
TravisHello all01:10
TravisI am having issues getting my b43 drivers working with Lubuntu.  Can anyone assist me?01:13
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:20
holsteinTravis: thats what i refer to each time01:20
TravisI like the idea of total encryption too.01:21
holsteinTravis: ?01:21
TravisWhen I installed Lubuntu, it asked if I wanted to encrypt the drive.01:21
holsteinTravis: you can like what you want.. but that doesnt have anything to do with the driver you are going to use01:21
holsteinTravis: that doesnt have anything to do with wireless.. or networking01:22
TravisI know that.01:22
TravisWas just stating how much I like it.01:22
holsteini c01:22
holsteinsudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer typically works well/best for the broadcom chips i have01:23
Travisok I gotta run for a bit, but will be back.01:23
Travisok am back :D01:54
Travisholstein, thanks!02:40
Travisubottu, thank you!02:40
Traviswireless works, after a little RTFM02:40
=== phunyguy_t430s_ is now known as phunyguy_t430s
lukaveckiHi all, how can I change the names of files on the desktop?04:41
lukaveckirename doesn't work, and neither does changing the name in the properties dialog (maybe I have to edit the properties as root?)04:42
lukaveckiIt appears I have to edit the .desktop file itself.04:46
lukaveckiNot the fanciest solution, but it works04:46
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
fxnhi, I have some machines affected by the Ctrl-C bug of lxterminal, is there a way I can install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxterminal/0.1.11-4ubuntu3 ?11:06
norttifxn: can't you sue xterm?11:17
fxnnortti: yep11:20
fxnnortti: same problem11:21
fxnnortti: in xterm I do Ctrl-Shift-C, and a Ctrl-C is sent to the terminal11:21
fxnthen Ctrl-Shift-V appends an spurious character at the end11:23
fxnah, xterm does not even copy the text11:25
tsimpsonxterm uses select as copy, and middle-click as paste11:25
fxnah, didn't know that, apparently it also works in lxterminal11:28
norttiit is part of x1111:29
norttiyou can do that in every app11:29
fxnawesome, don't need the shortcuts with this option then, thanks guys11:30
superdmphello, would anyone happen to know whether the latest version of lubuntu will work on an ancient (PIII) Toshiba Satellite Pro 4300?20:55
bioterrortry with LiveCD if it doesnt support usb boot20:55
Unit193My guess is that the PIII won't support PAE.20:55
bioterrorUnit193, hard to say, it was used in servers!20:56
superdmpafter the furst Lubuntu screem, it throws up a few lines and ends with "[….] kernel_thread_helper […]"20:56
superdmpthis is from CD20:56
superdmpwhat's PAE?20:56
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info20:56
superdmphttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2087468 - 10.4 worked, apparently20:58
holsteinsuperdmp: i would try 12.0421:04
superdmpholstein:  this is 12.04.something that's not booting21:05
superdmpsorry, that's not right21:06
holsteinsuperdmp: i would have no issues using a 10.04 version of something on that hardware21:06
superdmpthis is 12.1021:06
holsteinsuperdmp: i would look into some lubuntu and ubuntu variants such as peppermintOS, puppy linux, bodhi.. something made for older hardware21:06
holsteinsuperdmp: i would expect 12.10 to fail, where 12.04 might work..21:06
gomiboyusing 12.04 on a p3 800mhz here, works perfec.... works. :)21:07
holsteinyup.. i have had the 12.04 work and the 12.10 fail on similar hardware21:07
superdmpi'll try 12.04 then thanks21:08
DJRWolfanyone have experence with lubuntu on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10 and using wi-fi?21:50
holsteinDJRWolf: no.. but im going to assume you have a broadcom chip and its not working21:53
holsteini would install... and hardware to internet and follow21:53
holstein!broadcom | DJRWolf21:53
ubottuDJRWolf: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:53
holsteini installed ubuntu 10.04 on a mini921:54
DJRWolfthe Dell website says WLAN 1510 Half MiniCard, Dell Wireless 139721:57
DJRWolfI booted off of a live media flash drive and it did not even see the wireless as being there21:57
holsteinDJRWolf: you can install, or boot a live CD.. you can run a terminal and run lspci21:58
holsteinDJRWolf: the ones i have seen were a broadcom21:58
holsteinDJRWolf: are you in the live environment now?21:59
DJRWolfno, somone ealts is looking into installing the factory image of WinXP, but I'll continue to try to push lubuntu to replace that since it is not a 10 year old OS22:06
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
DJRWolfthanks for the help, but have to log, later22:06
llogiqHi folks. I have a problem w/ gphoto2 on quantal.23:01
llogiqthe camera is correctly identified, and gthumb shows thumbnails correctly, but importing the pictures (via gthumb or pcmanfm) just stops at 0% and stays there. No error message, no logging, nothing.23:03
llogiqGoogling brought up someone with the same problem, but no solution.23:04
llogiqWith gphoto2, it appears to work, so that was probably related to FUSE.23:10
llogiqcu folks.23:11

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