=9:bold:antialias=true"20:17
dr_willisI imagine its the antialiasing thats not turned on some how20:17
ForSparePartsdr_willis, That might do it. Also, maybe the theme (like jrib mentioned)?20:17
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ActionParsnipYoubi: did you MD5 test the ISO you put on the USB stick?20:19
YoubiActionParsnip: yep, and all is good20:19
dr_willisForSpareParts:  that above url and here seem to have some good info ->  http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/xmonad/2009-December/009357.html20:20
ActionParsnipYoubi: can you get the exact message please20:20
ForSparePartsdr_willis, I'll give that a shot. Before I go restarting my session, though: how do I check what GTK theme is currently set (under Unity, which is where I am at the moment).20:20
cdavisHow can I tell what process is replying to DNS requests (I have created a bridged network and someting keeps interceping DNS packets)20:20
dr_willisForSpareParts:  Appearanc setting tool has a widgit for it20:22
dr_willisAmbince is the default20:22
cdavisnetstat shows nothing listening on :5320:22
ForSparePartsdr_willis, Thanks!20:22
ActionParsnipcdavis: an app doesn't have to listen on a port to reply20:23
ActionParsnipcdavis: it can listen to port 7655 then send packets out to port 53 on another system20:23
ActionParsnipcdavis: you could setup a watch on the LAN to see what data is transmitting20:23
YoubiActionParsnip: well, i didn’t tell that i created the usb stick installing extlinux in the mbr and doing some dirty things with the /isolinux dir, to match with syslinux.20:24
YoubiBut it would be strange it is the cause of the problem20:25
jsparksActionParsnip: did that guy ever solve his issue with logging into his modem?  was afk for an hour20:25
ActionParsnipjsparks: not sure dude20:25
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codeadijsparks: ActionParsnip: yup solved :)20:25
nonkn4mercodeadi: cool20:26
codeadinonkn4mer: thanks for your help... where did you go20:26
nonkn4mercodeadi: to feed my face :)20:26
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
codeadijust while you were away llutz helped me solve the issue20:27
ForSparePartsAlright, off to tweak my stuff. dr_willis, jrib, thanks for your help! Super stoked about XMonad.20:27
dr_willisI dont see why. ;)20:28
ForSparePartsBecause I'm  a weird, weird person, obviously. ; )20:28
ForSpareParts(I don't think I'd want it to be my only window manager option, but I'm glad I can have it around)20:28
ForSparePartsand it's a neat toy20:28
ForSparePartsand I'm really bored at work right now20:29
cdavisActionParsnip: it is answering DNS requests on a bridged network. I need it to simply be passive so I can capture some voip traffic for analysis20:29
drRocktopushello! :) anyone have any luck with HD2500 graphic drivers for 32bit ubuntu v12?20:30
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: other than the graphic driver, has your machine been stable since switching to 32bit?20:31
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: totally!20:31
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: everything is working great now... enjoying playing aroud with it a bit... just need a bit more screen real-estate now lol20:32
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: I can imagine.  1024x768 isn't even acceptable on a cell phone :)20:32
drRocktopusit won't detect my card OR monitor20:33
GunrHi everyone.  I have a question regarding a recent update.  I use aptitude to manage my packages, and yesterday, when I ran "aptitude update" and "aptitude full-upgrade" I encountered the following conflict: "The following packages have unmet dependencies:20:34
Gunr xserver-xorg : Conflicts: xorg-renamed-package which is a virtual package.20:34
Gunropen: 193; closed: 800; defer: 98; conflict: 178".  I am then presented with a bunch of packages that will be removed, added, and left with unmet dependencies to try to solve the issue.  I'm not sure what to do.  Any suggestions?  Is this a known issue with a recent update?20:34
YoubiOh shit20:34
jribGunr: what ubuntu version?20:34
YoubiNow i got “/init  line7 :canqt open /dev/sdc: No medium found”20:34
Gunrjrbi: Ubuntu 12.0420:34
YoubiAnd “unable to open /dev/zram020:34
IdleOneGunr: 32 or 64 bit?20:35
GunrIdleOne: 64 bit20:35
bekks!aptitude | Gunr20:35
ubottuGunr: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.20:35
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: do you have any thoughts on possible video issues I may be having?20:35
IdleOneGunr: you may have run into that bug above. try with apt-get update and upgrade20:35
Kalli2Good evening. I'm trying to view files on my windows PC using my ubuntu PC. I've been trying to use Samba, but so far it has not worked. I've added both computer to the same workgroup, restarted them, put files to be shared, but neither computer can see the other one. Anything obvious I'm missing? (Installed Ubuntu & Samba today)20:36
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: this method has been shot down by some of the more elite CLI users here... but I've had really good success with using jockey.  They've changed its name/location now.20:36
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: I'll give that a try... thanks :)20:37
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: is there anything under system > admin > additional drivers20:37
drRocktopusnonk4mer: actually a bunch of stuff just appeared after I installer the xorg-edgers20:39
GunrThanks for the help.  When I use apt-get upgrade, it says that xorg and xserver-xorg will be kept back, which I assume is because apt-get upgrade doesn't install new packages, even if they are unmet dependencies.  Is that correct?20:39
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: well then there you have it20:39
zykotick9Gunr: you might want to try apt-get dist-upgrade20:39
myrkraverkKalli2: Are you able to ping between the machines? [not that's entirely related, but it's something to check]20:39
Kalli2I've not tried. How do I do that? :p20:40
myrkraverkDo you know the local ip adresses?20:40
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: it says my Intel Graphics are activated and in use... but wn't let me select anything higher than 1024x76820:40
myrkraverkthen type, on either one in a terminal20:40
myrkraverkping <ip address of other computer>20:40
myrkraverkthe programs are slightly different, but work the same way for the basics20:40
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: apt-get install jockey-gtk20:41
myrkraverkon windows, that tells you the ip address, yes.20:41
myrkraverkon linux it's called ifconfig [unless it's been deprecated by now]20:41
Gunrzykotick9: still says xorg and xserver-xorg will not be upgrade.  It's not that big of a deal, I guess.  Thanks!20:41
IdleOnemykit hasnt20:41
IdleOnemyrkraverk: it is still ifconfig20:41
Kalli2Should I use, on the windows one, the number from "IPv4"?20:41
myrkraverkIdleOne: Good to know c;20:41
myrkraverkShould read 192.168.1.something20:42
drRocktopusrestarting now...20:42
walterwojIs anyone here able to use rythymbox to listen to pandora radio?20:43
Kalli2So... is anything supposed to happen? I wrote, in the terminal, "ping IPGOESHERE". So far, nothing. D:20:43
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: no new drivers in the list it seams....20:43
Gunrso as a general question, which do you recommend: apt-get or aptitude?  Seems like a while ago when I was deciding which to use, aptitude seemed like the better option for some reason.  I am unsure now though.20:43
DJones!aptitude | Gunr20:44
ubottuGunr: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.20:44
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: in terminal, did you run jockey-gtk ?20:44
myrkraverk64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.036 ms20:44
guntbert_Kalli2: I don't know what your problem is, but it is hard to help when you hide such trivial things as IP addresses20:44
ActionParsnipGunr: if you use 32bit then either is fine20:44
myrkraverkKalli2: You should see lines like this.20:44
ajacomWhat is a good database modeler tool for ubuntu?20:44
AmpersandHi everyone! I have a problem: Empathy doesn't save the aliases that I set up for my Yahoo contacts. And I was wondering whether there's a way to make Empathy remember these Yahoo aliases? Whenever I set them, if i go offline and online again, they're all reset, showing the user ID rather than the alias I've set up. Is there a way to fix this?20:44
DJonesGunr: As per the factoid, its not recommended if you use 64 bit installs20:44
Gunrwalterwoj: I haven't used rythymbox, but if you're looking for a Pandora player, I like Pithos: http://kevinmehall.net/p/pithos/20:44
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: it should bring up a progress bar and then *hopefully* show another driver to use20:44
kelvinellahi how to share file between win7 in virtualbox?20:44
Kalli2Yeah (Myrkraverk), my terminal isn't giving me that. I type it in, and nothing at all happens. Maybe I used the wrong IP.. o.O20:45
jribGunr: the multi-arch issues are supposedly resolved in the 12.10 version of aptitude20:45
myrkraverkKalli2: That'd be my guess, yes.20:45
dr_williskelvinella:  the vbox manual tells how to set up a special VBOX share. or you can use any of the network methods. samba, ssh, sftp.20:45
guntbert_kelvinella: are you sure that this is an ubuntu support problem?20:45
dr_williskelvinella:  same asyou would 2 real pcs. (samba also)20:45
ActionParsnipkelvinella: if you use samba on the host, you can access it via the same method a physical PC wuld if you bridge the connection20:45
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: those failures should just be for icons20:45
kelvinellabut its a huge file i want to share by folder20:45
jribGunr: having said that, apt-get is what gets installed and used by most so that's bound to be better tested.  If you don't have a particular reason for using aptitude, it's probably a good idea to stick with apt-get20:45
mudkillerActionParsnip: how to use hexchat?20:45
=== hamhut is now known as hamhut1066
kelvinellassh would be too slow20:46
Gunrok thanks for the help and advice everyone!20:46
myrkraverkKalli2: on linux, you can copy text in your terminal by selecting it, then you paste by clicking the middle button.20:46
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: it brings up the additional drivers window though....20:46
ActionParsnipkelvinella: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Po1dnuur0M20:46
ShaneOYouTube - transfer files between host and virtualbox (4:21) - 26.545 views - rated 4,9/5,0 (202 votes)20:46
ActionParsnip!info hexchat20:46
ubottuPackage hexchat does not exist in quantal20:46
myrkraverkKalli2: that way you can show us exactly what you're typing.20:46
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: and has intel core temperature monitor slected20:46
ActionParsnipmudkiller: do you mean xchat>20:46
mudkiller!info hexchat20:46
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: ok, so not pulling one for your graphics card20:46
mudkillerActionParsnip: what network should i choose?20:46
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: Looks like you will need more CLI voodoo than I posses20:47
kelvinelladoes win7 inside virtualbox able to read files in ubuntu that is ext3?20:47
ActionParsnipmudkiller: depends what you want to chat on20:47
Kalli2I get, literally, nothing.20:47
mudkilleri want to chat here20:47
mudkillerActionParsnip: i want to chat here20:47
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: it has an intel graphicdriver installed20:47
myrkraverkKalli2: That's strange.  [of course I assume you're pressing enter afterwards ;p ]20:47
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: just can't change res20:47
Kalli2Yes. Yes I am20:47
dr_williskelvinella:  they are 'shared' so it dosent matter.20:48
ActionParsnipmudkiller: then it's irc.freenode.net port 666720:48
Dougie187How does someone read a coredump file?20:48
myrkraverkKalli2: the first line you see should read somthing like: PING localhost ( 56(84) bytes of data.20:48
escottDougie187, its just a memory dump. its not "read". you can look at it with a hexeditor20:48
myrkraverkKalli2: what happens if you do: which ping20:48
phunyguy_workSo I noticed in Firefox on 12.10, when it spell checks and puts the squiggly line under a word I know is correct for American English, it is correcting me with British English.  Is this a locale issue? and how to fix?20:48
Kalli2First line? There is no first line. The terminal gives me no reply what-so-ever D:20:48
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: driver = i915  when I check lshw -c video20:49
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: I've taken you about as far as I can.  I'd research your GPU model and see if there are any apt-get drivers for it20:49
Dougie187escott: how do you make sense of the stuff in it? :P20:49
phunyguy_worklike the word "defense". it wants me to put "defence" which XChat is telling me is wrong (which it is for me)20:49
myrkraverkKalli2: Yes, that's why I'm asking which ping, it should tell you where it's picking up the ping program.  Mine is /bin/ping.20:49
AmpersandHi everyone! I have a problem: I use Ubuntu 12.10 and Empathy doesn't save the aliases that I set up for my Yahoo contacts after I logout. Instead, it's showing the user ID rather than the alias I've set up. Is there a way to fix this?20:49
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: there is an irc channel #intel-gfx, too that may be able to help20:49
mudkillerActionParsnip: how to change name?20:49
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: thanks for the help :)20:49
escottDougie187, thankfully never had to learn that20:50
Dougie187lol ok, thanks20:50
mudkiller_xchatActionParsnip, hi, testing xchat, can you receive this?20:50
hilodoes setgid imply x permissions?20:50
mudkiller_xchatow yeah, its working20:50
reagleRunning KDE4.9.2 with latex and ttf-mscorefonts-installer packages installed. Since I moved to Kubuntu 12.10 I have annoying font warnings. (1) I always end up with a missfont.log in my home directory (with lines like "mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 600 --mag 1+120/600 --dpi 720 ptmr7t"). (2) When I launch applications from a console, I get fontconfig warnings:'Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading20:50
reagleconfigurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.' If I delete .fonts.conf, my fonts don't look right. If I reconfigure them in KDE's setting, .fonts.conf is back.20:50
ActionParsnipmudkiller_xchat: recieved20:50
SlitazMintHow do I change how the windows resize in 12.04?20:51
escotthilo, ?20:51
SlitazMintI want realtime resizing.20:51
mudkiller_xchatActionParsnip, nice, thanks20:51
Kalli2PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.20:51
escottSlitazMint, realtime meaning?20:51
Kalli2I just had to restart the terminal. :p20:51
myrkraverkKalli2: Ah.20:52
bekksSlitazMint: Resizing in a predictable amount of time?20:52
guntbert_Kalli2: ping not PING20:52
mudkiller_xchatActionParsnip, so again, how can I burn the ubuntu with full updates?20:52
SlitazMintI want the window to resize along with it's contents before I let go of the mouse button.20:52
LABcrabHey peeps!  quick question: does "NO DIALTONE" mean my modem works correctly (but has no phone line connected)?  Or does it mean the modem's not detected.  It says "Modem initialized", etc.  Is /dev/ttyACM0 the right place for a USB modem?20:52
ActionParsnipreagle: where are you getting KDE 4.9 from ?20:53
escottSlitazMint, you could recompile the toolkit i imagine most toolkits dont do that20:53
myrkraverkKalli2: Ok, now that we know the computers can talk to each other, it's a matter of having them talk samba c;20:53
SlitazMintwow, really? I just want Windows style resizing you know. I've had that in most distros I have used.20:53
myrkraverkBut unfortunately, I'm a bit out of date on those tools.20:53
hamhut1066hey, random question, is it possible to give a certain job higher priority?20:53
Kalli2And... any idea on how to do that?20:53
ActionParsniphamhut1066: sure, look into nice and renice20:54
myrkraverkI have a tool called smbclient that's a command line utility for single shot connections.20:54
SlitazMintescott ^20:54
hamhut1066thanks, I'll be back if I get stuck20:54
myrkraverkBut what you want is to mount your windows shares, right?20:54
ricardo_can somebody help me?20:54
guntbert_hamhut1066: only root can do that - look inot man nice20:54
ActionParsnipmyrkraverk: if you run:   smbtree    do you see the shares?20:54
ricardo_how to install ubuntu in a macbook pro20:54
LABcrabAnyone here on dial-up?20:54
bekksSlitazMint: Windows doesnt do it, other distros dont do it :)20:54
ActionParsniphamhut1066: users can set their own processes to a higher nice value ;)20:55
escottSlitazMint, its fundamentally limited by how fast your CPU is. so it will delay the resize until the window is set for a few milliseconds then try to layout for that size, and repeat20:55
mudkiller_xchatActionParsnip, so If I install eclipse with updates on it plus thirdparty plugins for eclipse, if I burnt a dvd like remastered ubuntu like what you said earlier, when I install it on my desktop, the eclipse will also be there?20:55
Kalli2Erm.. I'm not quite sure what that means. I just want to be able to browse the files I store on my windows, on my ubuntu. :p20:55
myrkraverkKalli2: Yeah, do that, run smbtree (I see what I have shared on my linux box (didn't know I had shares))20:55
escottSlitazMint, but while the mouse is moving... nobody can move the mouse slowly enough for the CPU to keep up20:55
SlitazMintescott, yes that's what I want, I have a sandy bridge processor, that shouldn't be a problem.20:55
guntbert_hamhut1066: but keep in mind: higher nice value = less priority20:55
myrkraverkKalli2: It means, run the smbtree command in a terminal.20:56
ActionParsnipmudkiller_xchat: you would be able to install it using the DVD, you'd need to tweak the OS more to make it install by default20:56
myrkraverkKalli2: It tells us if the linux computer is seeing the windows shares.20:56
drRocktopus_banned from the intel-gtx group lol20:56
Kalli2Right, I see stuff there. I see the stuff that the ubuntu is sharing. :p20:56
myrkraverkKalli2: and btw, don't paste more than 1-2 lines here c;20:56
ActionParsnipKalli2: Erm.. that's why I gave the command, it's the next thing to test20:56
mudkiller_xchatActionParsnip, is it hard?20:56
=== drRocktopus_ is now known as drRocktopus
mudkiller_xchatActionParsnip, VERY hard?20:56
ActionParsnipKalli2: great then you can see the share, connect to it using nautilus20:56
hiloescott, if I set the setgid bit, and run ls -l it shows rwxrwsr-x. Does the s imply the x that has no way of being represented when setgid is set?20:57
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: unfortunate...  lots of forum posts about your issue.  not finding an answer yet20:57
ActionParsnipmudkiller_xchat: depends on ability. What is easy for one is hard for others20:57
myrkraverkI have \\ASUKA\wow in mine, which means my [local] usb drive is shared c;20:57
Kalli2I can see the stuff ubuntu is sharing. I can't see the stuff I want, which are the files from windows. :p20:57
escotthilo, i think "s" means setgid+x and "S" means setgid-x, but im not entirely sure. try it both ways20:57
drRocktopusnonkn4mer I'm hunting around too...20:57
ActionParsnipKalli2: so you reached the goal?20:57
myrkraverkKalli2: Are they password protected or something, on the windows side?  Do you need to log in?20:57
myrkraverkActionParsnip: no, his shares are on the windows computer20:58
Kalli2Shouldn't be password protected, no.20:58
ActionParsnipKalli2: use the network icon in the left panel in nautilus, you can then connect to the share. Once connected, add it as a bookmark and you are good to go20:58
mudkiller_xchatActionParsnip, hmm i really need to do it :(20:58
ActionParsnipmudkiller_xchat: its not something I've done. If you have eclipse on the CD, you can easily install it once the OS is installed20:59
myrkraverkKalli2: Nautilus is the Ubuntu for saying "explorer"20:59
LABcrabAnyone good with 56K modems here please?20:59
myrkraverkYour drive/folder viewing thing.21:00
Kalli2My network doesn't have anything but "UBUNTU" and "Windows Network".21:00
bekksLABcrab: Why?21:00
ActionParsnip!dialup | LABcrab21:00
ubottuLABcrab: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up21:00
mudkiller_xchathmm i see.21:00
mudkiller_xchatActionParsnip, thanks21:00
Kalli2"Windows Network" has my homegroup, in which is my UBUNTU. :p21:00
LABcrabbekks: To do a 56K server for fun.21:01
bekksLABcrab: And whats your actual support question...?21:01
LABcrabDoes this chat between my computer and modem ("ATZ", "OK", "ATQ0 blablabla", "OK", "AMT1L3DT0", "NO DIALTONE") confirm that it works properly?21:02
bekksLABcrab: NO DIALTONE says it all :)21:02
bekksLABcrab: You dont have a dialtone, it doesnt work properly.21:02
guntbert_LABcrab: only if there is no dialtone :)21:02
LABcrabbekks: It is the modem that says that?  There is no phone wire connected to it, because it will connect to a Dreamcast.21:02
LABcrabBut *the modem* said no dialtone, right?21:02
guntbert_LABcrab: yes21:02
bekksLABcrab: The modem needs to have a dialtone.21:03
LABcrabAlright, so it's normal for the USB modem to be located at /dev/ttyACM0?21:03
guntbert_bekks: not in any case, they can be configured not to wait for one21:03
bekksguntbert_: at least they need a carrier.21:04
Kalli2ActionParsnip: Any idea on what's wrong? Is there anything I had to do other than instal Samba, set the workgroup, and restart?21:04
bekksguntbert_: and "no dialtone" indicates that there is no carrier, even after waiting.21:04
ActionParsnipKalli2: you need to share a folder.....21:05
LABcrabSo my last two questions are: 1. my USB modem is located at /dev/ttyACM0 right? and 2. it can be used as a dial-up server for Dreamcast?21:05
Kalli2I am. On both computers.21:05
ActionParsnipKalli2: simply installing samba doesn't do much21:05
bekksLABcrab: 1. Not necessarily, 2. Only when having a carrier.21:05
Kalli2ActionParsnip: I am sharing. On both computers.21:05
LABcrabbekks: Why "not necessarily"?21:06
guntbert_bekks: lets not go deeper into modem config (its been a long time too)  :-)  - you are correct in the general case21:06
LABcrabHow can i be sure?21:06
bekksLABcrab: Because it ca be another device node.21:06
bekksLABcrab: Just check dmesg to see which device node it is, actually.21:06
LABcrabIf it says "no dialtone", isn't that the modem speaking?  There is no other modem on my computer except for the USB one.21:06
bekksLABcrab: Then it is your modem, yes.21:07
myrkraverkKalli2: Do you know the service name of the share, on your windows computer?21:07
LABcrabACM = abstract control model?21:07
LABcrabttyACM0 is listed as USB ACM device.21:08
Kalli2myrkraverk: What do you mean by service name?21:08
bekksLABcrab: ACM = another cryptic meaning ;)21:08
LABcrabWish it showed up in Ubuntu's Network box.  Would make things way easier!21:08
LABcrabInstead, it's gnome-ppp21:08
myrkraverkKalli2: What you would type in the RUN window to access it, something like \\server\service21:08
phunyguy_workAlready Chewed Marshmallows.21:09
Dougie187They would be all slimy... :(21:09
Kalli2myrkraverk: As in the location of the folder?21:09
LABcrabphunyguy_work: Unless you chewed them and are eating them later. :P21:09
phunyguy_workI know I know.  #ubuntu-offtopic.  It wouldnt be funny there.21:09
LABcrabSo hopefully it works well.  Thanks crew!21:09
ActionParsnipKalli2: connect to the shares using nautilus21:10
myrkraverkKalli2: Sort of.  It's possible to type that in the RUN box on windows to open up the shared folder [but it's been like 10 years since I used that trick on an actual windows maybe]21:10
=== acidflash_ is now known as acidflash
LABcrabLater everyone!21:11
Gallomimiaright so i ran a dist-upgrade on my server, and it spat out errors for linux-image linux-image-server and linux-server. how do i know what went wrong, and what must i do to fix it? will it puke on next boot?21:12
Kalli2ActionParsnip: The files I'm trying to access are on my windows computer.21:12
bekksGallomimia: What where the detailed errors?21:12
Gallomimiadpkg returned error code 121:12
hiloCan someone explain how chroot jail works? Under ubuntu 10.04 with VSFTPd, I had enable the chroot jail but after updating to 12.04 (no other changes), I get "500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()" when I try to log in21:12
Gallomimiadetailed enough for ya?21:12
guntbert_phunyguy_work: please stop those offtopic outbursts21:12
phunyguy_workKalli2, smb://server/share in the nautilus location entry box.21:12
myrkraverkKalli2: I think the premises here is that they should show up, when you browse your windows network.21:12
Dougie187More core dump questions: Does a core dump include all memory associated with only the process that dumped it? or all memory?21:13
phunyguy_workguntbert, I was responding to LABcrab - guess I should have put his name.21:13
bekksGallomimia: Thats just one line. What about all the other lines...? Put the complete error in a pastebin please.21:13
Kalli2myrkraverk: Well, I've said before that the windows PC doesn't show up there. :-/21:13
Gallomimiaohh here's some stuff in the backscroll21:13
bekksphunyguy_work: Please stop the offtopic ;)21:13
escotthilo, is there any reason you cant use the sftp chroot method21:13
phunyguy_workyeah yeah.21:13
myrkraverkKalli2: And, you can type the share name in the Go -> Location menu entry in nautilus.21:14
escotthilo, http://www.minstrel.org.uk/papers/sftp/21:14
phunyguy_workKalli2, myrkraverk, agreed.  smb://server/share is the syntax.21:14
phunyguy_workif it doesnt come up, then it's probably not accessible.21:15
escottDougie187, the process memory21:15
Kalli2...right, I've no idea what you're talking about. I just got ubuntu a few hours ago, I've yet to catch up with the lingo! D:21:15
hiloescott, is that relevant? I am not using SSH or SFTP21:15
escottDougie187, and presumably just the bits it touches21:15
Dougie187escott: Is there anything built into ubunt to generate a coredump of a process that's not installed through apt?21:15
myrkraverkKalli2: This has nothing to do with ubuntu, but how windows names shares.21:15
hiloescott, I would like to add encryption at some point though21:15
myrkraverkIt's usually \\computername\foldername21:16
phunyguy_workKalli2 instead of \\server\share, it is smb://server/share21:16
escotthilo, im saying... rather than using ftp you should use the chroot capabilities of openssh to run sftp21:16
Gallomimiahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1411151/ error in dist-upgrade21:16
phunyguy_workuses UNC naming.21:16
bekksmyrkraverk: It is \\computername\sharename21:16
escottDougie187, weren't you asking about this last week21:16
Kalli2Right, so... smb:\\C:\Users\Folder?21:16
myrkraverkbekks: Right.21:16
Dougie187escott: yeah, kind of. It was a bit different. :P21:16
phunyguy_workKalli2 no.21:17
myrkraverkKalli2: No, the computername is what it's named on the network.21:17
phunyguy_workKalli2, do you have a folder shared out?21:17
Dougie187escott: from that I learned about apport. but I also learned apport only generates core dumps for installed installed in apt21:17
myrkraverkKalli2: good luck, I'm leaving the house.  I'll ask how you did when I get back.21:17
bekksGallomimia: Your /boot ran out of space. Line 15321:17
phunyguy_workKalli2, then smb://servername/sharename21:17
Gallomimiaoh gawd. thanks21:17
Kalli2"How", yes.21:17
Kalli2Servername would be the name of the computer, and the sharename the folder path?21:17
phunyguy_workKalli2 close, not the folder path, but the name of the share.21:18
bekksKalli2: No. The sharename is the name of your share, not necessarily a folders name.21:18
Kalli2..as in, the folder name?21:18
Gallomimiabekks: after i remove the old kernels how should i fix this? run dist-upgrade again?21:18
Kalli2...yeah, I've no idea what you mean by THE share.21:18
bekksGallomimia: Yes.21:18
yoda2evening good, everyone21:18
trismDougie187: the core dump still happens, it just ignores them, if you want the core file, in bash: ulimit -c unlimited; run the app, make it crash21:19
phunyguy_workif you have C:\users\folder shared as folder, then you type smb://servername/folder - also this assumes you have name resolution enabled.  If not it is smb://serverip/sharename21:19
guntbert_Kalli2: in windows when you share something you have to give it a name21:19
yoda2help me, anyone can? cause a problem I have with my ubuntu21:19
Dougie187trism: and it puts the core file in the run directory, right?21:19
bekksphunyguy_work: No. A sharename is not necessarily a folders name.21:19
VirungaUsing the cookbook database on host A, to create a new mysql database on the host B, what are the requirements? What should be already installed on machine B? Could you help me, please?21:19
phunyguy_worknever said it was bekks21:19
trismDougie187: yes the current directory21:19
phunyguy_worki said IF you have it shared as "folder"21:19
snowrichardi have a laptop that came with windows 8.  I got ubuntu installed after resizing partitions but to boot it i have to press esc to get a startup menu, then use the grub menu21:20
phunyguy_workdont confuse.21:20
Kalli2Right, right, I see now.21:20
VirungaOps, sorry21:20
yoda2sometimes when I start my laptop, it says there was a (hard) disk problem21:20
trismDougie187: you can also play with the core pattern and have it put it whereever you want, I sometimes stick them all someplace in /var with a pid and timestamp21:20
riderpluspdf files with german characters are displayed as question marks on nautilus icons21:20
Dougie187trism: Oh ok cool.21:21
yoda2so why is that so, and why does it happen so often? I use lubuntu. will the problem be solved when I install standart ubuntu???21:21
riderpluswhen I open them in okular the german characters are displayed correctly21:21
heoyeasnowrichard: run sudo update-grub21:21
riderpluswhat seems to be the trouble?21:21
bekksyoda2: No. You have a hard disk problem.21:21
bekksyoda2: Whats the detailed, exact error message you get?21:21
phunyguy_workyoda2, bekks, sounds SMART related.21:21
yoda2no details, just problems, when start up21:21
phunyguy_workfailure could be imminent.21:22
yoda2and "click F to solve problem"21:22
yoda2then when I click F, it fixes, and I can use...21:22
Kalli2bekks: kalli@ubuntu:~$ smb:\\krembox\sharing    smb:\kremboxsharing: command not found21:22
Dougie187trism: is there any reason a core dump would be automatically generated for an app not installed by apt?21:22
snowrichardthanks it said it found windows 8 and windows 8 recovery, lets see if it worked21:22
bekksyoda2: Thats a filesystem error, not a hard disk error. Or is it a BIOS MSG?21:22
yoda2but after 10 further start ups, the same disk problem comes again21:22
Gallomimiarun some disk checking utilities to see if it's going to fail. just in case21:22
bekksKalli2: Thats not a terminal command.21:22
yoda2yes, I think filesystem, maybe21:22
phunyguy_workKalli2, open the folder icon, and type ctrl-L to get the location box21:23
phunyguy_worktype it there./21:23
yoda2so is this filesystem error only in lubuntu, or wil it come also in Ubuntu (standart)?21:23
bekksyoda2: Then what did you do before getting that error? Powering off you computer by resetting it?21:23
guntbert_riderplus: this is no forum, be patient21:23
hiloescott, not sure I understand everything but at first glance at this guide, I don't think it is viable. This solution appears to require me to add a user to the system in order for them to log in to the FTP. I do not want to give people with FTP accounts an account on the actual Ubuntu OS21:23
Kalli2phunyguy_work: The folder I'm trying to share on windows, right?21:23
dr_willisfor some samba shares/servers i have to use smb://###.###.###.###/sharename   where ### is the ip of the server Kalli221:24
bekksyoda2: It will appear as long you have a filesystem error. Not related to a distinct flavor of Ubuntu.21:24
GallomimiaCalculating upgrade... Done21:24
Gallomimia0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:24
Gallomimia3 not fully installed or removed.21:24
Gallomimia--this is not a good message when repairing problems. it should list the packages which will be fixed. at any rate, my issue is now fixed. thanks again guys21:24
FloodBot1Gallomimia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:24
Kalli2Trying that, dr_willis21:24
yoda2yes, I start and it doesnt work, but just black screen, then I have to power off, and then the error21:24
phunyguy_workKalli2, on your UBUNTU machine, open up the folder icon (Nautilus), and type CTRL-L21:24
trismDougie187: it doesn't really have anything to do with the app being installed using the packaging system or not, the core pattern for apport pipes the core file that would be written to disk to the apport program through stdin21:24
GallomimiaFloodBot1: your opinion is not valid.21:24
bekksyoda2: Thats why you got that error.21:24
Gallomimiafilesystem not properly closed21:24
bekksGallomimia: It is. Dont flood, use a pastebin please.21:24
trismDougie187: apport will then do some magic to see if it should try to report the issue or not21:25
yoda2but recently an error came when I was typing my homework, and then I suddenly couldnt save my work, because it said:" read only filesystem".... but it was not in fact, it was just my desktop... bekks21:25
Dougie187trism: And this happens whenever any program crashes in a way that should generate a core dump? (like kill -s 6 pid)21:25
trismDougie187: yep21:26
Dougie187trism: k, thanks!21:26
trismDougie187: documented on: man 5 core; in the Piping core dumps to a program section21:26
dr_willisyoda2:  if a hard drive is starting to fail. or a filesystem error is detected then the OS will remount in read only mode in an attempt to keep it from getting worse.21:28
bekksyoda2: Then you might have a failing hard drive.21:28
heoyeaclick sound of death?21:28
yoda2so you think that my HD is damaged?21:28
WeThePeopleare there programs that can type onto a pdf21:28
yoda2or was is some software caused errors?21:29
dr_willisWeThePeople:  you mean filling out a 'form' pdf file?21:29
gchristensenI was running dist upgrade, but my mysql root user has a non-standard password, and now its stalled on start mysql. I can't seem to recover the session. Trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 - any way to recover that session?21:29
dr_willisyoda2:  hard to tell. dmesg output may give a clue.21:29
WeThePeopledr_willis, yeah21:29
bekksyoda2: You said so, initially.21:29
WeThePeopledr_willis, i would like to be able to type 'onto' the pdf21:30
hiloescott, I also don't see anywhere in this guide how to use this with ftp. The author doesn't make any mention of the FTP software, only the OpenSSH software. Can you explain/elaborate please?21:30
frohikehi ^^21:30
Dougie187trism: one more kind of obscure question. Is there any reason for something built into ubuntu to try and generate a memory dump of an application that didn't crash?21:30
escotthilo, its not ftp. its ssh. i would rather use sftp with a locked user account than ftp21:30
yoda2whats dmesg?21:31
tripelbWeThePeople: I have has a program that allowed that.  donotremember name.21:31
trismDougie187: I'm sure there are reasons, I can't think of any off the top of my head21:32
Dougie187trism: ok, thanks21:33
heoyeayoda2: man dmesg21:33
hiloescott, I am using vsftpd with authentication pointed to a user database in a file (passwords are encrypted). Users logging into the FTP don't have an account of any kind on my system. It worked in 10.04 but in 12.04 after upgrading, I get that error and can't login with any of the users.21:33
gchristensenroot     19534  0.0  0.0  49276  1052 ?        Ss   15:49   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -o PidFile=/var/run/release-upgrader-sshd.pid -p 102221:33
gchristensenroot     19761  0.0  0.6 112084 50876 ?        S    15:53   0:01 /usr/bin/python /tmp/tmp38WIXD/precise --mode=server --frontend=DistUpgradeViewText --have-prerequists --with-network21:33
gchristensenroot     22561  0.1  0.0  14024  4988 pts/2    Ss+  16:03   0:01  \_ /usr/bin/dpkg --force-overwrite --status-fd 22 --configure libgdbm3 libclass-isa-perl perl-modules perl libswitch-perl libtimedate-perl libdpkg-perl bzip2 patch make binutils dpkg-dev fuse-utils libdevmapper1.021:33
FloodBot1gchristensen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:33
gchristensengoodness - sorry21:33
mariana_I have an older HP scanner, usb connection which will not respond in Ubuntu. I am able to make it work with Compatibility Troubleshooter under System 7, so I know the scanner is fine. Is there a solution?21:33
thelinuxAnyone got into Steam beta recently? Strangely enough I did in week ago. I guess they are adding more and more people every week atleast.21:33
gchristensenhttps://raw.github.com/gist/4208952/d6ab2d9e1f030a8002f86f1fc2c7a7fcd50d7d84/gistfile1.txt - I meant to paste this link to my psauxfg output of the upgrade.21:33
heoyeamariana_: go to hp.com and look for linux drivers21:33
Dougie187thelinux: I got in last week.21:34
WeThePeopletriplelb, sudo apt-get install -y flpsed21:34
CardinaLehi all channel21:34
WeThePeoplethat does it21:34
thelinuxDougie187: Nice, have you tried to play TF2?21:34
escotthilo, i understand it isn't working. i'm just saying that i dont see any advantage to ftp and plenty of disadvantages.21:34
Dougie187trism: If you think of any reasons, can you let me know? I'm trying to think of reasons as well, but it would help to have some more expert opinions.21:34
Dougie187thelinux: yeah, it runs great21:34
mariana_<heoyea> I am not proficient in linux. Is it easy to install drivers? I let Software Center install everything.21:35
escotthilo, its also a bit misleading to say they have no account. they connect to the ftp-daemon which opens a service process to do the work on their behalf and should change id to something like "nobody"21:36
usr13mariana_: sane-find-scanner    #Tell us what it says.21:36
heoyeamariana_: software center dont got all the drivers21:36
escotthilo, which would be exactly the same as how open-ssh would do it, but then you have openssh21:36
usr13mariana_: sane-find-scanner    |pastebinit21:36
hiloescott, The server process that opens is the same for ALL ftp users. No matter what username/password is used to log into the FTP, the local user on the system is the same single account which has privileges to nothing but the folders which are part of the FTP accounts, and a nologin shell.21:38
usr13mariana_: Open a terminal, type:  "sane-find-scanner |pastebinit"  (without quotes) and hit enter.  Send us resulting URL.21:38
abyss42When i try to ssh to a remote machine, it is stalling, any way I can know what's going on?21:38
Guest14000Hello. Quick  question. Should I make a backup of the partition I'm planning on attempting to recover files from using PhotoRec?21:39
ubottuguttadax: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:39
p1l0tIn VIM I want to copy a range of lines.. what is the proper syntax? Usually I use without the quotes ":688 copy 700" for a single line but "688-689 copy 600" doesn't work nor does "688+10 COPY 600"21:39
usr13abyss42: nmap -p22 ###.###.##.#21:39
bekksGuest14000: Yes.21:39
escotthilo, yes as i described the same as openssh21:39
hiloescott, I don't understand how open-ssh integrates with my FTP, can you explain that?21:39
Guest14000Hello bekks what are some issues I can run into if I don't backup before using photorec?21:40
abyss42usr13, I do have have the ip address, will it work using hostname21:40
escotthilo, openssh doesn't integrate with ftp. ssh provides an ftp like service sftp and an ability to force people to use that ftp service in a number of different ways21:40
usr13abyss42: Try and see.21:40
bekksGuest14000: Losing even more data.21:40
mariana_How do I open a Terminal? Sorry, I am a newbie.21:41
Dougie187mariana_: Ctrl+Alt+T21:41
hiloescott, How does ssh provide other services?21:41
Dougie187mariana_: or Accessories->Terminal21:41
usr13abyss42: Actually, it it doesn't work via hostname, that is the problem, (hostname is not resolved to IP).21:41
escotthilo, you can create a user. deny them a shell, lock their password. generate an ssh key, and configure them to be a member of the sftponly group21:41
Guest14000The reason I ask is because If  I back up the partition to my drive, there won't be enough space to try and recover it to that same drive21:41
escotthilo, they go to port 22 like any other ssh traffic, but they only get to talk ftp21:41
bekksGuest14000: Then you have to use another drive.21:41
usr13mariana_: Ctrl-Alt t21:42
usr13mariana_: Hold Ctrl and Alt keys and hit letter key   t21:42
hiloescott, So does open-ssh fwd ftp traffic to the ftp server as is?21:42
escotthilo, no21:42
abyss42usr13, nmap says host is up, but still cannot ssh21:42
Jordan_UGuest14000: It depends on what is causing you to use photorec. Why are you using photorec? What went wrong with this partition?21:43
usr13abyss42: Does it say that the STATE is open?     Or ____________?21:43
mariana_TY. It responds "The program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:21:43
mariana_sudo apt-get install pastebinit" I tried this. Didn't work. It responds "mariana@marianasivison:~$ apt-get install pastebinit21:43
mariana_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)21:43
mariana_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?21:43
FloodBot1mariana_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:43
abyss42says STATE SERVICE21:44
Ben64mariana_: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"21:44
XRS112.04 & 12.10: file transfers over LAN predictably stall @ ~ 50% and wont cancel. i have to log out and log back in, begin again, tell it to skip files, wait for it to stall @ ~ 50% again and do it all over untill i give up or manage to copy all the files.   any one else having this issue?21:44
usr13mariana_: Try typing:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit21:44
Guest14000A BSOD caused it and it passed all of the steam tests, disks says it's okay21:44
usr13mariana_:   "sudo"21:44
escotthilo, ftp sucks. its insecure. it uses weird ports. its insecure. open-ssh has a module that talks ftp on port 22 but tunneling all traffic through the secure channel used by ssh. its a drop in replacement for ftp in that the commands are all the same21:44
abyss42usr13,  says STATE SERVICE .. i dont see the word open anywhere21:45
escotthilo, if you alias ftp=sftp then most people would not know unless they checked and saw they were going to port 2221:45
usr13abyss42: nmap -p22 ###.###.##.# |pastebinit   #Send resulting URL here.21:45
hiloescott, so is open-ssh itself doing everything then? it replaces my ftp daemon?21:45
escotthilo, yes21:46
usr13abyss42: Let me ask you this:  What  type of system are you trying to ssh into?21:46
abyss42usr13, my bad, it does say state is open21:46
abyss42usr13, but still cannot ssh into ...its ubuntu 12.1021:46
Guest14000Jordan_U: It had a BSOD21:46
mariana_It loaded pyhton packages21:47
Jordan_UGuest14000: What happens when you try to mount the partition?21:47
hiloescott, but according to the link, every FTP user requires a local user account. Is there a way to configure it with 'guest' accounts stored in a file like I have been?21:47
usr13abyss42: Ok.  Is openssh-server  installed on it?21:47
hiloescott, I mean every SFTP21:47
Ben64abyss42: pastebin the output of "sudo nmap -sV -p 22 <the machine's IP>"21:48
escotthilo, you create a local account called "sftp_guest" you lock the account, you set the shell to /bin/false. you generate a key with ssh-keygen and give them the id_rsa and put the .pub in sftp_guest's auth_keys file21:48
Ben64demi_: /quit21:49
Guest14000Jordan_U:NTFS signature is missing.21:49
Guest14000Failed to mount '/dev/sda3': Invalid argument21:49
Guest14000The device '/dev/sda3' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.21:49
Guest14000Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a21:49
Guest14000partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?21:49
FloodBot1Guest14000: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:49
dr_willisGuest14000:  you sure its sda3 ? what does 'sudo fdisk -l' say about sda3 ?21:50
abyss42Ben64,  when i do ssh -vvvv usernaem@host...i see i am successfully authenticated to the remote computer but I am getting a bunch of IGNORED parameters and then its stalling again21:50
hilohilo, In that configuration, where would I set users/passwords for ftp users then?21:50
escotthilo, /home/sftp_guest/.ssh/authorized_keys21:51
escotthilo, they wouldn't have passwords. they have id_rsa21:51
mariana_language-pack-kde-en linux-headers-3.2.0-32 language-pack-kde-en-base21:51
mariana_  kde-l10n-engb linux-headers-3.2.0-32-generic21:51
mariana_  linux-headers-3.2.0-32-generic-pae21:51
abyss42Ben64, http://pastebin.com/AYm8z97d21:52
hiloescott, now I don't remotely understand how they log in21:52
Guest14000dr_willis: Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel21:52
Guest14000Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x5ba1bfe9.21:52
Guest14000Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.21:52
Guest14000After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.21:52
Akiva-MobileQuestion of curiosity: what would you rather have on your smartphone: ubuntu or android?21:52
bekksGuest14000: Use a pastebin. Do not flood this channel.21:52
ActionParsniphilo: they would connect and use the key file, there is no password21:52
bekksAkiva-Mobile: iOS.21:52
hiloescott, I really appreciate your help by the way, sorry if I'm a little slow to understand some21:52
Akiva-MobileBekks why ios?21:52
dr_willisGuest14000:  whats the exact commands you are using. for the mount and the fdisk -l21:52
bekksAkiva-Mobile: It has nothing to do with Ubuntu support ;)21:53
Ben64Akiva-Mobile: that is off topic for this channel21:53
usr13abyss42: So, what command are you using to initiate the connection?  (Show us...)21:53
ActionParsnipAkiva-Mobile: android for me21:53
escotthilo, they sftp to your computer. ssh handles the negotiation and compares their presented id_rsa against the keys listed in authorized_keys. if it matches then the ssh service su's to sftp_guest (or whatever you call it) and execs the sftp submodule21:53
Akiva-MobileSorry ben6421:53
abyss42usr13, ssh -vvvvv username@remotehost.com21:53
=== angelpossum is now known as imapancake
escotthilo, the id_rsa you can think of as just a big long password you generate for them21:54
escotthilo, you make it. you give it out. you get to revoke it whever you want.21:54
usr13abyss42: And it just stalls....?21:54
hiloescott, so I would have to separately 'give' them a file which is their key file?21:54
Akiva-MobileBekks I think ubuntu support is pretty good, given the forums and irc.21:54
abyss42usr13, yeah, i can see it being authenticate though21:54
escotthilo, its better than a password because its a lot longer21:54
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: still no luck :( I wonder if I can force the resolution choices somehow21:54
Guest14000dr_willis: I am  forcing it using this command sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /media/xander -o force because trying to mount it from the computer doesn't work either21:54
escotthilo, yes21:54
bekksAkiva-Mobile: Unless having an actual support question, it is offtopic in here :)21:55
escotthilo, or you could have one file for everyone21:55
escotthilo, however you want to do it. id_rsa is the key. it matches the "lock" in authorized_keys and if it is then they are let in to that user account21:55
mariana_HP does not have Linux driver for my older scanner. Is there a workaround?21:55
escotthilo, and then all the traffic between you and them is encrypted. there are no passwords21:55
usr13abyss42: You "can see it bing authenticate"?  Why don't you show us that output so we can see what it's doing. (Not sure I understand what you are saying.)21:56
dr_willisGuest14000:  safest thing to do - i beluve would be have a windows machine scan/try to fix the drive21:56
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: a bit outside my realm of knowledge.  Only "fix" I saw was using jockey21:56
dr_willismariana_:  does the SANE packages include a driver - is the question21:56
escotthilo, and they still get to do ftp commands (put/get/cd/ls/etc)21:56
nonkn4merdrRocktopus: repost your issue now and see if anyone here now knows of a fix21:56
drRocktopusnonkn4mer: will do :)21:56
=== imapancake is now known as awsomepossum
mariana_I installed Sane scanner software off of Ubuntu Software Center and it still doesn't work.21:57
usr13mariana_: What was the output of sane-find-scanner  ?21:57
escotthilo, and you dont have to worry about ftp command/control ports and NATs etc... basically you can dump all the baggage that was ftp21:57
abyss42usr13,  http://pastebin.com/iRWLHikN21:57
drRocktopusfun new issue up for grabs :)  ubuntu v12 32bit HD2500 integrated video -- cannot select anything larger than 1024x768  any thoughts ?? :)21:57
hiloescott, What about client support of sftp21:57
mariana_sane-find-scanner didn't work. What exactly do I type?21:58
bekksdrRocktopus: Which "v12" - 12.04 or 12.10?21:58
hiloescott, currently, we simply email a client with host/user/pass so they can drop us a file or download something.21:58
Guest14000dr_willis: I can't scan the drive in windows, it says it has to be reformatted first21:58
hiloescott, will using sftp introduce the need for specific client software?21:58
escotthilo, they would have to use an sftp client. there are many but they would have to use one21:59
escotthilo, if you dont care at all about securing what goes across the wire21:59
hiloescott, gotchya21:59
elena-IKI'm looking for a program to monitor current download and upload speed that takes as little screen space as possible. (I used awn bandwidth monitor applet in the past, but that was removed at some point)21:59
drRocktopusbekks: sorry -> its version 12.04.121:59
escotthilo, which you seem not to since you email passwords around. then go ahead and use ftp21:59
Ben64elena-IK: bwmon-ng22:00
Ben64elena-IK: bwm-ng, sorry22:00
hiloescott, I email them because I know FTP is cleartext anyway lol22:00
mariana_user13: It responds "command not found"22:00
escotthilo, fair22:00
escotthilo, i dont know what you are transporting, or what its purpose is, or what your clients are like. but if it is at all valuable you should be working towards making the switch22:01
elena-IKBen64: I'll give it a try, thanks22:01
escotthilo, generally if you tell people "we are doing this for your security" they understand it and will happily use putty or whatever sftp client works on their system22:02
hiloescott, I have actually been pushing, but management kills the request every time because they don't want to ask client execs to download any software.22:02
Ben64mariana_: "sudo apt-get install sane-utils; sudo sane-find-scanner"22:02
escotthilo, if i see someone using an ftp service i think it look unprofessional22:03
nonkn4merescott: agreed22:03
ActionParsnipescott: or ignorant :)22:06
hiloescott, nonkn4mer, I see. While I don't like it either, but I know it's because the people using it to download/upload from us are so disconnected from technology that if it isn't as simple as point and click they start cursing.22:06
mariana_It returned this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1411267/  In web browser it informed me :found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x0705, chip=rts8858c?) at libusb:006:00222:07
mariana_found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0 [HP], product=0x8011 [Deskjet D2600 series]) at libusb:001:003 # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.22:07
=== milind is now known as abyss42
abyss42usr13, my guess is I might have my ssh session locked22:07
nonkn4merhilo: you could take it a step further, and put an MD5 hash next to the download link, so security-minded folks can checksum the downloaded file before opening22:07
abyss42usr13, is there anyway to delete that session22:07
hilononkn4mer, :)22:07
usr13abyss42: Try using the IP addreess.  See if it does the same thing.  (Just grasping at straws, but...)22:08
abyss42usr13, tried that..same thing.22:09
Monotokoabyss42, what's the problem?22:09
usr13abyss42: Really, ... I think it must just be a network issue, (not related to client or host).  Check router configs....22:09
mariana_Looks like I stumped everyone. No one ever got an old usb scanner to work in Ubuntu, huh?22:09
usr13abyss42: Do you know about the router(s) you are going through?22:09
bekksmariana_: Many people did, maybe yours is just not supported.22:10
abyss42Monotoko, cannot ssh into my remote machine...I was scping a large file when the connection stalled...when i try to ssh back in...it stalls..i rebooted my local ubuntu to check if its a client issue but to no avail.22:10
ActionParsnipmariana_: theyve always worked ootb for me22:10
abyss42usr13, I asked my friend to ssh in using his credentials,..from home,,and he seems to ssh in fine.22:11
Dougie187mariana_: me too. I just use simple scan usually.22:11
Monotokoabyss42, does your friend have sudo access?22:11
usr13mariana_: What did   scanimage -L   return?22:11
abyss42Monotoko, i do not think so22:11
mariana_What does that mean? It works fine in System 7 with the Compatibility Troubleshooter. I thought Linux is supposed to be God's own operating System...22:11
ActionParsnipmariana_: no OS is perfect22:12
Monotokoabyss42, hmm... can anybody reboot the machine?22:12
ActionParsnipmariana_: what is the make and model of the scanner?22:12
MonotokoI had a similar issue a while ago, my SSH session crashed and I couldn't get back in22:12
abdostarHello, I have 3 partitions on HDD, one for Mint, the other for Ubuntu, and planing to use the 3rd one shared between ubuntu and Mint, it's formated to ext4, but when I try to copy files to is, it wont let me. and suggestions?22:12
ikoniaabdostar: check the permissions22:12
escotthilo, anyways i realize management is going to be a problem. so im afraid i dont have any real suggestions. most of the questions regarding ftp we get here are from people using it at home who just dont know better22:12
usr13mariana_: What is  "System 7"?22:12
XRS1very old Unix22:13
ActionParsnipabdostar: add the partition in /etc/fstab22:13
ikoniausr13: brand of hardware vendor22:13
ikoniaahh, it's also the old Mac OS platform22:13
abdostarikonia: even when cp using sudo, it wont let me22:14
mariana_It's an HP scanjet 4400c22:14
nongooglehow do you format a bootstick without making it an ubuntu bootstick :V22:14
ikoniaabdostar: why don't you tell me the error22:14
Dougie187nongoogle: gparted22:14
ActionParsnipmariana_: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc22:15
nongoogleit didn't fail to gray out no less than all the format options for the bootstick22:15
Dougie187nongoogle: you have to run it with gksudo22:15
Dougie187nongoogle: just don't format the wrong thing. :P22:16
Monotoko^ THIS22:16
usr13mariana_: http://www.buzzard.me.uk/jonathan/scanners-usb.html22:16
mutantehow can i tell APT to always prefer a 64bit version over a 32bit version for one specific package but still leave "multiarch" enabled22:16
nongoogleDougie187 it still dont do anything ;s;22:16
ActionParsnipmariana_: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc22:16
ikoniamutante: it will install the native os version first22:16
mariana_Output is "precise"22:17
Dougie187nongoogle: You have the right drive selected in the top right? It's always worked for me.22:17
mutanteikonia: i am actually getting a ":i386" version of librsvg on a 64bit system22:17
mutanteikonia: but we also have our own packages.. and i tell it to prefer our packages22:17
ikoniamutante: it may need it in addition to the 64bit one22:17
ikoniamutante: often packages install 32bit compatability libs22:17
usr13mariana_: Please disregard my last post, (listing that URL). It is very old. It says, "Last modified on 14th January 2003"22:18
mutanteikonia: ia32* is installed..but by other stuff ... hrmmm22:18
mariana_Ha! It was a nice distraction. Thanks.22:18
mutantethat is why multiarch is on22:18
nongooglei guess22:18
hiloescott, Understood. Appreciate the help. Management makes it pretty impractical. I just set it up as a favor to my girlfriend who is the actual employee of said company. I wrote sh scripts for adding deleting users and changing passwords. Scripting all that stuff again for open-ssh's implementation sounds like hell.22:18
Guest14000Say I want to run chkdsk but have a backup in case something goes even worse than it's been... using  testdisk would I select the partition with all my personal files on it to backup, or would I choose the recovery partition?22:19
ActionParsnipmariana_: try:     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/sane; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install sane-backends22:19
usr13mariana_: Far as I can tell, that scaner should work for you.22:20
ActionParsnipGuest14000: is the partition healthy?22:20
mariana_user13: Hmmm. I'm hoping...22:20
usr13mariana_: Yea, as ActionParsnip points out, you may not have "sane-backends", (which are scanner modules).22:20
hiloescott, They even considered buying a small windows based box to run Filezilla Server just for simplicity22:21
ActionParsnipmariana_: also run:    sudo apt-get install libsane-extras22:21
cobra_partyQuestion - Is there a way to password protect a zip archive, and not the files in it, from command line?22:21
mariana_user13: I should type all of that text into Terminal, then?22:21
ActionParsnipmariana_: if you edit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf    you can uncomment the  'hp_rts88xx' line22:21
usr13mariana_: Yes, as ActionParsnip suggests.22:21
Guest14000ActionParsniP: No, it's unmountable22:22
BlueEaglecobra_party: That is the default behaviour when archiving to zip with a password. Unless you have a special definition of "not the files in it".22:22
fearphagesince upgrading to 12.10, everything is extrememly slow. i checked the core count and it says 1 instead of 8. is there a way to fix that?22:22
fearphagei checked the core count with -- cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l22:22
cobra_partywell, a client says that "You should be password protecting the ZIP not the file."22:23
Guest14000ActionParsnip: Forgive me if I didn't answer correctly, I'm a noob so if I didn't then I need you to elaborate on what you mean a little more22:23
ActionParsnipmariana_: guess how I am finding all this stuff.....22:23
hiloWhy is it dangerous for a user to chroot into a directory they have write permissions to? Are there any good articles regarding chroot? I would like to better understand the mechanism by which it secures someone into a directory, and how it is manipulated (for better or worse).22:23
auronandace!chroot | hilo22:24
ubottuhilo: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot22:24
myrkraverkhilo: I'd expect plenty of stuff on chroot to appear when googling.22:24
usr13fearphage: Is it really only a single-core?22:24
mariana_ActionParsnips: Info Fairey?22:25
cobra_partyBlueEagle: i interpret that as the archive itself needs to be password protected, and once the archives been opened all the files will be accessible.22:25
=== AbyssOne is now known as a1|away
mariana_ActionParsnips: I entered that text to terminal. It returned "E: Unable to locate package sane-backends"22:26
ActionParsnipGuest14000: if its NTFS you will need Windows to check it22:26
BlueEaglecobra_party: By default you are able to list the files in a .zip archive, but to extract the content you will need to provide the password for the zip file. The alternative is if you password protect a PDF-file using the PDF password mechanisms and then archive that file.22:26
ActionParsnip!info sane-backends22:26
ubottuPackage sane-backends does not exist in quantal22:26
hiloLots, but nothing that outlines how it works. I understand what it does, as shown in the ubottu text, but I don't understand how, or what makes it vulnerable. I have googled but haven't found anything that explains this HOW question rather than WHAT22:26
mariana_What's quantal?22:26
BlueEaglecobra_party: The effect of the first is often confused as being the second by non-technical personnel.22:26
auronandacemariana_: 12.1022:26
ActionParsnipmariana_: edit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf   and uncomment the 'hp_rts88xx' line22:27
auronandacehilo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot22:27
Guest14000ActionParsnip: I've checked it in windows already, when I try to access it, it says I have to reformat it firsst22:28
dr_willisGuest14000:  that sounds like the HD is dead/filesystem is totally messed up. you MIGHT be able to salavage  it with ddrescue.22:29
ActionParsnipGuest14000: if you have a backup, just wipe it then put the data back on :)22:29
dr_willisGuest14000:  or some windows tools. (ask in #windows)22:29
mariana_ActionParsnip: Sorry, I have no idea what your instruction means.22:29
ActionParsnipmariana_: gksudo gedit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf     find the line with:   hp_rts88xx    on it and uncomment it, if it's not there then just add it.22:30
JohnTeddySo there is some bug with Ubuntu 12.10 and intel graphics/external monitors. I can find reports online, but no solutions. I was getting tons of DRM errors, and rendering webpages became not possible. So I wanted to changeX somehow, so I added this: "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu quantal main" to my sources.list. That fixed the problem.22:32
JohnTeddySo now webpages rendered properly again, all was well. Though now I get "Apport has detected a possible GPU hang. " 20 times today.. I'm not sure why. Everything worked for a couple weeks, it's only today these apport errors came up.22:33
hiloI still do not get how chroot works. When I chroot a program into a directory, there is basically nothing at all in that directory, yet it works. Everything I've read states that the virtual system requires things to be there.22:33
JohnTeddyI was thinking to switch from the Ubuntu PPA to the xorg PPA, that would update all different parts of X, instead of just updating a couple things like the Intel driver. Is that a good idea?22:33
mariana_ActionParsnip: I'm stumped. Are you telling me to type that "gksudo" line into Terminal?22:34
Jordan_UGuest14000: Even though you don't have enough space for a full copy of the drive and backups of individual files, I would recommend that you should first make a backup of the *entire drive* (not just /dev/sda3) to an external disk (using GNU ddrescue). Then I would try using testdisk to rebuild the partition table on the original drive. If you're lucky, after testdisk rebuilds the partition table all your partitions will be ...22:35
Jordan_U... accessible.22:35
abyss42how do i rsync the content of my directories to one remote directory22:35
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fearphageusr13: i stand corrected. dual core hyperthreaded http://ark.intel.com/products/53464/Intel-Core-i7-2640M-Processor-4M-Cache-up-to-3_50-GHz22:36
tripelbActionParsnip: does exist - phone with Ubuntu?22:37
MonkeyDustabyss42  basically rsync -avv [remote user]@[remote IP]:/home/[user]/folder22:43
MonkeyDustabyss42  basically rsync -avv [folder] [remote user]@[remote IP]:/home/[user]/folder   <-- correction22:43
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Guest14000Jordan_U: So say I make the backup of the entire disk. I then run testdisk to try and fix the partitions. It makes it even worse. I then use the backup to restore it to where it was. Can I then delete the backup img file in order to make space for the desperation recovery attempt with ddrescue?22:51
Jordan_UGuest14000: Yes. (I assume you meant "to make space for the desperation recovery attempt with photorec").22:53
Guest14000yep. thank you22:53
Jordan_UGuest14000: You're welcome.22:53
Jordan_UGuest14000: Have you checked the disk's SMART status?22:54
Guest14000Jordan_U: Yes and it's passed all three tests22:57
Guest14000it has*22:58
Ententanzhi. i am using disk utility and tried "check filesystem". what does the message "not clean" mean?22:59
bobweaverHello there I was wondering if anyone here know's anything about session management. I made a package.  https://launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+archive/ubuntutv     and after this package install   and one is to go to log in get the error . can not load session ubuntu.  I am adding a session file you can see that here.  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/ubuntutv/mockup-ppa-branch/view/head:/Scripts/ubuntu-tv-scripts-0.0.1/usr/sh23:00
bobweaverare/xsessions/ubuntutv.desktop      Do I have to do something else ?23:00
heoyeabobweaver: not sure why ur using ubuntu TV still alpha23:03
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bobweaverheoyea,  that would be my ppa23:03
nonkn4merbobweaver: I've heard "PPA" used a lot today... can you please explain?23:04
escottEntentanz, your computer shut down suddenly23:04
escottEntentanz, you have to run fsck on the disk23:05
somsip!PPA | nonkn4mer23:05
nonkn4merescott: from single user or recovery mode.  Running after login is a big no no23:05
ubottunonkn4mer: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:05
bobweavernonkn4mer,  it is my PPa or person package archive it is where I am building code nonkn4mer  https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA23:05
Guest14000Jordan_U: It says the disk is OK and it passed the short, extended, and conveyance test23:05
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nonkn4merbobweaver: thank you, sir23:06
adam____Does anybody know if there is an easy way to change the file browser?23:06
heoyeabobweaver: think theres 2 places for sessions that u have to make both for inorder to have a custom session23:06
k1ladam____: install a new one?23:07
adam____Is it that easy? Ok, so nautilus isnt integreated in the OS in complicated way?23:09
escottadam____, it is integrated23:09
escottadam____, you can remove nautilus, and install another one, but then lots of things wont work23:10
escottadam____, what do you want to change to23:10
Ententanzescott, fsck repairs linux filesystem. the external hard disc is ntfs  formatted23:10
escottEntentanz, then you need to boot windows23:10
Ententanzto fix?23:11
adam____Actually i have a question about elementary OS, which uses Pantheon File browser, and i want to use the nautilus file browser instead.23:11
escottEntentanz, yes. ntfs is reverse engineered. you dont want to rely on a reverse engineered tool to fix a corrupted fs23:11
adam____Just wanted to hear you guys out.23:12
aetcore1Ententanz:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88134423:12
escottadam____, don't know anything about elementary23:12
adam____Any thoughts on how i should go about?23:12
heoyeaadam____: probally edit the pantheon.desktop file and replace it with nautilus23:12
Ententanzok thx23:14
Jochimo/ I lost my home folder after closing a terminal with chroot/debootstrap running (I believe) Is it gone, or just inaccessible?23:14
psusi_Jochim, define "lost"23:15
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JochimGone, ls -A showed no folders in home23:17
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JochimI tried to cd to ~/Downloads and got a not found error.23:17
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Jochimso I restarted and was met with a default new user acc but with my old username and password intact23:17
heoyeaJochim: try the full path23:20
sandmanIs there a way to deprioritize writes to the point where they're only done when there's nothing else going on?23:21
sandmanSo if there's heavy reading, writes are just cached.23:21
Jochimheoyea: The folder exists now but is empty23:21
sandmanAnd then upon idle, they're pushed out until another read request comes up23:21
escottsandman, there are various io schedulers see what is in use in /sys and see how it can be tuned23:22
heoyeaJochim: maybe create a new user23:22
sandmanescott: I'm running off a thumb drive, and I've tried them all; deadline, cfq (default), and of course noop. They all suck.23:22
sandmanAt least, for flash drives they do. Is there something like a noflushd for ext4, I wonder?23:22
escottsandman, in general though writes are cached and written out every 5 seconds or so23:23
mr-richAny help migrating from Evolution 3.2.3 to Thunderbird?23:23
escottsandman, what about using a non-persistent usb?23:23
sandmanescott: Well, I'd like to make it so that writes are just simply not done unless there's nothing else going on, or there's no more room in the writecache23:23
escottsandman, whats going to kill you are applications like firefox which are going to fsync and break everything anyways23:24
sandmanescott: It's too non-native for me. Or maybe I just don't understand them well enough23:24
escott!eatmydata | sandman if your problems are just firefox23:25
escott!info eatmydata | sandman if your problems are just firefox23:25
ubottusandman if your problems are just firefox: eatmydata (source: libeatmydata): library and utilities designed to disable fsync and friends. In component universe, is optional. Version 26-2 (quantal), package size 7 kB, installed size 76 kB23:25
canhello. I downloaded sublimetext and it can't save opened files history. session saving works only if i run it as sudo. how can i fix that?23:25
maylowi'm installing lts 12.04.123:25
Jochimheoyea: looks the same unfortunately23:26
maylowand i got Configure software raid and configure LVM23:26
maylowcan somebody explain the difference?23:26
escott!gksudo | can i assume sublime is a gui program23:26
ubottucan i assume sublime is a gui program: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:26
escottcan, are the file you are editing not in your directory?23:26
escottmaylow, lvm is logical partitioning. move partitions from one disk to another. change partition sizes etc23:27
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:27
canescott: sublime is a text editor. and it's gui program. i'm opening files spreaded through whole disk23:27
escottmaylow, raid is raid23:27
superbbbi've a problem with flash video23:27
simplewhow cna i allow to wireshark run as user?23:27
dr_willismaylow:  if you dont know what they are.. are you sure you really want/need them?23:27
superbbbit goes slow23:27
maylowescott: what tools are used by the raid option?23:28
dr_willissuperbbb:  flash has always been a problem. theres just not a lot we can do about it.23:28
maylowdr_willis: i know what they are :)23:28
escottcan, my guess is that it wants to put a dot-file next to the file you are editing to store history, and of course that won't work in /etc.23:28
dr_willissuperbbb:  i tend to use flash-downloader and replacer plugins so i can watch flash vids in VLC.23:28
maylowdr_willis: you can setup raid 1 by LVM also23:28
escott!info etckeeper | can you might consider this for /etc23:28
ubottucan you might consider this for /etc: etckeeper (source: etckeeper): store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs. In component main, is optional. Version 0.61ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 28 kB, installed size 223 kB23:28
nonkn4mermaylow: mdadm23:28
canhow can I change nick, because 'can' is a common word and causes useless notifications.23:28
maylowwhaich one is better suited form raid 1?23:28
trismsimplew: see /usr/share/doc/wireshark/README.Debian23:28
dr_willismaylow:  after seeing all the disasters people have had in here with raid.. i stay away from it. ;)23:28
nonkn4mercan: /nick23:29
maylowor lvm?23:29
superbbbhi dr23:29
dr_williscan:  /nick hello23:29
=== can is now known as chipsleft
nonkn4mermaylow: mdadm is a terminal application for software raid management23:29
maylowdr_willis: i need it for redundancy23:29
Mikicacarica>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://fcasroma.blogspot.com/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<23:29
nonkn4mermaylow: but you really should go hardware raid or not at all IMO23:29
superbbbso i must to download video and then use vlc?23:29
maylownonkn4mer: why so?23:30
simplewtrism: theres no such package dumpcap23:30
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escottmaylow, i would disagree strongly with nonkn4mer. software raid is great for the price23:30
nonkn4mermaylow: dedicated hardware will increase performance and reliability.  Software RAIDs are succeptable to any normal software corruption, and takes CPU and RAM to manage.  RAID cards will have onboard processing and RAM for buffers/etc23:30
maylowescott: i believe so23:30
trismsimplew: sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common; add yourself to the wireshark group, restart your session23:30
nonkn4merescott: what's why i put IMO at the end ;)23:31
escottnonkn4mer, not everyone has or wants to spend $500 on a raid card23:31
maylownonkn4mer: i c23:31
maylowescott: simply put, what should i choose - raid or lvm - from the partitioning wizard?23:32
escottmaylow, you can have both. they are "orthogonal"23:32
maylowescott: ok :) i c the methaphor23:32
superbbbdr_willis so i must download the file?23:32
escottmaylow, and you if pick both. you can put them in either order23:32
escottmaylow, although lvm on top of mdadm is easy to administer23:33
maylowescott: to get a simple mirror23:33
maylowescott: should lvm be sufficient?23:33
escottmaylow, then i would use mdadm. there is a mirroring feature of some kind in lvm, but its oriented towards snapshotting23:33
nonkn4mermaylow: it depends on number of drives and raid level, too.  I bought a PERC6 card to connect 6 drives.  Motherboard in this box would only support 223:33
dr_willissuperbbb:  i get better playback of videos by using flash downloader tools. Or a flash-video-replacer plugin that plays them in vlc. but not all sites support the plugins23:33
bulletrulz!tw bulletrulz23:33
murmurshello again. I lost ability to send messages. Comming back to my sublimetext question: can I jus remove sublime folder and put it in other location?23:34
maylownonkn4mer: 2 HDD, no plans to resize, RAID1 - redundancy solution23:34
murmursi'm afraid of side effects23:34
maylowescott: 10x for the advice23:34
RickZillamsg Nickserv identify <Tanner1>23:34
IdleOne!language | RickZilla23:35
ubottuRickZilla: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:35
RickZillayeah yeah, I just posted something stupid23:35
escottmaylow, i dont know that there is a concensus on that, but i've always used mdadm for RAID23:35
IdleOneRickZilla: you didn't post anything sensitive and still not an excuse. please mind the language :)23:35
yoda2if I want to be up to date, do I have to reinstall ubuntu all 2 years, or can I just upgrade?23:35
maylowescott: does it support mail notifications and automatic rebuild?23:36
heoyeayoda2: fresh install is best23:36
escottmaylow, yes and yes23:36
heoyeayoda2: but ubuntu now has 5yrs support23:36
yeatsyoda2: reinstall you should23:37
escottmaylow, automatic in the sense that you put the disk in and add the partition to the array and it rebuilds. its not a raid card with a dedicated socket to plug into so...23:37
nonkn4merescott: what happened to hating on hardware raid cards?  :)23:37
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menswhere can i find this movie in good quality?23:38
yoda2ok thanks :D23:38
escottnonkn4mer, i don't hate them. i just have better uses for $500 for my purposes23:38
ShaneOYouTube - Codename Linux - part 3/6 (9:49) - 1.000 views - rated 5,0/5,0 (4 votes)23:38
maylowescott: so the steps would be: remove the failed drive, insert the fresh one, create a partition, add it to the raid, wait?23:38
superbbbdr willis but to use vlc i have to download video or i can see them on streaming?23:38
escottnonkn4mer, if i were administering 1000 machines figuring out those commands would be annoying23:38
superbbbdr_willis but to use vlc i have to download video or i can see them on streaming?23:38
bazhang!ot | mens23:39
ubottumens: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:39
escottmaylow, yes. a couple of mdadm commands to add the new disk23:39
maylowescott: if the mb supports hotswap - can i expect mdadm to allow it too?23:39
nonkn4merescott: if I were admin for 1000 machines, I'd have grunts under me doing that work haha.  But on topic, sounds like mdadm is the way to go for your setup.23:39
RickZillaIdleOne: apologies23:40
dr_willissuperbbb:  a 45 min youtube video downloads to my HD in about a min. So i dont see the point in streaming. ;)23:40
maylownonkn4mer: i'm tempted to go with hw card. but i want to try every other option before that23:40
nonkn4mermaylow: for sure.  I'll stop being pestulant now.23:40
maylownonkn4mer: not only because performance is not an issue23:40
escottmaylow, this is software raid. you have 6 SATA sockets on your motherboard. there is no way to tell the kernel that sockets 1 and 2 must be mirrored. you remove the disk in 2 and put a new one in it appears as a new disk and must be added to the array23:41
superbbbbut in italy the download is low23:41
superbbbhow can i do?23:41
murmursI tried moving sublime from /usr/lib to /opt, afterwards changed executable permissions to write&read. Nothing helped. Any ideas how to enable session saving without running as sudo?23:41
escottmaylow, not like a big backplane where the physical sockets match the topology of the raid array23:41
maylownonkn4mer: but also because it's a small server for personal use and more investments are not a good idea23:41
dr_willissuperbbb:  download it.. get a cappichino... come back and watch...23:41
heoyeamurmurs: whats sublime?23:41
maylownonkn4mer: and also i'm gaining experience level there ;)23:41
escottmaylow, but if your hardware supports hotplug then sure. you pull it out and you put the new one in, you run the command and it adds the device23:42
murmursheoyea: sublimetext 2 is a texteditor23:42
nonkn4mermaylow: the only thing the RAID1 will do for you in software, is allow you to still run when a drive crashes.  You'd have to put in a new drive, format it, add to RAID group, and wait for RAID to rebuild.23:42
maylowescott: now i have to check if the mb supports hotplug :)23:42
escottmaylow, if you go hardware you have to get real hardware not fakeraid23:42
heoyeamurmurs: did u install it manually?23:43
murmursi used this: http://www.technoreply.com/how-to-install-sublime-text-2-on-ubuntu-12-04-unity/23:43
maylowescott: yes, i know; i've already selected a 3ware card for that purpose :)23:43
maylowescott: if the linux software raid fails23:43
escottmaylow, if you have the hardware why not use it23:43
maylowescott: as an option23:43
murmursbut previously saved folder to /usr/lib instead of /opt23:43
maylowescott: i dont have it23:44
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murmurssame tutorial worked on PC at work23:44
maylowescott: i just chose it from the catalog23:44
maylowescott: btw23:44
nonkn4mermaylow: 3ware is what runs my 24 drive NAS.  no issues with their hardware.23:44
escottmaylow, ok23:44
maylowescott: when i replace a hdd in mdadm raid23:44
maylowescott: do i have to wait it to rebuild?23:44
natsukaoescuse me for the off topic23:45
escottmaylow, in mdadm each partition has a UUID at the front and a list of the other UUIDs in that array23:45
maylowescott: or the server can be running during rebuild23:45
heoyeamurmurs: https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/sublime-text-223:45
natsukaogoogle is using for its own mobile phone nexus 4 https://www.google.com/intl/ALL_de/nexus/4/23:45
nonkn4mermaylow: what would be a good test for you, is set up the raid, only install the base operating system, then pull 1 of the drives, and try to put in a third, fresh drive and rebuild23:45
edudxMy List Columns have "Name, Size, Type, Data Modified  and Permissions". I Wish  "lenght" option, to see the size of video (example).23:45
heoyeamurmurs: next time search for PPA 1st b4 trying to compile something23:45
maylownonkn4mer: ive used 3ware mirror raid for several years in a previous hob - it was perfect23:45
natsukaophotos with kids, i ask you don't use google for a day, till does not remove pictures with KIDS23:45
murmursheoyea: was that to murmurs  or to me?23:45
edudxCan I  put  this option ?23:45
escottmaylow, so when you plug in a new disk, you "add" the disk to the array and it writes a new UUID and the ids of the other disks, as well as marking that new disk dirty. it then starts mirroring. a blank disk has no information about what if any mdadm array it is a member of23:46
natsukaogoogle must repscts the HUMAN RIGHT23:46
maylownonkn4mer: i definitely will23:46
nonkn4mer!ot | natsukao23:46
ubottunatsukao: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:46
maylowescott: yes, i understand that23:46
natsukaoyou can use https://startpage.com and http://duckduckgo.com23:46
escottmaylow, if you are looking for "i dont want to run commands" you need hardware23:46
natsukaothank you ubottu23:47
maylowescott: i wonder though does the rebuild process require apache downtime or it can go in parallel23:47
escottmaylow, it can go in parallel23:47
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maylowescott: yes :) i made my peace with the commands ;)23:47
escottmaylow, obviously it increases disk load, but the system is up at that time23:47
escottmaylow, no different from hardware in that respect23:47
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invisiblekanyone else getting a database error on ubuntuforums?23:48
maylowescott: well, that's what i needed to know. i'm going for the Confiure software RAID setup option :)))23:48
nonkn4mermaylow: have fun23:48
maylowescott, nonkn4mer: thank you VERY much, guys23:48
escottmaylow, just for future proofing i would put lvm on top of mdadm23:48
escottmaylow, if a few years from now you replace a disk with a larger one then you can make better use of the additional space23:49
nonkn4merescott: good point ^^23:49
maylowescott: what's the benefit in it? i'll create 1 partition only, with a mirror, with no plans for any changes for at least 3 years23:49
maylowescott: so it's about how to handle uneven disk sizes?23:50
escottmaylow, and in 3 years disk A dies (1TB) so you buy two new (8TB) disks (cause thats what they are selling) and you grow your logical from 1TB to 8TB23:50
nonkn4mermaylow: you never know.  i built a test server once, then decidced to turn into a media server.  had to tear down and rebuild from scratch instead of just adding drives23:50
escottmaylow, mdadm cannot handle uneven sizes, but if you dont use an LVM then you are fixed to the current size without a complex grow operation23:51
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maylowescott: so i have to install LV on top of mdadm23:51
maylowescott: or the other way araound?23:51
escottmaylow, you can do it either way23:52
=== angelpossum is now known as awsomepossum
maylowescott: the most likely scenario will be: a 500GB HDD dies and i have to replace it with 1TB23:52
escottmaylow, i think the administrative work is a bit more complex with mdadm on top of lvm (because you have to ensure that the raid is spanning different physical volumes)23:52
percent20_where does ubuntu install the .war file for solr?23:53
maylowescott: 10x alot :) let the experimenting begin :)))23:53
HwkillerI can't get gwibber to work on 12.10. I'm honestly not sure why. It worked on my last installation; I just reinstalled ubuntu (with a different partitioning scheme) and gwibber no longer works. I added a facebook and g+ account, authenticated w/ facebook, etc, but gwibber shows nothing23:54
stegojoin #backtrack23:57
nonkn4mer!cookie | escott23:58
ubottuescott: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:58
KaleidoscopeEvenin, Folk23:59
nonkn4merescott: just realized how condescending ubottu sounds when it hands out a cookie :/23:59
thoonaihey someone knows a good 'setting up an access point tutorial'?23:59
escottnonkn4mer, lol23:59

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