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BluesKajHiyas all12:09
BluesKajis the alpha release available , if so where ?12:24
* penguin42 hasn't seen anything so far - but then I've only just switched on12:28
jtayloronly edubuntu and kubuntu have alphas this time13:11
BluesKajhope , the latest images listed here are Dec 5 , http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/13:11
BluesKajerr nope :)13:12
penguin42haha Kubuntu before main :-)13:15
* penguin42 better do his update before the millions are let loose on the servers13:16
BluesKajmillions , heh :)13:19
=== Guest26733 is now known as help
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=== balloons1 is now known as balloons
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. The next version of Ubuntu will be 13.04 with development codename Raring Ringtail | 12.10 has been released!! http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes | 13.04 Alpha 1 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/raring/alpha-1/
IdleOneerr wrong link18:19
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. The next version of Ubuntu will be 13.04 with development codename Raring Ringtail | 12.10 has been released!! http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes | 13.04 Alpha 1 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/raring/alpha-1/
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. The next version of Ubuntu will be 13.04 with development codename Raring Ringtail | 12.10 has been released!! http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes | So long and thanks for all the bugs
IdleOnehmm I can't seem to find the correct link, someone ping me if you can.18:25
penguin42IdleOne: It seems to be getting harder to find release images these days18:26
IdleOneI got an email that Alpha one was released but hell if I can find the email now18:27
penguin42well I just googled for that, and found it and it has links for edubuntu and kubuntu but dailys for the rest18:28
IdleOneWill leave the topic as is then18:28
penguin42although about 7 hours ago jtaylor said only edubuntu and Kubuntu had been released so far18:28
trismthe emails seems to indicate there won't be an ubuntu alpha 1, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-December/000998.html18:29
IdleOneJust found the email again and you are right, it lists edubuntu and kubuntu18:30
IdleOneI should have read the whole thing first :)18:30
penguin42IdleOne: Kubuntu is very nice you know :-)18:30
IdleOnepenguin42: I know :)18:31
BluesKajwell, the alpha doesn't see my hardware either ....guess 12.10 is it for now , no point in wasting my time testing an OS that can't recognize a common wireless keyboard20:16
penguin42BluesKaj: It would be great to be able to debug it, it's better that someone like you could extract some debug rather than leaving it to a newbie20:24
BluesKajpenguin42, there'a really nothing to find or extract , the process freezes immediately upon encountering the microsoft usb transceiver for the Keyboard20:26
BluesKajwith is 2seconds after choosing "install kubuntu" with the livce cd20:27
penguin42but it's fine upto that point - i.e. you can select the install kubuntu, and it's also fine if you haven't got that transceiver plugged in?20:28
BluesKajwell , is the wireless KB and mouse going work if I unplug them ...the problem is the pc is tucked into a corner and practically inaccessible , and using a wired KB and mouse is too inconvenient ...btw this is the first time I've seen this problem in 3 yrs of testing kubuntu releases20:32
penguin42is it a separate wireless keyboard and mouse or the same?20:33
penguin42ie a separate transceiver?20:33
BluesKajno one transceiver for both KB and mouse20:33
BluesKajMS keyboard/mouse 2000 combo20:35
penguin42BluesKaj: Thing is it's possible it fails on a normal keyboard/mouse instead and the wireless stuff is a red-herring; also being able to do an ubuntu-bug on the box would gather a lot of logs20:35
BluesKajthere is no place for the logs to be stored and accessed20:36
penguin42BluesKaj: If you're right that it's working upto the point of selecting what to do then you could ctrl-alt-f1, and if you have networking then run ubuntu-bug ubiquity    at that point20:37
BluesKajI have some stuff to do for 10 mins or so ...BBL20:37
bjsniderdid he submit a bug? the devs may ask for more info and tell him how to get it20:52
bjsnideror he could go to the motu channel and ax there himself20:52
BluesKajregular serial connected KB freezes as well, there is what seems to be an error , but the line doesn't say error , just "power resource not registered ! " or something similar21:08
BluesKajpenguin42, that's the last line on the screen21:09
bjsniderBluesKaj, have you submitted a bug?21:13
BluesKajbjsnider, not yet ...suppose I'll have to compose something21:14
bjsniderthere are channel where much greater experts reside, and they might be able to tell you how to get more info21:15
bjsnidersuch as #ubuntu-desktop and #ubuntu-motu21:15
BluesKajmy thinking is the recognition has nothing to do with keyboards or mice ..it's something else21:16
BluesKaji'm on kde21:16
bjsnideryeah, doesn't matter if you're on kde, this is likely not a kde-specific issue21:17
bjsniderthis would be happening at a kernel-level or slightly higher21:17
penguin42BluesKaj: OK, that makes a bit more sense, keyboards are rare to kill machines (although I have seen it); did the ctrl-alt-f1 work before selection?21:21
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