
EntropyWorkstrying to netboot 12.10  and its missing the mlx4_en module for networking01:26
EntropyWorksplus once I remade the initrd.gz it fails again, can't find my disks.01:27
shadeslayerhey, is there a documented way to generate .disk/info ?09:27
shadeslayeror is there documentation for how the string should look09:27
shadeslayeroh nvm, it's from lsb-release09:37
sorenI have a preseed that includes "d-i partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true", but I still get the "Unable to automatically remove LVM data" prompt.11:17
sorenIf I'm using an expert_recipe. Could that be the cause?11:18
sorens/^If //11:18
xnoxsoren: can you reproduce this with quantal CD or not?11:19
xnoxsoren: wait. Better - which cd are you using?11:19
sorenSorry, should have mentioned that. This is with Precise.11:20
xnoxhmmm.... well I have fixed bug 154086 in partman-auto-lvm because I have assumed that it will be impossible to be triggered with pure partman-lvm.11:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 154086 in partman-auto-lvm (Debian) "Installing to HDD with previous ubuntu fails to create fresh LVM claiming group already in use" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15408611:21
sorenxnox: I do have that version of partman-auto-lvm. :-/11:23
xnoxI am reading the source code and trying to figure out the codepath you are hitting.11:25
sorenxnox: Hm.11:29
sorenIt seems I can work around it by passing all disks in partman-auto/disk11:29
xnoxsoren: yes.11:30
xnoxsoren: see https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/partman-lvm/ubuntu/view/head:/lib/lvm-remove.sh#L111:30
sorenxnox: Either that or have an early command that just goes ahead and nukes all the pvs and vgs and whatever.11:30
sorenxnox: Yeah, that's what I'm looking at, too.11:30
xnoxso it looks like it's a safety check: if VG is spanning more than the disks you asked to be partitioned, it bails out since changes affect more disks that you asked to touch.11:31
sorenBut what I want is just to start from scratch. Nuke everything and reinstall.11:31
sorenEven in that means just installing onto one disk even if it used to span two.11:31
sorenI think I'll do the early_command thing.11:32
* soren wonders if lvm is available by then, but I guess it would have to be.11:33
xnoxsoren: there is partman/early_command I believe which is run after d-i initialisation but before partman. Let me double check the correct command name.11:35
xnoxsoren: yeah "d-i partman/early_command string $nuke_all" at that point you should have partman-lvm already.11:36
xnoxyou may need to modprobe device-mapper.11:36
xnoxsoren: can you still open a bug against partman-lvm e.g. "cannot destroy & reinstall however I like"11:46
sorenxnox: Yeah, will do.11:53
sorenxnox: Thanks.11:53
sorenxnox: And yes, the partman/early_command was what I meant. I'll know in a few seconds if it worked.11:53
xnoxsoren: ack & cool =))))11:54
sorenYup, seems to have done the trick.11:59
sorenxnox: bug 108723012:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1087230 in partman-lvm (Ubuntu) "Too hard to just reinstall and partition any way I please" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108723012:06
EntropyWorkscurious why the netboot installer for 12.10 ended up putting 12.04.1 on the server I finally got to booting18:36
EntropyWorksgathering logs now... will have a pastebin in a bit18:44
cjwatsonWe only need that one file18:45
EntropyWorksfalse alarm... looks like someone updated a file from an old preseed.cfg that still had "d-i mirror/udeb/suite string precise" and "d-i mirror/suite string precise" that would do it..18:48
EntropyWorksI do have a question about the netboot installer linux and initrd.gz I need to add a bunch of kernel modules to get it to work.18:49
EntropyWorksbtw this is my fixes for the quantal netboot initrd.gz http://goo.gl/PfOZd19:45
infinityEntropyWorks: Sounds like perhaps that driver might be missing from nic-modules.udeb19:56
infinityEntropyWorks: I'd recommend filing a kernel bug and following up with #ubuntu-kernel.19:56
EntropyWorksinfinity: ok20:03
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