
=== liot is now known as liot_absent
p0safter dist-upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10, my aptitude shows the following packages as marked for installation. i didn't do that. whats the reason?   http://i.imgur.com/5FJTJ.png00:17
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corvusiis there a way to filter out devices that show up in "device notifier" "available devices" list? problem:  a usb drive is mounted manually, and I do not want it in that list.01:16
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Brustofski-FanAnyone know the fix for the random hdmi audio screen flash's ?01:46
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Brustofski-FanHello anyone home??02:00
Brustofski-FanAnyone know the fix for the random hdmi audio screen flash's ?02:00
Brustofski-FanScew it !! Sence # linux #ati # archlinux and other i tried don't know what to do!! I'll stick with windows!! Easy fix. As fast as it takes to install a driver!!02:11
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nunyaI just installed Kubuntu. How do I get codecs for flv mp3 etc...?06:17
nunyano one here?06:21
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:21
harolddongyou need to add the Medibuntu repository06:22
tsimpsonno, you don't06:22
nunyaharolddong: I'm total noob please bear with me but how do I add the repository?06:23
tsimpsonnunya: you don't need to, just go to the first link ubottu gave then click on the kubuntu-restricted-extras link06:24
harolddongand anyway sholdn't installing media players through the package manager pull in whatever codecs are needed? that's the way it always seems to work for me06:24
nunyatsimpson: thanks to you and ubottu for being helpful.06:31
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harolddong#join #kde07:53
CymewAfter trying a distupgrade from 10.04.04 to the next LTS, I no longer can boot my machine. Quite bad. It looks like no grub record for the new kernel was created, and if I manually in grub say "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-yaddayadda root=/dev/sda1" it will boot, but fails later and say "mountall: Plymouth command failed" and then "mountall: disconnected from Plymouth". Any ideas?09:29
alaahello all kubuntuers !!09:48
alaaI have a pretty simple question,how do I import bookmarks to rekonq through a bookmark manager ?09:48
alaaany ideas ?09:55
CymewSorry, I have used rekonq09:56
Cymew... "never used" that is.09:56
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lionknpeisteecan u help me10:35
lionknpeisteeif u want to know the IPs of all the computers in10:36
lionknpeisteethe network10:36
lionknpeisteehow can i get them10:36
lionknpeistee..please ?10:36
Cymewif It's your own network, check the hosts file or your bind zone config10:38
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BluesKajHiyas all12:09
Peace-BluesKaj: hey man12:11
BluesKajHi Peace-12:14
Peace-BluesKaj: rpi :)12:14
BluesKajrpi ?12:15
Peace-BluesKaj: the cheap computer called raspberrypi12:15
Peace-i got it yesterday12:15
BluesKajoh cool . arm12:16
lordievaderPeace-: What are you planning to do with it? I want one but I have no idea what to do with it...12:17
Peace-lordievader: i am planning to do this  http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/microphoneequalized.jpg12:18
Peace-unlucly for now jack is not supported12:18
Peace-but i have another idea12:18
BluesKajthey make god HTPCs from what I've read ,just add a drive and internet12:19
BluesKajwhat is that?, just jack audio and vlc12:20
Peace-BluesKaj: yes12:21
Peace-i needed to check sounds around my hause12:21
BluesKajPeace-, we should be discussing this in #kubuntu-offtopic12:21
lordievaderHey wail12:30
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waili am useing ubuntu 12.1012:30
waili cannot install aircrack-ng12:31
lordievaderwail: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/aircrack-ng/12:32
wailwhat i will select12:32
lordievaderwail: Depends on your Ubuntu install, did you install the 64-bit version or the 32-bit version?12:33
lordievaderwail: To see what version you have run uname -p12:34
lordievaderwail: Then you need the i386 version.12:35
wailand  need to patch the wifi drive12:36
wailor not need12:36
lordievaderwail: Patch the wifi drive? What do you mean?12:37
wailmy friend when i give the uname-p12:40
lordievaderwail: What does uname -i give?12:42
lordievaderwail: Am I correct in saying it's a Pentium 2/3 cpu?12:44
wailintel® Core™2 Duo CPU T8100 @ 2.10GHz × 212:45
lordievaderwail: Hmm I see, could you pastebin the output of uname -a?12:46
tsimpsonyou could just do "dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH"12:47
wailLinux ********** 3.5.0-18-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 19 10:27:31 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux12:47
tsimpsonbut it shows a 32bit install if it's showing i68612:48
wailthanks a lot guys12:48
lordievadertsimpson: That seems to work better :), I already thought it would be 32bit, but wasn't sure.12:48
tsimpsonlordievader: iirc, it would show x86-64 rather than i686 for 64bit12:49
tsimpsonof course, I'm ignoring PPC and Mac in general ;)12:49
lordievadertsimpson: Yes, my 64-bit install shows x86_64 for uname -i.12:50
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invariantIs there any way to translate a time in the future in a particular major city to my local time easily?13:08
invariantThe input of dates should be user friendly, etc.13:08
noaXesssomeone has a hint, why odt files on doubleclick will extract instead of open even if LibreOffice Writer is set to default?13:11
noaXessthats since last update13:11
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BluesKajinvariant, what do you mean ? Give an example.13:14
invariantBluesKaj, something like a calendar widget with a drop down box to show multiple configured locations for example, preferably with a way to also run it from the command line.13:15
invariantBluesKaj, instead of a widget, I prefer an application, however.13:15
invariantBluesKaj, I don't mind if it is written with GTK+, as long as it works.13:15
FlashDeluxehi! i got a question, i have to confirm the rsa key fingerprint everytime i log into a server, how can i tell ssh to remember it?13:15
tsimpsonthere's always www.timeanddate.com13:16
FlashDeluxeahh the known_hosts got the wrong permissions13:19
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Reezhi ugys15:05
Reezgot some problem with my kubuntu15:05
Reezcan you help me?15:05
lordievaderHey Reez15:06
lordievader!ask | Reez15:06
ubottuReez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:06
Smurphyjust noticed the X-Server started working on my EeePC / 1025 NetBook...15:06
Reezwell: my headphone just stopped to work and I can't hear any soud. Could you help me?15:06
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.15:07
SmurphyReez: Mute on ?15:07
SmurphyStart the mixer app - and check if all channels are not on mute or low level15:07
ReezSmurphy: No: it is supposed to play music15:07
lordievaderReez: Install pavucontrol and see if PulseAudio is outputting anything.15:08
SmurphyWhich player you use ? Amarok ?15:08
ReezSmurphy: actually I listen to music on youtube15:09
SmurphyAh - ok. happens to me from time to time too. It's usually the embedded flash into the browser that's stuck. Stop all browser instances, and restart them.15:10
SmurphyShould work after.15:10
SmurphyI stopped using youtub to listen to music ... The flash stuff is too unstable.15:11
ReezSmurphy: I restarted my pc many times but nothing happens15:11
Reezlordievader: I've just installed pavucontrol15:11
lordievaderReez: Alt+f2 -> pavucontrol to start the program, btw are there other programs that can output sound?15:12
Reezit looks like it can output sound but I can't hear anything with my headphone15:13
lordievaderReez: Open alsamixer and see if any outputs are muted.15:15
BluesKajresident, check the input and output options in pavucontrol , and alsamixer line in might be muted or turned down15:16
Reezlordievader: on alsamixer nothing is muted15:17
SmurphyDid you connect something new to the computer ? Like a HDMI device ???15:17
ReezSmurphy: nothing new. It all happened suddenly15:17
lordievaderReez: Could you test the jack by connecting a different set of speakers/headphones?15:19
Smurphydoes a:"dmesg" output show you something about audio ?15:19
Reezlordievader: Done but the problem persist15:20
ReezSmurphy: No, I think not15:22
lordievaderReez: In pavucontrol the youtube player is directed to the correct output?15:24
Reezlordievader: how can I control that?15:25
lordievaderReez: It not a problem if you have just one sound-card, but it could be a problem with more than one.15:25
ReezI've got only one sound-card15:26
lordievaderReez: Ok, then that shouldn't be a problem.15:26
lordievaderReez: What happens when you try to play a file with aplay?15:28
Reezaplay? what's that?15:28
lordievaderReez: Commandline audio player.15:30
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Reezah ok. Anyway, nothing happens, unfortunatly15:32
lordievaderReez: Does it give a hint?15:32
lordievaderReez: Run the command pulseaudio -k, this kills pulseaudio (should automatically be restarted).15:35
Reeznothing :(15:36
lordievaderThat is too bad, I'm sorry that I have to say that I am out of ideas, perhaps BluesKaj knows a solution?15:37
ReezDo you think it could be an issue with the hardware?15:38
ronnocIt could be a hardware issue or the jack itself went bad.15:38
SmurphyHeadset ???15:39
ReezAh..... I've tried also with a Ubuntu Live-CD  but nothing happened the same15:40
SmurphyReez: check the cmos setup. eventuall you have disabled the audio-device in there?15:41
Smurphyor the battery is old and lost the settings.15:41
SmurphyKnow also - that sometimes when connecting a new screen through HDMI - the audio channel can go through the Screen...15:41
Smurphyand if the headset is connected to the screen, you eventually have to also configure the audio/volume settings on the screen.15:41
lordievaderSmurphy: If the audio device is disabled in the BIOS pulseaudio wouldn't show it.15:41
Smurphylordievader: ack on that.15:42
ReezSmurphy: battery? whay kind of battery?15:42
SmurphyCmos-setup buffer battery. Usual A CR-32 cell.15:42
Smurphyon the motherboard.15:42
ReezIWait: I've just changed that battery15:43
BluesKajReez, which audio chip is listed in the top left in alsamixer?15:44
Smurphyah. try going through the CMOS setup, and put back the defaults, and check it.15:44
Reez Realtek ALC88815:44
ReezSmurphy:  what have I got to do in the CMOS setup?15:46
SmurphyCheck all relevant things to audio.15:48
ReezI try15:49
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BluesKajReez, in the terminal , sudo modprobe snd-hdes-intel , if there is no output from the command the correct kernel module is loaded.15:51
BluesKajoh command needs a correction , but he left15:52
BluesKajsudo modprobe snd-hda-intel15:52
BluesKajwhy would the device be disabled in the bios if all he did was upgrade15:53
BluesKajfooling with cmos jumpers is dangerous, taking the battery out and unplugging from the outlet for 30 mins is much safer15:55
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ReezSmurphy:  I've just checked my BIOS and now everything works fine16:03
Reezthanks a lot16:03
lordievaderReez: What did you change in the BIOS?16:03
BluesKajReez, in the terminal , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , if there is no output from the command the correct kernel module is loaded.16:04
BluesKajok , never mind Reez16:04
Reezlordievader: I've just enabled my front panel16:05
lordievaderReez: Heheh :P16:05
SmurphyOK. You're welcome :}16:06
Smurphyhrhrhr ... Simplest things usually are the hardest to find :)16:07
ReezWell Just Another question: I'm on Kubu 12.04 Is it woth to install the 12.10 ?16:08
BluesKajkmix was muted , maybe ?16:08
cjaeCan I run a gui program with nohup as long as kdm is still running?16:08
ReezBluesKaj: No, I've only changed a setting in the BIOS16:09
cjaeCan I run a gui program after logging out with nohup as long as kdm is still running?*16:09
SmurphyBluesKaj: If the frontpanel is disabled - nothing comes out - whatever the mixer says ;)16:09
Smurphycjae: Nope16:09
BluesKajwhich setting Reez ...it would be good to know for future reference , unless you enabled a pci soundcard in the bios or some such16:10
SmurphyIf there is no valid user session running - it won't work.16:10
Smurphycjae: what you can do - is setup a VNC Server on your box - run the app there, and disconnect.16:10
BluesKajSmurphy, yes , same as muted16:10
SmurphyYou'll be able to reconnect to that X-Session after.16:10
ReezBluesKaj: I enabled front panel16:11
SmurphyBluesKaj: It was not muted (We had checked that over).16:11
BluesKajenabled the front panel is not a bios option ,I asked what you did in the bios , if anything , Reez16:12
Smurphyhe enabled the frontpanel.16:12
SmurphyOn some systems, you can enable/disable the frontpanel through the BIOS CMOS Setup16:13
lordievaderBluesKaj: Usually for onboard cards you can enable the frontpanel pin headers in the bios.16:13
braintorchHi. Is there any way to keep user-defined application positions on taskbar? Like in windows 7?16:14
Smurphybraintorch: lock widgets ?16:15
BluesKajlordievader, seems like an oversight to have those front connections turned off16:16
braintorchSmurphy: well, it will keep position of taskbar, not position of applications on taskbar, I believe.16:16
Smurphybraintorch: ack.16:16
braintorchyep. Like I thought.16:16
BluesKajI've never seen them turned of on any pcs I've ever worked on or used16:17
SmurphyBluesKaj: He has just replaced the Onboard Bufer battery (CR-32 cell), that's what gave me the idea to check the BIOS and reset the defaults etc. and check the audio settings related stuff16:18
lordievaderBluesKaj: I too never understood why the option is there, but it is though.16:18
BluesKajSmurphy, I don't get the logic ..turning off those front connections sems like a nasty trick to me ... what oe=rdinary pc user would ever think of having to use the bios to or the cmos to turn them on16:20
* Smurphy loves these options ... It's like putting a strip on the old ball-mice :) The users take ages to figure out what went wrong :D16:20
SmurphyBluesKaj: If it's doable, and the CMOS setup got lost because of buffer battery failure - it is logical to check IMHO16:20
BluesKajwell, you're not an ordinary pc user either , so it's logical for you ...nasty for many others16:21
BluesKajI'd hate to see my wife have to figure out that front connections for headset were disabled16:22
Smurphyhrhrhr ... She would ask you ? as does mine :)16:23
SmurphySo I don't do that stuff to her ...16:23
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BluesKajSmurphy, I didn't know from any of my experiences that the front audio connections would deliberately be disabled in the bios, and for what reason . It makes little sense16:26
SmurphyBluesKaj: You right... but I had to deal with so many weird things on the computer side - that I learned to not exclude those things...16:27
BluesKajanyway , on to other things ...my friend's hdd is failing , and I can't seem to rescuew the user files16:27
BluesKaji'm on a last ditch effort , but it seems hopeless at this point16:28
SmurphyBluesKaj: already tried to dd them off ???16:30
param_Hi guys... Could anyone direct me to a channel specific to linux kernel networking?16:31
BluesKajSmurphy, couldnt see the user files only the vista system32 OS files ...was using th kubuntu live cd ...anyway it's probly too late and this is offtopic16:33
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dasparrowanyone heard about sailfish?16:36
lordievader!info sailfish16:38
ubottuPackage sailfish does not exist in quantal16:38
Smurphy!info pr0n16:39
ubottuPackage pr0n does not exist in quantal16:39
BluesKajdasparrow, are you referring to the computational app or the OS? either way this isn't the place to ask :)16:43
BluesKajdasparrow, the OS wiki , https://sailfishos.org/wiki/Main_Page16:44
dasparrowsorry about that16:45
BluesKajor here dasparrow http://sailfish.us.edu.pl/installation.html for the python app16:46
dasparrowdoing some research now16:47
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FloodBotK1leo_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:14
leo_hi guys..i am trying to compile linux from source am using 3.617:15
leo_now am at make menuconfig command17:15
leo_any tips at this stage to make the kernal more compatable with my system17:16
leo_do i have to select any specific options for that17:16
leo_please help17:16
DarthFrogleo_: You're in the wrong channel for that sort of advice.  You want #linux.17:17
SmurphyNah - linux won't answer.17:17
Smurphyleo: Why don't you just make an: make oldconfig17:17
Smurphythen you make a menuconfig - check if there are things you want to remove.17:17
Smurphyand then you compile it. But go check the Ubuntu Forums, there are threads where they explain it.17:18
leo_k guys thanks i will try that17:18
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tkennedyWondering if anyone can help me with restoring a perticular folder from an incremental backup that was performed by dejadup20:09
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Fuzzles272ive installed the kubuntu backports to get the latest kubuntu software but everytime i do updates with it muon software and update manger go missing21:31
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