
JoseeAntonioRjcastro_: around?01:39
=== vibhav is now known as Guest5822
=== Guest5822 is now known as vibhav
=== vibhav is now known as Guest21128
=== Guest21128 is now known as vibhav
vibhavGood morning05:27
chilicuilgood morning05:31
=== JoseAntonioR is now known as JoseeAntonioR
dholbachgood morning07:49
bkerensatop of the morning07:50
czajkowskihttp://blog.launchpad.net/general/private-projects-and-private-blueprints-leave-beta :-)09:21
vibhavczajowski : any suggestions for the LoCo coordination plan?09:52
vibhavIf I get time, I might send the LoCo contacts a mail09:53
czajkowskivibhav: I've been off sick for the last 2 days09:53
czajkowskiI'll poke the other loco council folks we#ve not chatted this week tbh09:53
czajkowskihuats: might have more of an idea as well09:53
vibhavAh, get well soon :)09:54
nigelbHey cjohnston11:56
cjohnstonhey nigelb11:56
dakermorning :)13:19
mhall119czajkowski: ping15:04
czajkowskimhall119: pong15:04
mhall119czajkowski: I created a new LP project, but I'm not sure yet what the license is going to be, is there anything I need to do to make it okay?15:05
czajkowskimhall119: hmm 2 ticks15:06
czajkowski"GNU Affero GPL v3" was designed for websites15:09
mhall119czajkowski: right, but it'll be using a WP theme from the web team, which may be proprietary (or may not, I don't know yet)15:10
czajkowskiyou didn't mention that :)15:13
czajkowskiproprietary means you;ll have to have a commercial licence15:13
czajkowskithat's not a problem I can sort that out15:13
czajkowskibut then means it's not an open project15:13
czajkowskimhall119: hmm let me double check I think that's a bit confusing15:15
czajkowskimay just need a different licence15:15
czajkowskilet me go review notes and other examples15:15
mhall119thanks czajkowski15:16
czajkowskimhall119: gnu affero and + proprietary with a note in the COPYING file that the art is under different terms15:16
czajkowskiif the art/theme is not required to run (but someone has to replace them) then proprietary is not needed15:16
mhall119the art/theme may be all there is, the rest of the site's content will be in a WP database15:21
mhall119czajkowski: I'm being complicated, I know :(15:25
czajkowskimhall119: when aren't you :p15:27
czajkowskimhall119: properietary then is your answer15:29
mhall119ok, thanks15:33
jonomhall119, ping?16:02
mhall119jono: pong16:12
jonohey mhall11916:12
jonoso to sync yup on the community website project...16:13
jonoare all the pad pages up and complete?16:13
jonoin terms of existing content is on them?16:13
mhall119jono: the pages are set up, do you want the old content just copy-pasted over?16:13
mhall119there wasn't much of it, and it's all over the place, I assumed we were starting form scratch16:14
jonomhall119, so I would like to move the content from u.c/community over to the pad pages and converted to markdown16:14
jonosee the governance page I did as an example16:14
jonomhall119, well I think we should start with whatever content we have16:15
jonoi have a blog post ready to roll16:15
mhall119ok, I'll start moving it over16:15
mhall119what's a good resource for Markdown syntax?16:15
jcastro_mhall119:  ^^16:16
mhall119thanks jcastro_16:16
jonoMarkdown is dead simple16:16
mhall119it's not the complexity, it's getting it confused with all the other forms of markup16:16
jcastro_hey so one thing I've found useful is pandoc16:17
jcastro_it'll convert from nearly anything to nearly anything.16:17
jcastro_so if you have say, a directory full of a certain kind of markup, pandoc is a lifesaver16:18
jcastro_Also, `pandoc -s -r html http://somewebsite -o file.md`16:18
jcastro_is _awesome_16:19
jcastro_technoviking: heya, when you start messing with the new forums, see if there's a nice markdown plugin.16:21
jcastro_it would be nice to have markdown-everywhere for the project, we really only need the forums and the wiki to use it16:22
jcastro_Launchpad supports markdown too!16:22
* jcastro_ goes back to work now after realizing he sounds like a markdown commercial16:22
jonojcastro_, pandoc looks sweet16:22
jcastro_yeah, it is16:23
jcastro_I wanted to prototype some juju doc stuff and I was able to convert all the docs from RST to markdown in like one little loop16:23
jcastro_jono: ^^16:24
jcastro_I found this thing called "beautiful-docs"16:24
jonojcastro_, awesome16:24
jcastro_that takes a directory of markdown text files and generates that16:24
jcastro_jono: then all you need is to connect this to launchpad: http://prose.io/about.html16:25
jcastro_blam, instant document editing with version control.16:25
jcastro_jono: wrt to the contribute section16:33
jcastro_check this out: http://www.whatcanidoformozilla.org/16:33
jcastro_but instead of program languages think more general things, "translations", "advocacy", and so on.16:33
jonointeresting :-)16:40
vibhavjcastro_: we had taken this website as an example during the Ubuntu Developer summit16:42
vibhavDuring as radio a16:49
vibhavDuring a session at the Uds *16:50
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=== help is now known as balloons1
SergioMenesesphilipballew, \o16:58
SergioMenesesare you busy?16:58
philipballewSergioMeneses, Kinda, I will be free about 12:30 pm16:58
=== balloons1 is now known as balloons
philipballewThe next two weeks is my hell for school. Finals and no sleep.16:59
SergioMenesesphilipballew, :S16:59
SergioMenesesphilip ballew, ok... so pm me when you are available16:59
philipballewalright, the best way to get a hold of me is to dm me on twitter, will shoot to my email and cell phone SergioMeneses . I think I follow you there.17:01
SergioMenesesphilipballew, perfect! no worries17:03
vibhavphilipballew : its worse here. I have 3 exams consecutively17:03
philipballewvibhav, but as an American I am supposed to complain when my life is really not that bad?17:04
philipballewvibhav, I see you talking about working all the time. You seems like you have a lot of school work.17:04
vibhav+ finals too. Before these, we finished with one month full of tests17:04
vibhavMy school is kinda famous for exams17:05
vibhavLots of them17:05
philipballewMy school is famous not famous for things like that. More lame things.17:06
vibhavAnyways, would you have some development at your Ubuntu hour too?17:07
philipballewwhat do you mean vibhav ?17:08
vibhavBug fixing, stuff like that17:08
SergioMenesesphilipballew, vibhav what are you studying?17:08
philipballewyeah, it's a mix of non techie people, a Canonical employee and some sys admins17:09
philipballewSergioMeneses, underwater basket weaving17:09
vibhavEvery subject17:09
SergioMenesesok, lunch time! see you later guys :)17:10
vibhavAll 3 Sciences (separate books for biology, physics and chemistry) , geography, history, civics, English, hindi, computers17:10
philipballewSergioMeneses, thats a joke in America. Im  a business major.17:10
dakerczajkowski: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/216116 if you have an anwser :)17:29
czajkowskidaker: LP dev questions really are best suited to #launhcpad-dev17:29
czajkowskiI'll try and get to it after the CC meeting17:29
dakerczajkowski: thanks17:29
dholbachjcastro_, do you know how the forums testing is coming along?17:49
jcastro_last I saw it's up and running but the templates need work?17:51
jcastro_and technoviking said he won't be able to get to it until the 10th17:51
dholbachah ok17:54
dholbachalright my friends, got to go17:55
dholbachsee you all tomorrow17:55
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