
jAguAr`how do i set up my new Canon MG3122 printer to work?01:34
mikodoI wish there was a not so technical channel for casual users: This channel implies noobish user, #ubuntu is full of seasoned geeks! No in between seems01:54
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RickZillaI'm kind of a retread for ubuntu beginners...I first used it about 4 years ago, got frustrated with it, used Linux Mint for awhile, now I have a fresh 12.10 install. I'm really liking this one. I debated going with 12.10 and updating more often, or 12.4 with the LTS. I'm still not sure if I made the right decision.18:10
holsteinRickZilla: do both.. or neither18:21
holsteinreally doesnt matter.. there are pros and cons to both18:21
holsteinwhat do it do? lts's where its "mission critical" or something i dont want to mess with much18:22
holsteinmy audio production machine is dual booting 10.04 and 12.04 right now18:22
holsteinmy daily use laptop is running 12.04, and it will likely stay that way, unless something for the nvidia ion chipset comes around that i *must* have18:23
RickZillaThis is just a home laptop, I want to use it rather than upgrading all the time18:23
holsteini use 12.10 other places and would use it for sure.. the reason i do LTS is the support time, not the stability18:23
RickZillaThat's kind of what I was thinking18:24
holsteinRickZilla: 14.04 LTS will be out before 12.10 is not supported any longer18:24
RickZillaI may retrograde at some point18:24
holsteinor, maybe you'll really want 13.10..18:24
RickZillalol, decisions decisions18:24
holsteini keep my data backed up.. it doesnt take long to change distros18:25
RickZillaI have a few ppa's that I like to keep around also18:25
holsteinthe audio production environment is a little different.. but for the desktop, i can reinstall and be up and running in like 20 minutes18:25
* RickZilla is away: afk18:25
holsteini say, take a minute and ask yourself, what would you do if that hard drive never booted up again.. which is a plasible scenario that *will* happen at some point18:26
holsteinin the process or properly backing up your data, and making sure it is easily and properly recoverable, i think you'll find that reinstallation of the OS is not that big of a deal18:27
holsteinif the idea of reinstalling the OS fills you with anxiety, its liley due to not having proper backups in place18:27
holsteinthat being said, i dont want to constantly be fooling around with my "daily driver"18:28
holsteini have it mirrored from when i first installed the OS and moved all my stuff in and got it setup.. and i have my data otherwise backed up as well18:28
holsteinbut, i plan on staying on 12.04 til 14.04.. again, unless something with the nvidia ion is just too appealing to pass up.. and i can always dual boot18:29
RickZillaReinstalling OS is not a problem, I keep backups of critical stuff on externals and cloud storage18:38
RickZillaI installed 12.10 alongside windows, and I'm not sure how to access that to install ubuntu over the other one, without messing up Windows, but I'll figure that out18:39
holsteinRickZilla: i typically blow out the linux partitions, and reinstall choosing "install alongside windows on the free space"19:16
RickZillaholstein What do you use to blow out the partition?19:52
holsteinRickZilla: either a live cd like gparted or the ultimate boot cd.. or gparted from the live CD that i am install from.. i rarely install without loading up a live CD a few times first and doing some tests19:54
RickZillaah, didn't think about using a live cd for that, I'll keep that in mind for when the time comes19:54
holsteinRickZilla: theres also a custom option in the installer.. you can go in there and blow them out, or just set them to be formatted and re-used20:15
raubDoes anyone know what the file /dev/btrfs-control is for, specially in a machine that does not use btrfs?21:25
holsteinraub: its empty on my machine.. id say its something that btrfs would use21:26
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