
damirbonjour j'ai une question sur Openshot et Blender... 01:28
damirEn fait, je veux faire un montage vidéo et Openshot me dit que je dois avoir la version 2.56 de blender. Lorsque je regarde sur Ubuntu server il n'y a que la version de 2.401:29
damirQuoi faire ?  Merci d'avance de prendre un peu de temps 01:29
Musashimarudamir, tu peux télécharger le binaire de blender sirt le site de blender je pense01:35
Musashimarusur, pas sirt01:35
damirje peux telecharger directement sur le site.. (comme dans windows) est ce quil va sintegrer comme avec ubuntu softwatre ?  01:36
Musashimarutu dois le décompresser dans un répertoire, et ensuite le lancer de là ou créer un raccourci vers le programme01:40
Musashimarutu as quelle version d'ubuntu?01:42
Musashimarusur 12.10, c'est blender 2.6301:42
damirbon je trouve ma version où?01:45
damirbonne soiree01:58
IdleOnecyphermox: what are the dimensions on http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=643 I am being asked by someone who wants to buy it, They think because I'm an Ubuntu op I know EVERYTHING18:40
IdleOneerr never mind18:40
IdleOnethe dimensions are on there18:41
MagicFabIdleOne, I also require the Pantone color on that ASAP18:46
IdleOneThis person is asking me how much the mouse weighs :/18:47
IdleOne14 lbs AT LEAST!18:47
MagicFabIdleOne, 13 x 50 x 84 mm18:47
IdleOneI gave them the Contact Us link18:47
IdleOneMagicFab: yeah I saw that. But I don't work for Canonical.18:48
MagicFabvery light, I held one once 18:48
IdleOneThey should do their own customer support and let me do what i do best.18:48
MagicFabIdleOne, but the Internet NEEDS US18:48
IdleOneMagicFab: I think I already do more than what can be expected for 0 pay :)18:49
cyphermoxIdleOne: yeah dude, why don't you fix that19:04
IdleOnefix what?19:04
cyphermox0 pay for customer support19:04
IdleOneheh, not sure if you are being sarcastic or not19:04
cyphermoxnot at all, though MagicFab might be sarcastic about that ;)19:05
MagicFabIdleOne, what do you think LoCos are for?19:05
IdleOneI enjoy helping on IRC because I am not contractually obligated to do it. I can step away from my desk at any time and not have someone complain to me that "Im not doing my job"19:06
IdleOneI tried doing the IT support thing for a pay and I hated it.19:06
MagicFabIdleOne, it's loads of fun too19:06
IdleOneAre you guys trying to convince me to apply for a job?19:07
cyphermoxIdleOne: not trying to21:59
cyphermoxyou do it if you want, I'm sure you'd be just fine21:59
cyphermoxbut I agree there's always the kind of fun of having really annoying clients you can't really ignore22:00
cyphermoxand not being able to step from the desk just as easily as when it's not a job ;)22:00
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