
mjrosenbhuh, this is interesting00:00
mjrosenbon my chomebook, the status bar seems to know about my battery00:00
mjrosenbbut acpitool is clueless00:00
sfeolejanimo: i can take a look at the kernel tomorrow AM00:06
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lilsteviemjrosenb, have a look at the output from "upower -d"00:39
lilsteviemjrosenb, that is where the power applet gets the data from00:40
mjrosenblilstevie: most excellent.00:42
mjrosenblilstevie: has this replaced acpi?00:42
lilsteviemjrosenb, arm doesn't have acpi00:43
lilstevieWell, it is possible those Windows RT tablets do, but current ARM hardware does not00:44
mjrosenbthat makes sense00:44
TheMusoHere is hoping that acpi doesn't come to arm in any form. :S02:44
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dholbachgood morning07:49
mjrosenbanyone know if the raspberry pi has vfp on it?08:24
feastymorning all08:28
mjrosenbfeasty: morning.08:34
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sspiffI'm trying to run Ubuntu on my pandaboard, but the 12.10 release only had an installer image, not a preinstalled image. I want to run the rootfs off of my SD card, not a USB stick/disk, is there any way to achieve this?13:25
sfeolesspiff: have you tried building a linaro image?13:48
infinitysspiff: Unofficially, you can use the netboot image, and when d-i/partman asks where to install, tell it to use the "largest contiguous free space".13:48
infinitysspiff: Officially, we don't support installing to SD, as the user experience is awful.13:49
sfeolehas anyone tried upgrading the nexus7 from 12.04 -> 13.04 recently?13:49
sfeolevia dist-upgrade13:49
ogra_sfeole, dholbach did and found a bug, should be fixed by now13:52
sfeoleogra_: with bluez ?13:52
ogra_the bluetooth fix wasnt uploaded yet13:53
ogra_and wemdont have brcm-patchram in raring yet13:53
ogra_*we don't13:54
asiekierkahow to recover a EEE Pad TF101 with battery issues? gets into APX mode but error -7113:54
asiekierkabattery or cable, not sure13:54
dholbachthere were a couple of problems 1) onboard needs an upload to raring (I'm in touch with upstream), 2) bluez did not start/stop correctly, 3) nexus7-firmware wasn't pulled in (fixed by infinity), 4) do-release-upgrade did not work (seems fixed in my last try), 5) unrelated to upgrades, but during an installation I couldn't enter anything into oem-config's text-boxes, neither with onboard, nor attached keyboard13:54
dholbachsfeole, ogra: ^ that's all I noticed13:54
ogra_yeah, the last one is really bad13:55
dholbachdid the unity stack land in standard raring already? or should we advise to use the daily-build still?13:55
ogra_landed yesterday13:55
dholbachyes baby!13:55
ogra_in 1.5h there should be images with it13:56
ogra_(and wit the new serial console by default)13:56
ogra_no more wlan needed for debugging ;)13:57
lilstevieasiekierka, this probably isn't the place to get support with that, but usually you are looking at an issue with the usb cable13:57
asiekierkalilstevie: there's no place to get a support with that and this looks like the best bet seeing as you're here often13:58
lilstevie#asus-transformer looks kinda more suited13:58
* lilstevie heads to bed14:01
sfeolefor everyone else watching i meant 12.10 -> 13.04 , I just noticed that14:02
gurgalofdoes this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1045741 affect ubuntu on nexus7?14:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1045741 in firefox (Ubuntu) "since the switch to unity 3D and the GLES driver by default firefox on the pandaboard reders extremely slow" [Undecided,New]14:07
ogra_my firefox works fine here14:09
* ogra_ is currently typing from his nexus14:09
gurgalofi think firefox is a bit slow, but that could be due to the arm isn't as fast as a desktop...:P14:10
hrwI think that ogra_ is spoiled by ac100 speed14:17
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sfeolearg still hangs for me when replacing bluez15:04
dholbachsfeole, I had to kill the process, twice - once for stopping and another time for starting the service15:04
sfeoledholbach: yea, that did it for me, what I will do is document this for now, I know we are recommended a fresh install to raring but you know there will be some people trying the upgrade path ;P15:07
sfeoleupgrade path == dist-upgrade15:08
dholbachyeah, I did it too, as the installation from the image did not work for me15:08
ogra_upgrades should definitely be functional15:08
ogra_so thats a high  prio bug15:09
sfeoleogra_: agreed, my installation is now continuing .. I'm already filing the bug now15:09
ogra_great, thx15:09
ogra_sadly the touchscreen still dies after a while :(15:12
sfeolehmm the nexus7-firmware0.2 package looks like it was pulled down and made me confirm it, but it failed to install15:24
sfeolelooking into why15:25
janimoinfinity, ogra_ I am just curious, is armhf going to switch from ports.ubuntu.com ?15:34
ogra_i dont think so, but ask infinity he might know more ans part of the release team :)15:35
infinityjanimo: Probably not for a long while, if ever.  It has nothing to do with official or unofficial support, it has to do with amount of traffic.15:36
ogra_and mirrors15:36
infinityjanimo: Mirrors don't want to mirror a whole port just for the sake of 1% of users.15:36
infinityogra_: Yes, mirror traffic was what I meant.15:37
janimosounds reasonable15:38
ogra_sfeole, "screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200" could you run that on your PC with the nexus attached via USB ? hitting enter should get you a login (needs the latest kernel nad the latest default settings)15:51
ogra_it works for me, just want to make sure it works for everyone15:52
prpplagueogra_: http://www.elinux.org/PandaBoard-NC15:52
prpplagueogra_: think there would be any market interested in that?15:52
sfeoleogra_: i will try after I get upped to Raring15:53
ogra_yeah,, needs raring indeed15:53
sfeoleogra_: will let you know15:53
ogra_prpplague, microsd and no ethernet ?15:54
ogra_might be intresting for beagle guys that want to go up one level15:55
prpplagueogra_: ethernet is there, just no connector for it, you have to wire it up yourself15:55
prpplagueogra_: more for doing hardware dev15:55
ogra_likewise for the USB hub15:55
prpplagueogra_: yea15:55
prpplagueogra_: you can use the standard usb panel connectors15:55
ogra_well, surely intresting for getting a panda into a slim case15:56
prpplagueogra_: yea15:56
ogra_but i wouldnt expect massive sales from it i think15:56
ogra_seems pretty special cased ... will it be the same priice as a "normal" panda ?15:56
ogra_that might be a sales argument then ... i personally would prefer a normal panda if i dont plan to put it into any case or so15:59
ogra_having the little feet, and all sockets on board makes it easier to use for me ... if i would want to build a server with 10 pandas in a 4u case i would pick the NC16:00
ogra_or when putting a panda into an ac100 shell :)16:00
prpplagueogra_: yea that is the thought process16:01
prpplaguebrb, need a reboot16:01
plarsjanimo, ogra_: so is usb-serial turned on in today's image? I'd like to give it a try today if possible16:28
ogra_plars, see above :)16:29
sfeoleogra_: do you have the linux-firmware pkg installed on your Raring image?   version 1.98?16:29
ogra_plars, as long aas you have the latest kernel and latest ubuntu-default-settings-nexus716:29
plarsogra_: awesome, thanks!16:29
ogra_sfeole, indeed i do, else i wouldnt have wlan16:30
sfeoleand linux-image-nexus716:30
sfeoleogra_: i'm trying to find out what each pkg does,   linux-firmware-nexus7_0.2  and linux-image-nexus716:31
ogra_linux-image-nexus7 is a metapackage that depends on the latest kernel16:31
ogra_linux-firmware-nexus7 carries the closed binary firmware bits used on the nexus16:32
ogra_both need to always be installed16:32
ogra_plars, crap, i think we're missing a securetty entry, i get a prompt but cant log in16:33
* sfeole cheers as he upgrades to raring from Q, 16:44
sfeoleogra_: i just filed a 2nd bug.. #108733516:44
ogra_bug #108733516:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 1087335 in ubuntu-nexus7 "linux-firmware-nexus7_0.2 fails to install while dist-upgrading from Q -> R" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108733516:45
ogra_janimo, ^^^16:45
sfeolethats why i was asking about those packages16:46
janimoogra_, are we still supposed to support Q->R upgrades? I thought 12.10 were play only demo images and we should recommend fresh install on R16:46
janimoit would save us a lot of trouble16:46
ogra_janimo, well, we said upgrades should work, even though we dont encourage them16:47
janimoogra_, would we need conflicts markers in the package just because we used linux-firmware in the PPA?16:47
janimoI thought the whole point of 12.10 was here, you get to keep both pieces and we do not spend time on anything related besides initial UDS bringup16:48
ogra_ogra@nexus7:~$ dpkg -l |grep firmware16:49
ogra_ii  linux-firmware                            1.98                                        all          Firmware for Linux kernel drivers16:49
ogra_ii  linux-firmware-nexus7                     0.2                                         all          Firmware for the Nexus 7 tablet.16:49
ogra_janimo, conflicts wouldnt help16:49
ogra_since you want both installed16:49
ogra_oh, wait, conflicts ony16:50
ogra_yeah, that should work16:50
ogra_or rarther replaces in that case16:50
janimowell whatever marker says some files moved to another package16:50
janimowhat if we apt-get install linux-firmware16:51
janimothis will remove the nexus binaries16:51
janimoand then apt-get install linux-firmware-nexus716:51
janimoso make sure we do not let order be determined by apt16:51
ogra_yes, that way would work, but isnt how apt does it16:51
janimoor even more hackily backport linux-firmware-nexus7 to Q PPA16:51
ogra_just a replaces should do16:52
janimoogra well would apt do anything else beyond installing the single specified package?16:52
sfeoleogra_: "screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200" drops me into a login prompt ;)16:52
janimoReplaces for a PPA package - so carrying some cruft in a baely opened series feels ugly to me :(16:52
ogra_sfeole, but can you get in ? i seem to have issues with that here16:53
janimoI think people insatlling 12.10 images are really knowledgable anyway and I would rather they sort the upgrade out by themselves or guided by a wiki16:53
ogra_janimo, well, its a minor change that will save us lots of silly support questions16:53
sfeoleogra_: yes i'm in, I had to hit "enter" initially to display the password prompt16:57
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ogra_yeah, thats normal16:57
ogra_ok, i'll blame my chromebook (client side) then16:58
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sfeoleogra_: ^^16:59
ogra_perfect, thanks for checking !16:59
ogra_plars, see above16:59
sfeolebad chromebook!17:02
ogra_heh, yeah, i blame hrw17:02
ogra_he does all the chromebook stuff, so it must be his fault :P17:02
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steevfwiw, i blame him for everything.  if it weren't for him talking about how awesome the chromebook is, my checking account wouldn't be so light18:50
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plarsogra_: so I have the usb serial stuff working fine (Thanks!) but I'm having a bit of trouble getting preseeding to work.  I've tried adding my preseed file to the initrd that I'm pushing to it, but I'm guessing that by the time it gets there, it's already remounted userdata as root so I'm not finding it.  Any suggestions?19:12
vanhoof\o/ usb serial ftw20:32
* vanhoof just flashed todays image20:32
plarsvanhoof: yes, it's working pretty nicely I think, but any ideas on how to preseed the remainder of the install?20:44
plarsvanhoof: I've tried sticking a preseed in the initrd, as well as in the rootfs, no luck so far, but tbh I don't have much experience with preseeding just the oem-config portion so I'm not confident that I'm doing it right20:45
vanhoofplars: i've never done a oem-config preseed myself :\20:46
* vanhoof takes a look20:46
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mjrosenbhey, anyone know if the raspberry pi has vfp?22:33
lilstevieyes it does22:33
infinitymjrosenb: It's v6, however.22:54
lilsteviethat indeed22:54
infinitymjrosenb: Which means that neither Ubuntu nor Debian armhf will run on it (but there's an unofficial Debian v6+hardfloat port called "raspian" just for the Pi)22:55
mjrosenbinfinity: yup. I need an armv6/vfp machine to test on.22:57
mjrosenbinfinity: and it certainly sounds like the raspberry pi fits the bill.22:57
infinityWhat an odd requirement. :)22:57
mjrosenbwell, I already have like 10 armv7 devices22:57
infinityAs long as you like testing in slooooow motion, you'll have fun with the Pi.22:58
infinityIt's cute, at least.22:58
mjrosenbwhat is it clocked at?22:58
mjrosenbI thought it was like 600 mhz22:58
mjrosenbok, 700 mhz22:59
infinityYeah, 700.22:59
mjrosenbso like half the clock rate of the upper end of my armv7's23:00
infinityStill, a 700MHz ARM11 isn't anywhere near 7/10 of Cortex-A8.23:00
infinityAnd nowhere close to 7/10 of a 1G A9.23:00
lilsteviemjrosenb, why would you want to test on an armv6+vfp23:00
infinityThe newer model with 512M of RAM might prevent urges to shoot yourself, though.23:00
lilstevieI'm getting my fix for that with a roku 2 :p23:01
lilstevieat least that is optimised for arm1123:01
lilstevieand the one good thing I have heard about the pi, or really the bcm soc is that it is good at media23:01
mjrosenblilstevie: because firefox is going to attempt to support armv6, and I would like to make sure that we can do that.23:01
lilstevieoh I see23:02
mjrosenbbut we are requiring armv6 + vfp23:02
mjrosenbbecause javascript uses doubles *EVERYWHERE*23:02
infinityRaspbian on a Pi may well be just the right testbed, then.23:03
infinityIt ain't fast, but it should do the trick.23:03
infinity(For the love of god, though, don't compile on the thing)23:03
lilsteviecompiling on dual and quad core a9s is painful enough23:04
infinityI've come to terms with A9 performance.23:04
infinityThen again, I came from 68k porting, so I'm a bit weird.23:04
mjrosenbinfinity: I can't remember the last time I built on an a923:05
infinitySadly, software is like goldfish, and it seems to bloat to fit your computer.23:05
mjrosenbI cross compile basically everything23:05
mjrosenbexcept on my a1523:05
infinityCause I swear today's (very fast, in comparison) ARM cores don't really do anything any faster than a 68k 10 years ago performing similar tasks.23:06
mjrosenb126 minutes to build firefox!23:06
infinityI did get a refresher course in just how many crazy drivers we build in distro kernels the other day.23:07
infinityWas doing some benchmarking with an upstream defconfig (cause building the package is just plain no fun as a benchmark)... Turns out that a defconfig on a Panda is about 10 minutes.23:07
infinityWhereas our distro kernels take hours.23:08
Zero_Chaosinfinity: most distro kernels just enable everything possible as a module23:08
infinityZero_Chaos: Yes, and I know that.  I just didn't realise how many modules that IS these days.23:08
infinityZero_Chaos: Apparently, the answer is "a lot".23:08
Zero_Chaosinfinity: yeah, make -j64 is nice23:08
infinityNot on a Panda, it's not. :P23:08
Zero_Chaosinfinity: I would imagine not ;-)23:09
infinityStill, a defconfig in 10m isn't bad.  It wasn't that long ago I used to build my own barebones monolithic kernels on x86 kit, and that was around 30m.23:10
infinity(Might have been around P200ish days?)23:10
infinityOkay, maybe I'm getting old, when I imply that the P200 wasn't that long ago.23:11
lilstevie-j5 is about as far as I can take the prime before more jobs make things slower23:12
infinityhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1413025/ <-- My unscientific quick tests on a PandaES.23:12
lilstevieand also agreed, computers may have gotten faster, but the software has gotten bigger23:12
lilstevieinfinity, heh23:13
lilsteviebuilding a kernel deb with pbuilder takes about an hour and a half on my trimslice23:13
infinity-j64 would probably make it weep.23:13
infinitylilstevie: Do you talk to the Trimslice guys much?23:15
infinitylilstevie: I'm kinda curious if they plan to rev the hardware with newer and shinier SoCs, or if it was a one-shot deal.23:15
lilstevieinfinity, not really, the only times I have had questions for them I get "why would you want that"23:15
infinityCause I like the idea and the form-factor, but it's obsolete by now.23:16
lilstevieyeah, someone has asked that question, and they said no comment23:16
Zero_Chaosinfinity: -j64 brings most systems to their knees pretty quick. -j brings nearly all systems to their knees23:16
infinityZero_Chaos: The build machine we use for internal kernel test builds seems to have a sweet spot around -j256... Ish.23:17
lilstevieinfinity, http://emea.kontron.com/products/boards+and+mezzanines/embedded+motherboards/miniitx+motherboards/ktt30mitx.html has my attention, except I am getting to the point where I would rather avoid tegra23:17
infinity(It's a 32-core i7-base Xeon with stupid amounts of RAM and a shamelessly fast stripe)23:17
lilstevieinfinity, although most of the crippling in tegra systems is slow eMMC23:18
Zero_Chaosinfinity: yeah on that I'm guessing you could just rock "-j" and let it fork as much as it likes. even on kernel builds like that I can't keep it >200 jobs for very long so if you have that many procs give up and use -j23:18
infinitylilstevie: Curious that that's only clocked at 900MHz.23:18
Zero_Chaosinfinity: I have 32 amd cores and build in RAM23:18
lilsteviethat board would be an interesting test cause it does have SATA23:18
lilstevieinfinity, yeah, I noticed that too23:19
Zero_Chaosinfinity: so about 1/2 the intel system you describe23:19
lilstevieinfinity, I wonder if it is for cooling23:19
lilstevieinfinity, throw a heatsink on it and go nuts23:19
lilstevieon the tf201 they have managed to bring it out to 1.8GHz with all 4 cores active23:20
lilsteviebut it does make the metal case nice and toasty23:20
infinitylilstevie: Maybe.  I'm probably not going to buy any more A9s out of pocket.  I suspect I'll pick up one A15 at some point with my own money, and then wait for someone to bless me with aardvarch64 silicon.23:20
infinitylilstevie: (Not counting useful items I actually need, like phones, of course.  I just mean I'm not going to keep collecting toys)23:20
lilstevieinfinity, yeah, I am getting a surface (waiting for it to arrive right now) but after that I am not paying for any more arm systems until aarch6423:21
lilstevieinfinity, the only exception to that may be a quad core S4, cause krait is crazy fast compared to A923:22
lilsteviebut yeah, I am going to live with my current arm machines for as long as possible23:24
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