
ttoinenobody ?17:08
holsteinttoine: o/18:19
scott-workhi ttoine 18:51
scott-workcan someone tell me what the menu entry is labeled for start the update manager in 12.10?18:58
* scott-work isn't on a linux machine at work :/18:59
zequencescott-work: update-manager19:48
zequenceEr, or that's the command19:48
scott-worki meant what is the menu entry labeled as?  i'm presuming it is under the "system" main menu entry and there is "update manager" or similar under there19:49
zequenceWell, the desktop file says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1410986/19:51
len-dtscott-work, wow, the name has changed. From zequence paste it is now Software Updater. My disk agrees. I guess it is easier for a clueless person to figure out what the application does.21:56
* len-dt thinks most clueless people never touch anything in the system menu anyway...21:57
zequencelen-dt: scott-work: I'm actually on 13.04, so perhaps it's called something else on 12.1023:04
scott-workthank you, however i haven't had time at work today to address this issue so i'll take care of it tonight on the 12.10 install23:09

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